Why is being a virgin/forever alone an "insult"?

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Paying for it doesn't count. you're still a virgin imo.
Hanasaku i should just die
Being a virgin isn't an insult, it's an opportunity.

Being forever alone isn't an insult, it's because you don't want to be friends with the wrong people.
Because society deems that you are a more grotesqueness male if you have had sex.
And THAT'S why I said today's majority is truly fucked up with their morals.
Because once you have sex, you instantly become a better person. You're smarter, more mature, and better looking.


I wouldn't mind being a virgin my entire life, because I really don't care about having sex. I'm not saying that I'll actively pursue virginity, but whether or not I ever have sex just doesn't matter. I have trouble being close to people (emotionally) and often think that trying to maintain any sort of relationship (of a sexual nature or not) is more trouble than its worth. But I also find worth in my existence through myself; I don't need someone else's approval. Though I do have to admit that I hate to be rejected, lol.

If someone wants to be a virgin, it's really no one else's business, except for their boy/girlfriend, of course. Judging a person by whether they've had sex or not is like judging someone based on skin color or their haircut. You can use all the rationalizations you want, but in the end, it's a shitty thing to base judgments upon.
K-1 wrote...
I wouldn't mind being a virgin my entire life, because I really don't care about having sex.

once you've had 'raw' sex, you will understand the difference. masterbation doesn't even come close to what real sex feels like. think of it as a driving video game vs, actually racing in a real car.

then again, you can't miss what you never had.

also, a steady partner is way better than one night stands.
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
K-1 wrote...
I wouldn't mind being a virgin my entire life, because I really don't care about having sex.

once you've had 'raw' sex, you will understand the difference. masterbation doesn't even come close to what real sex feels like. think of it as a driving video game vs, actually racing in a real car.

then again, you can't miss what you never had.

also, a steady partner is way better than one night stands.

Saying that I have to have sex because it's so much better than masturbation is like telling me that I have to stop going to my simple coffee shop because Starbucks tastes sooo much better. (Stupid example, I don't even drink coffee, but I think the point is still clear.) If I'm happy with the simple coffee, does it matter if I never "step up"? Tantric sex supposedly feels way better than regular sex, so should every person have tantric sex, just so they can experience the more intense pleasure? There's always something better, so where do we draw the line? I think if you're comfortable with the level you are at, that's good enough.
bro fuck it just wack it all your life nobody cares lol if you're happy then that's all that matters =P
K-1 wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
K-1 wrote...
I wouldn't mind being a virgin my entire life, because I really don't care about having sex.

once you've had 'raw' sex, you will understand the difference. masterbation doesn't even come close to what real sex feels like. think of it as a driving video game vs, actually racing in a real car.

then again, you can't miss what you never had.

also, a steady partner is way better than one night stands.

Saying that I have to have sex because it's so much better than masturbation is like telling me that I have to stop going to my simple coffee shop because Starbucks tastes sooo much better. (Stupid example, I don't even drink coffee, but I think the point is still clear.) If I'm happy with the simple coffee, does it matter if I never "step up"? Tantric sex supposedly feels way better than regular sex, so should every person have tantric sex, just so they can experience the more intense pleasure? There's always something better, so where do we draw the line? I think if you're comfortable with the level you are at, that's good enough.

where did i say you "have to" have sex?

if anything, you may be better off never doing it. that way you won't know what you are missing.
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
where did i say you "have to" have sex?

if anything, you may be better off never doing it. that way you won't know what you are missing.

Sorry if I came off as defensive. It's just common to have people talk down to virgins, as if not having sex means not really being alive.
[font=verdana][color=green]I'd rather be a virgin who has the chance to have sex with someone they love, than not be a virgin but have regrets over the first time they had sex.

When you can buy sex for a portion of chips, it's no longer anything that's worth bragging about.
kgods wrote...
It's only an insult if you give a shit.
Timeenforceranubis wrote...
CrosbyKid4049 wrote...
Thats what hookers are for

#1: Prostitution is illegal in many places

#2: Prostitution is denser in some areas than in others

#3: Money may be an issue for some people.

#4: Some of us actually want to like the person we're fucking.

#1 its not prostitution if its recorded
#2 its not prostitution if you dont get caught
#3 fund raise
#4 find a pretty whore
Being a virgin plus being forever alone means you are a shut in, and you'll never get to interact outside - Therfore, you have no friends and you will die alone

Protip: Get a life
I may not me a virgin but how could people be such dicks....oh ya it's the internet and people are just dicks lol. i believe that there is a time in everyone's life when or if it happens. I don't see how that make's you any less of a person. God i hate people sometime's.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If you don't get sex, you're instantly unattractive to women. That's how everybody on the internet will see you.

Same if you're Forever Alone, even if you're FA by choice due to bad past relationships, like myself. I find myself on the receiving end of being cheated on or excuses being made to fuck me over.
Well, it's an insult for people who've tried getting laid, but failed every time.
I was once told, "if you want sex, go get a hooker; if you want love, go get a girlfriend". The problem to some people is that they want the second, and the first one as consequence of the second.

The only thing that pisses me off is when people say "go get a girlfriend" but don't tell you how to get one. Some guys have a really hard time trying to get a girlfriend, but they just can't. And I guess there is when it becomes an insult.

Personally I just got lucky: I've never had a girlfriend and the only times I had sex was with a girl who stalked me but I didn't love. Is not that fullfilling as you might think.
Because it's more of an insult on your character rather than a comment about a particular draw toward lifestyle. It's an offense saying that "you couldn't if you wanted to."
being a virgin is cool. :3 well it is, for me.
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