Why is being a virgin/forever alone an "insult"?

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In my country, being a non-virgin before marriage is a shameful act, and can lead to social expulsion.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I can't speak for every virgin here, but for me: "Ignorance is bliss."

I guess you could say I don't want to end up like my dad who is a 50 year old womanizer, or my little brother who is a bonified "playa". I'd much rather be a 50 year old virgin (Better yet, I'd rather die a virgin). When I was still in college, my roommates would try to get me laid every chance they got. I would always make excuses not to hook up with someone. My only regret is not telling them how I felt: "I'm a grown ass man, if I want to hunt some deer, I'll do it my fucking self!". I never give in to peer pressure because I don't believe in doing something just because "everyone else is doing it."

Whenever girls come up to me and ask if I'm a virgin, I tell the truth and go about my business. Asking that question already tells me she is most likely shallow and obnoxious. If I ever get motivated to pop my cherry, I already know how to do it, I just have to put the plans into action. If I do get the motivation juices flowing, I can only hope my "soul mate" doesn't end up like my mother (omg that would suck balls). So yeah, getting laid won't solve my problems, in fact getting into a relationship might end up causing me more trouble. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers...
Being a virgin shouldn't be an insult. I don't see the point, I am a virgin but because of my lack of interest in getting laid, I was sometimes regarded as gay but I don't give a shit. I just wish to find a girl that fills my needs emotionally, intellectually, and physically. I just want to find my yandere waifu and give her my first and if I'm lucky I would receive hers.
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