Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/2016c326-10d9-4267-90f7-b5c74e2c039b_zpse06642d7.jpg


In ages past the world was ruled by beings whose powers were feared and coveted by all of humanity. Man lived along side these beings for generations. Sometimes helped by them, but more often tortured and destroyed by them. Humanity pleaded to the Divine beings to be rid of the Cursed beasts.

The Divine beings heard their cries, but were unsure of how to help. After all there could be no order without the chaos. So they recalled to the heavens and meditated on a way to help humanity. During this time however the Cursed beasts were left unchecked. In the time known as "The Great Meditation" many lives were lost to the rampaging Cursed beasts. But this time gave the Divine beings the time they needed to find a solution.

After a decade of silence the Divine rained down on the chaos ready for battle. The Divine destroyed the Cursed and forced them into the earth. In doing so the Divine used all of their strength and faded into the air spreading to the winds. Their gentle spirits began to repair the damage done by the Cursed and their battle. Humanity grieved the loss of the Divine beings, but rejoiced being freed from their suffering.

However, as years passed and new children were born, it became apparent just how different their world was now. Children began to be born with rare gifts and powers, reminiscent of the creatures that once ruled the lands. The power that humanity had always learned to fear was now in their own hands. It was now humanity's turn to rule over the earth.

Some were more attuned to their powers than others, and the more powerful of course became the leaders of humanity. Leading them as they fought to understand the new world they lived in. It was soon discovered that different places had different spiritual alignments. And people began to move to these places based on one reason or another, but mainly because of belief. There were of course people that hated one side or another, and started religions under the old beings. But there were also those who didn't want to be caught in between those two, and chose to live in places acclimated to both light and dark.

Separated, humanity began to evolve separate from each other. Those who moved to the lands of Divine spirits built tall grand cities that reached for the heavens. While the Cursed spirit worshipers found their homes in the deep canyons and volcanic lands. Others however retreated to the forests and plains to live independently.

As the other groups grew and prospered others were not so lucky. Most of the population in the cursed lands developed a curse known as, The Ouroboros Curse. This curse restricted where they were allowed to go. Leaving the cursed influence of a strong Cursed spirit meant death. They built a civilization based around the curse and rarely interact with other groups.

Over the years however hostilities have grown between the two major religions. The cursed side was led by a vicious man named Cain. There have been many small battles over uninhabited neutral territories, as well as reports of attacks by a group known as the "Cult of Ouroboros". They claim that Cain is a god, and all should acknowledge him as such. Though these attacks have happened for many years Cain still takes no responsibility. Dealing with these attack of terrorism for two long many leaders of the Divine are calling out for blood. It is only a matter of time before the current queen makes the call to go to war.



1.If you would like to join the RP please send me a pm. Do not post your character up. This is so that I may manage stat increases across the characters.

2.Keep posts in Third Person. It just makes it easier to see who is who.

3.Try your best to use proper grammar and spelling. We all make mistakes now and then, but make sure you edit them.

4. Try to make time in your schedule for the rp. I myself can't guarantee that I will have time to post everyday. Let me know what the situation is so we can work around it. (PM or Skype: anxioussilhouette)

5. Do not post any OOC comments in the thread. Send all questions via pm.


Things to know (more will be added as the story progresses):

The Great Meditation: The period where all the divine beast gathered their strength, and deliberated on what to do about mankind. This period took place over roughly 100 years.

The War of Origin: The fearsome battle after The Great Meditation that ended in the spirits being sealed within the world. This battle took place roughly 7 centuries ago.

Curse of Ouroboros: A snake mark that appeared on a large amount of the cursed population after the War of Origin. The mark wraps around the neck in the shape of a snake feasting its own tail. People with this mark cannot travel to far from the source of a powerful cursed spirit. Doing so will result in the snake constricting and killing the host. Due to this, people given great dark spirits become leaders at birth.

Spiritual Veil: Certain high level spirit's have the ability to cast their influence over a certain range. The highest ranks are able to cast this over the range of an entire city. The effects can be something such as healing that keeps the citizens in good health. But effects can vary to whatever the caster's specialty is. The most common of these veils is the one keeps victims of the Ouroboros curse alive.

Crossover: It is possible for a spirit to come to the physical realm, but only if the caster has the aptitude for it. The time they spend in the human world is very short and takes a tremendous strain on the caster.

Spirit Signal: A technique developed by the Cursed that uses spirits as sort of radios. The spirit sends out or receives the message and gives it to their host. This can only be done between beings that share the same language.

Spirit Synchronization: Or "spirit form" is the ultimate connection between spirit and host. This forces your spirit into your "self" allowing them to exists using your body as a catalyst. This is extremely dangerous for many reasons. Spirits often can't control themselves and take more than they bargained from their host. Anastas is a prime example of when things go wrong.

Spirit Takeover: When a spirit takes over the hosts body for its own use this is known as a spirit take over. The spirit manifests itself inside its host and changes their thoughts. Using their body to fulfill their own twisted desires.

Cauldron: A mass of flesh that is formed from still living people. Thought little is known about it, it is apparently capable of draining and storing a large amount of spiritual energy.

Laws of Origin: Laws formed by the people of Origin along with the elder. Through this democratic process the community can set the laws that will be obeyed in certain villages. Guardians in the other villages are capable of changing the laws as the situation allows. Final judgement of the crimes against the people are finalized by the elder who talks to the offended party. Often the family will ask to speak to the criminal directly.

Succession: The act of switching a queen with a more powerful one. This can be done at anytime, and women that go through the church can even someday be allowed to challenge the current queen. So the church can be thought of as an election process. Men are barred from this, but can aspire to become a member of the royal guard through the same methods.

The Spirit System:

In this world everyone is born with a unique spirit that will grow and evolve with them. Depending on where you are born and where you grow up your beast will become a Divine, Cursed, or Hybrid beast. These beasts are only visible to each other, and their hosts. No host can see another' host's spirit unless a Crossover occurs.

The time when a spirit has the ability to be influenced by its environment is limited. From birth till about the age of 25 a spirit is growing and absorbing the energy of the world. After that outside forces will not affect how the spirit grows. Though intense amounts of opposite energies may weaken a spirit's ability to perform.

Spirits of close alignments can converse with each other, but the host will not hear the other spirit. The spirit will need to convey what is said to their host. The host also can order their spirit not to talk, but depending on the temperament of the spirit they may refuse.

The spirit lives and dies with it's host, and when new children are born. The two parent's spirits combine to make something entirely different. This is what keeps spirits so diverse among the population.

Powers are totally dependent on the spirit, but how those powers are used depends on the type of character you make. The most powerful earth spirit may be used by a simple sculptor to create his art.

Locations (more will be added as the story progresses):

Forests of Origin:
A forest comprised evenly of divine and cursed spirits. Many people who wish to live separately from the two opposing factions reside her or forests like it. Others choose to live in plains where all spirit activity is low. The Forest of Origin is a melting pot for many different types of people. Some travel here simply to browse the shops for unique items.
Image:Click Here

Mountain Castle Arkasia:
A towering mass of stone and metal, this stronghold is home to many strong Divine spirits. The woman that the castle was named after resides here, Knight Commander Dia Arkasia, also known as the Dragon of the North. This is also where many knights and warriors looking to join the Divine army journey to. This mountain range is the final defense keeping enemies of the kingdom from reaching the capital city. The distance from the capital from Arkasia is so short that some knights take up shifts as security there.
Image:Click Here

Divine Capital City of Masario:
An area so rich in divine energy even people with only half cursed spirits have trouble using their power here. Because of this it only made sense to build the capital city here. The whole city sits raised on a enormous plateau. Safe from those who would hope to destroy what they have. Queen Leona Xinia IV lives here, and the whole city is protected by her Divine Spirit, Emperor Phoenix.
Image:Click Here

Stronghold Raskana:
This is the one place you never want to wind up in. The bulk of this stronghold act as a prison. The castle itself was built on the walls of a deep canyon running alongside an active volcano. The depths of the volcano is a river of magma. It is said that if you stand over the canyon you can hear the screams of the prisoners echo up. A spire of rock held up by seals acts acts as the only passage from one side to another.
Image:Click Here

Cursed Capital City of Agreyus:
In this dark and depressing city embedded in a deep canyon range, Cursed Spirits warp the minds of the people living there. The only thing above the canyon level is the towering castle of Naberius Cain. More than 90 percent of the population is afflicted with the Ouroboros curse, and because of this they are forced to live in the city near their king. King Naberius Cain holds the strongest Cursed Spirit ever to exist, and within his influence those with the Ouroboros curse can live somewhat peaceful. Because his spirit takes so much out of him he is bed ridden, and has a number of representatives that handle things on his behalf.
Image:Click Here

Great City of Raltese:
Information: This city is a trading hub for the Scion, and sits on some of the richest resources of metal, and farmland. As such it is rumored to be the most well defended under the divine capital city. Built of sturdy stone Raltese has fended off countless attacks. Sadly it was the latest to fall to the forces of the Cursed. The is broken into two sections, and separated by two main bridges. The castle and royal section is on one side, and the commons is across the bridge.
Image:Click Here

Character Creation:

Name: (What name does your character go by? If your character has a title please list in here as well.)

Age: (How many years has your character been alive?)

Sex: (What is the gender of your character.)

Appearance: (What does your character look like. You must have a picture. You may accompany it with side notes if you wish to explain further.)

Weapon: (Even if you are using a picture please explain your weapon in full detail here.)

Personality: (How does your character behave, and what made them this way?)

Background: (Explain your character's history up to this point.)

Religion: (Most people in this land have a religion. There are two major religions. The Scion of Light worship the divine beasts that destroyed the cursed beasts long ago. The Children of Ouroboros worship the cursed beast that grant overwhelming power. You may also choose to have no relgion.)

Spirit Name: (What is the name of your Spirit?)

Spiritual Alignment: (Of what nature is the spirit that lives within your character. It can be cursed or divine or a mix in between. This will impact for your spirit performs under certain circumstances.)

Spirit Appearance:(What does your spirit look like?)

Spirit Description: (Tell about how your spirit behaves and a brief history of it.)

Powers:(This is what makes your character special. Based on your spirit please come up with 3 abilities. These can only be active skills meaning your charterer must cast or activate them with rolls.(I will approve them when you send me your profile. Or help you in making new ones.)

*new*Passive Trait: This is an unique trait that will passively affect your character in combat or other situations. This is separate from your characters set 3 abilities. Please note that this is the only passive skill your character can have.(See Npc's for examples.)

Attributes: (These are what make your character able to complete certain actions. Depending on your stats you will find it easier or harder to do certain things. So make sure you place your stats effectively. Each character will start with 24 points that they may place where ever they want. The limit for each stat is 10. Through events each character will be given extra points to place on the stats they choose. )

Strength: This stat reflects your character's combat ability in terms of physical strength. It also determines the amount of physical damage you are able to take.

Dexterity: This stat reflects your character's agility as well as how well they are able to sneak. This all determines if physical attacks hit or not.

Spirit: This stat shows how strong the spiritual side of your character is. The higher this is the more things you are able to do with your spirit.

Awareness: This reflects how well your character can assess his or her surroundings. This will also help your character to avoid traps and ambushes.

Intelligence: This stat reflects how much your character knows. Characters with high intelligence will automatically be given knowledge to certain things about the world that will help them overcome challenges.

Social: (This will determine how well your character is at talking to people. This skill can be used for things such as intimidation of persuasion. Other things will accompany actions such as these however.)

Character Lists:

[size=15]Major Npc's:[/h](More Npc's will be added as the story progresses.)

[size=15]Scions of Light:[/h]

Name: Dia Arkasia
Age: 31
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/sample_edd1a00db0164d8ef9c12e5d487b2e4f_zps9787aebb.jpg

Weapon: Ame-no-Habakiri
Personality: As her reputation shows she is a very assertive and dominating presence. Not taking an ounce of lip from any of her subordinates she with not hesitate to discipline a disrespecting soldier on the spot. On top of all this however she also has a supreme sense of justice and honor. As most of the people that have challenged her authority will tell you. "She will beat you down. But she will do it fairly..."

Background: Dia has been in fights almost all her life. As a child she was a tomboy, and often picked fights with boys her age just to show she was better. When all the boys began signing up for the army she did as well. Impressing the instructors and soaring through the ranks was natural for her, and her talent for earning the trust of her soldiers is legendary. When it became time for her to accept the title of Grand Master Knight she declined it. Preferring her position at the mountain defending the city rather than the pampered life next to the queen. It was then that the young queen herself renamed the the mountain castle after her.

After the betrayal by her second in command and former mentor, Kreig Rosenthal. Arkasia has be exiled from the divine lands and labeled a traitor of the divine. Fueled by her emotions she has become fixated only on revenge.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 13
Spirit: 7
Awareness: 8
Intelligence: 7
Social: 8

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/drache_fertig_zps0ad7ac27.png

Spirit Name: Dragon King of the East Sea - Ao Kuang
Spirit Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: A beast spoken of in legend. Ao Kuang was a fearsome and destructive beast. Tearing apart sea vessels, rampaging the eastern seas and taking sacrifices. Now however calmed by the divine spirits in the area Ao Kuang lives a life of peace within Arkasia.

(PASSIVE)Second Wind:When Arkasia attacks if she is blocked she will have another chance to attack with using bare fisted attacks that hit for half damage, but are harder to predict(Awr check).
1. Swift: Moving the air around her she increases her movement speed increasing her DEX by 3 for as long as she can keep her concentration.
2. Quick Draw: Gripping her sheathed blade tightly she rips the blade out slicing an enemy. If this skill is used while swift is active it cannot be blocked.
3. Pressure Point: Swirling wind around her blade she brings it to a razor sharp point. Then taking a fencer stance she stabs three time rapidly for vital points. If two out of the three hit the enemy loses 2 dex and 2 str on their next attack.
4. Roar of the Sea God:(Special Requirement: Less than 50% hp)When in distress Arkasia calls forth Ao Kuang to decimate her foes. Ao Kuang roars unleashing a hurricane force wind that wipes enemies from the battle field(All enemies on the battle field are pushed back to rear and take damage.)


Name: Queen Leona Xinia III
Age: 42
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/4e7b9f10c1b83648b109c524d6c012c0-d4hk5d9_zpsb2f690ee.png


Weapon(s): Silver Talons: Silver nails that help her control her electricity more effectively.

Personality: Leona was once a fearsome, but fair queen. Since losing her powers however she has become obsessive with recovering them. They lead her to come across as greedy for power which has rubbed many the wrong way. This makes her paranoid of most other people except for her close friend Louise.

Background: Leona took up the throne after her mother, the former queen passed away at the the age of 70. At this time Leona III was in her early thirties, and her years of training to take the throne were put to good use. The kingdom prospered under her rule, and her powerful spirit kept enemies in check. She was never above displaying her might if provoked. Even Cain's representatives dreaded meeting with her for the peace conferences, because of her dominating presence.

Sadly years later she found that she could not only no longer contact her spirit, but her spirit was gone. Many said it was some kind of spirit killing poison from the cult, others had other just as ridiculous claims. Still the fact that she could not keep the kingdom safe was on the forefront of Leona's mind. Around this time her daughter was only just starting her training to become a queen someday. Leona knew that as soon as enemies learned they were weak that it wouldn't be long before they were attacked. She had no choice, but to ready he daughter for the throne early. She regretted the decision almost immediately, but she did what she did for the benefit for the kingdom.

Through years of research Leona III learned that it was possible to manipulate spirits in different ways, and in fact with the proper conditions you could steal a spirit. Once she learned of this she became fixed on finding where here spirit went, and if it was in fact stolen. She would reclaim it, even if she had to get blood on her hands.

Update: After reclaiming her spirit and defeating her daughter she has taken the throne by force.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 5(+1)
Dexterity: 5
Spirit: 0
Awareness: 6
Intelligence: 10
Social: 7

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/shining_dragon_by_pamansazz-d4zkrlr_zpscb04d665.jpg

Spirit Name: Quetzacoatl
Spirit Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: A white and gold serpent that governs the skies. The skies turn black with his anger, and his decent is as fast as a lightning strike. For years he sat dormant being manipulated, but now that he is free he plans to make up for lost time..


(PASSIVE) : Court of Storms: Storm clouds overhead power Leona depending on what rank of storm she is granted. When battle starts Leona begins with a rank 2 storm. At the start of each turn(Ally and Enemy) a dice is rolled to determine what rank the storm will be for that turn. Rank 1 is the lowest rank and Rank 6 is the highest. At rank one Leona is given no bonus, but for each rank above that she is given +1 int to damage. At Ranks 4 - 6 it will rain. If Leona consistently stays in that range for three turns lightning strikes will attack nearby enemies.

1. Heaven’s Fury: Leona calls down a mighty lightning strike to smite her enemy down. Enemies hit by this have a chance to have their str reduced by half for a turn. If a rank 6 storm is active during this attack it cannot miss.
2. Eye of the Storm(Buff): During Eye of the Storm Leona has a 50% chance to dodge all attacks aimed at her for the duration. The duration will depend on the rank of the storm at the time of activation(Rank 1 giving one turn and Rank 6 giving 6 turns.). During this buff all movements are done with spirit rolls instead of dexterity.
3. Fangs of the Serpent: In close range Leona stabs her sharp nails into an opponent skin or thin armor. Once inside she releases an enormous amount of electricity, wrecking the targets nervous system. At rank 4 - 6 this will stun for 1 - 3 turns accordingly.
4. Quetzacoatl’s Realization: Leona begins powering up from her storm. At this time her ranks act as the charge amount, adding 1 - 6 charges per turn accordingly. Once she reaches 9 the attack is released. During the charge of this attack Leona activates a shield that can withstand 2 attacks. Any attack after that will cancel the spell. When the spell is released it can hit all enemies at half the power or one at double the power.


Name: Leona Xinia IV
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/xianer_by_naturaljuice-d4f8otq_zps6d52f3b9.jpg

Weapon: None uses magic from her bare hands.

Personality: A kind and just leader, but still a little naive. She hasn't been the queen for very long and still has a lot to learn. She has led a sheltered life, and many standard social situations are awkward to her.

Background: After her mother fell sick to an unknown illness, it was up her to keep up the spiritual veil as he mothers spirit weakened. Many believed that it was a type of poison developed by the enemies of the kingdom that wakened their previous queen, but the cause of her illness to this day has not been uncovered. After the illness had ran it course it was expected that her mother would once again take over, but unfortunately her spirit never recovered.

This forced Leona to take over permanently. Training under her mother she learned how to rule over the people fairly, but strictly. Following her mother's teachings she has become one of the greatest rulers the kingdom had ever seen, with the power to match. Training her spirit to its limit she can call upon its full power at will, and maintain constant control. All this time training and learning however left her naive in other areas, and she constantly asks her guards many questions.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 6(+1)
Dexterity: 8
Spirit: 10
Awareness: 7
Intelligence: 10
Social: 5

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/ss2-phoenix_zpsfe909c8d.jpg

Spirit Name: Emperor Phoenix
Spirit Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: A bird representing rebirth the Phoenix has great regenerative properties. Its power over the sun grants powers of fire to its host. A truly magnificent divine spirit.

(PASSIVE) Spirit Orbs: Activating spirit form releases 3 orbs. These orbs can protect her or an ally for one attack or be sent out as attacks. Reactivating spirit form will only replace orbs that are lost.

1.Spirit Form: Focusing on her spirit deep enough she gives it form and combines with it. White flames form a crest of feathers on her head while her legs and arms are engulfed in white flames. While connected to her spirit she enjoys easier control of it. (INT + 5) But this will take a large amount of concentration to attain spirit form.
2. Megiddo Flame: While in spirit form she focuses the white flames into a point and unleashes a torrent of white fire. Anything caught in this will more than likely be turned to ash. Further concentration of this ability will lead to the unstoppable Megiddo Beam.
3. Healing Circle: Allies withing 5 yards of her with receive and influx of spiritual power healing their wounds. Within her circle spirits will also be easier to control. (INT + 2 to allies only)


Name: Kreig Rosenthal
Age: 63
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/76dd9bad4c0011e67f301ce74790a2aa_zpsa35583ce.jpg


Weapon(s) Blade of Beasts: An Odachi that Kreig has learned to use in conjunction with his shape shifting.

Personality: A wise and kind man, Kreig is always attempting to teach a lesson to those that will listen. His most accomplished student, Arkasia, still asks him for advice from time to time. When his not on call he finds every opportunity to relax with his family.

Background: Kreig is an accomplished soldier that made a name for himself serving Queen Leona II. He will never forget the time he spend protecting her as a member of the royal guard. After he got on in age he decided to retire from the guard, and start training the soldiers that would soon take his place. After he finshed training the royal guard he was transfered to the Fortress Schwarzwiess to train the military. That is where he met a promising soldier, by the name of Arkasia. At first the two argued like cats and dogs, but it was in those spats that Kreig saw the makings of a great leader.

Taking her under his wing he taught her his sword style that she later went on to master, and form into her own style. After training her to the point that he had nothing else to teach her she was meant to move on to become a member of the queens guard. However she changed her mind. Instead choosing to take Kreig position at the Fortress. It was Krieg's joke that the fortress should be renamed after Arkasia, but he was surprised to find that the young queen made it so.

Taking the position of Arkasia right hand he is often tasked to check on the other fortresses under her protection. This leads him to many different locations, and often near the forest of origin where he often secures gifts for his wife Margaret, and daughter Talia.

Strength: 9
Dexterity: 8
Spirit: 8(+1)
Awareness: 8
Intelligence: 8
Social: 7

Spirit :
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/keel_by_tatchit-d6xe867_zpsf56e2a80.png
Spirit Name: Yosu Tengu - Bird of Wisom
Spiritual Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: A legendary bird spirit that made it its mission to share wisdom with man. Giving on the knowledge that it seemed important it tried to lead man on the path to enlightenment and peace. In order to keep its true form hidden it often changed into a variety of animals when coming in contact with man.


(PASSIVE) Secrets of Nature: When in one of his three forms Kreig receives different passive bonuses and he gains access to his different abilities. Bird Form: Grants +2 int and +2 dex. Bear Form: Grants +4 str. Wolf Form: Grants +2 Spr and +2 Awr.

1. Gust Cutlass: (Changes into Bird Form) Changing into a giant bird much like his spirit Kreig spreads his mighty wings. With a lightning quick wing movement Kreig unleashes a swift . Short range burst of air capable of slicing a boulder in two. This will also move Kreig back away from enemies.
2. Preemptive Claw: (Changes into Bear Form) Transforming only his claw first Kreig tries to catch his opponent off guard with a brutal strike, but will not gain the passive bonus. Miss or hit Kreig will complete his transformation into Bear Form. This attack can then be done while already in bear form and will gain the str bonus from his passive.
3. Spirit Slash: (Changes into Wolf Form)(Counter) Changing into a giant wolf Kreig stalks his prey slowly. As soon as he senses movement he moves to strike them. If successful the opponent will be unable to use their spirit for two turns.


Name: Razta Sonnelion
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/7bd32c3dd1c9a655945f56fb5d128424_zpsbcd59e7e.jpeg



Personality: Courageous and sometimes a little hasty, Razta always tries to defend others that cant or won't defend themselves. Even if they didn't ask for or want his help. This has lead him to be in many fights that really didn't need to happen.

Background: At a young age Razta was found wandering the Forest of Origin with torn clothes and strange collar around his neck. It was the elder from the Forest of Origin that came upon him while searching for herbs. When asked who he was he could only remember his first name, Razta. Sensing something was strange with the boy she took him to her home. Using her unique gift to force crossovers in other people she witnessed the destructive spirit he held within, and guessed that he had to be from the Cursed lands. But as a child she knew that his spirit was still malleable, and that he could live a normal life there. All he needed was the chance

She took him back to village square to find someone to take him in. She was no good at raising children. Hearing the story of the boy many were scared accept such a task, but finally someone stepped forward. A blacksmith by the name of Zelis Sonnellion. The man was kind and patient with Razta knowing that he had lived a hard life. Working with the blacksmith made Razta grow up strong, and upon his 18th birthday when he was ready to move out and start a life of his own. The black smith gave him a weapon as a going away gift, filled with pride at the man Razta had become.

Wanting to find out about his past, but knowing that charging into the Cursed lands expecting answers was suicidal, he decided to bide his time. Training and developing his own fighting style took his mind off things. He became an excellent hunter, and built a name for himself in the village. That was when the Scion of Light visited the village. Asking for volunteers as it became more and more sure that war would come. Knowing that this was the best way he would be able to find answers, he signed up. Saying goodbye to the only family he knew he hopped on the caravan headed towards Arkasia.
Religion: None

Strength: 8(+2)
Dexterity: 6(+1)
Spirit: 5
Awareness: 5
Intelligence: 3
Social: 4

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/huke_style____by_nawol-d6i9ww3_zps974483ad.jpg
Spirit Name: Ifrit
Spirit Alignment: Hybrid
Spirit Description: The destructive spirit of fire that was raised in a hybrid environment. It now understands the balance and can preform well in most areas. She hates to watch as Razta has all the fun during fights, and desperately wants to be in the action.

(PASSIVE) Companion Spirit: While in combat his destructive spirit tries to take over. Each time he attacks a dice is rolled. If he rolls a 5 or higher a secondary effect will take place on his skills or regular attacks. With a 5 the damage will increase. With a roll of 6 damage will increase(+2 str) and a bonus effect will take place.

1.Slugfest/Ifrit's Challenge: Getting in close and locking a leg with an opponent the two are locked in a close range punch out. As long as he is in this deadlock he gains 2 dex and 1 str, but he cannot attack any other target. Ifrit's Challenge: If he rolls a 6 on the Beast check he will head-butt the opponent on start up. If the attack connects they will be dazed out for the first 3 hits.
2.Steel/Ifrit's Will: Focusing deeply he readies his body for combat. His next attack or skill will have a +2 str bonus. Ifrit's Will: If he rolls a 6 on the Beast check he will block the next attack aimed at him, taking minimal damage.
3. Mark of the Hunt/Ifrit's Feast: Going for the enemies vital with his knife he tries to strike and weaken the enemy. Additional hits from Razta and allies will have a higher chance of hitting the target(-2dex to the enemy.). This cannot be done before finding the enemies weak point with an awareness check or having a high int char point it out. Ifrit's Feast: Passing the Beast check Razta memorizes that spot and all further attacks will be aimed at it. (+2 str during the damage step for the rest of the battle. Against that opponent.)


Name: Adelina Samet
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/Aoinhatsufull343017_zps9a226c2a.jpg


Weapon(s)Bastard Sword: A simple well crafted sword formed from the best Raltesian steel.

Round Shield: A shield given to her by her father before she took off for Arkasia. "So that he could continue to protect his little girl from far away." It bears the symbol of a griffon.

Personality: Adelina is a kind and loyal woman. She will lay down her life for anyone of her comrades on the field. She tries to hide her femininity, but at times she crumbles. Shes still a girl at heart and likes things such as spas and shopping. People that find this out about her are often threatened into silence.

Background: Adelina is a young woman with a dream of one day become a knight. Adelina was born in a small village not to far from Arkasia. Under the protection of Arkasia's knights they have enjoyed peace for many years. Now that war is on the horizon Adelina simply wants to fight to protect her home.

With her proud parents behind her she set off for Arkasia to learn to become a knight. Though she learned how to fight with a sword, and shield before leaving for Arkasia she often resorts to hand to hand combat. Trained by her father in basic martial arts by her father she continue to train herself, and developed a sword style all her own. She was overwhelmed when she first came to Arkasia, but meeting Razta and the other made her feel more at home.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 9(+1)
Dexterity: 7(+1)
Spirit: 4
Awareness: 5(+1)
Intelligence: 4
Social: 2

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/939ae338-7c0c-4351-99ef-0b4d2829d8b9_zps199fced7.jpg
Spirit Name: Yevan - Spirit of Justice
Spiritual Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: Yevan is a strict and orderly spirit that likes to keep others on the proper path. She believes Adelina is destined for amazing things, and will do what ever she can to make sure that she stays on the proper path. Her foresight has aided Adelina several times.


(PASSIVE) Eyes of Fate: Adelina always has eyes watching out for her. Whenever she is attacked she has the chance to see the future for a few brief moments. This helps her to react to attacks ahead of time. (D6 roll: 1 - 2 = + 1 dex. 3 - 4 = 2 dex. 5 - 6 = 3 dex.)
1. Phalanx: (Counter) Adelina takes a defensive stance with her sword over the top of her shield. If she is able to get into this stance before getting attacked, and is able to hold back the attack she will counter with her sword. If the fate roll is 5 or higher she will also grab the enemy and stab them.
2. Crow's Cage: Initiating with a stunning hit from her shield Adelina slips behind her enemy and grabs them by arm. Spinning and slamming them on the ground before pinning them with her knee. If the fate roll is 5 or higher she will read their attempt to escape, and dislocate their arm. If not they will slip away. This can only be done on humanoid targets her size, but if successful lowers enemy strength by 3.
3. Cost of Justice: Using her power she can see the fate of a nearby ally. If she is successful in using the ability a fate roll will take place. The effect of her passive will be lent to the ally that it is used on for 3 turns. Added Effect: Can now be used on an allies turn at the cost of her own next turn.


Name: Reymond Talin
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/b6e15b7b1cc725cdb73c70220790ea72_zps0446e557.jpg


Weapon(s) Rune Short Sword:: A shortsword enchanted with runes to make it deadlier in his hands.

Divine Grimoire: A book of basic spiritual incantations and rituals. He finds it a perfect way to channel his energy, but in truth he does not need it. It is more of a personal item from someone he cares about.

Personality: Reymond is a kind, and gentle man who treats everyone with respect. Sometimes he finds himself getting involved in the affairs of strangers more than he should, but he means no harm. He is often very quiet, and finds pleasure in reading various literature.

Background: Reymond was the apprentice of a great inventor and spiritual innovator. He learned much from his teacher, and hopes to advance his own research through travels. Seeing the shape the world was in he decided there was no better way to travel than under the protection of the military. He admits that he has little love for combat or war, but enjoys the team aspect of it all. Though hes is still rather young he is extremely astute. Though he has still much to learn he is a fountain of information if asked a question.

There is much about himself that he won't share with anyone. His life before becoming a scholar is one of these sensitive subjects. While on the official records he was truthful he won't share this information with anyone else. He seems to have a deep seeded resentment towards the cursed army. While that is common for most people of the divine it seems to be on a higher level than most.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 6(+2)
Dexterity: 4(+1)
Spirit: 8
Awareness: 3
Intelligence: 7
Social: 3

Spirit :
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/witch06___sirocco_by_u_ra_cil-d5n2sny_zps5d867812.jpg
Spirit Name: Veanna - Being of Judgement
Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid, but more towards the Divine.
Spirit Description: To Veanna humans are the very definition of avarice. Even her host is not without this trait, but she doesn't believe him lost to it yet. She wishes to save him from the path she sees him starting on.


(PASSIVE) Veanna's Embrace/Veanna's Mood: Reymond is a master of sustaining spiritual energies. Planning accordingly he can place his spells out. For each spell he has out it will be harder to focus, but he can combine all current spells into one devastating force. (+1 int for each active spell. Max of 5 stacks.) All spells are dispelled and their power added on the attack during the damage step if Reymond chooses to use this passive. Veanna's Mood: Dark and Light counters will act against each other, but as long as Reymond is completely neutral he gains 1 int and 1 spr.

1. Blades of Veanna/Hooks of Veanna: Calling upon Veanna he summons her blades to his side. He can use these sword for attack or defense, and each sword counts as a separate spell, and will independently be upheld. Reymond can summon up to five swords at a time(depends on spirit roll), but the sustain roll happens right after they are created. Hooks of Veanna: Hooks fire out from portals behind Reymond and stab into enemies(Max 6). Each one of these hooks will slow down the enemy and deal damage on hit(-1 dex).
2. Gravity Sphere/Death Roll: With a swing of his runed sword he sends out a wave of energy that turns to a ball at its target location. Depending on what Reymond needs he can use it to draw in enemies or push them away. The strength of the pull of repel depends on the int roll. Death Roll: Forming two dark orbs in his hands he rolls them out along the ground. For a turn they build up in size. Next turn they speed up taking off for the target.
3. Veanna's Judgement/Veanna's Revenge: Sending out one or more blades he stabs them into one or multiple enemies. Once they enter the foe, they immediately seal the foes spirit energy. From there he can chose to sustain the sword or make it explode for massive damage. Veanna's Revenge: Sending the portal around the enemy with the chains still attached they begin to pull on the enemy. Each one pull hard at once ripping out of the enemy. For each active chain 1 int is added to damage on top of the chain damage.


Name: Nero Cablin(Deceased)
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/01_by_mineworker-d419qn7_zpsa360e863.jpg


Weapon(s) Bare Handed: His two fists are all he needs at his side.

Personality: Overconfident and proud Nero has relied on his strength for as long as he drew breath. Over the years he has come to love his job as a knight instructor. As well as one of Arkasia's shield. It is not duty that sees him be very protective over her, but admiration. He would follow her to hell and back.

Background: Nero trained alongside Arkasia before she shot up the ranks like a rocket. At first he was jealous of her. She made everything looks so easy, and he couldn't hope to compare. Finally he called her out on this saying some rather unflattering things about her, suggesting that she used her body to gain rank. Arkasia did nothing but smile at this, and issue a challenge. If he won she would let him have her rank. If he lost he would be demoted to a squire.

Nero had a hell of a time dealing with being demoted to a squire again, but full of determination he trained hard, and climbed himself back up the ranks. Mainly in an attempt to prove that Arkasia couldn't keep him down, but as looked on at Arkasia from his low rank he saw just how good of a leader she was. When he finally reached the rank of Knight Bannerette he apologized to her, and pledged his like to protecting the Fortress Arkasia.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 6(+1)
Spirit: 4
Awareness: 6
Intelligence: 4
Social: 4

Spirit :
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/knight_by_tahra-d4m3lpg_zps9540a346.jpg
Spirit Name: Bahara - Guardian of Heaven
Spiritual Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: A powerful spirit who had a heart of steel. He believes in serving your king to the death, and demands loyalty from his companions and host. He believes himself to be the final wall protecting the heavens.


(PASSIVE) Never Give Up: Through years of training Nero has become a man that will never stay down long. When suffering a devastating attack he has the chance to mitigate that damage. (Is Immune to critical attacks. It will be treated as a rank lower. Ex: a roll of 8 against him will actually be 7.)

1. Resolve: Focusing deeply on his spirit his body takes on the toughness of steel. His defense and strength become unmatched, but he loses speed. (3+ str and - 2 dex.) While in this state he will deflect most post projectiles, but is still vulnerable to magical effects.
2. Shield of Arkasia: Forcing his whole body into a super steel state he became immune to all damage but becomes immobile. As he can't breath in this state either it can only be done in short durations.
3. Grand Burial: Grabbing an enemy he solidifies his hand around them making escape impossible. Spinning them viciously he throws them in the air before grabbing them again and slamming them full force into the ground.

[size=15]Children of Ouroboros:[/h]

Name: Chief Soul Agares
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/Tale%20of%20the%20Voiceless/002_a_00_zpsbee4dc91.jpg

Weapon: His own body. Every inch of his body can be transformed into whatever he has in mind. Each transformation must be forcibly cancelled.

Personality: Hot headed and easily bored, Soul is the Chief Representative of King Naberius Cain. While most of the time he is somewhat controlled ,he blows his top easily, and takes it out on anything or anyone around him. Life is a game to him, and when he is bored he finds himself satisfying his primal urges uncontrollably.

Background: A plague on the city, Soul has been a menace since he was born. At a young age his power was uncontrollable and destructive. Killing his own mother and father at the age of five, he was placed in prison and kept from the public. Escaping only a few years after he hid from authorities in the underbelly of the city. Slowly but surely he gained control of his powers. But instead of the bloodshed slowing down it increased. Using his destructive power to get what he wanted he killed many innocent people.

Soon it got to the point that the king's personal guard was forced to get involved. But even with their power combined his body was impossible to destroy. Angered the king himself dealt with Soul. It is said that the king only showed his form to Soul alone, and that was enough to tame him. But instead of ending Soul's life the king showed him favor and put him at the head of his personal guard, as well as allowed him to handle spreading the his word to his kingdom.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 12
Spirit: 8
Awareness: 8
Intelligence: 4
Social: 3

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/0b0b34dafb5253680463a5bd51fd1d91-d6hij0p_zpsc1b4aca8.png
Spirit Name: Ördög
Spirit Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A demon of shape-shifting that likes to make bets with humans to try and corrupt them. After residing within Soul he has grown a taste for blood, and constantly guides Soul down paths that will lead to bloodshed.

(PASSIVE) Regeneration: Soul's body is near indestructible due to him being able to change his form. If he does find himself near death however his body will start to bubble up and regrow even major organs and bone.
1. Tithe: Using himself or another willing participant he places a wager. Calling either odd or even the dice are rolled. If Soul guesses correctly he gains 5 extra stats in whatever he choose. If he fails he loses 3 str and dex. If he fails and someone else was the wager they die. (Skill does not stack with additional activation, but stats can be allocated again.)
2. Consume: Soul will attempt to cover you with his body and devour you. This is an extremely deadly, but slow moving technique that should be avoided at all costs.
3. Blood Arsenal: Placing a bet on a part of his body he makes a wager with Ördög. If the roll is 4 or over the part will transform to whatever Cain chooses. If it is 3 or under the body part decays and must be regenerated.


Name: Rep. Marian Klow
Age: 33
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/Three_zps13f62dd1.png

Weapon: Twin Sewing Needle: Two thin short swords that Marian wields with deadly accuracy and speed.

Projectiles: (Demon Scissors) that she can call upon at will. They will warp to her hands should she only will them to.

Personality: In public she keeps the appearance of an elected official, and most of the people still give her the respect she had as the Chief Representative. In the castle however she is a constant dominating presence. She has zero tolerance for laziness, and has even been known to kill for the smallest of offenses.

Background: Marian is the former Chief Representative of Naberius Cain. After Soul defeated her and the other members he was promoted to her spot, and has been there ever since. Marian knows the reason for this, but still hates that she was forced out of her position. Because of this she often takes her anger out on Soul. Because he knows that she truly can't do much to him he ignores most of the things she does. This fact infuriates her more than anything else.

As a young girl she was the daughter of one of the main families that served the King, but after the infighting between the families he family didn't have much. Seeing the potential that Marian had her family offered her up to Cain. Cain accepted her, and trained her spirit to be strong. She commands the spirit of death to weaken foes before finishing them off, and with her scissors she is able to cut through even the thickest of armors. This has gained her the nickname "Demon Tailor Marian".

She now spends her time trying to keep Soul in line. Finding him in the city is difficult at times, but her vast net of contacts keeps her informed on his whereabouts.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Social: 6

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/necromancer_by_gongsang81-d653uqz_zpsc91c0c99.jpg
Spirit Name: Varren
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: Varren is the spirit of death. Cutting the life strings of mortals since time in memorial. His job has always been to escort the souls of the dead to the afterlife. As such he always keeps a very tight schedule. This is reflected in Marian's obsession with being on time.


(PASSIVE) Threads of Fate: Whenever an enemy is hit by a pair of her scissors, or her needle and thread skill, an invincible thread is attached to the target. It attaches to the enemies spirit, and attacks from then on will drain the spirit energy out of the target. Int checks performed by enemies will have -1 int for each scissor implanted in them. If the scissor is removed the effects are also lifted. Marian will gain +1 int for each scissor implanted. The effect can be removed with spirit rolls, but you will need to stop and focus to remove the threads.
1.Scissor Toss: Holding three scissors at a time she throws then at one or a group of enemies (up to 3 targets.). Enemies hit suffer mental problems from her passive. If she rolls a 6 during the damage check the enemy is paralyzed. Since it has the ability to hit three times this is extremely dangerous.
2. Needle and Thread: Stabbing six times with her twin swords Implants her invisible threads into enemies. Feeling their movements through the threads after that she can feel their movements making them easier to hit from then on., as well as dodge their attacks(+ 3 dex) If she uses this move again the effects will leave the previous target. (Only threads from this attack with have the dex de-buff effect.)
3. Weaver of Death: Using her strings as guides she can move along them in the blink of an eye. If the thread is attached to an enemy then she will attack them for as many threads are attached. This can be a very dangerous skill if enemies aren't attentive in severing these threads.


Name: Kristina Dahlem(Deceased)
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/609_max_zps4b296454.jpg

Weapon(s): Spirit Craft Shotgun: 'Cerberus' is a shotgun modified to have three barrels. The ammo she loads into it is pre-charged with spiritual energy.

Fenrir A curved, and serrated blade that Kristina has mastered. Her own unique style of sword splay has been the focus of swordsman far and wide.

Personality: Kristina is a very family oriented woman, who will do anything to help those related to her. To others she appears to be just as nice, but it is evident just how cold and merciless she is through extended talk with her. She has no qualms about killing prisoners to make room for more, or using them for her own sick and twisted projects.

Background: Kristina is a very intelligent woman who is at the center of the powerful technology found in the Cursed lands. Along with Marian she created the "Spirit Signal System" that has proven useful in battle. Other inventions include the Spirit Craft series, and the Hydra Collar. These inventions have led to the Cursed lands finding victory after victory in the war. Though her methods seem extreme no one can dismiss their effectiveness.

Kristina is a former five star general in the Cursed army. When soldiers talk of their time with her most will say it was an experience they hope to never forget. The soldiers that trained under her moved on to become some of the best and brightest soldiers that the Children of Ouroboros have to offer.

After seeing people like Soul escape easily from the prison system she made it her vow to strengthen it. Prison Raskana became fearsome overnight when Kristina took over. Prisoners that used to give the former warden trouble were like puppies to her. In order to fund her projects she began taking in prisoners that others paid for her to make disappear. With many financial backers she has been able to push her scientific work to new heights.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Social: 7

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/storm_lancer_type_d__by_rabbiteyes-d729xu6_zps5ac38e21.jpg
Spirit Name: Gungnir
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: The spirit of justice that was corrupted by the cursed lands. Now he simply loves to punish people that he believes to be guilty, whether they truly deserve it or not. He believes his work never to be done, and this causes Kristina to have severe anxiety when she think of leaving the prison.


(PASSIVE) Command or Conquer: When Kristina has her sword sheathed she focuses on the battle field, and puts up a veil. Passing signals to her companions she moves them like chess pieces on a board with direct commands.(+2 dex to all companions while not in combat.) While her sword is drawn she focuses on dominating her opponent.(+2 str and +1 dex.)
1. Blunderbuss: Loading her shotgun with random spirit energy she then fires all three barrels She can shot them separately for multiple enemies or all at once for big single target damage.
2. Artillery Strike: (Situational) While in an large open air area she fires a flare into the air. For the next two turns spears will teleport in striking the area. Kristina has a chance to be hit by this as well, but with the spirit signals alerting her she has an easier time dodging them than enemies. (+2 to dex for dodging cannon fire.)
3. Honored Dead: Throwing her coat out she tries to cover her opponents face as she draws Fenrir. If the coat entangles her target she unleashes a fearsome combo that ends with a triple shot from Cerberus. She will need to retrieve her coat to do this again. (If this is used as a killing blow she will leave the coat over the body. Until she retrieves it she gains +2 dex and 1 str., but will take more damage from attacks.)


Name: Charlotte Valmont
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/l_51ca8b3f83d207bdwi_zps863a64f9.jpg

Weapon(s): Sanctuary: A great sword in the shape of a cross. Its shape allows Charlotte to use it in a variety of ways.

Personality: Confident and brash Charlotte isn't above using brute force to get her way. After getting involved with Soul she became infatuated with him, and began to mimic him in someways in an effort to get his attention. So far this has proved ineffective.

Background: Born to a poor family she has always had to fight, and scrape to get where she is in life. She learned early in life that if you want something, then you should take it. This got her in trouble with authorities often, but she never seemed to learn from her punishments. Eventually she was contacted by Cain, and asked to become a representative under him. When she refused his initial offer Soul paid her a visit, and beat her into submission. To save her life she accepted his terms, and took the job.

Leaving the life she knew behind she started a knew one within the walls of the castle. Marian worked hard, and became much stronger than she even would have dreams. She had wealth, and power to go with it. Eventually she met up with two more representative chosen by Cain. She eventually learned they were sent there to replace the former representatives, but she never learned what happened to the previous members.

Ignoring this she decided to focus else where. Training with the two other new representatives she became close to them. Marian using their expert teamwork to her advantage sends them on missions handed down by Cain. The most recent mission being the attack on Masario.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Strength: 13
Dexterity: 10
Spirit: 6
Awareness: 7
Intelligence: 4
Social: 4

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/kekai_kotaki_by_radkondarkner-d4abptc_zpsde27faf5.jpg
Spirit Name: Krean
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A spirit of destruction and dominance. Krean is never satisfied with a a victory, and is always pushing Charlotte to fight new battles, may it be of the heart or sword.


(PASSIVE) Momentum: Once Charlotte gets moving she becomes harder, and harder to stop. When she attacks she has a chance to follow up with another swing on the same turn. Each additional swing grants her +1 str and +1 dex , and stacks up to three times. If she gets a two or below on the check she will lose momentum and become vulnerable to a counter attack.
1. Kick start: Holding her sword towards her target she kicks off a wall or other solid object. Firing off like a rocket to impale whatever has the misfortune of being in her way.
2. Cheap shot: Charlotte can interrupt her attack before a swing with a swift hit using the hilt of her sword. If this move is done when she has two ore more stacks of momentum she will stun the target for a turn.
3. Rushing Roulette: Placing her sword in front and blocks an incoming attack. A coin is flipped three times. If she gets two or more heads she will unleash a deadly spinning counter attack to anyone close to her. If she gets two tails the guard is broken.


Name: Alma Adrasteia (Yvette)
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/Ihavedecided_zps9a023db1.jpg

Weapon(s): Banquet - A large great sword that Alma swings with fearsome speed, and accuracy.

Personality: Usually very calm and collected she is the one that keeps her group in line, but she is far from the leader. She prefers to follow orders rather than deviate from the set path. While most of the time that works out it is often a crutch. At times she finds herself slip into a dark mood that only consuming spiritual energy resolves.

Background: Alma is the only daughter of a powerful family. It was discovered at a young age that she had a gift unlike any other. With enough time she could kill a spirit. That alone made her a target for enemy families who wanted that power, or wanted her out of the picture. So at an early age she had to learn to defend herself. Perfecting her swords play she went through several teachers until none could match her. It was then that she was contacted by Marian to become a representative of Cain. She considered this an honor, and accepted immediately.

Once she joined she realized that her swords play was far from perfect. Once she met Charlotte they became rivals in her eyes. Training with her day after day the two pushed each other to their limits, and formed a bond that could not be broken easily. The two can read each others moves without even talking, and on the battlefield this has proved to much for any opponent.

She has a very dark side to her at times, and in these moods she prefers to avoid contact with anyone so that she doesn't hurt them. Charlotte is an expert at telling when these mood swings are going to happen, and will often just vanish instead of dealing with it. This is a lesson many people should learn.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Strength: 12
Social: 3

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/16c98795-a607-4dc2-95bd-1e784da1b1aa_zpsbc1e8f56.jpg
Spirit Name: Ceptus - The Devourer
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A spirit that feeds on the spiritual energy of other living things. She is always hungry, and sometimes this thirst become to much of her host to handle. This forces Alma to act out until Ceptus is satisfied.


(PASSIVE) Insatiable: As Alma absorbs spirit energy she distributes it through her body. She gains (+1 spirit and +1 strength for each stack. 10 max). Yvette will burn off a stack per turn as she makes an action. More will be used for skills. Any spirit skill used in a battle where Yvette is present will give her an additional stack.
1. Quick Study: Yvette chooses and copies any spell used in the last turn and adds it to her skill list as her 4th skill. Learning a new skill will replace her current 4th skill. The higher the tier of the skill the higher the spirit req to learn it will be.
2. Dead Air: Running her hand over her blade she uses up a stack of spiritual energy. Then she slams her sword on the ground canceling all active spiritual skills. If she chooses she can use up three additional stacks to cancel out spirit activity around her for 3 turns.
3. Twisted Conductor: Sacrificing five stacks she dips her sword into the void ripping it out she holds it the air and slams it down dealing her current strength to all enemies and half the damage to her allies.


Name: Emma Kestrel
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/tearfishfull414579_zpseeba358d.jpg

Weapon(s): Baton: A thin magical sword that Emma uses to direct spirits.

Personality: Cheerful and polite, but still a little naive. Emma has always tried her best to be the perfect daughter, but it was never enough to her parents. Despite her upbringing she has looked past it, and always wears a smile. Even though her childish attitude says otherwise, Emma is very intelligent. She often steps up with plans that lead the team to victory.

Background: Emma was always a loving and carefree child. In order to try and have good standing with Cain her parents pushed her to train her spirit. After years of training she showed little improvement. Her father became very abusive, and her mother did nothing to stop it. After years of this Emma had enough. During one of the fathers violent rampages Emma pulled out a kitchen knife she had been hiding and stabbed her father to death., and soon turned on her mother who she showed the same kindness.

After the deed was done Emma smiled for the first time in years. She was free. It was then that her powers manifested. The spirits of her mother and father became visible to her. Slashing at them wildly believing them to be a threat she noticed her rage affected them. Using her emotions she learned to manipulate them in different ways. Ultimately she decided to release them. Stepping out of the blood stained house she found a man with read hair standing at her doorstep.

She was told by Soul that Cain had witnessed her potential, and that if she wanted a home. A real home. That she should come with him. Putting her blood stained hand in Soul's he walked her to where she would grow to know a real family. At least one better than her previous one.

Years later she found herself a spot on the seat of representatives. Alongside Charlotte and Alma she completes the three as "The Daughters of Cain." as she calls them. She sees the two other women as family, and would do anything to see them safe. No matter who she had to kill to keep it that way.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Strength: 7
Social: 4

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/magic_note_by_elsevilla-d4zw765_zps9861aaf6.jpg
Spirit Name: Pandorous - Guider of Spirits
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A spirit whose sole purpose in life is the guide spirits on the right path, but sadly she has fallen to the influence of the cursed lands. Her view is skewed, and now she only commands spirits for her own personal gain.


(PASSIVE) Chorus of Spirits: While Emma has a veil up she forces the cursed spirits in the area into a frenzy. This is represented by the "Song of Spirits." the song and effect will change depending on Emma's mood. (Happy, Angry, Depressed, Crazy.) Each turn she will receive a spirit counter. When she is happy she will gain two spirit counters a turn. When she is depressed she will gain no spirit counters.
1. Inspiration: Emma will concentrate on a moment in her life, and relive it. This will cause her to forcibly change her mood. Happy(Roll of 6): She will enter a state of happiness and connect with the spirits. Allies gain + 2 spirit. Angry(Roll of 3 or 5): Emma is pissed and whips the spirits into a frenzy. Allies gain +2 strength. Depressed(Roll of 1): She is too depressed to focus and pulls those around her into her emotional rut. Allies lose - 2 Awareness. Crazy(Roll of 2 or 4): Die Die Die Die Die Die! +2 str and dex to allies for 2 turn. After this time she will be forced into a depressed state.
2. Beastial Transfer: Generating a large amount of spiritual pressure during her Chorus of Spirits: Crazy she can summon a ferocious beast to fight at her side. The type of beast depends on the area, and situation.(Costs 6 spirit counters)
3. Celestial Ring: Summoning a ring of light she can fling it at enemies to knock them around. Flipping through it and throwing it will allow her to teleport to where the ring travels. Useful for quick escapes.(Costs 1 spirit counter)


Name: Kudzu Alludmare

Age: Male

Sex: 53

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/bs-gon-design1_zpsee6e7409.jpg


Weapon: Salamander Gauntlets: Two large guantlets formed from the hide of the armored salamanders that reside near the lava pools in the cursed lands. Their skin is nigh unbreakable and covered in protective scales. These weapons share the same characteristics.

Personality: A hardened and patient man, Kudzu has spent two decades training his body and mind. While he is often harsh to people that lack respect he has a soft spot for the young that stems from him losing his family.

Background: A man of unrivaled skill and power even before he became a representative, Kudzu is the oldest living of the representatives of Cain. He served Cain for many years in order to protect his home and wife, Lilana. She took pride in the fact that her husband was in such a position and did everything to support him.

When Kudzu learned that he had a child on the way he was overjoyed, but he worried his position would have him away from home to much. So he resigned to a lower position guarding the city. This way he could be closer to his family if he was needed.

While out on patrol around the borders of the city he heard word that his wife had gone into labor. Rushing home to welcome the newest edition to his family he was instead greeted by the military doctors who were responsible for delivering his child. The news the carried shook Kudzu to the core.

His wife and child had died in labor. At the morgue the sight of his wife, lifeless, on that table was too much for the warrior to take. After the funeral of both his wife, and child Kudzu was just a ball of rage and depression. Knowing only one way to quiet this rage he applied for his representative position, and was welcomed with open arms. Accepting the station far away from the city he meditated and trained for twenty years. Dealing with trouble as it arose until he was approached by a stranger, a woman, with information that Kudzu was ready to dismiss as fiction. His son was alive.

Spiritual Alignment: Cursed

Religion: None

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 8
Spirit: 7
Awareness: 8
Intelligence: 7
Social: 6

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/idaboth__fire_elemental_coloss_by_athayar-d3iimhy_zpsc3e5e3bf.jpg

Spirit Name: Aranktor

Spirit Description: Current ancestor of the great ancient cursed spirit that filled the cursed lands with magma and shaped it. Each new generation carries the knowledge and potential of the previous, but Down Alludemare bloodline cursed by the great spirit has a rage inside them that is difficult to suppress.

Aranktor is always at the back of Kudzu’s mind reminding him, that just one slip up and he will consume the warrior once again.

(PASSIVE)Tempered in Flame: Every Time Kudzu skips his attack phase he builds an enormous amount of spirit up within himself. This will build up a heat generation counter. At the cost of one of these counters Kudzu can counter attack when approached or save them to use skills in rapid succession.

1.:Ember Grip: Forcing a massive amount of heat into his hands he grabs an opponent and lifts them off the ground. The captured opponent must roll to free themselves. They cannot attack while captured and will take half the initial damage per turn. Attack from another enemy will free the person immediately.

2.:Asura Takedown: Taking a semi-spirit form. Four additional arms extend from his back adding four extra hits to next basic attack, and multiplying damage of skills by 2.

3.Inferno Cannon: Generating intense heat into both of his hands he forms two orbs of fire. Then firing them into the enemy. On contact they explode dealing massive damage to the target and surrounding enemies.



Name: Ekaterina “Katya” Yaroslava

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/ca2b7cb5-294a-401b-80ca-abfd9010dabc_zps30aa303e.jpg


Weapon: Moroz Serdtse: Katya carries her family heirloom, Moroz Serdtse, a katana measuring over 73 cm long. The blade is as cold to the touch and has been in the family for generations.

Personality: Ekaternia is a frigid woman, responding to most people with short answers. She avoids lengthy conversations if at all possible. She finds herself detached from even the people she knows, and to those she must kill she shows no remorse. Her mission is always on the forefront of her mind, and she has no patience for on-the-job banter.

Background: Born to a prestigious family of warriors, her childhood was full of training exercises and formalities. The other children she trained with were often intimidated by her. Due to this she never built relationships with the other children, sticking with family, and the few people she trained with at the dojo. This made it extremely difficult for her when it came for her to chose a husband for her coming of age ceremony. That was when an injured man was found near her home. Taking him in they fed and nursed him back to health. He didn’t seem to be from the divine lands, but he clearly wasn’t cursed either. The only thing that was obvious was that he was a warrior.

As he got back on his feet the man made himself useful around the house. He even participated with training, and that was when he and her first spoke. For her it was love at first sight. Once she learned his name. Anastas, she couldn’t get him out of her head. This was the man that she wanted to marry. He was strong, and as they learned about one another it was clear that he found interest in her as well. One night she went to him and declared that he was the man she was to marry, but Anastas had different plans. Soon after that Anastas fled, and never returned. She was forced to complete her ceremony alone. Heartbroken and angry she vowed to find him again. Taking up work for Kristina with the agreement that she will help him find Anastas. She bides her time and keeps her blade sharp.

Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid, aligned more to Cursed.

Religion: None

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 7
Spirit: 4
Awareness: 5
Intelligence: 4
Social: 1

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/free-ipad-wallpaper-with-ferocious-eagle_zpsc13df3bd.jpg

Spirit Name: Pavel - Piercing Eyes of the East

Spirit Description: A black eagle with icy, silver trimmings, subservient only to Ekaterina. A natural hunter who spots his prey from above, his expertise lies in cold climates.

(PASSIVE) Eagle Eye: Her right eye is always linked with her spirit Pavel. While not in combat Pavel searches in the sky looking for targets. This ability will activate each turn that she is not in combat, and does not take up a turn(Roll of 5 - 6 will locate enemy that is in the open. Once in combat his scouting adds +2 awr to abush checks.

1. Hunter Killer: Ekaterina’s drive allows her to focus fighting on a single target, giving her +1 to STR and DEX but -2 to AWR outside of her target. Severing her ties with Paval as she focuses on the kill.

2. Frost Affinity: Amplifying Moroz Serdtse, she increases the striking power (+2 Str) and has a chance to partially freeze her opponents. The intensity of the ice attack depends on the int roll when casting affinity. The freeze with chill her opponent slowing their movements with - 2 dex for a turn.)

3. Blizzard: Generates a powerful barrier of gale and ice around her that is incredibly difficult to pass. She is immobile when using this power and int determines the effectiveness of the barrier.Added Effect:Blizzard can now be formed around enemies. Attempting to leave the blizzard will cause damage. Katya is still immobile during this skill.


Name: King Naberius Cain
Age: 758 (Rumored to have gained eternal life.)
Sex: Male
Appearance: ???
Weapon: ???

Personality: ???

Background: Not much is known about the leader of the Children of Ouroboros. After the War of Origin he was cursed with a being so great that it rendered his body unmovable by his own power. It forced him to develop a way to move his body using only his spiritual power. It was shortly after this that the Ouroboros curse began to sweep across the population. Many people died, but others quickly caught on that certain people were immune from the curse. Strong Cursed Spirits protected its host and those around them from the curse, and depending on how powerful the Cursed Spirit the larger the radius people could live in.

People flocked to Cain seeking protection, and as the smart man that Cain was he started the Children of Ouroboros after the shape that the curse took. With the fear of death by the curse, word of Cain spread. Building an empire out of his devout followers he sealed himself inside his castle and only spoke to his most trusted followers.

Only his royal guard seems to know what he looks like now, and asking them about him is considered treason. You will be killed on the spot. The only thing that let's them know that their leader still lives is that they themselves are alive. Holding the strongest Cursed spirit humanity has ever known Naberius is the reason such a large city can exist in the first place.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Strength: 0
Dexterity: 0
Spirit: 10
Awareness: 10
Intelligence: 10
Social: 10

Spirit Name: ???
Spirit Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: ???

1. ???
2. ???
3. ???

[size=15]Forest of Origin:[/h]

Name: Leon Zarek - Hermit of Origin

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/Pengruoxifull927000_zpsaff52432.jpg


Weapon:: Hand of Creation: He wears a gauntlet that concentrates his mana. It’s connected to a large electrical pack that needs to be carried on his back. The pack is made from a tough metal, which is difficult to penetrate, so he can use it to protect himself. It can keep the gauntlet active for 18 hours before completely running out of energy, where it needs to be recharged at a specific station at his home.

Personality: Zarek has an extremely curious mind, always seeking the truth behind everything, no matter how trivial, and is willing to put himself at great personal risk to find the answers he desires. He is creative, often coming up with inventions on a whim, and becomes uncomfortable whenever a good idea springs into his mind, but he is unable to act on it. Many of his inventions and experiments end in failure, but merely reaching a conclusion in any of them is satisfactory for him.

Because of his curious and eccentric nature, he often puts his work before anything else. However, Zarek is not a heartless man. He makes sure to receive permission from any test subjects he experiments on, and has them confirm that they understand the risks associated with his procedures. He’s never tampered with a subject who was unwilling.

He has used himself as test subject on several previous occasions, so he is unafraid to cause physical harm to his own body as part of procedure. However, he is reluctant to bring harm to others without their consent.

Background: Leon Zarek was born into a family of scientists who specialized in inventing items and chemicals that would bring convenience to everyday people. He was raised in their laboratory, where he was well-loved by all the workers. Due to the nature of their jobs, his parents couldn’t see him often, but they happily answered any questions he had, and let him explore his knowledge and curiosity.

Since a very young age, Leon had wanted to follow in his parents footsteps, as the experiments and inventions that were performed all looked fun and interesting to him. As time passed he became more than his parents ever were and left his home to explore the world. After years of traveling he settle down in the Forest of Origin. His intelligence has put him on the forefront of spiritual technology, but most of the things he makes are for his own use. He has giving a few lectures at the schools in Origin, but rarely chooses to leave his house.

Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid

Religion: None

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Spirit: 9
Awareness: 7
Intelligence: 8
Social: 2

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/32aabdb0-8b15-493f-9a83-b1de47489ab7_zps4dda5386.jpg

Spirit Name: Uera - The Greedy

Spirit Description: Uera is a gluttonous spirit that feeds off of the residual mana leftover by spells cast in the area. It is insatiable, and will only grow in power as a battle rages on, and is able to trample past anything it is stronger than. However, the residual mana leftover by most spellcasters is miniscule, and will not cause Uera to grow in power in any meaningful way. Zarek’s spells, on the other hand, leave large amounts of residual mana for Uera to eat, allowing it to reach potentially high levels of power. Uera starves easily, and will have its power reduced back to nothing between battles. Also, as it is a highly offensive creature, it’s defensive capabilities are fairly low.

(PASSIVE) Overload: Zarek’s spells can be charged for a longer period of time to increase their effects and leave more leftover mana, but it will cause his gauntlet to overheat, rendering it useless until it is sufficiently cooled. Each time a spell is overloaded 1 stack of mana charged. This mana can be used to cast an overloaded spell without charging.(Max 5 charges) Zarek can attack normally after setting an ability to charge and use on a turn of his choice.

1.Static Shield: An electric barrier is formed around a target, with a radius of five meters. It will deflect quick moving projectiles and spells for 1 turn before disappearing. It takes 1 turn to charge, and will leave two units of leftover mana once it dissipates. Every additional turn it charges widens the barrier by one party member. Overloading this spell causes the gauntlet to overheat for 1 turns for every additional target.(Quick overload eats 2 charges.)

2.Charged Shock:A bolt of electricity is fired at a fast speed towards a target. It takes 1 turn to charge, and leaves one unit of leftover mana. Every additional turn of charge increases its power by one-half(Boosts damage by half base int. Max 3), and it will leave an additional 1 unit of mana for each additional turn. Overloading this spell causes the gauntlet to overheat for 2 turns.(Quick overload takes 1 charge.)

3.Counter Flux:A burst of energy from the gauntlet causes all spells in a 100 meter radius, friendly or otherwise, are negated consuming 3 charges. Overloading this spell give Leon the ability to only disable enemy spells. But it must charge for 2 turns. Enemy spells are cancelled for two turns.(Quick overload devours 5 charges.)

Name: Morgan Yohlna

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/sample_2497142b5bf7d41858953a1ff13b9835_zpse624dcb7.png


Weapon::Owain's old longsword he gave to her as a parting gift. Purely sentimental as it has gone blunt, yet she still carries it around with her.

Personality:Morgan has always been playful and easily attached. She holds many things with sentiment close to her. She is also always quick to cry when she doesn't get her way, however she is unswervingly loyal. She is cunning and witty and easily sets the pace in any conversation as well as being quick to learn. Her memory is outstanding, but she can be clumsy at times.

Background: Hailing from the same village as Owain, Morgan was the daughter of the village mayor and Owain's childhood friend. She always wanted to follow in his footsteps, growing up in the shadow of the highly skilled Owain. She could never once match him with a blade so she instead turned her talents to controlling her spirit to its full potential. After Owain left, Tayla decided to go on a journey of her own, leaving her sheltered village life behind her. After traveling the road she made found her way to the Forests of Origin where she still resides in her adult life.

Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid, but more toward divine.

Religion: None

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 4
Spirit: 7
Awareness: 4
Intelligence: 7
Social: 4

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/kirishitan_girl_by_pinakes-d74hio8_zpsbf65360f.jpg

Spirit Name: Bridgit

Spirit Description: Bridget is a cool and collected spirit, thats only true calling is healing and creation. As Morgan’s spirits she tries to guide her on the right path by giving her advice on certain situations.

(PASSIVE)Great Regen: Spreading a calming aura around her she accelerates the healing of allies, doubling the effectiveness of healing techniques. This can be cancelled however with a strong enemy aura.

1.Healing Whispers: Morgan whispers words of healing, negating all debuffs and healing them for 50% of their max health. This is a single target spell. (Affected by Great Regen to heal 100%)

2.Smithy of the Soul: Morgan creates a magical weapon on par with most master level enchanted weapons. The weapon lasts as long as she can keep her concentration on it, but making another weapon will cancel her current one.

3.Bridgit’s Encouragement:Morgan fills a nearby ally with hope, giving them the willpower to fight on. This grants them +2 to whatever their next roll is. But it will not apply to a second roll done on the same turn. ie; it would only apply to the spr roll and not the int damage check.

Name: Edile Telkines

Age: Female

Sex: 67

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/75ca0ada-62bd-457f-aab5-8ba5cc5ac817_zps8ab2d467.jpg


Weapon:Origin Fang: A legendary dagger passed from elder to elder. The blade has the unique ability to syphon mana from enemies.

Personality: Wise, and at many time harsh. She is not a fan of kids, and has none of her own. Despite this many of the citizens call her mother. The more often nickname being Mama Telkines. She cares for all of her citizens, and will see that all of them are taken care of. But she also requires that each citizen put in their fair share of the work.

Background: A woman of considerable knowledge and power. In order to keep peace in the Forest of Origin she enforces a strict no fighting rule. This rule is enforced by her guardians, and the consequences vary by the offense. The highest consequence of course being death. In smaller cases you are banned from the forests, and left to fend for yourself in the wild.

In her younger days she was a guardian herself. Taking up the mantle after the previous elder died. At the young age of 30 she wasn’t sure she was fit to be an elder, but she was sure that she was chosen for a reason. As she adjusted to her new role she found that she enjoyed watching the generation grow up around her in a loving community. The people in the forest watch out for one another as one big family.

She has recently began taking in refugees that have escaped the thumb of Cain, or that don’t believe that Leona can protect them. Still her strict no fighting rule has routed out more than enough trouble makers, but she is happy to help those who just want to start over again.

Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid

Religion: None

Strength: 7
Dexterity: 5
Spirit: 8
Awareness: 6
Intelligence: 8
Social: 6

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/fd4b280a-0c72-432f-a2c5-02b2554e098d_zps2e701f5c.png

Spirit Name: Debsinth - The Great Sage

Spirit Description: A great and ancient spirit that can see into the hearts of all living things it comes in contact with. It is this power that has guided Origin for years.

(PASSIVE)Mana Storage: Everytime Edile lands a successful attack she stores a bit of mana in her dagger. For each stack she is allowed a free cast of a spell. (Max is three stacks. Skips right to damage step.)

1.:Arbor Aegis: A thick gathering of branches fires up from the soil in front of her, and deflects the next attack aimed at the target. Can only be cast once per target.

2.:Ent’s Fury: Claws of wood fire up from the ground and stab down with quick stabs or each finger. This far spreading attack will hit up to three nearby enemies.

3.Womb of Gaia: Creating a throne of wood she sits down before the throne is sealed in a cage. The cage will need to be hit three times before it will be broken. The effects of Arbor Aegis will also protect the cage. While this cage is active Edile heals nearby allies over time.(5 per turn)


Name: Grigore Avramescu

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/12081621291bfe12418714d346_by_fangogogo-d5yq5py_zps1043f587.png


Weapon: Typhon and Echidna - A pair of studded tonfas etched with hidden runes. The twin tonfas have seen much bloodshed, Grigore having wielded them throughout his life. Grigore can fuse them into a long pole.

Personality: Grigore is a serious character, most often seen as former Kristina’s right hand man and acted as such. He has mellowed over time since he left the Cursed Army, now a very amiable gentleman. He now tries to help out as much as possible in the Forest of Origin and is an older brother figure to Selanus, guiding and training him.

Background: Grigore is an accomplished general of the cursed army, or at least he used to be. Shortly after the woman he admired, Kristina, left the military he left as well. After seeing many horrible things that Cain had the army do he decided to leave the cursed lands and take up residence in the forest of origin. The neutral life suited him, and he made sure that he became a useful citizen since they were nice enough to take him in, despite knowing what kind of person he used to be. While he severed ties to the military he still receives letter from Kristina from time to time. She told him to keep an eye on a boy that she learned took up residence in the forest. He didn’t know the reason for it, but as a favor to an old war buddy he did it.

While in the military he was known for his keen eyes, and expertise in combat. There were few that matched him on the battlefield, and lived to talk about it.

Religion: None

Strength: 9

Dexterity: 7

Spirit: 7

Awareness: 6

Intelligence: 6

Social: 5

Spirit Appearance:
Forum Image: http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/sample/sample-a20c5c5ff1a332431d5581826cf58ae0.jpg

Spirit Name: Abigor - Spirit of War

Spiritual Alignment: Cursed

Spirit Description:

A spirit of war that loves to fight. Caring not for who the opponent is as long as the fight is brutal and satisfying. Full of pride and arrogance he will not stop until he has his way and crushes the lives of anyone that gets in his way.


]Autarchs Domain (PASSIVE): Grigore gains passive effect while he is in one of his two stances, Offensive and Defensive.

(Defence)Adamant Fury: Connecting his tonfa together into a pole he focuses on keeping enemies at a distance. In this stance he releases spiritual particles that push away from Grigore slightly slowing enemy approach. (-2 dex to enemies in mid or short range.)

(Offense)Titan’s Fury: Grigore focuses the particles surrounding Typhon and Echidna into a sheet of energy, removing the defensive passive. During this mode, his tonfas are imbued with spirit power, heightening their destructive power. He is also able to channel his spirit better. (+2 to damage roll, +1 to Spr and +1 to Int)

1. Change Stance: Grigore snaps his Tonfa together to create a pole, and goes into defensive stance. Vice versa if this is done in defensive stance he will split the pole in half back into two tonfa. The effects of his passive will change depending on stance.

2. Howling Onslaught:.(Available only in Titan’s Fury) Grigore charges his power into his two tonfa, and attacks the enemy. He will attack for each spirit stack placed on the enemy during his defensive stance. After which the stacks are lifted from the opponent on hit or miss.

3. Aether Storm: (Available only in Adamant Fury) Forming spinning blades from his particles he rains them upon foes. Homing in on targets with stacks and detonating them for more damage. The blades need space to gain momentum and their damage is reduced at close range.

4. Emperors Descent: Absorbing all the spirit particles present he forces his body to overload on spirit energy. For each stack on each enemy in the current fight he can stay in spirit for a turn. If he fails the spirit roll he will absorb all the stacks from the enemies still and have to start over again. Maximum of three targets. (Dex + 2, + Spr +2, and Str + 2 for the duration of the attack.)


Name: Helena Kronenberg

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/2013-04-01-569064_zpsffdfcab3.jpeg


Weapon: Drachenfels - An ornate metal polearm crafted by Helena herself, its material is nigh unbreakable. Helena has mastered the weapon, training with it endlessly for the day she can put it to good use.

Eisenritter: A thin blade that Helena partners with her spear.

Personality: Helena is a strong-willed girl, who seeks to further push her skills to their limits. Past experiences make her less likely to form long lasting relationships with anyone really, but she is not above using people to her advantage. She feels resentment towards anyone she feels is responsible for what happened to her, but controls her emotions around them. She is not afraid to speak her mind, and will speak even when the situation would be better without her input. She has her own set of ideas, and will not budge on them even when pressed.

Background: Helena was the fourth and youngest child to a family of blacksmiths. She was brought up to know the meaning of hard work and sacrifice. As a child she often watched her father work with the hopes of maybe one day taking up the family business. Sadly it often fell upon her to complete less interesting tasks with her mother.

As a town not far from Raltese it was also an important trade location. It was a mining town that made its main income selling off metal ore to Raltese. As such it also came to be a hot spot for blacksmiths, and crafters alike. Besides mining they also had farmland, but they often bought food from Raltesian farmers. However this small town was victim to a Cultist raid when battles between the two faction became more prominent. Hoping to make a difference Helana’s brother joined the local militia against their parents warnings. They lost their lives defending their town.

Sickened with grief her parents had to still make a choice to try and protect their daughter. Moving from town to town they never truly felt at peace. That was when they learned that the forest of origin was taking in refugees. Moving there was a godsend to the grief-stricken family, and they hoped to make a new life there. As time went on Helena became more accustomed to her new lifestyle, and focused on becoming a blacksmith, mainly as a way to take her mind of things. When she created her first weapon, a pole formed of the hardest workable metal, she felt that she would one day she would be a great blacksmith. She even took up training under a man who was said to be the greatest blacksmith in the Forest of Origin. A man going by the name Sonnelion.

It was around this time that cursed refugees began to take up residence in the forest as well. Seeing them as the cause for all her pain and suffering she first thought to attack them. That proved to be a changing point in her life. She met a man by the name of Grigore who was a former member of the cursed military. As she attacked him he barely fought back, and he ordered none of the other to do the same. The fight was stopped by guardians who saw this conflict leading to something greater. As they were about to exile Helena Grigore intervened. He offered to show her that the cursed were suffering just as much. If after that she still was full of blind hatred she would be kicked from the village.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 7
Spirit: 5
Awareness: 4
Intelligence: 5
Social: 2

Spirit :

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/kshuna_by_rabbiteyes-d5s6fi0_zps0b7c7e28.jpg

Spirit Name: Edelweiss - The Moon's Splendor

Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid, more aligned to Divine

Spirit Description: Edelweiss is always watching over Helena, wishing her freedom from the chains of hate that bind her. To this end, she’s willing to lend her host all the power necessary to vanquish her foes.


(PASSIVE)Tempered Steel: Helena’s iron will shows itself during battle increasing her damage resistance each time she uses a skill. Empowered by Edelweiss, Helena’s actions during her spirit form also have a myriad of effects, each of her powers gaining a boost.

1. Shieldmaiden’s Resolve (Counter): Helena stands her ground with Drachenfels, warding off blows and attacks through her willpower and Edelweiss’ guidance. If the counter holds or repels the enemy attack, Helena is able to launch her own counterattack, bashing the target or moving away.

[b](SF Extra) Fury: Helena may opt to use a skill in conjunction but without the drawbacks associated. She may only do this once per turn, regardless of how many counters she performs.

2. Sweeping Crescent: Helena imbues her weapon with energy, strengthening it further as she spins it around. The glowing blade adds a bonus of +2 to the damage roll on her next attack onwards but has to continuously supply it with spirit to retain the bonus, otherwise it is lost.

(SF Extra) Spiral: When empowered, she can fire off the condensed energy like a harpoon, which can either impale or detonate on her choice. If she does this, Sweeping Crescent will be unable to be used for a turn as she refocuses her spirit.

3. Slipstream: Helena boosts forward in a burst of spirit, rushing towards her target with blistering speed and attacking relentlessly. This ability provides her with +2 STR and DEX but can only be used again after a turn and can choose which target in a formation to rush. She can also use this ability to retreat but the debuff is the same.

(SF Extra) Flux: During spirit form, her passing whips up a gust that sweeps around. Enemy actions against or from her during these two turns are taken with -1 DEX.

4. Titania: Helena takes on Spirit Form with Edelweiss, a set of armor forming on her person. The ethereal armor grants her extra bonuses, a minor improvement in every parameter as well as activating her passive, Tempered Steel. This will be active as long as Helena passed the spirit checks. Once she falls out she will need to wait a full turn before she can take another action.


Name: Vejovis Kramer

Age: ???

Sex: Male

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/77bbb0d3-7bc0-4395-b7b1-5d394e17a935_zps361f3ff2.jpg


Weapon:: Crystal Daggers: Daggers made of pure hardened crystal. While the blade is prone to chipping it only gets sharper from doing so.

Personality: Illusive and Cunning, Vejovis is the type to let others battle on his behalf. Only meeting with people he deems important. Because of this he can be a tad hard to deal with. Meeting him once doesn’t mean that you will be able to meet him again when you want to.

Background: Vejovis is one of the only people to ever achieve what is known as absolute balance with his spirit. In this realization of dark and light he has formed a special bond with the spiritual side of the world. He is the only person capable of talking to a spirit without a cross over taking place, and is capable of seeing any spirit.

It is obvious that Vejovis is much older than he appears, but his true age was lost. To him it is irrelevant what age he is. His life is nothing but balancing the scaled, and he does so by any means he deems necessary. In his many years of life he has formed a network that spans over both cursed and divine lands. It is unknown just how many people he has within these groups, but it is substantial. With just a simple order he can have governments crippled or even start a war. All in the name of balance.

It is currently unknown how deep his bond with the spirits go, but he seems to have gone through great lengths to study all types of spirits. His own spirit seems to enjoy simply being around other spirits.

Spiritual Alignment: Absolute Neutral

Religion: Practices both religions for a clearer understanding of both viewpoints.

Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Spirit: 10
Awareness: 9
Intelligence: 9
Social: 6

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/d0c51d06-0f93-4178-9cd8-e9a52831dc5e_zpsd588a7bc.jpg

Spirit Name: Terminus - Giant of the Cosmos

Spirit Description: A cosmic being formed equally of good and evil. It spends most of its time judging the actions of its master, but never comments on them. Its benevolent appearance intimidates most spirits, but the truth is Terminus loves all spirits good or evil. It works tirelessly for a way to lead them all to salvation.

(PASSIVE): March of Pawns: As long as Vejovis has allies in close proximity he cannot be harmed. The damage that would usually be dealt to Vejovis is mitigated to the ally instead.

1.Will of Many: Focusing deep on his inner self he sends out an aura that amplifies the spiritual powers of his allies. All nearby allies receive + 3 to spr. This cannot be used at the same time as Will of One.

2.Will of One: When this skill is active Vejovis has no access to any of his other skills. Focusing his will into one person he can possess another person. If the person is willing it will take less effort. If the person resists Vejovis will need to overpower them. The controlled person will gain half Vejovis’ Int and Spr(Rounded up), but keep all other stats the same. The possessed person will have their 4th skill changed to Will of One.

3.Cosmic Overload:Coming in contact with the target he forces Terminus into them. Once inside Terminus begins to fight with the opposing spirit for control. During this time neither Vejovis or the target may act. On the start of the opponents next turn they roll a spirit check against Vejovis. If the person fails to free themselves in three turns. Their spirit is sealed for the remainder of the battle.

[size=15]Player Characters:[/h]

Username: Katsucha
Name: Ari Fay
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/iGZchPagTc0zk_zpsf9be8fb5.jpg

Weapon: Terra Blade: A long slender blade made from very sturdy steel. Where other blades of the type will bend hers stands strong against most attacks.

Personality: Prideful and Stubborn. Shows respect to those of higher rank and those she accepts as worthy allies. She normally stays quiet and follows orders as told. Can be easily embarrassed and sometimes can misunderstand a situation.

Background: Ari has lived in Mountain Castle Arkasia from a young age. Taken there by her father when the Castle was still known as Schwarzwiess. After much of her family was lost to the hands of the Cult of Ouroboros, her father choose to take her and move closer to the capital and safety. She was the only thing he had in this world now, and he would do all he could to protect her. After they were settled, and he had remarried, Ari's father choose to move his new family to sizable estate in the Capital city. After a few years her father decided to join the Divine Army to further protect his family. He also blamed himself for not being able to protect his family in the past.

After a few years of being in the army her father was finally sent out on a routine mission to secure the mountain range. Unfortunately this mission ran into trouble and a group of Cult Members were found trying to find weakness in the walls. They were able to kill all of the cult members, but not before losing soldiers of their own. Ari's father was among the lives lost.

A year after this Ari was old enough to sign up for the army, and against her stepmother's wishes she joined up. Filled with anger over her father's death she vowed to make the Cult pay. Training hard she awaits the day when she will have her chance.

Religion:Scion of Light


Dexterity: 5
Awareness: 4

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/iMNnafBi0EVTM_zpsde8c0afc.jpg
Spirit Name:Gaius
Spiritual Alignment:Divine
Spirit Description: A spirit of the earth, Gaius has always been known for his strength and high defense. He has a deep desire to protect Ari, and so can create golems in his image to do just that. Fighting along side Ari gives her bonuses since she will need to focus less with him watching her back.

(PASSIVE) Reinforcement: As she summons her first knightly golem she has a chance to summon the second along with it. A roll above four will summon the second golem.
1. Summon Golem: Taking resources from the area Ari creates knight golems to aid her in battle. One of two types of golems can be created. A offensive golem with a spear and sword. Or a defensive golem with a two handed large shield. The golems will give stat bonuses to Ari until they die or are sent away. First Knight(Offensive +2 str. Defensive +2 dex.)Second Knight(Offensive +1 str. Defensive +1 dex.)Added Effect:
2. Gaius Strike: Sacrificing one of her golems she sends them towards the enemy to restrain them. Once the golem has a hold on them it self destructs dealing severe damage. Added Effect: Destroyed Golems have a 50% chance to reform after exploding.
3.Terra Prison: Ari creates wall of earth around her self or an enemy. This wall is near impenetrable, and is a good way to gather her forces in a safe place. Though more agile enemies may use this to their advantage. She will need to dispel the wall in order to free herself.


Username: Cinia Pacifica
Name: Louise Marguerite la Finé de Augusta
Age: 18
Sex: Female.
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/ibowo6RhgOhDwF_zps603de4ed.jpg

Weapon: A silver wand. It helps Louise to focus and guide her magic properly.

Personality: Louise is a refined and elegant person. However she usually shows a smile that seemingly displays her playful nature in her face. Aside from being known to have an icy composure, she usually shows mannerisms and etiquette befitting of a lady, and a charming charismatic nature. Even though she usually acts friendly, she likes to keep a certain line, barring anyone from having any relationships such as friendship, partnership, etc. Louise is also the type of a person who seems to find life boring sometimes. So much that it makes her desperately search for something to do for fun despite her position, and when she does find something fun, she'd show her smile of playfulness, and indulge herself in it.

Background: Louise is a person born in a family that played an important role in forming the core of Masario, the Divine Capital City, especially the religion, as the heir, she'd usually wear the attire that befits her as the High Priestess. However, as she met various ladies from the other lands, and rich young ladies of around her age from the city; wearing beautifully made dresses, her interests, hobbies and tastes received a significant change. Her preference to wear more refined and aristocratic cloths were thus worn. Louise's peers didn't know what to say, because she looked fabulous from simply looking pure and beautiful; her breath-taking looks and figure would compliment her regardless. The confusion would eventually result in a smile of surrender to her peerless beauty.

Louise was once sought to be assassinated by followers from the early Cult of Ouroboros. These were the extremists who did things for the benefit of the other, evil religion that put belief on the wrong faith. It was frightening how they could penetrate to the heart of the city, and try to take her life. At first, she simply fought her way out, but it could only go down to being worse. People were starting to get involved. Despite her boredom, she still cared about the people of the city, she couldn't just see them get killed, while she herself being the only person safely able to live. Eventually, Louise decided that her presence was a risk to the citizens around her.Taking a decision to improve the situation, Louise took the first big step to her life. Little did she knew what it would lead to...

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5(+1)
Spirit: 12
Awareness: 4
Intelligence: 12
Social: 8(+1)

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/978_max_zps9a4b374f.jpg
Spirit Name: Ishtar
Spirit Alignment: Divine.
Spirit Description: A Goddess whose attributes are that of Love, War and Sex. Ishtar is of a good heart and kind, but like her host, sometimes mischievous. Ishtar cannot comprehend Louise's emotions, but still grants her immense power. She feels that it's the least she could do for the Louise who has a lot to shoulder throughout her difficult life.

(PASSIVE)Isthar's Blessing: An extremely powerful regeneration ability. Born from Istar's compulsiveness of being perfect all the time.
1.Chain Explosion: The first spell that Louise learned to use. This is a spell which usually allows to cause destruction wherever she points her wand towards. The blasts are usually of a very small-scale and can do so much. There is no medium-scale option when using this spell. However, she can also use a stronger version... which is a large leap in terms of effects. Louise chants a very long incantation, which clearly takes more than at least a minute despite rushing. Once the chanting is done, she can create an immensely large and powerful explosion. To Ishtar, this is known to be the tool of war. (The amount of time spent charging depends on the roll during the INT check.) Can be chained to nearby foes with a bonus roll.
2.World Gate: A spell that allows the user to magically create a portal very close to her for a short period of time. When used with minimal amount of spiritual powers, it only allows her to take small distances. There is no medium-scale option when using this spell. When this spell is used to it's full potential, she can travel great distances in a short time. Albeit she has to chant a very long incantation, much like the Explosion spell. To Ishtar, this is a spell regarded for it's use to meet lovers... which Louise doesn't seem to care about. (The amount of time spent charging depends on the roll during the INT check.) Added Effect: Up to 15 people may be transported at once.
3.Song of Spirit Amplification: Louise sings a song that contains lyrics of an ancient and forgotten language. None can understand the meaning other than the user, and the Divine Gods and Goddesses, but it is very beautiful and enchanting to listen to, and may even sooth the hearts of the angered spirits. The song itself is apparently an incantation in a way. Louise's body also shines as she makes herself a specific point to which she accumulates spiritual energy that she draws from the heavens. Apparently she looks very defenseless and her seductive charms shines greater than ever when she is in this state... She is also unable to do anything else when using this skill. It takes time to finish, but after Louise is done, she'd receive a boost of magical powers. (GM rolls dice to confirm how long she takes to finish singing.)
Allies are slightly healed and enjoy +2 str while she sings.(The amount of time spent singing depends on the roll during the INT check. Higher roll means less time.)


Username: [Valentine Ki5S]
Name: Anastas Fenix
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/1878315-SMTQZXF_zps81507463.png

Weapon: Pirsinga Strelka: Anastas’ Compound Bow which he uses with a variety of arrows including broad-head tips, target points and blunts. He also carries a †˜cavalier’ Shashka(saber), Ulan. Along with his two curved daggers for close combat.

Personality: Anastas is an honest and down-to-earth man but is reserved and cold to those he is unfamiliar with. Despite his solitary exterior, he is not hesitant in helping people in need, often assisting lost travelers on their way to the Mountain Fortress Arkasia. He dislikes assertive people as they get in the way of living his life, and also indecisive people who don’t know how to live. The latter being the preferred from two. His hermit lifestyle leaves him with little human interaction save for the lost travelers he meets, and the occasional trading at the Fortress. Because of this his social skills have suffered quite a bit

Background: Born into a family of farmers, Anastas was raised as an honest, hard working boy. His upbringing was tough, the family having suffered through occasional raids from bandits. In his late teen years however, his farm suffered its worst against an organized raid by the Cult of Ouroboros. Where his family died one by one. He became the only survivor, having been hidden by his mother before the bandits finally barged into the farmstead.

After the raid, Anastas took to the nearby settlement and discovered that no help had come during the time the Cult had attacked, the garrison having been withheld from deployment. After a year of living in the settlement, he took to being a hermit and lived within the forest areas, moving from place to place before finally settling in the forests at the base of Mountain Fortress Arkasia. He often assists any lost travelers making their way to the Fortress as well as conducts some trading with them. Aside from that has little interaction with other people.

Religion: No affiliation

Strength: 6(+1)
Dexterity: 10(+2)
Spirit: 4
Awareness: 6
Intelligence: 3
Social: 2

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/wallpapers-vector-drawn-wallpaper-fire-wolf-pictures-array-wallwuzz-hd-wallpaper-8687_zps898885c2.jpg
Spirit Name: Demyan - Burning Heart of the North
Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid, aligned more to Divine but not enough to be called one.
Spirit Description: A white wolf with rings of fire, fiercely loyal to Anastas but ironically more sociable than him. His fur is reminiscent of pure snow but his red markings show his true nature as a hunter.

PASSIVE: Overwatch: Having become more accustomed to working with a party, Anastas now keeps an eye on his team mates and defends them when he’s able to. Team mates within a certain range of Anastas when in formation that are attacked(melee) can be pre-emptively countered by him, negating the attack. This cannot be used when Beast Instinct is activated.

1. Beast Instinct: Anastas synchronizes with Demyan’s, tapping into his primal animal instinct for the hunt that’s to come. Beast Instinct comprises of two phases, Prowl and Berserk.

In Prowl, Anastas will trail and observe his target, enjoying a +2 increase to AWR and DEX as well as the ability to †˜Mark’ one target with Demyan. When the time is right, he can release Demyan and enter the Berserk phase but until then must try to contain his excitement of the hunt. Spirit Checks are run to maintain Prowl, if the dice roll hits over 4 three times he will enter Berserk phase.

In Berserk, Anastas gains +2 increase to STR and DEX. He will attack any person indiscriminately unless he has marked a target during Prowl in which case he will assault that individual first. Once the marked target is defeated, Anastas will begin attacking at random. Rolls can be conducted every turn to attempt exiting Beast Instinct.

2. Flame Affinity: Focusing Demyan's flames, Anastas increases the striking power of his weapon (+2 Str) and adds a flame effect that can extend the range of his melee weapons. If powerful enough, Anastas can sometimes cast weapons made purely of flame. Attacks done in this state will give a burning effect. The intensity of the flame attack depends on the int roll when casting affinity. The longer Anastas keeps this spell active it become progressively harder to control.

3. Supernova: As a last resort Anastas overcharges Demyan's flame inside himself until it reaches critical mass. Releasing the blast in a large radius around him he devastates the area with an intense explosion but with a high enough roll, he is able to focus and direct the blast at a target. This skill leaves him drained, and he will have to recover with rolls before he can continue fighting. His other powers cannot be used until he reconnects with Demyan with a Spr roll.
Added Effect: Enemies that remain around Anastas will take damage every turn.

4. Rapid Fire: Holding five arrows ready in his hand, Anastas can half-draw his bow and fire all arrows in rapid succession. Although not as damaging as a full charged shot, it is harder to dodge and just as accurate. Is calculated like a normal bow attack however STR damage value is halved for all shots. If at least three of the arrows hit the target, they suffer a DEX impairment.


Username: BlinkXPoke
Name: Sonya Albertine de La Milan (Madame Sonya)
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/024/4/0/the_ice_queen_by_dantewontdie-d73lg5v.jpg

She dresses more provocatively than this when she’s †˜enjoying’ herself.
Weapon: She occasionally uses a whip, but it’s more for †˜entertainment’ purposes.
She carries an old doll imbued with magic. It’s small enough to fit in a pocket.

Personality: Because she lived a privileged lifestyle, Sonya is naïve, careless, gullible, and somewhat dimwitted. She talks slowly and carefully. She lacks much sense of responsibility, preferring to idle about, and sleep whenever given the opportunity. Sonya enjoys childlike activities, playing with her dolls and pets, having an affinity for cute things.

She is also extremely sadistic. She takes pleasure out of physically punishing others. She enjoys speaking in a condescending manner, lacing her words with double-entendres. The sound of someone crying in pain because of her is arousing. This side of her personality awakens whenever she becomes angry enough, or sometimes appears randomly when she’s bored.

Background: Sonya is the younger the two daughters of the Milan family, an aristocratic family under King Naberius Cain. The Milan is known to be a particularly strong family. In generations past, they fought for and won many territories for the family. Many opposing families sent 'servants' in to try and disrupt and destroy the family from the inside. Most of these plans were foiled before they came to fruition, but one time, one man almost succeeded in kidnapping Sonya. Unfortunately, that wasn't all the man was after. The man forced himself onto her, but she resisted by knocking him unconscious with a sturdy glass vase until it broke.

The man was unconscious but Sonya was far from done. Tying the man up, she tortured him, but in doing so, Sonya realized that she not only found it fun; she found pleasure in it. Just as things hit a boiling point and she felt like unleashing her primal lust upon the man, she was stopped by her more loyal servants. After this attempt, the rival families’ plots slowed to a halt, which frustrated her more than anything. She was forced to satiate her hunger with any help she could get her hands on, male or female. Her other self is never far when she find her boredom too much to handle.

Religion: The Children of Ouroboros

Strength: 6(+2)
Dexterity: 7
Spirit: 4
Awareness: 4(+1)
Intelligence: 3
Social: 5

Spirit Appearance:
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/hell_lady_by_ariverkao-d6gfeqc_zpsbc5ad861.jpg
Spirit Name: Gisa
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A succubus that feeds and thrives on the desires of humans. Awakening inside Sonya as her more assertive side she grows in power when Sonya becomes enamored. This grants intelligence and strength to her host.

(PASSIVE) Excitement: Sonya will enter a state of excitement after causing harm to her enemies. While excited, she will gain +2 Strength and +1 Intelligence.
Stress Relief: The doll Sonya carries with her has a voodoo effect on her enemies. It only affects marked targets. This effect ends if the doll becomes too damaged. The doll is harmless if it’s damaged by anyone other than Sonya.
Fighting Viper: A combat trick with a whip Sonya learned. With one swing, she can create two lashes, which can be divided toward two targets, if they’re next to each other. Landing this on a marked target causes her to become †˜excited’.
Charming Allure: Sonya blows a kiss toward a nearby target. Coming in contact with it renders its target harmless and attracts him/her toward Sonya. That target becomes marked. If the int roll is a 6 a veil is generated that charms everyone in a certain range. (About a two yard radius.)


Username: BagMan
Name: Sir Owain Glyn
Age: 22
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/40f730ac39ae05bfb6040923cc9afe551_zps25ba3eae.jpg

Armor and Weapon Appearance:
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/9093b935-1a66-4ea8-92ca-91f8847b48f8_zps27c3f357.jpgForum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/0203a042-3f03-4b4e-8bcd-b0eef8cca366_zps9e00553d.jpg

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/212faf3b-2a35-496a-971e-f340c42ba293_zps6663ae5c.jpg

Weapon:Ebenstone Steam Sword: A blade designed to receive the full benefits from Owain's armor charges, and has the durability to go through the toughest armor with little trouble.

Personality: Having grown up in a simple farming village, Owain is not really a fan of fancy magic or anything to ostentatious. He feels, however, that it is his duty to save those weaker than himself and thinks nothing of throwing his own life away. He has been told that this isn't the greatest trait he has. Simple and hardworking he may be, he is by no means shy or awkward, in fact when faced with a beautiful woman, one shouldn't be surprised to see him try his luck.

Background: Coming from a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, Owain spent the bulk of his life helping around his family's farm, building himself up as a well rounded person. He started training with the blade at the age of 15 and was noticeably better than all the other boys in the town. One day when Owain was 18 a Monster easily twice his size attacked the town, however Owain led a group of townsmen to kill the beast, delivering the final blow himself. He was the Town hero, and it wasn't long until he was noticed by The Divine Army, Namely Dia Arkasia herself. It wasn't long after that he figured out a way to put his water spirit to good use generating power to move a large suit of Armour, engineered especially for him by a fellow townsmen, who like Owain had gone onto bigger and better things. He has recently received a knighthood for his services.

Religion: Scion of Light

Strength: 8(+2)
Dexterity: 5
Spirit: 5
Awareness: 2
Intelligence: 5(+1)
Social: 5

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/aeb00071-13f9-4eae-a17d-009b68057486_zps3991560e.png
Spirit Name: Nimue
Spiritual Alignment: Divine
Spirit Description: Nimue is the Lady of the Lake, she is kind and her powers are benevolent. She carries herself in a very dignified manor supporting Owain the best she can. A water spirit she grants Owain water based abilities.


(PASSIVE)Steam Charge: Nimue powers Owain's suit of Armour granting him great power. Each turn Nimue will charge Owains armor automatically, The amount depends on a bonus roll. For each charge Owain gains +1 strength. It also becomes easier to block attacks without receiving damage(+2 to dex while being attacked only) at 3 stacks. Charges now happen passively while Owain fights during active phases. At 5 charges Owain must use his charges or suffer being lowered to three stacks at the end of the run.

1. Burst Guard: Owain uses a charge to propel himself in front of an incoming attack at the cost of a charge. Depending on the dex roll he will take half, or no damage.
2. Aqua Lance: Owain uses Nimue's ability to create a lance made of compressed water to fling at his opponents. This Power consumes a single charge, but all charges can be used at once.
3. Avalon: This Power creates an area of total serenity caused by Owain calling forth a mass of Nimue’s power from his hand. Water gushes forth creating a zone in which Owain’s allies are cleansed of debuffs and receive bonuses to both Spr and Dex while within Avalon’s range(+2 spr +2 dex). This ability consumes two charges.
4. Overcharge: Using all five charges at once, Owain’s armour kicks into overdrive pushing itself to its limits. Owain moves faster(+5 dex) and keeps his strength bonus for three turns. Using this skill makes Owain virtually unstoppable for three turns. This skill consumes the maximum of five charges.


Username: Galahad_Mills
Name Masaki Arkwon
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/ibfFvKNR2iJs6B_zps3f481333.jpg

Weapon: Rasetsu-Ki: A gauntlet that is used to store excess spirit energy. As he uses skills and attack's enemies he build the power in the weapon. Even though the weapon is only on his arm he is able to relay the power from his kicks as well.

Perssonality: A focused and dedicated man he has focused all of his time and effort into training. Because of this he has lived a very sheltered life. The only thing he has ever known is training and he is ignorant of the outside world.

Background: Masaki was taken in by a martial arts teacher after he was abandoned by his parents at his temple. His teacher, a very protective man, found the outside world to be too full of temptation. Therefore he forbade Masaki from leaving the temple. This however didn't prepare Masaki his master's untimely death. Left with the money that they had made training the few students that came to learn the Rasetsu style, and his master's weapon, Rasetsu Ki.

For the first time Masaki had to make his own decisions. Traveling to the main village in the Forest of Origin he came across Scion's of Fate recruiting soldiers. Since fighting was all he knew he signed up hoping to show his master just how strong his teachings had made him.

Religion: None

Strength: 7(+1)
Dexterity: 7
Spirit: 5(+1)
Intelligence: 3
Social: 3

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/imLM5SvNXaPa2_zpsce2d3402.jpg
Spirit Name: TouTetsuOh
Spiritual Alignment: Hybrid
Spirit Description: A beast of peace, TouTetsuOh will only fight in order to defend itself or others. Formerly a Cursed spirit he was brought up in the slightly more divine heights of the temple. When forced TouTetsuOh would not hesitate to devour his enemies whole.


(PASSIVE) Chain Ratetsu: After filling his gauntlet with enough spiritual energy he can unleash three skills in a quick sequence. The skills will get progressively stronger(STR)(+1 on first skill, +2 on the second, and +3 on the third.) reaching the end of the combo.
1. Kishin Goutetsuko: Slicing downward with an open palm Masaki quickly snaps his elbow up catching the enemy off guard. If the second hit connect he will punch his target square in the chest with lightning speed. Added Effect: First hit will now stun as well.
2.Haou Ryoudantou: Snapping in with a backhand Masaki tries to catch his enemy not paying attention. While they are dazed he flip kicks upwards launching them into the air. This is a set up for more moves. A move done after a successful launch cannot be dodged.
3.Kishin Renken: Punching twice rapidly before kicking three times he slowing the enemy down. While they are stopped he powers up his gantlet delivering a powerful punch to the chest this will stun an enemy if a 5 or 6 is rolled on the damage roll.


Username: nooby2
Name: Selanus Dahlem
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/Prussiafull826642_zps437b5c9c.jpg

Weapon(s): Personal Spirit Craft Pistol: "Nadir", is a pistol on the leading edge of spiritual technology. There are only a few like it, and most belong to the warden of Raskana. As her nephew he was granted one on his 16th birthday. The particular gun is modeled after a Luger.

Close Quarters Combat Dagger: A simple dagger that Selanus has owned since he was young. He has had it re crafted as the years have gone by and keeps it sharp enough to sever a head in one motion.

Weapon(s): Spirit Craft Shotgun: 'Cerberus' is a shotgun modified to have three barrels. The ammo she loads into it is pre-charged with spiritual energy.

Fenrir A curved, and serrated blade that Kristina has mastered. Her own unique style of sword splay has been the focus of swordsman far and wide.

Personality: Selanus cares only for himself, though is not one to be snobbish. He treats everyone equally except those he recognizes which usually involves respect and a desire to serve. In love with his job, he displays an occasional sadistic streak if he lets Astaroth sway him too much. Loves to joke around and is very self assured.

Background: Selanus is the middle child of the powerful Dahlem family. As a child, he was often ignored in favor of his more promising siblings, spending most of his childhood aloof. Hours of childish tricks were played on the servants of the family, hiding from them in an attempt to get them in trouble with his parents. He was an intelligent child, but he didn't have an interest in politics like his older brother, and never wanted to climb the ladder of hierarchy.

During his teenage years, he spent long periods of time in Raskana under the tutelage of his aunt, Kristina Dahlem. His spiritual talents awakened when one of the prisoners attempted an escape. Kristina was away on official obligations, and left him in charge of a few day to day tasks. During this time three men were able to overwhelm a guard and take off. Two of them were executed immediately, but one took up hiding somewhere in the prison. Feeling the bloodlust in his veins awakened a voice in his head, Astaroth.

Using her power of the shadows she guided him to the prisoner, and then sat back and watched in amusement. Stepping into the storage room the man was hiding in he drew his knife and skillfully threw it into the mans leg as he tried to run. The man fell and began to crawl. A trail of blood trailing him to a corner of the room. He knew that there was no way to truly escape Raskana, but this hope was all the man had. He pleaded for just a little more time. Selanus smiled at the man's begging filled with power from his entertained spirit he tore the knife from the man's leg and ended his life quickly.

Upon return Kristina heard the reports, and executed the guard who slipped up. But though she was down one guard she was up a boy with a taste for blood. Kristina offered him a job, and he graciously accepted. He would do anything to be free of his parents whims. As a mercenary under her employ she has him seek out targets that Kristina has been paid to obtain, or that she sees as a threat to the Children of Ouroboros.

Religion: Children of Ouroboros

Social: 3

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/Astaroth_zps6298b676.jpg
Spirit Name: Astaroth - Duchess of Shadow
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A Demon of sorcery and shadow, Astaroth delights in nothing more than seeing enemies writhe before her. With Selanus being her only conduit, she gets highly excitable during his hunts and lets loose during those instances, empowering him just to see his enemies struggle. Otherwise she's a trickster, more than content to chatter away at Selanus to grab his attention, knowing that her only chance for enjoyment would be through his hands.


[b](PASSIVE) Wardens Raiment:
Selanus unconciously lets spirit power flow forth from his person. Astaroth manipulates the power into a doppelganger, formed from a cloak of darkness. The doppelganger is Astaroth's desires given form, trailing behind Selanus in shadowy afterimages. She's able to manipulate the doppelganger into semi independence, following up on her hosts's actions. On a 4+ roll, the Doppelganger performs Selanus's action twice.

If Dark Harmony is active, Astaroth has further involvement and the bonuses from it are doubled in the second attack, her actions more in tune with Selanus.

1. Spirit Craft Grenade: Each grenade has an effect that is determined before being thrown. He can carry a max of 5 grenades before needing to stop and craft more from materials in the area. The more grenades he throws at a time the better the effect rang. His improved spirit manipulation now allows him to detonate it remotely. (Different explosion type: Smoke, explosion, stun, acid.)

2. Smoke and Mirrors: Moving swiftly with the shadows he moves faster than most people can see. Shifting from place to place he uses this to retreat or sneak up on foes. If he rolls a 6 during the spirit check he will receive a +2 to dex for the first attack.
Added Effect: Can now be used when attacked to avoid an attack, but his next turn is skipped.

3. Dark Harmony: (Phase 1) Selanus and Astaroth hunt together in concert, temporarily attaining spirit form. Whilst in spirit form, his potential is unleashed and pushes his bodies limits. Selanus enjoys +1 to STR and INT, +2 to DEX in this mode.

(Phase 2): Astaroth crosses over, floating around Selanus. She is now able to interact with the world around her and the bonuses provided are upped by +1.

4. Twilight Vendetta: Loading Cerberus with refined spirit energy, Selanus fires all three barrels in quick succession. He can shoot them separately at multiple enemies or all at one for big single target damage. Selanus is also able to fire his Spirit Craft Grenades from Cerberus, extending his range and providing more power to the grenade.


Name: Luna Marcell
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/the_flaming_berserker_by_dantewontdie-d53jxvo_zpse61898ab.jpg

Weapon(s): Zweihander: Given its long length and overwhelming weight most people must wield this with both hands. Luna is not most people.

Personality: Luna has lived a rough life, and prefers not to talk if she can avoid it. Sometimes an unprovoked feeling of bloodlust can overcome her, and she tends to get very violent.

Background: Luna was at one time a brave, and bold girl. Her home was a small village by the name of Eisenrock. It was an honest life spent with her two grandparents, who owned a bit of farm land. They didn't have much, but they had enough to get by. One day the mundane life on the farm began to bore her. She wanted the action and adventure that only the military could provide. She knew that the Cursed military could be rough, but in her area the general in charge was a nightmare. A brutal, womanizing man. He got his kicks belittling the woman of the military. She was often bullied, and even sexually assaulted by soldier on a daily basis. Though she had the strength to fight back, she often ignored such things taking their abuses.

Though her skill with the sword was nothing to dismiss, and the general took notice of her talents. He even had her personally guard his daughter, Clevene. The only girl that he seemed to give an ounce of respect to. After their time together the two fell in love, and began an intimate relationship. When the general caught wind of this he was furious, and hired assassins to kill Luna. The attack went awry, and instead of Luna, Clevene was the woman who was murdered. Dispatching the assassin's to late she found them to be the general's own personal guard. Unable to hold herself back she gave into blood-lust. Hunting him down in his own room, and murdering him. Revenge felt sweet, but she knew that soon she would be lined up for execution.

She spent a long time on the run, but soon she was caught by a a woman with long blonde hair. The woman challenged her to a duel, and ordered her man to watch regardless of the result. The battle was short, but the woman stayed her hand at the strike that would end Luna's life. Introducing herself as Charlotte, a representative of Cain. She invited Luna to join the main army at the capital. After hearing her story from some of her friends she was sickened at how the general ran things. Luna wanted to belong anywhere, and accepted Charlotte offer. Since then she has been a reliable soldier of the Cursed Army.

Religion: None

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 7
Spirit: 5(+2)
Awareness: 4(+1)
Intelligence: 3
Social: 2

Forum Image: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l285/shadowkeandre/The%20Cursed%20King/3ea5d393e5448f34f8792c95520c93c4_zps69d25ab8.jpg
Spirit Name: Sonata
Spiritual Alignment: Cursed
Spirit Description: A spirit that has become to manipulating the hearts of men and women alike. She finds it fun accompanying a woman full of little else than hate. At times she will play music to try and soothe the savage beast.


(PASSIVE)Symphony of Slaughter: Every turn that Luna is in combat she gains 1 stack of bloodlust. Every 2 stacks of bloodlust grants Luna 1 STR. At 6 stacks Luna can activate Grand Massacre.

1.Aria of Agony: Holding her sword on her shoulder she leans back before smashing her sword on the ground with all her strength. Stabbing her sword into the ground as it resounds like a tuning fork, having a chance to stun nearby enemies. (Bonus roll determines if enemy is stunned. Separate rolls are done per enemy. Consumes 2 bloodlust.)

2.Unholy Resonance: Luna sings a tune that Sonata is playing for her for an ally. Steadying their nerves she raises their spirit by 2 for 2 turns. (Consumes 1 bloodlust.)

3.Steel Orchestra:Luna unleashes a barrage of attacks with the Helios Cleaver(3 attacks). Pulling them close with her free hand she keeps them from running away from her. The enemy will need to roll a bonus roll to disengage.

4.Grand Massacre: Using all 6 bloodlust stacks Luna throws herself into a frenzy for 2 turns. Adrenaline fueling her she is more resistant to damage(-2 on damage rolls), and has increased damage and speed. Retaining her str bonus from her passive an addition 2 str and 2 dex are added.


Name: Queen's Guard

Background: A group of five men and women who pledged their life to protecting the queen and her family. Not all are powerful spirit users. But each one is an army in their own right. May it be by their trained physical body alone.
Appearance(s):Saren, Sophia, Caym, Zhou, Fenfang


Name: Representatives of Cain

Background: Including Soul there are six representatives. This group is made up of mainly female spirit users, but don't let that fool you. The spirits they hold are some of the most grotesque and destructive known to man. Confrontation with any one of them is a death sentence.


Name: Agreyus Elites

Background: Trained by Marian and her subordinates they have learned to be dangerous and loyal. Marian formed this group of people with various strength's and weaknesses. Some are strong while others are cunning. Their armor is black and red. The colors of the Agresian flag.



Name: Cult of Ouroboros

Background: The cult started up shortly after the spread of the Ouroboros curse. They worship Cain as a god, and attack small towns and villages spreading their evil message. Of course Cain denies any involvement with this group or those like it.


Name: Knights of Arkasia

Background: All the knights under Arkasia become well known influential people. Her most famous knight is Nero, the Shield of Arkasia. He is responsible for all the new recruits and aspiring knights. However her right hand man is someone twice her age, and a man of wisdom in the art of war. As well as her former instructor, Kreig Rosenthal. She had him busy learning as much about their enemy as possible, and for that reason he is rarely at the castle.


Name: Guardians of Origin

Background: Gifted men an woman hand selected by the elder of the Forest of Origin. Their ages and skill levels all vary, but one things they share in common is their undying loyalty to Edile. They work tirelessly around the clock to keep things peaceful, and there is always a guardian on the watch.
Appearances: Morgan,Ezekiel,Bael, Teryn, and Emery.


Name: Avatar of Cain

Background: Spawns of Cain that are formed from people that he has killed. Absorbing them and reforming them in his own image. The people he selects to turn into avatars appears to be random, but their may be some method to the madness. Most avatars are to crazy to reason with, but there are exceptions.

*PC Characters are no longer being accepted.

Ability updates and pictures that aren't on thread can be found on stat list below.

Stats and Ability List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkJ0Gbr3c0Bf-hTDXC2wwDGvsBPzQk_TyaoW_ctsr_Q/edit#heading=h.mxg19eux3o82
[size=15]It Begins:[/h]

Mountain Castle Arkasia:

The small town behind the Mountain Castle Arkasia is busy this morning. Soldiers and warriors from across the land have come to sign up for the military. With the recent attacks from the Cult of Ouroboros, and Cain's lack of taking responsibility. People are itching to start a war. Arkasia took it upon her self to send envoys of soldiers to other towns and villages in the area. As well as a request to the Forest of Origin who had also had some resent troubles with the cult. Given that they were neutral she didn't expect a very favorable response, but she was hoping for at least something. This was her first time getting ready for a war, but she was far from nervous. From her balcony looking far into the distance she could not wait for this war to get started.

The queen was swamped with messages from the other major Divine cities. Her entire empire was crying out for war, and it was only a matter of time before some began to go against her orders. Who could blame them? The attacks were from the Cult were getting more daring every day. It was only a matter of time before they did something unspeakable. Reaching for the quill pen in the ink jar she accidentality knocked it over, ruining the document that she was reading. In he anger she incinerated the paper with her power. A black burn mark now decorated the expensive marble desk. The former queen walked in to see her daughter taking out her anger on her desk.

"The responses aren't well I take it?" said Leona III walking up to her distraught daughter.

"Of course not. No one will be happy with just building up defenses when their friends and family are being murdered." answered the young queen getting up from her desk.

"So what will be done about this?"

"I'll be the first Leona Xinia to launch a full scale war...I don't see many other options mother." Leona IV answered as she walked over to her window over looking the city. She wiped away potential tears before they fell, but her trembling body gave her away. "A lot of blood will be on my hands, I don't know if I'm ready to give that kind of command."

Walking over to her daughter she placed her slender hand on her daughter's shoulder speaking advice to her "Blood will be on your hands if you continue to be indecisive as well." The young queen continued to look out the window contemplating what to do.


Arkasia stepped out onto the walkway over the training yard over looking her knights-in-training. There were six standing in line receiving their assignments for the day. Some faces she remembered, others she didn't. All at some point she hoped to know. The knights that she trained here were the pride of the kingdom, but her expectations were higher than most had the aptitude for. The caravans full of fresh soldiers would be arriving soon as well. This was going to be a busy day for her, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

A man in decorative silver and gold armor approached Arkasia holding his helmet, and saluted. "The caravans will arrive shortly, Commander." he announced. Arkasia turned to him smiling.

"Excellent, when they arrive make sure they are fed, and given quarters." she ordered. "We merely have to wait for the queen to finally release her hounds. It will be soon. I'm sure of it." she said smiling. "You are released soldier."

"For the queen" said the knight before breaking salute and turning to fulfill his orders. Returning her gaze to her up-and-coming knights she hoped they were feeling pressured.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the Mountain Fortress above was the humble camp of a lone hunter, Anastas Fenix. Although the town had started its business about an hour ago, Anastas had already gotten to work an hour earlier. He was currently sitting by a small makeshift earthen stove, feeding on a cut of meat from the game he caught earlier this morning. Sighing in content as he gulped down his meal, he reached over to a crate but hesitated as a dreadful stench reminded him of some urgencies and he let out a sour expression before pulling back and chewing on another bite.

”It rained last night. . .”

He downed the last of the meat and uttered a small prayer of thanks for his meal before preparing to venture off again but paused, spotting a flock of birds taking off in the distance.

”More caravans coming up to the Fortress lately. Must be preparing for something. Something big. . . ” He gripped his bow tightly as his thoughts trailed back to his childhood, the constricting snake tattoo haunting him as he gritted his teeth. Of course, now was not the time to reminisce, he shook his head trying to throw such thoughts out.

Peering over to the mountain that shadowed over him, he nodded in affirmation as he trekked to the Fortress. It was a journey that he regularly took two or three times a week not including having to lead lost recruits but thankfully he didn't have to hold anyone by the hand this time.

”Just going shopping.” He muttered to himself nonchalantly, the dominant silhouette of the fortress spire towering over him.
(This is a joint post between TheLoneGentleman and Gahald_Mills)

The caravan ride from the Forest of Origin's to Arkasia was an interesting one. It was strange to see people that had always chosen the neutral side of things joining another empire's military. The caravan was full of talkative people except for one that seemed to be keeping to himself. Razta was curious as to who he was. The man had red hair and was wearing a gauntlet that he had never seen before. He figured the man to be a fellow warrior like him.

"So you, what is your story?" Razta said to the silent warrior.

Masaki, who was thinking about what to do when he arrived was surprised to hear a fellow passenger suddenly asked him a question. He asked the stranger back, "I'm sorry but, who might you be?"

"I guess it was rude of me to ask before introducing myself." said Razta. "My name is Razta Sonellion. And what is yours?"

"I'm Masaki Arkwon. You can call me Ark or Masaki." he answered and he continued, "I saw some people were recruiting to become a soldier of the Scion. Since I don't have anything to do and I'm only good at fighting, I took the job and now here I am in this caravan, heading somewhere that I know nothing about." Masaki answered Razta's earlier question.

"That's either brave or foolish." answered Razta. "But I can admire a warrior who knows his skills and hopes to use them where needed." Razta laughed a bit looking out of the caravan through the cloth that covered the carriage. "I'm looking for answers, but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for. My answers lie in the Cursed lands, but I'm not foolish enough to attempt it alone."

"Interesting, I didn't know that the world was split between Blessed and Curssed. I mean, I was in this temple and it was pretty enclosed, the masters didn't tell us anything about the outside world,and only said that it is a very dangerous place. They were helping us to defend ourselves." Masaki said as he looked to the back of the caravan. He continued, "I didn't even know about this kind of vehicle." He laughed lightly.

Razta looked at him with a blank stare. He couldn't believe that a teacher would leave someone so blissfully unaware of the world around them, and think that was the way to go. "Well you sir will have an interesting time ahead of you, getting used to things. But at least you wont have to worry about getting beat up." replied Razta with a laugh.

The carriage driver called back to the passengers. "We are almost at Arkasia!" he shouted back. Reaching and pulling up the cloth on the side of the cart Razta looked into the distance. A large castle built on the side of a mountain came into view. A winding path was carved out to reach its mighty and sturdy looking gate. A cold wind blew in through the cart, and most of the passengers shivered in response. Razta however was kept warm by his fire spirit, Ifrit, and simply looked at the others with amusement.
(This is a Joint Post including: Katsucha, TheLoneGentleman, and BagMan)

Next to Arkasia herself there was only one person that the new cadets had learned to fear. That was the Knight Bannerette Nero. He was an overly strict man that took anything less than perfect work as a sign of blatant disrespect. His rugged looks always made him look older than he actually was. Walking back and forth in front of the six lined up cadets he narrowed his eyes on no one in particular. There was a good three minutes of this pacing back and forth before the man finally spoke up. "Ari Fray!" he shouted standing right in front of her. He was easily near seven feet tall, and towered over the small cadet. Staring her down he waited for her to respond. The other cadets kept their eyes forward knowing full well what would happen if they broke proper stance.

"Yes sir!" Ari responded as she stayed in formation.

A smile broke across his face. "You have been selected by Arkasia herself to be promoted to Knight Bachelor. We hope that you will continue to do your best to serve the kingdom well." he said with a voice full of proud. Looking to the left and right he scowled."The rest of you slackers are dismissed. Go practice drills until I say otherwise." Turning in formation the other cadets that he was talking to walked off to another section of the training yard. Arakasia smiled at Ari from the balcony before walking off down one of the hallways.

"Your knighting will happen tonight as the sun sets." Nero said placing a hand on Ari's shoulder. "Your father would have been proud of you."

"Thank you sir, it's a great honor." Ari as she continue to stay in formation but she felt really happy.

"That's what they all say," answered Nero laughing. "You can't forget you will be flying Arkasia's colors now. She will be more strict than I. I hope that you will be strong enough to live up to her expectations."

"I will do my best sir."

"Glad to hear it," he said taking his hand off her shoulder. "At ease, you are free to relax for the rest of the day. You have earned it. We will send for you at the time of your ceremony. Please remain close by"

"Thanks you again sir" Ari said as she saluted him."Sir if I may ask what should I expect after the ceremony?"

"A lot more work than you were doing before. Arkasia likes to have her knights gain real world experience. Being sent to villages far and wide will become a normal routine." he answered.

"I see. Thank sir I'll be on my way now." Ari saluted Nero and as she started heading her own way. I hope I really did make you proud father. I promise I'll get revenge for what the Cult has done.

Returning from a routine patrol, Owain hitched a ride on the back of a supplies caravan. Smiling, he thought about how much fun he'd been having since he became a knight. He felt as if he had finally been recognized for his hard-work.

As he passed through the gates of the keep, he hopped off the back of the caravan. Noticing that there was an influx of new recruits, he was reminded of when he had just started out at this keep. Spying a group of female soldiers he sidled over to them.

"What's going on here ladies?" He spoke in a refined manner, unfitting of his stature and features.

The female soldiers turn from their conversation to look at Owain. "We were just wondering what this Dia Arkasia is like. We have heard many things about her, but have never seen the woman. Is she as strict as they say?" said one of the female warriors.

At this Owains face paled, remembering all the torturous training sessions, "Yes, yes she is" He said sounding like he'd just been punched in the stomach,

"You seem like you've seen a ghost, Is Dia Arkasia really that strict?"

"And who might you be my fine lady?" Said Owain to the woman who had just arrived.

Ari could easily tell the man was attempting to flirt with her, but seeing as he was also a knight of Arkasia she figured she could at least introduce herself. Luckily they were in a more relaxed environment and the formalities weren't necessary. "I am soon to be Knight Bachelor Ari Fray. My knighting is tonight at sun down," she answered full of pride.

"Nice to meet you, Ari Fray" Said Owain with a smile "I am Knight Bannerette Sir Owain Glyn, at your service" He introduced himself with a bow.

"Well, we better enjoy every second we can before then!" said one of the three female warriors. Two of them grabbed both of Owain's arms. "We are sure you know a few fun places around here. Come on show us around!" said another warrior as they pulled him towards town.

Owain smiled and looked back to Ari. "Care to join us? There is still a lot of time till sunset." he offered.

Ari shrugged. "Why not, I better have fun myself if she is bad as you say..." she responded walking after them.
(This is a joint post between: Cinia Pacifica and TheLoneGentleman.)

After speaking with her daughter, and giving her all the advice that she could without making the decision for her, Leona III left the room to go to attend to some minor details. Even though she was not fully the queen she still had appointments of her own to go to. This time it was a woman that she had known for quite a long time. It had been a while since her last visit however, so she was a bit worried for her safety. Stepping into her quarters she locked her door and walked over to the sitting area that had two large dark red couches with dark oak up the back and sides. The wood was glossed over, and unnaturally clean.

Suddenly a rift opened and through it came her guest. Looking to the table the tea that she had asked for what still hot, and ready to be served. "Please come and take a seat. I shall pour you a cup," she said to her guest. Her guest was dressed in a fine dress from one of the more aristocratic cities, and it was always nice to see the different fashions from time to time. The former queen always wore her priestess clothes with her white hair tied up in a golden ornament. Waiting for the refined woman to have a seat she skillfully took the tea pot and poured her a cup. Pouring in milk and sugar the way she remembered her guest liked it. "So how have things been going for you?" she asked as she poured her own cup.

"Same as always, I suppose?" Louise replied, taking a seat, it was surprisingly comfortable, "How are things going around here?" she asked, then took a sip of her tea. The taste was just as she thought it would be. Pleased with the sweet taste, she smiled, "I see that you still remember my tastes and preferences; it tastes good," she then looked up with her emerald green eyes, "... Was this couch really this comfortable the last time I was here? Or am I truly a forgetful person?"

"It isn't that hard at all to remember. You're the only one that will drink this tea with me. My daughter doesn't have a taste for it." she said tapping a quick sip of her tea before setting down her cup on the place. "No they are new couches. I'm glad you find them comfortable."

"People these days lack good taste, I tell you!" Louise said, in a matter of fact manner, "When I was young, my peers enjoyed such refined tastes, are they just lazy to go do a little work-out these days?" she spoke in her dignified manner, then sighed and spoke in a different, and lower tone, hinting her confusion, "... What's wrong with sweetness, anyway?" she asked, taking another sip of the tea, Ah, it's new after. Things sure change fast. I suppose that's the nature of the rich.

Thinking about how things were going changed the former queen's mood considerably, "It's a stressful time for the kingdom to be honest, my daughter wasn't ready to have all the duties of leadership pushed onto her just yet. I feel as though I'm still the queen letting a princess rule for me. The Cult is still as persistent as ever, and the empire is calling out for war. They are already recruiting soldiers without my daughters order." she replied. "Sadly I agree with them. This war needs to happen."

"Oh? I thought you were still rulling over this place, at least that's how the atmosphere around this whole place is. Are you perhaps guiding her from the back-stage?" Louise placed the cup of tea back on the table, showing a more serious expression.

"To the best of my ability yes. She is stubborn at times, but I know that she is doing her best." she answered. "It is important to have the head of an empire be strong. I couldn't bear to rule and simply have my daughter be the muscle. Losing my powers set our line back a few steps. We'll have to work to catchback up."

"Hmm... the Cult is still crazy about their religion, huh? Things sure never change."

"Not unless people stand up and do something about it. While I was still the ruler, I had my hidden groups here and there. I'm sure you remember them. They are content to simply protect the royal family now. I think they blame themselves for what happened to me... I blame no one for that, though. But I'd love to know what caused it."

"Quite a lot of things happened, mn? I remember they were... actually, I can barely remember their faces now. I sorta hit my head recently, I can't remember things properly, please forgive me," Louise said, smiling, but Queen Leona III's spirit not working properly anymore was quite interesting to her, "It is interesting, I wonder what caused it," Louise said, showing a rather cold smile, but only for less than a second.

The queen noticed something off about Louise, but it was only for a moment. Sipping her tea, she closed her eyes in thought, "You hit your head, you say? Do you require medical attention?" she asked, concerned.

"Hmm... I doubt it. I'll probably be fine soon. That said... returning to the old topic, about your daughter... " Louise smiled, "She's probably too dependent on you."

"Don't I know it..." answered Leona finishing her tea. "But she'll have to be until she is ready. I don't see any options my illness left me. Perhaps... no,that would be asking too much of you," she said before trying to change the subject.

"Hm?" Louise tilted her head in a manner that displayed pure cutesy in confusion, "This is probably a historical example of inexperience. Hope you find a solution soon," Louise said, not caring about the probable insult she made to the current queen, taking a sip of her tea casually.

"Well, during my reign your counciling was surprisingly invaluble," she complimented, overlooking her insult. "Perhaps you could have a talk with her. It may do her some good."

"What if she comes to you crying? I know not the trick to restraint!" Louise spoke in jest, stretching her arms wide left and right, albeit some of these words were in fact the truth.

"Spirits be told, that girl could do with some toughening up. If she does come crying to me however, I will deal with it," she answered laughing slightly. She loved her daughter as a mother should. She just wished things would have happened differently. Her daughter's childhood was cut short due to the circumstance.

"Hm, perhaps it'd be for the best," Louise said, making a bold and confident smile, "Very well then, I shall see to her."

"Thank you in advance, now tell me of your travels. It's been a while." she demanded curiously.

Leona IV was laying on her bed going over the options she thought that she had. She hadn't been out there and felt the wrath of the Cult for herself. She only knew what was detailed in reports and letters from the other major cities. The other cities often scrutinized her for living in the safest city while they had to watch their backs. It wasn't her fault that the capital city was located in such a place, but at times she still allowed her feelings to be hurt. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Sitting up, she scotted off the bed before straightening her dress. She knew it wasn't her mother since she'd usually just walk in as long as it was just her.

"Yes? Who is it?" she asked as she walked over to the door awaiting a reply. "Miss Louise is here to see you." said a familiar maid's voice.

"Come in," said the queen not knowing who to expect, but she must be trust worthy if she was escorted here by her mother's maid.

The maid opened the door to allow Louise into the room. Then with a bow, the maid closed the door.

"How may I help you?" asked the queen politely, then extended her hand offering a seat on the couches that seemed exactly like her mother's. It wasn't that their tastes were that similar, Leona just didn't care much for the interior design.

The same couch, huh? I wonder if they share the same preferences? Oh, whatever, at least I don't have to sit on a solid chair or something... wait, what am I expecting on a queen's room? Louise walked into the room, half lost in reverie as she took a seat.

Louise sat before even bowing to someone who socially held a higher position than her, she did this almost intentionally, one side of her wanted to be playful, while the other argued that it may not be ladylike to bow after all. The former side of her mind won regardless, "Pleased to meet you, Queen, I am Louise, Louise Marguerite la Finé de Augusta."

"I am pleased to meet you Louise. Are you acquainted with my mother?" she asked, sitting across the couch from her guest. She was too engrossed in how Louise presented herself to notice her lack of respect. She was an interesting woman. "I can't say I have met many of my mother's contacts."

"How should I say? I suppose we go back a lot uhh... actually, I can't remember when, but I've probably appeared to your mother like this, too," Louise said, trying to remember, there was an irritating headache when she tried to remember, so she stopped altogether.

Seeing that Louise was having some trouble remembering the details, Leona dropped the subject. "So, may I know why you have come to me? May I help you with something?" she asked.

"How do you think a ruler, should rule?" Louise asked, without any delay, she sprung the question to her face, she held a rather impressively innocent smile as she sweetly asked this, as if she herself didn't know the answer to the question.

Leona wasn't expecting to be asked such a question. It was as if Louise knew something she shouldn't. "Just and Kindly. Always putting the people before themselves," she answered, "Why do you ask?"

"No wonder," Louise said, acting like an old woman from some village she previously happened to pass by, "Kids these days!" making an ironic statement, she pretended so perfectly, that even her replications of their rash manners were perfect. Then she reverted to her proper, ladylike form and gave the perfect smile, "That's quite naive. Was that written in a text book, or your favorite novel?"

Leona's face shown anger, and then embarrassment. It's how she learned how rulers should act in her studies. She had yet to form a true opinion of her own, and she sure as hell wasn't an expert on it. She knew how to treat her subjects, but beyond that she was clueless. "Then what would you do, if you were a great ruler?" she asked mainly to see if the woman had an answer herself. Or if she was just fit to poke fun at others.

"I'd lead them to the path of glory myself, of course," there was no hint of hesitation or lack of resolve in her quick and terse answer, "You don't rule based on what your people solely want, you have to think about what the consequence of their very wish can be. Do you think they'll value your judgement if you act as the puppet to their desires?"

"War," a word that the current queen's people had been speaking so very often recently, "If you were to declare war. What would be your reasoning, protecting your own people, conquering land, or bringing judgement to evil?"

"I want to protect my people from this Cult. I have no want for land or to bring judgement on others. I only want my people to live in peace." she answered looking at her fidgeting hands as they rested on her lap. "But many people will die on both sides. Even as a ruler, such a responsibility is too much for me."

"Protect, you say? Are you sure you can do that in your current state?" Louise sighed, "Princess, I think you should step down."

"W-who are you to speak to me like this?!" she said at the border of an emotional breakdown, "I am the only one who can do this. After my mother lost her spirit, it has always been me. Not you or anyone else has who had to deal with this. You have no idea what it is like to hold this many lives in your hands!"

"It's not impossible, for me nor your mother, that is. You see, if I support your mother now, I can help your her retake your postion. You wanna bet, Princess?" Louise replied, with a smug expression, testing her resolve, "Let me ask you, what do you think is the most effectively way to lose most of the people of your land?"

"My mother would not betray me! But as for my people..." she said thinking up an answer. "If... if they were to lose faith that they were safe," Leona thought about her answer after she said it, but it was to late to take it back. "People would panic."

"Hmm, that's a possibility, but I believe your mother understands what the phrase 'best course of action' means, unlike you. She wouldn't be betraying you, by the way. She'd be putting you in your proper place, is all., As for your answer, it only answers less than half of my question," Louise smiled, and leaned closer, "You see, the way to lose most of the people of your land effectively... is very possibly by being a bad leader." she giggled maliciously, "Simple, right?"

"Looking at your expression, I suppose I must elaborate on my statement," Louise sighed, then continued, "You see, by being a bad leader, you can't make fast and sound decisions, you can't think straight from excess stress, you can't swiftly take actions at times of emergency, and lastly, you can't handle the pressure. Oh and before I forget, your people will eventually lose faith. Faith in you, of course. In contrast, your mother has exceptional experience, that alone is good enough. Almost incomparable to your current state, yes?"

As Louise leaned in, Leona felt herself move away instinctively. Listening to her was almost too much for her to take. She felt a pressure coming from her chest that began to choke the air out. Most of all, she felt threatened. A white flame flickered from her forehead, and in a flash she was in spirit form standing out of her seat. The white flames danced on the sofa burning it in an instant.

"I've had enough. I'll show you and my mother that I am good enough to rule!" Steam began to rise from her eyes, tears that were evaporated as soon as they reached the surface. "We will go to war," she declared forcibly, cancelling her spirit form before she burned the room down, "And the world will acknowledge me for all time. I swear it."

The flames left her unfazed, "Very well. I acknowledge your spirit," Louise said, with a completely cold expression devoid of her smile and innocence, "I shall be the judge of your value as a ruler. Show me... Show me the history that you can carve with your blade. I will watch you from the shadows, and determine your worth."

Louise closed her eyes for a moment, "A piece of advice I shall give before we part: keep a calm and cool mind; never lose your composure, especially to your power. Being friendly is fine, but never cross a certain limit, be it best old buddies or comrades. Don't give in to anger and hatred. Lastly, don't go looking for advice too much, for experiences are your best advisers. If you do otherwise, tales of your shame will no doubt be spoken by men for all of eternity."With that Louise stood up walking through a portal with her hand waving before vanishing.

Leona IV looked on with an angry expression as Louise left. Her mother had no doubt talked about her to Louise. Was she that ashamed? And who could blame her if she was? Even though she understood her mothers intentions were harmless she didn't want to go see her right now. From now on she was going to make her own decision. If this was the right or wrong choice would be decided in time.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
This is a Joint Post including: TheLoneGentleman and BlinkXPoke.

Soul was having a rather pleasant morning. He knew that he had things to do today, but he blew them off. He decided last night that he was going to kick back and enjoy himself, of course, with a few ladies he picked up around town as well. After he had his fill, well into the afternoon of the next day, he decided that he would actually do his job. He was supposed to visit one of the main houses that supported the king, the Milan family. Taking his time, and arriving only a few hours before sunset, he approached the manor. Guards hastened opening the door to avoid too much interaction with the man. After all, to most of the city, he was still a criminal despite having the king's favor.

Stepping into the large, and in Soul's opinion, over decorated house he made his way to the living room. Taking a seat on the large plush black couch, he waited for the head of the household to come down. Soul didn't have to wait long as the man knew what happens when Soul was not properly entertained. Laughing at this, Soul sat deeper into the chair as the man sat across from him.

"A nice house you have here. I see being a lap-dog of the king is a nice life indeed." he commented.

"Y-yes, what is it that you came here for? The message wasn't very informative." answered the man, clearly showing he was nervous.

"Ya, I'm supposed to ask you for soldiers, or something like that." responded Soul looking around the room.

"We have plently of strong men and women ready to be given to you at a moment's notice. You only needed to send word that you wanted them. We are always ready to serve." answered the man. "Y-you didn't have to trouble yourself with a meeting..."

"You are boring, old man! Where are those daughters of yours. I heard they were a lot more fun." said Soul laughing rudely.

"Now, see here..." began the man, but upon meeting Soul's gaze he quickly changed his tone.

"One had a surprisingly strong spirit if I remember correctly." continued Soul. "Is she included in this group of yous as well?" Soul narrowed his eyes at the man.

"Father... you're being too louuuuuuud... Is there someone else theeeeere...?" Sonya walked into the room sleepily, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She hadn't fully awakened, yet. Her hair was disheveled, and she was still in her nightgown, which was wrinkled from turning over in her sleep.

"If it isn't the lady of the hour. I see you are as late to rise as I am. Not that it's an issue." he said in reference to her night gown. "Me and your old man were just going over you joining the military."

"I said no such thing, I do not want my daughters going off to war!" said Sonya's father finally breaking and standing up.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeh!? But, I really don't want thaaaaat..." Sonya whined as well. Going to war meant constantly working, and she was too comfortable with her life inside the Milan manor. She'd even need to fight. The thought of needing to participate in battles, and needing to hurt others... was strangely intriguing to her. She imagined the things she'd do during skirmishes, with the prisoners of war, and many other pleasant, violent, ventures.

"That seems fun, actually..." The tone of her voice changed. Instead of her usual slow, innocent manner of speech, Sonya spoke more directly. There was a certain dark undertone beneath her words.

Soul smirked, picking up on this change in Sonya. "Then, it's settled. We will take Sonya and the rest of your offerings." said Soul laughing a bit at Sonya's father's futile resistance. "She will be given rank, and soldiers of her own. You should be proud of your daughter, old man."

Sonya's father sat down defeated as Soul made himself even more comfortable placing his feet up on the wood and glass table between them. Placing a hand on his forehead Sonya's father waved his hand. "Fine..." he answered. He knew that refusing an order from Soul was just as bad as refusing the king. But it infuriated him all the same. "When do you need them?" asked Sonya's father.

"By tomorrow. Two other representatives will come to collect your daughter and her belongings." answered Soul. "That fine with you princess?"

"Indeed, it is!" Sonya said happily. Part of her was still somewhat sad that she would be leaving her home, but she just couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.

"The outside world is ours for taking. We just have to clear the fools in our way. Your going to love it."

"I can't wait!" Sonya's childlike excitement mismatched the situation. "Maybe I can play with some of the soldiers before we start..." There was a subtle emphasis on the word 'play', and she laughed mischievously. "It's been so long since I've really gotten to enjoy myself, lately..."
(This is a Joint Post including: TheLoneGentleman and Galahad_Meals)

As the cart approached the mountain. people in the cart were showing mixed feelings. Many were feeling nervous about joining, and some were overconfident. Razta was in some spot in between. Even in the village the tales of Arkasia were common knowledge. A amazing beauty with the fierceness of the dragon for which her name was born. The village elder said that he had met with her once, but they weren't on exactly good terms. He advised Razta not to mention his name upon meeting her.

The horses carried the carriage up the steep mountain with ease. They were bred to be mountain survey horses and it showed. Suddenly the carriage came to a stop. The cloth that covered the carriage was pulled open letting in the cold mountain air. Again the passengers were chilled to the bone while Razta stepped out breathing in the cold mountain air with a smile.

"You sure have gotten used to the weather rather quickly...especially being half naked." said a female guard. Her face was covered by a iron sallet helmet so he couldn't see her face. As she stood lost in thought a huge presence came up behind her.

"Stop drooling soldier, and get these people inside. They are sitting there freezing!"

"Yes Nero! I mean sir!"

The large man head butted her straight on the helmet, and the girl fell unconscious. "So disrespectful! Someone take her inside and take care of the new recruits!" yelled Nero as two soldiers scrambled over to complete the task. Razta couldn't help but notice that the man's forhead didn't have so much as a red mark from knocking his head on an iron helmet. In fact the girls helmet looked dented. Before he noticed he was staring Nero stood infront of him closer than he was a second ago.

"Something wrong recruit?" asked Nero looking down at him. Razta was tall, but he was only about 6'3". This man was still a foot over him. However, Razta was not intimidated.

"What are you made of? I'd have a concussion trying a stunt like that."

"Who? Him?" Masaki butts in to the current conversation. "Isn't it obvious that he's made out of meat and bone?" Masaki answered with a huge smile on his face.

Nero smiled with pride as he let out a deep laugh. "I can see you have much to learn boy. I am the shield of Arkasia. My spirit turns these "meat and bones" into something harder than steel" he answered with pride.

"That's new, what is this substance called steel?" Masaki asked and continued, "From where I'm from, I only know that my lost master has a very hard stone that when hit, it makes a very loud sound."

Nero was at a loss for words. The man before him would be a challenge to train, but not because of anything other than his naivety. "Move along you two before you get left behind," said Nero pushing them in the direction of the group they came with.

Razta was excited to be among so many strong warriors, but this wasn't the time to be impressed. He needed to move along with the rest of the recruits. Many people were coming in today, and Razta was sure him and Nero would meat again. Nero waved them away as he turned to welcome the next cart of recruits.

"Looks like you might have more fun than I thought. Many warriors are gathering here." said Razta barely containing his excitement.

"Indeed, I'm learning new things as I walk this path." Masaki looked around in amazement seeing various people with various armor and weapons.

As the group moved on escorted by two soldier they were brought to a woman behind a long desk. She was surrounded in various documents, and somehow still knew where things were as she pulled out a thick stack or papers. Slamming them on the table she pulled out a long quill pen. She wasted no time in calling out names of the villagers. It was time to sign your name on the dotted line, and become a soldier of Arkasia.

"Masaki Arkwon!" called out the woman looking at the two warriors. "Please step up."

"Y-yes!" Masaki was surprised with the sudden call, he stepped to the front of the desk and asked, "W-what is it, m-ma'am?"

"Please sign your name here, here, and...here." she said pointing to three different papers. "You may read these before if you wish, but I shall give you a quick summary. This one states that you are joining of your own free will, and also that desertion will label you an enemy of the divine. This one acknowledges that you understand that if you are not selected to be a knight you will serve the guard for a minimum of four years. This last one..."

Razta stepped forward and interrupted the woman during her explanation. She looked at him with a half confused half annoyed look.

"I don't think this guy is following along with everything you are saying. I'm going to save you a headache." said Razta.

The woman looked up at Masaki seeing his very confused look as he looked at the three papers. She sighed deeply. "Go ahead."

"Just sign these papers if you want to fight." explained Razta.

"Now that's something that I understand," Masaki took the quill and wrote his name on the three papers. Masaki returned the papers including the quill to the woman behind the desk. "Thank you ma'am," He smiled honestly at the woman while giving the papers back.

The woman smiled taking the papers, and looking over them to make sure he signed in all the right places. Taking out a stamp she dipped it in ink before stamping the three papers in the blink of an eye, and adding them to the stack of completed paperwork. Then she pulled out three more papers for Razta. "I'm guessing you heard everything that I was saying?"

"All but this one." said Razta looking over it. 'Swear to keep all secrets of the military within the military...' thought Razta. Something seemed off about it to him, but it is of course them trying to protect themselves from spies or the like. Signing the three papers he handed them back to her. She repeated the stamping for his papers, and then turned to the two. "Welcome to the Army of the Divine gentleman." she said with a smile. "Someone will escort you to where you to the barracks to the right."

A soldier walked up to them and nodded. Then turned with a precise step. "This way."

The two followed him to a hallway deep in the castle. It was almost a maze of doors and more hallways. Without a guide Razta wasn't even sure he would be able to make his way back. "Masaki this room belongs to you, this one next to it is yours Razta. If you have any questions or get lost ask the nearest guard for assistance. You are free to go to the town if you wish, but I wouldn't stay out too late. Arkasia likes to start her days early." After that the guard left leaving Soul and Masaki in the hallway.

"Why don't we check out these rooms?" suggested Razta. He was surprised enough to know their rooms were inside the castle, and now he found out they had their own separate rooms. The life of a Divine soldier was more pampered than he thought.

"Ah, alright, I might find a nice ground for me to sleep." Masaki bluntly said since he never used a bed before and has only slept on the ground his entire life.

"I'm pretty sure they have beds in here," said Razta chuckling a bit. Opening the door to Masaki's room he looked around. Since their rooms would most likely be the same he figured he'd save a walk. Tapping a spot on the wall the spirit lamp lit up the room. The room was easily on par with some of the best inn's in the village. There was a bed, a desk, and a writing table. Strange fancy art decorated the walls, and the floor was soft red carpet. "If these are the grunt's quarters I cant wait to see what the knight's get..." said Razta whistling as he turned around.

"Wow, the room looks good and there's a bed!" Masaki walked to his bed and sat on in. "So soft. ." He commented on the bed.

"It's still a bit early, but if what that soldier says is true we should head to sleep. I'll see you in the morning Ark." said Razta heading for the door.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Razta." Masaki followed him to the door to see him off to his room. Masaki closed the door and sat back down on the bed. "A new adventure, huh? I should really stop doing unnecessary things." He then leaned down on the bed.

Walking into his room he locked the door, and walked in placing his bag down on the floor near the bed. The trip took more out of him than he bargained for, but this was the start to his life. As well as the uncovering of his past. All he needed to do was live long enough to see it through. Laying down on the bed he closed his eyes drifting off to sleep.
(This is a Joint Post including: Valentine_Ki5S, TheLoneGentleMan. Katsucha, and BagMan)

"Hmm, awful lot of military carts passing today. . ." Anastas muttered to himself, counting off the number he had seen pass him during his hike up to the fortress and including the one that just passed him. He gave a sigh as he dismissed the thought, whatever they were preparing for was of no concern to him.

"Oh, Fenix sir, you're back again today" a local stall owner called as he spotted Anastas approaching.

"Afraid so. It rained last night while I was away from camp and I sadly forgot to pack my bread stores under shelter." He replied with a sort of mournful look.

The shop keep gave a light-hearted laugh, "That's okay, we've got a fresh batch from this morning. Since you're a regular here, I'll give you one on the house." and he packed the six loafs into a bag before setting them on the stall table.

"You're too kind, sir." Anastas said gratefully with a sheepish smile as he paid for the five. He gave a friendly nod to the shop keep before taking the bag and leaving. "That's the bread done, now on to. . . "

He halted in front of the local bar. This was a place were knights frequented, he thought maybe he could try find out what the influx was about if he went in. Well half of him thought that, the other half kept reminding himself that he didn't need to get involved. Sadly, his curiosity got the better him and he brazenly stepped inside.

The bar was at capacity today. New recruits and knights alike were mixed into an interesting array of traveling stories, and horror stories of Arkasia's training regiment. The stained wooden floor creaks as people walk around, but no one seems to care. The bartender is a middle-aged man that is always spouting advice to the people that seem down on their luck. Anastas entered the bar the bartender waved to him. Anasta walked towards him finding an empty spot at the bar.

"What can I get for you son?" said the man as he dried off a few mugs that he had just cleaned.

"I mainly came here for information, but besides that I'll take a glass of milk." he requested.

"Information huh? So you are one of those curious sorts." said the bartender placing a mug in front of Anastas. Pouring him a foamy glass of whole fresh milk he laughed. "This isn't the oddest order I have ever taken in here," said the bartender. A mist covered the top of the glass chilling the milk to perfection. "So what are you looking to learn?"

Anastas stared at his drink before he placed three silver pieces on the bar, and the bartender took them off sliding them in his pocket. "What is with the number of warriors coming to town? As far as I know the queen hasn't decided to go to war."

"If you know Arkasia you will know that she is a person of the people. We have been calling out for war for a while. She is preparing for what we all know will come soon enough." answered a new recruit sitting next to him. The man was rather plain looking with dark brown hair. But his face showed that he had been through some tough times.

"And there you have it." added the bartender.

"That woman...and without the queen's consent I bet." said Anasta taking a swig of his drink.

Suddenly a large group entered the bar. The bartender lit up with a huge smile. "Hey clear up a table! The ladies man is here!" shouted the batender with a laugh. Even though it seemed like a joke a table was cleared soon after. Anastas turned to see a man in armor with three women with him. 'Well he sure lives up to his name sake.' thought Anastas. A few moments later another woman entered the bar. She was in light armor, and wore a few confused expression.

"Thanks Barry" Said Owain sitting at the newly cleared table, the three warriors close to follow. "Could I get some ale as well, nothing too strong" He smiled "I'm still on duty"

"Sure thing, and how about these ladies with you?" he asked looking to the four women as they sat down. "Something sweet", "Something sour","Something that burns!" said the three women. Their mannerisms showed that they had been friends for quite some time. "And you young warrior?" said Barry looking at Ari.

"I'll take something light and sweet."

Barry took out five mugs and set them in a line. Pouring the drinks as they were ordered he placed them on a tray and carried them over.

"How much is that?" Owain asked "I'm paying"

"You know the Arkasia discount, one gold coin does it for the night." he answered setting their drinks down in front of them. "You get through a year of her and still have your dignity. You are going to need these drinks."

At this Owain laughed "He's not wrong" He said still chuckling as he reached for his money pouch that was hanging from his belt. He reached inside and handed over a single golden coin. "Thanks again Barry" He said with his usual smile.

"Not a problem Owain." he said returning a smile. "So you, you look a bit more seasoned than these three. Are you a knight as well?" asked Barry looking to Ari. The three women looked at each other with a smile before looking to Ari for her response.

"Not yet, but hopefully will become one later today" Ari said shyly.

"Ah thats the Arkasia way. Get them knighted quickly so they can't change their mind. I'm sure you were told today as well?" he asked smirked. "That's not a normal routine. In other kingdoms you have a week in between."

"Yes I was just told today. But its fine with me the sooner I can get to the front lines the better."

At this Owain frowned. "Don't be so hasty to rush to your death Ari, you'll go when you're told, if you're told at all" He said acting his rank this one occasion. "Besides" he added "It would be a shame to let such beauty go to waste"

Ari's face suddenly turned bright upon hearing Owain call her a beauty."D-Don't think your flattery will work. Plus I don't plan on dying."

"Oh?" Said Owain in reply to both of those statements. "Have you ever been in a real battle Ari? Do you know what it's like?"

The three women sipped on their drinks looking back and forth as the two talked. They seemed to be able to communicate with just that.

"I'd rather not speak of that." Ari said as she looked away.

"I wont pressure a lady like yourself into anything, but let me tell you" Owain said leaning in slightly closer "The battlefield is hell on earth and it's a knight's job to make sure that no one other than themselves and their men ever have to experience it. To be a knight is to shoulder the kingdom"

"Sorry sir but I probably have experienced a hell far worse than yours. Though I want to do my best so no one else suffers the same again."

Swigging the last of his Ale, Owain stood up "You interest me Ari Fay" He said "I do suppose I'll be seeing you again in the near future, now if you'll excuse me ladies" He said smiling at the four of them "I'm sure I have some kind of report to give to someone or rather"

"Catch you around Owain," said Barry from behind the bar.

"I'm sure you will" He called out waving to Barry as he walked away.

"We are going to head out too, It was nice to meet you Ari." said one of the three girl as they stood up. "Congratulations on becoming a knight!" said the more cheerful one of the group. As the three left out the door they passed by two knights who walked in. Scanning the room they walked over to Ari. "The time of your knighting is close. If you will accompany us we will escort you." one said both standing tall and proper.

"Understood. Please lead the way."

Without another word the two turn waiting for Ari to stand between them before the three walked out of the bar.

Anastas who was watching the scene play out from his seat at the bar chuckled. "I couldn't handle being that uptight all the time..." he said.

"The life of a knight is a tough one," said Barry as he poured orders for other patrons. "That girl has been through something awful to turn out like that."
(This is a Joint Post: Katsucha and TheLoneGentleman)

The guards escorted Ari through the town and up to the castle. After entering the castle a series of long hallways, and stairs climbed the fortress to

Arkasia's office.Finally the two knights headed down the final hallway, at the end were two large doors. Each knight grabbing one they opened the door allowing Ari to enter. Arkasia stood in front of her desk holding one of her sheathed swords straight down in front of her. Nero was to her left side, and another knight that Ari had never seen was at her right. He was a shorter man than Nero, but his appearance was no less intimidating. His pale white hair and hard features were complimented by rugged facial hair. He looked like a man with many years of experience.

"Ari Fay, thank you for coming." said the man at her right. His voice was deep and matched his looks perfectly. "My name is Kreig Rosenthal, it is a pleasure to meet you. I knew your father. My condolences."

"Thank you sir" Ari said as she stood in attention.

"Then we will get this done, I'm sure that you are anxious to become a knight." said Arkasia smiling. "Kneel before me Ari and I will make you a knight."

Ari walked closer to where Arkasia was at and knelled before her.

"Do you swear to serve me and the kingdom to the best of your ability. Putting the people first and giving your life if necessary?"

"Yes sir. I swear I will protect the kingdom,and I shall protect the people."

"And your judgement will not be skewed by vengeance?" Arkasia said bluntly. "I need someone that can follow orders, and not lose themselves when the time comes to strike. Are you sure you can handle this task?"

"Yes sir. I shall follow orders thoroughly and I shall not lose sight "

"Excellent.." she said smirking surprised her comment didn't get to her. Unsheathing her sword she brought it down resting its gently on Ari's shoulder. Then raising it over her head to the other side before bringing it back to it's sheathe. "Knight Bachelor Ari Fay, I proclaim you a Knight of Arkasia. I hope to see great things from you in the years to come." said Arkasia smiling down at Ari. "You may rise."

"Thank you sir it's a great honor" Ari said once she stood up in attention.

"Now we shall have a feast in you honor. It will be a chance for you to meet your fellow knights as well." said Nero smiling.

"Yes lets, I'm actually starving myself." said Arkasia looking to Nero. The demeanor of the group seemed to change after Ari became one of them. It was like being accepted into a new family.
"See you tomorrow Sonya," said Soul standing up quickly after all the details were settled.

"Your leaving already?" asked Sonya's father. "I thought you would be staying for dinner."

"You have no need to kiss my feet today old man. I have other things to do today." answered Soul walking towards the door. The guards opened the door just as quickly as before, and were swift to close it after him. Soul never minded how people treated him. He found it as a sign of respect for the power he held. People in this city either avoided eye contact with him or tried their best to please him. As much as he loved recieving free gifts and favors it sometimes got on his nerves.

Walking through the city he saw it was about sunset. Most of the bars that he liked to go too would be starting to fill with the kind of crowds he was accustomed too. He had a few more houses he was supposed to visit, but the call of alchohol was just too much. The other houses could wait. Walking into a bar named "The Fog" he noticed the bar go silent as he walked to the bar. Ignoring this he sat at the counter.

"I will have tall glass of venom." ordered Soul tossing some coins out on the table. The bartender snatched the coins off the table, and walked to the bottles to mix his drink. "Venom" was a favorite drink of those under the curse of Ouroboros. Soul liked it because of the way it always burned going down no matter how many times you had it. The bartender placed it on the table before placing a drop of snake venom into the mix. The cup began to bubble violently. Grabbing the cup, Soul quickly downed the entire glass in one go feeling the burn going down his throat.

"Ugh, I knew I'd find you slacking off here." said a familiar female voice behind him.

"If I'm such a slacker what are you doing here with me?" asked Soul tapping on the bar for another glass. A girl with long dark hair, a low cut dress, and long black boots sat next to him. Her expression showed that she was less that pleased.

"I went around to double check the number of troops coming from each house, and you'll never guess what I was told?" she said looking at Soul. Soul ignored her focused on his next drink.

As the bartender brought his drink to him and set it down, it suddenly flew off the bar and shattered on the floor. Soul turned to her with an expressionless glare.

"I'm sick of doing your damn job Soul! When are you going pull you're head out off you ass and do some work?"

"Look I was getting to it. I just stopped here for a quick drink." answered Soul.

"Sure you were, and after you spent the whole night with some whores you found I'm supposed to beleive that?" she scolded. "You are suppposed to be our leader. but you are just a joke!"

Soul leaned on the counter, and smirked. "You are the only one who can get away with talking to me like that." said Soul tapping on the counter yet again. "But your lectures aren't going to be enough to get me working. Why don't you handle the boring stuff Marian, and I will stick to what I'm good at."

Marian covered her face with her hand in frustration. "Look just make sure you visit him alright. He has been asking for you."

Soul waved her away as his new drink came. "Sure thing."
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
After Soul left, Sonya giddily returned to her room, asking nearby and available servants to assist her with preparing for her departure. She packed her belongings in a trunk, which was to be filled with selected outfits and some of her stuffed animals. This filled it up almost entirely, but there were certain things Sonya could not seperate herself from. She drove her servants away from her room so that they could not see where she hid these certain things. Occupying the rest of the space in the trunk was a leather whip, chains, leather bindings, and a skimpy outfit with hardly enough material to be considered clothing. It is the things she uses while she has her violent 'fun' with a servant.

"That should do it, I think..." Sonya double checked that she had all of what she needed, then pulled out a certain small doll from the trunk. It was a ragged, old doll that her mother had made for her when she was a small child. It had some magic imbued into it. Sonya abuses it frequently to relieve the stress she has pent up due to her frustration with the lack of rival families' attacks. She used to have fun torturing any rebellious 'servants' she captured, but when the attacks finally ceased, she built tension. Only recently she learned that the doll's power allowed her to harm others by simply inflicting it on the doll, but only if that person is in the correct mindset. For that reason, she began to carry it around with her constantly, even within her home.

With everything set and ready to go, Sonya readied herself for bed. She would have a big day tomorrow, and wanted to be well-rested.
Event: War Announcement!

Arkasia and her knights enjoyed a wonderful night of wine and excellent food. It was in honor of the newest member of their family, Ari Fay, who was just knighted that very evening. In the large dining hall Arkasia sat at the head of the table, and Ari on the opposite end. To Arkasia's right and left, were Nero and Kreig. From there, it went down the ranks all the way down to Ari who just joined. Arkasia was content to talk to anyone who wanted to, but she was currently content to watch her men enjoy themselves. Resting her head on her hand with a smile she watched as Ari was flustered by all the attention. Suddenly a soldier entered the room and stood before Arkasia saluting before bending over to whisper into Arkasia's ear. A smile crept across her face in response.

Arkasia stood up, and as she did Kreig's booming voice called out for attention. The room instantly fell silent. "There is to be an announcement tomorrow at the capital," shouted Arkasia. "The queen has finally chosen lead. Let us hope she makes the correct choice." She raised her glass of wine. "For the Divine!"

"For the Divine!" shouted her knights in response holding up their various ales and wines.

Arkasia was one who always spoke her mind, even to superiors who she was told to respect. Respect was a thing you needed to earn from her, and not many people were capable of such a feat. "Who will you be taking with you sir?" asked Kreig. Arkasia thought for a moment. "It will be good for Ari to get some experience, and she lived in the capital city before coming to train did she not? I won't have to worry about her getting lost. She seems to have met Owain as well. So we will bring him. He can watch over a few new recruits." she said with a chuckle.

"Owain is on babysitting duty!" laughed a knight who had obviously had too much to drink. Owain cursed the gods themselves. New recruits were the worst at times, but he would have Ari to share in his despair so it wasn't too bad of a deal. Plus the capital was home to some of the finest women in all of the kingdom. Smiling the lecherous knight took another swig of his drink.

"Nero, you were posted at the gate today correct?" asked Arkasia.

"Yes sir," Nero answered.

"Any recruits that stood out to you?"

"Now that you mention it. There were two from the Forest of Origin that looked to be fine warriors. Though one was a tad naive I think both will make fine soldiers." answered Nero.

From that description, Arkasia herself was interested. "Send someone to wake them up in the morning. They will be lucky enough to skip first day training."a she ordered. Though what she had in store for them would probably be a lot worse than what training would have been.

Morning seemed to come faster than usual. Unfortunately for Razta and Misaki their day would be a little harder than anyone else. At least that was what Akrasia had in mind. To her disappointment her challenge was nothing the two couldn't handle.

"Sir, when you told me we would be carrying all of the knight's belongings I thought there would be you know...more of you." said Razta pulling his half of the luggage in a cart. Misaki paid no mind to their conversation, and hummed a tune as he pushed his cart. He trained harder than this at the temple so this was fun to him. The snowy path did little to slow the progress of either of these two warriors, and they were on the final stretch of an eight hour journey that started at dawn.

"I underestimated you two. It won't happen again," said Arkasia atop her white horse. It was suited in armor wearing the Arkasian colors of white and gold. It was rare to see her defeated like this, but something like this only made her want to find ways to push the two further.

Ari and Owain were atop two horses as well, but theirs not as decorative and wore simpler iron armor. Owain was not in his full armor as it was too heavy for any horse. His armor was instead placed in Arkwon's cart. Standard soldiers led the way prepared for anything that might try to ambush them on the rocky mountain path to the capital, atop the hill. The chances of this were low, but one could never be too careful.

There was a howl in the distance that was from a passing pack of wolves. Razta's stomach growled in response. "That sounds really good about now..." he complained as he watched the wolves run past in the nearby woods. But his cries of hunger would have to wait.

"We will arrive at the city soon enough you two. You can eat as much as you want there. My treat." said Owain.

"Ya!" shouted the two warriors in response.

"You are soft on them Owain. I was not like this when I trained you." said Arkasia chuckling a bit remembering old times.

After another hour or so of walking they reached the gate. The guards seeing Arkasia opened the door to let in her, and her soldiers. The initial view of the city was breathtaking. With its oriental style, the city was alive with a variety of colors and the sounds of music. After taking in the gorgeous sight for a moment, they were greeted by soldiers who escorted the group to the castle. On the way there Razta and Misaki where given curious looks as they pulled the carts through town. However, all that the two could think about was the free meals they were promised. The smells of the restaurants taunting the warrior's senses.

As they arrived at the castle Razta and Misaki were relieved of their loads by soldiers of the castle. Comically two soldiers tried to move the carts as the two warriors did, and had little luck. They were forced to hitch horses to the carts, and pull them that way. After everyone was told what time to gather for the announcement Arkasia released them. They were free to have fun about the town as they chose, but ultimately the group all chose to go and get some food. At this point even Ari's stomach was growling like a beast. Razta stared at her with amazement.

"For such a small girl your stomach sure makes a loud sound." said Misaki crouching and staring at Ari's stomach in wonder.

"Idiot! D-don't stare like that!" she exclaimed as she raised her hand and smacked his head to the ground. Owain and Razta laughed at the scene, but their stomachs soon growled after.

"Maybe we should hurry and get some food." said Owain rubbing his stomach. Ari didn't notice how different Owain looked without his armor til now. He looked a lot gentler than he seemed before, but somehow he had the strength to lug that armor around, it was truly a wonder.

"Something wrong Ari?" asked Owain noticing she was staring at him.

"N-nothing lets just get some food already!" she exclaimed blushing slightly.

The group decided on a small shop that Ari suggested. She went there as a child, and always loved the way they prepared their meats. "Woah this is spicy!" exclaimed Misaki as he downed some water to try and suppress it. The group laughed at their new comrade and then exchanged stories of each others travels. They were surprised what they learned about each other, and while they enjoyed themselves they almost forgot where they had to be. Panicking Owain slammed a random amount of coins on the table, that was well over what they needed to pay, and the group hurried out of the shop running towards the castle plaza. Arriving a minute after when Arkasia told them to be present. The glare that she gave them was a promise of terrible things to come.

"Sit down, she is about to begin." said Arkasia sitting with her legs crossed. The group reluctantly took their seats. Suddenly a girl with long blonde hair walked out from the castle to the balcony with the others. Her dress was of a style not seen in this area, but of a more aristocratic style. With that and the air of confidence about her she clearly stood out. Arkasia examined her over and smiled but said nothing to her.

"Do you know her sir?" asked Owain.

"Nope." she answered simply with a smile. Owain looked confused but didn't inquire further.

Looking out from large castle balcony you could see that the plaza was starting to get crowded. The plaza was a large circle in front of the castle. A giant fountain rested in the middle formed of marble. Around that was the image of a large phoenix on the ground. This image was redone every time a new ruler was decided. In honor of their spirit From the crowd you could see the balcony doors and the stairs that led down to a podium. The seats for royal guests were hidden from sight by large white and gold tapestry that portrayed a phoenix taking flight.

"So I have always wondered how is there is always a new queen, but never a king." asked Razta. "I've never heard of the queen marrying either, yet they always have children..." Arkasia blushed slightly trying to form together an answer, but was interrupted by another voice.

The former queen had snuck up on their conversation, and placed her hands on Razta's shoulders. "Would you really like to find out?" she said playfully into his ear. A chill ran up Razta's spine. He was frozen in fear unable to come up a response, Leona III laughed. "The truth is a family secret, but all Xinia die pure. Please don't get the wrong idea about our family." said Leona III. The group all rose, and gave a respectful bow to the former queen except Razta who was still freaking out. "Y-yes mam!" stuttered Razta,

"Always a pleasure you see you well." said Arkasia still bowing. Leona stood up straight, and smiled.

"Same to you Dragon of the North." replied the former queen with a smile.

Suddenly drums began to sound out as two of the royal guard stepped out from the castle, and out to the balcony. One a large man with long hair tied up in a pony tail. The other a slender woman in a very ornate purple dress, her hair tied up in beautiful feathers. They knelled on both sides of the door as the queen stepped out. Arkasia, and company followed suit bowing to the queen as she walked down the stairs to the podium. The former queen did as well, but the blonde girl looked on in curiosity not moving from her seat.

Anastas looked on from a spot that kept him out of the crowd. It was off to the side behind on of the nearby buildings in the plaza. He had made his way to the capital ahead of time wanting to hear the queen's announcement rather than wait for new to trickle to town. This was one of the rare times he would ever come to the capital. Eating some citrus fruit he picked up in town he waited for if the kingdom would be going to war. His spirit was hoping that this queen had thought long and hard about this before hand.

"Yes, I hope so Demyan, war is nothing to play around with." he said to his spirit.

As the queen reached the podium she looked out over the crowd as even more people filed into the plaza. As she came into view the large crowd knelled, and even as more people filed in then knelled as well. She had given speeches before, but never have they had this big of a crowd. She was starting to feel a little nervous, but would not let that show. Standing up firm in front of her people she fine spoke. "Citizens of Masario, and guests from other kingdoms thank you for coming. As you probably have surmised my announcement today pertains to the recent outbreak of attacks, as well as Cain's obvious guilt. Though building up our defenses has made a difference. It is not enough." she said looking out over the crowd. "The teachings of Scion tell us to oust the demons within ourselves, and in that create a peaceful land. But I am afraid that as in ages long past this is no longer enough. We must take examples from the great beings of old, gather our strength and strike down upon the Children of Ouroboros. We go to war!" she shouted.

The crowd upon hearing that their ruler had finally decided to go to war went into a frenzy. Suddenly the two royal guards from before darted in front the queen, and another new guard stood in front of the former queen. He looked too big to move as fast as he did. White hair and wearing a large fur robe. The rest of him was muscle and armor, and a large blue axe resting on his shoulder.

A figure in a black cloak jumped from the crowd and landed upon the water on the fountain as it froze over. Holding up her hands a large ring formed of light appeared. A red aura emanated from her, and in a small circle around her people fell to their knees gasping for air, snake marks appearing on their necks.

"Its the curse!" yelled a man as he tried to push through the crowd and escape. Panic spread, and people kicked and scraped to get away from the dark figure. The Plaza began to clear bit by bit. On the low buildings near the plaza black hooded figures began to jump in one by one until their numbers where near the hundreds. The figure on the fountain began to giggle showing her feminine nature Then continued to swing her weapon around. A strange phenomena began to occur as the souls of the people she just killed floated around trapped in a circle around her.

Arkasia stood up unsheathing her sword. The group snapped out of their seats with her. "Ari you are with me. Owain take Razta and Misaki to get your armor. Then I want you three in town on damage control. The other soldiers are prepared for this type of situation. They will combine with the local forces until further orders are given. Show them the strength of Arkasia!" Dia ordered. Owain and his party saluted and then took off to inside the castle to retrieve Owain's gear.

"Yes sir!" responded Ari drawing her blade.

In that instant two more royal guards shot out from their hiding spots, and darted for the woman at the fountain. One was a young looking girl with short brown hair tied up in buns. She wore a red ornate battle suit that allowed for many quick movements. The other was a pale looking, slender man with short brown hair. He wore a purple and black suit similar to the girl's. The girl began spinning a blade at the end of a thin chain so fast it made a loud whistling sound. The man on the other hand drew a single short knife from its sheathe. The speed at which they ran was mind blowing. Two feminine figures jumped down from the roof tops. One holding a long gold blade in the shape of a cross. The other a long thick ornate sword that was a little thicker than most.

Cutting off the two as they took strange poses that looked like the were trying to seduce the two royal guards. "Come on let us show you a good time!" said one of them smacking her lips before they began to strike out against the two royal guards. Suddenly the dark figures on the rooftop began to sing in a dark chorus. "Chuuu yaaaa raaaa laaaa ru kaaaaa zheee laaaakaa...." the males sang as some even had instruments. Drums and symbols began to fill the plaza in a vicious sounds that sounded somewhat tribal. Their voices sounded warped by some outside force. The female figures began to sing their own parts as they danced in creepy jerky patterns. "Soooo daaa yaaa. Han tan leki yaaa. Haa haaa!"

In response the girl on the fountain began to dance to their song, and the souls around her began to move to the rhythm until they all moved as one. Whatever she was doing needed to be stopped immediately. Arkasia took off running as she drew her other blade. Making three precise leaps she made her way to the roof tops and engaged the black figures on the roof. Then of them stopped their singing and drew simple blades with snakes decorating them, and engaged Arkasia. Ari placed a hand on her heart and summoned her attack golem from a piece or a large marble pillar. The golem lowered it hand and allowed Ari on before tossing her onto the roof behind Arkasia. A moment after it combined back into the pillar it came from.
(This is a Joint post starring: Katsucha and TheLoneGentleman

Arkasia and Ari were having a difficult time focusing for some reason. It was as if something was weighing them down. Arkasia looked down to the girl dancing, and figured her to be putting up some kind of veil. In the capital city she was able to do this so her power must be immense.

“Stay close Ari I am going to put up a veil for us,” she said as she whipped her sword around quickly pushing back the enemies around her and Ari. Sheathing one of her swords she placed a hand on her chest and a blue aura shot out around her. The area wasn’t too large, but it would be enough for the two of them. Drawing her second sword once again, she stared down at the black figures.

“This is the time to strike Ari.” she focused deeply attempting to use her wind to speed up her movement. Her winds blew fiercely and surrounded her and Ari. “Do what you want, and I will support you.” She needed Ari to take a slight lead as she kept her veil up.

“Yes Sir,” Ari responded as she drew her blade and charged towards one of the black figures. Arkasia smiled as her knight charged in fearlessly. With her speed she ran along side Ari striking in between her attacks and fending off incoming attacks. It was a dazzling display of sword strikes that left the enemy unable to do a thing.

“You are doing a splendid job, but there are yet more to deal with…” said Arkasia as she focused on keeping her aura up. Suddenly she felt an intense pain in her chest, and collapsed holding herself up with one of her swords. “Keeping up this up is taking more than I thought. Cover me for a moment Ari!” she said entrusting her life to Ari as she tried to regain focus.

Ari then place her hand on her heart. Soon her golem came into form from the parts of the roof. “Alright lets go Gai” Ari said as she charged towards the other black figures who had arrived. The figures charged towards Ari and her golem, taking a strange formation that had two figures leaping back and forth. The one man out front however simply charged straight holding a spear.

The groups formation confused Ari for a moment as they closed in at an alarming speed. Locking up with the spear wielder they were evenly matched. The other two hooded figures had no luck either trying to get by Ari’s golem. The golem swung down at the man who Ari locked up with, but he jumped away in the nick of time. The three stood looking at Ari as they got ready to charge once again.

Smiling as Ari was able to fend off three attackers by herself, Arkasia regained much of her strength. “Ari move out of the way!” she yelled as she began to spin her two blades like propellers.

“Tch, they are better than I thought” Ari said as she prepared to counter the black figures but then she heard Arkasia. Upon hearing her Ari quickly stepped to side along with Gai.

Turning her blades to face the figures she released a torrent of wind at the three, and the rest of the figures on the roof. Some were able to react and leap off the roof. But about twenty of them were caught in the winds and blown away. Their bodies scattered slamming into walls and street pavement. Many if not all were killed on impact.
(This is a joint post between: BagMan, TheLoneGentleman and Galahad_Mills)

Owain and his group needed to find the arsenal in this large castle. It was where they were going to store Owain’s armor while he stayed at the castle. This wouldn’t be dreadfully difficult since Owain’s spirit was so intuned with it. All they needed to do was get to it, and hope nothing got in their way.

The party let nothing hold them back and tore through the castle maze easily due to Owain’s excellent guidance. The party made it to the arsenal and Misaki kicked open the door.

“Was that even locked?” asked Razta. Masaki shrugged and stepped into the room that held various weapons and armor. Owain’s armor was against a wall.

“There she is” Said Owain, there was a glimmer in his eyes as if he was admiring a woman he was in love with. Quickly he entered the armour and secured himself inside, once he put on his helmet he was unrecognisable as knight that had stood before Misaki and Razta previously. Directing his spirit Nimue to charge the armour with steam.

Feeling the water pump through the armour then turn to steam, Owain smiled, that had gone exceptionally well, Nimue must be on top form seeing as she hadn’t seen much action recently. Feeling as if this would be enough to handle those cursed men, he headed out of the armoury grabbing his greatsword, which he could easily wield in a single hand, and his shield. Beckoning to the other two he left the armoury to support Arkasia.

“Yes sir!” replied Razta unsheathing his knife and following behind Owain. He moved faster than he thought he would with that armor, but having a shield in this situation calmed Razta’s nerved. Misaki didn’t seem to be having a problem with this however. His face showed that he was ready to fight, and when he finally got the chance he would show the world what his master taught him. Razta smiled at him, as they ran down the hallways to the large doors to leave the castle.

The group was told to be on damage control in the town. Razta figured that meant to protect the civilians. Looking to Owain he awaited orders as he surveyed the situation in town. Hooded black figures were fighting with guards throughout the streets. “How did this many enemies get into the city?” Razta asked. “And most of them don’t seem to be having a problem with the queens veil at all.”

“They get more tenacious by the day” Said Owain, realising the severity of the situation. “I don't know how they manage it, but that hardly matters at the moment, the queen is in danger and Arkasia and Ari are fighting on their own, this is when a knight comes into their own, come on you two!” Said Owain rushing towards the civilians who were in danger.

The city was ablaze with many civilians being slaughtered left and right. As Owain charged into the situation two hooded figures stopped what they were doing and dashed towards him. One holding a spear the other a serrated scythe.

Owain quickly assessed the situation, both weapons had great reach which he doubted either of the two soldiers following after him could deal with. Quickly deciding that the spearman was a greater threat he lifted his great sword and slashed into him, while making sure his shield protected him from any attack the scythe wielder would launch.

The enemy was far faster than Owain could react to. The enemy was able to slip by his attack and his shield without a problem. As Owain’s attack came crashing down the two enemies attacked him from the sides. Razta and Masaki rushed into battle stance seeing their commander in trouble. Dashing in Masaki was full of energy, and moved faster than he ever had. Snapping in he punched both enemies with all his might. As his hits connected it shattered their ribs.

“This man paid for delicious food! Show him respect!” yelled Masaki looking down to the defeated figures. The figures writhed in pain before passing out. Razta was amazed at how fast Masaki moved, but now wasn’t the time to be impressed. Razta moved to find out just who these figures were. Moving over to the passed out soldier he uncovered his hood. As he did this the body turned to dust.

“What?” Razta said as he stood up quickly. “Sir, you should see this.”

Looking at where the attacks had scratched his armour Owain looked displeased, he would have to get faster if enemies kept moving like that. Walking briskly to where Razta was standing he too saw the man turned to ash.

“Is this the extent of the curse of Ouroboros?” He asked to no one in particular, gritting his teeth in anger. “Unforgivable!” he exclaimed running towards more of the cursed who were assailing the civilians “You two, cover me” He shouted back at Razta and Masaki.

“Roger,” answered Razta gripping his dagger. He looked at Masaki who was still smiling at his handiwork.

“This is a competition now! Dont fall behind Razta.” Masaki said following Owain.

“You are on Masaki” Razta answered catching up.

The group hurried to assist the civilians in town, and while they did this they came across the soldiers of Arkasia who were posted in town. Seeing Owain they hurried to him, and hoped that he would have new orders.

“Sir, the city is infested with Cult members. We have no idea where they keep coming from. When we crush one group another rises in its place.” said a soldier informing Owain to the situation.

“It’s really troublesome” Said Owain “But we have noticed that these cultists seem to burn into ash when killed, for some reason I don't think we're fighting human enemies” Said Owain, unusually frowning. “They must be coming from somewhere, we have to find the source, wherever it might be”

“The slums seemed to have the most activity,” said another soldier. “We wanted to check there, but we lost a lot of good men in the attempt. With you here we might be able to break through.”

Owain laughed at this. “You have too much faith in me soldier” He smiled “You, you, you and you” he said pointing at the choicest men “Come with me, we’re going to secure the slums, the rest of you make sure to keep the civilians out of any more danger, I won’t have any more deaths today, do you hear me?” He ordered the men

They saluted in unison. “Yes sir, for Arkasia!” they shouted before splitting up to follow their new orders.

“Yes, yes for Arkasia” He smiled “Razta, Masaki, you still with me?”

“After what I’ve seen, you need us.” taunted Razta. “We are with you till the end sir.”

“Same here, I still have to pay you back for the meal.” said Masaki cracking his knuckles.

“Bwahahaha” laughed Owain from the bottom of his lungs “I hope the end isn’t too soon” he said “I’m still young” At this he made for the slums, soldiers in tow.
((Joint Post between: TheLoneGentleman and Valentine_K1S5))

Anastas scowled, recognizing the alien tune that surrounded the square. ”Crafty bastards. Demyan, we’re going to need to end this quickly.” He called out, pushing himself from the wall to gain some distance for a run up.

It may have been because the wall was old and had good traction on his boots but Anastas managed to reach and grab hold of the building’s gutter. Hanging from the side of the roof, he pulled himself up and was faced with one of the cursed male members. Scanning the male, Anastas nodded in confirmation to Demyan’s comments. ”Yeah, this one is expendable.”

Whether in retort of his comment or simply to ensure the ritual succeeded, the man drew his dagger and made a dash at Anastas who had drawn one of his own in turn. Their blades clashed but before the man could draw back, Anastas grabbed hold of him with his free hand and delivered a strong knee to his gut. Winded, the man dropped to his knees and Anastas kicked him down for a two story drop.

”That’s one down, time to deal with the rest.” He muttered to himself as he drew out his bow. He noticed a familiar knight and another engaging the other cursed men on the rooftops. He let out a sour expression as Demyan advised him, ”Yeah. . . I should probably support them.” he responded as he charged his bow. Anastas aim was perfect, and he hit all of his targets, but none of the shots were enough to kill them. They are however much slower than before.

Arkasia and Ari picked up on this, and focused a joint attack on the figures that were pinned with the arrows. Finishing off all the soldiers on their roof they looked across the way to Anastas. Arkasia smirked remembering him from a long time ago. “Didn’t want to join the army, but still he sticks his nose in our battles,” she said to Ari who was focused on making sure their enemies were actually dead. Looking down to the royal guard as they fought hard against the two hooded swords women, Arkasia was amazed. The women were able to protect that caster with such ease even against two of the royal guard.

“Come Ari, we will clear the other rooftops, and then join up with them,” she said as she tore off her wind quickening her steps. Ari followed behind her as quick as she could.
(This is a Joint post starring: TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica, and Katsucha.)

Leona III stood up, furious. The guard in front of her turned to see what she was doing. “I will be fine with Louise here. Please assist the other royal guards, Saren,” she ordered. Saren looked down at her hesitantly. He didn't know this young lady that sat next to her, but the way she displayed her disinterest in the situation made him angry. She didn't seem to care in the least for what was going on. “Now, Saren!” Leona III shouted.

Turning to her Saren walked off towards the group protecting the young queen. The queen was sitting on the ground lost in the situation. Crouching down Saren lifted her to her feet. “My queen, the people need you more than ever. This is your time to fight. We have trained for this. Let us be your shield,” he said in his deep, but calming voice. The two guards protecting her before turned to her and smiled.

“Caym...Sophia...Saren, thank you,” she said standing on her own two feet. Jumping on Saren’s shoulder she activated her healing veil. Saren and the other two smirked as she leaps off the balcony to join their other two guardsmen.

Leona III looked at Louise. “Will you be my protector for the moment? I can figure out what is going on, but I need a closer look.”

”I thought the view is good enough from here… “ Louise lazily replied, ”Uhm,” Louise took the liberty to clear her throat, ”How may I be of assistance, my Queen?” Louise made a slight bow with her head, barely making the upper-portion of her body bend,. While it seemed that her display of respect was not enough, it still portrayed her dazzling expression of a young maid, yet it contained quite a lot of her confidence, ”I could simply destroy some of the troublesome enemies directly, if you so wish, my Majesty,” it was an act of mockery, Louise somehow loved the idea of playing around just to delay the answer to a question.

“If you would be so kind,” answered Leona smirking with a slight bow. All she needed was to get inside the area of that dancers influence. The spirits were acting in a strange way, and not many people knew the spirits the way she did. Even without one of her own, her knowledge was immense. With the royal guard taking on the group the two should have little trouble.

Leaping off of Saren’s shoulder the young queen looked to the girl dancing atop the fountain. “You have already taken this too far for forgiveness!” yelled Leona IV. The girl on the fountain stopped dancing, but continued to swing her weapon.

“You can stop with the bravado,” she said with a giggle added at the end. The spirits that were surrounding her disappeared. “I guess this amount will have to suffice,” she continued. Flipping backwards off the fountain she landed on the plaza floor as the ground began to glow slightly around her.

“If you are going to help me, we must hurry,” urged Leona III.

”We don’t have to, though,” Louise replied, smiling, ”I need you to stop right there, in fact,” her wand was pointed directly towards the Queen, as it glowed with a faint white light.

“What do you mean?” asked Leona III as she stared at Louise. As she saw Louise begin to cast a spell she could only hope that she knew what she was doing.

Suddenly, Queen Leona III found herself at the edge of the balcony from where she could see the entire situation, Louise placed her hand on her shoulder, ”Much faster than †˜hurrying’ yes?”

“But a tad too daring don’t you think?” said Leona III regaining her composure. She would never be used to the way her friend got around, but it did save them a bit of time. Looking off to the fight she tried to listen closely to the spirits. “It is a summon spell,” she muttered. “I’m sure of it, but none of the other conditions are met. How is she skipping past them?” she said looking on completely ignoring where she was. Sadly she was discovered by the enemies in this moment.

Three black figures jumped off the roof of the balcony and landed on the walkway to the podium. Louise and the queen were cut off from a normal retreat. The three figures drawing their various weapons began to ease their way toward Leona III and Louise.

”Say hi to hell for me,” Louise said - smiling as usual - pointing her wand towards the three approaching enemies. A tiny light formed at the tip of her wand - an explosion large enough to blow the three away formed; causing an ear-deafeningly loud noise, as the floor cracked apart, debris flew up and mixed with the air as a result.

The enemies had no idea the girl possessed this much power, and were caught completely off guard. Caught in the explosion nothing but ash remained afterwards. Only after hearing this sound did Leona III remember she was in a battle. Turning around she saw the result of Louise’s attack. “I knew I could count on you,” she said smiling. “Now…”

Turning back to the balcony she yelled down to her daughter like a soccer mom. “Knock her dead now! She is summoning something!”

Leona IV heard her mother call down from above, and snapped into action with her guards. As she focused deeply she tried to attain spirit form. As fire sparked from her forehead her hands and legs were covered in white flames, but her charge came too late as the area that was glowing erupted sending bricks flying. Smoke cloaked the area as glowing eyes peered down on the queen and her warriors from the smoke. A buzzing sound rang as the smoke dispersed quickly. A giant insect-like creature stood examining the area. Its two front legs were larger than the rest, and were covered in a thick plate that no sword could pierce. Its upper body was close to a human shape with two sharp arms like a preying mantis. It’s large armored head had two large threatening horn. It’s wings were nothing but a way to help it move up walls, and were not enough to grant him flight.

”They sure love to make a rowdy entrance. Perhaps I should liven things up in my own way for a change of pace?” Louise suggested, looking at Queen Leona III. There were some enemies, but the allies in here were countless.

“I get to hear your singing again? What a treat,” she said stepping out of Louise’s way. “Yes, I do think that would help us greatly, but we will need more guards.”

Arkasia and Ari finishing the rest off of the rooftop figures jumped up to the balcony, “What is the situation?” said Arkasia holding both her blades. She was covered in cuts, but nothing deep enough to warrant concern.

“We have a plan. Think you can cover us while we act on it?” said Leona III, smiling. Arkasia stood up straight and saluted. “As you wish. Ari we are to protect these ladies,” Dia ordered.

“Yes sir, we will be their shield,” answered Ari as she tried to summon her defense golem. Surprisingly around Louise, Ari had an easier time concentrating. Two golems moved from the marble in the area holding large shields. Taking up positions around the group they would ward off incoming attacks.

“The stage is set Louise. Give them a good show,” said Leona.

Louise gave a rather disappointed smile, ”You... excited at a time like this...” she commented.

“It hasn't been this lively in a while. Even if it’s a battle it reminds me of the old days,” she answered.

”You should travel with me one of these days. It’s lively every single day in my life,” Louise said, giving a wink. Then both her hands cupped the air around her chest, as she faced the sky - her body begun to glow with a silvery light.

Louise sang in a language known to none in this world. Her voice was sweet and enchanting, but something about it felt stern; even if one tried, they’d be unable to get it out of their head. Despite this, Louise’s charm seemed to skyrocket for an unknown reason, perhaps due to the strange yet bright glow? Even Louise herself never knew the answer, only her mischievous and lecherous spirit did. She wouldn't dare ask, either. Seemed like she’d be singing for quite some time. As the lyrics she started to sing seemed to be longer than expected. Even she doesn't know what she’d sing, as it’s the divine flow of fate that dictates what ancient song she sings out. This was the longest one she knew.

As the fighters listened to the maidens music they felt a burst of energy and power. The three girls gathered in front of the insectoid beast getting ready to fight. As they looked at each other a smile crept from under each of their hoods, followed by a laugh from each of them that seemed to echo around the plaza. The beast roared loudly. Then charged towards the young queen and her guard.
(This is a joint post starring:BagMan, Galahad_Meals, and TheLoneGentleman.

Owain and his group headed for the slums of the city. Even though they were referred to as the slums they weren’t as disgusting or crime infested as most would think. It just wasn’t one of the most well off districts. However, with the destruction brought on by the cult you would not be able to tell. As they approached, a group of eight hooded figures reacted and charged towards them. Razta and Masaki got into combat stances next to Owain as he awaited his orders. The figures approaching them fast.

“You two take point and distract them, I may not be the fastest but if you let me hit them while they’re focused on you, I guarantee, we will win,” Said Owain with confidence. Razta stood still for a moment steadying his nerves. An intense heat radiated off of him, and caused his body to glow very lightly. †˜Steel myself’ Razta thought to himself. Suddenly his body glew even brighter as his skin turned red for a moment before returning to normal. Both Razta and Masaki charge in at an even pace. Razta gripped his knife tightly and sliced one figure in two as it burst into ashes. Snapping in with a backhand Masaki dazed an enemy. Punching the man once, he then kicked the enemy towards Owain. His gauntlet began to glow slightly before returning to normal

At this, Owain brought his Sword down like an executioner, slicing the man perfectly in two. At this, Owain burst out laughing, he knew he didn’t have to go easy on these dust creatures. Moving into the fray he began to cleave at another enemy. A perfectly aimed strike with all his strength caused the enemy to explode into a burst of ash. Owain smiled, he was back on top form. Owain’s soldiers cheered as they saw their captain cutting down enemies left and right.

Motivated, the soldiers moved in and attacked, and were able to take out three more of the figures them, but in this one of the soldiers was badly injured. Razta, Owain, and Masaki charged at the last three.

Dashing in as the three remaining figures tried to flee, Razta tried to move his leg in and tangle up his legs. Succeeding, he and the figure he trapped were in a deadlock. Throwing the first punch he hit the figure so hard that it passed out. Razta spit to the side. “That wasn't even a proper brawl,” he said disappointed. Masaki rushed his target and punched him twice in the back, then delivered three kicks to his spine, but his final punch missed as the figure Owain was chasing pulled his ally of of the way.

Owain continued to chase both figures, determined to take them both out with his next sweeping slash. Slicing both enemies in one swing of his sword they both fall to the floor before disintegrating.

Taking off his helmet, Owain’s face was glistening with sweat. Breathing a sigh of relief he wiped the beads from his brow. “Gets awfully hot in here” he remarked. Returning his mannerisms back to those of his rank he asked the accompanying soldiers, “Do you know where the source could be in the slums, or are we going to have to fight them all?”

“No sir, we were forced out near here…” said one of the soldiers. “We only know its somewhere in the slums.”

Razta and Masaki stood calming their bodies from combat. The two looked like they just hadn’t had enough or battle.

“Are we going in sir,” asked Razta. Masaki was waiting for this answer as well.

“We don’t have much choice” Sighed Owain “We’ll move to the center of the slums and check it out, if there’s nothing there, we’ll look for a vantage point of some sort”

“We will simply crush all the enemies we find in here, correct?” asked Masaki.

“Crush, eh?” Said Owain looking at Masaki, “No, try and take one alive, I’m not sure if these things can talk but may as well give it a try.”

“You got it sir,” replied Razta. “Are we still on point?”

“Worked last time, may as well be again, careful though, I’m not losing another life today” Said Owain his face very serious.

As the group moved into the slums things seemed to be moving almost too smoothly. The group of Owain and his knights were not put at ease from this. Something in the air seemed to just choke them. It wasn't a physical kind of feeling, but something they felt in their soul. A laugh echoed throughout the slums. As the knights looked around for the source, the lights went out. For being nowhere near night it was darker than it should be. It was then the group noticed the thick miasma blanketing the sky.

“You must have strong souls to last here…” said a high pitched voice from the shadows. “I guess you will be my newest additions!” Suddenly everyone’s vision went black as a whistling sound could be heard behind them.

“Get down!” yelled Razta as he quickly tried to do so himself. A whirling blade came from the rear and sliced through the following soldiers. Their bodies slowed the blade down enough so that Masaki wasn’t killed, but the blade made a deep gash in his arm. As it flew up to the sky a figure could be made out on the wall. A disgusting figure with long black legs clinged to the wall. Long black hair fell from a black hood. The hair was decorated with silver ornaments. The ghoulish figure licked the blood clean from his ring blade, and smiled while he did it.

Owain glared at the figure in disgust. “Have the children of Ouroboros no honour?” He asked the figure, spitting on the ground in disdain.

“Strange words to hear from a man who slaughtered his own people. Aren’t you supposed to protect them?” replied the man in a dry voice. “Nothing was done for the people living here. No one even cares. But I did. I showed them love only I could show.”

At this, Owain almost snapped. “Death was far better than anything you did to them, but you’re right, I’m a failure and a hypocrite and I’m still going to make you pay” He said, his voice strangely calm for how angry he was.

“Ohohohoho, am I getting under your skin, knight?” said the man. “I’ll make you into something beautiful!”

As Owain kept the man distracted Razta was able to sneak below the man, and run up beneath him. Reaching him he hoped to hit hard enough to knocked the man from his perch. After running up the wall Razta was tired. His punch hit softer than he expected. The figure freaked out and swung his blade at Razta. Razta ducked under this grasping the building side tightly then with a flip he kicked the man down to the streets below. Owain and Masaki would need to hurry and catch the man.

Rushing to the man his sword at the ready, Owain attempted to destroy the man in a single fell strike. The man screamed as Owain stepped over him. The knight had never known an anger that shook him to the core as it did now. As his blade fell upon the man it traveled deep into the street as well pinning the man as black blood shot from his chest. Razta made his way down to see the man as he died. The man got a close look at Razta’s face. “The es...ped ch...ld…?” the man choked out as he spat out blood and his eyes rolled to the back of his skull.

Owain looked down on the wretch, but dared not say anything. He had let anger cloud his judgement and he was proud. Razta stood there not sure he had heard the man correctly. †˜The escaped child?’ he thought he heard, but he said nothing of this to Owain or Masaki who had just walked up. He had ripped his shirt, and tied off the bleeding himself.

Pulling his blade from its place in the dead man’s chest, Owain walked away without a word. Sheathing his blade, he kept on walking, he wasn’t even sure where he was going but he felt that he couldn’t stay near that man’s corpse any longer.

“Sir…?” said Masaki after Owain, but he got no response. Razta gave Masaki a shoulder to lean on. “Let’s go Masaki,” said Razta as he helped Masaki to follow their leader.

Owain realised, after walking someway, that sulking like a child was proof of his greenness as a leader. Turning to his remaining troops he said “Are both of you ok? You took quite a hit there, Masaki.”

“I’m fine, but we should have his cut cleaned. Someone like that might have poison,” said Razta speaking from experience.

“You’re quite right” Said Owain pulling himself together. “If we can get to a tavern of some sort, there’s bound to be some alcohol we can clean the wound with, or a fishmonger’s, we can clean it with salt” At this Owain began searching through the streets.

Suddenly a group of soldiers ran up to Owain. They were from the Masario guard by the look of their armor. “Do you have wounded? The attacks slowed to a stop after you were reported entering the slums. We are now clearing the city just in case.” said a female soldier.

Owain smiled. “We dealt with the situation, but we weren’t able to get any information. My friend here needs his cut cleaned if you would be so kind, my lady” Owain said “I have to go find my commander”

“Last time we saw Arkasia she was still at the castle. Begin your search there. We will watch over your soldiers,” she answered.

“I will stay with Masaki if that is ok sir,” said Razta. “We will meet up later.”

Owain nodded “That’s fine, I’ve already put you two through a lot, make sure to rest up because I’m not gonna be happy if you came back to me with anything less than your best” He grinned.

“Yes sir!” Masaki shouted weakly. Razta nodded. “Be safe sir” responded Razta.

“Of course” Owain responded as he ran off to the castle. As if to reward Owain, he felt an additional surge of power in his armour. “Thank you Nimue” Owain offered praise to his spirit. Just knowing she was watching over him comforted him more than he dared admit.
Monster Girl
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