[Locked] The reason I'm not an athiest.

Know what! You stick to what you want and ill stick with God. when the world ends ill see you there though that day will be infinitely happy for me...you might be shouting fuck infinitely again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again..Cuz qiute frankly even though you refuse to see TRUTH which is uh..a FUCKLOAD HARDER THAN SAYING "IVE GOT NOTHIN TO LOOK FORWARD TO AFTER I DIE NOPE GOT NO SOUL AT ALL WOOHOO FUCKIN PARTY"..doesn't mean your not gonna be standing in front of him cowering. HAHAHA i fuckin laugh at you i i ican't stop hahaha..that scientific dating ur talkin about they proved that the methods of it calculations were errored hahahahahahaha and all your throwing at me GOD created, Darwin just scewed the findings with human error hahahahahaaaaha. you submit yourselves to hopelessness when he gave you salvation ur just too ignorant to see it and unwillingy to see ur own error HAVE FUN YOU SNIVELIN SHITS THIS IS MY LAST POST HOPE YA SEE GOD ONE DAY AND I HOPE ITS NOT WHEN HES STANDING OVER YOU ABOUT READY TO TOSS UR IGNORANT ASS IN HELL HAHAHAHAHA
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that terrorism? Y'know, using fear to achieve your means? I mean, this guy up in the clouds throws all these hardships at me to test me and then if I don't do exactly what he wants, he treats me to fiery damnation? I have 80 years or less on this Earth and then in that time, I'm judged and will most likely be damned for eternity???

Carthagian wrote...
Know what! You stick to what you want and ill stick with God. when the world ends ill see you there though that day will be infinitely happy for me...you might be shouting fuck infinitely again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again..Cuz qiute frankly even though you refuse to see TRUTH which is uh..a FUCKLOAD HARDER THAN SAYING "IVE GOT NOTHIN TO LOOK FORWARD TO AFTER I DIE NOPE GOT NO SOUL AT ALL WOOHOO FUCKIN PARTY"..doesn't mean your not gonna be standing in front of him cowering. HAHAHA i fuckin laugh at you i i ican't stop hahaha..that scientific dating ur talkin about they proved that the methods of it calculations were errored hahahahahahaha and all your throwing at me GOD created, Darwin just scewed the findings with human error hahahahahaaaaha. you submit yourselves to hopelessness when he gave you salvation ur just too ignorant to see it and unwillingy to see ur own error HAVE FUN YOU SNIVELIN SHITS THIS IS MY LAST POST HOPE YA SEE GOD ONE DAY AND I HOPE ITS NOT WHEN HES STANDING OVER YOU ABOUT READY TO TOSS UR IGNORANT ASS IN HELL HAHAHAHAHA

First, an eternity in hell means not kissing some child's ass because he told me to.

Second, you will not see me on the day the world ends. I will be dead, and so (presumably) will you be. I know I don't plan on waiting billions of years for the end of the earth.

I do not believe in a soul. If I can't access anything my soul knows, what is the point of having one? It's supposedly just there, like the way your appendix is there. Doing nothing.

Just because carbon dating is inaccurate after a few thousand years does not mean radiometric dating is. They are two different ways to date samples.

Carbon Dating
Radiocarbon dating, or carbon dating, is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring radioisotope carbon-14 (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to about 60,000 years.[1]
Radio Metric Dating

Science adjusts it's views when verifiable proof is placed in front of it. I do not believe the findings of one scientist constitutes the knowledge of everything science has to offer, either.

Salvation does not come at the price of a book and spending one hour a week with other twits who may or not may believe the same things as you. You also have not offered any proof of a higher power who may or may not be interested in what I do with my life, and who also has the capacity to judge me based on millenia old values, and can actually sentence me to a fate "worse than death".

Life can be better lived if it has no meaning. You don't need to fear the consequences of your actions to be a good person.

I'm not sorry you don't want to argue any further, as you degraded into insulting us and trying to scare us with your "God will smite thee" shtick. I hope you have a wonderful life, what ever it may bring you. Go in peace. RAmen.
Carthagian wrote...
Know what! You stick to what you want and ill stick with God. when the world ends ill see you there though that day will be infinitely happy for me...you might be shouting fuck infinitely again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again..Cuz qiute frankly even though you refuse to see TRUTH which is uh..a FUCKLOAD HARDER THAN SAYING "IVE GOT NOTHIN TO LOOK FORWARD TO AFTER I DIE NOPE GOT NO SOUL AT ALL WOOHOO FUCKIN PARTY"..doesn't mean your not gonna be standing in front of him cowering. HAHAHA i fuckin laugh at you i i ican't stop hahaha..that scientific dating ur talkin about they proved that the methods of it calculations were errored hahahahahahaha and all your throwing at me GOD created, Darwin just scewed the findings with human error hahahahahaaaaha. you submit yourselves to hopelessness when he gave you salvation ur just too ignorant to see it and unwillingy to see ur own error HAVE FUN YOU SNIVELIN SHITS THIS IS MY LAST POST HOPE YA SEE GOD ONE DAY AND I HOPE ITS NOT WHEN HES STANDING OVER YOU ABOUT READY TO TOSS UR IGNORANT ASS IN HELL HAHAHAHAHA

Oh this is so awesome, he's finally gone apeshit.

Seeing as you love this "salvation" shit here's a little something for you.

Let's say I put a gun to you head(hell) and tell you that if you don't suck my dick(obey me) I will shoot you in the head(send you to hell). Then, you go down on your knees and suck my dick and you also make sure to lick my hairy balls thoroughly with all those pubes in your mouth as well(oh, such delicious obedience you have there). Then I take the gun away from your head and tell you I saved you from being shot in the head.(being sent to hell)

Would you like me and call me your savior?
This topic, however amusing it has become to me, is going to derail at this rate. As usual, the Godtard (yes, I went there. Fuck being unbiased) ran out of Bibleshit to throw at us and resorted to the "you're going to hell" bit. Go figure. That's about the pinnacle of every religious debate here.

Science: 1, Godfags: 0
Ya, the whole condeming things is WAY overboard. Alot of religions get a bad rap for the few crazy people saying "you better believe or else!" Like Jericho said, that is terrorism. You can't change people's convictions with fear, they only fight against you and become more stubborn - especially if they don't think you can back up what your saying.

@noutakun - There are level heads here than can debate civilized like without resorting to the whole "you're going to hell" bit.
Space Cowboy wrote...
Carthagian wrote...
Know what! You stick to what you want and ill stick with God. when the world ends ill see you there though that day will be infinitely happy for me...you might be shouting fuck infinitely again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again..Cuz qiute frankly even though you refuse to see TRUTH which is uh..a FUCKLOAD HARDER THAN SAYING "IVE GOT NOTHIN TO LOOK FORWARD TO AFTER I DIE NOPE GOT NO SOUL AT ALL WOOHOO FUCKIN PARTY"..doesn't mean your not gonna be standing in front of him cowering. HAHAHA i fuckin laugh at you i i ican't stop hahaha..that scientific dating ur talkin about they proved that the methods of it calculations were errored hahahahahahaha and all your throwing at me GOD created, Darwin just scewed the findings with human error hahahahahaaaaha. you submit yourselves to hopelessness when he gave you salvation ur just too ignorant to see it and unwillingy to see ur own error HAVE FUN YOU SNIVELIN SHITS THIS IS MY LAST POST HOPE YA SEE GOD ONE DAY AND I HOPE ITS NOT WHEN HES STANDING OVER YOU ABOUT READY TO TOSS UR IGNORANT ASS IN HELL HAHAHAHAHA

First, an eternity in hell means not kissing some child's ass because he told me to.

Second, you will not see me on the day the world ends. I will be dead, and so (presumably) will you be. I know I don't plan on waiting billions of years for the end of the earth.

I do not believe in a soul. If I can't access anything my soul knows, what is the point of having one? It's supposedly just there, like the way your appendix is there. Doing nothing.

Just because carbon dating is inaccurate after a few thousand years does not mean radiometric dating is. They are two different ways to date samples.

Carbon Dating
Radiocarbon dating, or carbon dating, is a radiometric dating method that uses the naturally occurring radioisotope carbon-14 (14C) to determine the age of carbonaceous materials up to about 60,000 years.[1]
Radio Metric Dating

Science adjusts it's views when verifiable proof is placed in front of it. I do not believe the findings of one scientist constitutes the knowledge of everything science has to offer, either.

Salvation does not come at the price of a book and spending one hour a week with other twits who may or not may believe the same things as you. You also have not offered any proof of a higher power who may or may not be interested in what I do with my life, and who also has the capacity to judge me based on millenia old values, and can actually sentence me to a fate "worse than death".

Life can be better lived if it has no meaning. You don't need to fear the consequences of your actions to be a good person.

I'm not sorry you don't want to argue any further, as you degraded into insulting us and trying to scare us with your "God will smite thee" shtick. I hope you have a wonderful life, what ever it may bring you. Go in peace. RAmen.

The only thing I could possibly add to this is to point out what a good, Christian message our friend Carthagian left us with in his last post. The whole hellfire and brimstone thing is basically missing what could be the only positive point of Christianity, and that is the bit about kindness and consideration of your fellow man. If you are intent on being a Christian, fear of damnation is certainly the wrong reason for it. But Carthagian is a good example of why Christianity is pretty much shit. It has become an exclusive club, in which people look down on the rest of the world on the simple basis that they are not part of it. As though saying the right words and going to Church on Sunday automatically makes them better people.
Fuck that shit.
Any Christian, or theist in general, worth a damn will admit that you just can't prove God. It's a matter of faith and you can't logically argue it.
In Carthagian's last post, I imagined a bolt of lightning flashing behind him as he shouted from the top of a crumbling building.
But I agree with the last line of Dante's post.
If you whenever you choose to believe in the supernatural, it should be on grounds of faith, not on science or proof.
Monster Girl
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