[Locked] The reason I'm not an athiest.

*Sigh*. Looking at it from a scientific point of view do you know how long a magnet can hold a charge. scientist estimate(christian and non alike) that a magnet can only hold a charge for about 10000 to 12000 years. In order for the magnetic field(or gravity) to have withstood for billions of years it would have been enormous and would have gone supernova and turn in a blackhole. Don't believe me look it up :)

oh yea and im so reppin you razama when i get the chance again!!! THX FOR BACK UP
I've taken a few practical science courses, so let me try to address what was brought up.

As I was taught it, the Big Bang was not just the explosion of a single atom into all existence. All matter at the time, which is equal to all matter in existence now in quantity, existed back then in a simpler state. The law of universal gravitation comes into play, bringing all those atoms together until friction and chemical reactions cause them to eventually ignite, ultimately exploding, creating heavier known elements that could only be made at such a heat.

All matter is thought to have existed already, as the law of conservation of mass tells us that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Ultimately, the Big Bang theory is that a freak explosion occured when certain atoms of certain elements condensed and eventually ignited. With all of what we know of our world, I find this easier to believe than religion.
All religions are just beliefs. Nobody can really know what everything began from, and we most likely will never know. As for now, all we can do try to accept each other's beliefs in that any idea is a plausable one.
razama wrote...
Yeah I read that mathmatically the odds of mankind being made from tiny organisms is so outrageously small that it was virtually impossible. It had something to do with it being .0 ............9 beinging equal to the number zero, just like .9 infinite is actually equal to the number 1. Google it if you don't believe me, the number .999999999999999999999 forever continuing is equal to the number 1.

It's still got a chance. In a theoretical situation, the odds against something happening could be outrageously high, such as 1.9e10000 to one. Doesn't mean there can't be that one. Just because something is incredibly unlikely does not mean it is not going to happen.
TehMikuruSlave wrote...
razama wrote...
Yeah I read that mathmatically the odds of mankind being made from tiny organisms is so outrageously small that it was virtually impossible. It had something to do with it being .0 ............9 beinging equal to the number zero, just like .9 infinite is actually equal to the number 1. Google it if you don't believe me, the number .999999999999999999999 forever continuing is equal to the number 1.

It's still got a chance. In a theoretical situation, the odds against something happening could be outrageously high, such as 1.9e10000 to one. Doesn't mean there can't be that one. Just because something is incredibly unlikely does not mean it is not going to happen.

That is true i will give you that but then you must multiply by the number of things that have been created and destroyed(that means every atom, molicule, and thing that is, you name it) as all of them are mathematical impossiblilities not to mention for us or anything to have begun it must happen in pairs and so on.I say this because God in himself is of three Wholes "The Triumvarate" The Holy Spirit(or Holy Ghost),The Son Of God(Jesus),And God The Father(the King/Creator)
Carthagian wrote...
TehMikuruSlave wrote...
razama wrote...
Yeah I read that mathmatically the odds of mankind being made from tiny organisms is so outrageously small that it was virtually impossible. It had something to do with it being .0 ............9 beinging equal to the number zero, just like .9 infinite is actually equal to the number 1. Google it if you don't believe me, the number .999999999999999999999 forever continuing is equal to the number 1.

It's still got a chance. In a theoretical situation, the odds against something happening could be outrageously high, such as 1.9e10000 to one. Doesn't mean there can't be that one. Just because something is incredibly unlikely does not mean it is not going to happen.

That is true i will give you that but then you must multiply by the number of things that have been created and destroyed(that means every atom, molicule, and thing that is, you name it) as all of them are mathematical impossiblilities not to mention for us or anything to have begun it must happen in pairs and so on.I say this because God in himself is of three Wholes "The Triumvarate" The Holy Spirit(or Holy Ghost),The Son Of God(Jesus),And God The Father(the King/Creator)

That is where you are wrong; they're not impossible, just unlikely.
I don't have a religious affiliation. I don't know or care if there is a higher power.
Carthagian wrote...
*Sigh*. Looking at it from a scientific point of view do you know how long a magnet can hold a charge. scientist estimate(christian and non alike) that a magnet can only hold a charge for about 10000 to 12000 years. In order for the magnetic field(or gravity) to have withstood for billions of years it would have been enormous and would have gone supernova and turn in a blackhole. Don't believe me look it up :)

oh yea and im so reppin you razama when i get the chance again!!! THX FOR BACK UP

It would be better for you NOT to try to prove your point scientifically, because you can't. What you say here, it's pretty stupid. Gravity is it's own force, the electromagnetic field of the Earth does NOT affect it. In an indirect way, Gravity affects the electromagnetic field, but that isn't important to this argument. Another big problem with what you've said is that PLANETS don't go supernova. Also, as I've been saying, the Earth is basically an ELECTROmagnet. As long as an electromagnet's power source is maintained, it will continue to act as a magnet.
There is basically nothing correct about what you've said. Good job.

Carthagian wrote...
TehMikuruSlave wrote...
razama wrote...
Yeah I read that mathmatically the odds of mankind being made from tiny organisms is so outrageously small that it was virtually impossible. It had something to do with it being .0 ............9 beinging equal to the number zero, just like .9 infinite is actually equal to the number 1. Google it if you don't believe me, the number .999999999999999999999 forever continuing is equal to the number 1.

It's still got a chance. In a theoretical situation, the odds against something happening could be outrageously high, such as 1.9e10000 to one. Doesn't mean there can't be that one. Just because something is incredibly unlikely does not mean it is not going to happen.

That is true i will give you that but then you must multiply by the number of things that have been created and destroyed(that means every atom, molicule, and thing that is, you name it) as all of them are mathematical impossiblilities not to mention for us or anything to have begun it must happen in pairs and so on.I say this because God in himself is of three Wholes "The Triumvarate" The Holy Spirit(or Holy Ghost),The Son Of God(Jesus),And God The Father(the King/Creator)

I respond to that, by quoting this:
Noutakun wrote...
I've taken a few practical science courses, so let me try to address what was brought up.

As I was taught it, the Big Bang was not just the explosion of a single atom into all existence. All matter at the time, which is equal to all matter in existence now in quantity, existed back then in a simpler state. The law of universal gravitation comes into play, bringing all those atoms together until friction and chemical reactions cause them to eventually ignite, ultimately exploding, creating heavier known elements that could only be made at such a heat.

All matter is thought to have existed already, as the law of conservation of mass tells us that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Ultimately, the Big Bang theory is that a freak explosion occured when certain atoms of certain elements condensed and eventually ignited. With all of what we know of our world, I find this easier to believe than religion.

Noutakun is correct here. Nothing has EVER been created or destroyed. The universe was not "created" by the big bang. Everything that has ever been, is, or will be has always existed in some form of another.

Please read some non-fiction and/or stop making false statements as though they are fact.
Or just die in a hole.
Well dante I think the point of religion is faith, so it doesn't really make sense to try to prove it with science. But if you can't accept something by faith, then you'd just have to agree to disagree. Because science and religion are different games, one is faith and one is data.
But you don't have to disavow one or the other. You can just hope that if there is a god, they'll make a way for everyone to be in heaven. And if there isn't, that science can show us why we are here and what mankinds destiney is. Two different roads going the same way, towards the answer to the question "what is the purpose of my existence?"
razama wrote...
Well dante I think the point of religion is faith, so it doesn't really make sense to try to prove it with science. But if you can't accept something by faith, then you'd just have to agree to disagree. Because science and religion are different games, one is faith and one is data.
But you don't have to disavow one or the other. You can just hope that if there is a god, they'll make a way for everyone to be in heaven. And if there isn't, that science can show us why we are here and what mankinds destiney is. Two different roads going the same way, towards the answer to the question "what is the purpose of my existence?"

That is true, and I wasn't really arguing religion itself in that last post, I was arguing Carthagian's attempt to use to faux science to prove his religious views.

While I don't particularly like willful ignorance, I don't really take issue with people who are religious and keep it to themselves, and don't define themselves as such, and don't let it effect how they think scientifically. I have a problem when people pretend something religious is scientific, or refuse to accept certain things because of religion.

One thing I will say is that some people in the world NEED religion. There are many conditions under which people really need to believe in a higher power just so they don't kill themselves or something.
But there is no reason why people living moderate lives in first-world countries should need religion.
Well I'd guess it's because even if you have alot of material wealth living in a first-world country, you wake up one morning saying "fuck it- whats the point?".
razama wrote...
Well I'd guess it's because even if you have alot of material wealth living in a first-world country, you wake up one morning saying "fuck it- whats the point?".

So you have no reason for being alive if you don't get rewarded or punished after it's over?
Thinking of life as nothing but a test makes it considerably less enjoyable.
If there is no afterlife, then it's even more important that you do things in life to enjoy it, because it's all there is.
If you always worry about how what you do now is going to reflect on you when your life is over, then you may not do something you would really like to.
True, but happiness and sadness are fleeting. So even doing things you enjoy are temporary and lead to a feeling of pointlessness. And even if making good memories during your lifetime is your goal, it's not like whoever is on their deathbed with more good memories then bad wins.
And I don't think that either religous or non-religous people should see life as a test, because there is nothing to gain out of that. It is an experience, that is true for everyone. The point of life is for everyone is too experience, not always directly (you don't need catch on fire to know it will kill you ;)) but too at least know of life. Experience is how we know what is good and bad, and how to appericate what we have.
I will quote my physics teacher when asked about religion. He responded, "Those who think science and religion are opposing views usually know very little of either."

Science is studied to unravel the mysteries of our universe. Personally, I believe the only difference between modern religion and old age Native American myths is popularity. Religion was created to attempt to explain what people could not, as well as spiritually attract people towards certain principles. Indian myths were made for the same reason. Different religions are a result of different areas of people, different languages, and different cultures. Who's to say one religion is more credible or more realistic than another without hardcore evidence? This leads to why I call myself an atheist.

Scientists have discovered evidence and constructed theories that contradict some religious claims. Evolution is a prime example. Christianity would state that God created man, and dinosaurs never existed; yet, we find fossilized remains of dinosaurs all the time, and we've good reason to believe we've evolved from ancient primates.

"Evolutionists have proof without certainty. Creationists have certainty without proof." I side with the atheist view because the Big Bang theory and my knowledge of science leads me to disbelieve in the possibility of a god. Religion would feed me stories as facts without evidence where science gives me evidence and rational hypotheses to apply my own thinking to.

Science and religion may contradict each other, but that doesn't make them two opposite stances. I just prefer to side with one.
okay i might have difficulty remember correct word terminology(meant to say implode with that earth statement :) ) but i do know this. Have you heard of the cambrian Explosion. it is fossils of modern day animal skeletons mixed in with so called prehistoric fossils. And im not sure who said dinosaurs didn't exist because the bible actaully speaks of dinosaurs. not the specific name but it does mention one in the old Testament. it is described as a large beast many times greater in size than a man and has a tail that is bushy like an evergreen tree and has a head covered in Horns..and if i remember correctly its body was covered in spines though it might have been plates. Either way look up the Cambrian explosion. if you will not take part in religion or believe in God then shouldn't you try to prove to yourself without a shadow of a doubt that God does not exist(even though he does)..if only in spite or atleast curiosity instead of relying on what people say but actaully looking it up yourself.
Noutakun wrote...
I will quote my physics teacher when asked about religion. He responded, "Those who think science and religion are opposing views usually know very little of either."

Science is studied to unravel the mysteries of our universe. Personally, I believe the only difference between modern religion and old age Native American myths is popularity. Religion was created to attempt to explain what people could not, as well as spiritually attract people towards certain principles. Indian myths were made for the same reason. Different religions are a result of different areas of people, different languages, and different cultures. Who's to say one religion is more credible or more realistic than another without hardcore evidence? This leads to why I call myself an atheist.

Scientists have discovered evidence and constructed theories that contradict some religious claims. Evolution is a prime example. Christianity would state that God created man, and dinosaurs never existed; yet, we find fossilized remains of dinosaurs all the time, and we've good reason to believe we've evolved from ancient primates.

"Evolutionists have proof without certainty. Creationists have certainty without proof." I side with the atheist view because the Big Bang theory and my knowledge of science leads me to disbelieve in the possibility of a god. Religion would feed me stories as facts without evidence where science gives me evidence and rational hypotheses to apply my own thinking to.

Science and religion may contradict each other, but that doesn't make them two opposite stances. I just prefer to side with one.

Man I'm a Native american, and my ancestor's belief's are not close to those of christian or islamic beliefs. They don't involve single god system.
And your physics teacher has a nice quote, but it isn't practical. The fact is that even if God were to talk to everyone everyday on a big PSA system, you'd stil have to have faith in him and accept his teachings. And you'd still have to believe in that God's word.
It is the metaphysical, not a world of numbers. I know my physics teacher encouraged debate, and I went to school in Louisiana so we had some crazy religous people, but he said" "Science is all that can be measured and recorded, so art and religion are not part of science".
Carthagian wrote...
okay i might have difficulty remember correct word terminology(meant to say implode with that earth statement :) ) but i do know this. Have you heard of the cambrian Explosion. it is fossils of modern day animal skeletons mixed in with so called prehistoric fossils. And im not sure who said dinosaurs didn't exist because the bible actaully speaks of dinosaurs. not the specific name but it does mention one in the old Testament. it is described as a large beast many times greater in size than a man and has a tail that is bushy like an evergreen tree and has a head covered in Horns..and if i remember correctly its body was covered in spines though it might have been plates. Either way look up the Cambrian explosion. if you will not take part in religion or believe in God then shouldn't you try to prove to yourself without a shadow of a doubt that God does not exist(even though he does)..if only in spite or atleast curiosity instead of relying on what people say but actaully looking it up yourself.

You are so infinitely ignorant and stupid, I don't think I can even debate this with you any further. You keep using terms and citing scientific things, but COMPLETELY misinterpreting them and distorting them.
the Cambrian Explosion happened 530 million years ago, and you don't even believe the Earth is that old.

Clearly, you need to do some research of your own, because if you aren't just repeating what you heard other people say, you must just being skimming some articles or books and making assumptions.
Carthagian wrote...
Either way look up the Cambrian explosion.

Cambrian Explosion

"The Cambrian explosion or Cambrian radiation was the seemingly rapid appearance of most major groups of complex animals around 530 million years ago, as evidenced by the fossil record.[1][2] This was accompanied by a major diversification of other organisms, including animals, phytoplankton, and calcimicrobes.[3] Before about 580 million years ago, most organisms were simple, composed of individual cells occasionally organized into colonies. Over the following 70 or 80 million years the rate of evolution accelerated by an order of magnitude (as defined in terms of the extinction and origination rate of species[4]) and the diversity of life began to resemble today’s.[5]

"The Cambrian explosion has generated extensive scientific debate. The seemingly rapid appearance of fossils in the “Primordial Strata” was noted as early as the mid 19th century,[6] and Charles Darwin saw it as one of the main objections that could be made against his theory of evolution by natural selection.[7]

"The long-running puzzlement about the appearance of the Cambrian fauna, seemingly abruptly and from nowhere, centers on three key points: whether there really was a mass diversification of complex organisms over a relatively short period of time during the early Cambrian; what might have caused such rapid evolution; and what it would imply about the origin and evolution of animals. Interpretation is difficult due to a limited supply of evidence, based mainly on an incomplete fossil record and chemical signatures left in Cambrian rocks."

if you will not take part in religion or believe in God then shouldn't you try to prove to yourself without a shadow of a doubt that God does not exist(even though he does)..if only in spite or atleast curiosity instead of relying on what people say but actaully looking it up yourself.

If you don't have a problem denying the existence of hundreds of gods that are not yours, I see no problem with me not believing in yours. The reason you are so adamant about your faith is because you have millions of other misguided fools to back you up in a belief of god that will get you no where.


If you will not take part in atheism or not believe in God, then shouldn't you prove to yourself beyond a shadow of a doubt that god exists (even though he doesn't). The burden of proof lies with you to prove that a god exists, not on me to disprove your claim.
Dante1214 wrote...

You are so infinitely ignorant and stupid, I don't think I can even debate this with you any further. You keep using terms and citing scientific things, but COMPLETELY misinterpreting them and distorting them.

Lol, like the bible!

Edit: Double posting is sexy!
Carthagian wrote...
okay i might have difficulty remember correct word terminology(meant to say implode with that earth statement :) ) but i do know this. Have you heard of the cambrian Explosion. it is fossils of modern day animal skeletons mixed in with so called prehistoric fossils. And im not sure who said dinosaurs didn't exist because the bible actaully speaks of dinosaurs. not the specific name but it does mention one in the old Testament. it is described as a large beast many times greater in size than a man and has a tail that is bushy like an evergreen tree and has a head covered in Horns..and if i remember correctly its body was covered in spines though it might have been plates. Either way look up the Cambrian explosion. if you will not take part in religion or believe in God then shouldn't you try to prove to yourself without a shadow of a doubt that God does not exist(even though he does)..if only in spite or atleast curiosity instead of relying on what people say but actaully looking it up yourself.

0-0 Well I just had my "lol" for the morning
Monster Girl
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