Summer Writing Contest 2012!

lol Jerry, you're fine. It's those people with like a handful of posts- one of which being their summer contest, the other being an angry retort.
Walkerz wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...

Yes. We (more like I) can always grade your work if we haven't and review it if you ask for it.

Could i ask of you to grade my story?
On all pages i've sumbited my work, i've never gotten feedback, would love to hear some feedback on my writing for once if is possible :P

If you could, my story Conenction is here, although I feel a bit mean pushing this onto you.

If you put of time, i'd like to thank you a lot, and if not, it doesn't bother me, so don't worry about it.

-Sincerely, Walkerz


Well, I'll think about grading. Because Waar says it's a bad idea to show our grading to the public. What's to say that it could be problematic to grade people, too?

But for you, you'll have to ask others to review your work. I can't help you much until the winners are announced.

When will the winners be announced? Frankly, I don't know. A few days, or more. Maybe. You'll have to wait for an appropriate time for that.

@CoffeePrince: Most of the participants are lurkers, I don't expect them to post around and exchange ideas, honestly. But I get what you mean and they should do that.
Oh! So there won't be any voting this time around? Just pure judging.
Honestly, if there was a voting system, I can see it more of as a popularity contest rather than what truly is the better story. Also, while I am hoping to hear about a winner soon, I counted the entries and realized that, despite the many reviews I and Coffee have done, we might've reviewed a little more than half of the total stories and that's merely a guess, so major props to our esteemed judges.
All of the previous polls were not really popularity contests, people actually voted what they liked. However, some users went around asking for people to vote and got themselves higher votes. But those were in the Winter contests. The Summer one is completely within my control as it is my own idea that allowed it to exist, so everything in the end goes upon my call. While I did keep similarities with the old contests' styles and rules. I've realized that it is imperative for only the judges to pick winners with prizes of such volume and hence no polls would be held. And well, I wanted a few distinctions, the lack of polls is one of them.

So I'll make it clear for everyone here, once and for all:

[size=20]Whether you like it or not, you won't be seeing any polls in any Summer Contests unless I have a good reason to have them.[/h]
I feel a bit bad asking a lot of people to review mine, but hey, I reviewed a few didn't I? Now It's a bit stupid for me to ask this but, if the judges can't release the personal grading card, can they atleast release a public general criteria? sorry I sound a bit pushy, I don't mean to. I'm just suggesting and not forcing anyone, and even if I DO try to force anyone, who am I to be able to? And who are you to let yourself be forced?
saihafire wrote...
Now It's a bit stupid for me to ask this but, if the judges can't release the personal grading card, can they atleast release a public general criteria? sorry I sound a bit pushy, I don't mean to. I'm just suggesting and not forcing anyone, and even if I DO try to force anyone, who am I to be able to? And who are you to let yourself be forced?

All we don't plan to show so far is our grading.
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I have to agree that the idea of having judges to judge in a writing competition is fairer than a poll. So I will be looking forward to the reasons why the winning entries are chosen. Will there be any special mentions for entries that are commendable but did not hit the mark?
leonard267 wrote...
I have to agree that the idea of having judges to judge in a writing competition is fairer than a poll. So I will be looking forward to the reasons why the winning entries are chosen. Will there be any special mentions for entries that are commendable but did not hit the mark?

The entries that would be close to gaining one of the three spots but don't make would be honorable mentions... only a very few will be put up regardless though. Or else the allure of honorable is so minimized when we have like 10 entries put up.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
As of now all 3 judges have posted their input and we just need to discuss it together before we announce our winners. If anyone is to blame for the length of time it took to judge then that would be me, I just recently moved and haven't been spending my time on the computer(mostly unpacking).

I will be willing to give advice to any author who requests it, after the winners are announced of course. Just pm me with a link to your work and I can tell you what I thought and how I think you could improve. I wont be revealing the scores anyone received but will be willing to comment on the parts I liked/dislike in each of the winners stories.

Our method of judging was standardized to facilitate the process. We rated the following 5 categories giving each a grade out of 5 and then calculated what the total was out of 25.

- Grammar/Spelling
- Plot
- Theme
- Flow
- Originality

You may not agree with our categories but they worked for us.
Actually, I agree with that rubric. When I was doing reviews, I had my own style, but that one makes a lot of sense. I take it that it means that we will be finding out winners soon?
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I have heard that the results will be released later today, 30 Jul 2012.
Lord Kirby wrote...
what time today?

... You still haven't realized?
Monster Girl
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