Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

(This is a joint post ft. GentTheLone, BaggleBoy, Valentine_K1S5 and Katsuburn)

As the group arrived at the medical building in the commons, they decided to split up. Adelina and Caym assisted their injured comrades into the building so they could be properly examined. Even if their wounds were healed there could always be other complications. The rest of the group headed for the castle, and as they did they crossed the bridge that overlooked the one they fought on before. Reymond looked over at the now destroyed bridge.

“We were on that. It’s fortunate that we survived.” said Reymond. “I never did find my sword…”

“Hey it’s not like you’re the only one who lost something down there,” Owain said slapping Reymond on the back friendlily.

“You can easily replace your sword though so don’t let it bother you too much. Its better than losing your life.”

“You are right.” answered Reymond. “That sword had a bit of meaning to me though. I suppose it is time to let it go. If it comes up though I wouldn't mind having it.”

Suddenly Ari felt a hand on her arm that pulled her to the side away from the group. It was Anastas who looked over to make sure that no one noticed before he spoke. “That girl that you were chasing. What was that about?” asked Anastas bluntly.

Ari was surprised at Anastas with his sudden question. She didn’t think anyone really paid attention in all the fighting that was occurring at the time. “I-It was nothing, I was just surprised to see a young girl in a bloody battle like that,” Ari hesitated as she replied.

”It seemed a bit more personal than that. This is the only reason I stayed my arrow. If that was the only reason then the next time I won’t need to hesitate. These enemies, regardless of age, are dangerous.” he answered.

“You better not lay a hand on her!” Ari angrily responded

“So she is important to you then?” asked Anastas as he let out a sigh. “I have no claims to either side. I’m a mercenary. If you want that girl saved you will need help. Who is she?”

“She’s my little sister who I believed was dead all this time.”

“Are you so sure she isn’t? She could be a spectre like Jelise was.” replied Anastas.

“I’m sure she… I don’t think that was the case.” answered Ari with a sad expression. She didn’t want to think that perhaps her sister was just some walking corpse.

“Well…” said Anastas running his hand through his hair. “If we see her again. We’ll try to capture her alive. But for now she is an enemy. We have to protect ourselves as well.”

“Thank you” Ari replied “But please don’t tell others about this, please.”

“You have my word, Ari.” he answered with a smile.

“What are you two up to?” Owain asked, poking his head in, “marriage talks? bit brash if you ask me.” Owain smiled slyly.

Anastas smirked ”Not at all, marriage is a wonderful thing,” he dismissed himself and walked past Owain, ”Both to discuss and be a part of.”

“I-Idiot Captain, why would anyone talk about something like that out here.” Ari replied angrily.

“You both looked so serious, I couldn’t help but think something like that was going on,” Owain said smiling, clearly he could.
(Thia is a Joint Post Starring: TheLoneGent and Cinia Pacifica.)

Leona IV was curious when Louise left to clean up the rest of the town with her priests and priestesses. She wasn’t sure what she had in mind for the poor souls that were left behind, but the look she had was almost terrifying. After she finished her examination of the castle with the others, she headed out of the castle; wanting to get away from the ashes, and hints of miasma. As she did she saw Louise in the distance with a few cursed soldiers. As she walked up, these scene played out in front of her, but she wasn’t close enough to hear what was said. All she saw was the gruesome scene as the man’s head was parted from his body, and the rest of them were turned to ash.

“What is the meaning of all this? Did they need to be tortured like that?” asked Leona.

Louise stopped to turn and face Leona IV. She was stopped from a single step before she’d be out of vicinity from the rest. “Oh? You prefer to keep alive the cursed ones? What for - if I may ask?” Louise curiously asked. What would one achieve from keeping these mongrels alive? Louise could hardly comprehend the reasoning behind such a foolhardy decision - if it would ever be taken - it’s not like they’d keep alive a scion soldier if they caught one.

”It’s not that, but it seemed kind of extreme the way you did it,” she answered. ”Did you get any information out of them at least?”

“Without extreme measures, these people wouldn’t speak anything out if not for the way I do things. Rest assured, I won’t make you dirty your hands - as you’re not quite who you should be, yet - I’ve done these things before, so leave that to me,” Louise answered, then smirked. “I heard the obvious, unfortunately. †˜We have eyes all over you all - especially in Masario’ someone said. He didn’t seem to be lying. However, a confirmation is better than nothing.”

“You have done this before?” asked Leona a little surprised. Louise didn’t look like the type to interrogate people with such brutality. If she hadn’t have seen it with her own eyes she probably still wouldn’t believe it. “So they still have spies in Masario after all? I will be returning soon. So we will have to work on flushing them out.” answered Leona.

“Well, yeah. In the past, a few times to learn some facts, they’re no longer effective against the cursed ones, of course,” Louise stated. “Indeed they do. Do be careful in Masario, you never know when an assassination attempt may be made.”

“I hope my mother is doing alright…” said Leona deep in thought. “I’ll be sure to keep a look out over my shoulder. I didn’t come this far to die to some assassin.”

“I’ll be paying a visit to your mother soon. Would you like me to escort you back to Masario via my spell?” Louise offered with her usual smile, wanting to meet up with Leona III, who is a much favorable conversationalist.

“After we make the necessary plans here. Yes that would be appreciated. We could save manpower since I would not need to be escorted.” answered Leona. “I believe Arkasia wanted to speak with us once...they know what happened to the men on the other bridge. We should wait in the caste. We can tell Arkasia what you found out from these men.”

“Indeed, I’d prefer to speak with her regarding our plans, as well,” Louise answered, giving a single nod.
(This is a Joint Post between: Nooby2 and TheLoneGentleman.)

As Marian and Selanus arrived at the meeting location, they spotted Soul in a giant wolf form sitting on the ground. Sonya was sleeping against a tree. Charlotte was laying on Soul back, and Emma was busy messing with Soul’s ears which she found too irresistible to not play with. Alma was standing against a tree, but walked up to Marian when she arrived.

“Soul already ate the device. So we're ready to head out any time.” said Alma. “Sonya has sustained injuries, but we have taken care of the serious wounds.”

“Guess that is taken care of then.” said Marian. “We lost a lot of men. This thing better have been worth it.”

"What about yourself, Representative Alma? I trust the fall didn't hold you back too much against the Scion?" Selanus gave Alma a once over, looking for any injuries.

“Hmmm? I’m fine. Emma is on top of things like that.” Alma answered with a kind smile.

"Cool then, I don't have to worry about that when we have dinner together. Care to grace me with your presence?" He gave her a smile, earnestly hoping she'd accept. Marian turned to Selanus with a smirk. This man has some guts. thought Marian.

“Sorry we have a a lot to do. Perhaps another time.” she answered. “I have to admit I had fun drinking in town, but things are sure to be busy for us now.”

"Ah, the work of a representative never truly ends. I understand, I'll be waiting for when you're free, maybe just get a drink together sometime. Now I need to go speak with the chief, I didn't expect my drinks to knock him a good one. Excuse me." Marian and Alma returned to their own conversation as he left.

“That boy seems to have feelings for you.” said Marian nudging Alma’s side. “Didn’t know you liked them so young.” Alma smiled in response.

“I’m sure you are mistaken. An old monster like me has no place in romance.” answered Alma with a weak smile.

Taking his leave from Alma, Selanus walked over to where Soul lay, admiring his wolf form for a moment before speaking. "Yo Chief, had fun during the time you weren't around?"

“Haha, I don’t even know.” answered Soul. “When I came too I was in a hundred pieces with a knight knocked out in front of me. I was so hungry that I was going to eat him then and there. But I decided to fight him instead. Somewhere along the lines Charlotte found me I guess.”

"You really got smashed. I bet that made your day, need another drink sometime? And speaking of Representative Charlotte..." Selanus spied her walking over to Luna with a smirk on her face.

Soul sighed as he noticed this and rested his head on his paws. “This again…”

Selanus chuckled, waiting for the show to begin. "Again? She does this on a regular basis?" He waited for a chance to cut in, Luna had piqued his interest with her brusque words and he wanted to see what she was like.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, BlinkXPoke, and Ezlare.

Luna hung back, leaning on the side of a tree, cursing herself for her past defeat. Luna was not one to take being defeated in battle to come back to tell the tale- no. She pictured her defeat being by the hands of a strong opponent, not some random mage. The last person to defeat Luna and let her live was of course, Charlotte, and everyone knew it.She clenched her sword tightly, being the only thing to stay by her side in her times of anguish, Luna thought of multiple scenarios where she could have avoided her humiliating incarceration.

Maybe I just lost my edge... She said, getting down on herself. Losing her composure. Suddenly she felt hands on her shoulder. Strong hands that she remembered all too well. “Luunie,” said Charlotte in her ear. “Watcha doin!?”

“Eh!?” She jolted in a quick motion to Charlotte’s familiar touch. Luna’s face turned redder than her own eyes as she met Charlotte’s gaze. Straining herself to fruitlessly keep her usual cold expression, Luna tried to speak normally but stammering and gibberish came out, all but English. “Uhh, I-I uhh, was j-just… you know, thinking, you know?--Nothing important...you know? Just resting...”

She looked down to keep Charlotte from looking at her flushed face, clenching her sword even tighter, and biting her lower lip out of sheer embarrassment.

Charlotte smiled devilishly. “Oh, is that so?” she responded. She liked messing with Luna for the sheer fact that she could. “You are so stressed. Did things go bad for you out there? Need a massage?” she teased.

Luna was embarrassed by Charlotte’s torture, knowing for a fact that she did it for her own enjoyment, knowing, unfortunately that nothing could happen between the two of them. Knowing this, Luna still lost her composure when in front of Charlotte. “I-I...no, I’m fine. Thank you for your c-concern, Char’.

"Representative Charlotte." A voice called out from behind, catching both their attentions as Selanus walked over. "You weren't with us when the other representatives and I went drinking. Care to join us next time? I'll ask the Chief along for you." He smiled widely at the look on Luna's flushed face and the girls relationship with each other.

“Ah, you again. You didn’t die huh?” said Charlotte. “Sure I’ll drink as long as you're buying.”

"I'm saddened by your lack of faith in my abilities," Selanus feigned a moment of hurt before recovering, "and yes, I'll cover the drinks, I do mix them after all. I hope your bosom buddy comes along as well." His eyes went over to meet Luna's, looking forward to her reaction.

“Sure.” She begrudgingly accepted.”I heard the chief quickly got hammered from one of those things, what a lightweight!” She chuckled.

"Oh? The lady thinks she can handle my brews? Chiefs the only person who could take my best and walk away, even if he was drunk." Selanus replied with pride apparent, smirking back at Luna. "Why not have a taste of it, you might be in for a surprise..."

“You’d be surprised what I can deal with,” Confident that she can withstand whatever he throws at her. ”In fact, I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier...maybe that’ll change in time, depending if your drinks are the real deal, of course.”

"Splendid that you would join us, you'll be the second if you can take it all in." Selanus answered amiably, also impressed that someone would have the guts to take on his brew without fear. "I don't believe in this "wrong foot" business. Once you get to know a person, it's all water under the bridge"

"Heh heh." She took an interest to his philosophy. "I never took you for a laid back person, Selanus."[/b]

"I'm serious when I need to be." He shrugged, "Outside of that, I'm trying to live life to the fullest. Works wonders for the psyche, you should try it sometime." He gave Luna a big grin, the impression she now gave was vastly different from her initial introduction.

She smirked at Selanus then looked to the ground with a half cold, half smiling expression. “I’d love to, believe me I would, but, I’m unsure if you know this or not. but with the things I’ve been through...I don’t know if I could do that so quickly. It’ll take time.” She continued. “If you’re curious, I’d suggest either asking Charlotte here, or talking to me in private when we get home.”

"Then I'll take you up on that sometime, anything goes over a drink. Wouldn't do to have you sulking in the midst of battle when there's blood to be shed." Selanus gave Luna's shoulder a friendly clap. "All in good time."

“Stop playing around, we are moving out. The Scion patrols will be heading this way eventually.” yelled Marian.

At this point in time, Sonya awoke to several familiar voices. “Mmmnnn…. owowowow…” She groaned as she lifted herself off the ground. Her entire body was in pain. The last thing she remembered was seeing Soul tear apart the Scion soldier that violated her. The thought angered her. The others appeared to be chatting happily, so Sonya wanted to ask, “So, did we win?” She had fallen unconscious after the event, so she wasn’t entirely sure.

Soul who was next to her stood up slowly feeling the pangs of the divine object within him. “Yes we were victorious.” answered Soul. “And now I have to carry this bothersome thing.”

“Hmmm?” Sonya wondered what Soul meant by that. Did he swallow something unpleasant as he gobbled up that guy? She peered at his stomach, curious if that was the source of his troubles. “Well, if we succeeded, does that mean the castle is safe? What are we all doing out here?”

Soul bit the collar of her shirt and flung her onto his back. She caught onto a handful of fur to keep herself on. “This time we were simple thieves, and we got what we came for. So in that we were victorious.” he said as he began to walk following Marian.

“The castle was lost, but we made out with something amazing.” said Emma as she followed alongside Soul. Running her hand through his mane.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Galahad_Mills.

Razta was told to sit on a table for examination while Masaki was laid out on a table. A nurse came over to Razta and examined him. Caym handed Masaki over to the nurses and headed off to complete his own tasks.

“This is a lot easier to do with you already not wearing a shirt.” joked the nurse, Adelina gave her a scary glare that sent a shiver up the nurses spine. As the nurse touched his arm she felt he was a lot warmer than he should be. “O-0h, I think you are running a fever.” she said as she placed a hand on his forehead.

“I don’t feel any different. I have a fire spirit after all.” answered Razta. “I usually get hotter than this during combat.”

“Is that so?” asked the nurse. “Then I won’t worry about it. Everything else checks out. Just get a bit of rest ok?” Razta stood up from the table with a sigh of relief. The nurse walked off to attend to other patients.

Masaki was already stripped so that the doctors could examine his injuries. His clothes were shredded to pieces anyways. He was covered with a blanket as the nurse began removing long teeth from his body. The doctor was having trouble removing Masaki’s glove, but there were obvious signs that the arm might be broken.

Razta walked up, and assisted pulling the glove from his arm. It was on so tight that Razta wondered if he ever took the damn thing off. The light on the glove faded as it was removed. The nurse braced the arm, and wrapped it in place. Then when they were sure they covered everything they placed their hand on him moving their spirits within him. Repairing torn muscles, and organs. The process took little under an hour. After which they covered Masaki up with a blanket.

“How is it doctor?” asked Razta.

“Your friend will need to rest, but he is out of danger. If he wakes up please do not let him leave.” said the doctor. “I will be working with other patients. Talk to a nurse if you have any questions.” Razta nodded and let the doctor do his job. Adelina and Razta walked to both sides of the bed. To their surprise Masaki began to wake up.

”Ugh. . .” Masaki’s eyes opened slowly and began to look around, surprised to see that he was on a bed in an unknown room. ”Where. .am I?” Masaki asked as he tried to move to a sitting position. He stopped midway and looked at his left arm, gloveless. ”What the- Where the hell is my glove?! Where’s my Raisetsu-ki!?

“Its in my bag. Don’t worry I’m taking care of it for you.” answered Razta. “Your arm was broken so they had to remove it.”

”Ehhh? B-but,” Just when Masaki was about to finish, TouTetsuOh entered the conversation. Surprise surprise, glad that you’re awake. TouTetsuOh chuckled. Huh? What the hell? What are you doing here? I thought you stayed with your glove! He said to his spirit. Ah yes, about that, the glove is just a catalyst for channeling my power to you, it doesn’t matter if it was removed or not. TouTetsuOh explained. Oh, okay, Masaki paused, ”Wait wait?!” Masaki shouted suddenly. Pffttt. Hahaha! It’s fun to see you like this, Masaki. Entertaining, very entertaining!

Razta laughed at Masaki. “That spirit of your must be a lively one.” said Razta. “I don’t talk to mine nearly as often as you do. We prefer to talk through actions.”

Adelina crossed her arms. “Mine doesn’t know when to shut up.” she commented.

”He’s always like this. He’s still a nice person though.” Masaki responded to the two.

By the way, I was going to say that you haven’t learned everything that your mentor taught you. TouTetsuOh added. Masaki didn’t heard what his spirit said since he was busy moving his left hand around. ”Ohhh. . .I feel so much lighter. It’s been years since I saw my raw left hand.” Masaki sniffed his left hand, he coughed. Nasty smell.

“You really haven’t taken that thing off in that long?” asked Adelina. “You really need to take hygiene more seriously.”

”Yeah, never took it off from the first time I wore it. It just grows with me. Hahaha. He leaned back on his bed. I’m sorry, did you say something? Masaki asked his spirit. Nope, nothing at all. TouTetsuOh sighed. Suit your self then. Masaki looked around. ”By the way, are you guys hungry? Because I am.” Masaki stomach growls. Razta and Adelina laughed relieved that hunger was the only thing wrong with Masaki.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2 and Ezlare.

With all the supplies they were able to recover the army of the cursed made their way back towards Agreyus, their capital city. The representatives stayed at the center of the battalion each on horseback except for Soul who stayed in wolf form. Sonya was sound asleep on his back as he walked in the middle of the four women..

“You sure are protective of that girl Soul.” said Charlotte. “Anything I should know about.”

“Nope,” answered Soul simply. He knew that it infuriated her more than anything, but he was tired of her butting into his life. She often forgot that they were no longer dating. Even if they were Sonya was just an apprentice in his eyes.

“She is in no condition to walk.” said Marian. “Honestly if she wakes up I’d rather be able to keep an eye on her myself.”

“I heard that she is quite...expressive.” said Alma. “Perhaps this is for the good of the troops as well.”

“Fine then,” answered Charlotte with a sour expression.

It the front of the battalion Luna, and Selanus were walking along side a group of soldiers. They were tired, some were injured, but they kept walking. They wanted to be home where they could rest their minds and bodies. Fighting in the divine lands took a lot out of them. Not on that but the signal system that they relied on put a great strain on their mental status. For warriors such as the representatives this was nothing, but common soldiers were prone to going insane.

“Boy I cannot wait to get home to my wife’s home cooking.” said a soldier as he rubbed his stomach. “That divine food was nothing compared the magic my wife puts together.”

“Shut it! Some of us have nothing to return to but the bars. Haha” said a soldier putting his hand on the first man’s shoulder.

“Not a sad life, drowning in a mug of ale ain't all bad.” said another. “The worries just float away, and then free fall right on your head in the morning…”

"Nothing better than a good meal and drink after a good hunt. If you gents can rustle up some game and alcohol from somewhere, I'll give you a meal you won't ever forget." Selanus had to agree with the soldiers sentiments, Raskana was boring but he always made it a point to return home. Auntie always had roast ready for him anyway, even the times he hadn't sent a letter ahead.

Luna remained silent and listened to her comrades ramble on about home. Of course, she assumed Selanus expected her to join in but unfortunately she did not share everyone's sentiment. She has no pleasant memories of home, that's for sure, she wanted to keep it at that.

"I uhh...just plan on getting some much needed rest and drowning my sorrows in the bar. Sellie still owes Charlotte and I a drink anyways." She chuckled.

“Ah you got tricked into buying Charlotte a drink?” said a soldier. “I bet she has never had to buy a drink in her life.”

Selanus raised an eyebrow at that. "Sellie? Really? You can do better than that, Marcell." He looked over to the other soldier in question and replied, "Yeah I'm buying. I invited her to try a round of my brew, she do this all the time?"

She looked down in embarrassment. "So what? It was the only thing I could come up with!" She replied. "But with Charlotte, she's prone to getting any sucker to buy her a drink; I was one of them. Next thing I knew, I was broke." She said while rubbing the back of her head. "Though, you can't say no to the woman...she has...perks." she blushed.

Selanus gave a short chuckle at her revelation, the girl had it deep for Charlotte. "Relax Marcell, I'm just kidding. Call me whatever you feel like, just make sure my Auntie don't catch you~ And if that's the case with Charlotte, I'll give her my best. Let's see if she can down more drinks after that, eh?" Selanus lightly nudged Luna with his elbow, still confident that the two women wouldn't be able to take his Venom. "Speaking of which, I'll have to ask Alma whether she's got some free time."

"Heh, you're on!" She challenged. "...Alma eh? You two seem to be real close." Said Luna. She remembers seeing the two speak before the battle started and she recalls Selanus saving Alma's life...and her cruel comment. "Right, damn it...I've been so foolish to you all, I've lost sight of myself. I need to apologize to her."

"Don't worry about it, it's probably your nerves talking during battle anyway." Selanus paused a bit, hand on chin, before continuing, "I'd advise against angering a Representative next time though. Wouldn't like any of them to be breathing down your neck."

“Ha Marian is the one you need to watch out for. That one breathes fire.” said a soldier laughing.

“You have your eyes on Alma? That one has a history don’t you know?” said another soldier.

"Oh I've been burnt by her alright. Almost makes my aunt feel ice cold" Selanus flicked his hand, imitating fire before looking at the second soldier with an intense gaze. "History you say? Do tell~"

“You don’t know?” said the soldier. “Some men say that she goes on these rampages. Eating whoever she can get her hands on. It is said she ate three men whole!”

“You drink too much man. I never heard anything like that.” said another.

“No I’m serious! There is a reason that she was chosen to be apart of that group. Those girls are vicious creatures.”

"They seemed pretty nice the last time I went drinking with them, though I'll admit I never really had the chance to see them in combat." Brows furrowed, Selanus went quiet as he pondered over what the man had said. He too was not without occasional bouts of bloodlust, Astaroth sometimes getting too rowdy for him. "I'll need to look into this. Her spirit might be too strong for her to handle properly." Putting that aside, he asked the men around him, "What're your types of women then? Like the gentleman over there has kindly pointed out, I like em classy."

“Haha, I like mine with a bit of spice. To keep me in line.” said one soldier.

“My wife is kind, but boy when she is mad home is a war zone.” said another.

“One that is easy on the eyes. Or not. With enough drink any girl will do.” said the last with a laugh.

Luna jolted slightly at the question, looking back and forth, side to side, and up and down, trying not to meet the gazes of the soldiers awaiting her answer.

Sheepishly, she responded, "Well...I-I don't really have a type."

"Everyone has a type, Marcell! It's just a matter of finding the right one." Giving her a quick wink, he affirmed that he knew about their relationship. It was painfully obvious since the girl kept blushing whenever Charlotte was around.

Her face went from sheepish to shocked in one instance, she didn't take hints well but she knew exactly what that wink meant. Luna really didn't expect Selanus to solve the puzzle so quickly, her face was even redder and more flushed than before.

She looked at Selanus nervously and replied "I...well...believe it or not, I like silly girls. They liven the mood when all seems grim, ya know?” Selanus merely smiled back at her.

The men looked at each other before one spoke. “You are different than what we heard about from the other units. Luna you are alright.” said one patting her on the back.

Without even knowing it, she smiled at the soldiers' words of encouragement, so naïve to the thought that she would be able to fit in with others. For the first time in a long while, Luna felt happy.
(Joint post starring: TheLoneGentleman, Valentine_K1S5 and Mills

Anastas separated from the group after he was finished talking. Returning to the forest, he set himself a small spot by a lake. Cautioned by the sight of a headless body, he decided to set traps among the trees and the body after disposing of it. Confident that he could go about unimpeded, he stripped to his tight-fitted undershirt and eased himself into the cool water, a makeshift gig in hand. Between the refreshing coolness of the lake and the serene quiet of the forest, he felt a lot more relaxed but remained vigilant as he scanned the bed for a catch.

Like a bow his arm sprang into action, piercing his gig through the surface of the water and retracting it back almost as quick. He gave a triumphant smile at the spectacle of a decent sized fish wriggling among the prongs of his spear, ”Morana guide you home.” he said respectfully as he removed the fish from his gig and threw it over to a basket he had fashioned from bark.

”It is good that there was a lake here. The battle had scared away most of the wildlife and I am definitely not eating those war rations.” He gave a shudder thinking about how it would go, ”Those would make even Veres recoil in disgust.”

Shrugging as if to dismiss those discomforting thoughts, he continued his hunt for fresh meat. Under the setting sun, he contemplated on what had happened and what could happen, he was glad his team had all survived and a spark of determination motivated him to keep fishing so that they could have a good meal to recover with.

The hospital was still busy late into the evening. The number of injured was a lot less than expected, but it was still enough to keep the doctors and nurses busy. Masaki against his will was forced to stay in bed, and fed food that was sub par in comparison to what he and Anastas made in camp. He was sad that he wasn’t able to head out and scrounge up a suitable meal.

An appetising scent crawled into his room from the lobby as the sound of footsteps came closer and closer. From the door, he spotted the head of a fish peaking from the side. Slowly making his way in was Anastas as he held a bundle of cooked fish tied together. He tossed one over to Masaki as he took a seat by his bed.

”Food!” Masaki took the fish and happily nibbles on it. ”Ohhhh this is so much better than the food that they gave me here. Thank you!” Masaki gave Anastas a thumbs up and continues to nibble the cooked fish.

Anastas gave a smirk, ”Good to see you’re well.” taking a fish to eat himself. Curious, he noted that his left hand that was usually occupied by his gauntlet was now bare. ”You managed to get that off?”

”Apparently a certain spirit has lied to me about a certain glove.” Masaki glared to the side, where his spirit was visible. Not my fault, you’re the one who took everything that I said without doing any research. TouTetsuOh defended himself. Ha! I was a kid in a temple, how am I suppose to research about it? Masaki sighed and continue to nibble on the cooked fish.

”Hmm. . . “ He discussed with Demyan internally, ”You’ll definitely need to find out these things for yourself. But in any case, I’m glad you’re doing fine.” He also continued eating his fish. ”Is no one else here with you?”

”Razta and Adelina were here, don’t know where the went though.”

Razta walked in a moment later. Smelling the food that was brought his stomach growled. “Sorry had to go do a few things. I’m glad to see Masaki didn’t just dash out. I would have never heard the end of it from the doctor.”

”I was going to sneak out searching for food, but I changed my mind when I smell this delicious food.” Masaki took another fish and starts to nibble it.

Anastas gave a short chuckle, ”That’s good to know.” handing the bundle of fish to Razta. ”Good to see your watching for him as well even though you are recovering yourself.”

”Someone has to or he would ignore the doctors orders and goes off who knows where.” answered Razta. Taking some of the fish he bit into it. “I don’t think I will ever get tired of your cooking.” he said after swallowing the bite. The three enjoyed their meal while the other patients drooled jealousy.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Owain, Reymond, and Ari made their way to the castle where they were sure to find Arkasia. After their battle in the forest they hoped to have something that could aid Arkasia in some way. Owain also needed to request some time to secure some new armor. If he would get this time was up to Arkasia however. If he had to he would make do without it for the time being.

“Being knights must be rather difficult at times. Having so much to do all the time seems a bit daunting. Especially during wartime. Fight all day and report all night.” commented Reymond.

“You’re telling me,” Owain chuckled darkly, “I honestly miss my patrol route now, had to deal with higher ups much less.” Owain was hardly a paragon when it came to following orders, however hard he worked.

“I wouldn’t really know I have only recently become a knight myself. But its been nothing but battles from the start for me.”

“Once the war is over who knows what you’ll be assigned to do,” Owain said smiling, “Look forward to it, maybe you’ll still work under me”

“We can’t go splitting up the team.” said Reymond with a smile. “I have grown attached to our little family.”

“I am quite enjoying giving orders for once,” Owain smirked.

“Well we won’t always be in a group together.”

Reymond looked down at his book as they walked with a sad expression. “You're right…” he whispered mainly to himself.

“J-Just cause we might not be in a group we can still meet up now and then you don’t have to be sad about it.”

“I’m always for a date,” Owain said with a smug grin on his face.

As they reached the castle they were immediately escorted in and up the stairs to Arkasia’s temporary office. It was a room in shambles, but the large table was in good enough condition to be used as a desk. As the group entered the room they saluted. Arkasia walked over to them with a rare smile.

“You all don’t look any worse for wear.” said Arkasia. “I almost didn’t believe the first report, but the rest of your squad survived as well?”

“Yeah, although one was badly hurt, the rest are practically unhurt,” Owain said, proud of his team. “I lost my armour though, bit hard to swallow honestly,” Owain regretfully admitted.

“I see that.” answered Arkasia. “This was Soul correct? You are lucky to be alive. Im sure it wasn’t only luck that saw you through however. Good work.”

“Thanks,” Owain said, “Honestly, I wasn’t done with him when he left,” he said still slightly irritated Soul had just left.

“They just retreated from your fight as well?” asked Arkasia. “They all cleared out of Raltese in what seemed like an instant. Making off with something important. We can remake itt, but it will take time.”

“What did they take?” Owain asked curiously.

Arkasia looked to Reymond. “No offense, but can you leave the room? There is something we need to discuss.” said Arkasia. Reymond forgot his rank for a moment as he walked with the two knights. Saluting he simply left without question. He did not wish to incur the wrath of that woman. After Reymond left she turned back to Owain and Ari.

“They took the core of a spiritual device that amplifies spiritual presence. Even outside of the machine it still held tremendous importance. I have no idea what they plan to use it for, but it won’t be good for us.” answered Arkasia.

“Is it anything to do with those collars we found?” Owain asked, seeing a clear connection. “Jheeze, we’ve been one step behind them this entire time,” Owain lamented.

“It sure seems that way.” answered Arkasia. “Those collars may indeed be connected. but we need the research team to go over it first.”

“Are we gonna retrieve the core back from them Sir?”

“At this point it is better to rebuild one. There is no telling how far they are, and we don’t have the men needed to attack them if they entered their home soil.” she answered.

“In the meantime…” Owain said, sickeningly sweetly, an innocent look on his face, “could I get leave to get another suit of armour?”

Looking to Owain she thought. “Give me time to go over some things. I need to talk to the queen, and royal guard. I will send for you when I have a better estimate of our numbers.” she answered.

Owain sighed, “I suppose that’s the best I could hope for.” Owain looked at Arkasia, “How’s Nero? Heard he got it pretty bad,” Owain asked, suddenly serious.

“I hope that he makes it.” said Arkasia. “He lost a lot of blood, but he is a tough soldier. If anyone can come back from a hit like that. It’s him.”

“Some how I think that he wouldn’t even die if you completely burned him, he’s that kind of guy,” Owain laughed.

“I think you are right, Owain.” she answered trying to stay optimistic. “Now on to your report.”

As Owain and Ari gave their sides of the report Arkasia took the info in thinking deeply. Soul leaving a fight early meant that the device was indeed their main target. How they knew it was they she could leave to speculation. They no doubt had spies riddled within the walls.

“From the looks of it. They might have only wanted to delay us at the bridge. Which makes Soul’s erratic behavior make a bit more sense.” answered Arkasia. “I will share this with the others at the meeting. You two are dismissed. Get some rest. You earned it.”

“See ya, Dia,” Owain waved, smiling as he left.

“Thank you Sir” Ari saluted as she left.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

As Leona and Louise entered the former dukes’ room, it was in shambles. Aside from the large table that was moved to the center of the room, the rest of the furniture was demolished. Arkasia had maps laid across the table - showing the area around Raltese. Caym and Sophia were already in the room, and were chatting about something before Leona IV and Louise entered the room. Cutting their conversation, they turned to the two newcomers.

“How did it go, High Priestess?” asked Sophia as she brought a hand to her forehead. She seemed very stressed.

“It was troublesome trying to get anything out of them.” Louise answered as she stopped - momentarily facing her - then looking the room which was clearly in its worst state. We received a confirmation to what’s obvious, however,”[/color] Louise answered, smiling, she was proud to have received any answer from the madmen. “Apparently they have a keen eye all over our territories; especially Masario,” Louise shoved aside her smile as she revealed the information. It was no moment to be showing a careless smile; it’d be out-of-place.

“That much was to be expected. I assumed we hadn’t routed all the rats yet,” answered Arkasia. “We will bait them out later.”

Zhou and Fenfang walked in as Arkasia said this. “Hunting down traitors is always fun!” Said Fenfang. Zhou sighed as he listened to his partner.

“They have too many resources. Yet we can barely get a single scout out to most of our own regions. They seemed to just pop-up overnight,” said Zhou.

Ignoring the obvious statement, Louise looked left and right. “Where’s the others?” Asking, she casually yet legantly walked over the table to take her seat. Then peered towards the maps listlessly.

“Resting, or on clean up. Nero will be out of commision until his injuries are healed. Surprisingly Owain, and his squad were reported in good health. We had very minimal losses. In all despite losing the device...we were successful,” answered Arkasia.

“Then we should commence the discussion, soon,” Louise smiled, then looked towards Leona IV. “Shall we depart for the capital, after this?”

“We cannot afford to leave Raltese in this condition. I will need at least two of you to help keep it defended while it is rebuilt. We have enough men for now, but we will need more,” answered Arkasia. “I understand that the queen will need to return soon, but what do you need at the capital, Louise?”

Louise gave her trademark smile, again. “Just a visit, I will not stay at Masario for a day and will return shortly. So, do not worry. I need to confirm something, anyway,” despite her words; first thing she’d do is most likely enter Leona III’s room for a drink. It became more of a routine whenever she’d be in Masario, nowadays.

“That is fine,” answered Arkasia. “I assume that Fenfang and Zhou will be heading back with the Queen. I would request that Caym and Sophia are to stay here. Is this alright, Your Highness?”

“Yes, that is fine. I also have Saren back at the castle. We will have our hands full flushing out the spies,” responded Leona IV. “What will you do about a veil?” Pondering, asked Leona as she is the primary veil user in this city currently, she wasn’t quite certain how the others would up for a lack of veil without she herself or Louise.

“Sadly, with the device down, we will have to strategize placing smaller veils until the High Priestess returns. It shouldn’t be too much of an issue for the few days, however,” Arkasia answered, confident that she can make up for the absence of the avid powerful veil users.

“Since I’ll be back in a day, it should be easy to maintain protection over this city,” Louise added. “I doubt they’d come back to invade here so soon after leaving,” that was one logic Louise thought with. However, she knew of the possibilities that they could hide to make a counterattack. This was ruled out as the cursed seemed to be here for a certain core of the spiritual device that Arkasia had been wary about.

“We can hope not, but they have been rather unpredictable. I expected more from this battle. Then they just retreat. It doesn’t add up,” answered Arkasia. “The city has been cleared already, so there is no risk of a trap laying in the city.”

“Well, they have their own plans and tactics. Our job would be to work on our plans for now,” shrugging, Louise replied with the obvious course they should be taking with the conversation. Which, was surprisingly not happening so far. Disappointed, Louise’s smile had somewhat waned. She was regardless unable to judge whether Arkasia was incompetent, at all.

“Agreed, We need to secure and fortify the surrounding villages and towns as well, when Owain and his team are up to it. Nero will be out of commission until his injuries are healed. I will focus on getting the supply routes back in order,” replied Arkasia.

“You do that, then,” Louise uncaringly responded, she already heard about Nero’s state anyway; he seemed rather useless for a knight - Louise was displeased with the display of skills and abilities. Perchance he stood his ground well against a Representative, but it mattered not; failure is but a failure at the end of the day. “I shall provide a helping hand in the securing and fortification when possible,” she then looked towards Leona IV, the so-called Queen. “My Queen, what would we be doing after we’re done securing the neighboring small territories?”

“We gather our forces and make a move on the cursed lands,” answered Caym. “This is where the real war begins.”

Louise smirked. “That’s great, we finally get to make a real move,” she remarked with apparent enthusiasm. In actuality, she just wanted to get this over with. It was tiring enough dealing with leona IV; referring to her as †˜Queen’ and †˜Princess’ back and forth. The latter was only used for her personal amusement or to push her beyond her mental restrictions.

“You sure seem to be excited for this, Louise,” said Arkasia. Looking at her, she thought on what she learned before. Louise was a wild card, and she would need to keep a close watch on her.

“And there is an issue with my excitement, Arkasia?” Asking with a smile, Louise didn’t quite care about the sharp gazes brought down over her. It’d only encourage her to be more elusive to vital details she carried with her.

“I suppose that there isn’t,” Arkasia answered with a chuckle.

“The closest town is here,” said Sophia, pointing at the map - it really seemed to be close. “Caym and a handful of troops should be enough to secure it. Owain mentioned something about needing a new armor. I suggest giving him a route that passes near to his friend. What his spirit can do with that armor is quite amazing.”

“He told me before that his friend resided in the Forest of Origin,” added Arkasia. “It is possible to allow them passage to the small villages on the way there, but it will be dangerous. Still, he needs a suitable replacement, and that we can’t provide.”

“Me or Louise can see that they arrive safely.” answered Sophia. “Right, High Priestess?”

“Mn, I wouldn’t mind, but is an armor all that useful? Is it enchanted in any way?” Louise inquired, not quite sure why she’d have to go out of her way just for that one knight known as Owain. He was funny, but that wouldn’t earn him any favor in a more serious regard. She was yet to see him in battlefield to certify her opinion of legitimacy.

“It is. He has done more than his fair share for Arkasia in the past. We have other knights to pick up his slack while he is gone, and I want him in top condition for what is to come.” answered Arkasia.

“I see. He seems to be commendable, at least,” Louise answered, quite uncaring still. Let’s hope he is better than that Nero… oh, who am I kidding? Good warriors are always at the short end of the stick in terms of scarcity. Those who served Arkasia are mostly bored people who lets spies go past them, she scoffed at them internally, but didn’t say anything negative; not even showing a single sign of it in her expressions.

“Reports say that he fought Soul. Coming out of that with only some torn up armor is a bit more than commendable.” answered Arkasia.

“I do not know the extent of Soul’s strength, so I shall withhold my praises,” Louise said, refusing to shower praises to Owain. She simply didn’t know the skills and abilities of the two. She quite easily broke Soul apart, albeit him repairing himself after a while, apparently.

“He could have done a lot more than he did, we owe that bit of damage control to you,” said Arkasia.

“Well, time shall tell. So far, I’ve only learned that Knight Owain is a man who’d definitely face his doom if he keeps up his current mentally,” Louise said, letting a cat out of her bag. She didn’t intend to let Arkasia know of her time conversing with one of her knights. Not that it actually mattered, but Arkasia is pointlessly strict with moral concerns.

“Is there something particularly wrong with him?” asked Caym. “I have only met the man a few times myself, but he seemed to have a well enough head on his shoulders.”

“He claims that he is not an overly serious person, a man who believes that we were going on a funeral march before arriving at Raltese - a man who speaks too lightly of his own death,” Louise said what she heard from him herself. Shrugging, she didn’t know what else to think of him. “A man who is far too fearless of his end is almost never able to derive precise carefulness - they become inefficient.”

“He told you that himself, Louise?” Asked Arkasia. She was sure that Owain had some reservations about things, but this side of him he was unaware of.

“Is there any other way?” She said as if stating the obvious. “On our camp before we arrived here, yes. Albeit, I was only out prowling that night out of boredom. He came to me, to… well, you catch the drift, yes?” Withholding her snicker, Louise stated.

Sophia let out a chuckle imagining the scene. “I saw him wandering around camp, but I had no earthly idea what he was up to. He seemed so peculiar,” she replied.

“I will have to have a talk with him later, but I am not sure what good it will do,” added Arkasia.

“Nothing, probably? He is rather stubborn,” Louise attempted to enlighten Arkasia, despite know it’s futility.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Bagman.

After they reported in Ari decided that she was going to rest. She had a lot in her head to process, and didn’t have it in her to hit up a bar or restaurant with the group. Ari split up from the group looking for a room to rest her body and mind. Reymond and Owain headed out into the city to see how things were progressing. As they walked through the town they saw the destruction wrought from the city being taken over the first time, and their on invasion. The city had seen so much destruction in such a short time that many wondered if rebuilding Raltese was even worth it.

“You gotta wonder how many people died and whether it was all worth it when you see things like this,” Owain said aloud, mostly to himself but loud enough for Reymond to hear.

“Yes, so much destruction. And for what? Whatever they stole cost so many lives to obtain.” answered Reymond. “On both sides, this much bloodshed is pointless.”

“That’s exactly why we have to hurry up and win this war, for everyones’ sake” Owain said, stopping for a moment to think. “Hey, Reymond,” he called out to his current companion.

“Yes Captain?” answered Reymond.

“Before, when we were walking back into the city,” Owain began, “you said something about losing a sword right?”

“Ya I lost it in the fall. Finding it in the forest would take a miracle.” answered Reymond.

“We’re going to go look for it!” Owain said, vigorously punching his fist into the air.

Reymond was surprised at his captain’s enthusiasm. He himself had already given up on finding the sword, but something about the way Owain was acting made him feel that perhaps it was possible after all. Joining in on the excitement Reymond raised his fist into the air. “Alright, lets do it! We only have so long before nightfall.” he said.

“You’re right,” Owain said grinning, “Let’s pick up the pace,” he said breaking out into a brisk jog towards the forest.

As they arrived in the forest the found debris from the bridge scattered all over, but they weren’t alone. Soldiers were busy clearing out the bodies, and moving them into a wagon. Not everyone was as lucky as Owain and his party.

“You guys alright if we look around for something?” Owain asked the soldiers.

“Not a problem, just be careful of the fallen.” said a soldier wiping his brow.

“We are almost done here.” said the soldier assisting him. “Luckily we didn’t have too many men on that bridge. Reymond was able to save a handful, but others weren’t so lucky. Still we owe one to you and your team.”

“I tried to save them all…” said Reymond looking at his book with anger.

“You can never save everyone” Owain clapped Reymond on the shoulder, “You did good, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” Owain said before turning to the other soldiers, “You guys keep up the good work, we’ll be around if you need us.”

“Right…” answered Reymond as Owain led him into the forest. They were able to find the area that Reymond landed. Ari’s stone prison was still standing so it wasn’t a hard area to find. Reymond remember all over again what fighting that woman was like.

[“I’m not sure how you dealt with her captain.” said Reymond. “That swordswoman was fearsome.”

“Arkasia when she’s angry is much scarier,” Owain shivered.

“I hope to never know that fear,” said Reymond with a chuckle. “What did you do to get her so mad?”

“Sometimes, Reymond my friend, you should keep what you’re thinking in your head,” Owain said with a pained face, “I once accidentally told her that I could plan a better patrol route than her,” Owain face went stiff, “Never again…”

“That took some courage sir,” answered Reymond. “I’m not brave enough to pull a stunt like that. I plan on living into my golden years.” He looked around in the trees surround where he fell, but saw no sign of his blade.

“It wasn’t bravery, it was stupidity,” Owain said surveying the general area for a glint of steel. As Owain searched something flashed in his eyes, reflecting the dimming sun. Turning towards the flash, slightly annoyed as his left eye stung. He moved to a patch of long grass and low and behold a blade sat, hiding.

“Oi, Reymond, this it?” Owain called out waving the sword.

Reymond turned seeing his familiar blade in Owain’s hand. Rushing over he grinned ear to ear. “Yes that is the very one.” Taking the blade from him he smoothed his hands over the flat of the blade. “These runes took months to apply to the blade” he said as he felt the indentations in the metal. “Its not my best work, but this blade has been reliable for a long time.”

“At least one of us can get their treasured equipment back,” Owain said grinning with Reymond, it was infectious, “I’m glad we found it.”

“She treated you well over the years? If anything I think its the best way to go out. Protecting what's most important. Be it just armor or your own life for someone else.” answered Reymond.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Owain said, again clapping Reymond on the shoulder, “How about you and me get something to drink, to celebrate finding your sword,” Owain beamed, “It’s on me.”

“Oh, I haven’t drank in a long time.” answered Reymond. “That sounds like it might be fun.”

“Then it’s settled,” Owain said still smiling, “Let’s go get drunk!” He declared, sauntering towards the city again.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

“I think that will do for now,” said Arkasia rolling up the maps. It was rather late when they finished. Leona yawned as she walked out the door. She was already tired from putting up the veil, but now that it was up she could keep it up even in her sleep.

“Lets hope they didn’t smash all the beds like a bunch of barbarians….” said Fenfang, stretching. As the royal guard filed out with their Queen, Louise stayed behind, and approached Arkasia.

“You gonna be busy for the rest of the evening?” Asking, Louise stood behind her after leaving her chair. This was the perfect opportunity, given that Louise pried for a chance to converse with her alone.

“I have a few plans to make, and letters to write. Do you need me for something, High Priestess?” asked Arkasia.

“I had a warning to make, you see,” Louise answered, she smiled. Not because she wanted to appear confident - she was simply proud of the skit. However, she had something to confirm first. From behind - with a face full of glee - Louise raised her hand. Her hand fluttered its way to her hair. Brushing past it; her hand - yet again - caressed her left cheek this time.

Arkasia tried to keep her composure, but felt the blood rushing to her cheeks. in reaction she seized Louise’s hand and turned to her. Their faces were closer than she was planning, and their lips brushed slightly. Arkasia flushed straight red, and she pushed Louise away. Mumbling, she tried to find words.

“W-w-what warning were you talking about?!” she asked loudly as she turned back to the table.

“So, you’re Arkasia, after all,” Louise spoke, as if confirming an already known fact.

“Just what do you mean by that?” she asked as she turned around to face Louise. She was glad that no one else was here to witness this embarrassing scene.

Louise leaned in towards Arkasia. “One of the cursed soldiers said,” her other hand moved in swiftly to caress her other cheek as she spoke; despite her protesting moves, “that I should be careful of the man who can change faces. That person is the true spy who’s leaking information about us,” Louise smiled provocatively; happily revealing the special knowledge that she earned. “Who knows, a royal guard, or someone in our previous meeting may have been in disguise.”

At first Arkasia moved back, but as Louise continued to talk, she ignored the hand on her face. As she spoke of who the supposed spy was, only two names popped into her head. One was Soul who obviously wasn’t that spy, and her old instructor Kreig. “Only Soul and Krieg comes to mind but… That is a mighty interesting accusation. Do we have any other proof besides the rambling of a madman?” replied Arkasia.

“He seemed rather calm. He was desperate to leave alive after I offered a false passage to freedom - it was an ocular illusion, of course. Albeit, I had his life ended regardless after I received an information out of him. We can’t let him go, after all,” Louise elaborated, articulating every words with a hint of her dark pleasure from deceiving and felling - soon retracting her hand to shrug. “Don’t tell our Queen about it. She may become far too insecure in Masario. I shall leave the investigation to you, of course,” Louise then noticed a particularly vexing aspect from what Arkasia said - she made a questioning face to display her confoundment. “But… wait, Margaret’s husband? Why’d you suspect that man?” Louise asked, coming to a realization.

“He is the last man I would want to accuse, but… he has the means,” answered Arkasia. “Without proof this could just as easily turn back at me.”

Krieg, Margaret’s husband, a woman she so trusted, but a man she never quite met. He was a man of mystery to her, as she had never payed Arkasia a visit. She’d have to know more regarding him before putting him on her list of suspects. “Mn… what ability does this man possess? Please do inform me of it,” narrowing her eyes, Louise asked with much curiosity.

“He is a shapeshifter of sorts. As far as I know, however he can’t change his †˜face’, but he is the only man with a similar power. That has a position of importance,” answered Arkasia. “I can’t think of a reason he would betray us. His family lives within Masario. Its hard to believe he would put them in danger.”

“I understand your reasoning. However, now that he’s brought to my attention, I am unable to cross him off the list… ugh, since it came down to this; the case has gained my attention officially,” Louise said, putting the palm of her right hand over her forehead with a displeased face.

“Sadly, from here I am not able to investigate, and I cannot leave Raltese until I’m replaced. Him being currently in charge of Arkasia makes things ever more dangerous, if he truly is a traitor. While you’re there may i ask that you look into this on my behalf?”

“Mn… ” taking her hand from over her face, Louise coiled its fingers under her chin; considering. “I am rather anxious, since this concerns my dear friend’s husband and am thus genuinely worried, as well,” she mentioned, clearly having her own agenda - enough reason to look into this herself. “Very well, I shall investigate this matter while I stay over at Masario temporarily,” Louise declared, giving a nod - a nod to herself, more so than to Arkasia. “However, I may stay for a little while longer due to this issue. I hope you’ll make do with the situation here in my absence?” Louise questioned, almost certain that Arkasia would reply with a †˜yes’, but as a proper lady; she’d always ask for a confirmation.

“That won’t be a problem,” answered Arkasia. “With what we have here, we can make do,” Arkasia pulled away from Louise’s grasp and walked to the window. She thought for a moment to herself. “I hope my secret is safe with you, correct?” she said with a slight blush. “It seems you are well aware of it anyways, but I would like for you to keep it to yourself.”

“Oh, you mean the times when you’d turn as red as an apple - like an innocent maiden - upon my slightest touches? Or is it something else completely?” Louise asked, tilting her head with an innocent expression. What laid under it was a playful smile. “If so, haven’t you already shown such a face in the battlefield before I teleported you to the representatives?”

Arkasia smiled as her blush faded. “Yes, I’m not very good with that sort of thing,” she answered simply. “I guess its simply been a while.”

“Oh? Shall I help with that?” Louise giggled, crawling up to Arkasia from her back yet again - wrapping her arms around her chest and midriff out of blue, but then made an earnest face. Under that face laid a thought. So you admit that your secret is somewhat out, already, she sighed internally, but she wouldn’t let her feelings leak into her demeanor. “My, my. So good to be young, mn?” Louise said, almost as if lamenting for some reason. “I’m rather surprised that you admit to having such an unorthodox sexual orientation, however.”

Arkasia blushed, but didn’t resist. “I don’t think that would be wise, High Priestess.” answered Arkasia. “This really isn’t the time is it?” Feeling Louise embrace her wasn’t completely alien to her, but she was still nervous. “There is nothing wrong with knowing what you like. Men just don’t understand me.”

“Indeed,” Louise admitted; her arms slowly slinked away from Arkasia’s figure as she moved back to the table to take a seat. Louise truly appeared to resemble a lascivious and seductive succubus rather than a highly praised priestess as she sat with a delectable smile. “I suppose I’m simply being selfish. I do not have much time left, so I wanted to enjoy what it’s worth for.”

“You are rather mysterious at times. Its hard to gauge what you are actually thinking.” answered Arkasia.

“Oh? Does that imply that you want to learn more about me?” Louise’s lips stretched further as she inquired with excitement.

“I suppose it does.” answered Arkasia. “Am I being too forward?”

“I suppose you are,” Louise smiled. “I don’t think there’s much to say about me, however.”

“WIth the way you dress, and act I’d never figure you to live around here. There has to be something about you worth telling,” she said as she continued to pry.

“Mn. Well, if you so insist,” Arkasia found herself almost groped by Louise yet again after her shrug. She is truly stealthy with haste. “I am simply a person who travels very often - from place to place. I am one who has the natural talent of gaining wealth and riches - monetary issues was never a concern of mine - as such, I am able to seize anything I want; anywhere.”

“And I suppose this is how you met the former queen?” answered Arkasia.

“Actually, just before I came to Masario recently, I fought a certain monster,” Louise mentioned, with a hint of boredom instead. “So I have a curse in me that binds most of my abilities and locks some of my knowledge. Therefore, I do not quite remember about the aforementioned time,” Louise stated, not quite showing the drive to want back what’s lost to the sealing. “I do remember someone directing me to the current Queen of that time, as that person wanted me to inform her that she wasn’t quite doing her task in a proper manner; the exact same thing occurred when I spoke to Leona IV, recently.”

“A curse? That is blocking your spirit? That sounds similar to the former Queen’s illness.” said Arkasia. “You are lucky to be able to use your spirit still. You remember what this monster was like?”

“No point in doing so, I destroyed it at the instant it failed to take my life,” Louise answered. “However, Leona III’s and my case are vastly different. I do hope to take away her obsession with spirits, one day,” Louise mentioned, making a gloomy expression, but quickly pulled it back into the depths of her heart. “Anyway, unlike ordinary spirits, mine is quite the stubborn one. She broke half the curse herself. I’m just being lazy to break the rest of it, however. I could do it if I truly wished to do so.”

“That is quite the history, but the Queen has always been an expert on spirits. Her research team has come up with some remarkable things. Some say her losing her spirit was the best thing that could have happened in terms of technology,” answered Arkasia. “But she seems to have taken up some strange hobbies as of late.”

“Like doing creepy experiments with spirits? She did a certain thing without hesitation, I feel that she’s being led astray with this,” Louise said, shrugging yet again, then shook her head as if to portray her disappointment.

“Creepy experiments? Is this something that the Queen should know about?” asked Arkasia. The more she asked the more she began to wonder about the fragile state Masario was in, as well as Louise’s true self. There was a lot about her that wasn’t adding up, but she wouldn’t bring it up now.

“Of course not,” Louise answered with disdain to an extent. “I’ve been to lands where there are many people without spirits. So I don’t see the problem with not having one.”

“I can’t say that I feel the same, but I have never been without my spirit,” she answered. “If I were to suddenly lose Ao. I think I could see where she was coming from.”

“You’re simply spoiled by fate,” stating a fact, Louise smiled, she’d then attempt to justify her words. “However, you’re allowed to live a free and normal life without one. Most are bound by duty due to these spirits, wouldn’t you say?”

“That is a sad truth of this world, but as people who have power we must assume that responsibility,” answered Arkasia.

“Yeah, that’s the excuse that keeps you bound to duty. It is however - a natural and justifiable manner of belief - as they say, with great power comes great responsibilities. Therefore, it is an exchange that comes with possible privileges,” this was definitely a sound argument, anyone who denied it would be outright fools; power hungry freaks, and so on from Louise’s perspective.

“Yes, power that can at times be given to the wrong people by luck.” she answered. “Let us talk of your plan in Masario. I feel I must warn you. Kreig is no fool. If he catches wind that you are after him he will use any means necessary to stop you. The man is cunning.”

“Of course he is. Do you truly feel that I’d underestimate a man standing over a high stature - just because I am a step higher?” Louise questioned with a serious face. “Mn, I probably shouldn’t even tell a soul of Masario regarding this. Some people are too loyal to the already existing members of the higher society.”

“Agreed, no one but you and I are to know about this,” answered Arkasia. “Let us get some rest then. Both of us have much to do in the days to come.”

“Indeed, although, I feel like I can rest much better over at Masario. So I’m gonna speak to our Queen after departing now,” hasty, Louise would even pay money to be off this place for good. It was only due to aforementioned †˜duty’ that she even bothered to stay till now.

“You plan to head out tonight?” asked Arkasia. “I forgot about that handy ability.”

“In a bit - in fact - as I have nothing more to take care of in this city, currently,” Louise walked towards the door as she answered. She stopped just before pulling it open to turn around. “I am curious about one thing, why the sudden interest in me? I believe you uttered that I’m too sneaky for your tastes?”

“You may be sneaky, but you are also strong,” answered Arkasia. “Confidence is also an alluring trait in my book.”

“My, my. You sure possess fine tastes for women,” Louise replied with a smile. “Au revoir. Oh, you may not be able to comprehend such language; farewell for now.” She then turned to the front to leave; turning the door knob to pull the exit open. She’d now make way for Leona IV.

“Til next time,” said Arkasia with a smile as she sat down and began working on her documents. She was surprised that she was that open with Louise, but something about her drew her in.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman,Valentine_K1S5, and Bagman.

Night fall came and Reymond and Owain made their way to the bar. Laughing as they shared stories about the women from their pasts. As they entered the bar they found Anastas and Razta sitting at the bar. They had left Masaki to get some sleep, and hit up the bar to grab a quick drink before retiring for the night themselves. The bar was being ran by the soldiers that were responsible for cleaning up that district. After a bit of drinking it was apparent that Owain was drinking a bit more than the rest.

“Captain are you sure that you should be drinking that much?” warned Reymond. “You are going to wake up with a headache if you keep this up.”

“Itsh, no problem,” Owain slurred his words, “Gotta.. live in the moment.”

Reymond placed his hand over his face, and shook his head. “Never a dull moment with you is there Captain?” answered Reymond drinking some of his whiskey he had been nursing. Razta, and Anastas approached the two and took seats on both sides. Razta sat next to Owain, and Anastas next to Reymond.

”A light drinker as well, I see.” Anastas commented, taking a sip from his mug of milk.

“I need to stay alert with captain drinking like this.” answered Reymond.

“Already drunk I see,” said Razta raising his hand to get the bartender’s attention. The bartender walked over while drying a glass.”What can I get for you?”asked the soldier running the bar. He had the build of a soldier true enough, and from what Razta could see he knew how to mix drinks well enough.

“I’m not a big fan of strong drinks. Got any ones with juice?” asked Razta. The soldier laughed but sure enough began mixing a drink.

“You forest folk are usually lightweights. So this isn’t a bad choice.” he answered sliding Razta a drink. Then he turned to Anastas “You drinking anything besides milk?”

Anastas gave a look to the soldier as he took another sip. ”Mead is a drink to celebrate with. I see nothing to celebrate right now.”

“Nothing eh? How about the fact that we were able to take this place with relative ease. I’m sure many soldiers are glad to have their skins right now.” answered the soldier.

”Well I won’t stop you from celebrating on reclaiming what you’ve lost but this victory holds no satisfaction with me. I’ll celebrate when we’ve kicked down the gates of Agreyus and repaid the Cursed sevenfold.” Anastas seemed to hold the air of someone concerned. The soldier had a point, he knew this but he was in no mood.

“Hard man to please.” answered another soldier from a table with his unit. “That day will come, but I fear that it wont be any day soon.”

“They do seem to have odds in their favor, but either way we must win this war.” said Reymond finishing off the last of his drink. “You have anything they did to you personally Anastas?”

”I do,” He replied taking another sip from his mug, ”But my reasons are more than just my own personal sorrow.” He sighed, dropping his head from the weight of his worries. Leaving it there for a while in silence, he finally raised himself up. ”Sorry, I don’t want to spoil everyone’s night with my stories.”

“We all have pasts that we aren’t proud of. As well as our reasons for joining. No one is here to pressure you into telling us.” answered Razta drinking his sweet drink. “All we need is a strong ally on the battle field. I say you are doing a fine job with that.”

Anastas gave a smile and nodded, ”Yes, I suppose we all do. . . Thank you.” he clinked his mug with Razta’s and went back to his contemplation, his mind more at ease.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman,Valentine_K1S5, and Bagman.

“Razta, that woman over there,” Owain began, “She’sh pretty good looking…”

Razta looked to where Owain was looking, and spotted a female soldier who was talking with her unit. “I suppose so.” answered Razta. “You going to talk to her sir?”

Not replying, Owain walked over to the woman, “Hey you have a nishe pair of titsh…” Owain was clearly drunk beyond help. The woman who was drunk herself rose to her feet and stood toe to toe with Owain.

“And whatsh about them met your faa’ncy?” she said her face flushed from alcohol. The men at her table stifled laughter.

“Whell, they’re big… andsh...erm...big…” Owain said dizzily, “Lemme grope †˜em,” he said groping the air as if to show her what he would do.

The woman suddenly stomped on Owain’s foot and grabbed the back of his head forcing him into a deep kiss. Then just as suddenly, she socked him square in the jaw. “Ash any off my men will tells ya’. You wanna getch fresh? Put em up.” she said raising her fist.

“Heh,” Owain chuckled, surprised, “You hit good, kish good too,” he readied his fists in front of his face. To start Owain made a tentative but strong jab on the soldiers body. The woman moved out of the way and moved in close grabbing his belt. Flipping him using his own weight against him she threw him onto to the table breaking it in half.

Razta winced seeing the table splinter. “He will definitely be feeling that in the morning.” commented Razta. ”This is certainly one way to court a lady.” Anastas added, turning his body to face the scene with his full attention.

Owain burst out laughing, his senses numbed by the alcohol, “That was good!” he said smiling strangely. He swung himself up, a little unsteady on his feet and tried to give the soldier a strong bear hug. Grabbing the soldier by the waist, Owain picked her up off of the floor into the air, squeezing hard.

“How d’ya likesh dat?” Owain said grinning as he squeezed. She groaned as she squirmed trying to get some breathing room. Throwing her head back she tried to headbutt Owain as hard as she could. Crashing her head into the knight’s nose she knocked him out causing the both of them to fall to the ground. The female stood up stumbling a bit. “I need a room!” she yelled as her men cheered. Razta stood up and walking over to the woman.

“I don’t think thats the best idea.” said Razta trying to speak reason to the drunken woman. “At least wait for him to wake up.” He wasn’t sure if he got through to the woman but she at least was confused long enough for his captain to come to.

“Captain I think its time we head out of here.” said Reymond seeing Owain come to as he walked over. He was dazed on the ground with blood coming from his nose. I’ll have you fixed up once we get out of here..

“Ehhh…?” Owain said groggily, “But the night’sh just begun,” he said not quite realising his predicament. Owain tried to gauge the situation but his mind was so hazy that nothing really made sense, he couldn’t even really tell who was talking to him.

Anastas drank the milk he ordered while the others saw fit to make fools of themselves in the bar. How he expected to find a proper woman, he’d never know. Razta saw that Owain was a lost cause, and decided that he would try and simply take him, and make a run for it. Picking him up Razta walked out with Owain before the woman even noticed. Reymond and Anastas followed suit as Anastas left money on the table to cover their drinks. He would leave the damages to the woman who saw fit to slam Owain on the table. As they walked out Reymond, Anastas, and Razta all agreed not to say a word of this to Ari or Adelina.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Katsucha.

Adelina made her way back to the castle by herself. She was more than tired after her battle with Marian, but something caught her eye as she walked through the halls. Ari with a sorrowful expressing moping through the halls. Usually she would keep her nose of other people’s problems, but Ari was a teammate now. It was time that she start treating her like one.

“Hey Ari, wait up,” she said walking fast to catch up to the knight.

Ari was still lost in thought about her sister Audrey the more she thought about it she didn’t know what to think about the situation. She wonder if it was even possible to save her sister. Her reaction made it seem that she didn’t recognize her. Though Ari realized it had been eleven years since they last saw each other. “She did acquire mom looks it seem” Ari said in a low voice. Suddenly to Ari’s surprise she suddenly heard her name being called.Looking back to see who was calling her she could see Adelina walking up to her. “Hello Adelina, you didn’t go out to the town with the others?”

“No I’m bushed” she answered. “I just want to clock out for a few days.” Adelina yawned fanning her mouth. “What has you so down in the dumps?” asked Adelina. “I could feel that sadness from down the hall. Did Owain say something stupid? I can knock him into next week for you.”

“It’s nothing really just some things I need to sort out. Though Captain does need to watch what he says at times.”

“Yet Razta thinks the world of him. I hope he doesn’t rub off on him. I don’t think I could handle another Owain,” said Adelina with a sigh. “I guess with all that has happened I can’t expect all of us be in a chipper mood. Anything I can help you with?”

“Not at the moment. I just want to find a place to relax though not sure if there’s really a place like that around here. Though are you interested in Razta, Adelina?”

“I thought most of you guys guessed it already. He bravely made his move that night at camp. I overreacted, but I did say yes. Atleast I know he can take a hit.” answered Adelina. “How about you and Reymond? You two seem awfully close.”

“There is nothing between us! We just get along is all. I’m not interested in love right now I don’t have time for something like that.”

“I see,” answered Adelina. “I believed that myself, but you never know when you might be killed in battle. Just don’t regret not giving love a chance while you’re bleeding out on the field.”

“Don’t worry about me I don’t plan on dying anyways I still have things to do even after this war is over.” Ari said as she stretched out. “Though maybe we should go to sleep you did say you were tired no? Or do you want to find somewhere to relax?”

“Knowing Arkasia we better get some sleep.” answered Adelina. “Who knows what she will order tomorrow.”

“Alright then I’ll see you later then Adelina.”Ari said as she waved goodbye and headed to her room. Adelina went her own way hoping that whatever funk Ari was in would soon pass. Things were only going to get more hectic as things went on.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica

Leona IV was so happy to finally have a bed that she childishly jumped onto it. Clean or not anything was better than furs. Fenfang and Zhou were examining the room thoroughly making sure that it was infact safe enough to sleep in. “Didn’t we already check this room three times?” said Leona. Zhou and Fenfang kept searching undeterred.

“Yes, and we will continue checking. Nothing is going to surprise us this night.” answered Zhou.

A knocking noise emanated from the door. Someone seemed to have wanted access into the room. It was Louise, but she didn’t speak a word as she silently knocked after walking over to the door. She felt like wanting to surprise the Queen, and had absolutely no clue that there were others with her - even though there should be. Hearing the noises from inside, she thought that Leona was having fun with temporary freedom.

Fenfang opened the door slowly, and then upon realizing it was Louise opened it to let her in. Zhou spun his blades around his finger before sheathing it.

“Oh, evening Louise!” said Leona sitting up in bed. “Were you able to find a room of your own?”

“Mn? A room for myself, for what purpose would I need that?” Louise questioned as she walked in - not expecting the two royal guards. Regardless, she gave a curt bow with her head for the two to portray her politeness. Zhou and Fenfang bowed to her in unison in return. Their timing was absolutely perfect.

“To sleep? Weren’t we leaving in the morning?” asked Leona. She moved out of bed and walked over to Louise. She noticed her clothes were slightly disheveled, and corrected it immediately.

“What preposterous things you speak, are you seriously going to sleep in that, Majesty?” Louise questioned, pointing her finger towards the obvious bed of a plebeian. Not quite one of a plebeian, but from Louise’s perspective - it was. She narrowed her eyes at the bed that seemed far from quality of the rich - displeased with the sight.

“Its not all that bad. Not as good as my own bed, but still not bad.” she answered. “Wait, did you want to leave tonight?”

“Well, †˜now’ would be the more apt conclusion, my Majesty,” Louise answered without hesitation. She held no intention of staying around this wrecked up castle, at all. “Would you prefer the low quality bed here, or one of the higher quality one, back at the castle of Masario?” She smiled, asking; knowing the answer already.

Fenfang jumped in. “I would prefer to sleep in my own room,” she said with a smile. Leona giggled at Fenfang. “I guess that’s it then,” answered Leona. “Zhou, tell Caym and Sophia that we’re leaving early...” Zhou was gone before she even finished the sentence. In a few minutes he walked back into the room.

“Ready to move out,” said Zhou. He was as excited as Fenfang to be at home in his own quarters, but of course he wouldn’t say it aloud.

Dumbfounded from the unexpectedly reactions, Louise looked on with surprise before reclaiming her composure. “Majesty, your subordinates are much more eager to be at home than you are, it seems,” chuckling, Louise commented.

“They are just worried about these unfamiliar surroundings. They are overprotective, but I understand where they are coming from,” answered Leona. “So shall we, Louise?”

“Of course,” Louise instantly replied with a nod, before turning towards the wall that stood in-front of her now. Muttering incantations for some seconds as she drew her wand - Louise cast her spell after making a gentle expression; removing even her gleeful face.

The rift opened before the residents of the room. It’s light shining brightly - as if beckoning them to enter it hastily. If one looked closely enough, they’d notice the hallway of the Masario City’s Castle on the other side - vaguely visible. “This door won’t last long. Let us proceed forward immediately,” Louise stated, stepping forward towards her portal made via magic. Fenfang went ahead, followed by Leona quickly after. Zhou took up the rear walking in just as the portal faded.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Appearing abruptly in the castle scared the life out of a guard posted nearby. Raising his weapon in reaction; he lowered it and knelled as he saw the Queen step out after the High Priestess. “My apologies, your Majesty. I had no idea you would be coming back this way,” he said still kneeling.

“It is quite alright,” answered Leona. “At ease.”

The soldier stood up, and bowed. “I shall tell the other guards of your return,” he said before walking off. Zhou and Fenfang looked at the gate as it closed behind them, then to Louise.

“The Queen told of this ability, and I was still skeptical. Looks like I was wrong,” said Zhou. Fenfang touched the wall that the portal was on a second ago. “There is no trace either,” added Fenfang.

“Of course, that is a spell which affects the realm and dimension, not matter and object,” Louise informed as if to enlighten the two with her usual smile of graceful and confident.. “Mn, now; what to do… ” she pondered; placing the fingers of her hand under her chin.

“We should see about my mother. I’m sure she will be happy to see us,” said Leona IV. “Its kinda late so she will probably be in her room by now.”

“I was debating if I should visit Margaret, or your mother. I suppose I shall pick the latter, for now,” stating, Louise pointed her wand to a wall in order to conjure yet another dimensional portal in the air rather nonchalantly. “See you, then” uttering this after raising her hand dismissively; Louise stepped into the rift - disappearing into it before it sealed shut. Leona raised her hand trying to stop her before she left. “Eh?” stuttered Leona as Louise vanished from sight.

“How rude” said Fenfang making a pouty face. Zhou nodded agreeing with her. Leona IV walked towards her mom’s room to where her mother and Louise were sure to be waiting. As she walked to the room, she saw her mother and Louise sitting on the couches.

“So, the battle went well? I am glad to hear it,” said Leona III, seemingly relieved.

“Mhm, I have a bit of a case to attend to here, so it turns out that I’ll stay here longer than scheduled, as well,” Louise said to Leona III with a shrug as she nodded to her previous reaction. “How has it been on this side?” Asking, Louise considered that Leona III’s answer may turn out to be more useful than one may believe.

“Surprisingly quiet. Krieg has seen that the city is more than well-defended. I have only had to deal with the day-to-day politics. Getting soldiers to where they need to be, and seeing that they are provided for. The supporters have been more than willing to help,” answered Leona III. “If you are staying longer, than I take it things are fine over at Raltese? I was worried about us having enough people to defend it.”

“Very quite, hm? Noted,” Louise replied, somewhat silently as if receiving a very important pointer for something. “How’s Saren been treating you?” Smirking, Louise asked out of the blue, leaning towards Leona III - she completely switched from information-collecting mode to simply a female friend of the former queen. “Same old bodyguard and former Queen relationship?” She teased. Of course, the secret is meant to be kept a secret, but Louise doubted Leona IV - being the child she is - would catch the drift of the inquiry. “Ah, regarding Raltese? We have more than enough grunts to take care of it at the moment. Some of the royal guards and Arkasia - as well as the knights - are there for its protection. They also plan to reconquer its surrounding territories, as well.”

“Things were easy going here. So he had time to relax,” answered Leona III with a smile. “Saren was very kind in the time he spent as my bodyguard. If they plan to retake the surrounding area they will need support. I am ready to send more supplies and troops. Until my daughter sees fit to take the reigns back from me...”

“That… will not be necessary, mother. You are doing a fine job,” said Leona IV walking up to them. She sat down next to her mother. Leona III was surprised when her daughter came in, but said nothing to her. Leona IV leaned against her mother’s shoulder, an unspoken apology that her mother understood. Leona III pretended to ignore her, but that didn’t last long. Moving her hand through her daughter’s hair she smiled. “Forgiven, dear daughter.”

Leona IV sat up straight as her mother retracted her hand. “So, have you noticed anything strange around here mother?”

“No, why? Is there something happening?” asked Leona III.

“Old news; spies abound Masario, apparently,” Louise answered. “A product of my interrogation - they have eyes all over; especially in this city,” explaining, Louise’s head sunk deeper into the cushion of the sofa - it was comfortable - she missed this level of standard of living while being over at Raltese.

“That is alarming. Do you have any leads as to who these spies are?” Answered Leona III with a question.

Leona IV shook her head. “Not yet, but we will begin investigation immediately. After we caught that other spy, they may act with extra care,” answered Leona IV.

“Mn… now that I’m here… ” Louise said, weakly scratching the back of her head. “Leona, I do hope you have a bottle that we must devour tonight?” Louise spoke something completely unrelated to the conversation. However, it was the most important highlight of the night. Who cares about some measly spy when they could drink the night away, anyway?

“Haha, enough business huh?” Answered Leona III. “I haven’t had much to drink lately myself. It would be nice to unwind a little. Daughter, will you be joining us?” Leona III stood up walking to a cabinet, and pulled out a random bottle of wine. Leona looked at her mother pour the wine.

“Should you really be having her drink? She’d pass out momentarily, is it actually - good for her?” Louise asked, seeing if her mother actually cared to consider about her daughter’s tolerance for alcohol. As Leona IV is now the Queen, she’d need to up and fit but… she wasn’t one to judge in this regard.

“I started at her age,” answered Leona III. “Just one won’t kill her.”

“I think I will pass mother,” said Leona IV standing up as she bowed out politely. “I’m quite tired, to be honest.”

“Ah, no wonder you wanted to sleep in the bed of a plebeian,” Louise commented - snickering.

Leona IV yawned. “Anything was better than those furs.” she answered fanning her mouth after the yawn.

“I wouldn’t want to serve such a person,” honestly stating, Louise turned to face Leona III - especially her wine bottle. “Shall we begin?”

“I don’t believe that sleeping conditions should have mattered. Especially with most of our soldiers in far worse conditions,” answered Leona. “Until Raltese is returned to its former glory there are sacrifices to make.”

“Who makes a comparison to the living standards of a Queen and soldier? You as the Queen attained the exclusive option of my teleportation. I do not respect anyone who cannot appreciate my abilities and services. Do you think your soldiers expects you to sleep in the rubble?” Louise questioned the apparent Queen of the Scions with a scowl. “Of course not, they want what’s best for said Queen. Who is being too humble. Maybe if you start acting more like an actual Queen - people would start taking you seriously,” Louise gave a serious reply to enlighten the Queen. Albeit it’d be taken in by deaf ears; it was worth a try. “Consider your position carefully. Start with your standards, please.”

“I do not share your same views, Louise. This does not make me any less of a queen. If proper standards were all any queen needed to worry about. Their castles would be grand, but fall in less than a week,” responded Leona IV. “Enjoy your wine…”

“I see, you’re third-rate, then,” Louise concluded, but not aloud. Heh, so much for wanting to be a remarkable Queen. She took up the glass of wine after pouring it for herself - not making Leona III do it as usual.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Leona III looked between Louise and her daughter curiously as her daughter left the room. “And here I thought things were going well,” she said as she grabbed a glass of wine herself.

“Your daughter is living the grand illusion. So much that even I thought she improved. I disbelieved, she stooped far lower now,” Louise explained with a sigh, accompanied by her famous shrug. “It may be better for you to chain her down here. If she continues to go to the battlefield, something tragic may be the result of it.”

“I do not have that authority, Louise,” answered Leona III taking another swig of her wine. “I can only give advice. It is up to her if she wishes to take it. I do have concerns about her mental stability. She seems so… erratic.”

“Sometimes mad and sometimes kind, sometimes needy and sometimes… soft? She is far too young, I suppose,” Louise concluded with a smile. “I think there are people more mature at her age. It’s probably a matter of personality more than anything - rather than upbringing,” speaking as if a matter of fact, she deduced the reasons behind such childishness and immaturity displayed by Leona IV.

“I have no idea who to blame. After all, you know how each queen is selected. I wish there was more that I could do for the girl,” said Leona III.

“I lament the system,” Louise replied earnestly. “Albeit the first Queen was indeed respectably charismatic and intelligent; she didn’t think the future generation would go this low with such a system, however. At least that’s how I feel about it,” stating her opinion, she took a swig of her wine - finishing it - in a rather dignified fashion.

“Despite not being as refined as you and I. I don’t believe she is completely a lost cause. Her heart is at least in the right place,” answered Leona III. “How was she out on the field of battle?”

“Well, you’re the mother. I have no more to add to that topic; we digress - I suppose,” Louise replied with a sigh before considering the answer she’d provide to Leona III. “I have no evaluation to provide. I left to intervene with the activities of the Representatives of Cain,” she explained, remembering the events she witnessed - including the time when her passive healing wore off momentarily. “All I know, is that she tried to construct her veil, but was matched evenly with the enemy representative’s veil instead,” Louise replied, as before; she wasn’t quite impressed with the level of abilities Leona IV displayed, so far.

“It would seem that she requires further training. I’m not surprised, since that was her first time fighting outside of Masario, but I admit I had higher expectations,” she answered. “Since she will be staying in Masario for the time being, this is something that I can advise. She never turns to an opportunity to build upon her skills.”

“So you had higher expectations, too?” Louise said with a bland face full of dissapointment. “Haah,” she sighed. “So much for the Queen, thankfully her soldiers won’t know the exact details of this - she’d become a laughingstock to a few.”

“To most she is still the strongest in the kingdom, but if we are to defend this city properly she must live up past even my expectations. With these †˜spies’ still in the city, they will no doubt know that she also has improvements to make. This is a problem,”[/color] answered Leona as she drank more of her wine. “We need this problem stomped out as soon as possible.”

“The strongest in the kingdom currently lies before you with a glass of wine,” Louise smiled confidently; portraying her pride above all else - it could be said that Louise sometimes took it as her duty to simply showcase herself as the finest of the finest. However, she soon shoved the act aside. “Ahem,” covering her tender pink lips with her right hand - which had it’s fingers bent and closed - she cleared her throat as if asking Leona III to excuse herself. Louise then turned the other way. “I mean; we have to clean out the spies before having princess improve herself. Otherwise, we can’t really surprise them. The reason why I’m staying longer is in actuality - to drive some spies out. The particulars of this operation will only lie in me, however.”

“You are indeed strong, but I doubt you will want to babysit Masario for the years to come,” laughed Leona. “If you need my assistance, I will help in any way I can, but the less people that know the better,” Leona poured herself and Louise another glass. “I’m guessing we don’t have an estimate on how many spies are here either. The scope could be more than can be dealt with. Who knows how long they had been here.”

“Actually, we do have some leads. †˜All over, especially Masario’, I’ve interpreted that they have spies all over our territory in total, and due to the specific †˜especially’ that was said with much focus - I believe the amount of spies here is countless. I also have a lead on the main spy - who is pretending to be a great and useful ally - whom I plan to catch in my brief stay here,” Louise explained as she finished the glass that was filled with wine with a single swig - the change in her complexion revealed her gleeful expression, and how greatly she portrayed her proudness in revealing some of her information gingerly to her dear friend. “The problem is our princess, we can’t have unnecessary tension invade her mind. She is too fragile. Keep the information about the last bit to yourself, of course.”

“This will not be spoken of again. I hope that you can deal with this swiftly, but I doubt the city will be kept in the dark for very long. Clean up is going to be hell, but I will see that it is done,” said Leona.

“Mhm,” Louise nodded uncaringly; to her, cleanups almost never went well. “Business talk aside, time for another glass…” Louise smiled yet again. “If it is one thing I can trust you with, it’s getting these wine to spend a night with.”

“They are getting harder to acquire as this war gets more intense. I should stock up while I can,” answered Leona. As the two worked themselves through the bottle the didn’t find themselves getting drunk. “That wine Margaret had ruined me for all other wines. What’s the point if you can’t get drunk?”

“You did get drunk quite fast, that night, yes?” Louise asked, surprised that she apparently can’t get drunk from any other wine now. Remembering that scene, she smiled. It was a more pure and earnest smile - to a joyous time she spent - than in contrast to her usual elegant and confident ones of an aristocrat, but she quickly shoved it aside regardless - it’d be inexcusable to show it for long. “That seemed like just the †˜right’ wine to me, so I can see why you feel that way now,” she honestly stated, nodding to herself; acknowledging Leona III’s words.

“Yes, that stuff was from another world,” answered Leona. As she continued to drink the wine, she was at least able to admire the flavor. “While you were out on your travels you must try and find the maker. He is supposedly in the Forest of Origin.”

“I could try tracing him from his whereabouts. I’m not so certain about him, but am rather interested; we’ll see, I suppose,” Louise answered with yet another shrug - full of mixed feelings. “If I do come across him; I’ll drop by here to share. Rest assured,” smiling, Louise took a sip of her seemingly extravagant wine that was apparently losing it’s exquisiteness due to her friend’s diminishing rate of pleasure derived from it. Due to Leona III’s opinion, Louise started thinking that it’s perhaps best to not admire a lower quality wine s
o much after all. It was a good time for reconsideration of standards. She couldn’t possibly berate Leona IV while having terrible standards herself, after all. She internally nodded to herself.

“I should hope that you wouldn’t keep it all for yourself,” answered Leona III with a laugh. “We must make sure to snag enough to last us a while. With the rate we drink it one bottle won’t last long.”

“Keeping it to myself, mn? That’s one plausible idea, my dear friend,” smiling seemingly like an innocent girl, Louise mused after providing Leona III with her reply. It was kind and sweet to the point that one would find her rather scary due to the sinister air she exuded at the moment.

“I’ll tell Margaret you weren’t eating again,” said Leona threateningly with a smirk.

“All’s well that ends well - I will simply not pay her a visit,” with a teasing - gleeful - face, Louise fired back at Leona III. “I’d have to ignore going to that manor specifically for a long time, however… ”

“Knowing that woman, she would find some way to track you down. She seems to be particularly resourceful in the strangest time. She was able to gather so much money for our troops in such a small time frame its scary,” answered Leona.

“Oh? Is that so, now?” Louise - feeling suspicious - asked with amusement. “That is strange,” she commented.

“I’m not complaining though, without her, things would have been much more difficult. Have you been to see her, yet?” asked Leona.

“Drinking wine sure halves your intelligence, mn?” Louise questioned with a seemingly innocent look that veiled her disappointment. “I just got here; how’d I visit her?” Louise asked back. She shook herself, as if to answer her question.

“How was I to know? With that ability of yours it isn’t hard to make quick visits.” answered Leona.

“B-But… ” Louise begun, apparently dumbfounded and surprised of Leona III’s denseness. “You should know that it’s you who gets the first visit almost every time!” Louise shifted away her gaze with a cranky expression, accompanied by a rare “Hmph,”, yet attempted to take down her frown immediately. “That woman would hug me to death, anyway.”

“Margaret would hate to hear that I have the honor of first visit,” said Leona with a laugh. “She seems like the jealous type,” Leona took another gulp of wine, finishing off the glass. “That woman’s strength is something else though. I thought my spine would snap.”

“Uhm, how do you think I feel; getting hugged often? ...Actually, let’s not converse about her physical capabilities. It is far too unladylike for a woman. At least one with her looks,” sighing, Louise finished her wine, too. She smile waned at the reminiscence of her time with the woman who possess the physical strength of a devil - Margaret. “I’d hate to have her know about that. Regardless,” her voice trailed off as she stood up; putting the expensive-looking glass down on the table. “Anyway, I must take my leave as of now. I shall sleep in the room that was prepared for me in the castle - this time.”

“Perhaps that is for the best. So that my maid will not catch us in another compromising position,” said Leona giggling.

“A compromising position, you say?” Louise tilting her head - inquiring with curiosity. “Was it that embarrassing to you, last time?”

“Embarrassing? Slightly, I was told that I looked a complete mess,” answered Leona. “Something I hope to avoid again.”

Louise laughed. “I’ll try to avoid staying with you when you’re drunk, then. Good night, my friend,” Louise said, exiting through a rift instead of the door as she gave a single wave of her hand to Leona III.

“Night Lo-” she said as her friend vanished before she could finish. “Where is she off to in such a hurry?” She stood up and stumbled a little bit at first. “Maybe this wine was more than I gave it credit for,” she said as she went to bed.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, BlinkXPoke, and Ezlare.

A few days into their trek Marian looked at her troops seeing they were near their limit. She had her doubts that the Scion would make their way out here but she never took chances.

[color=#2b5h47e]“Keep pushing on men we have yet to pass the border.”[/color] she yelled.[/color] She heard a unified groan from the tired soldiers, but not one of them slowed down. Once they crossed the neutral grounds over to the cursed they could make camp. Soul was having trouble keeping his pace up with the object in his belly sapping his strength, but he too pressed on. Things would get better as they reached familiar soil.

Half a day later they crossed into cursed territory when the men were on the verge of collapse. When Marian gave the order to make camp it was music to any soldiers ears. In large clearing that the remembered from the the trek there they set up camp. The caves around the area were already cleared from before, and the representatives made the largest one their camping spot.

“We have some things to discuss Sonya, why don’t you get yourself something to eat?” ordered Alma. Sonya was in better condition than when they left thanks to Soul and Emma. She was able to heal in peace while other soldiers were forced to march despite their injuries.

As Sonya moved through the camp she spotted Luna and Selanus eating and drinking. They were talking with three other soldiers and seemed to be having a great time.

“Hello, Luna, Selanus! You two seem to be enjoying yourselves!” Sonya said as she waved at them. She seemed relieved they were talking with each other so happily, compared to the beginning of the battle when they had argued with one another.

Selanus raised a hand in reply, his mouth full of meat as he stuffed himself. He wasn’t made for long marches like these and was more than content to gorge. This was one of the few moments where he felt out of place in his fancy uniform.

"Ah Sonya," Luna said after taking a swig of ale. "You seem to have made a full recovery. How are you?"

Sonya had a small sip of her drink, some fruit juice, and replied, “I’m still a little bit sore, but I should be fine!” She smiled at Luna before turning to Selanus and giggling softly. “You look funny, Selanus. Almost like a squirrel!”

Luna's eyebrows twitched at Sonya's comment then looked to Selanus for his reaction. "A squirrel...?" She thought to herself.

Selanus paused mid bite, looking down at himself sheepishly as some juice from the meat dripped onto his uniform. To be compared to a woodland animal, how far had he fallen? He made sure to swallow before trying to regain whatever dignity he had left, “Well… You know how much I love roast, right? It’s difficult to keep myself in check with that kind of temptation in front of me.” He pointed to the meat that he had cooked himself, spiced and grilled to his liking. “You really should try some, all of you. Roast is Justice.”

The three men the marched with, we're tearing into the roast like wild beasts. “Justice!” they shouted in unison before laughing together. Selanus roared together with them, raising his hunk of meat in turn.

Watching her comrades joke around, Luna nearly spilled her drink when she bursts out laughing at the men making fools of themselves. Grabbing a hunk of meat for herself, she decided to join in.

"J-Justice...!" She squeaked while awkwardly holding the meat in the air.

Sonya joined the the group, grabbing a portion of the meat, then holding it up and shouting like everyone else, albeit, a moment late. “Justice!!”

Laying his meat aside for the moment, Selanus’s face took on a hard look. “On another note, how did everyone fare in the forest? I could only help one person and Marian was of highest priority, no hard feelings. We could review our battle to know more about our targets, it’s always better to know what we’re up against.” He wanted to know what Razta’s travelling companions were like, he had only seen Luna go up against that armored knight and the woman who was with his target

Luna's face of joy disappeared while revisiting the battle, as it was the last thing she wanted to discuss. "That talkative knight would've been a cinch if not for the Chief busting up the bridge," she grumbled. "Same goes for that mage..."

“The forest… hmm…” Sonya rubbed her chin as she thought about what she had to face there. “Oh, yeah, I had to fight against that perverted guy! He called himself Masaki Arkwon. He was such a weird guy, he fought without any weapons. He only used his fists against me, then tried to grope me, so I had to punish him.” She nodded her head, feeling that attacking him in such a manner was justified. She continued, “Then, Soul came and finished him off for me, I think. The guy didn’t seem to be moving after Soul dealt with him, but, I’m not sure.”

“Not everything goes smoothly in battle,” Selanus’s face darkened a bit as he recalled his precious Nadir malfunctioning in the midst of the fight. “That’s what makes it fun, I guess. If everything was so easy, there wouldn’t be any challenge. Now, let’s bring some of the meat over to the Representatives.” He hefted some of the meat he had grilled, “Ladies, shall we?”
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, BlinkXPoke, and Ezlare.

As the group moved to bring their feast to the representatives they were stopped by two guards. Behind them they could see a man with long red hair and a pale complexion leave the cave. As he met eyes with them he smiled sweetly before covering his face with a hood. Behind him were two hooded figures holding a strange chest. They walked off disappearing from sight shortly after. When they were out of view the guards allowed them through.

“Make it quick.” said one of the guards.

Selanus gave the guard a weird look as he walked past, more interested in that man who had smiled at him to pay the guard much heed. “Of course.” Hefting his meat, he motioned for the two ladies to follow behind him as they entered the cave. The cave was large enough that each representative could have their own spot for a tent. In the middle was a grand bonfire that the representatives were currently sitting around finishing up a previous conversation. Soul turned to them as they entered spying the meat that they were carrying.

“Is that for us!?” yelled Soul. He was in his normal form now, but his appetite was probably even more ferocious than his wolf form.

“Of course, Chief! Figured you’d need something to occupy yourself with other than blood, so why not this? Let me know if it’s not to your liking, I cooked it the way I like it, herbs, spices and a tang of spirit.” Selanus raised the bag, letting the scent of good roast waft through the cave. “Now, any place I can set up a portion for everyone?” He looked around the cave, checking to see if everyone was present.

Charlotte, Emma, and Alma looked at each other with slightly worried expressions. What ever they were talking about before had them spooked, but Soul seemed to be in high spirits as always. Marian drank some wine from a glass and looked around.

“I’m not sure that everyone is in the eating mood. You might as well just feed that all to Soul.” answered Marian before returning to her thoughts. Soul had his mouth cracked open wide in expectation.

"Um, ok..." Selanus gave Soul a large portion of the meat before cutting reduced portions for the women. A lack of appetite wouldn't stop him from serving. Soul devoured his portion plate, and all in the blink of an eye. As Selanus served the rest of them, Alma accepted the plate with a forced smile.

“Whoooooaaaaa…” Sonya stared at Soul as he finished the large serving of meat instantaneously.

“Thank you,” Alma answered as she have the meat a sample taste. “It is quite good.”

“Ya its not bad.” said Charlotte with a mouth-full of food. Emma played with her food sadly, but didn’t seem to want to eat it. After some prodding from Alma, Emma tried the food.

“It’s good. Thank you Selanus.” Emma muttered. Soul eyed up Marian’s plate, his tongue wagging from his mouth. Marian teased him cutting a bite and eating it.

“What are you a dog?” Marian said. “Fine” She tossed the plate at him as he snapped his mouth around it before licking his fearsome chops.

“You have a talent for cooking. Slightly salty for my taste, but not half bad.” responded Marian.

"Thank you Representative Marian." Normally he would have been elated to hear people praise his cooking but with the atmosphere, he couldn't appreciate the comment, even if it was from Marian.

Selanus walked over to Alma with another serving of the meat, wondering why everyone was so dour. “Are you alright?” It was a simple question, a way of finding out if he could help her with whatever was weighing her mind down. Alma covered her face with her hands and began to shake. Charlotte sighed. Alma didn’t answer him and stood up he plate that was on her lap shattered onto the floor. Ignoring it she walked off into her tent. Emma went after her to try and lend an ear. Charlotte picked the food out of her teeth with a knife.

“You fell for the wrong girl, lover boy.” said Charlotte with a laugh. “That one is a maze of crazy.”

Selanus just sat there, stunned into silence. Picking at his own meat, he chewed feebly as if all the energy had been drained from him. Even his own Justice didn’t taste as good after what had happened.

The atmosphere became fairly heavy and unpleasant for Sonya, as well. She didn’t know what to say about what she just witnessed, so she just sat silently as she nibbled on her serving of the roast. It was delicious; Sonya couldn’t help but squeal as she chewed on it. “Wow, this is great, Selanus!” She gave her honest opinion, hoping it would cheer him up, even if by a little bit.

Selanus gave her a half hearted smile, reminded of the time they spoke about roast in the Raltese castle. “Thanks Fräulein. Good that you’re enjoying it.” he said before leaving the cave.

Soul munched on the remains of Alma’s food that were on the ground, but didn’t care to comment on the situation. In his opinion, the girls had little to worry about. Seeing Sonya’s expression as she looked after Selanus he sighed. “Don’t worry about them. Eat your food or I’ll eat it for ya!” Soul exclaimed reaching for her food..

“Ah-” Sonya brought her food closer to her and told Soul, “No, it’s mine!” with a pout. She, then, began devouring it at a rapid pace, cleaning her plate quickly, afraid that Soul may seriously take her food from her if she didn’t eat it herself. However, she started feeling uncomfortable once all of it settled down in her stomach. “Ohhhhh…” She groaned as she placed her hand on her belly.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, BlinkXPoke, and Ezlare.

Luna leaned on a wall near the entrance of the cave, eying Selanus looking rather down. She saw the entire situation unfold between the two love birds and felt guilty that Selanus is feeling this way. After all, he helped Luna break out of her shell, even after insulting him a couple of times; Luna owes him this. Using her newly found ability, she figured she could help out her new friend. Luna plans to do some investigating of her own.

Making her way past Selanus to the other representatives Luna put a hand on the heartbroken man's shoulder reassuring him, "I got this." She said with a serious expression on her face.

Selanus stopped Luna before she could go further, shaking his head sadly. “It’s alright, she needs some space.” He moved towards the cave entrance, wanting to get some fresh air. “Please enjoy the meat, I’ll be leaving for the night.” After bidding the Representatives farewell, he left quickly, brushing past the guards on his way out. As he made his way through the camp he saw some men playing evens and odd.

“Dammit that one has been plaguing me all night!” shouted a man.

“Just ain't your night mate, but its my night to keep taking your money!” responded .

Luna watched as Selanus made his way out of the cave, feeling even worse than before. "Sel..." She thought worried. Luna sat next to the guards playing a game with a sigh, hoping to start a conversation to get her mind off Selanus. "So, what's going on with you guys? What's been plaguing you?" She asks the guards with a platter of meat in her lap, listening in on their conversation.

“Wha?” answered one of the men. “You’ve never played dice. Well come closer if you aren’t afraid to lose some cash.”

"Huh, I guess, I could play a game or two," she said. "I'm a beginner so go easy on me." She flipped her scarf over her shoulder and took a seat next to the men. "Like this right? Hmm...dice. Wouldn't it be weird if these things controlled whatever we did? On second thought... never mind, that's impossible." She shook the die nervously and tossed them across the ground.

“No no no,” said the man picking up the dice and placing them into a cup as he shook them up. “You have to call even or odd. Winners split the pot.” Both men put in two gold coins. Then they looked to Luna to do the same.

She reached into her coin pouch and pulled out two gold coins, same as the men. Suddenly, Sonata appears playing her harp and speaking in a sing-song tone. "Lu Lu~, what's up? Ooh, you're playing dice, I love this game! I'm all for a game of chance."

"Fuck me. Of all nights, you show up." Luna snarled.

"Well Ms. Snappy, I was in the neighborhood and I saw how you dropped your lone wolf act just recently.

Luna whispered angrily to her spirit, trying not to make it seem she's speaking to herself. "Just stay quiet, I'm trying to play."


“Odd” said the second man as he shook up the dice ready to slam down the cup.

"Even" Luna said.

The man slammed down the cup on the makeshift table and lifted the cup slowly. The dice showed two 5’s. The man shaking the cup shouted in anger.

“Luna you are some good luck.” said the man with a laugh. “It was enough to change my bad luck streak!” The man took the two coins that the other man betted and gave one to Luna splitting the pot with her.

She smirked at her stroke of luck. "Not bad for my first game huh? Can we play again?"

“Ya-ya, beginners luck.” said the man as he began to shake the dice again, after this time slamming ten coins on the table. “Call it.”

“I’m calling whatever Luna calls I’m riding that luck to the bank!” said the soldier putting his ten coins down.

"Heh heh, odd this time." Said Luna putting down ten coins.

“I’ll be calling even, I’m takin’ that pot.” said the man as he shook his cup as he slammed it down he lifted the cup slowly gritting his teeth. The faces were a 1 and a 2.

“Yes!” yelled the man as he took the ten coins, and handed Luna five. “Made back my money, and then some! I owe you one Lass.”

"Anytime,"She said. Looking at the other soldier, she patted his back. "No hard feelings, I hope? You're not too bitter about the losses, are you?"

“My wife won’t be happy, but when is she ever?!” he shouted out in laughter.

After the brief moment of laughter, Luna waved goodbye to the men and made her way outside of the cave. She was too preoccupied joking and laughing and reminiscing with Selanus to even realize that she neglected to set up her tent. Her eyes started to get heavy and she didn't want to bother with the tent, instead she found a cozy spot under a tree to sleep on; a position she is accustomed to rather than a tent. She propped Zweihander onto the tree and got comfortable. Then the thought of her friends came to mind; Selanus and Charlotte.

With a sigh she crossed her arms and thought, "Those two..." Thinking about the strange ways in which they met. Still hearing the other soldiers laugh and sing in merriment, Luna soon closed her eyes but was awakened again after hearing a voice right after.

“Damn woman,” said Charlotte. “Not like I’m happy to hear the news either…” Suddenly as she was caught up in her rant she noticed Luna in the corner of her eye. “Oh, hey there Lunie.”

Luna was struck wide awake now, she leapt to her feet as Charlotte approached. "Charlotte...uhh, hey. What's up?" She responded nervously, not even expecting Charlotte to be out of the cave until tomorrow morning.

“I’m looking for Representative Alma,” said Charlotte. “Did she pass by here?”

"N-No, I don't think so at least." Luna replied, her hopes almost were crushed that Charlotte wasn't looking for her. She knew that of course, but she saw that as a personal fantasy. "I'm just getting here not a few minutes ago about to get some shut-eye."

“Damnit,” she answered biting her nail as she surveyed the camp. “Any reason you are out here and not in a tent?”

"Was preoccupied," Luna responded nonchalantly. "Never got the chance to put it up. After all, I'm used to sleeping on the ground. But, what are you looking for Alma for? She wander off somewhere? Why the secrecy Char, what's going on?" Luna insisted on finding out what the problem with Alma was and she intended to get answers from none other than a representative.

“Alma is not good at handling her emotions. Its not safe for her to be out of my sight.” she answered. “Not safe for you guys anyways.” Charlotte chuckled.

"For us?" Luna scoffed. "For everyone else maybe, not for me."[/b][/color] She said half jokingly. "But I assume its not her emotions alone, right? I mean-- I knew she was a bit bipolar, but what's really going on that you need to keep her on a leash?"

“You sure ask a lot of questions for a soldier. That has gotten more than enough men killed in the past.” answered Charlotte as a warning. “It’s on a need to know basis. Just if you see her let me know.” Charlotte walked off into the camp her crossed sword hanging from her back.

Luna stood arms crossed staring as Charlotte walked away. She didn't recognise her familiar happy-go-lucky attitude she is so fond of, Luna got the impression that she must be dead serious. After the conversation Luna didn't feel the need to sleep, instead she was eager to find answers about Alma, ignoring Charlotte's heed. Scanning the campsite, all of the remaining soldiers were either passed out from intoxication or vanished into their tents; but still no sign from Selanus. For now, Luna decided to leave it alone and drift off to sleep. She stripped off the torso of her armor, revealing a cropped tank top showing only her stomach.

"Well, this basis needs to know. Luna mumbled before closing her eyes.
Monster Girl
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