What if hentai gets banned, PERMANENTLY?

It just won't happen, and if it does it would be gradual. I mean think about the deteremental affects that would have on Japan's culture and economy. Japan can't possible afford to get rid of any aspect of revenue right now, no matter how many whiny feminists complain.

mibuchiha wrote...
"To defend our culture"...I guess that's the only right move for the time being. Damn, now we seriously need to file a petition banning those feminist group soon...or soon they're gonna demand to install cctv in every room...to make it easier for them to arrest those who're do it not in missionary position, or who's gf is a member of student council.

They'll probably allow cowgirl, since the female would be dominate. :P

Everyone knows feminists don't want equality. They want to be equal where they aren't, but upstage men where they can. Treat them the exact same and then they'll complain about harassment and abuse.
Tsurayu wrote...

They'll probably allow cowgirl, since the female would be dominate. :P

Everyone knows feminists don't want equality. They want to be equal where they aren't, but upstage men where they can. Treat them the exact same and then they'll complain about harassment and abuse.

Well, that's why we need to band together and found masculinist! To balance things out!
jmason Curious and Wondering
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
With China's recent action on banning hentai in their country and in search results in Google, and Philippine's similar action, banning hentai seems to be something that's getting closer and closer to reality.


Do YOU think it's possible? What would you do if it happened? Thoughts? Opinions? DISCUSS PEOPLE, please.

I don't think it's possible. After all, this is the Internet. We've got various ways of spreading hentai (torrents, filesharing, ftp, etc.) and the Internet is so big no one can fully implement and enforce porn banning. For the present and the forseeable future, no country can fully declare that they have blocked porn in theirs. Remember, the tighter the law becomes, the more resourceful the affected becomes.

And come on, humanity has bigger things on its plate than hentai. We've got H1N1 now, a downspiralling economy, North Korea, film and music piracy. Heck, piracy can't even be stopped even if the authorities indict a million sites like of Pirate Bay.

Currently, we're still safe. No need for too much of an alarm.
jmason wrote...
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
With China's recent action on banning hentai in their country and in search results in Google, and Philippine's similar action, banning hentai seems to be something that's getting closer and closer to reality.


Do YOU think it's possible? What would you do if it happened? Thoughts? Opinions? DISCUSS PEOPLE, please.

I don't think it's possible. After all, this is the Internet. We've got various ways of spreading hentai (torrents, filesharing, ftp, etc.) and the Internet is so big no one can fully implement and enforce porn banning. For the present and the forseeable future, no country can fully declare that they have blocked porn in theirs. Remember, the tighter the law becomes, the more resourceful the affected becomes.

And come on, humanity has bigger things on its plate than hentai. We've got H1N1 now, a downspiralling economy, North Korea, film and music piracy. Heck, piracy can't even be stopped even if the authorities indict a million sites like of Pirate Bay.

Currently, we're still safe. No need for too much of an alarm.

You're right .
Then,I could download all things at here.
I would fold my penis in 2 ,put it back in my pants and go on a fap-strike!>.>
Kaimax Best Master-San
somewhat a new update from Minori

If the Eroge Sakaku really happens, then literally I would be dead....
Arizth wrote...

Do I hear g-money somewhere in the background, practicing his "I told you so"s?

Christ, I can't get that image out of my head for some reason.


I told you so.

On all seriousness, even though the internet is still around, the fact that hentai is becoming regulated will put a serious dent into the flow of new and old h-material regardless. While this depresses me, I'm beginning to think about the anime Toushokan Sensou (Library Wars) where even books are regulated by the law, though I doubt something like that would ever come into play.

Notice that it's the Asian nations doing this? The western nations are like, "We're coooooool... just no child porn."
Well if hentai becomes illegal and disappears from the internet, I would say, "Bummer."
Sure I would be disappointed for awhile but I will continue to live my life.

But I doubt that day will come anytime soon.
Banning hentai would need to be like banning porn in general and the thought of all sexually illicit material being deleted from the world would be...well somewhat difficult. I think people trying to delete this stuff would be doing this as a scapegoat for the real issues concerning people. I mean I think this stuff won't ever be illegal because humans have their lusts and need satisfaction and it's also a industry that is making quite a bit of money.

Also this reminds me of a Robot Chicken sketch oddly enough.
how are we gonna see our fetishes & dangerous fantasy act out in pics or in animes aka "cartoon" to some??

one reason why we must have hentai because some (sexual) acts are too dangerous to be perform in reality or no one except our 2D gfs have the capability to do so. However, the thought, the desire, the "want" is still there, so, if no hentai, crime rates will escalate..

all in all, hentai is the holy grail to utopia..
hehehe at least in my opinion..
At last,i'm still loving 'hentai'.
I don't want those things are gone and this heaven will be hell .
If hentai does get banned skulls are going to be smashed. By me.
anyone did this already yet?
looks like a good way of finally getting words through the spineless Japanese government
Not that I think those things ever work, I might still send something myself. It certainly can't hurt, even if it doesn't help.
Banning Hentai? Hahahahaha! They may 'ban' it, but there will ALWAYS be a way to get it. If it's not Fakku!, It's p2p networks, or other websites. Then there are proxys...If they destroy all of those methods, every single person who likes hentai will probably go around in the streets yelling something about artistic freedom or stuff. If all that fails, well...every single 14-18 year old will rage and rapings will become more frequent because of the fact that nobody has fapping material. THEN the people who banned it will be FORCED to see the error of their ways, no way around it.

Tl;Dr: You'll almost always be able to get it SOMEWHERE, and if not: mass protest and more rapings.
I don't think you can possibly be able to fully stop hentai.

Thanks to whoever fixed those posts.
I just hope in peoples attempt to ban loli they don't end up just banning all flat chested women in their hunt to censor hentai. I hate chicks with abonormally large boobs.
Fatalis wrote...
I don't think you can possibly be able to fully stop hentai.

Yup. always there is a way for people to share their hentai. . .
Its Impossible
even if they banned it
by the power of Internet they can't stop it
banned Hentai from our Lives..... its useless......
Monster Girl
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