What if hentai gets banned, PERMANENTLY?

gibbous wrote...
doswillrule wrote...

Would I be right in thinking that he was imprisoned at Sachsenhausen for a while? I read something about him when I visited, and I believe I saw his prison cell in the SS barracks.

Yeah. And dear doswillrule, what I meant about speed limits being an UK thing, is that the french law (overturned by the conseil constitutionnel, now reintroduced with special tribunals in place of the HADOPI to make it constitutional) is aimed at entirely severing someone's internet connection, whereas the UK equivalent is about limiting people's bandwidth. Just to clarify.

You are scarily knowledgeable, you know. Thanks for correcting whichever dodgy news source I'd read. :P
Well if that does happen.....
I'll be left in a void of no porn or hentai

Because they banned Porn here in the philippines too because of some high profile scandal,
If they ban hentai,
It would be like death,
An endless void of darkness,

But in terms it seems highly unlikely that in our country there will be a crackdown on such materials such as porn and hentai
They banned hentai in the Philippines? I'm in the Philippines... I don't think so because i could still search for hentai on the web.
g-money wrote...
Can you guys imagine the lay-offs and the unemployed simply by banning hentai? A sector of the entertainment industry gone down with thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people will be unemployed, and millions and billions of people pissed off... as I am.

That's exactly the reason why the won't ban it. The economy is extremely bad right now, they can't take chances by dropping jobs that are enforced by "something people don't like". Hentai isn't harming anyone but the mentally unstable, who shouldn't even be using the internet. Jobs that are dropped are dropped because the company can't afford it, not because "people don't like it." If that was the case, we would have had 5-6 more depressions already.
Lol all i can say is hentai is definatly going no where and Japan is a changing country as a we speak...and yes i sadly ive been keeping tabs on Japan's immigration laws for perminent residence and naturalization (also known as becoming a japanese citzen.) The way its looking right now is that there opening there boarders more and more to foreigners and plus if they did ban hentai in the U.S or anywhere else the hentai company's would suffer greatly.

P.s - If you want to keep tab's on the ganji civil rights movement in japan check it at www.debito.org


P.s- Anyone up for a holy pilgrimage to the holy land of hentai that is japan. Flood the boarders of japan for the survival of hentai lol. *watches as the masses of hentai fans come storming the beaches of japan*

An Idea of some of the dialogue that might occur while storming the beach's of japan-

Hentai Fan`1: FOR FAPDOM AND FREEDOM *charges ahead only to get a beat down by japanese feminist*

Hentai Fan 2: Your sacrifice Shall not be in vain *crys over hentai fan one*

Anyways that's just a taste of the touching moments that would probably happen if a pilgrimage for hentai did happen.
Kaimax Best Master-San

A nightmare come true?

this is really, REALLY getting out of hand.

We need to make an organization to face this problem....
I don't want to see regular scenes for my entire Life T_T
kaimax wrote...

A nightmare come true?

this is really, REALLY getting out of hand.

We need to make an organization to face this problem....
I don't want to see regular scenes for my entire Life T_T

Oh my. I also read that Japan also had a loli ban and is asking for a tighter restriction.
kaimax wrote...

A nightmare come true?

this is really, REALLY getting out of hand.

We need to make an organization to face this problem....
I don't want to see regular scenes for my entire Life T_T

Does this mean the sale of them is banned or they are now illegal?
M2991 wrote...
kaimax wrote...

A nightmare come true?

this is really, REALLY getting out of hand.

We need to make an organization to face this problem....
I don't want to see regular scenes for my entire Life T_T

Does this mean the sale of them is banned or they are now illegal?

I just read that and another related articles. And what a bunch of bs. Goddamn feminine activists or whattever they are. They are so full of shit. Freakin no-lifers.
Quote from this one.
“It is intolerable that anyone would purchase a game that simulates the criminal offence of rape.

To know that this widely available through a major online retailer is utterly shocking, I do not see how this can be allowed.

I will be raising this matter in Parliament and hope that action is taken to prevent the game from being sold.”
“People who are watching a film at the cinema cannot participate in what is happening on the screen, or if they do they are removed from the cinema.

However… when people play these things, they can interact. They can shoot people; they can kill people. As the honourable Gentleman said, they can rape women.”

"they can shoot people"? "They can rape women"? What a load of crap. Everyone that has a pair of eyes in their face knows that violent games and the such don't cause people to act that way (and if they do, the parents should be responsable for not watching for the kids).

Oh man.... will this really happen?..
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...

Quote from this one.
“It is intolerable that anyone would purchase a game that simulates the criminal offence of rape.

To know that this widely available through a major online retailer is utterly shocking, I do not see how this can be allowed.

I will be raising this matter in Parliament and hope that action is taken to prevent the game from being sold.”
“People who are watching a film at the cinema cannot participate in what is happening on the screen, or if they do they are removed from the cinema.

However… when people play these things, they can interact. They can shoot people; they can kill people. As the honourable Gentleman said, they can rape women.”

That's because my government were too retarded to actualy learn what it was, and they themselves are criminals so they can fuck off.
I've been hearing about this for a while now and I have to say I'm really scared...
I just don't understand their method of thought, do these feminist people think sexual crimes will stop or something if they ban hentai and peoples fetishes? Telling a person to deny his or her fetish is like telling a gay person not to be gay, you can't change who you are. If George Orwell heard about this he'd probably cry.
kaimax wrote...

A nightmare come true?

this is really, REALLY getting out of hand.

We need to make an organization to face this problem....
I don't want to see regular scenes for my entire Life T_T

I seriously doubt that this spells the end for hentai. It would be different if things like this could only be obtained in material, by use of stores etc. But we have the Internet. What are they going to do, shut it down in Japan? That would be the only way to stop the spread. Take child pornography for instance. It's illegal and outlawed everywhere, but I'm sure you could find some after a couple minutes of Googling.


Also bans like this often have a reverse effect. Now we are going to have artists who use that list of bans as a list of things to illustrate, just to protest what's going on. I'm pretty sure there are some circles already forming among artists.
Captain_Falcon wrote...
kaimax wrote...

A nightmare come true?

this is really, REALLY getting out of hand.

We need to make an organization to face this problem....
I don't want to see regular scenes for my entire Life T_T

I seriously doubt that this spells the end for hentai. It would be different if things like this could only be obtained in material, by use of stores etc. But we have the Internet. What are they going to do, shut it down in Japan? That would be the only way to stop the spread. Take child pornography for instance. It's illegal and outlawed everywhere, but I'm sure you could find some after a couple minutes of Googling.


Also bans like this often have a reverse effect. Now we are going to have artists who use that list of bans as a list of things to illustrate, just to protest what's going on. I'm pretty sure there are some circles already forming among artists.

I know this sounds presumptuous, but I don't think that would be a threat until the United States actually overthrows Net Neutrality laws; if the United States government is actually able to regulate the internet than other countries are sure to follow (i.e. Japan.)

Do I hear g-money somewhere in the background, practicing his "I told you so"s?

Christ, I can't get that image out of my head for some reason.

On topic: I'd like to say that this kind of ban won't last, neither in practice nor in court, but as Japan's legal atmosphere is different from the States, I can't say that with too much certainty.

However, I must agree that if this ban becomes an industry norm, and not just one of those impassioned decisions, soon overturned, that we will look back on in the future, laugh nervously, and change the subject about, then the market saturation of such works is going to spike like hell.

(On a somewhat bright side, I saw no mention of Robot girls or Knee Socks. Mine interests are somewhat safe, for the moment.)

But..wait. I reread it.

Student Council?

What the fuck, how specific are we getting here?
I honestly do not get this, I was under the impression Japan was the most chauvinistic society in the free world. HTH did the femmes get to power?
sv51macross wrote...
I honestly do not get this, I was under the impression Japan was the most chauvinistic society in the free world. HTH did the femmes get to power?

Mostly mass annoyance. The same way any organization gains power in democratic nations. Essentially boils down to either being a monetary support structure or keep jabbing off until everyone is sick of hearing you and they do as you say just to shut you up. ^_^;;
Tsurayu wrote...
sv51macross wrote...
I honestly do not get this, I was under the impression Japan was the most chauvinistic society in the free world. HTH did the femmes get to power?

Mostly mass annoyance. The same way any organization gains power in democratic nations. Essentially boils down to either being a monetary support structure or keep jabbing off until everyone is sick of hearing you and they do as you say just to shut you up. ^_^;;

Bo basically, the same single, horny men are in charge, they just are temporarily henpecked?
Sankaku Complex lied. It is one online shop that is imposing restrictions on fetishes, not all of Japan. http://zepy.momotato.com/2009/06/23/online-dl-shop-reveals-new-restrictions/
Captain_Falcon wrote...
Sankaku Complex lied.

Well color me surprised.

Zepy wrote...
Edit: I missed this, but Minori is restricting foreign access to their website now apparently.

Ha, why does that not surprise me? Oh what any site would do for some traffic. ^_^;;
Monster Girl
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