Tale of Spirits: The Cursed King(RP)

This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Nooby2.

The atmosphere of the camp around him only made Selanus feel worse, the cheer of the troops following him even as he made his way to the forest a distance away from the camp. Here, the din of the festivities didn’t quite reach and he took the time to appreciate the silence. Selanus walked deeper into the brush, looking at the canopy for a good position before calling upon Astaroth’s powers to shift upwards, his shadows creeping up the trunk and forming on a large branch at the top.

He got comfortable as best he could, having spent countless nights in positions similar to this but for a different purpose. The moonlight was calming as it beamed down, making him feel all the more bittersweet. Leaning back into a crook in the tree, he drew Nadir. That familiar gleam in the moonlight failed to comfort him today.

“Even you failed me.” He closed his eyes for a bit, isolating himself from the world and honestly hoping that Astaroth would not disturb him, tonight of all nights.

Suddenly he felt a presence on the branch next to him. He drew his gun in reaction. The figure seized his gun, and laughed spinning it on a finger. In that moment Selanus realized that it was Alma. Her face showed that she had been crying. “Did I scare you all the way up into this tree?” she asked.

Selanus replied with a half hearted chuckle before wiping away a stray tear on Alma’s face with his thumb. “With this pretty face? Never.” Looking at the moon, he heaved a sigh. “If there’s anything I can do, all you need to do is say it.”

Alma looked up to the moon. “If only you could Selanus.” she answered. “It’s nice to know that I’m not a monster to you at least.”

At her words, a sense of powerlessness fell over Selanus. He knew he had been meddling in matters beyond his control but to be told that he wouldn’t even be able to do anything in the slightest… “You never were, Alma. Not you at least.” A pensive look came over his features as he addressed her by name, no titles, no ranks, for once, just two regular people.

“I brought a gift for you. Something for you to take with you into battle.” she said as she cleared her throat. Selanus looked at her confused for a moment, but didn’t say a word. Alma began to sing a hymn in a language he swore he heard before, but couldn’t remember. It was one of the old ones that only a handful of people still hung on to. The song was sad, but beautiful as it carried over high crescendo to low hums. When she finished it was clear that she was crying once again.

He was captivated by her voice, the song bringing out a bittersweet sorrow in his heart as he watched her perform, just for him. Selanus began to wield his spirit power, pulling some materials from the tree around him with it. Closing his eyes, he let his fingers do their magic, the spirit energy spinning threads and fashioning an object as the hymn flowed over him. When the hymn ended, he opened his eyes, seeing Alma’s tears flow afresh and a crescent moon shaped pendant with a thin chain in his hands.

“Thank you… This is mine to you, for you to remember that there’s always someone who cares about you.” Selanus put the pendant around Alma’s neck tenderly, his gift to her. The pendants core glowed faintly with Selanus’s spirit energy, contained for her and her alone.

She grabbed the pendant and smiled. “Its wonderful. I’ll hold on to it. Thank you!”

Suddenly a voice called up to her. “Come on Alma we need to get ready. We don’t have time for you to get emotional now.” shouted Charlotte.

“I guess that IOU has been redeemed, huh? You’d better go, don’t want to keep her waiting.” Selanus looked down at Charlotte, slightly peeved that she had disrupted his and Almas quiet time. “If you ever need me, I’ll be waiting.”

Alma gave him a quick peck on the cheek before jumping down to Charlotte. Charlotte sighed as she walked up. “I waited long enough for you. Let’s head back. Marian needs to talk to us.” said Charlotte. The two walked back to the cave swiftly.

Selanus watched the both of them go, eyes following Almas back until she disappeared from his sight. A hand touched the spot Alma kissed, the edges of his mouth curling into a smirk before he got back into his nook. Humming Almas hymn, he gazed at the moon till he drifted off to sleep.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Louise stood atop a building, planning her next move. The wind was particularly strong as her wavy long blond hair flapped against it rapidly with each and every moments. First, she’d need to find the person she is meant to pursue. At night, there were only two places that he would be; at his home with Margaret, or within Arkasia. Since she was already in Masario, she could simply check the manor along the way, but such a decision may waste what’s left of her precious time. The night was young still, but tonight - she had much to take care of.

Hmm, Louise pondered as she watched over the glistening night city. I doubt he’d stay at Margaret’s place, with how often she is without her husband at her manor; which leaves the other location, curling her lips into a smile, Louise raised her wand towards the dark yet starry sky. It was time to depart.

As she jumped through another magical oval gate; she found herself on top of one of Arkasia’s towers. Grabbing onto the pole to steady herself, she tried to sense her target’s spirit. There were a few strong spirits in the area, but one was particularly larger than the rest. It was in Arkasia’s office. Now, she needed to decide on how she’d approach the man.

Hm, I could spy on him, Louise considered, placing the fingers of her other hand under her chin. Or, I could just ask in person; directly, she thought.

Louise smiled, now knowing what to do. I suppose that’s that, pulling her wand up - she decided to enter yet another rift for teleportation.

After a moment, she arrived into the office. In the manner not quite she expected, however. The portal opened from the ceiling, so Louise fell from above the room abruptly; stumbling after struggling to land in an elegant manner, she ended up falling on her knees, instead. Feeling ashamed momentarily - Louise stood straight up immediately to dust herself clean, then looking around.

“What is the meaning of this, High Priestess?” said Kreig brandishing his Odachi as he stood up from his chair. He knew of her ability, but she had no reason to be visiting him, especially not at this hour.

“Nothing, I just had an errand to run for the princess,” Louise replied with her usual - confident smile full of splendor. “Surely you don’t hate guests at any time here - in Arkasia?”

Kreig sheathed his sword as he sighed. “You should know better than to play tricks on a man at this hour. Especially with a war going on. Margaret is always going on about you, though. It’s good you are able to spend some time with her,” he said as he approached Louise. “What is the reason for your visit?”

Louise’s complexion revealed a face of glee as she beamed a smile. “That is contradictory, Krieg. Haven’t you been playing tricks - more than me? Against Margaret, the Queen, the entirety of Masario - us Scions?” She inquired, not a single bit hesitant. Rather, it was rash of her to do so.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Asked Krieg. “If you are trying to accuse me of something, I fear you have the wrong man.”

“Me? Wrong? Do you truly believe that is possible? A man who shapeshifts up to an extent is hardly one I may rule out so easily,” Louise replied, despite the short distance between themselves; she felt no fear whatsoever.

“Then I ask you. What is it exactly that I have done?” He asked with a serious face. “Since you seem to know so much about me, and I have yet to talk to you much. Someone has been running their mouth.”

“You’ve committed the act of espionage, for the cursed side. That is enough reason for me to accuse you of treason, Krieg Rosenthal,” Louise answered, her eyes gleamed with a slight silvery magical glow as she spoke with a rather calm and composed voice. Her gleeful face was all but done, instead, she was masked with a blank and expressionless face.

“That is a heavy accusation. Where is your proof?” Answered Krieg.

“It is in the now-rotting brain of a cursed warrior,” Louise answered.

“And so, listening to the ramblings of one of them, you come running to me? This is almost comical,” he responded. “Anything else? From what I hear so far, the courts wouldn’t even give this case a glance.”

“You’re the only one who it can possibly be, however,” Louise closed her eyes for a moment before opening again. “It doesn’t quite matter whether you admit, or not,” she said, pointing her wand. “It may only be you.”

“Then your decision is made, is it?” Answered Krieg - drawing his blade once again. “Then, after I deal with you. I shall uncover your traitorous plot, and see you all exiled.”

“You’re still speaking like that? You’re a greater actor than I had imagined.”

Kreig’s body rippled as his bone structure changed. His face changed to that of a wolf as he stabbed his sword into the floor. After his whole body changed he snapped up his sword with his mouth and glared down at Louise prepared to attack if she moved even a little.

“Hmph,” unfazed, she scoffed, Louise’s wand was pointed straight towards Krieg’s chest regardless of his stance. A wolf? So what? She arrogantly thought. She’d tear it apart with her spell, regardless. As she flicked her wrist to cast, Krieg dashed in; slashing through Louise with his blade. As it passed, the blade had an ethereal feel to it, and didn’t even cut her. It just seemed to pass through. The explosion went off randomly behind him; blowing the wall of the room away - sending bricks and furniture flying to the cliff face below. Louise turned to him to cast again, but felt nothing from Ishtar as she looked down at Krieg, who flicked his blade in his mouth holding the blade now on the other side.

“Tch,” Louise - not feeling Ishtar’s powers - knew that the thread that tied her soul with that of Ishtar’s was severed only temporarily. It was as if the eternally full moon was now covered with clouds - as if Louise was engulfed in shadows now. This made her frown with anger and frustration.

“It was foolish for even you to challenge me alone,” he said walking up slowly. “Now who were you talking to about me? Answer me this, and find yourself a stronger ally than the fool that sent you.”

Two guards burst into the room weapons drawn. They were no doubt drawn by the explosion. “Sir! Are you alright?!” They shouted with worry. As they looked across the way at who he was engaging with - they were shocked. “High Priestess?!” The two called out in much surprise.

“Do you seriously believe I require assistance of others?” Louise gave a different answer that was not in sync with the inquiry.

“Then you leave me no choice. If you will not come forward with the truth. I label you a traitor forthwith,” he growled. His sword began to glow brighter than before and spirit energy filled the room. Standing on his hind legs he brought the sword down on Louise. As the immense pressure rushed over her she felt herself fading as her eyes closed, and her world went dark. She crumpled to the ground.

“I-Is she dead?” muttered a soldier.

“No,” answered Kreig walking around her body. “This much isn’t enough to do her in. Take her to the hold. Make sure to use the weakening shackles,” he ordered. I don’t want her squirming her way out of this,” Krieg added.

The soldiers saluted, and walked over to Louise, the High Priestess; lifting her up with respect. Even if she was a being labeled a traitor. They would give her the respect she earned as a High Priestess. Krieg changed back to his human form and followed them to the dungeon just to make sure they did it right.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

When Louise awoke with a groggy face and a hazy vision - she found herself sealed in a dark dungeon. She felt a burning sensation on her wrist that made her squirm with irritation. Shackles ebbing with magic were placed on her arms, legs, and lastly - her neck. Sapping away her strength with each pulse; it almost made Louise devoid of spiritual powers with every passing moment. What kept her consciousness afloat were the reserve of magical powers she had been storing - after receiving them from the heavens via singing.

“A fine mess you have ended up in. I could barely believe it when I was told. I’ve had my suspicions about that man, myself. But I’m not as brazen as to challenge him without an advantage,” said a familiar voice. The figure stood outside the bars to the side; out of view. The voice Louise knew belonged to Adair. “The High Priestess labeled a traitor. What do you plan to do now, Louise?” he asked.

“Oh? So he is not one of your spies, after all?” Louise questioned. Composed, she managed to maintain her sanity despite the drastically tight situation. Nothing in life could truly surprise her, these days. She had been through worse than this. “Plans of mine? I’m not sure if I can bring myself to care, either way. I can go both ways.”

“Of course not, with that man in my pocket, this city would have fallen. So, no, he answers to someone else,” Adair answered. “Speaking of plans, why haven’t you told them about me yet?”

“Mn, despite the differences in authority, he is received with higher respect. I suppose this is the result of trust.. false trust,” Louise closed her eyes; deep in thought. However, it didn’t take long for her playful smile to make its grand return. “Well, doesn’t matter. If I can unveil his true face; I win. If I am unable, I simply resume my solo performance of life. Babysitting the current Queen is a chore too unsightly, regardless,” she stated without a care for the Divine.

“Well, you did charge into his office and blow out a wall,” said Adair with a laugh. “You forget that man is the most decorated warrior of this generation, as well. He has quite a bit of pull in the military. Seeing the way things are going now, you may need my help sooner, but I hoped to give you more time.”

“Oh? And why would you prefer me to depend on you - after what you did to me - you dare to mock me? That’s quite ungentlemanly, coming from you” Louise replied with a scowl, after putting her smile aside; clearly displeased with the offer. Sighing, Louise tried to calm herself. “Putting that aside, why’d you think that I’d tell the others about you?”

“What I did to you was necessary. I can’t have that power falling into the wrong hands now can I?” answered Adair. He turned to look Louise in the eyes through the bars. “It just seemed like the proper course of action. I guess I should've stopped trying to predict you ages ago.”

“So you claim that her being in my hands would be †˜wrong’? That’s rather ironic, coming from you,” Louise replied angrily with a quivering voice, as if about to cry, looking away from his eyes coldly. “There’s no merit to telling about you to others in detail, it only creates pointless bewilderment that I’d rather avoid,” she sighed, dropping her frown that could potentially ruin her face. “Arkasia almost cut my head off for revealing an inkling of my knowledge. So I wouldn’t go as far as to talk about you so much.”

“You’re hands aren’t the ones I was concerned about,” answered Adair. “I’m sure you haven’t noticed it in the short time since your return, but there is someone else working the back stage on this play of ours.” Adair walked along the bars tapping his fingers on the metal as he passed. “Yes, I supposed you are right, but in your current predicament I don’t beleive that matters anymore. They are already talking of exile.”

“Oh? Is it the master of Krieg, whom he answers to?” Louise pondered after putting her emotional rage aside in the face of brand new information. “Interesting,” she muttered, she still wore a frown on her face again, however. “Do you think I’m so desperate that I’d release information just to save my position? Please, you know me better than that,” she looked away from his eyes yet again.

“Stubborn as always,” answered Adair. He raised a hand towards Louise as a snake slinked out from his sleeve. The snake slithered across the cell and traveled up the wall before splitting into four snakes. They wrapped around each chain crushing them, and releasing Louise. The shackles overloaded instantly now without the chains dispersing the spiritual energy. “There,” said Adair. “I leave it up to you what to do from here out. I will not allow him to have you, either.”

“Help from you is rather unexpected… I did not ask for this,” saying this, Louise tried to stand up straight, but could feel her bones aching as she almost found herself stumbling. Most likely the delayed effect of her rejuvenation due to the chains sucking up her spiritual energies. Putting a hand over her waist, she commented. “Jeez, now I feel like an old lady, for once,” making a smug face, she looked straight towards Adair. “That only tempts me to join him, then,” Louise said, making a smirk.

“As long as… time’s up,” said Adair, stopping his sentence mid-way, walking back into the shadows. All trace of him vanished in that moment, Louise could no longer sense his presence. Footsteps could be heard making their way past the cells towards Louise’s cell. As Louise tried to focus her spiritual senses to figure out who was coming - she came close to discerning the presence - but was unable to realize the shape of the spirit. The footsteps were really close now. It was now time to make the choice to flee or stay.

Of course, Louise chose the latter - she may as well see who came so far just to visit her at the dead of night. Creating a portal wasn’t so tough a task to her, even in this state with her powers gradually recovering. It was an everyday thing to her, she could escape regardless.

As the figure approached the bars, it turned out to be Margaret. She had a rather disappointed look on her face, but she was relieved to find Louise in good health. Upon closer inspection, she noticed that she had also broken free of her chains.

“Heh, my husband couldn’t keep you retrained for long, I see? What a fine morning this turned out to be…” said Margaret. “What were you thinking?”

“Must I really answer the pitiful you?” Louise questioned back, now confirmed that her husband was a definite traitor. Albeit, there was the possibility of she herself knowing of it. If so, she’d make it her objective to end the line of Augusta herself. The nobles of Augusta was meant to support Louise Marguerite la Finé de Augusta from the shadow, and only her alone. It’s why she supported them from the backside for long just as they did to her. If she were to now learn that Margaret was in cahoots with her husband - Krieg - she’d obliterate the Augusta Estate to bits in the next moment in a fit of unrestrained rage. No mercy would be shown.

“Pitiful? What has gotten into you?” Asked Margaret in a concerned tone. “Did something happen to you on the battlefield?”

Louise walked forward. As her figure almost reached the bars of the prison cell, she entered a magical portal that was conjured just in front of her; coming out from behind Margaret - she looked around. “Hmm… it’s about time I search for my equipments. Mn, my dress is slightly dirty too… tch, they need to clean this place more,” she commented with a rather disgusted look on her face. It was as clear as day that she blatantly ignored Margaret’s inquiry made a moment ago. She then found herself standing beside Talia, who seemed to have accompanied Margaret to the dungeon. Louise peered towards what lied in her hands - an old friend - the wand that Louise used before inheriting her oldest wand - the wand of the High Priestess.

“We came to break you out, but it seems that you didn’t need us,” said Margaret as Talia walked over. “We don’t have much time. What are your plans?”

Taking ahold of her previous wand, Louise continued to analyse the structure of her surroundings. “I feel like I should retrieve my other wand, I can’t quite leave it behind in this place,” she answered. “It’d be a problem to leave it in the wrong hands.”

“Well, that would have been confiscated. We’ll have to find a way past those guards,” answered Margaret. “I.. .will get them talking. You get in and get out. You won’t have a lot of time.”

Louise shrugged; a sign of her agreement. “Pray tell, why continue to assist me? I am labeled a traitor now, you know?” She asked, curiously, testing their allegiance to her.

“Our family has supported you for generations. We won’t be stopping anytime soon,” answered Margaret with a wide smile. Talia nodded in agreement.

Louise gave a light smile, feeling defeated by the response. What kind of a woman would willingly betray her husband just like that? Louise pondered, but she didn’t think any further, remembering aspects of her past; it was none of her business. “How foolish, don’t regret it if you get into trouble, then.”

“Don’t worry about me, dear,” said Margaret walking ahead. “I’m as fearsome as my husband when I need to be. I won’t stay in trouble long. Though...aiding an escaped criminal might be a bit much… ”

“I may need to engage again with your husband,” Louise warned, dropping her smile. “I hope you’re truly alright with helping me. Any sane woman would usually side with their husband by now,” earnestly expressing, she wanted to know how Margaret would respond to this opinion.

“I’m not sure what you two have going on, but if it comes down to it I will fight him. If you can I recommend just avoiding this place. Things are truly starting to get crazy here.”

“Absolutely not. I will have you sent away before that happens, I’ll most likely try to take leave after receiving the wand, however,” Louise stated, not wanting to evilly pin her friend against her dearest husband. She’d coldly do so without hesitation if it were some person she wasn’t fond of, however.

“Good, it would make my life easier, for sure,” laughed Margaret as the group continued walking. They arrived at the end of the hall, where the cells ended. There was a room around the corner with two guards posted at the entrance. “When you see me turn and talk to the guards; make your move,” said Margaret walking ahead Talia right behind her.

“Thank you for allowing me to see her… It’s a shame that she betrayed us,” said Margaret with a melodramatic and sad expression. Talia was surprised that her mother was such a good actress.

“We were surprised to hear it as well… These are dark times indeed,” said the guard, clearly sympathising with the false words. Margaret walked to the side, and in that moment both guards turned to her. “May I ask where my husband is?”

Louise immediately walked past a portal for teleportation - to reach the area of space behind the distracted guards as Margaret spoke to them. Looking around, she scanned the surroundings consisted of equipments; searching for her beloved wand. As she looked around, she spotted the wand on a desk in the room. Walking up to it elegantly, she picked it up; feeling its power coursing through her form once again.

“He is actually on his way here, Miss. If you stay here, you’ll find him,” answered the second guard. Suddenly, the door exiting the dungeon opened. As the familiar figure of her husband came into view, Margaret’s heart sank.

Louise, seeing Krieg narrowed her eyes with a frown upon feeling his presence - who strolled into the intersection with his bulky clanking armor. Perhaps I should continue what I was doing, now that the opportunity arose once again, Louise decided with an evil grin. She raised her now-returned golden wand towards Kreig. A dimensional rift ripped open directly below Krieg; swallowing the entirely of his form by surprise - teleporting him elsewhere. Just as this incident occurred, Louise too, teleported away with a portal made below her; falling into it - her lips crept into a sinister smile.

Margaret’s eyes opened wide. “Well… that… ” she muttered. “I think I’m gonna lay down for a second.” She fainted into her daughter who barely broke her fall.

The two now in an icy field with raining snow; the weather was indeed cold and frosty. Louise stood opposite to Krieg, who seemed to be bewildered from the abrupt teleportation. It was most likely the other side of the globe, but Krieg wouldn’t notice until later. She could choose to desert him here if they don’t come to some type of an agreement. Albeit, he’d most likely fly back to Arkasia regardless.

“I suppose we can speak - free of worries of the ears laying over the walls on the other now?”

“Heh, so now you want to talk?” said Krieg taking his hand off of his blade. “Have you reconsidered?”

“Reconsidered? What may you be speaking of?” Louise asked with her usual confident smile.

“I offered you a chance to give the name of the other traitors. In exchange I offer you a powerful ally. We have had our eyes on you for a while, but I personally need this in return.”

“Mn? Traitors, you say?” Louise asked with an innocent face. “Are you perchance making an inquiry regarding the many henchmen of Cain, or some other faction?”

“If I am to remain in power I cannot have rumors being spread about me, and likewise if you want access to certain resources you must be free of guilt. I can uncover who it is in time, but the damage may set the divine back quite a bit. I hope to avoid that. It’s Arkasia isn’t it?”

“Well, strictly speaking; it’s not her who’s the traitor; it’s you. Regardless, I do hope to meet your master. So yes, I shall confirm for you that it was Arkasia’s idea to have me investigate your matter.”

Kreig chuckled before breaking into a explosive laughter. “I do what I have done in the best interest of the world. This whole needs hands guiding them lest we revert to chaos.”

Louise yawned, seemingly bored. “Sure,” she replied with an uninterested tone. She couldn’t help herself, despite it looking rather unladylike.

“I can’t expect you to understand now, but hopefully in time.” answered Kreig. “But with this I hope now I may call you an ally?” asked Krieg walked towards Louise and extended a hand.

“I’ll accept the hand of your leader, thank you,” she turned to the side as she replied with a smile. “We will work as allies, yes.”

Kreig retracted his hand. “As you wish. Return us to Arkasia. I will clear you of charges, and he will contact you soon. You made the right choice I assure you.”

“I am the judge of that, though,” Louise replied, taking up her wand, then took a moment to chant silently. The portal larger than usual soon popped open below the two, taking both in to return themselves to Arkasia.

Appearing back in the dungeon the guards were startled and drew their weapons. “That will not be necessary men. She has been cleared of charges. There is a different matter we must deal with now. Have word sent to Knight Veldin. I have a job for him.”

One of the guards saluted and head off to see the order fulfilled. Margaret woke up to Louise and Krieg standing next to each other. “H-hello hun’” she said as she worked herself to her feet. Krieg laughed. “I expected this of your mother, but Talia I have to say I am disappointed.” said Krieg with a smile. Margaret wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, but for the moment it didn’t seem that they were at each other’s throats. Which was always a good sign.

“What happened?” asked Talia looking to Louise.

“Mostly negotiations from his side, I guess?” Louise answered half-heartedly. “Apparently the past is now irrelevant and the public opinion is a foreign matter,” she sarcastically added.

“The public just wants safety.” answered Krieg. “Something that combined we will be able to provide with ease.” Krieg smiled at the three women. “I have a few matters to attend to. I will see you at home.” he said as he took his leave of the three.

“Yeah, right,” Louise said under her breath with her obligatory shrug. “With how they have †˜eyes all over Masario’ I doubt real safety may ever be provided,” if what the madman said to Louise was true; provision of true safety would take a long time. As such, the guards of the city may only provide an illusion to its residents. Which was a rather sad fact of reality

Margaret stood up straight, and walked over to Louise. “What are you muttering there Louise?” asked Margaret. She was surprised that this was resolved without her having to fight. Talia was confused with all this. Her father had always been a reclusive man with work, but something about him was just off.

“About how safety is a lie in itself?” Louise answered with her usual smile. “Shall I drop you off to the mansion? Perhaps I should opt to stop by for tonight,” Louise considered out loud after offering a ride.

“Yes please, I think you staying will help to ease my mind if only by a little. Company is always the best cure for me.” answered Margaret.

“Cure? Why would an Augustus need one of those, and what for?” Raising her eyebrows to this statement, Louise was rather amused. Taking her beloved wand up, bright white light appeared before the three; a portal had came into existence upon her bidding.

“I believe my mother is just stressed.” said Talia as the three walked into portal. The guard was there simply reached into his pouch pulling out a flask. From what he saw that day he really needed a drink.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Katsucha, and Bagman.

Morning came quickly and everyone knew that as soon as the sun rose it was time to get to work. Many things needed to be done around Raltese, but the main concern was securing and fortifying the walls and structures.

Sleeping on the floor was not something Owain was accustomed to, he ached all over and the cold stone floor hadn’t helped in the slightest. He couldn’t bear opening his eyes, his head pounded too hard. Maybe he had overdone it last night, he barely remembered a thing, his broken nose proof that he had gotten into a fight. Other than that he couldn’t remember a thing. He was pretty sure he could hear the breathing of someone else in the room but was in too much pain to bother thinking about it.

Ari awoke early in the morning stretching as she slowly slid out of bed. As she climbed out of bed and began walking she tripped up on something and crashed to the floor. As she slowly climbed to her feet she looked back to see what it was.

“Owain!?” she exclaimed as she grabbed her sword. Moving over to him she prodded him with the sheathed sword.

“Eh…” Owain groaned, “Stop it, Morgan, I told you I don’t have to work on the farm today.” He turned over and tried to sleep again.

Ari puffed out her cheeks and slapped Owain on the side of the face with the sheathe. It was hard enough that it would probably leave a welt. “Owain get out of my room!”

“Morgan, I’m gonna get angry in a minute,” Owain said sounding annoyed. His head pounded and he still couldn’t open his eyes, “How many times do I have to tell you, swords aren’t toys.”

“I-I’m not Morgan! Stop dreaming about your fantasy women, and get out of my room!” answered Ari not sure if Owain was even in the same world anymore. “I’ll just move you!” A golem formed from the stone and walked over to Owain lifting him in its mighty stone arms.

Owain was surprised he was being lifted off the ground, “Hey, Hey,” he said opening his eyes finally, having to shield them from the harsh morning light. “Oh, it’s Ari,” Owain said, “How ya doin’ Ari?”

Ari had her arms crossed. “Good, I see you had an interesting night. How did you even get in here? I’m sure I locked the door.” said Ari looking over to the door that was slinging loosely from its hinges. “Oh…”

“Heh…” Owain laughed weakly, “Sorry?”

“Get out!!” Ari screamed as she signalled her golem to throw Owain out her room.

As Owain flew out of the room he slammed through the remnants of the door shattering it to pieces. A guard walked up and helped Owain to his feet.

“Seems no one’s willing to accept apologies these days,” Owain said rubbing his back, “Thanks”

“Then don’t go in other people room without permission idiot Captain!”

“Sorry Ari, really I am,” Owain said sincerely, which for him was rare, “I wasn’t exactly right in the head last night, but that’s no excuse, I’m gonna give you ten free hits, use them whenever,” he said really wanting to make up with his second in command.

“Just don’t come inside my room without permission or better yet don’t go breaking down my door either.” Ari said as she sighed. “Just go to your own room and get ready plus Captain you reek of alcohol.”

“Arkasia has asked for your presence as well, Sir Owain. You should make yourself presentable.” advised the guard. Owain groaned holding his head.

“Sure thing…” said Owain standing on his own two legs before heading to his room to get ready.

“Next time, she can do my job if she hates me so much,” Owain mumbled under his breath.
(This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Cinia Pacifica.)

Waking up in her own bed - it was far superior than anything else the army had to sleep on. She pitied them for the conditions they had to sleep in - but that was none of her concern - being at the top of the line was a part of her life. Climbing out of bed, she noticed a letter on the desk next to her bed. Opening the letter, she found herself sighing. It turned out that she’d need to make her way to the Forest of Origin in order to meet up with this mystery man. She was disappointed, would he be worth her time - for her to grace him with her presence? It should be the other way around. She wondered what type of a troublesome man she allied herself to.

Opening up a portal to her side, she reached through it; grabbing clothes from her closet in another place.

Seeing as her work was done in Masario Louise carved a path open to Raltese via her spell. Margaret would be sad to learn of her abrupt departure left devoid of any farewells, but she’d understand that there were things that needed to be done. She didn’t have time to lounge around anymore. Stepping out of the divine portal - she found herself at the front door to Raltese, and walked in with perfect elegant steps. She was greeted by soldiers that bowed as she passed.

“Welcome back, High Priestess, how was your visit to the capital?” Asked a guard.

“Scandalous,” Louise answered, not quite certain how else to describe the ordeal she faced. It was a word that summarized the situation best, though. However, she spoke with a bright smile. She came out valiantly, unscathed due to her powers. Now with a pact - different from the task she took up. The result was completely different than she had surmised, but it was Louise’s policy to take advantage, if one were to surface before her.

“Arkasia wanted to see you when you got back, but she didn’t expect you back this soon,” answered the guard. [b[]“She should be in her office.”[/b]

“I see, I shall pay her a visit, then,” Louise said, nodding. She then walked away, entering yet another portal that was opened before her with her spell.

As she entered the office, she found that Arkasia was busy going through papers on her desk. “So, did you find anything?” Asked Arkasia. “You are back earlier than you planned, aren’t you?”

“Mn,” She nodded, walking closer. “I sneaked around and tried to dig out information, but I couldn’t find anything conclusive. Either he is very thorough with his loose ends, or simply innocent. I theorize that the cursed man may have been referring to a different person,” Louise stated, not quite certain what to say about Krieg. Not after the deal they made. At this point, one could call Louise a neutral to the two extremes she found herself between in. She’d still need to evaluate the wisdom and position that so-called †˜master’ of Krieg possessed. Only then would she pay any actual heed to their faction. Until then, she’d work earnestly for both sides. However, it was clear which side was acting much more incompetent, currently. It’s a matter of time till she’d know how the other fares.

“I see… then we will have to keep on guard. Perhaps that man was indeed just out of his mind,” answered Arkasia. “Well then, I guess that frees you up, yes? Owain will be here soon. Since you two have met, this will be easier, I hope. You will secure two towns on your way to the Origin. Then come back using your ability.”

“Indeed I am available. Going to the Forest of Origin may be a beneficial trip, as well. I look forward to it,” Louise said, remembering the talk about the special - incredulously - addictive wine. She then turned and faced the other way as she took a seat. “How’re things going on your end?” As Louise inquired, she pondered about the letter she received. Hmph, I suppose this is a fitting situation that kills two birds with one stone. A stroke of fate, or luck? I wonder, thinking to herself - she was amused by the weave of destiny.

“Things are going smoother than I had planned. The influence of the cursed wasn’t spread as far as I feared. We will be able to clear the area in a month at the most,” answered Arkasia. “What business do you have in Origin?”

“A personal quest, nothing more,” Louise answered as she curled her lips into a smile. “Will you stay here as I depart?”

“Yes, there is still much to do despite having luck on my side. I pray that you have a safe journey, but I have to admit, I am not too worried about you,” she replied with a smile.

“Fufu. Worrying about me is a waste of time, after all,” Louise proudly spoke with her nose skyhigh. “As I fabulously come out unscathed regardless of happenstances.”

“I think I might finally be able to trust you. This is rare for me. Especially with you being so close with the big wigs. You seem more down to earth than them,” she complimented.

“Eh?” Louise uttered; dumbfounded. “Again… am I not too sneaky for your tastes?” She asked with an expression displaying bewilderment. “Down to earth, huh…” Louise pondered the compliment with a thoughtful face. For the first time in a long time, I’d feel somewhat guilty siding with Krieg’s faction…

“Since we are both sneaking around Krieg’s back together. I’d say you are rubbing off on me,” she said with a smirk.

“Mn, I’d say it was me sneaking around; more so than you, though,” Louise said as if dismissing her sneakiness as a joke. “You only aided me in decision-making.”

“Still, what I have done is considered treason. There is no sugar coating that,” she answered. “You were sure not to get caught, I take it. So I say that we just keep an eye on him for now. Hopefully this is all just ramblings of a mad man.”

“Please, that is not treason. I’d rather call it verification,” Louise replied, waving her hand to show a sign of clear disagreement. “I wouldn’t actually do anything that is lawfully considered †˜wrong’, I simply did what’s right - considering the princess. I’m certain that she’d understand, anyway.”

“We can only hope,” answered Arkasia. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “That must be Owain.” said Arkasia as she stacked up her papers.
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica, and Bagman.

Owain headed to his sparsely filled room. Sparse was an understatement, Owain had nothing to take around with him except a few spare pairs of clothes, his sword and his armour, which was now gone. He reached into his wardrobe, pulling off his shirt and trousers and quickly replacing them. Popping into the armoury quickly he grabbed some chainmail. Owain wondered how something so light could be considered protection at all. Tucking his sword into its sheath on his back after giving it a few test swings he headed for Arkasia’s office. He had learned that you should always be ready for battle when stepping into her office.

“Ah there you are.” said Arkasia looking to Owain as he entered the office and next to Arkaisia’s desk Louise was resting against the side.. “I see you had quite a night.” commented Arkasia.

“You don’t know the half of it sir, hell, even I don’t remember half of it,” Owain held his throbbing head, “had quite the wake up this morning as well, pretty sure Ari hates me now.”

“This is why I choose not to drink.” answered Arkasia. “I’m sure she will come around. As long as you guys didn’t do anything too serious.” Arkasia laughed.

“Seems I barged into her room and fell asleep on the floor,” Owain said recalling being thrown through the door, “She’s tightly wound that one, not sure she’ll forgive so easily,” Owain looked upset. Quickly returning to his trademark smile he asked, “So, sir, what did you need me for? Does it have anything to do with our esteemed High Priestess here?”

“Apparently so,” Louise replied with a shrug. “I shall be accompanying your group to the Forest of Origin,” she answered with a smile which consisted her usual air of confidence.

“Wonderful to hear,” Owain’s smile unwavering, “You have business there? Or is it just to enjoy my company?”

“A little of both,” Louise answered with a wink accompanied with a gleeful face.

Owain raised his eyebrows at this answer, chuckling lightly. “I assume this means I am being granted leave to buy a replacement suit of armour?” He directed the question at Arkasia.

“Yes, you are going to be on route to the Forest of Origin.” answered Arkasia. “You will need to secure two villages on the way, but the main objective is getting you back in proper shape.”

“Got it, I assume my whole unit is coming as well?” Owain asked.

“Of course, there is no reason to separate you. Give your injured man a few days recovery time, and you are free to head out.” answered Arkasia. “Here is the map you will need.” She said handing him a rolled up paper. “I’m sure you will recognize the two villages. Anauel and Cadia. These are your objectives.”

“Sure I do, my old village isn’t too far from here,” he deftly tucked the paper into his pocket, “If you could get a few guards to tell my troops to meet me in the medical building, I’d best have a talk with them, let them know what we’re doing,” Owain smiled, “You’re welcome to come too Louise.”

“Are you mocking me, Sir Owain?” Louise abruptly asked, noting the lack of respect she received in return for the politeness she conveyed. “Is that how you refer to a lady of a superior rank?”

“Eh?” Owain said surprised, “Did I do something wrong?”

“You have to remember that our family is separate from the rest of government. Bells and whistles still apply here, Owain,” answered Arkasia.

“Ah, apologies m’lady,” Owain smirked, “I meant no offence,” he said seriously this time, “Our previous conversation must have given me the wrong impression,” bowing.

“I am conversing with you with utmost politeness; I expect the same from those who speak to me. I believe this is a logical manner of thinking, yes?” Louise then sighed, and her expression regained her smile once again. “Putting that aside, I don’t mind meeting the rest of the crew. I hope they’re as entertaining as you are.”

“I’d prefer if you dropped the formality with me though, I can’t stand the stiffness of it,” Owain said rubbing his head, “Although I understand if you want me to keep it with you m’lady.” Owain smiled, “I’ll be in the medical building in a few minutes, feel free to drop by whenever you’re ready.”

“Heh, I prefer High Priestess much more, though,” smirking, Louise replied in jest.

Arkasia sighed at the two and their bickering over titles. She for one was probably more like Owain at his age, but she didn’t care to take one side or the other. “It may be good for you to meet the rest of his unit.” said Arkasia. [/b][/color]“Since you will be traveling with them for a few weeks at least.”[/b][/color]

“Well, I shall meet them either way. Therefore, it doesn’t quite matter,” Louise replied with a shrug. “I have nothing else to occupy myself with, so why not?”

“You really don’t seem to enjoy meeting new people.” said Arkasia with a laugh.

Owain smirked, he was sure Louise wouldn’t be bored with his unit at least. “Well I’ll take my leave now then, see ya in a bit High Priestess,” he said leaving the room to prepare.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

As Owain walked into the medical building he heard commotion coming from one of the room. It didn’t take a genius to figure that it was Masaki.

“I’m fine now! Please just let me train I can’t lay in this bed anymore!” exclaimed Masaki.

“You’ll do as the doctors say Masaki,” Owain grinned as he entered Masaki’s ward, “Be a good boy and wait will ya?” Razta and Adelina walked into the room and looked at Masaki throwing a tantrum.

“It’s too early in the morning for this” complained Adelina yawning. Masaki looked at Owain and pouted.

“But captain I’m a-okay,” argued Masaki.

“You may seem fine, but I want to to rest to make sure everything is actually ok. It won’t do for you to run out and reopen a wound.” answered the doctor. “One more day and you will be released.”

“Hear that Masaki? Only one more day,” Owain said patting him on the back, grinning like an idiot. Masaki still pouted wanting to move around out of his bed. It felt like a prison.

“Alright so we’re still waiting on four more people,” Owain said counting who was here, “Everyone doing ok?” he asked in the meantime.

“I can’t complain captain.” answered Razta. Adelina yawned and shook her hand showing she was so-so.

“Weren’t you one of the first to go to bed Adelina?” Owain asked smiling, “What kind of sleep monster are you?”

“I actually didn’t get much sleep last night.” answered Adelina.

“Ooooh?” Owain said raising an eyebrow and putting a hand on Adelina’s shoulder, “Whyever not?”

Adelina caught onto Owain’s perverted train of thought and smiled. “Razta just simply wouldn't leave me be. He has a rather ferocious appetite.” she teased, placing a hand on Razta’s chest. None of what she said was true, but she wouldn’t pass up on a chance to pick on Owain.

“Wait what!?” exclaimed Razta looking at Adelina.

Owain fell on all fours, clutching his chest, “Ugh… to be beaten by my own subordinate… Razta you bastard, tell me everything!” He demanded raising his head and pointing directly at Razta.

“That is rather unsightly, captain,” Louise walked with a grin into the room - catching Owain at his worst moment of despair as she elegantly entered.

“Ugh,” Owain sounded thoroughly disheartened, jumping up he suddenly said “That’s it, Masaki we’re running away together, just me and you. We’ll build a treehouse and make a sign saying †˜No Girls Allowed’.”

“I didn’t know that you felt that way about him captain,” said Reymond laughing walking in with Ari and Anastas.

“Captain…” Masaki said shedding a tear. He never felt so loved.

“UUUUUUGH,” Owain broke down, dramatically pretending to die. Picking himself up off the floor, he dusted himself down. “I’m sorry Masaki… but me and Ari have already made marriage arrangements,” Owain said putting his hand on Masaki’s shoulder, poker face on.

Ari quickly ran to where Owain stood out of instinct, she quickly threw a punch towards Owain stomach. Owain reeled from the blow, wheezing and bending over. “Ari… my love… are you trying to deny the night we spent together?” he managed to say.

“I had no idea you were after the captain, Ari.” said Reymond said looking almost disappointed.

“Don’t worry Reymond!” Owain exclaimed laughing from the bottom of his heart, “There’s plenty of love to go around.”

Ari quickly change her stance she let out a kick towards Owain’s side “Idiot Captain don’t go spreading out lies!! Your the one who broke into my room pervert!”. “Oop,” Owain said, holding Ari’s leg, “Don’t want to hurt anyone now.” From the leg Owain pulled Ari into him so that they were face to face, a hairs breadth apart.

Ari face turn completely red from being that close to Owain. She was able to break away from Owain holding her. “I-Idiot Captain” Ari screamed as she formed stone around her knuckles and aimed her punch at Owain’s chin.

“This is far more entertaining than I had imagined,” Louise complimented with a laugh. “You’re truly the captain, Sir Owain; the captain of a comedy squad.”

“Thanks…” Owain said as he went crashing to the floor. “Enough of this now…” he said lying back, spread eagle.

“I-Idiot, Idiot Captain” Ari screamed at Owain once again as she stormed off her face still completely red.

Razta helped Owain to his feet. “What were we called her for?” said Razta.

“Excellent question you traitor,” Owain said smiling sinisterly, “But first…” he said following after Ari.

“Ari! Wait up!” He called out, “Hold Ari Fay, that’s an order.”

“Haah,” Louise sighed; putting her palm over her forehead after the female knight known as Ari stormed off. Ari may not have noticed her, but Louise had not only noticed, but also remembered her from the castle. To think she has such erratic emotions. My, my.

Even though she didn’t want to listen to Owain at the moment upon hearing the order she stopped.

“Back in the room, soldier,” Owain said his Captain switch well and truly flipped to the on position as he walked back into the room.

“Yes, Captain.” Ari responded though she couldn’t look directly at Owain. She quickly walked back into the room.

“Okay down to business,” Owain said rubbing his sore chin, “First of all, we’re to make our way to the Forest of Origins so I can buy a new set of armour, while we’re at it we’re to secure two villages,” Owain unfurled the map Arkasia had given him, pointing out the two villages. “Any questions so far?” he asked.

“How much has the Forest changed in the past few years?” Louise asked curiously. She was quite certain teleportation would be nigh impossible, but it wouldn’t hurt to confirm.

“I’ll defer that question to the traitor over there,” he said pointing to Razta, “Didn’t you just come from there?”

“In the past few years it has grown quiet a bit, with the influx of refugees the place is turning into a melting pot of cultures.” answered Razta.

“Sounds fun,” Owain said, wondering what types of women he would meet, “You heard it missus High Priestess”

“Mn, I suppose it’s impossible to teleport into it, then,” Louise assessed from the information given; displeased that she couldn’t laze by simply teleporting. “We’d likely end up in a dark forest if I do it now.”

“Any other questions?” Owain asked.

“Do we have any reports regarding the two villages or are we going in blind?” asked Anastas.

“As far as I know, this is a formal check up to see if the villages are ok after the battle,” Owain replied, “It’s possible that cursed stragglers are left behind but it’s not overly likely”

“Hence, secure,” Louise added nonchalantly.

“Will we be checking the villages one at a time or split up in two different groups?”

“As much as you’d love to get rid of me, we’re all traveling together,” Owain said, smiling.

”Are we truly going to be accompanied by the High Priestess?” Anastas asked referring to Louise. “Seems like a waste of manpower.”

“M’lady, if you would be so kind,” Owain said

“Well, I did assumed all of you would know of my appearance by now. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Louise Marguerite - the High Priestess. It is a pleasure to meet you all,” Louise said with a curt bow and a perfect smile. “I have my own business to attend to, so I shall be accompanying you all to the Forest. I’d go alone… but Arkasia would be too worried to leave me be,” she spoke the final part with a grin.

“Plus she’s madly in love with me, but that’s another matter entirely,” Owain matched her grin, “Anyway, is that it for questions?”

“You crack me up, Sir Knight,” Louise played along gleefully.

“Excuse my manners! Pleasure to meet you as well.” said Adelina with a bow of her head to Louise..

“You were the one that blew that big bug to bits, right?!” exclaimed Masaki.

“Uh, which one, the one that invaded Masario a while ago?” Louise questioned back, trying to remember the incident.

“I’m sure he means the one in Masario.” answered Razta. “People were talking about it all over town when we were making our way back.”

“Yes, I am certain that I used my spell to terminate it,” Louise nonchalantly answered, yet again.

“Ok, is that everything about the mission that you guys wanted answering?” Owain asked, a third time.

”For me at least.” Anastas answered.

“It’s simple, and we’ll have an easier time if we can resupply at the towns.” answered Reymond.

“Don’t get complacent, Reymond,” Owain said, “We’ll conclude there I suppose, come see me or if you’re feeling brave, Arkasia if you need another question answered,” Owain said, “We’ll move out as soon as Masaki is ok to go and we’re fully prepared,” he said, leaving the room first as per usual.

“Sounds good, I think Masaki will go insane if we don’t let him out of here soon.” answered Razta.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, BlinkXPoke, and Ezlare.

The next morning was hell all over again for the army. They had their rest and Marian was going to push them just as hard as the previous days. After another punishing march they reached the gates of Agreyus. Lucky for them Agreyus was closer to the border than their other cities. Some of those locations took a month to reach by horseback. As the army approached the gates opened welcoming them back home. As they got closer many found it easier to breathe. Nothing was like feeling their curse melt away completely. Alma. Emma, and Charlotte only had their focus on one thing however, the castle that loomed over the city.

As the army filed through the streets to the castle they were applauded by the crowds. News of their victory had already been announced as news.

”Heh, its always nice to feel appreciated.” said Soul with a grin.

“Yes for all that †˜work’ you do,” answered Marian sarcastically.

“Hey from what I heard I saved your asses. So why don’t you give credit where it is due.” answered Soul. Emma let out a small laugh, but returned to her gloomy expression soon after. Soul noticed this and sighed.

Sonya was simply stunned by the applause. She had never had so many people cheering for her before. “Wooow, look at everyone. They seem so happy!” She said with a wide smile.

“Get used to this,” answered Marian. “As you know, soldiers are highly celebrated here.“ Sonya was taken back by the sheer number of people as felt a little proud to be on the receiving end of such applause.

However, Emma seemed down. Sonya nudged her slightly and asked, “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing Sonya, just a bit tired is all.” responded Emma. The group made the castle after a short travel through the city. Inside the castle was instantly busy with soldiers wanting to get work done so they could go and see their families.

“Are you sure? You don’t seem alright…”

“Why don’t you go see your father Sonya?” suggested Marian interrupting Sonya’s question. “Things are about...to get busy here, and I’m sure that he would he would like to see you.”

“Ah, I should.” Sonya thought for a moment, just to calculate something. “Wow, how long has it been since I joined the military. Father must be really worried. I haven’t seen my older sister in a long while, too.” She giggled, thinking that it may be fun to share some stories with her family.

“About a month maybe?” answered Soul. “I don’t really keep track of the days I just live them.”

“Me, too! I just want to have fun every day!” Sonya agreed with Soul. “Maybe I should have you meet my sister. She does the same!”

“Is that so? I suppose I could stop by for a moment. Seeing as I’m off duty for the time being.” said Soul with a smirk. Marian knew that look in his eye.

Do what you want after we do what were were supposed to do.” answered Marian. “That takes precedence of everything else.”

“Bah, I know.” answered Soul. “Well I will stop by tomorrow Sonya. Make sure your father has a feast ready.”
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Cinia Pacifica,Valentine_K1S5, Galahad_Mills, Katsucha, and Bagman.

With the preparations set the group now had a plan in mind, at least. In a day they would head out towards their first target. Until that time, the group began preparing for the trip, grabbing supplies, and making last minute plans with Arkasia or Owain. After the plans were settled, the group gathered at the main gate where the stables were built. Each of them would be granted a horse, and it would be up to them to maintain and care for them on the journey.

”Ah, this takes me back.” Anastas said as he patted his assigned horse. It was a chestnut color, standing fairly tall and had a considerably large build. It reminded him of the breeds he used to have on his farm and for a while, he let himself immerse in the nostalgia tending to his horse.

“Have either of you rode a lot before this?” asked Razta. He himself had only rode a few times, and not being in control of the movements himself made him feel a bit uneasy. He did however know how to attach and remove the saddle, and how to care for one. Masaki fumbled around with the saddle until one of the stable workers came and helped him with it, and showed him how to do it.

”Not really, I usually walk or ran. I just hope that I won’t fall down off this thing.” Masaki looked at the something called a Saddle that he was going to sat on. Just stay calm and do not hurt the poor beast. I know you have the urge to kick this animal hard. TouTetsuOh sighed. I know! I’m not that evil! Masaki calmed down and tried to make himself comfortable, after climbing onto the horse.

”Aye, I used to ride them back home before I left. I was a pretty good shot even on the mount as well.” He replied as he climbed onto his horse’s saddle almost effortlessly.

“Shooting while on a horse is impressive.” answered Adelina. “Back at the farm land we used to train horses for war. Some of these might even be children of horses i myself helped with.” She placed the saddle on her horse and adjusted the straps. Tugging on it she made sure it was correct before jumping on. Razta had a little trouble putting his on but figured it out shortly after Adelina.

”Husbandry is honourable work. The others took care of that though, I was in charge of protecting our livestock.” Anastas walked his horse around, getting a feel for his gait. He cycled around the group until he was confident with picking up the pace.

Reymond spied Louise having her horse prepared like he had too. “I suppose us spiritual users don’t have the manual labors skills that regular soldiers have.” said Reymond in jest.

“I probably won’t do it,” Louise honestly replied. “That’s a lower ranked soldier’s job, not mine,” she stated coldly while holding her usual smile, it was contradictory.

Yesterday, Louise only wore her usual white one-piece dress outfit, a ceremonial dress required for a priestess to usually wear. The only difference was that her’s held precious gold jewellery as decorations for it, and that it was slightly more provocative - perhaps to match Ishtar herself more. Today, she wore a rather foreign fancy dress yet again. Wearing a two-piece outfit which consisted of a blue top - littered with purple cloth lining and golden silhouettes of butterflies on both top and bottom - a big light-purple bow in the center of the chest - short blue, almost V-shaped straps - she held a far more regal and glamorous presence today. What dangled from her top were bead-like crystalline gems.

On the other hand, Louise’s pink skirt designed with a rainbow stripe pattern were covered with a skirt that matched the color of her unique top. It was however - unlike the top - the fabric that was soft and silky to the touch was decorated with yellow glittering stars and moons. Her sandals were dark purple in color. It contained straps over the foot, coupled with violet stars at it’s epicenter - a thin rainbow-beaded section was attached to it - connecting the rainbow-beaded anklets. Louise was, however, not quite pleased with the inner skirt initially, but enjoyed the combination of the outer skirt that came along with the dress set.

A double-layered blue-purple colored ribbon with a gold crescent moon at it’s core. The moon had violet gems etched into it, as well as a red lip at it’s dark side. Louise’s other accessories consisted of a rainbow colored: an ornamental necklace, two bead-bracelets, and an upper-arm armlet. Lastly, she wore golden earrings on both her ears - yet again - they were crescent moon-shaped, each with a scarlet red orb decorating them. She herself pondered why she picked such an expensive attire for the journey. It was most likely a swing of mood. Regardless, it fit her just right; all of her dresses did. She shrugged to herself internally. The dress had admittedly complimented well with her blond gold long hair, especially the golden accessories that she wore.

Masaki’s mouth began to water. The beads on her dress resembled candy that he saw in town, but didn’t get to try. “You look delicious…” said Masaki wiping the drool.

“Oh, you think so too?” Louise said with her usual elegant yet cunning smile. Razta looked on as Masaki moved over and got on the floor looking at the ring of round-colored orbs. Opening his mouth he tried to bite one off.

Louise lifted her leg and placed the tip of her sandal over Masaki’s head - still maintaining a smile which now seemed terrifying - she then kicked his cheek soon after. “Sullying even my sandals won’t earn you my mercy,” attempting to enlighten Masaki, Louise spoke derisively with a scowl, the mixture in her expression was comedic as her lips were regardless curled to a smile. Masaki laid there dazed for a while before rising and retreating to his horse defeated.

Owain smiled at all the ruckus being caused by the horses. It reminded him of when he first became a knight, although working on a farm meant horses were never alien to him. He had learned to ride so long ago. He mounted his dark brown steed, surveying the road ahead before calling out to his unit, “Come on people, hurry it up!”

Realizing that they were ready to go, Anastas turned his horse back towards the group and quickly matched pace in formation behind Owain. ”Lead on, sir.” Anastas answered, his air of nostalgia leaving as he wore his usual cold face. Prepared for whatever may happen down the path, he had his bow held at the ready with his horse’s reins.

Masaki followed the leader up front. He held his horse’s reins and relaxed himself as the horse began to walk. Oh yeah, I forgot something. Masaki took his bag and pulled out his gauntlet that Razta returned to him. He remembered on how to wear it back when he was still a child. There we go. He looked at his gauntlet on his left hand. The gems did not glow since had not had generated any spiritual energy lately.

Reymond held a hand offering to help Louise onto her horse. “Need a hand High Priestess?” he asked kindly.

“If you will, please,” Louise gestured towards her horse casually, in a rather uncaring manner, but one would feel the hint of politeness regardless. The stable hands had already set up their saddles for them. So the hard part was done. Reymond walked over to Louise’s horse. A white steed that was trained well. It was a patient and loyal horse if treated well. Louise placed her hand in Reymond’s as he helped up into the saddle.

In the corner of his eye he saw Ari who was trying hard to get on her light brown horse herself, but just couldn’t manage it. Walking over he gave her a push that helped her onto the saddle. “I-I didn’t ask for your help,” she said as she snapped the reins riding off ahead. Hoping that Reymond didn’t catch her flushed face. Reymond laughed as he headed to his own horse and climbed onto it. Running his hand through its grey mane before snapping the reins and riding up next to the others.

Owain turned his horse, and rode out of the gate. The road they took went southeast towards the forest of Origin, and the first town they were to stop at was two days away. Having places to rest on the way to the forests would making the journey a lot more bearable.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, BlinkXPoke, and Ezlare.

“Ah it is great to be home!” said one of the soldiers waving to the crowds that welcomed them. The army was always portrayed as heroes since they fought to expand the lands. The farther the cursed influence went. the more placed that could be explored without fear of the curse. Luna and Selanus walked in the middle of the unit watching as the army was so well received by the public.

Luna gave a relieved sigh, happy to be home. As she stretched she laid eyes on the nearest pub she could find, moistening her lips for a drink. She turned to Selanus and gave him a light but painful jab on the arm."It's good to be back, eh?" She said, cracking her knuckles.

Selanus winced as she punched him, the crowds around unsettling him. “This ain’t exactly home for me. The people aren’t helping either.” It was nice to be appreciated but he wasn’t exactly fond of crowds, much rather appreciating the peace and quiet of Raskana, even with its occasional screams of agony.

"Oh?" She got in his face condescendingly."I'm not fond of people in general, Sel, but I at least give them the benefit of the doubt. Besides, this is the type of thing I pictured when I first joined the army, but--" She paused abruptly, letting the bad memories nearly choke her up. A tear was easing it's way down Luna's cheek but she wiped it away in almost an instant.

Selanus got uncomfortable at how close Luna was to him, trying to inch away from her. “There’s just too many people here. I’m usually by myself anyway since I’m hunting, won’t know when I’ll get back next so I don’t tend to have people waiting for me.” He wanted to get away from all this, just to relax somewhere on his lonesome. That tear running down Luna’s cheek hadn’t gone unnoticed but he wasn’t his usual self either.

Luna turned away from Selanus to get herself together."Damn it..." She whispered, attempting to regain her composure."I-I'm sorry, just being home makes me emotional. You know what? Let's get away from this crowd, I know its making you uncomfortable." Although Luna was happy to be home, she had several feelings bouncing around a thousand times over. Many bad memories invaded her mind as more tears surrounded her face. She didn't know where all this emotion came from herself, she covered her face with both hands as she didn't want Selanus or anyone else to see her like this.

Quickly leading Luna away from the army and its screaming fans, they found themselves in a side alley just off the main road. Selanus was visibly less tense, heaving a sigh as the throng behind him continued cheering. He leaned back against a building, waiting for Luna to compose herself before venturing off.

Wiping away the rest of her tears, Luna slammed her fist against the wall of the building the two were standing behind. "Sorry, I didn't mean to let you see me like this." She said in a low tone. "This isn't like me at all, I'll be sure to keep it under control from now on, 'kay?"

“Don’t worry about it.” Selanus playfully jabbed her back, the blow light compared to her own. “We’ll get you something to drink and then everything will be right as rain.” He took one last glance at the people behind him before walking off, whistling that sweet tune.

Along the way Luna, still wiping stray tears caught up to Selanus listening to him whistle. "So, what is that anyways?" She asked."Doesn't sound like any song I've ever heard."

“Hmm? Just something from Alma to me,” a slight smile on his face as he replied, reminiscing her singing in the moonlight.

She patted him on the back in congratulations."Hell, at least she knows how much you feel for her. " Luna joked, vaguely referencing her blonde tormentor.

“Maybe you have to make her see things your way?” Selanus suggested, not entirely sure how to answer her.

"Maybe." She responded, unsure herself. With a flip of her scarf over her shoulder and a glance at the sky, Luna commented with a sigh."Life is pain, am I right?"

Selanus merely nodded in silent agreement. “I’ll need to head off for a bit though, need to get restocked and have this cleaned.” He indicated his uniform, stained and dirtied as it was. “Meet for drinks tomorrow?”

"Sure thing." As Selanus took his leave, Luna took a seat on the nearest crate and reached for her sword for cleaning. As soon as her hand felt the edge of the blade, she realised that Zweihander had gone dull. "Probably from when I fought that knight..." She thought to herself. In retrospect, Luna has been using Zweihander from when she first joined the Cursed Army and the thought of sharpening had never crossed her mind, she thought it was about time for a tune up, so to speak. She would look for an armorer in the morning.
Emma, Charlotte, and Alma were guided to the upper floor of the castle. Till now they were forbidden from going any higher than the mid section. With each step they felt the veil grow stronger and stronger, to the point it almost drove them crazy. Soul and Marian who were in front of them however showed no sign of change. Emma grabbed at her chest as the pressure almost became too much. “How much farther do we have to go.?” she said closing her eyes and focusing on walking.

“Its here.” answered Soul. Standing in front of a large door. The door was made of old stone showed Ouroboros on the front carved in the stone. Soul wasted no time in pushing the door slightly open. There was a slight red glow coming from the room.

“Go…” said Marian. “Its not a good idea to keep him waiting.”

The three women slowly walked in. Emma hesitated at the last moment wanting to run right back down that hallway, to safety. But she knew that she would be dragged back. Swallowing hard she entered the room. As soon as the three were in, Soul closed the door sealing their escape. Soul sat with his back on the door, and began changing his hand to various things while he waited. Marian closed her eyes and stood in place tapping her foot to a steady rhythm.

“What do you think their chances are?” asked Marian stopping her tapping and looking to Soul.

“Two out of three maybe.” answered Soul continuing to play with his hand. Marian bit her lip till it almost bled.

“I hate this” muttered Marian.

Inside the room it was so dark that they couldn’t see each other. The only thing visible was a dim red light near the back of the room. As the silence set in they heard hissing all around them. They could feel something huge brushing against their backs, but were paralyzed in fear. The feeling was rough, and after a short time they realized they were large scales.

“Enough of this!” yelled Charlotte taking out her blade. She was clearly losing her mind. Taking a fearsome swing at the snake her blade became stuck in the thick scales. The tail of the snake whipped the three closer into the room as a response. As they rolled on the floor they felt something wet on their clothes, and as they tried to get up they got it on their hands. The smell was close to that of copper.

“Its blood..” said Alma as she looked up. As she did the light was right in her face. At that range she could make out a face. Red hair hanging down with the smell of decaying flesh all around her. The face snapped to Emma next with the sound of a bone popping. Emma instinctively took a step back. Then it whipped swiftly to Charlotte as the mouth opened to let out a raspy breath.

It repeated this several times wearing on the poor girl’s nerves until finally it stopped at Alma. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain through her chest. As she looked down her vision was blurry but she could see a long crimson blade jutting out from her chest. As she tried to choke out anything resembling words blood spilt from her mouth.

“Alma!” shrieked Emma as she ran to try and help her friend, but something wrapped around her legs dragging her to a corner of the room, and smacking her against the stone wall. Charlotte just looked on at Alma knowing that she was already dead, and stepped back getting her blade ready for if Cain came for her next. Alma panicked as she weakly grabbed at the blade trying to remove it. She felt her spirit growing weaker and weaker until her vision faded and her world went black. Her body was dragged into the figure. The sounds of bones snapping and flesh being shredded filled the room. Emma grasped at her ears and shrieked trying to get the dreadful sound out of her ears.

“What the hell are you Cain?” questioned Charlotte gripping her sword tighter. She wasn't even sure how to begin fighting this disgusting thing.

“Ex.C.eelLen.T” said the figure in the most grotesque tone anyone could imagine. It didn’t sound remotely human. Faster than either could react two snakes constricted around them and squeezed them till they passed out. Cain laughed loudly hanging the two women in front of him as he looked them over. Muttering something under his breath snake marks slinked onto their skin before they began to burn into their flesh. Dropping the two he slithered into the back of the room as the light from his eye faded.

The next morning Charlotte woke up in her room. Her body was bandaged up, and she hurt all over. She really didn’t want to get out of bed, but yesterday had her paranoid.

“So that was Cain…?” she said to herself as she looked at her bandaged body. Then her mind went to Alma. She was gone now, and from the sounds she wasn’t coming back. “But I am still here.”

“Yes you are.” said a voice from behind her. Marian stood looking at her with a dead expression. “You and Emma made it back, but Alma...she belongs to Cain now.”

“Why did we have to meet him at all? I don’t see the point in it.” said Charlotte standing up. If not for the bandages she would be naked.

“I can now call you a true representative.” answered Marian,

“So it was just pretend before?” said Charlotte walking over to her armoire looking for some clothes. “You sure like to play games.”

“You just lost a friend. I expected you to be more…”

“Friends? I don’t have friends. We were together because we had to be. If Cain wanted to eat her that’s none of my concern.” she said as she pulled on her usual clothing without the armor. “People die. That is how the world works.”

Marian wasn’t sure if this was a facade or if Charlotte was really that heartless. Either way it disgusted her. “Well you seem to be fine. I will go see how Emma is doing.” responded Marian.

“You do that.” answered Charlotte with her back still turned.

Slamming the door she walked to the next room. As she was about to open it she heard a strange voice behind it. She was sure it was Emma’s voice but something was wrong with it. As she walked in she noticed that it was pitch black. Emma had covered the windows with something. As Marian walked in the room her foot caught on something. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she found it to be a dead guard.

“Excellent...Excellent….Excellent.” Emma said it over and over rocking back and forth on the bed. Marian hesitantly walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder trying to stop her rocking.

“Excellent!” screamed Emma so loud that Marian thought she was going to go deaf. “Thats what he said. Thats all he said. He killed Alma! All he said was excellent. What does it mean Marian!? Tell me!?” Emma grabbed on to Marian desperate for answers. Marian wrapped her arms around her bringing the girl close as Emma’s tears dampened her dress. She had no answers for Emma this was all she could do for her.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, and Ezlare.

Charlotte walked through the city just looking for something to take her mind off things. Soul was off somewhere so she was out of luck trying to convince him to do anything. From what she heard in the other room Emma wasn’t going to be much use either. People around her began to take notice of her and surrounded her with cheers and compliments.

“Keep up the good work!” said a woman with a bright smile. “If you need anything please don’t be afraid to come by my store. We’ll take good care of your blade”

Charlotte looked at her smiling. “How about now? Better do a good job.” answered Charlotte. The woman bowed, and began guiding her to the shop. She heard the cheering behind her from the other citizens, and was glad she found her way out. As she entered the shop she noticed a familiar face next to the counter.

“You need spare metal for a spirit casing?” asked the man. “We might have something for you to use. Just one moment.” said the cashier heading into a back room.

“Thanks.” Selanus looked up at Charlotte’s entrance, “Oh, Morning Representative Charlotte. What happened to you?” He took note of her body wrapped in bandages, wondering what had happened in a day.

Charlotte looked at her bandages, and shrugged. “Training accident.” answered Charlotte walking up the counter, and placing her large blade on the counter. “Sharpen and polish.” she ordered. The woman that guided her there carried the sword into the back. Charlotte turned and leaned on the counter. “So what are you doing here?” asked Charlotte just trying to kill the silence.

"Same as you are, Representative. I rely on a lot of gadgets to keep me going." Selanus examined the goods the shopkeeper brought back, nodding in approval. "And I had to get this cleaned," indicating his uniform. "The powder really did a number on it. You and your two compatriots joining me and Luna later? I'm meeting up with her to relax." His face brightened up at the prospect of meeting Alma.

Charlotte chuckled. “I don’t think Alma will be able to make it, and Emma is feeling...a bit under the weather.” answered Charlotte. “You will have to just settle with me this time, lover boy”

Selanus shrugged his shoulders, "There's always next time. Let's not make it a habit that someone's missing every time we go drinking though."

As the two spoke on, Luna entered the shop studying into the edge of her blade without even noticing Selanus and Charlotte's presence; she was focused on her sword. She set Zweihander on the counter and uneasily awaited the owner to come by and finally noticed the two standing in conversation. "Oh, hey you two." Hardly acknowledging them at all.

“Well aren’t you bold.” said Charlotte as she heard the woman come from the back room carrying her sword. It shone brightly showing that it had been properly polished. As the sword was place on the counter Charlotte picked it up and held the blade so that she could inspect the edge. “Not as good as sharpening it on Soul’s bones, but not a bad job. I’ll be coming back to this shop”complimented Charlotte.

“Thank you for your kind words.” said the woman with a bow. After she turned to Luna’s zweihander. “What did you do to her? This needs some love and attention something fierce.” commented the woman looking over the blade.

Luna scratched her head nervously.“Overuse.” She replied nonchalantly. "She’s a beauty but is unable to keep up with the fights we had over the past couple of years. I trust you know what you’re doing?”

“Of Course, I’ve seen swords in worse shape than this restored.” Grabbing the blade with both hands she carried the sword into the back to be worked on.

Selanus placed some coins onto the counter before pocketing some of the materials. "With the way she fights, anything will need repairs. She's too rough with her toys. Thanks for the stuff as usual anyway!"

Luna scoffed and took a seat. "People shouldn’t provoke me so much.” She retaliated with a chuckle. Zweihander is a massive sword, so it was going to take a bit before the woman finishes sharpening. Luna took this chance to lie back and get some rest. Gods forbid Sonata shows up to pester her.

"I'll wait. Not much else to do unless I wanted to visit the family." Selanus grimaced at the thought, pulling out a piece of the metal to begin crafting. Might as well since they were going to wait a while.

“We’ll I’ll leave you to it. Where did you want to meet for drinks?” asked Charlotte. “I need something to wind down.”

"I'm not familiar with the capital. Don't pop by too often for both business or personal reasons. You'll need to ask the lass over there." Selanus jabbed at Luna with a finger, even as he continued tinkering with his not-so-complete grenade. "My drinks can be made anywhere, a good ale just makes it better."

“If you need a bar, we can just go to “The Fog” its where me and Soul usually ended up. It’s the best bar in town. You can’t miss it.” advised Charlotte.

"Excellent!" Luna exclaims."I've been waiting to down one of Selanus' 'pansy drinks'."

"Humph! You say that now but I'll have you passed out in a moment. We'll see you there then, Representative Charlotte." The grenade whirred as he finished crafting and Selanus pocketed it.

Charlotte didn’t say another word and headed out of the shop with her sword at her back. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that Alma was dead. She honestly doubted that he could handle that brutal truth.

Luna stared behind Charlotte, biting her lower lip, ogling and studying her curved figure as she walked away. She's noticed that Charlotte hasn't been herself that Luna is so familiar with."Huh, what's with her? Quaint much?"

“Something off with Charlotte?” Selanus could see why Luna was so taken with her, she was quite the attractive woman. However, he wasn’t close enough to her to know if she was acting differently. “And stop biting your lower lip, you’re behaving like an infatuated farmgirl.” He added in a more subtle tone, “The shopkeepers looking at you~”

The shopkeeper brought out her sword sharpened and polished for Luna to inspect. “That will be free with you in the military. Please come back to us if you need more repairs.” answered the shopkeeper.

Luna snapped out of her trance and grabbed Zweihander. She studied the blade closely to the smallest detail of steel. When Luna was first given Zweihander in her origin days of being in the military, combined with her strength alone, the blade was capable of cutting through almost anything as if it were a knife through butter; as of now, that description was restored.

"Wow! She’s as sharp as the day I picked her up! This is good work indeed, you deserve a tip, friend.”Luna grabbed her coin pouch, took out ten coins and held them towards the woman, beckoning her to take them. "Look-- I know you said its free, but Zweihander requires a lot of work and proper etiquette, and you did a really good job. So, here, you deserve this.”

The woman accepted the tip, and bowed. “Thank you very much. Only the best for the warriors that expand our borders.”

“Shall I wrap there up for you sir?” asked the man as he finished laying out Selanus’ items.

"Yep, that would be great." Selanus gave his equipment a once over and took his items before going outside the store to wait for Luna.

Sheathing her renewed blade into the scabbard on her back, Luna thanked and waved to the woman and followed Selanus outside. "So, where to?"[/b]

“The Fog I suppose, drinks are on me anyway. It’s a small price to pay to see you knocked out, though if you do get through it, my respect is yours.” Selanus gave her a smile filled with mirth before asking a civilian where The Fog was.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, and Ezlare.

Following the directions from the civilian they arrived a rather old looking bar. The sign outside was slightly faded, but they could tell that it was at least the place they were looking for. Walking into the bar the people inside turned to them giving them suspicious looks. The bar was dimly lit with many shadows for the filth of the city to hide in. This wasn’t the type of place to fool around in. You might just get yourself hurt.

"Best bar in town, huh?" Teased Luna. She looked around at the patrons giving her strange looks. Call her jaded, but she kept a hand clenched in case someone tried something.

Selanus gave a snort and scanned the bar for an empty table or if Charlotte had gotten her already. ”Looks nothing like a den for miscreants and thieves, not a place to relax.”

Seconds later Charlotte walked in stretching. Quite a few people waved at her welcoming her in. As she noticed Selanus and Luna she put her hands on both their shoulders. She was slightly taller than Selanus, and this made her laugh a little bit as she leaned on the two of them.

“You guys almost look like kids in here.” she said laughing. “Lucky I’m here to keep you and Lunie safe.” She poked Luna’s cheek before stretching both her cheeks out into a smile.

Selanus fidgeted as Charlotte leaned onto him, unaccustomed to female contact. “R-representative…?”

"Gah, quit it!" Said Luna rubbing her cheeks stinging from Charlotte pulling them."So, where will we sit?"

Charlotte whistles and a table was cleared in a few seconds. They even picked up their food and trash. “Right over there.” said Charlotte. “That’s my table whenever I want it. You guys are guest at it today.” she said walking past them to take a seat at the table.

"Wow among other things, you sure do have perks in this town, being a rep and all." Luna complimented Charlotte as she sat down.

“It has little to do with rank. The perks of knowing Soul help in the underbelly of this city. Sadly the cheapass here still won’t let me have free drinks.” responded Charlotte.

“Better than letting you drink me out of business.” commented the bartender as he lazily cleaned some mugs.

“Boss, you mind letting me whip up a brew? The two ladies are in for an eye opener of mine.” Selanus sidled over to the counter to grab mugs for their table. “Representative Charlotte might even get smashed,” He whispered so only the bartender could hear.

“You pay for the liquor you use,” he whispered back as he handed Selanus their mugs.

Selanus thanked the bartender and began to start mixing, taking out his phial of venom that he saved for these occasions. He concentrated, infusing the appropriate amount of spirit energy into the canteen even as he poured the venom into their mugs. Luna and Charlotte’s mugs began to rattle as the venom hit the ale, that familiar hissing sound filling the round. His own was a slightly weaker mix, less venom being inserted. Satisfied, he capped the phial and walked back to their table with the drinks, putting a mug in front of each woman. The mixture was now a shimmering gold liquid, brimming with spiritual energy. “I put a lot of energy into this drink, don’t let it go to waste!”

Charlotte looked at the drink curiously. “This had Soul savage for almost a week?” said Charlotte picking up the mug and drinking it all in one go.

Selanus sighed as Charlotte gave him a piercing look, not sure if it was from the alcohol but it was enough to get him going. He knew better than to drink his own strongest but it wouldn’t do to have the two women drink whilst he didn’t. Reluctantly, he brought his own mug up to his lips and started drinking, the familiar burn in his throat and sending him reeling.

Luna stared at the mugs, petrified how a simple mug of alcohol shifted into a brew of mystery and acidity. Nervously, she held it in her hand, almost having second thoughts and took a glance at Charlotte. "Why the hell did I say yes to this?" She thought to herself with deep regret. As she gripped the handle of the mug she slowly brought it up to her lips. Drinking most of it she slammed the mug back down on the table. She started to get hot almost instantly, Luna undressed down to her tank top, not caring who stared.

Charlotte looked at the two and laughed before hiccuping. “You two are freaking light weightss.” she said only slurring her speech a little bit.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, Nooby2, and Ezlare.

Selanus slammed the mug down on the table, some of the liquid spilling out. He stared at Charlotte with an intense gaze before replying, done in by his own drink. “Thaz naise of eu tu notiss.” He started murmuring and chugging more drink, eyes darting from patron to patron.

Luna scoffed dizzily at the two, unable to accept defeat. Instead of eating her words, she spoke unintelligibly while teasing Selanus."Ha! ...shome drwink ya got der...! I d-dont feel...anything at-- all!"

“Seiz da wan whosh takeen ofu er klodes!” Selanus laughed out loud, appreciating the show she was giving him. “Rap, eu knead summore of da dreenk? Geev et to Roona!” He slumped back in his chair, just intent to stare.

Charlotte rested her head on her hand, and looked at the two. “No that is quite alright.” she said with a smile. She looked at Selanus and sighed. “So whats up with you and Alma?” she asked.

Selanus gave her a quizzical look as best he could with the alcohol running through his system, trying his best to formulate a coherent reply. “Mii and Alma? I like her, want to spend some good times together, maybe fourever. Sumthing wrong with dat? Sides, she’s really sweet.” His eyes took on a wistful quality as he thought of Alma, his alcohol addled brain running multiples images of her at once.

Charlotte looked down at her empty mug. “Forever, huh?” she said. signaling for the bartender to bring a bottle of whiskey. He filled up her mug before heading back to the counter. Drinking half the mug she breathed deep. “I think you should be looking for other options. I don’t think you guys are a good fit.” she advised. “I’m sure you can find another girl.”

“Pfffft. Wai look for other options when she’s right dere!? She’s a real catch anyway, I can do the tailoring later~” Selanus chuckled at his own joke, sipping more of his drink.

"Not to m-menshon she's a... reeeaaal looker tew!" Luna added, still affected by Selanus' concoction, still unable to spit out an intelligible sentence.

“Dun dumb urself down too Roona, you look reaaaaal good too.” Her state of undress showcased her body and carrying that Zweihander had done wonders for her physique. “Why ishn’t Alma here anyway?”

“She’s dead, lover boy.” said Charlotte drinking the rest of her whiskey.

Choking on a bit of his drink, he coughed and patted his chest before replying. “Thash not a good joke, Charlotte. Ish not something you make fun of, don’t sphoil the mood.”

Luna's eyes widened, she nearly fell out of her chair both from the surprise and being deeply intoxicated."I-I don't dink she's jokin' Shel..."

“Not eu too Roona, ish this shum kind of inside joke I don’t know about? Cause ish not funny.” Selanus narrowed his eyes at the two women, still under the effects of the drink.

“Think what you want kid, but you won’t be tailoring a corpse now will you?” she said in reference to his earlier joke. “Unless you are into that kind of thing.”

Selanus just slumped into his chair, pulling his hat over his eyes. It seemed as though Charlotte was serious about this, but he didn’t want to believe it. He took a sip from his mug but it brought no solace to him.

Luna lends a hand over to Selanus and places it on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort the man."Awe yew okay, man?" She asks half concerned, half dazed. She pauses and takes a breath for a moment to try and speak normally, she still stuttered here and there, however."I know exactly how you're feeling right n-now, I've lost a loved one mahself in the past. It hurths. Badwy."

Selanus sat there in silence, small shadows rolling off his body as he got more agitated. He stood up quickly, threw some coins on the table and mumbled darkly to both the women. “I will find out myself.” He walked out of the bar, intent on getting some answers and he knew just the person. Whether she would give them was another question entirely.

Luna tried to grab Selanus to stop him but she was so out of it that she was hardly able to see what was in front of her. Giving up, knowing it was no use, she took this time to savor this moment alone, she turned to Charlotte; her blood was boiling and her teeth were clenched, drunk or not, Luna wanted Charlotte to hear this. "Well... Char', since w-we're on the topic of wevelations..." Luna exhaled. Still intoxicated, she tried speaking as clearly as possible."I've been meaning to get this off my chest for a while, see? Eeeever since I met ya, you've managed to catch myyyy e-eye." She slurred."The way you walk around wif dat nice pair of titchs, you just beg fo' my hands to be aaaalll over you!" She continued."When Ol' Clevy died, I thought I had nuffin left, that's when your sexy ass came along!" Luna continued to ramble on about past memories.

Charlotte placed a finger on Luna’s lips hushing her ramblings. “Lucky for you I’m not in that terrible of a mood.” responded Charlotte. “You have one chance to wow me Lunie. Let’s hope you don’t disappoint.”
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

Selanus knew there was only one person who he could trust to at least not lie to him. Making his way to the castle he asked around for where Marian’s quarters were. He made it sound like some important thing that he needed to share with Marian. The guards believed his story, and guided him to Marian’s room. Luckily he was able to suppress his drunkenness somewhat with a lot of effort. He knocked three times, and this time waited for a response. The guards walked off not wanting to get caught up in trouble that wasn’t theirs.

“Coming,” said Marian from behind the door. Seconds later the door cracked open and there stood Marian. “What is it?” she asked looking at Selanus.

“Charlotte told me… but I need to know, Marian.” Selanus stared at her, hoping she would prove Charlotte wrong. “Where’s Alma? Where is she?”

Marian opened the door inviting Selanus in. As he entered she shut the door and locked it. “That idiot has no morals.” said Marian thinking about how to fix the situation. Looking to Selanus she sighed. “Alma is gone Selanus. She is dead.”

“B-but… how!? She was just with us!” The confusion had turned into despair, the words she had uttered that night coming back in full force. He hadn’t even noticed and she was already gone. Selanus ground his teeth in barely surpressed anger, knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists. His eyes shot back at Marian, his overflowing spirit changing them blood red. “Who did it?”

“I can’t tell you anything else.” she answered. “It’s better that you just forget about her Selanus.”

“So you know…” His world was turning white and he could feel Astaroth baying for blood, riding on his emotions as Marian withheld the answers. “Fine. Thank you for some answers, Representative Marian.” Selanus all but growled out the words, trying hard to rein in his spirit as she fought for control. He was failing and he had to leave before she assumed direct control over him. “I’ll be taking my leave now but soon, I will find out who it is. Good Day.” Selanus’s eyes glimmered as he took one last glance at Marian before he left her room.

Marian sighed. If he was going to make a spectacle of himself there would be little that she could to protect him. She understood that he would be angry. Alma should have known better than to let that boy get close to her knowing their line of work, but nothing could be done now that he was on the path.

The streets were almost pitch black by the time Selanus got back to his lodgings, a small inn he had chosen for its relative distance from the busier districts. The entire journey back had seen him seethe and vie for dominance with Astaroth, the struggle cause shadows to emanate from his coat. The few people who were on the streets gave him a wide berth as he had travelled back, not wanting to get caught up with this man.

He slammed the door shut with more than a little force, the door rattling on its hinges as it protested but Selanus was too caught up to care. “Cursed Spirit, cursed Representatives. The hell is going on in Agreyus!?” He was forced to sit on the bed as Astaroth gave a particularly forceful tug, cackling as she nearly took over.

“She can't be dead, she has to be somewhere.” It just seemed impossible that Alma would keel over and die, especially since she was a Representative. Someone was playing dirty in the capital but he would find out, quietly. Marian had warned him that this was out of his league judging from her words so he would have to take utmost care. An evil tinkle brought him out of his reverie, his eyes closing in on Astaroth as she sat by the window, wings spread.

“Well, well~ If it isn’t the little hunter crying over lost prey, why not let me have a little fun tonight? I promise I’ll make it better~” She licked the side of her clawed hands sensuously, her eyes not leaving his.

Selanus glared at her, more than a little unhappy over the turn of events and Astaroth making it worse by fighting him. “Not now, Astaroth. NOT NOW.” Immediately, a loud pounding came from the wall and he was tempted to use Nadir to silence it. In his frustration, Selanus had screamed it out causing the neighbour to rouse.

Astaroth merely giggled, using a hand to conceal her mirth. “I just want what’s best for me and you~ That just means that all obstacles weighing you down must be removed so that I can enjoy a hunt. Without. Any. Baggage.” She said the last three words haltingly, enraging Selanus more as she refered to Alma as such.

“She’s NOT baggage and you will yield. You can fight me all you want but the more you do, the less you will enjoy it the next time WE hunt.” Selanus hissed at her through gritted teeth, packing his things hurriedly and making sure the collars were present in his pack. Alma’s disappearance would be kept secret from the populace, judging from the way the Representatives were behaving but he would not rest till there was sufficient closure for him.

Astaroth pouted as he witnessed him prepare to leave, unhappy that she wouldn’t get to hunt tonight. “Are we going so soon? What about your other “friends” in the army? The redhead and that noble? Are you just going to leave them behind like you always do? Hmmm…?” She enjoyed toying with him, resting her chin on a hand as she knew this topic always ticked Selanus off.

Selanus sighed, grimacing as he replied. “Yes, we are leaving. The one person that could keep me here is now gone and you know very well that my “friends” don’t stay that way for too long if they become the quarry.”

Furrowing his brow, he thought back to the short time he had spent as a part of the Cursed army. Even then, he had enjoyed himself, not having to worry about turning on anyone or hunting them down if it was required. Luna and Sonya were indeed nice people and the Representatives were more than the rumors made them out to be, a diverse group that commanded respect and fear, though he wasn’t sure if he could trust them now. Though he had kept up the facade of being friendly, regrettably closeness was something he had no need for. He hated this aspect of the job, not being able to form lasting relationships with people for fear of the day any of them would become his quarry.

“I knew you’d see it my way. There’s no need for anyone in our lives but you… and me.” She smirked, eyes shining with mischief. “More time spent here is less spent killing something, get a move on.” Astaroth chuckled lightly as she faded away, satisfied with her handiwork.

Selanus picked up his pack, casting a glance at the room to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything before leaving, placing a handful of coins and a letter to be sent to Marian on the counter.

He made his way to the city’s stables on the outskirts of the city, intent on heading home. The night watch gave him passing glances but otherwise didn’t stop him for any inspections. The stable master was barely awake when he walked in, eyes heavy with sleep but even in the middle of the night, there was still coin to be made. “How c’n I help you, lad?”

“I need to get to Raskana, it’s urgent.” Selanus hefted his pack as the stable master went off to get a horse for him, hoping that the man would choose a decent mount. The faster he got home, the better.

The stable master returned with a horse and handed Selanus the reins, pocketing the coins that Selanus handed over. “Gotta be pretty i’portant if you’re running off at this time of night. Can’t stay another night and leave in the mornin’?”

Selanus mounted his steed and got comfortable in the saddle before addressing the man again, looking back at the rising spires of Agreyus with a mixture of anger and sadness. “No, I most definitely can’t stay here another night.”

With that, Selanus snapped the reins, the horse galloping as they sped off into the night, away from the capital. Away from the confusion.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2.

Selanus rode and rode not wanting to stop unless completely needed. He wanted to get as far away from Agreyus as he could. Away from the place where Alma was killed. He still couldn't believe that after all that she went through she was killed by someone she probably trusted. If she was to die, she at least deserved better than that. He reached the dates of Raskana by afternoon of the next day.

The gates of Raskana opened to Selanus as he rode up. He had been spotted by watchmen who ordered the gate be open. As he rode across the drawbridge he hopped off and walked his horse to the stable. His aunt had come to greet him.

“Selanus, I thought you would have spent at least a few days in Agreyus. We just received word that they army arrive at the capital only yesterday.” said Kristina.

"The capital was more trouble than it was worth," Selanus spat out, more than a little bitter. "I've got the collars and information on Razta. I failed to bring him back for you... I'm sorry." His disappointed expression spoke volumes of how that had ended.

Kristina could tell that her nephew was more than a little angry. Whatever had him angry was most likely something that she couldn’t just resolve with words, but she would do her best to put her mind at ease. “Don’t worry about him, It was hard enough finding him. At Least we have confirmed his whereabouts.” she answered. “What has you so steamed dear nephew?”

"It's not something I can discuss out here, I'll give you my report in private later." He looked around, the bleak landscape bringing some solace to him. Here, he didn't have to worry. "I'll just put my things down first." Selanus headed into the compound ahead of Kristina, his mind clouded.

“Alright after you make yourself comfortable, meet me in my office.” she answered. “I have a few things that I need to go over with another one of my contacts.”

Selanus headed straight for his room, wanting to get this over quickly and hoping that Kristina would be able to give him something, anything to work with. Any smidgen of information would be useful. He chucked his pack save the collars and headed to her office, knocking twice on the door.

“Come in Selanus.” answered Kristina. As he entered the room he saw a woman with teal hair wearing a white military uniform. She sat in a chair in front of Kristina’s desk with her legs crossed. Her skin was so pale that she almost didn’t look human.

“Selanus this is Ekaterina Yaroslava.” said Kristina introducing her. “And this is my nephew Selanus Dahlem”

"Pleasure to meet you." Selanus tipped his hat to her in greeting before sitting in another armchair, eyes on the woman. 'Of all the times to have company.'

Katya looked at him showing her dual colored eyes. “Nice to meet you as well.” she answered in a bored tone. “Can we hurry this up? I just want to know if he saw him or not.” Kristina sighed and took out a picture handing it to Selanus.

“Did you see a man like this perhaps?” asked Kristina. It was the picture of the archer he saw on the battlefield before.

"Yes, he managed to get an arrow to me. Strangely, it was non lethal. Why, you know him?" Selanus looked at Katya with a bit more interest, wanting to know more about that man as well. Katya looked at him and smiled.

“Oh ho that is him alright.” she said standing up in her chair. “I was right to assume he would go to the divine lands, but I never expected that he would join up with the military.”

“That places both your targets in the same place doesn't it?” said Kristina. “It makes sense for you two to hunt together.”

Selanus glanced at the woman and back to Kristina, apathethic. "I don't mind so long as she can pull her weight. I trust that shouldn't be a problem, Miss Ekaterina?"

“I was about to say the same thing to you,” responded Ekaterina. “and call me Katya formalities annoy me to no end.” She stood up and walked towards the door. “I will be resting until dinner. You two had something that you needed to talk about correct?”

Kristina nodded. “Yes, we will be with you at dinner. We can make the plans then.” answered Kristina. Katya nodded and stepped out of the room closing the door firmly behind her. Kristina then turned her attention to her nephew. “So what happened?”

Selanus chucked the collars onto her table and scowled, “I don’t know where to begin. The operation in Raltese was successful, apparently the Representatives were after something important. I… ah… tried to get close to one of them, the lady named Alma? We hit it off quite well but when we returned to the Capital, she just disappeared. Marian and Charlotte told me she was gone and Alma herself had… lamented some things to me in private.” He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. “I’m going to dig around for information, quietly. Marian has answers but she won’t give them, so I suspect foul play. It’s just whether she’s really dead or not.”

Kristina crossed her fingers and rested her head on them as she closed her eyes. “You said Marian told you? I’m sure she also told you to stop sniffing around. Yes?” asked Kristina.

He nodded, looking at Kristina grimly. “Can you tell me what’s going on with our higher echelons? I want to believe that they’re doing something productive for the curse but as it is, I don’t know who I can trust anymore.”

Kristina thought for a moment. She wanted to help her nephew she truly did, but she also needed to protect him. The answers he sought would be answered at the end of a blade. “Many people have gone missing in Agreyus, and a greater number of people were killed seeking answers.” she answered.

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, he thought that at least Kristina would provide some insight. “So it’s just better for me to forget this entire affair? Forget all about Alma? This is one of the reasons I left home, so that I could get away from all the internal affairs, damn it!” Selanus grit his teeth, knowing better than to raise the point further if even she was cautioning him. “I’ll never know what happened to her like this…”

Kristina sighed and wrote on a paper. The letter C, A, I, N were written in large ink. She showed it to Selanus before burning it on a candle. “Yes it is better that you drop this.” she answered looking rather concerned.

Selanus’s eyes glowed once more as he read the words, shocked at the implications. “But.. it can’t be. She was his Representative! WHY!?” He nearly shouted at Kristina, letting some of his rage come to the fore. “She was already serving him! Was it because she wasn’t good enough!?” He felt his body go limp, knowing there was no way for him to dig deeper as of now.

Kristina stood up and walked over to Selanus slapping him across the face. She had never once laid a hand on him until now. “You need to pull yourself out of this.” she answered. “There are things that happen in this world that we cannot change. This anger will see you killed. People are trying to protect you before you go too far. Please open your eyes and see it.”

Selanus sighed in defeat, the slap snapping him out of his haze. “If you say so. I won’t ever see her again right?” He looked at Kristina with a deep seated sadness, knowing full well that there really was nothing he could do against Cain. “Let’s go eat, I’m done with this affair.”
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman and Nooby2

The two entered the dining room to find Katya already seated, and ready to eat. She had a rather dignified heir to her. They all sat relatively close, but there was a tenseness in the air that Katya just couldn't miss. As she opened her mouth to ask Kristina interrupted her.

“So we know that Razta, and Anastas are traveling together.” said Kristina. “But when they will leave Raltese is another story. Our intel from that area is sketchy now, but it doesn't take a genius to see that they will start to try and route us from the immediate towns, but that only narrows down our search by a little.”

“I’m fine with any location. Our army didn’t damage the city much but we did take a bridge down, the Scion should be staying around for awhile as they repair and replenish.” Selanus seated himself, pointedly looking the meal in front of him. “We could wait in Origin for them to make a move, an army that size won’t be able to move quickly.”

“Origin? Hmmm…” Katya mulled over. “That could work, but we would need a contact to get us in. Even refugees are checked.”

Selanus smiled at her mention of a contact. “I think we could make do. It’s been some time since I’ve been there, hope it hasn’t changed much. Do you have anything for us, Auntie? I could leave as soon as tomorrow if you need me to.”

“I’ll go ahead and send word to Grigore. He will meet you, and get you into the city. With you there I can try and locate your targets through our network. I will send word when I find something. When the time comes you are to capture your target, and escape. You won’t have to much cushion so make it quick.” answered Kristina. Nodding his affirmation, Selanus felt his mood lift just a tad. He would get to meet Grigore after so long and that was something to look forward to. The man that helped in his training when he was very young.

The three ate dinner in relative quiet. Selanus wasn’t much in the mood for talk, and Katya wasn’t the type to try and start a conversation. It was a little unnerving, but at the same time a little silence was nice every once and a while. Selanus who had seen nothing but combat recently was glad to have this time to settle his nerves. He was sure that once he set out again he wouldn’t be seeing Raskana for a while. After the three had finished their dinner.They returned to their rooms for the night.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and BlinkXPoke.

After Sonya had told her father that Soul was coming over for dinner he instantly went into a frenzy. He knew that he needed to have a large amount of food prepared for that insatiable man to be satisfied. The last thing he wanted was a hungry monster like that walking the halls of his home.

“Ahhhh, it’s nice to be home…” Sonya said with a relieved sigh as she sat comfortably in a chair, basking in the familiar environment. “How have you been, Father?” She inquired, paying no mind to his crazed behaviour.

“Good, just a bit quiet here...You have been missed my dear daughter.” answered Sonya’s father. “Did you enjoy your time in the military?”

“A lot has happened…” Sonya said somewhat softly, then added, “But, I met a lot of people! It’s fun, and I get to see lots of places!” She tried to put it in a more positive light. There were still some traumas she had yet to completely come over. “How has Sara been? I haven’t seen her for a while.” Sonya asked about her sister to change the subject.

“Seeing the world is a wonderful thing. I remember my time in the military, and I hope to never forget. It is always with a heavy heart that you send your child off to war, however.” responded her father. “Sara is fine. She has busied herself with seeing over our finances on my behalf. Because of her our family has never been more profitable. I have two fine daughters working hard to make this family greater. I couldn’t be happier.”

“I’m sorry I left you, Father, but do not worry. I truly do enjoy my time serving.” Sonya assured her father, who seemed worried about her situation. Then, she laughed a bit as she heard news of her sister. It was a bit ironic to Sonya; she often thought of Sara to be too playful to be a diligent worker. “Sister is working hard, isn’t she? Where is she now?”

“If it is what you wanted, and you weren’t feeling pushed into it, I am fine.” answered her father giving his daughter a hug. “Oh Sara, she is out, but she should be home soon. When she heard that you were coming home today she cleared her schedule.” Moments later guards opened the door.

“That might be her now.” said Sonya’s father walking for the door. Sadly it was a red haired man he had only learned to fear.

“Heya old man.” greeted Soul as he walked into the house sniffing the air. “I see you already started the feast. I can’t wait to dig in.”

Sonya embraced her father tightly for a while until Soul came in. She greeted him with a smile. “Good to see you, Chief Soul! You’re here early!”

“Eh?” answered Soul looking around. “I thought I was late. So you mean the food isn’t done yet?” Sonya’s father bowed slightly.

“Yes, you are a lot earlier than we thought you would be…” he answered. He had purposely tried to plan around Soul’s usual lateness. He never expected Soul to actually show up on time. As the two talked someone else came into the house. Sonya’s sister Sara.

She was a pretty girl with black hair and piercing blue eyes. She wore a simply white and black dress that gave her a very mature look. She was aware that Soul would be stopping by for dinner as well, but she mainly just wanted to see her dear sister Sonya.

“Saaaaaraaaaaa~” Sonya dove towards her sister and hugged her. “Wow, it’s been too long, Sister!” She reported giddily. It had been many months since she had last seen her sister.

Hugging her sister she smiled glad to see her in one piece. “You must tell me all about it over dinner.” said Sara.”The divine lands must have been a strange place.”

Soul smirked at Sara looking her up and down, and found himself staring after a short time. Sonya’s father spoke to him trying to get his attention off of his daughter. Soul looked at him with a uninterested face.

“So how did our troops serve you?” asked Sonya’s father. Soul scratched his head trying to remember at least one of their faces, but failed completely.

“I have no clue, you would have to ask Marian about that one.” answered Soul.

“Oh...and where is lady Marian this evening?” asked Sonya’s father.

“Taking care of...I mean helping out at the castle. Marian always keeps herself busy.” answered Soul.

“A shame,” answered Sonya’s father. “Why don’t we move to the dining room. I’m sure the chefs will be done soon.” Soul grinned and walked past the man to walk next to Sonya and her sister into the dining room. Soul held a possessive hand around Sara’s waist.

“Sure, I can tell you both a few stories.” said Soul as they entered the dining room. and took their seats.

“Can I hear about what happened when you were away?” Sonya asked curiously as she took her seat, regarding Soul’s absence shortly after they captured Raltese.

“I can tell you as I heard it from Charlotte. I honestly cannot remember much of it myself. I just felt so hungry.” answered Soul. The three sat down next to each other in the center of the long table. Sonya was on one side of Soul, Sara on the other. Sonya’s father sat across from them not liking Soul so close to his daughters.

“So, apparently, I took the form of some tiger-like beast, and lived in the wild. Charlotte said that when she found me I had killed a great amount of the wild life. I tried to eat her too, but she was able to tame me somehow. She didn’t go into details with that, and I don’t care to know.” said Soul leaning back in his chair.

“How wild, indeed.” Sonya commented about Soul’s perspective. That seems interesting, living in the wild in such a way. I wonder what caused that, though… He was gone for so long… She pondered over the possibilities. “Do you remember where you were at that time?”

“No, I’m guessing the forest near Raltese, but you think that some scouts would have found me by then.” answered Soul. “I must have gone a bit farther than that.”

“You are rather strange, Chief Soul.” said Sara sipping some wine. At that time the food was brought out to them, and placed down in front of them. Silverware was already placed before hand. However Soul had no intention of using them. Opening his mouth wider than humanly possible he cleaned the plate in one bite. The snapping of his jaw startled Sara, but Sonya simply laughed at it.

“More is coming right?” asked Soul picking through his teeth with a long sharp nail. Sara looked at him in disbelief. She had not even taken a bite before he was ready for a second helping. He was truly the beast that the town rumored him to be. Another plate of food was placed in front of Soul moments later.

“So, please tell us what happened during the assault, Sonya. We heard that you played a huge part in taking castle Raltese.” said Sara. “I have to admit that I was worried sick.”

Sonya had already begun eating, as well, but put down her utensils while she told her sister about the attack. “I was given a squad to lead and invade the city while the main force attacked it with catapults. We managed to get as far as the main doorway, until…” She paused as she recalled a memory she rather would not have. “...until most of the squad died…” She didn’t mention that it was her order to launch the catapult on the door that killed many of her comrades. She also didn’t mention the details about the young boy who sacrificed himself to deal with everyone inside the castle. Instead, she simply stated, “The remaining members captured the castle with ease, especially after Soul’s arrival.” She smiled, trying to mask the sad feelings that had resurfaced after thinking about the nice people she met in that squadron who all were killed in that raid. “I came out mostly unharmed, too! It was sooooo tiring, though…” Sonya added to try to make her joy of victory seem more believable.

“It seems that my little girl did well for her first battle. I do wonder about the decision to let her lead the group however.” said Sonya’s father.

Soul shrugged. “It was Marian’s idea. I don’t try to pretend I know what goes on in her head.” answered Soul. Another plate was brought to him, and he swallowed that one just as fast as the first one. Licking his chops before patting his belly.

“My sister’s abilities are well suited to the sneakier role. I can’t say I would choose for her to be on the front lines either.” said Sara laughing to herself.

“Ehehe, you think so?” Sonya laughed with her sister. Despite everything that had happened the first time, she preferred this role. She was unsure if she had the stamina to handle fighting on the front lines, while she got to take relatively safer routes as an infiltrator. “It certainly feels safer…”

“Marian said that she would certainly keep you in mind for future operations. She’s never said that about a soldier as wet behind the ears as you.” said Soul giving Sonya as playful poke. Sonya’s father wasn’t sure how he felt about her going back out on another mission, but the military had her now. There was little he could do.

“Please make sure you are careful should they use you for another mission like that.” said Sonya’s father.

“I will, Father. Thanks for your concern.” Sonya bowed her head to her father. She finally returned to her food.

The food was excellent but Soul just wasn’t satisfied with food. He sought other entertainment. Resting his hand on Sara’s leg she jumped at his touch almost spilling her wine, but ultimately didn’t refuse it. As his hand inched higher up her thigh she was startled by her fathers voice.

“Sara are you alright?” he asked. “Your face is rather flushed.”

“Y-yes Father maybe this wine is just stronger than I am used to.” she said as she set down her glass.

“Hmm? But you used to drink a lot more than that before, Sara.” Sonya said after swallowing some food, oblivious to the situation. She continued to eat as she looked at her sister’s face. She’s certainly red. I wonder how it got to her so fast…

Soul smirked at Sonya. “Is this true? She seems like a lightweight to me.” he responded. As something else unseen startled Sara she downed her entire glass of wine. Sonya’s father had his suspicions, but said nothing.

“Yeah! She could drink several glasses that size easily!” Sonya exclaimed, still somewhat surprised at Sara’s state after just a single glass.

“I think I’ll be staying the night old man. All this food has me sleepy.” announced Soul leaning back in his chair. “Your daughters seem to brighten my mood quite a bit.” Sara began coughing as she just finished her wine. She knew exactly what Soul was getting at, and looked at her father with pleading eyes.

“Hey, want to sleep in my room, then, both of you? It’s been so long since we’ve gotten to sleep together, Sara!” Sonya hopped up and down excitedly, and innocently made her request. “Chief Soul, I’m sure you’ll be cozy. My bed is reaaaaaaaaaaaally soft and suuuuuuuuuper big!” She exclaimed while making a gesture with her hands emphasising how large it was. “We can all fit on it!” She had quickly finished her dinner, and was standing near her chair, waiting anxiously.

Her father almost fell over in his chair. “Absolutely not!” he shouted.

“Come on old man. Its just a slumber party. Lighten up, pops.” joked Soul. He was going along with Sonya’s child like nature purely in an attempt to send her father over his limit, and it was going just as planned so far.

Sara thought for a moment. She knew that Soul would more than likely get his way, but she appreciated what her father tried. If nothing maybe she could rise the families standing even more with this offering.

“It will be fine father. I’m sure Sonya and Soul simply want to share stories. It will be fun…” she said.

“Pleeeeaaaaaase, Father…?” Sonya pleaded. “I haven’t seen Sister in so loooooong, and I wanna talk with Soul, too!”

Sonya’s father grabbed his forehead. The worry lines were deep. “Do whatever you want. I don’t care anymore.” he said getting up from the table and storming off. Soul smiled as he got the confirmation that he didn’t necessarily need from him.

“Why don’t we get this night started?” asked Soul.

“Sure, follow me!” Sonya glanced at Sara and Soul before turning around and leading them to her room.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and BlinkXPoke.

Sonya had become so accustomed to her quarters in the military that she had nearly forgotten the layout of her room. Her dresser and mirror were right beside the door, a cabinet was in the corner of the room across from the door, and beside it was empty space with a clean rectangle with a border of dust, where the trunk containing her belongings used to be. Her bed laid at the center of the opposite wall. It had been straightened out, and many, many pillows sat at one end of it, but Sonya remembers always waking up to all her sheets and pillows being scattered around. Apparently, she moves around often in her sleep and grabs things constantly.

As soon as she entered the room, she found her bed and dove into it. “Ahhh…” She moaned as she remembered the sensation of her bed at home. It was far more comfortable than the one she was provided in the military, despite her superior living conditions. “Come on, it feels great!” Sonya called out to Sara and Soul.

Sara walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Looking at her sister playfully jump around in the bed took her back to their younger days. Sadly, a lot of that stuck with Sonya to the point that she was ignorant to certain things. She wondered if her sister was ready to go out into the world, but it was too late to try and leash her now.

Soul walked around the room looking at various things. He wasn’t particularly interested in Sonya’s room, but found it a simple way to pass the time. “This room is too clean.” said Soul. “I don’t let the servants even go into my room.”

“It’s fine, isn’t it? It’s sometimes inconvenient, but at least I don’t trip over my clothes,” Sonya said to Soul. “The servants aren’t allowed into our rooms, though, without Father’s permission, and our permission if we’re inside,” She mentioned, too, recalling the period of time when the Milan family had many enemies disguised as their servants. Sonya sighed; she somewhat missed those days. No one was successful, and she got to personally punish any traitor who tried to attack her.

“Yes, that was a rule that came after all of the mess.” said Sara. “Those were difficult times. Luckily the family disputes have quieted down. For now atleast.” Sara looked to Soul wondering what he was doing. The way he was walking around the room almost felt predatory.

“So, Sonya what happened in the forest? I didn’t think I’d see you that injured from a punk like that.” he said remembering how he tore that man to shreds.

“I think more of my injuries came from falling off of the bridge…” Sonya replied after thinking for a moment. “It looked like all he really did was try to grope me, so I defended myself until you came to help me. I’d be surprised if he’s still alive...” She murmured the last bit bitterly. She was still angry with that Scion soldier, Masaki Arkwon, whom she fought with in that forest. “I still wonder why he doesn’t use any weapons. He fought with his fists versus my whip and doll.” Sonya pulled out her doll to inspect it as she mentioned it.

“My bad…” said Soul.. Upon hearing what the man tried to do he felt someone angry that he hadn’t finished him off. “If he is still alive..I’ll eat him next time.” answered Soul. “He tasted almost rancid though...I don’t know what it was, but that taste was something else.”

“A man tried to grope you? Just what was she doing alone in the forest anyways?!” said yelled scolding Soul.

“Well, the bridge we were fighting on collapsed, and everyone was separated for a while.” Sonya told Sara without sounding too concerned. Sara looked at Soul scornfully.

“You put your entire team in jeopardy.” scolded Sara.

“I hear enough of this from Marian. Don’t start with me here babe. It won’t end well.” answered Soul closing the distance between him and Sara. As he approached she moved back in fear. That brought a smile to Souls’ face. He placed a hand on the bed and looked into Sara’s eyes, leaning in.

“Not in front of Sonya,” she whispered with pleading eyes.

Her sister’s words caught Sonya’s attention. “Hmm? What’s going on?” She had been fumbling about in her bed, becoming used to the softness again and also simply enjoying herself in a childish manner. However, when she heard her name Sara’s voice, she stopped and looked over.

“Oh its…a surprise.” answered Sara. “So you just have to wait.” Sara did her best to smile. Soul eased back before sitting on the bed, and laying on it with his hands behind his head.

“This bed is way too soft. I see why you sleep for as long as you do.” said Soul yawning slightly.

“Yeah…” Sonya yawned as well. The fatigue from the trip back, as well as the energy she spent playing around began to catch up with her. “It’s so cozy, I can’t help myself…” She murmured as help eyelids started to droop. Her lips moved as if she was going to say something else, but she had already fallen asleep.

Soul grinned as he noticed the only thing preventing him from seizing his prey was gone. Sitting up he pinned Sara to the bed. He expected a fight, but she wasn’t even resisting.

“Well this isn’t as fun as I’d hoped.” said Soul disappointed.

Sara looked up at him confidently. “Who’s to say I don’t want the same thing?” she answered. Soul smirked and let out a sick laugh as he tore open her dress with newly created claws. Her black lingerie matched her dress perfectly. Taking in his prize he almost found himself drooling. It had been so long since he was able to let himself go. He was going to enjoy his second meal of the night now, and nothing was going to prevent it.
This is a Joint Post Starring:
TheLoneGentleman, and Ezlare.

Charlotte and Luna had secured an inn to relax and enjoy themselves in. Charlotte was sure that tongues would be wagging all over town, but she was only worried about one tongue in particular that night.

“That was amazing Lunnie…” said Charlotte laying in bed out of breath. She had her doubts about that type of orientation, but she was pleasantly surprised that it was just as good regardless of the gender of the partner.

Luna emerged from her covers, multiple droplets of sweat easing their ways off her body. After a long time of waiting and contemplating, Luna finally got what she desired most and she didn't want it any other way. "Well, I live to please, representative."

“I’m sure you tell that to all the girls,” answered Charlotte with a laugh.

Charlotte got out of bed. Her body was still mostly bandaged, and after what her and Luna just did she would most likely need to have them redone. The stinging on her skin was almost gone, but still enough to let her know that there was still much left in the way of healing. She began putting her clothes, and armor back on.

Luna raised an eyebrow at Charlotte's bandages. She realized she never never got the chance to ask how she managed to sustain these injuries last night since they were in the heat of the moment. "So I never asked, what happened to you? I hope I didn't reopen any wounds." Luna smirked.

Charlotte chuckled. “Even if you did I heal easy.” she responded. “I just over extended myself in practice is all. Nothing for you to worry about.”She finished clipping her armor belts back on, and went to work on her gauntlets.

Luna sat upward on the bed, hiding her nude body with the sheets. "Oh? Well maybe I could, ya know, 'spot you', next time if you're willing?" She looked around for her boots and armor as she stretched out of the bed.

“I’ll think about it.” she answered placing her sword on her back. “I don’t want you getting hurt now.” Turning to Luna she smiled. “It was fun, maybe we can do this again sometime.”

"Oh, most definitely." Luna nodded. "I gotta hand it to ya, Char, you really know how to turn the tables on a gal." Luna smiled back while still strapping on her boots. Charlotte turned and left the room with a wave. In the hallway a few people scattered. No doubt they were listening in. Charlotte however paid them no mind. Heading to the innkeeper’s desk she paid for the room. The innkeeper was nervous for some reason, but as long as she accepted the money Charlotte could care less.

Wrapping the white scarf around her neck and placing her sword on her back, Luna sighed happily as she left the room holding a fist in the air in victory. She noticed some people were eavesdropping on the two. Charlotte was nonchalant about it but she and Luna, of course-- are two different people.

"The hell are you lookin' at!?" She snarled angrily as a coffee table was thrown at any lingering people she thought to be spying, sending them flying through the hallway. Walking up to the blushing innkeeper, who likely had heard everything that unfolded the previous night, Luna put a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "Thanks a lot, see ya next time."
Monster Girl
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