
The "Sub" girls in harems I have a question to present to Fakku In a lot of Harem anime and manga even though there are several girls that like the protagonist many times there is clearly what I would call the main girl. A gir…
fucking acronyms I have had to look up 3 new acronyms just today. A few more in the last month. What the fuck is up with people and acronyms? Can't anyone spell shit out anymore?
Tell me stuff to watch/play So I figured it couldn't hurt to make a thread about this. I am pretty much always looking for new things to watch or play and sometimes it can be difficult trying to find something interesting in the…
Human beings are such confusing creatures So whats the deal with strangers asking me if I have a lighter? This seems to happen pretty often. If you are a smoker wouldn't you take a lighter along with your cigarettes? Asking random strangers f…
who is this? this wonderfully endowed asian. I must know her name. Spoiler:…
Do you by anime figures even though they are so expensive? I have been wanting to get a figure of one of my favorite anime girls but they are all at least around a hundred dollars some of them in the multiple hundreds. Why do they make figures so expensive? D…
Fairy Tail Anime Ends I have just learned that March 30 will be the last aired episode of Fairy Tail. The manga will be continuing but the anime will end. Learning about this was shocking. I have become a huge fan of the s…
Looking for a certain eroge So Im looking for a eroge called Mesunie Onna Kyoushi ~Watashi wa Kare no Mae de Hizamajiku~. This game I have searched fakku, google obvious places and can't find a download or…
Cara the Bloodlord Thumbnail
Cara the Bloodlord I was surprised when I could not find a topic on this game even though its so awesome. Don't just take my word for it though check this stuff out. Game Synopsis…
I have returned! Finally got my new internet setup. Did I miss anything interesting?
Its not like I care or anything... Thumbnail
Its not like I care or anything... That I'm going to have to leave you guys. I'm not going to have internet for a little while starting tomorrow night. That's all it is. No big deal or anything
Sengoku Rance complete image gallery So I have been playing Sengoku Rance lately and I am aggravated that the game doesn't have a built in gallery. So in order to see a certain scene again you might have to start a whole other play throu…
My how time flies So just earlier, while watching the bouncing breasts of Dead of Alive 5, I realized that it has been over a week since I fapped. Over a week and I didn't even realize it. This is got to be some kind o…
IB really isn't my personal blog So today I go to youtube and find out that some douche from south korea tried to login to my account. Im all like what the fuck? Why would they even want to do that. I have no videos uploaded and i li…
Why would you do that to Kirby? Honestly, I laughed at this. Then later I wondered why they would even do that.
Just updated my list, what should I be reading? So I finally went through my manga list and sorted out all the stuff I would never read and put everything in its right pile. Now Im curious about what you guys think I should start reading, or contin…
I now know what it must be like tripping on acid This is the only thing I can possibly compare it to. Actually it might be worse. I just finished watching End of Evangelion. The second part of that movie is the most freaky, weird, strange, what the …