What if hentai gets banned, PERMANENTLY?

This is easily the best news I've heard all day.

gibbous wrote...

Zepy wrote...
Edit: I missed this, but Minori is restricting foreign access to their website now apparently.


THAT is fucking awesome and I lol'ed so hard when I clicked on the link.
gibbous wrote...
Zepy wrote...
Edit: I missed this, but Minori is restricting foreign access to their website now apparently.


Haha, oh wow. That's nice. I think that really made my day. ^_^
What is Minori exactly?

And shouldn't the Japanese be more concerned with actual cultural emergencies, like the impending assrape Toby Meguire will be executing on robotech soon?
sv51macross wrote...
What is Minori exactly?

Dude click on the link..you'll laugh. I'm happy that they are doing what they are doing.
Zepy wrote...
Edit: I missed this, but Minori is restricting foreign access to their website now apparently.

That’s really lame that because of some ignorant people, they no longer allow foreign access to their website. Just shows how far individuals are willing to go to avoid lawsuits and laws.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Minori did the right thing, I guess..:)

It's better to hide than get fucked up by gaijins...lol
If hentai is banned, then pornography in general has to be banned. And that will never happen in North America and Europe; so don't fear.
Erm, hentai isn't actually banned at all in China. All of the sites I frequent are still up and running without the use of proxies, so I'm not worried. It's the real stuff that's been shitlisted. This affects hentai too, unfortunately. Megaupload and megaporn are blocked, along with some torrenting sites, but there's plenty of ways around the Great Firewall.


and they're leaving yaoi alone as if it was NOTHING!!!!!
FlamehellOtaku1010 wrote...


As Jacob has said [or, I should say, I've inferred from his statement]on the front page, Sankaku cannot be trusted as reliable/unbiased.
sv51macross wrote...
FlamehellOtaku1010 wrote...


As Jacob has said [or, I should say, I've inferred from his statement]on the front page, Sankaku cannot be trusted as reliable/unbiased.

wait what? untrustable??? then what about all the past articles and crap, your saying thats all just a huge ass farce????
FlamehellOtaku1010 wrote...
sv51macross wrote...
FlamehellOtaku1010 wrote...


As Jacob has said [or, I should say, I've inferred from his statement]on the front page, Sankaku cannot be trusted as reliable/unbiased.

wait what? untrustable??? then what about all the past articles and crap, your saying thats all just a huge ass farce????

As has been said, Sankaku is blowing this story out or proportion. I will trust Jacob-Sama's* words and operate under the assumption a real ban is not down the pipe.

*sorry if honorific is incorrect
nvm i rest my case

*flips birdie in the face of every feminist group*

still suppose if it gets other shopps as well?
what then?

I looked in the comments section of the CAnned Dog article
and i kno this is stupid if not already is, but
Wut if eroge developers actually do become xenophobic?
Ome since when something being illegal stopped ppl from doing it? It's like ppl below 18 on these porn sites (that's right I'm onto u!) just becUse their not allowed doesn't mean they don't do it anyway. If u want anoter example think of crack it's not legal yet u c it easily atainable.
I'm gonna burn the people who wants to ban hentai .
They didn't know ART .
Art is a hen wears a tie.
of course,I can't accept it .
Why porn is still popular,but the goverment didn't ban it?
I thought banning hentai is just a wrong decision .
If they ban hentai/eroge in Japan it'll be episode 10/11 of Eden of the East in RL. (attack of the naked neets)
Scion in chains The Forgotten Faggot
Heres a scenario: Henai: BANNED. Day 1. Nerds & fetishists alike cry out in unified dismay & anger. Computers are launched from windows. And an angry mob blocks traffic around the world. day 2. Multiple job losses caused by mobs blocking traffic slow economic flow. Multiple reports of robberies and public rape cases break out. Law enforcement under pressure from economy and crimes within enforcement cause a collapse Children are molested. Day 5. Global civil wars breaks out after government steps in. artillery is stolen and no one is trusted. Complete chaos. Day 7. Mad molester with group of armed rapists break into military base and launches expiremental warheads. Malfunction occurs & radiation is spread around every landmass. Day 10. the dumb bastards who fucked with hentai are discovered by the few surviving humans and brutally killed. Day 30. with few humans left, a giant A bomb is made by two scientists and a few mutants. Day 32. Everyone holds hands and braces for the explosion. Day 33. Nothing.
Scion in chains wrote...
Heres a scenario: Henai: BANNED. Day 1. Nerds & fetishists alike cry out in unified dismay & anger. Computers are launched from windows. And an angry mob blocks traffic around the world. day 2. Multiple job losses caused by mobs blocking traffic slow economic flow. Multiple reports of robberies and public rape cases break out. Law enforcement under pressure from economy and crimes within enforcement cause a collapse Children are molested. Day 5. Global civil wars breaks out after government steps in. artillery is stolen and no one is trusted. Complete chaos. Day 7. Mad molester with group of armed rapists break into military base and launches expiremental warheads. Malfunction occurs & radiation is spread around every landmass. Day 10. the dumb bastards who fucked with hentai are discovered by the few surviving humans and brutally killed. Day 30. with few humans left, a giant A bomb is made by two scientists and a few mutants. Day 32. Everyone holds hands and braces for the explosion. Day 33. Nothing.

No,u're wrong.
In the end,only humans who joined Fakku could survive .
because Jacob-sensei and other admins has protected us from the explosion .
Amen to that. I really hate that, and I wouldn't give the dude who banned this such an easy way out by killing him.
minori Inc. wrote...

minori official website.
This website cannot be browsed excluding Japan.

Some foreigners seem to be having an antipathy against EROGE.
Therefore, We prohibited the access from foreign countries, to defend our culture.
Sorry for you of the fan that lives in a foreign country.

minori Inc.

"To defend our culture"...I guess that's the only right move for the time being. Damn, now we seriously need to file a petition banning those feminist group soon...or soon they're gonna demand to install cctv in every room...to make it easier for them to arrest those who're do it not in missionary position, or who's gf is a member of student council.

If they really want to fight for women rights, go ban that damn women abuse groups/religions/whatever first! The hell eroge got to do with this!?
Monster Girl
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