Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

There were three sharp knocks on Owain’s door early in the morning. Owain always knew that to be Arkasia’s signature. He also knew that he had about ten seconds to get to the door, and have it open before the door came skittering across the floor. Fumbling out of the bed dressed in just his boxers he put a hand on the knob just in time. Opening the door a crack Owain peered out to find Arkasia looking back at him, and she was less than pleased.

“Alright sir?” Owain said, cracking an awkward smile in the face of this adversity.

“I settled things with Edile, but I still won’t be allowed to hold a weapon within the city. Probably for the best in any case.” answered Arkasia. ”I didn’t come to simply complain to you however. Edile’s sister is supposed to come today. Me, you, and Morgan are to attend the war meeting. Get ready, and be out front in two hours. Her too.” Morgan fell out of the bed clumsily. She was hoping that Arkasia wouldn’t notice she was there. Arkasia smiled at Owain wryly and walked off down the hallway to her own room.

As Owain shut the door Morgan sighed. ”What doesn’t she know?!” she exclaimed. She was covered up in the bed sheets, and looking for her clothes.

Owain chuckled, “She’s good,” he laughed, “Have you seen the rest of my clothes? I forget where I took them off.”

”No...I can’t even find all of mine.” she answered. ”She won’t let us forget that she knows will she?” Morgan was trying to mentally prepare herself for Arkasia’s torturous looks.

“Never,” Owain said, smiling slightly.

”What a terrible way to start a day,” said Morgan with tears forming in her eyes.

Owain wrapped an arm around Morgan, staring her in the eye a warm smile on his face. Using his free hand he brushed the tears out from the corners of Morgan’s eyes, “Come on Morg, don’t be like that,” Owain said, “Arkasia isn’t a demon.”

”I don’t sense a demonic presence, but it doesn’t mean it isn't there?” replied Morgan finally finding her clothes. ”I’m going to go take a bath.” Morgan walked out into the hall, and dashed to the bathroom.

“Jeeze,” Owain muttered, “What’s up with her?” he mused for a moment before setting out to look for his clothes.

The Arkasia wake up call had come around, and going back to sleep was just asking to get your bed flipped. Grumbling a bit, Adelina got into a gown and gathered her things for the bath. Razta †˜dressed’ in his normal attire, and walked out into the hall to see if anyone else was out, and about. Just as the moment Luna walked out in her cropped tank top and grey boxer briefs

”You seem to have gotten comfortable with the group.” said Razta with a chuckle.

"Why not? Might as well indulge myself than lay cautious all the time. Mutual trust, right?" Luna said simply as she wrapped her muffler around her neck.

”I suppose, but you might give Masaki the wrong idea. He may fall for you.” joked Razta.

”What do you mean, wrong idea?” Said Masaki a few meters from the corner of the hallway. ”I was out for a morning run and when I came back, I hear that?”

Luna scoffed, if anything Masaki wouldn’t fall in love with a rock...then again, that’s much more believable than he and Luna. ”Masaki’s harmless, he wouldn’t know the first thing about love if it nearly ate him whole.” Replied Luna.

”I’m sure that isn’t true. He just needs to find the right lady. Right Masaki?” responded Razta.

Masaki laughed and continued, ”Yeah probably, but that’s not important for now. I still need to find that cursed women that I fought at the forest where that big bad wolf bit me.” He smiled at the two.

”Which one? Cursed seem to have nothing but women in their top ranks.” answered Razta.

Masaki rubbed his chin and looked up, ”Hmm. . . I think she was the seductive one. Her smell is kind of different from the others and I know it’s not her perfume. The smell was sweet like honey.” Said Masaki. ”I think Miss Luna knows her.”

Luna raised an eyebrow and then thought for a moment. Seductive one? Marian wasn’t exactly anywhere near charming and Charlotte was the kind of person to laugh at someone who was being seductive. That left Sonya. She wasn’t outwardly seductive but that time when she took control of that Origin guard spoke otherwise. ”You wouldn’t be talking about Sonya would you?” asked Luna upon realization. Then again, her and Masaki would make more sense, they aren’t the most....down to earth people I know.

Masaki closed his eyes and tried to recreate his fight with the woman in his head. He remembered tripping down and fallen on her soft pillow-like chest. Masaki blushed a little and said, ”I think so.” Masaki paused for a bit and remembered hearing loud snapping sound. He then suddenly opened his eyes and snapped his finger, ”Oh! And her weapon was a whip!”

Luna clapped a hand to her forehead, covering her entire face in the process. ”Yup, that’s good ol’ Sonya you’re talking about.” Luna huffed.

”Honey? I don’t doubt your nose, but thats a rather strange description.” answered Razta. Razta noticed Adelina walk by rather flushed, and she hurriedly made her way to the bath. Razta decided to let her go for now. ”What do you want with her? Want to see if the taste matches the smell?

”Well, master taught me how to identify living beings by their smell you see. He said that each living being has their own †˜Special’ kind of smell. For instance Miss Luna right here smells like Dahlias, and Miss Adelina smells like Cherry Blossoms. As for Razta here smells like freshly cut Avocados.” He said confidently. ”As for the taste, I have no idea. It’ll be weird if someone tasted like a mango.” He chuckled.

Luna snickered for a moment but stifled herself. ”Actually from personal experience, women can taste like mango, although you wouldn’t understand how even if I told you.” said Luna smiling wryly, she nudged Razta as she said this.

”I don’t know about mangos…” answered Razta once he made sure Adelina was out of view. ”But you haven’t told us what you want with her yet. You don’t seem like the revenge type. If anyone I expected you to be after Soul.”

”She’s the first person made me feel a tingling sensation inside me for the first time. Even though I think it was her ability, but still! I want an explanation out of her, and if possible convince her to join us. But I know that some us would be very angry.” Masaki sighed. You sure? What happens if you were the one changing sides? TouTetsuOh asked. Naaahhh I won’t change sides. I don’t want to get killed by my own friends you know. He chuckled to himself.

”I think maybe we should have Edile take a look at you,” said Razta looking at Masaki incredulously.

Ari was already dressed, and ready by the time Arkasia had come around. That spared her another embarrassing moment, like in Masario. Stepping out of her room she wanted to get some fresh air. Charging out she bumped right into someone.

”Woah, what's the rush?” asked Reymond.

”I just want some fresh air. Its suffocating in here.” answered Ari looking over to Razta talking with Luna and Masaki. Reymond sighed, and looked down to Ari, whose hands were quivering with anger.

”I guess I could use a walk.” answered Reymond. Suddenly out of the room next to them Owain walked out in just his trousers.

”What is this? Some boarding house for half naked troublemakers?” joked Reymond as he looked at the group that was forming in the hallway.

“I can’t find my clothes,” Owain said, rather sheepishly, “I have no idea where I left them in my rush to get into bed.”

”Rush to get into bed? It wasn’t that late when you went to bed.” answered Reymond. Ari eyed him knowingly. As another woman it was pretty easy for her to figure it out. Reymond on the other hand was either clueless or pretending to be.

“I was… uh… tired,” Owain lied rubbing the back of his head, “What are you two up to?” Owain asked, determined to change the subject for Morgan’s sake.

Adelina, finally ready for her bath, walked past tapping Owain on the shoulder. ”You should really learn to keep it down tiger.” teased Adelina on her way to the showers. Reymond cracked up unable to keep the visage up any longer. Ari walked off wanting to be free of that subject.

“Shut it, you,” Owain said annoyed, “Not like you and Razta are any better.”

Adelina stopped in her tracks almost dropping her towel. Clearing her throat she continued along her way saying no more. Owain shrugged, before quickly following after Ari, “Ari wait up, I wanted to talk to you,” he called out to her. Ari turned around right in front of the door, and looked to Owain.

”Yes…?” she said moments away from freedom.

“It’s about Luna,” Owain said, “I heard you two have been fighting.” Owain looked like a disappointed parent as he stared Ari down, “Look, I get you two will probably never see eye to eye, but I can’t have that compromise us on the battlefield,” Owain paused for a second, his face suddenly deadly serious, “Promise me you won't let it, because at the end of the day her life could very well be in your hands and vice versa, and I’m not losing a single one of you, do you hear me?” Owain asked questioningly, looking at Ari sadly.

”I can promise you, but that won’t mean people won’t be lost captain. That is the way war works Captain.” answered Ari.

“Well that’s not the way this Unit works, at least not while you lot still call me Captain,” Owain replied, “We work together and we win and no one dies, that’s what I expect, anything less is a failure, you understand?” Owain was wound up at this point, “Look, I don’t care if you love her or you hate her but if she’s about to die and you don’t do everything in your power to prevent it you’ve failed me and everyone else, and I damn well expect the same from her and everyone else, including myself,” Owain said hammering home his ideology.

”Fine...can I go now?” answered Ari.

Owain sighed, unsure if anything of what he had said had gotten through to her, and to think a few months ago he had been trying to chat this girl up at the bar in Arkasia.

“Sure… whatever,” Owain said, giving up, “Why do I even bother?” Owain mumbled under his breath, a dark look looming over his face, first Morgan had been in a right state and now Ari wouldn’t listen to him, he had a bad feeling about today.

Reymond could understand where she was coming from, but her mood wasn’t going to help anyone. Once Ari was out of the door Reymond turned to Owain.

”I will try to get her to come around,” answered Reymond. ”Wish me luck.” Reymond walked off to catch Ari before he lost her.

Owain sighed, his day thoroughly ruined, he decided he would try and find the rest of his clothes and maybe get a bit of exercise in before he was supposed to meet with Arkasia.

Arkasia hadn’t bothered to check for Anastas or Katya. They were always up even before her. Arkasia was beginning to wonder if Anastas even slept when he was in his room. As per usual Anastas was out wandering the town just before the sun rose. This time he wasn’t alone as Katya, who was an expert on the man’s habits, decided to keep him company.

”I’ll never understand why you have to get up so damn early…” complained Katya stifling a yawn.

”A man never lets the sun catch him in bed.” He replied briefly, seemingly well rested, ”You should keep that in mind if you want to be a wife.” He added jokingly as he poked her on the cheek.

”So I should expect you to always be gone from our bed in the morning? That is a rather annoying concept.” answered Katya pushing his finger aside.

”Perhaps. But nothing will get done if you stay in bed. Anastas retorted, a little disappointed as he stared at his finger. ”In any case, you’re here with me now. Surely, that is better than being in any bed.”

”I suppose, if maybe I knew what we were out here for.” answered Katya. ”Hunting isn’t something we need to do in town. I’ve seen enough of the forest recently anyways.”

”. . . “ Anastas went, he honestly had nothing planned for the day BUT hunting. ”. . . If one finds themselves with nothing to do, they truly are a god. . . He answered looking away to the side stands.

”You are so predictable…” answered Katya with a chuckle. ”Guess its good that I brought my weapon along. Shall we get going then? I hear that the Elder’s sister is coming into town today. We should leave before it gets crowded.”
Anastas only nodded in agreement, picking out a direction of forest he hadn’t harvested from yet. However he was somewhat concerned about the arrival coming today, so he leaned to an area of forest near the main entrance.

The two silently kept on watch for game in a hunting stand Anastas had hurriedly set up among the trees. It was small and tight spaced, he had forgotten to account for a second person due to habit and an unnerving air was filling the atmosphere as the two huddled together behind the blind.

Katya blushed as their bodies were closer than she was expecting, but Anastas didn’t seem to mind it. She wasn’t sure if the liked that or not. ”Why did you make this thing so damn small?” commented Katya.

”. . . “ Anastas took some time to answer her question. Though he didn’t show it, he was rather embarrassed that he had forgotten to build the stand to fit another person and didn’t much like the idea of mentioning it. ”. . . a smaller profile will make it harder to spot us.” He finally let out.

”I guess...you have a point there. We don’t have much room to move though.” said Katya squirming a bit trying to free up some space. ”I guess I’m just too used to our hunting grounds. We don’t have foliage to speak up back home.

”Indeed,” Anastas concurred, The lands there were so barren, we made our blinds out of a wall of branches.” chuckling slightly to the thoughts of †˜home’

”But out there prey was more likely to be lying in wait for you, rather than the other way around.” added Katya. ”But that added a new layer of excitement to it.” Relaxing against Anastas she closed her eyes. ”You see anything yet?”

”Excitement, huh?” He pondered, shaking his head slightly at the sight of no game. ”I’m not so sure, here waiting for prey is quite nice as well. The dance-like swaying of leaves, the sound of songbirds, it’s. . . rather calming.” He observed with a gentle smile on his face. It wasn’t one Katya had ever seen before. ”Would you ever consider it?” He asked out of the blue, ”Moving here?”

”My family would be less than pleased. But this isn’t for them is it?” asked Katya. The forest of Origin wasn’t the most exciting place, but even she could see that the situation back home wasn’t the greatest. ”Give me some time to mull it over?”

Anastas chuckled, ”I suppose it’s better than nothing.” Suddenly, a wild buck came out of the shrubbery. Spotting this, Anastas primed his bow. However since it was somewhat cramped in their stand, he wasn’t able to draw the bow fully. He knew he needed more power behind the shot to take it down though.

Shifting around in his spot, he managed to squeeze in some more pull. It wasn’t much but it would do. Taking up his sights, he closed in on the unsuspecting dear. ”What are you waiting for?” Katya whispered impatiently as Anastas strained to move the bow in place.

All of a sudden, there was an abrupt snap. The deer was out of Anastas’ sights and all he felt was the sensation of falling before a hard impact. Wincing at the pain, he shook his head clear, realizing he had fallen out of the stand. Feeling a weight on his person, he opened his eyes to the sight of Katya sitting atop him. Her long silken hair flowed down around him and though it may have been the ambience of the forest, he seemed entranced by her appearance.

”Are you alright?” she called out with a sense of concern on her face. Anastas didn’t answer, only silently processed what had just happened. Remarkably, besides his bump to the head, he didn’t have any injuries and with a smile on his face, he laughed.

”Looks like we won’t have a trophy to bring back.” said Katya with a slight chuckle.

Grigore sat in the back of the house cleaning and sharpening Helena's spear. At times like this it was therapeutic to just maintain weapons. It would also make him feel better if they were using properly cared for weapons. In times like this you never knew when you would need them. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him, and chuckled.

”You really need to work on sneaking up on people, Selanus.” joked Grigore, as he placed the spear to the side. The man in question merely quirked an eyebrow at what Grigore was doing even as he moved away from his position over Grigore’s shoulder.

”Housework doesn’t suit you at all. What gives?” Asked Selanus, noting that Grigore had been doing this for some time with the way the spear gleamed.

”Origin is a strange place when war is on everyone’s minds. I left Agreyus to get away from this.” answered Grigore. ”Helena expressed her desire to go and fight. Where do you stand?”

Selanus looked to the ground, shuffling uneasily as he pondered. As it stood, he still wanted those responsible to pay, especially a specific someone but it was going to be difficult even with support. Peace was hard to come by and he knew that standing by apathetically wouldn’t do any good. ”I honestly couldn’t have cared less about what goes on between the two sides, you know that. That changed when it became personal.”

”It should be personal for me as well. Your aunt was a comrade, and a dear friend. It was just hard...to look past it all, you know?” answered Grigore.

”And you’re not going to fight? Not even after they came after you and your flock?” Selanus remarked with a wave of his hand. ”I have a score to settle with someone but… I’m probably not strong enough anyway.” He added, honest about his shortcoming.

”What is better for my †˜flock’? Me being here for them or being out there killing more people. I killed more than my share in the old days.” answered Grigore.

”It’s not my place to decide for you. However, as much as I’d like to remain here in peace for the rest of my days, it’s all an illusion so long as Cain still lives.” Selanus admitted with a sigh. Like Grigore, he really wanted some quiet time but it seemed the world was against him in that regard.

”There are more dangerous people than Cain out there.” answered Grigore. ”When he is gone someone will fill that void. The cycle will continue.”

Selanus did a double take at that, looking at his mentor with uncertainty. ”Cain? More powerful than our “glorious” king? Ok, this I need to hear.” He pulled a chair over, plonking down in it and getting comfortable. ”And all the more to go I suppose. It might be in vain but I don’t want to be sit here with my life in someone else’s hands. It just doesn’t sit right with me.”

”Kristina often met with a woman. This was when research on those collars just started. I met with her men a few times to give reports of the collars combat success...and plunders.” started Grigore. ”In terms of power I can’t say how strong she was. You just get a feeling you know?” Grigore laid the spear to the side, and turned fully to Selanus. ”She was bad news, and I warned Kristina about getting involved with her. The woman’s demands became more and more outrageous. She was the one who suggested we start working on children…Kristina refused at first. But the result were phenomenal.”

Narrowing his eyes in disgust, Selanus chewed on his lip. ”So thats why she started experimenting on children.” He hadn’t known that the results would have differentiated from an adult and Selanus tolerated the existence of the collars. Knowing that his aunt had been coerced made the silent whispers from that day come back. ”That woman. What does she look like?”

”I never saw her eyes. She always wore a hood that hid most of her features. She had pale skin...Almost like a ghost, and long black hair. The way her voice sounded...Like a devil trying to seduce you. I always hated talking to her.”

Selanus chuckled, thinking of his own spirit. ”You and I both have a bad habit of getting involved with troublesome women.” He said with false mirth, shaking his head. ”That said, I can’t let this woman do as she pleases. We can’t have a repeat of this.”

”No, if you see her. I want you to stay clear of that woman.” said Grigore standing up.

”If we take that stance with every powerful figure, we will never see an end to this war. Sometime the underdogs need to nip at the ankles of our betters.” said Helena walking out into the back.

Selanus rolled his eyes. ”You both sound like my parents. If they cared enough.” He shrugged nonetheless, acceding to the both of them.

”Your parents are still alive aren’t they?” asked Helena.

”Yeah but they and I don’t have anything to do with each other.” Selanus shrugged impassively, them being alive or not wouldn’t change anything. ”I can’t remember the last time we had a proper conversation as parent and child.”

”They will be in the city during the fighting. Aren’t you worried about them, even a little bit?” asked Grigore.

”To put it aptly, the only family I’ve had was Kristina.” A slight strain in his voice was the only indication of Selanus’s pain before he waved a hand dismissively. ”All my parents saw was a tool to be used. We’ve been strangers since I was a boy, auntie knew that. That’s why she took me in.”

”Don’t regret this once it starts.” said Grigore. ”I’d give anything to be able to see my family again.” Grigore stood up, and walked past the two to get into the house.

”Guess it will just be the two of us going. At Least the village will be safer with him here.” said Helena with a sigh.

”Someone needed to stay behind to look after the village. Are you absolutely sure you want to fight though?” Selanus asked, even as he watched his mentor enter the building with slight concern.

”All I have been doing since I came here is holding back. I am a warrior at heart, and this fight has been on my mind for a while. Grigore lost a lot in the wars, and going back there might just stir up old ghosts. You can’t blame him, much.”

Selanus shook his head in response. ”I don’t at all. If anyone needed the peace, it’d be him. I was lucky to be sheltered by my aunt. Most people in the cursed army actually have terrible livelihoods.” He laughed bitterly as the memories of eating roast with everyone made its way to the front. ”I know trying to stop you is a fools errand so that’s half the reason I’m coming along. Just remember that those we are about to face are not people we can handle alone.” Selanus added grimly, brows furrowed.

”Maybe thats true for you,” said Helena with a chuckle. ”I’d say you are more a danger to yourself than anyone.” She tapped him on the shoulder trying to cheer him up.

”You mean like when I dropped the grenade?” He replied, nudging her with his elbow in response. ”It’s good you were there then, right? At least I know someone is looking out for me.” Selanus added, chuckling. Though, there were times he wondered how it’d be like if the grenade had went off before Helena could stop it but it was best if he kept those thoughts to himself.

”I have to eat, and you can cook. Its just that kind of relationship.” said Helena with a wink. ”Who knows I might decide to keep you on permanently.”

Selanus tried to keep valiantly to stop grinning like an idiot but it was a futile effort. ”Well if you put it that way, I have to do more to earn my place. I’m not going to let Grigore enter the kitchen if I can help it.” He did stop and wonder about what Kristina would have said if she could see him now.

”Glad to hear it.” said Helena walking backwards and smiling ear to ear with rosy cheeks. ”Let’s go get something nice for dinner and cheer up the old man.”

”Sounds good to me. I’ll rustle something up but see if we can get some booze. The old man could use some, hopefully it knocks him out some.” Selanus added with a wink, ushering Helena into the house. Suddenly, things didn’t seem as bad as they were before.
Arkasia, Owain, and Morgan walked through the city streets towards the Elder’s office. The city was busy, but not with citizens. It seemed that guards were taking extra precautions to prepare the city for Edile’s sister. After the recent string of attacks Arkasia only wondered why precautions like this weren’t made before hand. She chalked it up to Origin just have soft leadership.

”So what is this sister like?” asked Arkasia. ”If she is anything like Edile, I can’t see this war going very well for Origin.”

”I have never met her myself. Bael and Ezekiel...said that she used to be a guardian her as well before Elder sent her to watch another village.” answered Morgan.

”Is she hot?” asked Arkasia bluntly. Morgan’s face flushed a bit at how easily Arkasia asked that.

”I already said that I have never met her…” replied Morgan.

“If it’s Edile’s sister… I can’t see her being hot,” Owain chimed in, thoughtfully.

”You never know Owain. I hear she is much younger than Edile. Might be a real knockout.” answered Arkasia.

”How can you two talk about it so casually?” asked Morgan.

“The female body is a wonderful thing, and I’m not ashamed to show my appreciation,” Owain said, hand on chin, eyes closed, pretending to be thinking deeply.

”You both are nothing but perverts. I’d say that Arkasia corrupted you, but you were this way long before you left.” said Morgan.

”Not being held to perfection is liberating.” answered Arkasia. ”I had time to clear the air, and I have to say I feel… better.”

“You look much less stressed Sir,” Owain agreed, “Although I didn’t really clock the whole, y’know…” Owain petered off not wanting to continue.

”Not what you are thinking there Owain. I simply had a chance to †˜talk’ with someone. It helped me finally realize what I want. Now there will be no hesitation when the time comes.”

“And what is it that you want Sir?” Owain asked, genuinely curious.

”The life of the High Priestess, and Krieg.” answered Arkasia. Morgan’s eyes opened wide as she stopped walking.

”Won’t that call the wrath of the entire country on you?” warned Morgan.

Owain laughed wholeheartedly at this, “I think it’s a good goal,” he said, “If you’re going to aim, aim for the top, personally I can’t wait to be done with all this fighting,” Owain smiled sadly for a moment, “And to think I used to want to spend my whole life fighting.”

”Love changes your perspective rather quickly doesn't it?” said Arkasia looking back at the two of them. Morgan blushed a bit, but was smiling all the same.

”That it does,” answered Morgan.

Owain smiled, ruffling Morgan’s hair, “That being said; I owe Leon Soul’s head, and I intend to get it,” Owain said laughing.

”It seems we both have dangerous plans for the future. You better watch out though. For your lady’s sake.” answered Arkasia.

The group arrived at Edile’s office, and were shown in by guards. The guards eyed Arkasia to make sure she was unarmed. She raised her hands showing that she had nothing on her, and smirked. They grumbled a bit, but let her pass. The group was called to a room to the side. This room houses a long wooden table that was only used for meetings. Arkasia stepped in first, and saw Bael and Edile standing in the far corner of the room.

”Ah, you are here early.” said Edile wrapping up her conversation with Bael abruptly. ”And luckily we had no more incidents.”

”Better early than late,” answered Arkasia. ”That was a slip of judgement on my part. You don’t have to worry about me so much Elder.”

”Says the woman who destroyed an entire store… thought Bael with his same dull stare.

”That was you Arkasia? What on earth for?” asked Morgan.

”Just clearing the air.” answered Arkasia.

Owain smiled, “Sometimes you’ve just got to smash things, get it out of your system,” Owain said, in defence of Arkasia.

”Well I would appreciate it if it wasn’t in my village” answered Edile. ”I already gave you permission to do those sorts of things out in the forests.”

”So when is your sister supposed to get here?” asked Morgan. ”I’m looking forward to meeting her.” Morgan was trying to calm things down, mainly for Bael who seemed to be having the rough of it. Without Ezekiel it was obvious that he was a bit on edge. At Least it was obvious to her.

”She was supposed to be here already, but she is always late.” answered Edile. ”Probably got distracted on the way here.” Suddenly the door opened in the other room. A girl with silverish hair, and emerald green eyes walked in. Her white, and gold clothes were decorated with black ribbons and her legs were covered in black stockings. Gold cloth hung from both side and just barely touched the ground.

”Welcome Fairuza, I hope your trip was pleasant.” said Edile. Fairuza looked around at Arkasia, and the others.

”What are we standing around for?” asked Fairuza. ”You could have started without me. The start to these things is always dull.”

“You were right,” Owain whispered to Arkasia, grinning slightly. Arkasia smirked and nodded in agreement as the young woman entered the room. Morgan nudged Owain in the side with her elbow.

”Well we can get started now…” said Edile a bit embarrassed by her sisters behavior. ”Please take a seat everyone.” Arkasia sat across the table from Fairuza while Owain, and Morgan sat beside her. Edile stood for the time being while Bael sat at the far side of the table.

”Where are your guardians sister?” asked Edile just noticing they weren’t there.

”They are out seeing the village. I let them skip this meeting. They have family her after all” answered Fairuza.

”Well wasn’t nice of you,” responded Arkasia. ”After I woke these two bright, and early to come here. I almost feel bad.”

”Well the main people I wanted the opinions of are here. Let’s stay on topic.” scolded Edile. Walking to the head of the table Edile grabbed a scroll off the desk. ”We received a letter from the queen of scion’s not to long ago. Leona III has reclaimed the throne, and asked for our assistance.

”I sure didn’t see that one coming…” said Arkasia. ”How did she manage that with no spirit? Leona IV must have gone insane”

”She has made a full recovery, and wasted no time in taking back the reins from her daughter.” answered Edile.

“What’s happened to Leona IV then?” Owain asked.

”As per the laws in your lands the new queen decides. She has allowed the young queen to become the princess once again,” answered Edile.

“At least it wasn’t anything worse,” Owain said, he still had a lingering attachment to his homeland, and all the recent in-fighting had made him uncomfortable.

”I agree,” said Edile with a smile. She was glad that even though he was a warrior, he still had some appreciation for human life. Even before with the child she saw he exercised great restraint. Something that she hoped would rub off on Arkasia one day.

”So you weren’t thinking of accepting that were you?” said Fairuza. ”I hear she’s been off her rocker for a long time now.”

”I was. We aren’t as war ready as cursed or scion. We could use their support.” answered Edile.

”Ain’t that the truth…” said Arkasia angry that all the preparations she had made were going to be carried out by Krieg. ”I did the best I could here, but there just isn’t the time.” Arkasia however knew that those men were no longer her. If supporters of her were still out there she knew Krieg would weed them out in time. ”But I can say without a doubt that they will use you, and your people. Krieg is not to be trusted.”

Owain let out a sardonic chuckle, “As if we can trust anyone these days,” He said darkly, “We already know someone was pretending to be Ezekiel, and we have no idea why.”

Bael looked over Owain and said nothing. ”We have had Bael looking into that as well. We also had a witness who said Ezekiel was in his house during the attack. Of Course from the autopsy we know that couldn't have been our Ezekiel. He stole some documents from said house. This is what beleive his purpose here was.” answered Edile.

“Documents?” Owain questioned, unwilling to let that be the end of it.

Information on those collars that we have seen recently...as well as other experiments. I wish we had known about them before this. More care would have been put into protecting them. The boy only wished to keep what was left of his aunt.”

”This boy still sounds like a dumbass. Hiding something that helpful from us.” answered Fairuza. Arkasia was starting to like this girl more and more.

“No use crying over spilt milk I suppose,” Owain said, “Has Scion proposed any terms if we were to accept their call for assistance?” He asked, getting back to the matter at hand.

”We are to lend our numbers to their forces, and allow them to occupy our forests. In return they protect us from any threats as well give us refuge for non combative citizens near Raltese.” answered Edile.

”We need to protect our own citizens. We can just push them back, and move whoever doesn't want to fight to a side village. answered Fairuza. ”We don’t need to depend on them. We’ll be fine on our own. You just need to let us fight.” Fairuza stood up hitting her fist on the table.

”But wouldn’t our citizen’s be safer farther away from the warzones?” asked Morgan. She had no mind for war, but she wanted to not be completely helpless at this meeting.

“It seems awful advantageous to them, while we’re left with being †˜Protected’,” Owain said scornfully, “I agree with Fairuza, We have the capabilities to defend ourselves from outside invasion,” Owain bit his lip not wanting to say what he was going to say next, “But the real question is whether or not this is a request… or a demand.”

”Knowing Krieg it is the latter, and he has the numbers to do it with.” answered Arkasia. ”With Krieg you never know how he will do it however. He’s more clever than I gave him credit for.”

Once again the door behind them opened. Edile looked curiously to who it could be. They weren’t expecting anyone else. A man in a mask with blonde hair held the door open for a shorter boy with white hair. Blue ribbons tied to his hair fell to each side of his face. He wore white clothes over a teal shirt that was tied to his body with white and blue belts. The man in the mask waved at Owain as he entered behind the boy.

”Who are you, and how did you get in here?” said Fairuza standing up, and falling into combat stance. Thick bark formed giant gauntlets around her fists. The boy raised his hand.

”My name is Vejovis Kramer, I believe I could be of some help to you.” replied Vejovis. ”I understand you have been looking for me?” Edile instinctively reached for her dagger on her belt. Vejovis sighed, and looked to Arkasia and Owain. Then his eyes rested on Morgan. ”You all are so… weak.

Arkasia reached for her sword before she remembered it was confiscated. Standing up all the same she wasn’t about to accept that insult. Who are you to talk boy? I’ve trained soldiers younger than you that have more meat on their bones.” answered Arkasia.

”I’m sure everyone you have trained is younger than me.” Vejovis said with a smile. ”That doesn’t change my previous statement.” Edile looked at the man, and could tell he was trouble. His spirit was just too... perfect. It was actually causing hers to not respond to her.

”Have you only just noticed?” said Vejovis looking to Edile. Fairuza’s gauntlets fell apart to dust leaving her hands only covered in her normal gloves. ”Even your spirits show me more respect.” Balan walked over past Fairuza and rolled a scroll on the table.

”As a citizen of this village I cannot ignore these recent string of events.” continued Vejovis. ”Showing my face here is a show of good faith. I trust that you will find my terms more than fair.”

Edile reluctantly picked up the paper, and looked it over. Fairuza kept her eyes on Vejovis trying to figure out if he really was the one messing with her spirit. She felt absolutely nothing from him.

”What does it say?” asked Arkasia.

”It asks for a position as advisor. Besides that he wants nothing. He adds his troops to ours, and helps in defending and attacking Agreyus.” answered Edile. Each time she looked at the man she was reminded of Louise’s warning. He obviously had something up his sleeve, Edile was not naive enough to believe he was willing to give so much for so little.

”I can see that you still have your doubts. I will then leave you with a gift. You can do with it as you please. I need an answer however, within two days” answered Vejovis putting up two fingers. A woman with long black hair, and Origin guard armor walked in holding a man’s arms behind his back. The man was roughed up a bit, but his armor was the first thing Owain recognized, Arkasian leather.

”A scout from a Scion camp not too far from here. We did the honor of disposing of them for you. This one is the only one left. We haven’t killed the others, but will hold them in custody for now.” said Vejovis.

Owain tried and failed to contact his spirit, this was the first time he’d never been able to summon up her power. He felt ghost pains in his leg as he remembered the last time he had fought without his spirit.

“What did you do to my Spirit?” Owain asked, a crazed look on his face.

Vejovis looked to Owain, and his spirit. ”My spirit is of a special sort. Would you like to see it?” answered Vejovis with a smile.

Owain raised an eyebrow, “You can do that?” he asked, dubious and untrusting of the man in front of him.

”Come here, and see for yourself,” answered Vejovis extending his hand.

“I think I’m ok where I am,” Owain said, not liking where this was going. The man had the ability to silence spirits, who knows what other powers he could have.

”Then stay ignorant, this matters little to me.” answered Vejovis turning to the group, and walking away. Balan waved as he and the woman, who brought the prisoner, walked away. As they did the prisoner looked around the room, more than a little stressed.

”W-what do y-you wanna know?!” he exclaimed. ”I’ll talk just don’t let him near me again!”

”You have no reason to be frightened here.” answered Edile.

”He doesn’t?” said Fairuza. ”Even if he’s scared of Vejovis that doesn't change the fact of who he is.”

”But just who is he?” asked Arkasia walking around the table to the man. ”Talk. Name, rank, and objective.” The man stuttered something as he tried to avoid making eye contact with Arkasia.

”Liam Alexander, private. We were here simply to try and discern if Edile was going to take the offer or not.”

”That much may be true, but if we don’t take it? What is Krieg’s order to be then?” asked Arkasia. Edile walked over to get a better look at the man. The three of them together wasn’t helping the man find the words any easier. Looking to the kindest of the three however was this man’s mistake. As soon as their eyes met Edile read everything she could about the man from his spirit.

”He is lead of the group he brought here. His actual purpose was to discern our battle readiness should we not take the deal.” answered Edile. Arkasia made a step forward, but Fairuza was the one who acted on her emotions first. Punching the man hard in the stomach. She made his armor seem like tissue paper. The man fell to his knees dry heaving.

”You...if I don’t answer back Krieg will burn this place to the ground!” spat the soldier. ”We already confirmed you traitors are here. Arkasia you are reason enough.” He then looked to Owain smirking.

Owain grabbed the man by the collar, and snarled, already riled by Vejovis’ visit and his bad start to the day Owain was not in a good mood, far from it. Lifting him up off his feet he smirked darkly.

“Call me a traitor again,” he said, daring the man.

”Its not like I’m making it out of here. What difference does it make who does it. You fucking traitor!” yelled the man.

Owain slammed a knee into the man’s crotch, “I’m going to make sure you live through this,” he said before throwing the man to the floor and hammering a foot into his stomach. “You picked a bad day,” Owain said, crouching down to look the man in the eye, before grabbing his hair and slamming it into the floor. Still holding the man by his hair, Owain picked his head up again and forced him to face him, “You still in there?” Owain asked.

Morgan winced after each blow dealt to the man. She knew that he was their enemy, but Edile has always taught her differently. Now, however, even Edile, just watched as the man was beaten. This only worked to depress the girl.

The man spit blood in Owain’s face and smiled. ”Is that all you got you sweet thing?” he said past his chipped missing teeth.

“Not at all, I just wasn’t sure your fragile little body could take it,” Owain grinned, “Obviously I was wrong,” he said, punching the man in the face as hard as he could. Lifting him up again, Owain threw him against the nearest wall. As the man’s body slammed hard into the wall Owain ran over to him and punched him full force in the shoulder, feeling the satisfying crunch of bone, Owain’s smile grew wider.

“Still hanging on?” Owain asked, making sure the man hadn’t passed out from the pain.

”Can we stop this…?” asked Morgan too quiet for anyone to hear.

The man coughed violently as he tried to pull himself off the ground. His shoulder gave out, and slid off the freshly spilled blood. ”Krieg will repay this in kind. I assure you of that.” answered the man.

“Yeah, and you’re going to tell him every single last detail of what I did to you,” Owain said, “And you’re going to tell him where to shove his protection deal: right up his fucking arse.”

”I like that idea.” answered Arkasia. ”Krieg won’t fall for such goading, but it should work to piss off some of his men.”

”You guys want to let him go? I say we just crush him, and let the woods take care of the rest.” answered Fairuza.

”No, we will let him go. Vejovis said he had the rest of them somewhere. If this man is to die its doubtful we need to do it.” said Edile. The man looked at Edile and laughed. ”That man...he’s something else.”

”What do you mean?” asked Edile.

”You’ll see for yourselves, should you accept his offer.” answered the man with a laugh.

“You can still talk?” Asked Owain, “I’m not doing this properly,” he scolded himself before smashing a foot into the man’s mouth and grinding it into the floor.

”Just stop it already!” yelled Morgan from behind the group. She was shaking at this point. ”We have made our point already…”

“Have we?” Owain asked, snorting through his nose. Suddenly Owain realised who it was that he was talking to and a look of horror briefly shot across his face, before being replaced with anger.

“I’m leaving,” he said, matter of factly, making his way out of the room. Morgan looked down at her hands, and fought back tears. Arkasia sighed, and walked over to the man. Picking him up she took him towards the door.

”I’ll take him far out of the village, and let him go.” said Arkasia.

”I’ll go with you.” said Fairuza following her out the door.

Edile sat down at the table holding her head in her hands looking at the two documents, neither one looked very appealing.
Razta, Masaki, Adelina, and Luna decided they would hit the town. Security was still tight, but that only made it easier for the group to finally relax. They had already picked up some breakfast at a street side restaurant that served different meats stuff with eggs.

”They have the weirdest shops in Origin, but I have to say it wasn’t bad.” commented Adelina.

”It was ok. I still prefer freshly caught meat in the wilds. Mnnn~ Tasty boar meat.” Said Masaki while wiping his mouth.

”I’ve seen weirder, you’d be surprised what they have in Agreyus.” commented Luna. ”Maybe we can stop by once we get there.”

”You really think we can stop in the middle of a warzone, and have brunch?” asked Adelina. ”Have you gotten crazier since joining us?” Luna only laughed at this.

”Gotta keep our energy up somehow, can’t slaughter people on an empty stomach, y’know. Luna replied, giggling slightly.

Masaki stopped and looked Luna with a surprised look on his face. ”D-did I just hear you giggle, Luna?”

”S-So what? I can’t be grim all the time.” Luna said, crossing her arms and turning away from Masaki with a flustered look.

Masaki laughed and said, ”Shy as always.” He continued to follow the others.

Down the street Razta saw Owain making his way towards them. The look in his eyes didn’t seem at all friendly. “What is wrong captain?” asked Razta, his smile fading. “Was the meeting that bad?”

“I’m not in the mood to talk about it, Razta,” Owain snapped, a clear frown on his face.

“Well at least let’s get you off the streets, before the guards think you are off to start trouble. With that face, I’d say you were off to kill a man.”

“I almost did,” Owain said darkly, his frown growing across his face. Adelina looked at him, and sighed.

”Let’s talk about this back at the house. There are more ears here than need to be.” said Adelina looking to some guards that were giving them strange looks.

Luckily the house wasn’t to far from there. Once the door was closed the silence was broken. Owain stomped over to the couch, and plopped down.

”So who did you almost kill Captain?” asked Adelina. ”This was only supposed to be a war meeting. Don’t tell me you got in a fight with Edile’s sister.”

“Scion scout,” he said, spitting the words out.

”They are here? Are they here for Arkasia?” asked Razta.

”Doubtful, but not out of the question.” answered Adelina. ”As is Arkasia is a minor threat. For now they should be focused on Agreyus.

“They’re here and they want to “protect” us,” Owain laughed sardonically.

”Is that such a bad thing?” said Luna.

“You obviously don’t get how politics works, if we’re under the protection of Scion we’re essentially opening our gates to them and letting them push us around. We can’t afford to show such weakness,” Owain explained, still frowning.

“I’m guessing we refused their offer then?” asked Adelina.

“Not like it was an offer in the first place,” Owain said.

The door opened again, as Arkasia entered the room. “Ah so most of the group is here?” said Arkasia walking across the room. “That man was more trouble than he was worth.”

“What’s going on here?” said Arkasia looking at Owain. “What has you all bent out of shape. I thought you did a fine job.”

“How can you say that?” Owain asked, “I almost killed the man. Did you see the look on Morgan’s face? I scared her… I shouldn’t have done it.” Owain put his head in his hands.

“War is scary Owain,” answered Arkasia. “You cannot be so easy with her. We will be in the thick of it soon.”

“That’s not the point though,” Owain said, almost sobbing with frustration, “What I did back there: it wasn’t me.”

“Whether or not it was †˜you’, it happened. Morgan will come to her senses in time.” answered Arkasia.

“I just wish she didn’t have to,” Owain said, sighing.

”She will have to adjust like the rest of this village. You have to remember these people are still new to war. They want it, but they don’t know how to go about it.”

“That must have been some intense interrogation…” said Razta.

“No one wants war,” Owain said, “Even when war is necessary.”

”I don’t know why or what use the war is, but I will fight to protect my friends,” replied Masaki with a smile.

“That is the attitude we should all have.” answered Arkasia. ”Owain put this out of your head. We need focus, now more than ever.[/color]

”Whatever,” Commented Luna, scoffing at the cheesiness of the situation. ”This whole war is pointless. I don’t like the idea of fighting my own country, but it looks like I ain’t got no choice. She crossed her arms and made a face of determination. ”This all has to end.

Arkasia sighed as she looked to Luna. ”Stick to cutting stuff to pieces. I like you a lot better with a sword in your hands.” answered Arkasia.

Owain sighed and made to get up. He was tired of this day and he couldn’t wait for it to be over. He was going back to his room. Razta was about to follow him, but Arkasia held him back. Shaking her head she waited until Owain was out of the room to released her grip on Razta.

”He has always had trouble with his emotions. You won’t make them any better.” answered Arkasia. ”Let’s just hope he cools off by the time this war gets started.” Arkasia bid the group farewell and heading to her room to do some planning.

Anastas and Katya returned from their early morning hunt with a few rabbits, and smiles on their faces. Sadly the rest of the group wasn’t having the most pleasant time. Katya looked around the room, as she tried to figure out what was going on. Ultimately it was Anastas who broke the silence.

”I suppose heavy hearts are at an all time high.” He commented, setting down his bundle of game on a counter.

”You can say that again,” said Razta walking over to the counter to inspect the prizes that Anastas, and Katya brought back. ”What are these snacks all you could find?” joked Razta.

Anastas smirked at him, ”I guess you could say I found a better catch.” He replied as he his game loose and arranged them on the counter. Katya smirked slightly and pulled out a prep knife to start skinning the game.

”I’m sure you all fed yourselves anyways.” said Katya.

”What do you mean we’ve fed ourselves. Never underestimate my capacity for food,” said Masaki almost drooling.

"Anyways..." Luna cut in. "A better catch, eh? How good was she-- I mean, it?" she asked with a wry smile across her face as if she knew what down between the two. They looked closer than usual if anything.

Katya cut a bit too hard and the knife stuck into the table, and a trickle of blood shot from the game onto her face. ”Oops.” she said wiping her face with a towel. The sudden reaction was the only tell to this woman. Her expression remained unchanged.

“You are stepping into dangerous ground Luna,” warned Razta waving his hand. ”This house is becoming more hostile by the minute, and the day has only just started.”

”And it was so peaceful before we got here.” Anastas added as he put aside a prepped rabbit.

"Relax, it was only a joke," Remarked Luna, scratching the back of her head. "Sheesh, for once I'm the only one not looking gloom."

Adelina chuckled. ”You simply don’t know how to read a room.” answered Adelina. ”Once you do, you will find that awkward situations are just that much easier to avoid.”

"Hmph, not like I'm included in anything, so excuse me if I'm a little left in the dark." replied Luna sardonically.

”Now now, “ Masaki interrupted, ”You guys are probably hungry, which explains why is everyone is so cranky.” He laughed.

”But we all just ate...” responded Razta.

”Are you sure? Those rabbits that Miss Katya’s cooking right now looks really good.” Masaki nodded.

”I don’t cook, I only prepare it.” said Katya motioning to Anastas, the master of the kitchen, who smirked and nodded back to her.

”You know I hear that Arkasia can cook.” said Adelina. ”Think we can convince her into making us a meal?”

"Knowing her, she'll probably make us work for it. Tie it on the end of a rope and make us run after it." added Luna rolling her eyes.

”Don’t give the Boss Lady any weird ideas, Lun-Lun!” Masaki lightly jabs Luna. ”She has ears everywhere.” He added.

”Think of it as burning room in your stomach for it.” answered Razta. ”I can’t say the effects of her training have be lost on me. I feel stronger.” Adelina smirked and retreated into her mind for a moment. Anastas began cooking the rabbit on the stove. Feeding some spirit into it to get it going. The air around them began to warm up and spread through the room, along with the smell from the well spiced meat.

”Well really, it’s usually that you eat to fuel your training, not the other way around.” He remarked before taking a whiff of his cooking, ”Still, nothing wrong with enjoying moments like this.”

”Who knows how many more times we will be able to enjoy the time like this.” answered Razta. ”We need to take it in while we can. Once this all starts we won’t see home for a while.”

”Hmm, home ey?” Anastas hummed, ”We may just pass it on the war path so. . . “ At that moment, he lowered his head.

”They will think that I brought you back. They will be furious when they discover neither of us are staying.” answered Katya.

”Rough times at home?” asked Razta curiously.

"You could say that." Anastas answered, his gloom visually noticeable on his face. Lost in thought, he noticed the rabbit starting to sear and shook out his depressive thoughts. "Well, enough of that, let's just enjoy this while we can."
At, and even after dinner, they were able to get little more than a few sentences out of Grigore. Selanus knew this went beyond what they talked about. There was something that Grigore was not telling them. Not wanting to to pry though he let Grigore be. He trusted that his mentor would not leave anything out that would get him killed, and he went to sleep.

Suddenly his door opening woke him from his short-lived slumber. Grigore touched a spirit lamp as light filled the room. Grigore pulled up a seat and slid it to Selanus’ bedside. ”I knew that attack on our refugee camp was coming…”

Sliding the covers off, Selanus was dumbfounded as he sent a questioning look at Grigore. ”You knew? Then…” He let it trail off there, deciding to tell him this must have been difficult for Grigore.

”The woman that your aunt used to work with. One of her contacts met with me. I was offered a choice. A portion of the refugees to save the majority.” answered Grigore. I accepted...Soul was forced to only eat a few, and the rest were spared. Then they attacked the rest anyways.”

The news caused Selanus to freeze in shock, momentarily lost for words. ”You… you knew it was coming? Why didn’t you inform the elder?”

”Before this happened the cursed refugees weren’t exactly treated well. After the attack we were given our place in the city. Things have gotten better. For those that have survived.” answered Grigore. ”The blood is on my hands. Not theirs. I owe it to them to protect them from anything else.”

Sighing, Selanus looked at the hunched figure that was his mentor. Right now, the man he was looking at was a vastly different. ”So what do you intend to do? Stay here where it’s “safe”? That woman knows and this is only an illusion, you know that.”
There would be no preaching from Selanus, as much as he disapproved. His knuckles were already turning white as he clenched them unseen under the covers.

”But I made a grave mistake. I thought we had more time.” said Grigore. ”Soul is going to be more of a problem than anyone is planning for.”

”What’s going to happen, there’s no point keeping secrets anymore Grigs. Not when so much is on the line.” Selanus said a little more vehemently.

”When me and your aunt were working together there was a few projects that she never asked my help on. One was kidnapping that representatives son. The other was an experiment on mother to be.” began Grigore. ”Both of them were attempts at making more controllable cauldrons. One was successful.”

”Soul…? He was an experiment?” Selanus remarked incredulously. His rise to power and raw strength was well known but they were due to Kristina’s handiwork? ”So I take it Razta was a failure?”

”Yes Razta was the failure. Soul is the magnum opus of Kristina’s career. Those notes that you brought back confirmed what I already knew. But I didn’t know he was so far along. I still haven’t figured out what he is even made for.” answered Grigore. ”Each cauldron has a purpose. His will be devastating. All they really are is a source of condensed spirits. With how much he has gathered...”

”Is there any way to defeat him? With so many spirits inside of him, shouldn’t there be some form of discord?”

”His forms are becoming less and less controllable. He won’t be an immediate threat. In truth your best chance to kill him will be right before the final stage. The cauldrons are immobile and vulnerable.” answered Grigore. ”But that much power will release somewhere. Which is why I have yet to tell anyone about this. If he is to be destroyed. It must be in Agreyus, and I don’t want you or Helena there when it happens. You must convince her to stay.”

”That’s a fools errand but I will try nonetheless. That said, I’m going. I have some unfinished business with a few… people.” Selanus declared, visibly challenging Grigore to say otherwise. ”I’ll make sure that I’m nowhere near when Soul does go off, you know how fast I can move.”

”Nothing I say can change your mind?” asked Grigore almost begging.

”Someone has to clean up your mess, don’t they?” said Helena from the hallway. The door was slightly cracked and the outline of her figure could be seen. Stepping into the room she looked at Grigore with a disappointed look. ”You can stay, and tend to your sheep.”

”Now now, don’t need to be nasty. You’re staying too,” Selanus gestured at Helena before turning back to Grigore. ”But she is correct. Someone needs to stay here and there are things to be done in Agreyus. It is my burden to bear, your job now is to make sure the people here live better.”

”You are joking right? I am going to fight.” replied Helena not even considering Selanus’ opinion. ”You won’t last a day by yourself anyways.”

He clutched a hand to his head, sighing. ”Are you people happy now? Saying all this before bed time. How am I supposed to sleep!” Selanus threw up his hands in mock exasperation, the covers flying onto Helena. ”That’s for the last comment.”

Surprised Helena threw her hands up only to get tangled up, and fall over. Grigore sighed and rose slowly to his feet with a groan. ”Do what you want with this information. If you want to give it to Edile I only ask that you leave my name out of it. It will ruin what little these people have.” answered Grigore. Helena threw the blanket to the side.

”I suppose I owe you that much,” answered Helena.

”You said you read the notes. I’ll… divulge this information to Edile as something I gleaned from there.” Selanus answered. ”If there’s a higher chance of taking Soul down with this information, then it should be shared. I will take the fall in your place if it comes to that. You’re far more to the people here than I am, a simple bounty hunter would not be missed.” He stated with finality.
Owain had retreated to his room to get out of the eyes of his comrades. He didn’t want them to see him like this.

“50… 51… 52,” he could be heard counting from outside the door to his room. Inside it was clear to see what he was doing: Pushups. Owain found exercise relaxing, with it he was able to keep his mind from the events of that morning.

As he was getting to the upper seventies of his counting there was a gentle knock at the door. ”Can I come in?” asked Morgan.

Owain froze mid push up, sighing as he got to his feet. He knew he would have to deal with this sooner or later, but he had rather hoped it would be later.

“Sure,” Owain said enthusiastically as he sat on the bed.

Morgan slowly opened the door, and closed it behind her, looking to Owain who was sitting on the bed across the room. She was silent for a few moment as she tried to gather the words in her head. ”I am sorry that I overreacted....” said Morgan. ”This is a war after all.”

“No,” Said Owain firmly, “You weren’t at fault there Morg, I let him get to me and that should never have happened.”

”When the fighting starts. Even I will be required to do similar things.” answered Morgan. ”The enemy will not stay their hand. I cannot be as naive as I am now.”

“Don’t say that Morg,” Owain said, “If we act as ruthless as they do we just prove that we’re no better than them. I made a mistake. It won’t happen again.”

”Can you be so sure that we will not need this side of us?” asked Morgan with her hand to her chest.

“I just,” Owain began, “I just don’t like the fact that I couldn’t control myself back there, and I’m scared it will happen again.”

”We are human. Just as you couldn’t control yourself. I have my own faults. That’s why we’re a good pair. While I stay in the back lines. I can expect you to be knocking some heads.” said Morgan with a smile.

Owain smiled too, closing his eyes. “Thanks Morg, I needed this.”

”Would you wait up already?” said Reymond chasing after Ari. She hadn’t stopped walking until she knew she was far away from that house. She wanted little to do with the people there, besides Reymond. Finally stopping she just looked out to the forest trying to calm down. Reymond came up beside her thankful that she finally stopped.

”I thought I knew them all. When we left Masario our goal was to stamp out the cursed. Why has that changed?” asked Ari.

”The plan was to stop Cain. Not all the cursed are bad, but had to admit. Luna was a gutsy move. I still don’t completely trust her, but the captain seems to have faith in her.” answered Reymond.

Ari sighed and thought for a moment to herself. Trying to envision her father’s face, and what he would say. ”I have just lost so much Reymond. I don’t have the luxury of taking chances on people.” said Ari.

”I understand, but think about where we are going.” answered Reymond. ”If Luna or anyone can get us into Agreyus easier. We should use that, and then we can go our separate ways. No one said we need to be friends, just for now lets accept them as fellow soldiers.”

”That day cannot come soon enough,” answered Ari. ”But you have made your point. Once we find find my sister, and end this war. Then we don’t have to deal with them anymore. Right?” Reymond smiled at her and nodded.

”Thats right,” he replied. Ari found herself staring at his face longer than intended. As a blush rose to her cheek she turned and pushed him away.

”J-just don’t die, idiot!” she said walking back towards town. Reymond smirked and followed close behind.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Returning to Margaret’s house, the two entered into the living room to find Margaret and Xavier talking next to the fire place. As the two entered the room, Margaret turned to them. “Back already?” She said looking at Durran. His clothes were shredded and stained with blood. Louise, however, had not a scratch on her. “She sure works you hard doesn’t she?”

“Keeps me in shape,” answered Durran.

“I had some exercise too… one must always stay in shape – they say,” Louise said in a matter of factly manner, before flashing a smile with confidence, like usual. “... Perhaps getting sweaty isn’t such a good idea, however,” she openly stated her feelings of disdain. Louise truly hated smearing her dress with sweat, but then sweat was but a necessary function of the body, so she’d have to simply deal with it.

“Nothing is wrong with a woman getting sweaty,” answered Margaret. “That is what showers are for after all.” She looked around before her eyes fell back to Louise. “Where is that larger fellow. You haven’t brought him lately.”

“He is in Origin – you will find him at the party… I have told you about the party, I believe?” Louise replied. She couldn’t believe that she was looking forward to meeting Kudzu. Kudzu of all people. Just how badly did this woman want to cheat and fall into the depths of depravity? Louise sighed hard internally.

“Yes, It sure is going to be interesting. I’m unsure about what I will wear though,” answered Margaret.

“Leave it to you, for that to be your main concern,” answered Durran.

“It’s going to take place soon… if I’m calculating times correctly,” Louise stated, taking a look at the time on her cell phone. “I’d best fetch Kudzu soon. I want to transfer all the guests from around here at once,” Louise said. By †˜from around here’, she meant this world altogether. Most of her guests did not know that the party was to take place outside of the world. That was one of the many surprises she planned for her guests.

“That is going to take a lot of power,” said Durran. “Will you be okay after that?”

“Well, all I need to do is first bring everyone here, then take them all together to my estate – as I had just stated,” Louise answered, pretty much repeating herself. “It should be fine – for someone such as myself,” she said, making it sound assuring.

“The hardest may be Leona III. As the the queen, they will go crazy once they realize she is missing,” said Margaret. “I miss the old days when she was just a mom.”

“I’m tempted to leave a secret camera just to see the fuss… ehehe,” Louise murmured to herself as she snickered with an evil smile. She’d definitely not do it, but the temptations were rather high. “Well, we’ll see. I’ll… do something about it.”

“You said that cameras were what the people on the… television used, correct?” Asked Durran.

“Ah… yes. It allows you to record anything that the lens catches. By †˜lens’, well… I suppose that’s its †˜eyes’. When I get the data, I can even duplicate them easily, and spread them around,” Louise explained.

“That’s pretty annoying. Especially if someone catches something you don’t want getting out,” commented Durran. “Imagine if we caught Kudzu and Margaret on film that one time… this house would be done,” Durran laughed a bit.

“That’s where it’s fun though! Albeit, it never happens with proper security, like in my case,” Louise replied, prideful that her wealth and power provided her full-proof security. “I’d love to catch them doing that, and then go blackmailing them,” she joked with a giggle. It didn’t sound any less evil than the last. “Anyway, I’d better get going about now. I hope you don’t mind temporary guests, Margaret.”

“You better not record anything that happens here if I allow them to stay here,” said Margaret glaring at the two of them.

“My, my, should you be saying that while indulging in such slovenly activities? Regardless, I lack the resources and time to do such things,” Louise answered. Then faced the other way. “I don’t want to add more enemies to my list, either.” She then teleported herself to Leona’s castle.

Inside the castle, Leona was getting her belongings ready for her trip to Raltese. Sitting on her throne, she was preparing Masario to run in her absence. Advisors and government officials alike were swarming her with questions, and papers to sign. Across the room, Louise elegantly strode in. People stopped, and bowed to her as she passed them by, before scurrying off to finish their work. As Leona III noticed her friend approaching, she signed on the last paper before standing up to greet her. Walking down the stairs from her throne, she stood in front of Louise with a smile.

“Being queen is a lot more taxing on the hands than I remember,” said Leona III waving her hands around.

“Especially at times of war, yes,” Louise replied with a bland face, as if that has been obvious for decades. People are supposed to be busy either preparing for war, or preparing themselves to flee from the battles, after all.

“Maybe I should have taken the throne once all of this was over,” joked Leona III. “So why have you come today? Did something else happen at the church?”

“The party draws near. In fact, it is taking place today. I have come to pick you up – my dear friend,” Louise replied, giving a magnificent bow with her head; pretending to be a retainer to the Queen for once.

Leona III looked around at the people behind Louise holding papers, and other things that demanded her attention. Their faces said it all. She smirked and laughed slightly as she ushered Louise away from them.

“Any plans to sneak me out of here? I could say I’m sick!” Whispered Leona III.

“I was planning to charge you for my transportation services, but I’ll let you off the hook for once,” Louise chose her words wisely, with her eyes deeply closed, as if having spared her just this time, because she was special. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to abandon my Queen, now, would I? You’re going to be sent Margaret’s place.” Louise then flicked her wand, and Leona III immediately fell through an oval-shaped rift created just below her. “Now… I suppose her darling is the other person to be invited.” The group of people looked to Louise expectantly seeing as she just disposed of the queen.

Louise turned to the people behind her with a smile. “The queen seemed bored, and well, stressed; so I’ll be doing something to improve her… mood, you see. She shall be returned to her throne by tomorrow, rest assured.” Louise herself then disappeared from the scene herself. She thought that perhaps the hallways would be a better spot. She’d then ask the guards about Saren’s whereabouts.

There was an orchestra of complaints that Louise walked out on. Of course, no work could continue until the queen returned, which meant their work was to be delayed a full day. As she walked down the hallways, she was surprised by the lack of guards, but ran into someone just as good. Zhou was leaning against a well in the hall waiting for something, but when he laid eyes on Louise, he stood up straight. “Afternoon, High Priestess,” greeted Zhou.

“Good afternoon. Would you happen to know where Saren is at the moment?” Louise asked, as soon as she greeted. She hadn’t a moment to lose here. Being a busy woman was quite tiresome.

“Out where he always is. The gardens,” answered Zhou. ”Why do you need him?”

“For the Queen,” Louise said as if reciting the line for raising military morale, then smiled. She dared not to perform the military salute. “Thank you. See you soon,” She thanked tersely, vanished into a portal yet again; now making way to the garden. Today was a very busy day indeed.

Louise then jumped down from a portal that opened up in the air over the spot just before the garden, and landed gracefully. Krieg looked to his side to see Louise appear out of thin air. “You really could learn to approach people like a normal person,” said Krieg.

“Perhaps, one day, if time permits me to do so,” Louise replied with her eyes closed, but she held a smile nonetheless, apparently in a good mood. “I need you to be the queen’s escort for a day and night – up to the task?”

“Do I not already watch over her sufficiently?” Answered Saren. ”Is there another threat I need to worry about?” Saren turned to her expecting to hear bad news.

“You’ll be her escort in the party, the news may not have caught up to you yet – but she is already out of duty now,” Louise answered. “Your status is set aside in the party, so you have to be careful about her well-being. Am I wrong?”

“I was not told about a party. Where is it being held?” asked Saren. ”Royals don’t understand just how much needs to go into security for these events.”

“Do not worry, my estate has more security than all of Masario with what I can afford,” Louise answered, apparently very confident. As they say, technology reigns supreme, hence her belief. However, mostly because corrupt authority could hardly get the best of the best. They have to keep security lax to an extent to protect their activities, anyway. “The location, however, is a surprise – I wouldn’t want to divulge it now.”

“I’m not a huge fan of surprise,” answered Saren. ”Especially at times like these...but if the queen needs me. I will be there.”

Louise raised the wand to Saren’s face; teleporting him away in the very instant he was done speaking. “Now it’s that lug that’s left.”

Kudzu was standing in the center of town watching as people went about their business. It was a big contrast compared to his life in the dead landscapes near Agreyus, but he was finding himself adjusting to it quickly. While the people’s skills were not the best, he found most people in Origin accommodating. Kudzu smiled as he heard the sound of a portal opening behind him. Louise walked up next to him, with the sound of her heels on the stone street of the village center.

“You finally have a need for me, do you?” Asked Kudzu keeping his gaze forward.

“Have you behaved well?” Louise asked, ignoring the question. Despite the inquiry, she planned to go inside Sonnelion’s shop to ask the owner how he did, regardless. She’d have to confirm Kudzu’s answer there, too. Whatever the answer would be, anyway.

“Is the village on fire?” Answered Kudzu with a smile.

Louise, too, smiled. It was an innocent and cute smile. And that might’ve been why it’d be mistaken for a devilish one. She faced the Sonnelion shop across the way, and went towards it instead. She had business there anyway, may as well ask.

She uttered as she entered it, “time to get a real answer,” she mumbled. As she walked into his shop, she heard the sound of Zelis hitting a burning piece of metal. His shop was warm even before she got into it. But as his work consumed him he did not notice as Louise entered his store.

“Good day to you, Zelis. Hardworking as ever, I see,” Louise greeted Zelis as she entered the shop. Warm air mixed with the scent of steel and fire danced across the sight. Giving the metal one more hit, he turned to see what small voice he had just heard. Flicking up his visor, he saw Louise standing in the center of his shop.

“Ah Louise, what brings you to my shop? Oh, or should I say High Priestess?” Answered Zelis with a smile.

“I wished to confirm if Kudzu had been behaving himself. He can be such a handful, after all… ” Louise answered, stating her reason or the visit, giving a magnificent bow with her head as he faced her.

“He’s been a puppy. He spent most of his time in the forest hunting, and showing most of the young hunters around here how its done,” answered Zelis. “You have nothing to worry about with that one.”

“I must say… that’s weirdly impressive,” Louise replied, seeming surprised. To think that Kudzu would actually behave himself. Thank the gods.

“I shall acknowledge it, then, and treat him his reward… that said, I had a request to make, too,” Louise begun. “I’d like to have you craft a weapon befitting for my bodyguard – Durran. He’d love to have a better blade to fight with,” she said, reminding herself how Durran mentioned that he’d prefer to have a much better blade to fight alongside with.

“That thin red-headed man? He seemed nice enough. Couldn’t sense a thing off his spirit, though. Is that man trustworthy?” Asked Zelis.

“Yes, yes he is,” answered Louise. What else could she say? He did so much for her already, if it was an act he’d have nothing to gain from helping her to this extent, she earnestly believed.

“Hmmm, if you say so. I suppose I can’t judge a body by its cover. I gave Kudzu the benefit of the doubt after all,” answered Zelis. “If I remember correctly, that man was carrying a katana, correct? One of those thin blades.”

“Yes, otherwise Japanese Blades,” Louise said, albeit in this world people likely wouldn’t understand the name.

“Japanese?” answered Zelis.

“A-Ah, never mind,” Louise waved her hand dismissively with a forced smile. “But yes, he seems to fancy those kind of blades.”

“Alright, I will see what I can do. I don’t have any of those in stock that I would consider worthy to give out. Come back in say… two days, and I will have something ready,” answered Zelis.

“I thank you,” Louise responded. “I shall provide a proper payment in the mean time,” she added, before turning to leave the shop. “Thank you for your time, I shall take my leave now.”

Zelis chucked at her mention of payment. He hadn’t charged any of Razta’s friends so far, and he probably wouldn’t charge Louise either. He made more than enough money making weapons for the soldier. Especially now when war was certain, the orders were coming in bundles. ”No problem, it is my job, after all,” said Zelis flicking his visor back down as he raised his hammer giving the metal a good hit.
A portal opened up in Edile’s office as Louise stepped through to see Edile at her desk. Bael was looking over towards Louise with his hands on a dagger. As he realized who it was, his hand still didn’t move much.

“You have to get attacked all the time pulling that stunt so often,” said Edile looking up from the papers on her desk. “But your timing is almost too perfect.”

“Perfect, meaning?” Louise inquired, tilting her head in confusion. She wasn’t quite sure if she came at the wrong or right time, but it seemed like something may have occurred here in her absence since the last time she had visited the village. “I suppose I am used to raising caution among the people with my stunt,” she answered – albeit slightly late – with a chuckle.

“I have received two messages. One from Vejovis, and one for Krieg. Vejovis actually visited here in person.” answered Edile, this removed Louise’s smile, who seemed to have realized the seriousness of the situation. “Even without your warning, I can see that man shouldn’t be trusted. It is true that we aren’t ready for war, but making a deal with either side seems hurtful.”

“Mnm… Krieg, huh?” Louise sighed, slightly ruffling her head as if her mood just went worse. Which, really did turn for the worse. Her smile had completely dead and she was disappointed at her life to find out such an unfortunate news. “Why now…? Well, may I take a seat, first?”

“Please,” she answered, motioning for one of the two seats in front of her desk. As Louise moved for the seat, Edile continued. “Krieg wants to use my villages as some sort of midway base to attack from. Vejovis, I assume already has his men hidden in my village. Which is why he does not ask for much.”

“I feel like crying now,” Louise said, expressing his distaste for the current predicament. Regardless, this seemed like a goose chase for the attainment of the neutral side that was no longer going to stay neutral; everyone wants to manipulate a directionless power for their own needs. Krieg simply wished for a good course and point, however, he completely disregarded diplomatic and relationship issues of the countries. Vejovis’ offer seemed more perplexing and vague; making him questionable, but it was clear that he wanted to manipulate Origin even further.

“Krieg and Vejovis has some really bad timing, or well, it’s a good one for them, I suppose,” Louise said, openly expressing her disdain. “Hm, but for Vejovis to come out… he must be quite serious about this.”

“I share that feeling,” answered Edile. “I thought the same. After I sent so many men around trying to find him. He simply shows up with two of his men. One of them was even wearing my guard’s armor. Which confirms what I thought about him having men hidden here.”

“That was obvious to me, considering Vejovis is a man of sheer influence. I suppose he views Cain as a threat now, yet I can’t see him being any different from my perspective,” Louise stated. The two simply operated under different manners and principles, and she wouldn’t be surprised to know that they’d find her as an obstacle all the same. “What worries me is his spirit, which is in similar leagues to mine.”

“We were greeted with that fact upon his arrival. He made a game of intimidating the group of us with it,” answered Edile. “Even mine was useless.”

“Ah, a show off indeed. I could intimidate spirits… but it is rather distasteful. Why should I make it a point when I know that I am superior?” Louise said, but then only noticed after saying so that she almost pulled out her superiority complex in front of Edile. Albeit, Ishtar was a somewhat kinder spirit, so it wouldn’t want to intimidate spirits, unless they were of the cursed, or enemies.

“I caught a glimpse of it… It’s not like other spirits,” answered Edile. ”Absolute nothingness. In the small glimpse it gave me. I felt like it wanted me to see it.”

“Intimidation, was it? That’s likely the reason, then?” Louise replied, not sure how to appraise the situation. She wasn’t there, thus she could only theorize now. If she was indeed there, perhaps she’d notice something others wouldn’t. What’s happened has happened, and she wasn’t so interested in what things seemed like now.

“I don’t need a war with Krieg right now, and this man is offering help for little in return,” said Edile quite stressed.

“Well, what did Vejovis and Krieg officially request of your side?”

“He asked to become my advisor,” answered Edile. ”That would mean that he would become one of my guardians. Krieg asked to occupy our cities for as long as the war lasts. He wants to use them as a side base of operations. We, of course, have the closest lands to the cursed.”

“Hm, this is a very problematic situation, but before I explain why… why do you think Vejovis is getting little in return? He seems to be the one getting the most from it. Like, it’s plenty obvious, if you ask me.”

“He already has his men in the village. A man like him who has power like that has little to gain from becoming my subordinate,” answered Edile looking at Louise in confusion.

“No, not at all. It’s called †˜not wanting to bloody one’s own hands’. You are still naive. If one has the intelligence, they can manipulate any side; provided they gain the opportunity,” Louise said. An advisor could very well control the throne by telling an ignorant king what he’d want the king to know, and leaving the rest of the information out. A simply yet sometimes a hard position to fill – is the position of an advisor. It is essential to have a trustworthy man for such a job.

“You give him the opportunity, and you risk allowing Vejovis to make all of your people his pawns,” Louise claimed. “A man like Vejovis is influential, and that is precisely the reason why he hungers for more. The more the merrier, yes? But I doubt that’s the only reason, he likely has a plan for his personal merit,” a wild guess on Louise’s part, but she believed that it was at least one of his objectives to achieve by using the war itself as a catalyst.

“Why do I feel like we have been moving to the beat of his drum for a while now? I question every guard I see now, in my mind. I was paranoid already, but now I am at my wits end,” answered Edile. “That and the scout we had today. I did nothing to stop that man from beating him to a pulp… This isn’t me. This is not the village I know.”

“Mn, that man? You have fights in the middle of the streets now? Reminds me of that barbarian who started a fight in a shop… ” Louise said, reminding herself of the certain someone’s assault in the clothing shop…

“She has her reasons. That woman has been through… more than I expected. Her emotions are in no way small, a direct result of you,” replied Edile. “That is the only reason she is still here.”

“So she says, but it was Krieg who framed my name and made it that way,” Louise shrugged, stating the truth, not that it could change how Arkasia felt now, though. “However, I suppose I am not clean of fault as I had to make a sacrifice to meet this man called Vejovis, but it certainly was not my decision to kill her comrade,” she said, having her head rest over the back of her arm. “Yet they go and use my name before trying to apprehend her… they sure don’t have any respect for me,” Louise explained, smiling wryly as she expressed her disappointment.

“You are the one who warned me about them. Did you not think them capable of this?” Answered Edile.

“Well, I only came back to these lands only recently, so I didn’t know the kind of a man Vejovis was back then. I’ll warn you that Krieg isn’t really a †˜safe’ figure, either. I have learned… some strange things recently,” Louise said, a melancholic expression surfaced for but a moment as she reminded herself of what took place recently. She wondered what the connection Krieg had with the church.

“So if you were me, what would you choose?” Asked Edile.

“I’d tell them to get off my lawn… but after I confirm if the main leader in charge is just as corrupted,” Louise replied instantly, having known the answer for some time now. “If Krieg gains passage here, it means that he can poke around for secrets, too. He isn’t oblivious to Vejovis’ existence, either. Krieg was the one who pulled the strings to let me meet him. I can’t figure what connection they have.”

“That only makes this situation that more complicated…” said Edile burying her head into her hands.

“I won’t persuade you with this for Krieg’s sake, either. I don’t really have many trustworthy individuals in Scions – they are corrupted, and have been for centuries apparently,” Louise frankly said, she wasn’t siding with Masario at this point, but only with Leona III if anything. “The roots run deep, and I cannot guarantee you that teaming up with them now wouldn’t provide disadvantages for the future to come. ”

“The threat that Cain poses is real. We need everyone to topple him from that pedestal. Its the aftermath that worries me,” answered Edile. “Something will always fill the void of power.”

“I have a suggestion, however. You will need to reserve some time unfortunately, and at such a serious time you may quite enjoy it but...” Louise’s voice trailed off as she brought a different matter into the table.

”A suggestion?” Questioned Edile.

“Yes. To be honest, I was here to pick up Kudzu for a party I am going to be hosting. It’s a final event to cool and relax our heads before the war,” she revealed.

“Here’s the deal – I’ve invited Leona III in it. Even if you have issues with Krieg, Leona III is an old friend, and is much more… innocent to the myriad of troubles going on around her,” Louise attempted to explain. At this point, he was acting in interest of a different superior rather than simply his queen’s interests. Perhaps he held a noble belief that was doing this for the betterment of his country. However, Louise believed that he was missing the big picture. “Regardless, you may negotiate much more smoothly with an understanding lady such as her,” she offered.

“Speak to Leona III directly? How would I cover such a distance in that short time?” Asked Edile. “Krieg would also likely stand in my way.”

“How do you think I came to this office?” Louise asked, cracking a smirk. “Krieg is not invited, by the way,” she added the obvious, but felt the need to say it anyway, since many may assume that its a party in Masario where most big leaders are invited.

“I have two nights before I am to provide an answer. If you think I have a better chance with Leona. I will not look down on this offer,” answered Edile.

“Krieg has his devious plans to consider with every negotiations, but Leona only cares about getting rid of Cain,” Louise replied, then nodded to her reply. “Will you dress up here? Otherwise, I have an entire collection at my manor… regardless we have about 30 minutes before the party starts. What shall we do?” This offer really was something made on a whim, but Louise felt that it’d bring about favorable circumstances for both sides.

Edile looked at her own attire, “I don’t have anything that would be good for a party. I suppose I will dress at your place,” Edile responded. Something about this party made her more nervous than trying to decide on the documents.

“Then, let us be off,” Louise then flicked her wand. “She may be out for a day, by the way,” she added with a wink to the other man who was at the room. The next moment, Edile fell down onto a portal, and back to Margaret’s house. Bael looked at Louise and like always, said nothing. After a few more moments he left the room awkwardly.

Paying the strange man no mind, she left the office to once again find Kudzu. With his height he wasn’t hard to pick out in the village market. He was at a spice rack picking out some herbs and spices.

“I’ll take some of these...and this,” said Kudzu pointing to some rosemary. The clerk began grabbing what he wanted quickly, and throwing them into a bag.

“I have acknowledged that you’ve restrained yourself – ready to go?” said Louise.

“Ah, you are back again?” Answered Kudzu. Not wanting to waste time talking, Louise opened up a portal under him. Kudzu fell through yelling something up as he fell. Louise turned to the clerk and smiled.

“You won’t be needing those,” said Louise as she walked through the same portal – wearing a smirk over her face – before it closed. The clerk stood there flabbergasted as she dropped the bag of spices.

The group of partygoers were all in Margaret’s living room now. As Kudzu entered the room Leona III’s eyes glew. Edile, and the others cleared the path between them. Durran who was hiding behind a corner smiled as he whispered to Kudzu.

“And the tensions begin to build,” whispered Durran. Kudzu raised both his hands trying to show that he meant no harm.

“Saren told me that he saw you, and honestly I did not believe him,” said Leona III. “Has your spirit grown so weak over these years that I could not sense it?”

“Maybe its your age finally catching up with you,” answered Kudzu. Leona III was set to pounce at him, but Saren held her back with a strong arm. Louise came in through a portal from behind them a moment later. She came in through the same rift she opened for Kudzu, after all.

“Hm, seems like some of you will have to change dresses after arriving on site,” Louise said, looking towards the group of people she had assembled. To be frank, the people of the other world just simply think her group of special guests are just cosplaying freaks, and she had no intention of insulting them that way.

Margaret welcomed Louise, changing the subject, and smiled. “It is about time you got here,” said Margaret. “Lucky for us the guests had not mingled too much. Everyone is sticking to their own,” Margaret whispered that last part to Louise directly.

“Had I put you on the spot, Margaret? I apologize,” Louise replied, a hint of sarcasm was definitely there because Margaret was supposedly a good †˜host’.

“Don’t make me hug you,” answered Margaret.

“Anyway,” Louise made an especially bright smile, completely turning her face away from Margaret; ignoring the suggestion of those ghastly and deadly hugs. “I suppose you are all ready, for an out-of-the-world party?” She assumed that most wouldn’t take it literally, but the question was rather literal.

“Anything is better than doing more paperwork!” Exclaimed Leona III. Edile nodded hesitantly. Turning to Kudzu he shrugged as Durran chuckled from around the corner. Durran had stayed out of Leona’s sight to avoid… complications.

“Very well,” Louise gave a nod, then walked up to the center of the room, and murmured the incantations for her spell sonorously. It took some time, but the residents of the hall could feel a strong divine presence from Louise. Usually, Louise’s spiritual powers are rather restrained as she tries not to make a blatant show of great power with her spirit. She did not wanted to show it off, after all. This was particularly a reason why she got attention for her striking looks and seemingly high-class upbringing rather her tremendous strength of power.

The oval-shaped rift soon ripped apart the space as it showed a white light. Beyond it, one could see the stars and various tiny lights, before it changed to a never-before-seen image of a garden. Louise walked into it, along with the others.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

As everyone came past the portal, they found themselves under an evening sky, right before a beautiful rose garden glistening under a dim golden flash of light. There was a long red carpet laid out – that lead straight into the mansion starting from the main gates that Durran and Kudzu could not remember seeing the last time they were here. Guests seemed to be walking into the mansion, most were couples with their arms linked closely – laughing and talking joyously as they moved into the premises. They were no doubt graceful and elegant in how they did… almost anything. There were decorations over the large mansion that greeted their eyes, and there were definitely lights brimming all over the place. The mansion was no doubt tall, appeared robust, and it wasn’t anything like back home. The place somewhat held the smell of the ocean, too.

It seemed that the music nor the party had truly started. Guests were not likely here, not all of them, anyway. Louise checked her cell phone, and she learned that there were still a good twenty minutes they could use.

A girl draped in black attire, with white apron-like cloth put over her uniform – a maid – ran over to Louise after spotting her before the garden.

“Mistress Louise, the preparations are ready, and the guests are arriving now – as you have wanted,” the maid reported.

“Excellent, it seems like everything is going just as planned, so far. Would you please escort these people to the dressing room?” She asked.

The maid gave a deep bow with her head immediately, it was quick yet carried a certain sense of grace in it. “Understood, Mistress.”

“Treat them with care – they are my special guests for tonight.”

“Understood,” the maid answered Louise again, then faced the so-called †˜special’ guests, “please, right these way, ladies and gentlemen,” the maid then led the way.

- Boy’s Room

Kudzu and Saren glared at each other as they looked through the selection of suits. Durran looked at them curiously. As they got undressed it seemed as if they were comparing muscles. Kudzu was definitely the more ripped of the two. He smirked at this, and continued getting dressed.

“Have you gotten soft in that pampered castle, Saren?” Taunted Kudzu.

“It won’t matter how big you are when I cleave you in two with an axe,” answered Saren. Seconds later the two began exchanging blows. Durran shook his head in disappointment, and simply worried about getting himself ready for the party.

- Girls Room

Leona III had a pile of clothes that she was deciding on. There were so many interesting dresses in that closet, that she was having a tough time deciding what to wear. Most of the dresses were not only fancy, but largely different to what they were used to seeing. Some of the fabric felt completely foreign to the touch, in fact. A lot of these dresses were actually designed and sewn by Louise herself, some others bought out purely for her desire to collect. Edile quietly went through the selection finding one or two that she thought suited her. Her slim figure was something that she was proud of, and Louise had quite a few dresses that suited her… Suddenly she heard the sounds of fighting coming from the other side of the curtain.

“Boys will be boys,” said Leona III, trying to strike up conversation with Edile. She had felt Edile looking at her the whole time that they were at the house. For a leader, Edile was strangely shy.

“I suppose you are right,” answered Edile as she began towards the fitting room. As she walked in a maid held out her hand and asked for the garment. Confused, Edile simply did as asked and handed the dress to the maid. The maid looked at the clothing and then went to a drawer. She returned with a set of two cards that she handed to Edile.

“Please place these cards into these slots over here, and walk through the machine when the entrance opens up,” said the maid with a slight bow. Looking reluctantly to the machine, she strolled over to it holding the card in her hand. Placing it on the machine, it lit up; accepting the cards. As it happened, the curtains to the ornate machine parted in front of her. Looking into the machine, she was having second thoughts. Suddenly, a force pushed her into the machine. Leona III chuckled as Edile flew into the machine. She had already gotten her own cards from the maid.

Inside the machine, symbols of leaves flew around her as her clothes vanished. Covering herself in embarrassment, she wanted to out of that machine. Feeling something tight against her skin, she noticed that the dress was forming around her. Coming out of the machine, on the other side she was surrounded by mirrors so that she could get a look at herself in the dress. Turning, she hadn’t noticed the back was so open.

“They look good on you,” said a maid overlooking her to make sure the machine fitted her correctly. “If this dress isn’t to your liking, you may choose to change again, but we’re almost running out of time as the party will start…”

“N-no this will be fine,” answered Edile. Suddenly there was a flash behind her, and Leona III came walking out of the machine like a model. With a white and purple deep cleavage short halter dress. She was using this opportunity to show off as much skin as possible.

“You look fabulous, almost as much as the Mistress herself,” the maid complimented.

“Thank you,” answered Leona III posing a few times. Edile looked at her in disbelief. With such an outfit, there was no way she would ever think she was the queen of such a religious nation. Margaret entered the room and looked at the two of them. Margaret was already wearing a red gothic dress from home. Louise had already said that it would fit in at the party.

“Come now, the party is about to start,” said Margaret. She had a maid behind her who was ready to escort them to the hall. Leona III waked towards Margaret, eager to get to the celebration. Edile brought up the rear getting used to the shoes that came with her dress.

Durran, Edile, Leona III, Kudzu, Margaret, and Saren came down the central staircase linked to the halls, when they appeared from behind the doors to find the carpet before the stairs; they almost winced at the excessive gold-lightings greeting them. The group could then see a group of musicians to one side as they walked down, and the rest of the guests on occupying the middle of the hall. The other side – which was the left from their view – had many tables parked; topped with plates. Plates of food. Rich food that could make almost anyone’s mouth water with gluttonous impulses. They seemed like nothing they had witnessed back in their respective homelands. Durran and Kudzu couldn’t really compare what little food they had here previously, either. They were beyond fancy and expensive for cuisines, and seemed to shine, in some strange way perhaps. Perhaps it was just them getting hungry.

The maid walked to the side, not wanting to be too close to the guests. “Please enjoy the party,” she said before backing away from the group with her head bent.

They spotted Louise standing below the staircase, but some meters away… in amidst a vortex of people clad in fashionable attires. They could see many deep colors adorning women – many were balancing a provocative party-dress look with elegance and grace, as so did Louise with her black-lacy dress. It was rather a simple one, at first glance. However, one could see sparkling materials decorating the dark, jet black skirt, with chains and both frills hanging from it.

It was truly unique.

There was no other way to describe the mystifying feeling it radiated.

Louise gave a tender smile at the sight of the group from over the crowd that surrounded her, as if she was completely fine and not surrounded by a crowd at all. It almost made Leona III wonder if she was as busy as Louise, now.

Moreover, she – along with the rest, excluding Durran and Kudzu – started to wonder what the deal was here. The people were certaining speaking in different languages, and their manners were nothing like what they knew back in their homelands, nor did their facial features seem even a single-bit similar to the people of their towns. The architecture was foreign, and the attires were of a quality never-before-seen.

The biggest mystery was the lack of spiritual energy in the air.

Ever since they stepped past Louise’s portal, it’s as if they came to a place almost completely devoid of spirits. Louise almost always gave off little spiritual energy, so it felt all the more abnormal. They had many questions in mind as Louise finally walked out of the group of people, waving at them casually as if she parted from a few female ladies from a corner. That was how relaxed and used-to-things Louise seemed.

“If she is this busy, I would hate to see what their queen is going through,” said Saren looking at the spectacle. Durran was staying off Leona’s radar and not making himself the center of attention, but that seemed to draw her to him more.

“You have been awfully quiet there,” said Leona III as she scanned over him. She sensed nothing from his spirit, which only furthered her suspicions of him. Suddenly Louise called them over, breaking the silence.

“Welcome to my party, ladies and gentlemen, how does it feel here?” Louise said, her hands were cupped around her abdomen – and around the black belt that she wore – as she stopped before them.

Leona III broke her stare with Durran, and looked to Louise with a smile. “It’s devoid of spirits, but with that comes some matter of peace. Sometimes dealing with them all can become a burden,” answered Leona III.

“Well, we’re the only ones here who has spirits, so its a relatively peaceful place in that regard,” Louise answered normally in a carefree manner.

“So who is this man here?” Said Leona revisiting on the man who was with their party. She swore she had seen him somewhere before but could not place him.

“Durran, my bodyguard,” Louise answered swiftly. Louise noticed Durran trying to look away. Or well, reluctantly looking in response to the conversation. Unfortunately, the more he’d try to hide, the more curious one would get. Louise noticed this. Perhaps it might’ve been a better idea for Durran to act more casual. “He has been protecting me as I visited various… places for my activities,” she added.

“Then he is from here as well? I sense no spirit from him. Is he capable enough to be your guard?” Questioned Leona III.

Louise let out a rather mysterious smile, and shrugged. “Who knows,” she answered. “But I am safe despite fighting a monster recently, so there’s that,” she informatively added.

“I am more than capable enough,” answered Durran.

“It talks,” said Saren laughing. Leona III looked at the group strangely, but decided she would give the man some slack.

“Fine, I will try and just enjoy myself tonight,” said Leona III. “That is why we came after all right?”

“Correct. Please, enjoy and relax,” Louise said, giving a nod, her casual smile coming back up. “Allow me to welcome you all again – to my grand party. I welcome you all to a new world,” she said, spreading her arms wide in a grandiose manner.

“So is this where you go to when not in our world?” Asked Saren looking out of a window, and seeing the beach nearby.

“This is but one of the many worlds I’ve travelled to after leaving your world,” Louise answered. “There is no world other than ours where people are born with connections to spirits. That is why you can never feel spiritual connections when you leave that world,” she explained. “Well… there are some †˜magic’ wielders with interesting abilities around, but that’s beside the point.”

“I’d implore you all to place aside your ranks and positions in your respective societies for now, and enjoy yourselves here. The technologies and facilities here have much to provide – especially to those fond of novelty – from food, to technology, to different people. I have much planned for tonight.”

“Guess we should get to know the people of this world. Come now, Saren,” said Leona walking off towards a group of people. Edile opened her mouth to say something, but decided to wait till later. Kudzu and Margaret went to get some drinks while talking about what happened the last time they met.

“They seemed to have paired off rather quickly,” said Durran looking to Louise and Edile.

“I didn’t expect Margaret and Kudzu to do this again but… well, I suppose I’ll at least announce the party’s start, I shall join you two in a bit – perhaps I can show more exhibits of this world to you two soon,” Louise said, before strolling off towards a maid, and a particular beautiful lady with very long purple hair, it was of similar length as Louise’s.

The two then went up to the stage that was located beside the staircase.

The mic gave away a sharp noise as Louise and her apparent friend stepped onto the stage. It seemed like her friend stood beside her, but not exactly behind the mic.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Louise begun with a greeting, giving a bow, it was slow and deep; graceful and elegant with how her head was pressed down, but she made sure to take some distance from the microphone so that her temple wouldn’t bump with it. “I’d like to thank you all – for gathering here on such short notice,” Louise said, with a natural smile she spoke to the crowd, apparently used to giving such speeches. “This would be the… hmm, I suppose, the 10th party held here? I apologize, for lacking the time to organize such gatherings. Tonight, we have prepared quite a number of surprises for you guests in the party, and of course, we have a very special guest right here… ”

Louise’s friend walked even closer. Louise took up the mic and moved it before her friend’s mouth.

“Hello, my name is Kanzaki Mizuki. Tonight, I will be joining you all in the party alongside my old partner – Mysterious Louise,” she announced cheerfully, yet she kept herself properly contained and composed, similarly as Louise. “And I suppose us two gathering can only mean one thing – look forward to it!”

Louise’s friend and her then got really close. Their hands and palms joined, as well the entire sides of their bodies – that definitely connected through the dresses, in fact. They then made a peace sign over their eyes, apparently doing something… unique. The people started cheering for this. Cheering hard, strangely enough. Louise’s guests from the other world likely didn’t know what the guests were excited about, but it was definitely because Louise and Mizuki were members in an idol unit finally having a reunion.

“We hope you all – my dear guests – would enjoy them,” they spoke in unison – cheerful and lively. Neither of them held the image of being cheerful girls, but they did it. It’d seem almost miraculous to those who didn’t know about these two.

The silence was broken as a loud round of applause took place.
There was an awkward silence after Louise left the two of them alone. Edile felt so out of place at a party like that. They never thought of such extravagance even once like that in the village. It was simply a festival or something. She had not one idea how to talk to the nobles of high society.

“You too huh?” Said Durran chuckling. “I always pawned parties off on Adair...The only thing I care to do is the dancing.”

“I probably can’t do that very well. Village dances are very different from what we will need to do in this world,” answered Edile.

“Does it matter? As long as it is on beat?” Asked Durran trying to ease her mind.

“No… I suppose it does not,” answered Edile. She still didn’t know how she felt about talking so casually with someone like Durran, but she was slowly getting used to it.

Leona III was turning the heads of many of the men in the room, but when they saw the lumbering mass of muscle that was Saren, they averted their gaze. Noticing this pattern, Leona III wrapped around Saren’s right arm. In these moments outside of the castle, they were happy to be away from prying eyes.

Finally reaching a group of people standing around drinking wine, the two of them introduced themselves.

“Oh so you are also new business partners with Ms. Louise?” Said a mustached gentleman. “I am in charge of my own company as well. We make exquisite razors, and such. A man has to look good after all,” looking to Saren, the man admired his trimmed beard.

“I’m sure a man like you would benefit from one of our products,” said the man.

“A knife works just as well,” answered Saren without a hint of humor. The man looked at him weird, and retreated to his glass of wine.

The two made their way out to the balcony overlooking the beach, and from the looks of it their conversation was rather serious.

“You looked like you were enjoying it, to me,” said Kudzu with a smirk. Flustered Margaret stomped her foot.

“That is besides the point. I am a married woman… ” answered Margaret. “Even while drunk, that shouldn’t have happened.”

“From the looks of it, not too happy of a marriage… You seem more trapped in a prison than anything else,” answered Kudzu. Margaret ran a hand up her arm as a chill from the ocean air ran up her arm. A moment later a warm jacket rested on her shoulders.

“Thank you… No! You stop it!” Exclaimed Margaret kicking him in the shin. As she did she accidentally lost her balance and began to fall. Kudzu reached out; catching her. Margaret looked up at Kudzu as she felt blood rush to her cheeks.

“Don’t you think it’s fine?” Louise said, entering the balcony from behind the two. It seemed like she came in search of the two, but at one point she started to simply observe. She couldn’t quite find the right timing to approach them until now. It’s a rare moment when Louise herself is nervous and is rather reluctant to interrupt. In all honesty, she wouldn’t even interfere unless she needed to. “I have noticed it for some time but… you don’t really love Krieg, do you?” Louise said, apparently voicing her opinion from her observations.

Margaret used Kudzu to stabilize her footing, and stood up straightening her dress. Turning to Louise, she was unsure of how to respond. “Of course, I used to love him. He was a good man with ideals and convictions. Things changed so fast… he is like a stranger to me now. All he seems concerned with is this war, his family can be damned,” answered Margaret.

“How were you led to marriage: politics or an engagement?” Louise asked, tilting her head with curiosity as she did so. She couldn’t imagine such high-standing people to have the freedom to marry lovers in a place a such like Masario.

“It was for politics. He was already high within the military when I met him. Our marriage helped to secure his standing, and gave us a figure head within the ranks,” answered Margaret.

“I always left that mess to the other representatives,” answered Kudzu.

“I don’t like those kind of marriages – sometimes you just don’t fall in love with the partner after the marriage,” Louise stated earnestly. However, that was just her opinion, and not exactly fact. Even Louise acknowledged that sometimes arranged marriage would work out as if an ordination of fate.

“So are you going to tell me this is fine as well?” Asked Margaret.

“I only support true love,” Louise answered with a smile. “The rest is up to you.”

“Falling for a man of the cursed, I would tarnish our family name if word of that got out. It is a good thing Leona III is rather oblivious,” replied Margaret.

“That’s right… but who am I to judge? I have done the same myself,” Louise shrugged, then turned around, apparently about to leave. “Maybe after this world… both sides will finally start to understand each other,” she added what she hoped of the future, before walking back into the party. Margaret and Kudzu once again turned back to the view of the ocean.

Edile held back laughter as Durran went off about the last time Kudzu was here, and the trouble he caused. Holding her hand in front of her mouth, she was allowing small chuckles here and there. Durran was simply trying to get her past her awkwardness, and he knew Louise would come to appreciate his efforts.

“And that is when he stormed off and ripped the tree right out of the ground to make a spear,” explained Durran.

“The whole tree?” Said Edile rather impressed he had the power to pull a tree, and the roots out with his bare hands.

Louise’s hand fell over Durran’s shoulder from behind. It was as if a dreaded fake corpse came to scare him from behind, but in a more comical manner that would soon surface her personal feelings of horror. “Of all things, you decide to dig up one of the worst memories, Durran… ” she said from behind, almost with the voice of a cryptic ghost.

Durran straightened up in fear as the ghastly tendril wrapped around his shoulder, sending a chill up his spine. “I-I thought it would help to show her the lug isn’t all bad,” said Durran. ”You have to admit it was rather humorous.”

“To you, perhaps,” Louise sighed, and retracted her hand as she revealed her disdainful expression. “To me… I lost an expensive property,” she said, as if reminding herself, with a fake tear at the corner of her eyelid, of course. “Do you know how much care it takes for a single tree to grow up, especially when you try to make it as natural as possible?”

“Paying for trees?” Asked Edile. ”What a strange world you live in.”

“This entire area was made artificially by my wealth,” Louise answered. “It is simply the expansion of business, nothing strange from my view,” she said, expressing her perspective.

“If I need a tree I simply plant a seed.. Would that not be more… natural?” Asked Edile, taking a sip from a drink that was given to her by a server. “It takes a bit of time, but making something grow is a feeling unlike much other.”

“Takes way too long, especially when you need customers,” Louise frankly said, dismissing the idea. While it was one of the traditional and more natural means, it would feel like a larger loss if Kudzu took out a natural tree like that. In fact, she may just cry if that happens. She wouldn’t want that, ever. “I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I like to have everything prepared before my customers get to enjoy my products. I do not wish to take their money with scarce efforts,” she answered.

“As if that wasn’t self evident by the way this party looks,” said Durran motioning to the elegant decorations, and the food presentation.

“Why thank you,” Louise played along with words, giving a curt yet graceful bow. “I am wondering… but, how do you plan to approach Leona?” She asked, facing Edile.

“No use beating around the bush with it, but I will wait until later in the evening to bring it up. She seems to be having a good time. Talks of war can wait,” answered Edile.

“True, I was about to suggest to wait at least until the dance phase is over,” Louise replied, bringing up her previously thought-out suggestion.

“You don’t seem like you’re having fun, Louise,” said a lady familiar to Louise. She was the one with her onstage sometime ago – it was Mizuki.

“Well, aren’t you having fun then, walking around spying the balcony,” Louise smirked as she said so.

“Oh dear, I didn’t think you’d know,” Mizuki laughed. “I suppose you two are the special guests? It is a pleasure to meet you both, I am Kanzaki Mizuki,” she introduced herself as she gave a respectful bow to Edile and Durran.

Both Edile and Durran bowed in return, then the both looked to the young woman over. She shared a similar style to Louise, but with a twist of her own.

“This person is the only one who knows about your world,” Louise revealed to Durran and Edile. “She found me as I entered this world the first time I had visited it… I had nothing to hide,” Louise said, looking back into the distant past. “Besides, her help was much appreciated.”

“How interesting,” said Edile. “How bizarre that must seem to you. I don’t know if I would last in this place for very long.”

”I think we would do just fine. You just can’t go abusing your spiritual power. You tire out quickly here,” advised Durran.

“Well, all people needs is a little adjustment, and a bit of studying. Life can be rather fun here with the facilities and electronic technologies,” Louise said. “But yes, people knowing that you can do something unnatural will be you – getting yourself labeled a witch.”

”They have witches here?” Asked Edile.

“People that use magic instead of spirits – according to Louise,” Mizuki replied in Louise’s stead, as she could clearly remember Louise saying it.

“Indeed. More specifically, they seem to call upon the powers of a spirit through sheer devotion and worshipping,” Louise explained. “Compared to, say, you, Edile – who has an entire spirit – †˜magic’ is quite incomparable, in my opinion.”

“That is a little disappointing. I was hoping to experience the magicks of this world as well,” answered Edile.

“Mizuki, was it?” Started Durran. “Have you seen these witches in action before?”

“Not quite, I work in the same line of work as Louise, so I hardly ever get the time to even notice something out of the ordinary,” Mizuki replied with a chuckle. “Except for when I’m with her, perhaps.”

“I’ve only noticed it when I went overseas for movie recording, anyway. They are hard to come across,” Louise added. European countries are rumored to be the origin of such occultism, and that was where she came across these things; confirming that the rumor was actually reality.

“Didn’t you tell me the stuff in movies isn’t real?” Said Durran. ”It is hard to tell the difference in this world.”

“They really aren’t,” Mizuki responded, “I think you’re misunderstanding.”

“Indeed, I appear in these †˜movies’ as a celebrity, so I happen to go to various country for working in those, but that’s beside the point,” Louise said, trying to reason with Durran, “I simply happened to come across what’s real in those countries in some instances,” Louise explained.

“This world is too confusing. If nothing else I love my own lands for its clear cut rules,” said Edile.

“Except that it hardly has any rules,” Louise replied blatantly pointing out what she felt was the truth. “If you want a civil and peaceful society – you need proper rules that denies harm to people… but this and that hardly has any connection to the subject of rules?”

“This comes from the world that created a device capable of destroying cities in the blink of an eye,” said Durran remembering the video they watched.

“And your problem with that is?” Louise asked, tilting her head as if unsure. “People possesses the inherent quality of conflict. Every world has its own bloody histories. Every nation will make destructive weaponry, either to protect themselves or to expand their nation through missions to conquer other lands” Louise begun to debate. “Look at your own world, and remember who you are. Remember what Cain, and possibly other hosts of the godly spirits are doing to it. How is it any different when it causes worldwide issues?”

“I simply wonder if your idea of a civil and peaceful society is really possible. In this world, or our own,” asked Durran. Louise felt like he was running away from the main point of the debate about now. ”Even if we wipe the chessboard clean. There will always be a reason to pick up a blade against your fellow man.”

“I’ve never really imagined a clean slate bringing a peaceful world, Durran. I did, however, wanted to fight to see a world peaceful,” Louise answered. She glanced down towards the sleek and shiny floor, “I… perhaps I just wanted the world to evolve, at least. Is that naive of me? There are ways to manipulate evolution – and by that I speak of advancement – to an extent, if you work with the governors, I believe. Time and time again humans have failed, but I cannot bring myself to hate them – if there is a will, there is a way,” she stated.

“No, it is an admirable goal. Just one that will take more time than we have…” answered Durran.

“Maybe the generations after us will be able to do what we cannot,” added Edile. “We have to have that hope in those that will come after us.”

Louise shrugged. “I am immortal, and I definitely am clueless about the generation idea, metaphorically,” Louise stated. For one who couldn’t die, she lived through every of those †˜generations’ literally. “If Cain cannot end me – I don’t know what can. I can strive to do this for a long time, or just stop and leave it to the young. I guess they do say… wait, and hope.”

“Please don’t talk about your †˜end’ so lightly like that… Louise…” Mizuki said, lowly as she looked down, cupping her hands around her chest meekly. She couldn’t imagine a good friend going away suddenly because of a war she was hardly aware of. She was having trouble keeping up with the conversation. Not because it was completely out of her field, but because she was not quite caught up in the situation. It was a situation of a completely different world, after all.

“Isn’t this supposed to be a party?” Said Margaret walking in with Kudzu. They were standing very close together, Louise could tell what their decision was by that.

Louise sighed, letting all the tension leave her along with it. “Indeed, I apologize if I’ve darkened the mood,” Louise said, ruffling her hair slightly with an embarrassed smile. “I suppose your decision towards this is now final? There’s no going back after this, my dear Margaret.”

“Yes, I have made my decision. I’d rather be happy if this world ends,” answered Margaret. Kudzu smirked and then looked to Louise.

“Not †˜this’ world, my dear. No one tries to stop lovers in this world,” Louise replied. The idea of †˜engagement’ had lost its popularity long ago, and only countries with traditional cultures was still fond of that old idea.

“Regardless, congratulations, you two,” she said before clapping at the new couple.

“You two seem to fit, congratulations!” Mizuki said, clapping too. “I want to fall in love one day, too… they say that love makes your skin prettier too…”

“Let’’s not tell everyone, just yet. I have no idea how Leona III will take it,” said Margaret.

“Not like they aren’t in exactly the same situation,” answered Durran.

“Unlike Margaret though… this is their only chance to be an ordinary couple – I’d respect their space to an extent. For now, at least,” Louise said, smiling at Leona and Saren in the distance.

“So when is the dancing supposed to start?” Asked Margaret looking to the band who was still in the process of getting set up. They would not start until they were told, however. Margaret had to admit she was eager to see if the big lug could cut a rug.

“Whenever my maid reports that the machine is ready,” Louise answered momentarily. “I am the only one who can operate it, unfortunately,” she admitted it being unfortunate herself. “But it’ll make the dance something even more unforgettable.”

“That is rather interesting. I guess it will be worth the wait in that case,” said Kudzu.

“It should be,” Louise replied, assuring the group further. “It shall be unique. I have invested quite the money in this after all… ”

“Until then, I guess I can see if this food is as good as it looks!” Said Kudzu licking his lips and heading off to get some food. Margaret smiled after him, but did not follow. Now that she wasn’t so afraid of judgement, she was starting to smile more. Of course, when Krieg would find out, he would be furious, but that could wait.

”What do you think Krieg will do when he finds out?” Asked Margaret. Durran whistled avoiding answering the question. Louise would be better suited to answer.

“Let us hope he does find out. It’d mean that he lived through the war,” Louise joked, laughing casually. To her, death jokes were just like any other jokes. “I personally think he’d understand if you said it was for your own happiness,” she didn’t voice the opinion that the inverse could happen – Krieg would pretty much be left to rot cruelly who’d lose his only link to †˜happiness’. Then again, Louise wasn’t sure if Krieg truly loved her.

“I just have trouble trusting him. After all that has happened recently. What they pulled in Raltese was shady, but everyone believes it was for the greater good. They overwhelmed the old queen with evidence and accusations that had flimsy support,” said Margaret.

“How did something like that pass through?” Asked Edile.

“Vejovis, most likely.” answered Durran.

“And he happened to frame me... ” Louise said. “So yes… they left a bad taste. I suppose I had my faults, so I’m not going to press further into that.”

“Maybe I can convince Leona III to drop the charges against Arkasia? It won't quell the girl’s anger. But it will help negotiations going forward. After all she is apart of my military,” suggested Edile.

“She is? I suppose that shouldn’t be so surprising,” Louise begun. “I would like to meet her again, if possible. I feel like I should not allow her to… wallow in this vengeance nonsense. Yes, I believe it is a nonsense. It’s already tragic that someone died from my foolish acts, but it is even more tragic when someone is obsessed at shedding blood because of that,” she answered. When the curse acted as a seal and reverted her mental psyche to a few centuries back, she lost her wisdom with it – bringing about a more selfish and self-centered Louise who only cared for her personal agenda. Then again, she was largely lost to many activities going on behind the backs of people in the world, and someone needed to dig things up.

“You’re essentially clouding your judgement. You are losing sight of yourself – in that state. That is as good as dying. That is… as good as ending up as me,” she stated, remember her rage towards the women who incited the death of her unborn daughter.

“That woman… I swear, if I don’t rip her apart limb from limb...” she muttered rather angrily with an expression unlike herself. She flexed her fingers as if looking for something to crush, before clenching the hems of her dress; trying to contain her boiling rage.

“Are you okay, Louise? What are you talking about?” Asked Margaret, concerned. Durran looked at her strangely, remembering their time down in the caves. She wasn’t exactly acting like herself then.

“...” Louise looked to Margaret. It was as if she had just awoken from a daydream. “Eh? A-Ah, no, nothing. Don’t mind me at all,” she answered, appearing to be flustered while waving her hand excessively before appearing to be cool and collected again.

After a curious look from the group they decided it was best to drop it for now. “Maybe it would be good for you to talk with Arkasia. She had calmed down considerably,” said Edile.

“After wrecking a shop?” Louise chuckled, she questioned jokingly, of course. “She may wreck something else when we meet… but I can pay for all the damages. I am willing to end this.”

“I admit that was not one of her best moments,” answered Edile. “But you have to understand she has been through a lot lately. I will talk to her and see if she will meet with you.”

“I will go as well. I don’t trust Arkasia with her alone,” said Durran.

“You worry too much,” Louise smiled as she apparently boasted. “Who do you think I am? I’ll take on that perverted knight who laid his eyes upon my bare body, too… he is unforgivable!” Louise said with a serious face.

“What was his name?” Durran asked with an unchanging expression, but Louise knew this was as good as putting a hit out on Owain.

“Owain – leader of the perverted squad,” Louise answered with an apparent frown.

“Me and Kudzu will have a word with him later. It won’t happen again,” answered Durran.

“I was hoping to punish him myself, though… ” Louise, for once, lamented her apparent bodyguards, apparently slightly sad that one-third of her fun was sliced away.

“No need for you to get your dress dirty,” said Kudzu with a smirk as he enjoyed the food he found.

“You sure picked the right two, didn’t you?” Commented Edile with a chuckle, then her face straightened. “But they will be †˜talking’ to him outside of Origin right?” Even Durran tensed up from that glance.

“I’d like to meet Arkasia in a †˜safe’ place, mind you,” Louise said, continuing on the subject. “I have no intention of endangering your people. If there is damage regardless; as I’ve mentioned – I shall pay up for all of them,” she assured. Edile sighed in return.

”I hoped that it wouldn’t come to that,” answered Edile. ”When the time comes I shall find an appropriate place. Better safe than sorry.”

“I do not intend to take a life. However, as she is now… she may force my hand,” Louise replied, elaborating on her position. “I hope you understand – I hardly ever turn myself down from a challenge,” she added with her usual smile full of confidence.

“I understand, doesn’t mean that I will condone it,” answered Edile. “I made a mistake with that man before. We cannot needlessly go at each others’ throats now. We have a real threat to face.”

“But what guarantee can you provide – that Arkasia will not attempt to strike a blade through my heart amidst the war? Would you truly propose that I leave this business – unattended?”

“She is not allowed her weapon in town. Take this chance to seek peaceful reconciliation,” replied Edile. ”If you find her untrustworthy I will take steps to keep her away from you.”

“Then, how about we do it like this… if I deem her dangerous – I’ll teleport her to a place safe from the travesty of a situation that may take place,” Louise proposed after taking a moment to think. “Of course, that trip will be temporary, and I promise to bring her back. You may accompany as a witness if you so wish. Confirm the end of the problem with your own eyes, would you?”

“Those are acceptable terms,” answered Edile knowing that this teleportation was safe, experiencing it herself already. “But I don’t know if having me there will make it easier or harder for you.”

“I am happy that you understand, but you are a leader, are you not? I believe you’d be able to protect yourself?” Louise replied.

“I mean, wouldn’t you prefer to talk to her alone?” Asked Edile. ”She may not show her real self with me watching.”

“Hide, perhaps? Use the roots!” Louise joked, before breaking into a chuckle. “She has certainly not tried to hide her nature before an innocent shopkeeper, I do not know – to be honest – if she’d show her nature. But that makes †˜talking’ easier, and if she does control herself; we’re effectively avoiding our worst imaginations of the coming situation,” Louise hypothesized after doing some careful calculation.

“I see your point,” answered Edile. “I will accompany you then. I hope we can calm this situation before it further escalates.” Looking at the group around them, she saw they had spent quite a bit of time doting on Arkasia. “I Hope we did not kill the mood.” Edile apologized.

“Then!” Louise clapped her hands with an energetic start, “who wants a good dance for the evening? As I’ve already mentioned – I have quite the surprises prepared – my dear guests.”

“It’s about time, darling,” answered Margaret enthusiastically.

“That was so serious a conversation… I hope this Arkasia person and you don’t really have a fight,” Mizuki spoke, who tried to stay out of a conversation completely unrelated to her entire world, altogether. “But Louise…”

“I know, I know,” Louise replied, trying to placate a stern Mizuki, apparently knowing what she was about to say.

Louise turned around, facing the maid, before she nodded, then bowed to her, and came forward. Picking up her hand; she offered Louise a golden key.

“Mistress, the preparations are all done,” she informed.

“Then let us be on our way,” Louise replied. “See you all in a bit. I truly hope that none of you do the boring act of simply watching from the side-lines,” Louise said before walking away.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise entered a different room behind the halls. It was as if entering another world; all kinds of electronics – equipments abnormal to the inhabitants of the other world existed here. Holograms, computers, machines, and finally – the staff members all working under Louise’s instructions. Noises of whispers and clicks and clacks from typing in keyboards echoed across the room as Louise reached for a particular device. Inserting the key – a different monitor opened up below her, along with another sparkly golden keyboard.

Louise typed in the keyboard. Keys were pressed in swift succession and her hand was almost a blur as she did so in a hurry. The discussion earlier had actually put them somewhat behind the schedule. So she had to make up for lost time now, by doing her work frantically.

“This should do the trick, now that the timer is set… ”

“You may have it start up when the dance starts, yes? Such magnificent planning!”

“I am pleased of the flattery but… this is a very basic trick, anyway, time is ticking!”

Louise soon left for the party hall.

After Louise re-entered the halls, she graced the guests with her presence once again, before going up to the stage to announce the beginning of the dance segment of the party. The group of otherworldly guests turned to her as she stepped onto the stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time of the night,” Louise begun, she spoke calmly – apparently cool and collected as usual, but anyone could sense the excitement that her voice carried.

“Ready yourselves and your partners, for we are about to start the dance floor! Please pair up. Even if it is a stranger, it may be more fun than you think,” Louise stated grandly. “Life is but a journey of exploration, never fear the limitless possibilities. That aside, we’ve prepared the System. Expect a pleasant environment. The maids will be taking pictures – as you’re done, you’ll be handed the pictures of your dance. So don’t hold back, and show off your skills!”

“We will hold a poll among you guests, and the best pair of dancers will be awarded with a prize,” she added.

The guests were overjoyed, and cheered before turning among themselves to look for their partners.

Saren gripped Leona III’s hand possessively. She smirked and leaned up against him. Leona III often wondered just what was going on in that man’s mind. It was this moment that helped solidify what she always hoped to be true. Though she wished they would have done this long ago. Past Saren, Leona III could see Kudzu and Margaret pairing up. Kudzu with his hand around her waist. “Well isn’t that scandalous,” said Leona III with a smirk.

”It would seem that we are both without partners,” said Durran. Edile looked at the rest of the group pairing up.

“I had planned to just watch,” admitted Edile.

“Now, that is no fun. Come on, let’s have at least one dance. I don’t bite,” answered Durran.

“Knowing who you are, I can’t say I completely believe you,” answered Edile. Durran smirked and shrugged holding out his hand. Edile hesitated for a moment, and then sighed placing her hand in his.

“Just one dance,” answered Edile.

As Durran and Edile stepped forward into the dance floor and took position, the musicians begun to play their music. It was sweet, enchanting, and simply lovely. As the pairs begun to dance, the floor around them changed shape.

Not only shape, in fact, they completely lost their every visible substances!

The area around the dance floor warped, and much to the surprise of the guests who came from another world – they found themselves absolutely bewildered. Instead of the floor, they found themselves dancing atop a sea of stars and space. It was simply a magnificent view. The light shown from below and the dancers were literally glowing. It was a mystifying experience.

“Perhaps this is what this world’s magic is like,” said Leona III looking at the floor. It was as if they were dancing on the sky, but just like the real stars you couldn’t just reach out and grab one. It was simply an image.

One of Kudzu’s fear came to surface as he felt he was going to fall into space. “Really, heights?” Joked Margaret. “With a man as tall as you? That is nothing short of ironic,” Kudzu swallowed hard and stood up straight.

“Laugh if you want. There is no shame in wanting your feet firmly placed upon the ground,” answered Kudzu. Margaret chuckled as she looked up at him.

“True, but it is not where your feet are placed that is the issue here,” responded Margaret. Kudzu had both his hands on Margaret’s waist. She took his right hand and intertwined their fingers. “At least you got half of it right,” Kudzu laughed awkwardly admittedly not being the greatest dancer.

“It has been a long time since I’ve done this,” answered Kudzu. “Hopefully I still remember how...”

Durran was already guiding Edile through the steps. She was quick to learn , which saved Durran a great deal of time. Within a few minutes, she was matching his pace, and only one time did she step on his toes. “And you say you don’t like to dance?” Said Durran.

“I never said I didn’t like too. This world’s dances are just so different. Then what I am accustomed too. You sure you want to dance with an old woman such as me anyways?” Said Edile.

”You don’t seem very old to me. Matching pace with a †˜young’ man like me,” joked Durran knowing she could tell his years.

“Good point,” she responded. Soon, the music began to quiet down as the next song started. Suddenly there was a tap on Durran’s shoulder.

“Now then, may I be your dance partner next?” Mizuki asked, interrupting the two as the first music ended.

”I don’t mind,” said Edile about to walk away, but Mizuki stopped her.

“I meant you,” said Mizuki, giving an enchanting smile. Edile looked at her in surprise. Durran chuckled and walked to the side of the dance floor.

”Have fun you two,” he said with a smirk. As he reached the side however he was immediately ambushed by women wanting the chance to dance with him as well. Sighing he took one by the hand as the others groaned in disappointment.

The last dance was now in session, and the musicians were preparing themselves for the final piece. Louise stood just behind the dance floor that was now enhanced with a look of a mysterious grassy plain. It was the field used for the dance session that ended moments ago. It was soon to be changed back to the starry space.

Louise found Durran just stepping out of the dance floor. She approached him, remembering her promise to him.

“How is it, enjoyable?”

“For an evening meant to take our minds off our worries, it has gone quite well,” answered Durran. “You did well with this.”

“Huhu. As expected of me,” Louise boasted with her nose sky-high, as always. If she could sell her confidence, she’d be a billionaire without her other businesses. “The final dance is soon to begin,” she said, beckoning towards the changing environment.

“Shall we?” Durran said holding out his hand, and in response her hand was locked without a moment’s waste. “Mhm, let’s go. I am tempted to outdo the other pairs tonight,” she said, giving a mischievous winked.

As the other pairs saw them, they nodded. Durran had already gotten a couple of compliments on his dancing, and Louise was already known to be an expert. They would be a hard to beat couple for sure. As they reached the near center of the dance floor, Durran and Louise turned to each other. Placing his his hand respectfully higher on her waist, as she brought her hand to his shoulder. Their other hands intertwined as the music began.

Durran looked into Louise eyes, and began leading her into the dance. As far as he was concerned, no one was in the room – they soon entered a world of their own, as the stars appeared around them, and the view of the space returned. He wanted to remember this moment with her, as it may be one of his last.

Even though his pace was a bit fast, Louise elegantly matched him as they stayed in rhythm. They were both used to each other already, and both knew why. They had done this before. At another time, and in another life. Spinning Louise out she separated from him for a moment, twirling elegantly and intensely, putting the crowd in awe; the attention of some of the other dances was stolen in that moment, and some of them even messed up their own steps. After a few moments she spun back into Durran as he took her hand, and she fell into his embrace.

”I think that may have done it,” whispered Durran with a slight laugh.

“It has been so long since that happened,” Louise replied, giggling happily like a little devil. “I wonder… was that a century ago? Two century ago? ... How long… I can’t tell,” she spoke. Spoke to herself, likely. A melancholic expression welled up.

“We have been alive quite a long time. At this point time is unimportant. We live moment to moment,” said Durran. “Memories chasing us. Regrets consuming us.”

“Regrets, is it? There are times I feel that I should have noticed… certain things, earlier,” Louise said, looking into the distant past, even as she looked at Durran normally. “Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time, but then I remind myself of my achievements… so I end up reasoning myself against it,” she laughed as she stated. Indeed, they do say †˜all is well in the end.’

“My memories aren’t mine, but I live with them anyways. I am luckier than those made after me,” answered Durran. Then he noticed that in that time they hardly dancing, as if they were frozen in time. “I almost forgot where we were…”

Louise sighed, “I thought you had good memory?” She chuckled, before returning to the dance along with Durran. They started with the steps yet again. Louise lead themselves right back, almost as if they had never stopped. “Lucky, or unlucky? Wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t know it all, and were simply innocent to the horrors?”

Durran’s face was grim, but he forced a smile. “But then when you wore your mask, I wouldn’t know what was behind it,” answered Durran.

“Which mask are we speaking of, and why do you wish to know?” Louise asked, pursuing the topic.

“The one you wear for the sake of your allies. If you are hurting, you should let them know,” answered Durran.

“Hurting? Why’d I be hurting?” Louise asked, her facade was clearly starting to crumble as she tried to maintain her expression.

“You are not as hard to read as you think you are. Though I have had time to study,” answered Durran. ”You haven’t been the same since we went into that cave. What did you see that I could not?” Durran looked worriedly into her eyes as he waited for her response

“...Are you picking a fight with me?” Louise scoffed openly, letting her distaste known. “Even now, I am a renowned actress. Just that… these things...” she said, never really finishing her sentence. The song began to quiet down in that moment as the floor began to change back to normal. Even their dance ended.

“What things?” Durran insisted. “Please tell me.” The music stopping didn’t stop Durran from trying to get answers. Even as people were probably waiting for her to speak.

“That woman… she told me how… they turned Cain the way he is,” Louise answered. It felt as though she was pulling out thorns attached to her heart as she spoke, and the prickling pain inflicted upon the heart would make her hesitate. However, at the same time, she really angry about it, all the while being sad, and regretful. She wasn’t even sure how she’d respond to Cain now, when she’d meet him. It shattered her long-standing feeling of wanting revenge for her lost daughter. Many things had simply changed, and she was still sorting her feelings. Actress or no, no one was perfect, not even Louise. Durran may think she is easy to read, but that’s likely because she can be careless at the worst timings, perhaps.

At the end of the day, Louise was but a person who too, was born as a human. Even an immortal being can have emotions. And emotions were the very roots for imperfections. At the same time, emotions were – of course – necessary poison for humans to have.

Durran didn’t understand what she was talking about. He always knew that it was Cain’s spirit that lead to his downfall. “That can’t be… who is the woman that told you this?” Answered Durran.

“The woman of snakes, who else?”

Not being able to see that woman infuriated Durran. “You killed her, didn't you?” Answered Durran. “Are you sure she wasn’t just lying to you?”

“It is plausible… with how she is able to change from Divine to Cursed, she is particularly dangerous and mysterious,” Louise answered, with a serious face. “Besides, I’ve seen thousands of expressions before, it wasn’t hard to tell that she wasn’t lying at her last moments.”

“Tch, that doesn’t excuse anything he did,” said Durran mad at Cain, or maybe mad at himself for being so easily manipulated.

“I… I don’t want such people living freely and causing these atrocities. I will end this with my own hands, definitely.”

“Let us talk later,” said Durran. ”I think they are waiting on you…”

“We shall speak after the other dance,” Louise said, equipping herself with her usual, charming smile before she left, Durran, the other dancers, and the dance floor. Indeed, the musicians and the other pairs had stopped. She was far too absorbed into that conversation earlier, thankfully Durran wasn’t engrossed too much to notice the awkwardness.

Mizuki awaited Louise’s arrival as she stepped up into the stage – once again – and took up the mic just as she did.

“I wish it lasted longer.”

“I have a schedule to keep.”

“Says the one who was conversing with a lover.”

“Well, there are exceptions...”

The crowd laughed.

“Haha. Anyway, that was quite fantastic, I didn’t think you’d arrange the Aikatsu System into a dance party like this.”

“Indeed it was. It went beyond even my expectations, despite it being me who supervised its production.”

“I was quite surprised by the project when you told me. To think it came such a long way is quite amazing. I hope we get to sell this magnificent product a lot.”


“Now, don’t we have an announcement to make?”

“I suppose we do,” Louise said, then faced the crowd in front of her before she continued, “ladies and gentlemen, I hope the most of you had enjoyed the dances. We will now release the result of the little contest we held,” she then welcomed some gauges that showed up at the top of the hall. It was likely hidden somehow.

“This will show us which pair gathered the most attention so far, thus deciding the winner.”

Each of the gauges above represented the pairs by displaying their faces beside them. Durran found himself wondering how they’d have a detailed picture of him taken like this. Louise’s one seemed to be pre-taken as her attire in it was different. The colorful bars within the gauges began to rush towards the right from left.

“It is...”

“A tie?!”

The Mizuki and Edile pair, as well as the Louise and Durran pair was in a tie. Leona III and Saren came in with somewhat lower bar, but they were just behind the tie.

“Then, I suppose it is the win of you two, Mizuki and Edile. It’d be strange for the organizer to win, anyway,” Louise laughed as she announced.

“Then, we’ll be taking our tiaras,” Mizuki said with a giggle.

”We really won?” Said Edile, blushing slightly. Dancing with Mizuki felt like being taken by a tornado. While wild and unpredictable, it was somehow serene. To sum it up: it was exciting. All she did was match the girl’s movements the best she could.

“You sly thing, you already knew the prize was a diamond tiara, didn’t you?”

“Indeed, and we all knew that you had one for yourself, anyway!”

“And there you go; letting out the cat from the bag…! Anyway, now Edile can officially call herself the queen of her nation!” She joked.

The crowd laughed yet again, albeit some people were rather surprised that these two spoke so casually about diamond tiaras. Just how confident about their security were these two?

Soon after that, Edile and Mizuki were given the photographs taken of their dance, and then they both received the diamond tiaras. Of course, the other pairs received the photos, too.

Saren and Leona III looked at their pictures and laughed. “You are really too tall,” said Leona III. The couple looked like a rich old man and his young mistress even though they were around the same age. They were sure that is what people also thought about them, but they really didn’t mind. After all they would most likely never see these people again.

“If Krieg saw this picture, he would shred you to pieces. These came out great,” said Margaret holding the photo in her hand. Kudzu laughed loudly

“That makes me want to show it to him all the more,” responded Kudzu. Margaret still wasn’t sure what she would do when Krieg found out, but that seemed far off that night.

“Ooh, this photograph is perfect, one where I performed the twirl,” Louise commented, standing beside Durran as she looked through the few photographs handed to her by the maids. They came out freshly made from the cameras. She felt that the maids were especially attentive to all of Louise’s dances. Then again, she only hired apparent fans of her as maids, anyway.

“They really did, the technology in this world is a wonder,” said Leona walking up to them and looking at the device in the maid’s hand. “What is that called? I think I heard someone say, †˜camera’?

“Yes and there are even ones that can capture a moment in motion,” answered Durran. Through his time messing around with Louise’s phone he learned a great deal about them.

“Indeed it can, these †˜cameras’ happen to capture images in high-quality, there are other products capable of the same feat, but not quite on par… for example,” Louise explained, then flipped out her phone that Durran thought of moments ago. Black, slick, and smooth from a single glance. She remembered showing this to Durran and Kudzu the last time they came here. Even to a person unfamiliar with the technologies of the world; Leona could tell it was a special product to behold. Louise clicked a button after she put the phone towards Leona, and there was an unfamiliar noise. It was a shutter noise.

“See? It may seem clear enough to most, but us perfectionists begs to differ,” she shrugged as she showed the display image containing Leona’s newly-taken picture.

“So different devices are better? Why not just use the better one?” asked Margaret walking up with Kudzu.

“This one can also be used to talk to people very far away. Better than any spirit signal could reach,” answered Durran. The group looked at the phone in wonder. Mizuki laughed, unable to believe that she finally met a group of people so excited over phones.

“That is correct, in fact, I can talk to anyone in this world with this model as long as they have a cell phone, and I have their contact details,” Louise explained. She didn’t wanted to talk about the holographic features, they’d just think those are magic. “It has many other applications, but those are more complicated features.”

“Im guessing you wouldn’t let us take a few home?” Asked Leona III.

“I can give some for free,” Louise said carelessly, or rather, openly, making some maids woo out, “but you cannot contact people as there is no signal there. While the other features will indeed be usable – as I had done so myself – you’d need electricity, and very specific means to supply it with charge. In other words; you’d have to come back here every so often to have it charged up.”

Leona III let a spark go off in her hand. ”I can’t just charge it myself,” asked Leona III. A couple of guests took a double take, but decided it was their minds playing tricks on them.

“If you do it like that; you’d be breaking these poor things,” Louise frowned at her friend with a displeased look, “maybe if you can tune in with the charging adapters, however...” she begun to ponder, if Leona could at least control herself, maybe they could have a temporary †˜charger’ there. A maid swiftly appeared at Louise’s side and whispered in her ear.

“Mistress Louise, the dinner – as per your instructions – had been setup. We’d like to guide you all to the room…?”

It appeared that the formal dining hall was prepared for the feast. The maids then guided the group to the table.

“Ah good, I’m starving,” said Kudzu patting his stomach.

”You just ate most of the food that was laid out!” Exclaimed Durran. Kudzu shrugged him off and walked towards the dining hall. Leona III and Saren followed behind them hand in hand.

Durran had excused himself from the dinner, and made his way out to the balcony. It wasn’t like he needed to eat anyways. His body didn’t need any food or water. It was made to simply absorb spiritual energy. Even bleeding him dry couldn’t really end his life. Thinking about what Louise said before, he peeled back his right sleeve looking at the snake mark as it slithered slightly. Suddenly, the door to the balcony opened again, and he hastily pulled his sleeve up. Looking at who it was, he saw the woman he pledged his life to.

“Didn’t like that food either?” Asked Durran.

“I love it, however… I have a habit to not over-eat,” Louise answered as she entered. “I don’t know what you’re hiding but… well, I do not mind providing privacy,” she said, turning around to leave.

“Don’t leave. Not again…” said Durran, not sounding like his usual confident self.

“Oh dear, so you were lonely, after all?” Louise playfully asked, but she stopped as requested, turning to face him again.

“That image of you walking away… I guess that one would hurt me the most,” answered Durran. ”Each of us avatars. Has part of Cain’s memory. I don’t know why they split it up like that, but mine. Is that day when…” Durran began to choke up as he gripped his arm tightly.

Louise’s eyes widened from shock and realization. She didn’t think that it’d have develope into a serious situation so soon. Was it a blunder of observation on her part? Regardless, the answer to that could wait for now. She walked up to Durran and held his shoulders, “what’s wrong, is something happening? Is he… taking over you soon?” She asked with a worried face.

“I don’t know, but lately. That memory is all that I can think about. Adair went through something similar the last time we spoke. He still had his self control for quite some time after. I think that I will be fine… for now,” answered Durran. “I want to forget what I did to you, but then I’d have no memory. Adair was the lucky one,” Durran chuckled awkwardly. “Those memories died with him though, and that scares me. What if I cannot get them back?”

“...Why would you need them? Why shackle yourself to the past?”


“Did Adair had memories of the times I had with Cain? Even if he did; how does it make anything better, Durran? He had memories of a time I wish I had never lived in… ! If I hadn’t become a happy and deluded woman, we wouldn’t have to see such dark days in your world today,” she stated her current opinions of her past. She really did wished that such a thing hadn’t occurred. Perhaps she’d have a family today if that event hadn’t taken place. After a short bliss, what followed up was an unforgettable storm that was haunting her even now.

“Lost memories are best lost – newer ones can always be made, you see.”

“New memories…” muttered Durran. “Do I deserve to lose the old ones, Louise?”

“If you lose them, you lose them,” Louise answered, not quite giving the more complicated concept a damn. “If that is the decision of fate – I would let it go. I do not condemn you, Durran. I do loathe Cain, however.” Indeed, Louise considered them as two different people, just as the others did so far.

Turning to Louise, he smiled. “I guess with the time I have left. I should be doing something more worthwhile,” answered Durran looking into the dining room. The others were having fun talking among themselves and having good food. “Once that march starts; it’s all or nothing. I want to leave no regrets.”

With her hands finding their way past his neck, and into his back; Louise gave Durran an embrace before she let go of him the next moment.

“Thank you, for everything,” were the only words she could leave behind for him as she soon departed the balcony for the halls again. Watching Louise start to walk away his chest tightened. Reaching out he seized her wrist and pulled her back to him. Looking into her shocked eyes, he gathered his courage, and pressed his lips against hers.

Louise’s mind was blanked out as she was kissed so deeply out of the blue. Her eyes naturally closed, and for a moment she lost herself. She didn’t know anymore what was right or wrong. All personal promises, common sense and reasonings in her mind – were cast into the air; forgotten. Each words and mental barriers she had against him began to fall off. It was… refreshing, as if chains and shackles were taken away from herself.

She had been holding herself back from Durran for so long – ever since she met him back in that prison establishment – knowing that he had feelings for her, yet she’d begun to fall for him, without even realizing it herself. She feared that the history was repeating itself, and it made her scared of the future even more so.

When did it become this way? Why, again, like this? Why?

She couldn’t forgive herself. She couldn’t forgive herself for giving in to him like this. For letting him steal a kiss like this. Because she knew that she’d come to regret it very soon.

Ever since the tragedies of her life, she knew that the fate denied her of her true happiness. She’d never find just the right man, and those who’d be †˜right’ by her standards would simply pass away after some time. This process repeated over and over, and she somehow kept herself sane to an extent, regardless.

And it was about to happen again…

No – she thought. This man will not last long.

At least… until he goes, I suppose I’ll entertain him.

With that… their kiss grew deeper…

With that excuse… she decided to keep up with this farce a bit more longer.

Durran slowly drew himself back, cupping Louise’s face in both his hands. The both of them had given in to their desires, but the thought of regretting this was in the back of both of their minds. But in this moment, neither of them cared, but Durran felt as if he had done something brutish.

“Forgive me,” he said, his hands slowly releasing her.

“A-Anyway, we should get back, they may be done by now,” Louise turned to go back. This time she was sure that she wouldn’t be pulled back. Her heart was racing. Her cheeks was tinted beet red. The blood spiked up even to her ears. She took deep breathes to contain her beating heart, and she definitely couldn’t show this to Durran – it was simply too embarrassing. She almost came into a crashing course against the wall because she wasn’t even walking in the right direction for a moment. How long has it been since she felt this way?

To think even I have fallen… a woman’s heart is so complicated, yet sometimes so simple.

Finally, Louise left the balcony after calming herself down.
As Louise entered back the dining hall, Edile and Leona III were deep in conversation. Both of the women looked at Louise; relieved. Kudzu and Saren were talking among themselves, and for once they were not showing signs of aggression. Perhaps their other halves were keeping them on a short leash.

”We have sorted out the details of a treaty between us. Why did you not tell me things were so heated in Origin?” Asked Leona III as she looked at Louise. “Krieg does his job well, but he doesn’t know when to stop. This is not the time to be fighting each other,” she said the last line to Edile, who nodded in response.

“So the reports were somewhat fabricated from Krieg, after all,” Louise answered, acknowledging another fact. This was the reason she left the dining hall for some time, she wanted Edile alone to straighten things out with Leona III – she didn’t wanted to do something overly favorable to make her position look bad in the future. “It’s not like anyone takes me seriously when I tell them, anyway,” she shrugged, answering Leona III.

“Like you need to explain when you can take them miles across land to the scene of the crime,” answered Leona III with a chuckle. “What we need, however, is a party to oversee the signing. Would you be willing to do that Louise?”

“The Church and Vejovis probably hates us by now anyway. So, why not?” Louise said, accepting the request.

“Edile mentioned that name, Vejovis. Can he not be persuaded to our side somehow? He seems rather influential. Or is it better we handle this without him?” Asked Leona III. Edile was surprised how quickly Leona III swapped pleasure with business. She almost thought her efforts would be wasted that night.

“Please do not concern yourself with him, it isn’t someone you can handle,” Louise bluntly replied. She’d too worried of Vejovis taking an action with his influence that could topple the Scions instead.

“Not with how you are,” she added, looking Leona from up to down. A woman who recently gained a spirit that is much more stronger than its previous form… was bound to come with a price. Whoever updated its strength likely didn’t care for Leona’s wellbeing. Vejovis – while smooth with business and apparently understanding – was cunning and cautious from what she gathered. With the move he made towards Origin – he is likely seeking even greater influence. Such a man is best not getting any more influential.

“Then, he will be left out of these negotiations. I will write up a draft for the treaty, then we will go to Origin and deal with this,” said Leona III. Edile nodded respectfully.

“Thank you very much,” replied Edile. “This was an excellent idea, Louise. I owe you thanks as well.”

“You can thank me after the war,” Louise chuckled. If all goes well, they’d hopefully be able to establish a peaceful world devoid of war, at least But that was only possible if they’d win the war. “The problem is Krieg, and the church, since I am not sure how to… deal with them. They seem to be on their own side, I can’t tell how loyal they are to either of us, Leona,” Louise reported to Leona III, with a hint of graveness, since she was unable to take care of them in time. She felt like she had failed her friend.

“If they get out of line, we crush them. For now, however, they seem to be fighting for us, and we need their numbers,” answered Leona III.

“How are they not out of line?” Louise asked impulsively. They were clearly over the line from what she could see. “Well, however you wish, my queen, I’ll be sure to keep a keen eye on things, as always” Louise replied with a magnificent terse bow as usual.

”As only you can,” answered Leona III.

“Hmm, I am wonder if I’ll have to escort you to Origin. There may be parties not favoring the treaty,” Louise brought up, considering the dangerous possibilities, for one, Krieg was in position between the Origin and the Scion borders, “as Masario has a rather corrupt political structure at the moment; it is best that you are secretive with the documents of the treaty, my dear.”

“My thoughts exactly, you get me there and out before they can try anything. My daughter is already on her way there. Zhou and Fenfang will see her there safely, and keep an eye on things,” added Leona III.

“Wait… princess is going there? What for?” Louise asked. She was clearly painted surprised with just that one statement. She could only hope that the princess wouldn’t be put up over a pedestal of order any time soon. She couldn’t imagine what the daughter was going through now, or what she’d plan from here on out.

“To fight,” answered Leona III. “She has not trained all this time to sit around the castle. I too, will be joining the fight soon enough.”

“Let’s think about the fighting after we plan the attack, shall we?” Louise said, skeptical of this pair of mother and daughter already going off to fight.

“We have scouts trying to gather as much information about Agreyus as we get our troops into position. When I get there, final plans will be decided,” answered Leona III. “Will you be traveling with me on the way there? Your bodyguards are welcome as well.”

“I’d love to do a check on these †˜final plans’ of yours,” Louise stated, expressing her interest as a former strategist of the past. “If that is your will – I shall – just don’t be surprised if I disappear and reappear here and there… ” she said, looking away, not making eye-contacts.

“I have gotten used to it by now, dear,” answered Leona III with a chuckle. Durran entered the dining hall, and looked around. He had finally gathered his thoughts.

“You know me,” Louise winked, before adding, “Saren, what of the news of the royal guards, or are they the same as usual?” Breaking his conversation with Kudzu the both of them came over.

“Cayn and Sophia have returned from their sweep of the countryside. They had a few interesting things to tell me, but I have yet to read their full report,” answered Saren. “Apparently there are many towns that are cleaned of people with no signs of struggle much like the first one we found.”

”That is rather disconcerting,” answered Edile. ”Luckily we have villages closer together, and can keep a close eye on them.”

“Kudzu has no idea what they could mean. Do you High Priestess?” asked Saren.

“Hmm… it could be a sacrifice,” Louise replied. Or are they planning to demonize the villagers to ambush us before the war? No, I must not forget that this world holds other anomalies… is there a brainwasher from a different side, somewhere? Louise pondered.

“Sacrifice to who? That still leaves the matter of how they did it. We had guards posted in every town. They would have put up a fight...” answered Saren.

“What if supposed †˜allies’ went there to do it, then?”

“That would explain some things, I will look into this further,” answered Saren. Leona III seemed lost in thought until Saren was done talking.

“We can deal with that stuff later. Weren’t we supposed to be enjoying ourselves? We only have this one night,” interrupted Leona III.

“Indeed, I couldn’t ignore the fact that we wouldn’t have spies watching us here, but… perhaps we ought to talk about something else?”

“Have any stories of this world? Mizuki told me a few things over dinner, but there is still much I do not know,” asked Edile.

“I have quite… a lot to tell as I had so many activities in this world… I don’t know what to talk about, to be honest,” Louise replied.

“How about that floor? How did you get it to change like that?” Said Durran trying to help Louise out. She seemed to be having trouble coming up with a subject where she was usually so eloquent. “Technology of this realm sure impressed me the first time I was here.”

“I think they’re talking about how you used the Aikatsu System’s holographic technology into the dance floor, Louise,” Mizuki tried to help, too.

“Ah, yes. I commissioned a machine to be made specifically for this party,” Louise revealed, trying to explain her plans to the group, “This world has this technology called the Aikatsu System that was specifically made for †˜idols’ to perform with holographic illusions to †˜heat things up’ – they are a boon to the service industries – I applied the illusions on the dance floor back there. Quite realistic-looking if you ask me – all the more romantic in the end.”

“Aikatsu?” Asked Margaret. “This world really seems to live for entertainment.”

“One-third of the quarter does, no world is perfect,” Louise answered. “This country that prospers as a major economic power in the world has its ways with procuring food and necessities. They have machines to replace most labor, all else for a job left are services and entertainment, elsewhere – poverty and sanitary issues are first and foremost, yet ignored at times,” she explained.

“Anyway, Aikatsu is still a fun and interesting career, and I’ve enjoyed it the most in my life so far,” she confessed. There was nothing more new and fresher than this. “A competitive world where skills and popularity speaks volumes, yet no spec of violence exists. At the same time; quite rewarding. I suppose I am lucky to have an unchanging body in this case.”

“You are a part of this, Aikatsu? Why not show us a few things?” asked Leona III. “I understand that Mizuki is in the same line of work?”

“I will, our performances are scheduled to take place in a bit. We have solo performances, and then one together.”

“Yes! We’re partners who joined to create an idol unit,” Mizuki explained in Louise’s stead. “I’ve been in this career since I was a child, and years before Louise came to this world. She was quite beaten up the day I found her. I’m glad I haven’t seen her that way again.”

“Beaten up?” Asked Kudzu. ”You didn’t tell us about that, Louise.”

“That’s right, she was bleeding all over the place that day,” Mizuki said, remembering Louise whose clothes were tattered, and with wounds everywhere. She was horrified that day.

“Ahh, an embarrassing story,” Louise replied, chuckling, as if it wasn’t a big deal. “There were times when I was attacked by various bodies of criminals – who were hired by political figures to get rid of me. I hate corruption, so I end up getting into these troubles everytime I try to deal with them,” she explained, looking back into her life packed full of events. There were a lot of things that could get her bored, after all. “I can’t die, so I don’t really fear anything like that… yet they were able to tame an actual demon that one time, and I received a curse before I could escaped.”

“It seemed like I hadn’t noticed it myself at first, but a huge block of my memories were sealed, along with my wisdom and intelligences gained from said memories. I was somewhat reluctant to get rid of it… perhaps I wanted to know how it felt like to be a cursed,” she laughed after explaining. In all honesty, it was all a giant farce. All of it. She wasn’t sure why she’d go along with it, but she did, and it was one big experience she didn’t expect.

“I knew that you had some impressive healing, but immortality?” asked Edile. “I have yet to see anyone make that claim.”

“It is a blessing and a curse, but I won’t lie that it is a myth. Perhaps you’ll see the proof of it one day.”

“What a curious life you lead, High Priestess,” said Saren shaking his head. Durran placed a hand on his chin and looked to the ground.

“What kind of demon could some thugs conjure up without magic?” Said Durran. He couldn’t help but feel someone from their side was involved.

“A bit wrong there,” Louise pointed out. “In that particular incident, politicians were sponsoring a strange research, and the demon was the product of it. They †˜tested’ it by using it on me. There weren’t any thugs in that case. The issue was that it was as powerful as any cursed spirit in your world; fighting a spirit directly wasn’t so easy. It goes to show that most hosts aren’t able to utilize their spirits to the maximum.”

“There has never been a record of someone fighting a spirit in our world. So I cannot say for certain if I agree. My spirit would have decimated this world,” said Kudzu with a proud smile.

Louise shrugged, “spirits who have the gall to call themselves gods or goddesses can indeed do that,” she said. “However, they are wise enough to know that such competitiveness and destructiveness of that scale is a little… not needed.”

Margaret laughed as she patted Kudzu on the shoulder. “So about these performances? We actually get to see you and Mizuki dance? From what happened on that dance floor. I have to say; I’m excited,” said Margaret.

“We’re going to use the stage where we made announcements from that stage we used… I suppose it’s about time we get it over with?” Louise replied, saying the last part to Mizuki. “Just know that they’re far more different than the previous dance session.”

“Mhm, I can’t wait to perform alongside you,” Mizuki nodded, apparently pumped up.

“Then we’re off for it. Look forward to it.”

When the maids started to announce Louise and Mizuki’s performance, all the guests hurried to the dance floor once again. Margaret and the other ladies were disappointed that they didn’t get a closer spot. Kudzu lifted Margaret and Edile onto his shoulders, and began making his way through the crowd. Saren did the same for Leona, as Durran followed them with a look of disbelief. When they reached the front, Saren and Kudzu set them down.

“At least sit down you two. You aren’t exactly made of glass,” said Durran. Kudzu and Saren looked around, but didn't want to dirty themselves by sitting on the ground. The maids pulled up some seats offering them to the giants.

“These maids sure are on point. They are almost as good as Xavier,” said Margaret. Kudzu and Saren sat down in their seat and those behind them breathed a sigh of relief. As the performance began, the room lit up to show a beach scene, much like the one outside the estate. Out from a portal that formed over the floor; Louise and Mizuki shot up towards the sky. As the song began, the two began to dance in sync – their choreography was in perfect harmony.

Durran smiled at the display. With all that he and she had been through it was nice to see her having fun. Looking down to the sand display and behind them showed a vast ocean all around them. Margaret and the others were cheering on Louise and Mizuki, as they tried their best in vain to follow the lyrics. That brought a smile to Durran’s face. Even Kudzu moved his head to the rhythm, but Saren stayed as stone faced as always. Returning his eyes to the stage, Louise and Mizuki were just finishing up their dance, and the crowd cheered and begged for more.

After the performances, the crowds dispersed a little bit. Some were waiting for the two to return to the party, to congratulate them. Durran decided to wait for Louise to return to them. There was no need to add to the mob.

Louise and Mizuki soon entered the halls once again from a door that was located in the corner. People flooded around them, and they once again chatted with the big mob of people somehow. Somewhere along the way, they were signing their autographs for the people. Regardless, it took some time before they could disperse from the big crowd to head for their small group of special guests.

“That was amazing! How did you get changed so fast though?” Asked Margaret.

“Leave it to you to think of that, and not the actual performance… ” teased Leona III, before turning to Louise. “You sure look like you had fun up there.”

“Indeed, it was a good workout… ” Louise said before releasing one last big sigh. “And, the Aikatsu system lets us change outfits with illusions. You haven’t noticed that Leona and Edile did the same, have you?”

“I have to hand it to her… we didn’t rehearse any of those songs or choreography for months, and she still has them all memorized,” Mizuki expressed her shock, “I’ve heard rumors that she can tell exactly what part of the song you’re in just from seeing your steps – without even listening to the music – but this is borderline cheating,” she said, apparently slightly jealous.

“Louise has never been one to hold back. She plays to win,” said Durran. “It is always good to have a rival though.” The fact that Mizuki was able to match Louise was impressive in its own right. While he was sure that Louise refrained from using her spirit in performances, she still had a few advantages. As Durran looked around, he saw a few of the guests were starting to leave. Some, however, were sticking around to wrap up conversations they may have started earlier in the evening.

“Winning is a good thing, after all,” Louise laughed. It was the laugh of a proud and independent celebrity. “I suppose this is just about over. I’ve announced the end of it back there after all.”

“This sure passed… rather fast. Too bad,” she commented. It was an amazing night so far, even if she said so herself. A grand beginning, talks, waltz with pairs dancing on the dance floor, dinner, an Aikatsu dance performance, and some †˜bouts of silly but important conversations here and there. She witnessed Saren and Leona III get things off at last, as well as Kudzu and Margaret come to a life-changing decision. She felt like she saw few of the most happiest moments of the lives of her guests. As an organizer, she couldn’t be happier tonight. Not to mention that moment with Durran- no – she felt, her heart almost quivered. She must not think of that.

“As most great events do. I enjoyed my time here, but responsibility awaits,” said Edile.

“Thank you for getting this together Louise, I won’t be forgetting this night,” said Leona III with a grin. Saren nodded to Louise as well. The rest of their small group followed suit.

”We have been away far too long, haven’t we?” said Margaret. ”Talia must have lost her mind by now.”

“I’m glad that all of you had a good time – as any host would feel,” Louise smiled at her company as she felt victorious from hosting a good party. “I am also glad that you managed to work out a more legitimate deal,” she added facing Edile and Leona.

“Shall we be on our way now?”

“Yes, there is much to do, after all,” responded Leona III.

“See you then, Mizuki, take care,” with that, the group left with the help of Louise’s teleportation spell. The party had finally ended. The survivors of the group would surely remember it for the rest of their lives. Mizuki was given the permission to take over Louise’s assets if she never came back, but she figured that Mizuki never cared about such things, but would still care for her belongings regardless. Even though they both were usually hard to get to cry, they had rather teary eyes as they separated.

After transporting the group back to Masario, Margaret agreed to house Kudzu and Durran for the night, showing their faces around the castle was too risky. They would travel to Origin in the morning for the treaty signing. Edile, Leona III, and Louise would spend the rest of the evening in the castle. These three women, leaders in their own right, talked over wine as Leona wrote up the treaty.

“Things have been moving so fast, since the Cursed attacked Masario. This half year passed by in the blink of an eye. I wish that I had seen this coming,” said Edile. She took a swig of wine from her glass before setting it down on the table.

“Why do we have this label of a wine again? I feel like I had this too many times already,” Louise commented, looking somewhat bored tonight. “Mnm, I never had a good sense of time – since I lived over a millennium by now – but even I noticed that things moved quite fast for me, ever since I got here,” she stated, facing Edile.

“Was it always like this here, Leona?”

“I will be saving the good labels for the road,” answered Leona III as she dipped her pen into the ink and let it suck it up. When the pen was full, she began writing once again. “Time has been slow for me. You ladies must be having too much fun,” added Leona III with a smile.

“Then I suppose I’ll warm it up a little,” Louise flicked her wand a little, and a tiny portal opened beside her arm, from which she pulled out a wine bottle with a foreign label. “Knock yourselves out,” she smirked, yet she poured the wine for herself instead of serving the others with that sheepish smile, and took a good swig of it. “Mnm, having a lot of fun indeed.”

Edile was the first to reach out for the bottle after Louise was done with it. Leona III looked at the older woman with some level of skepticism. “You might want to slow down a bit there, Edile,” warned Leona III.

“This isn’t enough to get me drunk dear. We happen to have the strongest of wines in Origin. I’m sure you have heard of it. If you have any true love for wine that is,” answered Edile with a smirk. Taking a sip of the wine that Louise imported she gave a slight nod. ”This isn’t bad at all.”

“Careful with that, you might pass out without ever realizing it,” Louise said with a chuckle. “We have some extreme labels my company deals with sometimes. Albeit, we also have this thing called †˜customer care’; a concept that limits extremities. Overtake is still good enough for a blatant knockout,” she explained.

“As with all things. They must be taken in moderation,” answered Edile. Looking at what Leona III had written so far, she was impressed with how much she had down.

“There, the draft is done…” exclaimed Leona III giving the ink time to dry before she lifted it to read it. After she gave it a skim, she handed it to Edile to read over. Luckily she was still sober enough to understand what it said.

“Straight to the point, and it covers everything. I have no problem signing this,” said Edile. Leona III breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned back into her couch.

“Excellent, now all we have to do is it all set up,” Louise commented.

“Then we can sleep now? I don’t know why I said I’d write this tonight…” complained Leona III. Leona’s maid who stood nearby not making a sound approached the three.

“Shall I escort Edile to her room?” asked the maid. Leona III nodded. Edile laughed and stood up.

”I shall see you in the morning.” said Edile with a slight bow before leaving the room with the maid. Louise and Leona III sat in silence for a moment.

”So this thing is finally getting started? I feel like just yesterday my daughter was still queen.” said Leona.

“Get a grip,” Louise said, standing up, too. “You’re the one who lashed out on her and seized it by force.”

”I did, didn’t I,” answered Leona III. ”It seemed like the right thing to do...at the time. That power, it just felt so good.” Leona III sat up straight and looked at the palm of her hand.

“Don’t get too obsessed with it now,” Louise said, with a worried expression. “I’ll be off for my room, too,” she then teleported away for her room, leaving Leona alone with her thoughts.
It was Araksia who was awoken by loud knocks this time. Sliding out of bed she quickly put on the clothes that she wore the day before. As she approached the front door the knocks came again. Opening the door she was sure she looked a mess, but she didn't care. A group of guards gathered outside. Yawning she fanned her mouth.

“What is it?” asked Arkasia rudely in the middle of a yawn.

The guard was surprised by Arkasia’s display. ”Well...Yes, there is to be a meeting between Krieg, and Edile. They will be discussing a peace treaty, and Elder Edile has requested your presence. You may bring anyone with you, that you find suitable.”

“It’s happening so soon? What put fire under her? I thought she would take another week at least,” said Arkasia. “I will have my men ready, where are we having the meeting?”

”You will meet the Elder at her home, and escort her to the location. She will discuss the details with you then. Be there in an hour.” answered the guard. Arkasia waved him off and closed the door.

As she turned around she found Ari, and Owain standing there. Ari was wiping the sleep from her eyes, and was hastily dressed. Owain on the other hand had come out in his undergarments, blade in hand.

“What is it commander?” asked Ari. “Was there some sort of alert?”

“Not quite, our presence was requested as body guards. There is no need to bring everyone.” responded Arkasia. “Go get properly prepared, and Owain go wake up Morgan. I’m sure that Edile wants her there as well,”

“Sure,” Owain said, nodding before asking, “Should I just bring her here or should we meet you somewhere?”

“We’ll leave together,” answered Arkasia. “No need to separate now.”

“Got it, I’ll go get her right now then,” Owain said smiling, before hurrying back to his room.

“Anything you need me to do?” asked Ari.

“Go and get properly prepared, we have an hour to get there,” answered Arkasia. An hour sounded like heaven compared to how fast they had to get ready for training exercises. Ari breathed deeply, and then headed back to her room. She would grab a shower, and put on some fresh clothes. Arkasia headed off to do the same, and told the others who greeted her in the hallway about what was going on.

Edile was waiting outside with Bael when Arkasia, and the others arrived. With a small retinue of soldiers lined up, and ready to go.

”Good morning,” said Edile, unusually cheerful for some reason.

“Something happen that I don’t know about?” asked Arkasia finding the woman’s expression a bit odd. Morgan was a bit set back from this as well. Even on good days Edile was never this bubbly.

“Nothing worth mentioning,” answered Edile. “I take it you and your men are ready to head out. You brought less than I thought you would.”

“This is a treaty signing, not a skirmish. If something goes wrong I’m sure I have two hanging around that will lend a hand,” answered Arkasia. She knew it was impossible for Anastas to resist, and Katya would be right there with him. She didn’t even need to talk to them.

“I see,” replied Edile looking around the tree line, but seeing nothing. “There was one more thing,” A soldier walked up, and handed Arkasia her blade. Arkasia grasped it in her hand and smirked.

“Trusting me with it now?” Asked Arkasia.

“Consider it a test,” answered Edile. Arkasia hardly cared about the underlying meaning behind her words. She was just pleased to have it back.

“Alright we have stalled long enough. Me and my men will take point. Just point us in the right direction,” said Arkasia. Owain walked off first claiming the point position, as Arkasia and Ari came up behind him. The guards surrounded Edile and followed the knights. Morgan and Bael brought up the rear.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a group post Starring: TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica.)

The group walked through the forest for a few hours before Edile stopped them. ”We are to wait here,” said Edile. “The signal should come soon. In the meantime, I would like a word Arkasia,” Arkasia turned to Edile.

“What is it?” Asked Arkasia.

“In private, come this way,” said Edile walking off toward a grouping of trees. As Bael and Morgan tried to follow, she raised her hand. “It’s fine. This will only take a moment,” Arkasia was suspicious of Edile, and felt her hand drifting dangerously close to her hilt, but she dropped her arm when Edile turned to her with a smile, before they entered the cover of the trees.

Someone was there, but Arkasia couldn't see past the trees just yet. As the figure came fully into view she saw a head of gold, and gritted her teeth.

“What is the meaning of this Edile?” Said Arkasia.

“We need to settle this bad blood between you for this to work,” answered Edile.

“There is nothing between me and her that can be settled with words.”

“Now, don’t be like that,” the head of gold replied eloquently and gracefully as ever, as she extended her arms in both directions. “A word can touch more hearts than you may believe, sometime.”

“Speak your pretty words to Nero then,” answered Arkasia.

“I have no powers that grants an audience with the dead, unfortunately,” Louise replied with honesty, even though Arkasia knew that much, “but I could have a word with his executioner, perhaps?” She said as her head tilted slightly; trying to figure out who it was that killed Nero. Then she realized the obvious – she had no idea who Krieg ordered for the execution itself. A lack of information flow was a problem in this world, after all. Even Louise wasn’t perfectly prepared for everything.

“What would that do? Veldin has no remorse about what he’s done. Veldin, like you, is responsible for his own actions,” answered Arkasia walking closer to Louise. ”Or should I say your inaction.”

Louise shrugged, at least she did get to know the name – Veldin. She wondered if it was someone she met back in Arkasia when she went to collect the device for her own plans. “That is a pity, I suppose he was only obeying orders,” she said, feeling puzzled. Well, there’s only one other person I suppose… Rhea, was it you who schemed to have her removed to place the pawn that is Krieg? I can’t quite tell whose pawn Krieg is… however, she thought.

She sighed. “Even if you say inaction, there was no better opportunity than to discover the corruptions of the state,” Louise confessed, now showing a serious expression. You wanted me to look into things – I did. Then things don’t exactly go as planned… and now you throw tantrums. Nero died. Yes, your knight passed away, but this is not the sugary and peaceful world – as we all know it – such tragedies are everywhere,” Louise said. “If you want to point blades, point it to the corruptions of the world I’m trying to find a solution to.”

“Do not patronize me, witch,” answered Arkasia drawing her blade, and pointing it at Louise. “I don’t need to clean the world. I’m staring the corruption, in my own life down, right now,”

This was strange, it was as if reasoning and logic was completely lost to this person. It was in fact Arkasia’s request. Yes, from Arkasia itself, now she conveniently ignores that fact.

You ungrateful little…

Louise looked at Arkasia’s eyes with a piercing gaze; ignoring her blade. She expected such insults, so she didn’t pay any heed to them. It wasn’t the first time that she had heard these words getting tossed at her, either. In fact, †˜witch’ was the word she was most associated with in a few of the other worlds she travelled to.

“Violence will never wane your pain – remember it well, young leader,” she said those words solemnly as she shook her head – then sighed yet again – as if pitying her, but seemed sad at the same time.

“So you simply brand me as the corruption of your life… does that mean you only care about yourself, and not your country? Has it always been that way, then? ”

“For what purpose had you fought all your life, Dia Arkasia?” Louise questioned.

Arkasia found herself breathing heavily, her hand gripping her blade handle tightly. For a moment, as Arkasia thought on Louise’s words, her blade lowered slightly. “I fought for the people, to keep them safe. After you came… it was just one misfortune after another. No matter what I did, something always undid all my efforts,” answered Arkasia. “And at the epicenter of each one. I always found you standing there.”

“...And exactly what glorious plans and ambitions of yours had I thrust – to their ruins?” Louise asked reluctantly, unsure what Arkasia was talking about. She doesn’t even remember doing anything special after coming to the world and getting to know Arkasia. The only other time something happened was when she dragged her to a fight against a cursed representative in the battle of Raltese, as far as she could remember. She wondered if Arkasia had doubled or even tripled her doubts about her before concluding that her delusions were in fact the truth.

However, there was one thing she could think of, the fact that someone said how Louise came back to this world at most perfect moment, after which things begun to… happen. Undoubtedly, Cain had started to pick up on his plans after she came back, and that’s when Arkasia’s security was identified to be fault – with spies being uncovered one after the other. That was a long shot on Louise’s part, though. She didn’t know if Arkasia was necessarily talking about it. She was wondering if she was over-thinking about this now.

“This war. I planned this for years, and thought I knew just what I was getting into. Everyone that I laid trust in, was a devil in disguise. While you may not be directly harming this world. You sure aren’t helping. Your presence brings chaos.” Arkasia’s blade raised once again.

“A person who made long plannings… is it?” Louise said, finding it rather questionable. While she sounded noble and pious, it sure wasn’t backed up by the corrupted state. Who exactly did she trust? Most of her subordinates turned against her in the end, they were indeed devils, what had she done wrong in trying to unveil more devils, however? Louise knew not. Was taking off a veil maintained by simply duty so bad? She wondered. “Are you certain that you can claim – without a doubt – that it wasn’t for the best, though? This war would’ve have definitely brought your side a decisive defeat had I not listened to Leona III. Your country could never bring Cain to his knees with how corrupt it was.”

“For the best? Easy for you to find such meaninglessness in human life. When have you put your neck on the line for anyone else? You went to Krieg, and sold me out to save your own hide.”

“My hide? A-Are you implying that I cannot defeat Krieg? That is a grave insult,” Louise said, pouting, because she in fact did lose to Krieg in the small bout of fight. However, what she did not point out was that calling †˜for the best’ meaningless was absolutely foolish. She didn’t know if Arkasia was pitiful or absolutely deluded. Since when did the bigger leaders willingly sacrificed, anyway? Who would lead the people otherwise? Did she think she could take on the church? How naive was this girl? What nonsense. If she was guilty, almost every leaders of Masario were just as guilty. “Albeit… we made a peaceful negotiation, and came to an agreement. I have to admit, I didn’t think it was enough of a reason to take an action against you.”

“I’m implying that you have no honor,” answered Arkasia.

“And this is what †˜honor’ brought to your country; a State infested with spies and a corrupted chain of command,” Louise replied, shrugging mockingly. “My action may have paid a price, but at least I got to delve into the state of affairs far more than you could’ve – who, no doubt spent more time in the papers, unfortunately – my point is still undeterred.”

“The price wasn’t paid by you...” said Arkasia her arm shaking slightly. “Why do you get to live? While those uninvolved are slain. What justice is that?”

“The price was exacted by someone who had other plans… and I definitely didn’t compose these plans.”

It wasn’t even a price, it was simply a consequence. No one made her a deal informing that Nero would die before she agreed a deal out with Krieg, after all.

“Oh, are you implying that we should simply lay down our hands and ears, letting the corrupt do as they please, in fear of the uninvolved ones – getting involved? We’re talking different things here.”

“Nero’s death was an unexpected twist of fate – that was beyond me to predict.”

“No, I’m saying we sever the head of the serpent, before anyone else can get bit by it.”

That was an out-of-place reply, it held no attachment to the reasoning Louise used to explain her motives to Arkasia whatsoever, and she found it strange; it was as if she was talking a computerized program who only held a set of answers for its conversationalists. Was she so blinded that she could no longer be reasoned with?

Louise concluded – this person was mad.

“So that is your answer...” Louise’s words were cut short. A spray of blood rained over Arkasia but a wind sent it flying, painting the trees red. A slight smile showing on her face. Edile shouted as she sent branches to restrain Arkasia, but they came far too late. The High Priestess’ head rolled along the dirt as her body went limp, and dropped. Arkasia dropped her blade as it stuck into the ground at her feet.

“Arkasia! Do you know what you have done?!” Yelled Edile. Arkasia looked down at the body of Louise, and said nothing. She had wanted it for so long that it became an obsession, but now that the deed was done she didn’t feel satisfied. This didn’t give Nero back, and her honor was not restored. The branches grew tighter as Edile walked towards Arkasia.

“Satisfied? Back down to the earth yet?” A voice asked mockingly, and it definitely was not from the body that Arkasia now looked down on with a hint of fear.

“Or is Nero whispering sweet words of praise and gratitude to your soul now?” A sarcastic hoarse chuckle escaped from the voice as soon as she was done talking, albeit it was somewhat faint and disturbed; she still managed to speak her words out, holding the same hint of gracefulness in it, as ever. It was almost as if nothing had actually happened. It was a baffling situation.

“When I said devils in disguise, I meant it figuratively,” said Arkasia trying to calm herself down. She was sure that it was still Louise’s voice. Edile breathed a sigh of relief.

“37” the voice said.

“This is the 37th time I was struck down.”

Louise’s head dissipated into the air like sand, before a flash of light from her neck emanated.

“I never imagined it’d move past 36 so soon, how commendable,” Louise said as her head revealed itself from the light. Her skin, those same pair of emerald eyes, and the voice were there, with not a single dent or a spec of dirt on them, anywhere. Her hair could be seen slowly growing back up, this was likely because something like hair was not made out of meat, but was still a part of the body. She touched her neck as if to assure herself that she was once again – alive.

“Why is it that the uninvolved die when I don’t? Well, that has a rather simple answer to it; it is because I simply cannot die,” she stated the big fact calmly as she picked herself back up, and dusted her clothes as if they were more important than her life itself. “So, what will you do now?” She smirked, asking the question, as she put up her hand towards Edile, requesting her to stop.

Lowering Arkasia, Edlie withdrew her branches. Arkasia ran her hands over where the branches were binding her. Bael, and Morgan had arrived and were looking over the situation confused. Owain and Ari had their swords drawn, waiting for Arkasia’s order.

“Stand down,” said Arkasia looking to Ari and Owain.

“...Do you still wish to point a blade or no, Arkasia?” Louise asked one last time. She was at her limit now, she was a woman of much pride after all. She wouldn’t simply bear with torture all day, especially when she knew that getting beaten up now wouldn’t make the situation any better. However, she also made sure to remember Leona III, and Edile’s words – that there is no real point to fighting each other now.

Arkasia took the blade from the ground and swung it clean, before sheathing it. “This is pointless,” answered Arkasia. “Is this the test you were speaking of?”

“Yes, this wasn’t what I had in mind, however…” admitted Edile.

“I suppose the vengeance is finally pointless to you, then. Good, I am glad that you realized it,” Louise said, smiling. “Now we can go back and get the treaty ceremony going,” she said, hoping that Arkasia was indeed done trying to fight.

Arkasia walked past Owain, and Ari wanting to be as far from Louise as possible. “Let’s get this over with, and go home,” ordered Arkasia. Ari looked at Owain, hoping maybe he could explain what was going on, but found the same amount of cluelessness on his face.

As the knights and the guardians left, Edile too, was about to take leave of the bloody mess. However, Louise was frozen still in place. Edile turned with a puzzled look, and urged Louise to come along. Yet, it was as if she just woke up from a reverie. Her smile was plastered into her face, and it was slowly becoming obvious that it was very forcibly kept up in place.

“Edile… I have a favor to ask of you,” Louise said with a low, hoarse voice.

“What is wrong? Did your throat not heal properly?” Said Edile walking over to examine her.

“Promise me that you’ll… not tell what I’m going to do to anyone… please.”

“What are you about to do?” Asked Edile looking more than a little confused. Louise was acting far from her usual self, and was reluctant to answer. Edile sighed, giving in. “Fine… now wha-” Louise wrapped her arms around Edile, burying her face into her chest. Edile looked down at Louise, and held her close. Even though Louise was much older, in this moment, Edile felt some motherly attachment to her.

“I… I-I was so scared… !” Louise muttered with a raspy voice. Eloquent speech, elegant manners, and the good graces were likely out the window by now. They were all – in the end – to keep up appearances – to be the ladylike figure she had always wanted to be when she was but an ordinary priestess as a child. Louise knew it all too well, herself. Edile was likely hearing the words of an eighteen year old Louise now – who had been frozen in time for over a millennium. She was indeed injured thirty-seven times in her life. However, it was in fact the first time she was beheaded, and so suddenly at that, too. Who wouldn’t be scared? Who wouldn’t feel fear from losing their head, even for a moment? Imagining it vividly was already a feat in itself.

Tears rolled down her translucent-skinned cheeks, and she could hardly hold back her uncontrollable emotions that flowed out like a raging tide – as her body quivered – while she held Edile’s figure tightly – as if desperately grasping something to hold onto – before she’d fall into a neverending pit.

“It’s me who wants to ask why I still live!”

“I never… ever, asked for this. I lost my child. I lost my lover to a mastermind who changed him forever. And now I’ll lose Durran… and yet… I feel so terrible that I get to selfishly live on. I lived with an empty hole in my heart; never to experience love again… and only live for Ishtar’s objectives of world peace,” she confessed. Her worries and sources of pain were uttered one by one. She was just like any other person, wanting to confide about her problems with someone, and have someone to talk to about such things. However, she usually deemed that no one would understand her pain, that she’d not be so respectable if that were the case, and some may use them to her disadvantage, and she couldn’t put toss it all out to someone important to her, either. “I feel so terrible that a humanly emotion of fear – an instinct – for survival awakened in me.”

Edile listened to all of Louise’s fears, and pent up emotions that she often hid behind that facade of elegance. Even though she had seen into Louise’s spirit many times, never did she experience the type of emotions she was displaying now. Even Edile’s sight had its limits. “I never had a child of my own. I raised my sister, and the village. I can’t imagine to understand the pain you are going through,” began Edile, and then it hit her. “You… you want to die don’t you?”

“That’s right… I’m just tired of everything… and yet, I selfishly want to do so much more… that is why I feel so guilty. To live is to feel… the pressure of my fortune, memories of the passed beloveds, and my properties,” Louise answered, still holding her body with tears falling down restlessly.

“Isn’t to die and leave us to mourn just as selfish?” Answered Edile. ”While you are forced to stay alive. There are others who are as well, and they seek to harm this world. I have a selfish request as well. Will you hear it out?”

“Dead ones are meant to be mourn for though… that is just how it is,” Louise responded. “I decided that I’d deal… with Cain… yet I am pitifully struck with the want to avenge my child. That is why I wanted to stop Arkasia – for I know what she feels.”

“What do you wish of me… ?”

“Cain and Vejovis means to do this world harm in their own ways. Until those two are dealt with. Will you stay with us a little longer?” Asked Edile. “I will do all in my power to help you after that, but they must be dealt with.”

Louise finally parted from Edile, wiping her tears before sighing; to make a smile, with yet a stern and dedicated expression.

“I give you my word – I will deal with: Cain, Rhea, and Vejovis, for they are this world’s current source of plague and instability,” Louise pledged – placing a hand over the center of her chest – speaking in a grand tone befitting of herself. It was what she herself had decided to do especially, she wanted to especially deal with Rhea, for what she did to Cain, it was arguably the only true reason their child had died.

“I am but one person in the end, after all, so I may not be able to deal with them all on my own,” she admitted. Even with her powers, those who could live beyond the scope of an ordinary human being – likely possessed powers comparative to her own. In fact, she had assumed that it is possible for immortals to slay each other. Why else would she go to face Cain? It’d have been a pointless venture had she assumed that it was impossible otherwise.

“...I don’t exactly plan to leave after they’re gone. While I want to die, I equally wish to live on and see the future with my own eyes,” she stated solemnly with her eyes closed. “If I die, then I die, and that’s that – for that is ordained by fate; I can not go against it.”

”I ask no more than that,” answered Edile with a smile. ”The future I will fight for, is not for me, but the young of our generation.”

“Indeed. Let us be on our way, lest we wish to incur her wrath further,” Louise said with a chuckle, still wiping the last of her tears. “I apologize for what I did, really.”
As the group gathered back with the soldiers, Louise joined them, to Arkasia and her knights’ dismay. Moments later, a light flashed in the sky, the signal that they were waiting for. Arkasia and Owain walked forward into the clearing as Kreig, and his knights came into view. As her eyes drifted between them, she spotted one man she did not expect to see. One of her knights, Hector.

“So you ran to Origin?” Questioned Krieg with smile. “With all that training I gave you, I expected much more.”

“Perhaps if you came to do the job yourself, I wouldn’t be here.” answered Arkasia. “We can always pick up where we left off.”

“Quit the act, we all knew that she was here, anyway,” Louise shrugged and stated plainly at Krieg.

“This is starting to sound less, and less like a treaty,” said Leona III walking from behind Krieg. ”Arkasia, I am pleased to see you are well. Know that I never meant for this to happen to you, and after careful investigation. You have been cleared of your charges.”

“That means nothing to me after the fact,” answered Arkasia.

“Let us proceed to what we came here for,” Louise suggested. “What’s done is done,” she stated. That Krieg nimbly got you off your spot without letting most of the authorities know. Nothing could be done about that, after all.

“Yes, let’s,” answered Krieg.

Edile made roots come from the ground, and formed a round table in the center of the clearing. While their soldiers stayed back, Krieg, Leona, Arkasia, Edile, and Louise stepped forward to the table. Leona laid the contract out for all to read. Krieg didn’t need to get far before he found an issue.

“This is foolish. This position is perfect for our attack on cursed,” argued Krieg. Queen, you must reconsider!”

“You give orders to me now, Commander?” Daid Leona III as she looked to him. A golden glow to her eyes. Krieg stood up straight and went silent. Arkasia was having a hard time believing this was supposed to be Leona III, despite hearing about her transformation.

“Thinking diplomatically; it is rather foolish to lay down our demands upon Origin, anyway,” Louise stated. Surely, a fine point for an attack, but a terrible move in regards to future relationships.

“There is no future if we do not deal with Cain,” answered Krieg.

“There is one – if we can have at least a temporary alliance and work together with Origin to deal with him,” Louise stated her point.

“In times like these, I would rather have more allies, than enemies,” added Leona. “You have done enough already Krieg. Do not push the issue.”

“Yes, my queen….” mumbled Krieg. Peering across the table at Arkasia, he saw a grin that was doing a number on his patience.

“These terms are agreeable,” announced Edile, as she finished reading over the document. Taking out a pen she signed her signature below, before sliding it to Arkasia. Arkasia gave it a quick read as Edile handed her the pen.

“No hostilities are to be tolerated for the span of the war,” whispered Arkasia to herself. Looking to Krieg, she knew this was directed at them. Though she felt it was in her right to strike him down. With what just happened with Louise however, she was feeling a little more in control. Signing the papers she slid them back to her former queen.

“I know it is beyond impossible for you to return to us… but I hope we can put this aside. At least for now,” said Leona III looking at Arkasia.

“Let’s not test my patience anymore than we must,” responded Arkasia curtly. Leona III took that as an acceptable answer, especially knowing Arkasia. She signed the paper swiftly before handing it to Krieg. Krieg eyed the paper with ire. Looking at Louise, it was easy to guess that she was the mastermind. Seeing no choice, he signed the paper, agreeing to the terms for now.

“With this, we have established peace – between the Scion and Origin,” Louise announced – as she stood up – as the third party who observed the treaty. The soldiers from both sides gave applause. Except the knights from both sides, who knew this was only the start for them. “All that is to do now is crush the Cursed, and secure peace for our future.”

Mn, the knights sure aren’t happy about this. I’ll have to keep a keen eye… just how many am I doing that for, now? She thought.

Ari and Owain grew restless as the leaders played their mind games. Ari was skeptical that this treaty would even hold more than a day. For their sakes however it was best that it did.

“I am sorry for the way I acted before. It was not very...reasonable,” said Ari trying to repair the flimsy relationship him and her had. They were the last of Arkasia’s knights, the last thing they needed, is the be fighting with each other.

“It’s fine,” Owain said dismissively, “I understood where you were coming from, I don’t blame you in the slightest.”

“That was a bit too easy,” answered Ari. “Thought you would chastise me. At least a little bit.” Suddenly something caught her eye. From across the field, Krieg’s knights were staring them down. Owain had been keeping an eye on them the entire meeting.

“What do they want?”[/b] asked Ari.

[color=#87afc7]“The war to end, so they can begin to play their game of politics again,”
Owain said cynically.

“Haven’t we suffered enough of that? I just want to go home when this is all over.” answered Ari.

“We’re simpler folk than them,” Owain said, still observing the conversation, “We’re happy with what we need, they’re not happy until they have everything.”

“Ugh...” complained Ari. She didn’t like that look in Hector’s eye. She had seen him a few times, and he looked like what she wanted to be. Now he was just like the rest of them to her now. A distorted image of what was. Ari turned her attention to to table. It seemed that they were finally all signing it.

“It’s about time,” commented Ari.

“It always take awhile for them to decide anything,” Owain commented. After some time Arkasia and Edile turned and returned to the ground as the table returned to the earth. Edile wrapping up her copy of the treaty handed it to Bael.

“It went smoother than expected,” said Arkasia looking to Ari and Owain, her last two knights. “We move out with their group in a week. We are to be on our best behavior,”

“Best behavior? We aren’t children!” exclaimed Ari.

“It just means we can’t start trouble with Krieg, until this is over.” answered Arkasia. “I’m sure you will be fine Ari.” Edile and Bael walked off in the direction of the village as the small group of soldiers followed.

“Move out,” said Arkasia looking back to Krieg, and his knights as they parted ways.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
(This is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Leona, Krieg, and Louise returned to the camp near the border of Origin’s territory. Krieg had a wrathful look upon his face, but he looked at no one, and kept his focus forward. Hector who was right behind him glanced at Louise who was at the side of the Queen.

“That was a rather interesting treaty signing,” said Hector. “You sure know how to get your way.” Louise only glanced at him in return. A tall brown-haired knight with some stubble about his chin. His armor was rather ornate. White with gold trim. The sword on his back just as flashy.

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere,” Louise replied curtly, flashing a charming smile brimming with her everlasting confident, as always. It was as if her little †˜scene’ with Edile was a lie as she was perfectly calm and collected now.

“In this life it has gotten me everywhere,” answered Hector. Veldin grimaced as Hector kept talking. He hated the sound of that man’s voice. Hector noticed this, but paid him no true attention. ”Will you be traveling with us now, High Priestess?”

“You must be quite the talker then,” Louise chuckled, playing along. She wondered what kind of low-class ladies he had tastes for. “Mn, I shall be accompanying for the duration of the war, I suppose. Changes to plans are possible, however, so I cannot guarantee it for certain.”

“I see, talk of you has you all over the country. A busy woman indeed,” replied Hector. “But where are my manners. Sir Hector Kevlin, at your service.”

“High Priestess – Louise Marguerite,” Louise replied, naming herself and her title. “But then, I suppose you knew that much.”

“A pleasure, now we just have to make this treaty work long enough to see Cain taken down. I will do my part, but I can’t say I trust Arkasia to do the same.” said Hector.

So that’s indeed what this is about, Louise smiled, having her doubts confirmed.

“I wonder about that,” Louise stated without taking a moment to consider further, despite having her head cut off, she could say the same for Krieg’s side, too. In all honesty, this treaty was already shaking in its boots. However, what they didn’t know what that they were punishable if they’d break it. “Cain is our mutual enemy; it is in our interest to join forces; they can not do it alone.”

“And in the chaos that will be sure to follow his fall. Which side will you take?” Asked Hector.

“Side, you say, between Krieg and Arkasia?” Louise asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course, they are two strong military leaders after all. Without opposing viewpoints, there will no doubt be conflict when this is said and done. Arkasia may have lived, but her honor died with Nero,” answered Hector. “As well as her sanity. That woman surely has seen better days.”

“I must agree regarding her sanity but… I’m afraid I’d prefer to be neutral,” Louise answered. While she agreed that Arkasia had lost her mind, she disagreed with something; Arkasia was hardly someone worthy of being a military leader now. Knights stuck around out of trust and honor, which was respectable, though.

“That may cause more harm than good. The people will support the High Priestess. Choosing a side will ensure that the conflict ends quickly. Saving more lives in the end,” said Hector.

“Or, I could put a stop to any conflicts before they take place,” Louise replied without a thought. “It’s alright as long as neither of them can’t reach each other, yes?”

Hector laughed, Leona III and Krieg looked back at him strangely. “And how would you pull off that feat?” Asked Hector.

“I shall leave it to your imagination,” Louise replied with a smile and a racy wink. Hector smiled back before he turned his attention back to the front. The camp was coming into view, and he was looking forward to relaxing. As they arrived, Krieg turned to Leona III, waiting for her to speak.

“Me and the High Priestess will be heading back to Masario. My daughter is on the way here, and will bring along most of the royal guard. I will return to join you in a few days time, at the next objective,” ordered Leona III. Louise smiled at Krieg as she opened a portal to Masario next to her, and stepped through. Leona III followed shortly after, as the portal closed.

Kreig punched where the portal used to be, splintering the wood of a tree. The tree almost came falling down. Hector raised his hands trying to calm the commander. “Now now, this isn’t good for your blood pressure, old man,” joked Hector.

Appearing in the throne room of Masario, Louise and Leona III was glad to see it empty. At least for now; it was just the two of them. “Well, that much is done. The royal guard will ensure that Krieg stays in line. They have orders from me to deal with him if it becomes necessary,” said Leona III.

“I wonder about that,” Louise answered. “I suppose I have grown somewhat skeptical… but they have yet to prove to me that they are perfectly loyal,” she stated with a shrug.

“The royal guard have been at my side since the old days. The only newcomers being Fenfang, and Zhou. Who have more than proved their loyalty to me. Trust them. They will get the job done,” answered Leona III.

“That I hope so,” Louise answered. “I will try to, but take this to your advantage – a third party observation – such as one from me – is sometimes not biased; best for peering into what lies beyond a facade,” she advised her queen.

“What do you see when you look at me?” Asked Leona III curiously.

“A mad queen?”

Leona III laughed, and it echoed slightly in the large empty throne room. “Perhaps you are right, I don’t know how you stay so sane in this world of ours.”

“My, my, I wonder how myself,” Louise replied, placing a hand before her mouth to suppress her urge to chuckle, she figured most of the horror poured out to Edile some time ago… but that was certainly not how she usually did it.

“Soon old relics of destruction like me will be useless. I might as well put myself to use somewhere before handing off the throne once again.”

“I thought so,” Louise said, closing her eyes, “you never quite wanted the throne, but to simply do what she couldn’t… tough love, hm?” Louise felt sorry that she did not notice this motherly feeling of Leona III at first. Then again, she never got to be a mother to be able to tell.

“I don’t want her to change who she is for this world. Peace isn’t a terrible thing to wish for. Just something that lies at the end of a bloody path. I’ll walk that path in her stead…” said Leona III looking at her young looking hand.

“But that is not what you were meant to do anymore. You have once left the throne – your responsibilities, along with the disappearance of your power… that would be the case, usually,” Louise stated, shaking her head. “Even if she is young, she is still a queen, and must eventually learn that every monarch – no, ruler – must do what they must; be it a bloody path or strict laws; it is her responsibility, for the sake of her people.”

“You’ve rid her of the opportunity to grow and learn from experience, my dear. However, you are much more dependable, and a veteran,” Louise stated the good part of the deal, “as you have done this before, I suppose with your powers back, you are merely here to do what you could not in the past. My only qualm is with who returned the power, and for what motive…”

Leona III opened her mouth slightly then hesitated. Playing the events of what happened in that church again in her head. “What would you do to them if you knew who it was?” Asked Leona III.

“Depends… but I think I have a clue on who made Cain the way he is now… and if that is the case, she will ruin the world as soon as anyone fixes it, anyway,” Louise said with a frown unbefitting of a lady.

“Rhea, that day it was her who restored my power…” said Leona III quickly. “I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I still am not, but I need this power. I need it.”

“I knew that,” Louise replied, showing the sly smile she almost never showed. However, her eyes gave a glint of silver glow that demonstrated pure rage born from madness. She hasn’t quite forgiven of Leona III for hiding this, and will likely never do so. That presence of immense spiritual power that went beyond her imaginations disappeared momentarily as it had appeared, and the eyes were of ordinary emerald as she had always known “You may have hid it from me, however, I have found out not only that… but the fact that her monks are puppets, too. I suppose that is good for you – for the numbers,” she sarcastically said those words.

“You will regret playing the puppet. However, you are my queen… I will watch over you – as promised.”

“The entire church are puppets then? What does that say for the people of Masario?” Answered Leona III, holding her head to her forehead. “If you get the chance – as you watch this puppet show – to cut the strings, do not hesitate.”

“It may cut your source of power, it may sever your temporary advantages, and it may deride you of your opportunity to fulfill objectives – are you sure, even then, queen?”

Albeit Louise didn’t know about the entire church, all she knew was that some members were puppets.

“I’ll just have to work fast won’t I?” answered Leona III.
Loud banging noises came from Eshe’s lab as Inferus passed by. This was not far from what he normally heard from there, but the sting of curses that followed, was. Opening the door to the lab he saw Eshe with her hammer decimating the cadaver she was working on days before. The mess she made would take days to clean, but he knew she had no intention of cleaning it.

”Fucking useless!” she exclaimed before giving the human paste on the table one more good wack. Leaving the hammer stuck into the table she slid up her goggles. Noticing Inferus standing there she smirked. ”What did I ruin your beauty sleep?” she joked.

“I don’t need sleep to be beautiful,” Inferus said returning the smirk, “You know that. I was wondering why all the profanity Eshe?”

”The body died on me, so now I have to go find another one,” answered Eshe. ”They aren’t exactly easy to find.” Grabbing the handle of the hammer she lifted it from the table and pulled a trigger on the handle making the hammer spin. Guts and blood were flung everywhere. Then flipping up a handle the length of the hammer condensed as she hooked it onto her belt.

”Not like we have time to go out and find a new one anyways.” complained Eshe. ”We have lost a few labs already, and with mother off in Agreyus I can’t ask her for help. We might as well just get to work. Did she tell you what we are supposed to do?”

“Do I ever get told anything?” Inferus asked with an eyebrow raised.

”We get to test out the toy mother came across.” answered Eshe walking towards the door. ”I have to say she has a rather complex body. Even more so than yours.”

“At the moment it’s not complex,” Inferus said almost pouting, “But I’m interested. She?”

”I think its better if I show you,” said Eshe pushing the door, and holding it open for Inferus as he passed by. ”Ladies first.” joked Eshe. Walking through the door as a woman, Inferus smiled at Eshe as she passed her.

Walking down the cave tunnel quite a ways they came to a metal door that had no openings to let light in. Unlocking the door, and pulling on the handle she let in Inferus before walking in and tightly closing the door behind them. Touching a spirit lantern the room lit up. A girl sat in a chair in the center of the room. A strap jacket tightly bound her abdomen, as metal bands continuously sapped her spiritual energy. Her long red hair was messy as she had been thrashing around quite a bit.

”I see you have been a somewhat good girl, Yvette.” said Eshe walking up to her pushing her back into the seat. Yvette looked up at her with scorn, but said nothing.

“Oooh” Inferus said with glee, “Aren’t you a cute one?” Inferus clapped his hands together as he returned to his male form. Inferus too walked up to the strapped woman, “You said her name was Yvette?” he asked.

”Yes, she is one of the avatars. Lucky for us she was banged up pretty good by Louise in that prison. She was easy enough to capture after that. said Eshe. Digging into her bag she pulled out a shining object. It was silver collar with some deep runed grooves. ”I didn’t have time to properly test this, so sorry if you feel a little...discomfort.”

As she tried to put the collar on Yvette kicked hard at Eshe sending her flying across the room. She then looked at Inferus as something under the suit tried to rip itself free. Just as Inferus was contemplating what to do something hit Yvette hard in the forehead. Eshe’s hammer clattered to the floor nearby.

”Bitch…” said Eshe walking by Inferus gripping the collar in her hand. Yanking Yvette’s head up by her hair she clamped the collar on her neck. Then she fed just a little spirit energy into it. The runed glew blue as the collar began to burn at her skin. Yvette began to scream and thrash shaking the chair, before tipping it over and falling to the floor writhing in pain.

“That looks like it hurts,” Inferus said grinning madly as he walked to where Yvette was squirming, bending over her Inferus examined the avatar. “So what does she do?” he asked.

”She can copy anything used on her, and you won’t guess the last thing she learned. That warping ability from that uppity priestess.” said Eshe pulling the seat back up as the last of the collars energy was fed into her. Yvette’s head hung as her hair fell in front of her face. ”Now comes the fun part. Since you can lose a body part or two. I’ll let you handle this! Take off her bindings if you would.”

“Hey, hey, hey” Inferus said, “It still hurts you know?” Despite saying this Inferus was already beginning to loosen the suit that bound Yvette. “Don’t worry girl we’ll have you out of there in no time.”

As he loosened the jacket the metal bindings began to unlatch around her abdomen. For the first time in a long time Yvette took a deep breath. Then protrusions began to rip at the jacket as it was sucked into the girl. Inferus barely managed to draw his hand away as a large mouth opened in the girl’s stomach and devoured the jacket.

Inferus immediately began to laugh, “That’s a pretty rocking body you’ve got Yvette,” he said, genuinely praising her, “I don’t think I could copy that properly, hell, I’m not even going to try,” Inferus said with wide eyes as he examined Yvette, “Wonderfully unique.” Inferus nodded one more time before declaring: “Cain has excellent taste.”

”Get off me!” yelled Yvette. ”You aren’t him..” Eshe walked up to them curiously. Yvette covered her naked body with her hands.

”Oh? Who might he be?” asked Eshe with a smirk. ”Did that shock free up some memories you had buried, avatar?”

“Don’t tease, Eshe, it’s bad form,” Inferus said, “Especially to someone so unique,” Inferus’ eyes were still gleaming.

”I guess you are right, and we can atleast get the poor thing some clothes. I’ll have to make some later that can withstand...that,” said Eshe motioning to the teeth lining up the middle of her body.

“Don’t sound so disdainful,” Inferus said, “It’s wonderful,” he said referring to the same row of teeth.

”You fall in love or something?” joked Eshe. ”Don’t give in to those urges, we still need her.”

Inferus put his hands in the air, “Alas, I don’t have eyes for anyone but you Eshe,” as he said this eyelids started to open on his hands, inside them were tens of eyes all staring directly at her. Inferus giggled at his own joke.

”Well don’t I feel special,” said Eshe with a smile as she looked up at the hands. ”Mom will be pleased with this. Getting around will be a little bit easier for us at least. Which means I can put you to work even more.” Eshe clapped excitedly.

“You know, you really are sadistic Eshe,” Inferus said seeing her delight at the thought of running him ragged with work, “And I respect that.”
Leona IV rode her horse in the middle of the unit as they traveled through the forest region just a little ways away from Raltese. They had a small unit of men with them, and four of the Royal Guard. Leona III wanted the risk to be a minute as possible for her daughter. Keeping the unit small made it harder for them to be noticed. The trees and foliage were badly damaged, by what appeared to be a storm. But no storm touched a small area leaving the surroundings be.

“This was Arkasia you say?” asked the princess looking around as they traveled through. A path had already been cleared by the soldiers that passed this area before them. Sophia fanning herself with her fan looked at the scene with a degree of guilt.

”Me and Caym left shortly before this happened. Perhaps if we were here this would have gone differently.” said Sophia. ”Krieg’s knights dealt with this matter too harshly, and even now they are looking into this matter.”

”Since Arkasia resisted arrest, the use of force was authorized. It’s a shame that it cost Nero his life. He was a good man.” said Caym.

”Arkasia was cleared of all charges wasn’t she? Do you think she will come back?” asked Fenfang.

”Doubtful, not after what happened to Nero. Her other knights either submitted to Krieg or dropped from service. She has little to return to. No family or husband. She gave her life to the city, and this is how it repaid her. I can’t blame her if she seeks vengeance.” answered Zhou.

”Krieg...I never thought much about that man until now…” said Leona IV. She had met him a few times when she was little, but beyond that it was at small gatherings here and there. Arkasia was someone she remembered fondly. Even though she was hard on her men at that time Arkasia would entertain her. Now that she realized how lonely the life of a commander could be, she wanted to do something for her.

”Keep your posture princess, or you will fall.” said Fenfang riding up next to her and patting her on the back. Leona IV snapped out of her thoughts, and nodded at Fenfang who grinned back at her.

”We will be crossing over into Origin territory soon. Keep vigilant. Their lands aren’t as safe as our own.” announced Caym. As if on cue there was a rustle in the bushes nearby. Before Caym could say a word Zhou and Fenfang vanished. Their horses still walking forward with the group. Sounds of a canine growling and barking could be heard, and as she tried to focus the sound of another animal came from the opposite side.

As Leona IV was about to order the men to engage Zhou and Fenfang returned. Zhou wiped his mouth out of sight with a grimace of disgust. ”Stranglers, nothing to worry about princess.” answered Zhou. Fenfang hummed a song with her hand behind her head. A small amount of blood decorated her cheek.

“O-ok then,” Leona IV managed out.

Krieg sat in his tent deep in thought. Louise had gotten the better of him, and Vejovis was not going to be pleased. Suddenly the curtain to his tent opened and a female recruit entered. The recruit’s eye shown with a gold circle, and Krieg sighed releasing the grip on his hilt. The brunette smirked as she approached Krieg.

”It seems they found another way didn’t they?” said the woman as she sat on his bed. ”But in the end they are still our allies. Why do you not celebrate?”

”Louise is planning something...Its obvious, but what, I don’t know.” replied Kreig.

”For now we work towards the same goal. It is at the end we see who won the most victories.” answered the woman.

”When will get what promised? Have I not shown my worth Vejovis?” asked Krieg.

”In time, these things cannot be rushed.” answered Vejovis. ”Now I will return to you at a later time. You have other things to deal with.” The woman stood and left the tent as Veldin was entering. Veldin looked after her curiously, but paid her no mind as Krieg didn’t seem to acknowledge her.

”The princess has arrived,” said Veldin with a hand to his chest. Krieg stood and walked over to him not saying a word as he passed. Veldin followed him as he headed to where the princess and her men were gathered.

”Welcome Princess Leona IV, you have missed your mother by a few days.” said Krieg.

”My mother, but how?” asked Leona IV.

”She was brought here by Louise,” answered Krieg. ”With the treaty signed we must make due with a less fortified checkpoint, but nothing we cannot handle. I trust your journey was from the capital was pleasant?”

”Boring was more like it…” commented Fenfang. ”This is the most action we have seen, and it was just a few stragglers.”

”I am glad to see you dismissing the results of my hard work so easily,” said Kreig with a sigh. ”My men will see you to your tents. Please rest up, we march again at dawn.”

Both armies were gathered in the plains that looked out in the direction of the cursed lands. The Divine held a magnificent army with their new weaponry being pulled by massive beasts. There was no doubt they were fully ready for this war. While Origin didn’t have the numbers that the Divine had, their spiritual presence could not be ignored. Edile, and Fairuza stood at the front of their army with Bael at their side. Morgan was allowed to stay with her new-found friends.

”We are making the right choice. Right Fairuza?” asked Edile. Fairuza waved her off and laughed.

”If you still have cold feet, we should turn back now. We have our temporary allies, and we have a combined force of cursed and divine in our own army.” answered Fairuza. ”This is the time to strike, while the rage burns in us.”

Edile laughed with her sister. ”This is why I didn’t bring you to the treaty signing. Mom’s blood runs too strong in you.” said Edile. Bael turned his gaze towards the two as he felt for their spirits behind his blindfold. Turning to see their army, and the united energy they shared. A brief smile was brought to his lips.

The order to march went out, and both armies advanced. Never before had such a large force marched together towards Agreyus. The cursed king had two countries burning with rage barreling for his front door. With this the war finally took flight, but how many battles would see it to its end?

The forests and grasslands soon gave way to mountains. The path through was narrow and precarious, and some supplies and men were lost on this pass. If Cain’s military spotted them they chose not to engage for now. Arkasia had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, but the feeling was soon overshadowed by hunger. Though everyone was thinking it, Masaki was the first to say something.

“When is dinner?” complained Masaki as his stomach growled loudly. That only made everyone think about their own hunger even more. Even Arkasia was close to taking a bite out of the horse she was riding on. Patting the horse on the head, she reassured it that it was not yet diner. It was then that the order to finally make camp made it back through the march. A unified sigh of relief seemed to wash over them. Ahead of them they could see the first groups of soldiers setting up shelter for the night to come.

While the divine were setting up tents, Origin was putting their talents to good work. Throwing some seeds out they were watered then manipulated with spirit energy. Shelters sprung up from the ground forming dome shaped shelter formed of tightly grouped branches.

The area they chose was at the base of the mountain. It dawned on the group in that moment just how far they had come. It had been days, and now they were finally passed the mountains. Out in the distance you could see sparse vegetation, and canyons. The mountains were simply the beginning, this land was harsh, and would only get rougher as they approached the capital. For now the smell of food would distract them from such thoughts.
Monster Girl
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