User Posts

Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Tlr_yami wrote...
Totally agree about not forcing it, she respects it and we share other things together which is enough for me, did wait a few years just to get to know each other much more and know what she was and wasn't comfortable with.

First time also, past relationships I never mentioned my love for Hentai

The bold part is spot on, biggest thing is gauging your comfort zone with things. Take things slow with your partner and look out for any red flags if they were to pop up. I know for myself I had an person I took interest in come over to my place one time (was in a college dorm so it wasn't really all that big of a deal at the time, a bit older now so I wouldn't do that initially). When he saw my anime books and various anime related things he dismissed it and thought it was childish/weird. Needless to say that was a big red flag and we didn't see each other after that.

Seems like you two have a good thing going so just take things day by day and work towards being happy with one another. Best wishes to you two :)
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Depends on the person honestly. I've had both good and not so good experiences with me telling my former partners my love for hentai. The good were cool with it and were either also into it or were positive about it to the point they wanted to know more about it. If they didn't like hentai, they would just appreciate that I liked what I liked even if they didn't like it themselves.

The not so good were not as positive about me liking hentai and made no effort to show their support for my interests (but keep in mind this would go beyond hentai). Worst case scenario they thought I was a bit odd for liking hentai not accepting my interests and being open about it. Hurts when someone thinks you're weird for something you're passionate about, but you have to be honest about these things.

In the end the right person will be okay with the things you enjoy. If they don't you have to move on. For me hentai and anime/games are a big part of my life so I would have to find a partner okay with these things. I don't care if they are into it themselves, but if they don't respect my hobbies like I would there's or give them a chance, then they show a lace of consideration.

I don't reveal my hentai love right away to my partners, I wait till we've established a more stable relationship and I feel they're someone I'd like to commit to for a bit. Back before I did as much with hentai as I do now I would have waited a month to a few months to have brought it up. Since I help Fakku and even have cosplayed as Fakkus mascot (pretty serious hobby for me now lol), I tell my partners within a couple of months if not sooner.

As I said, the right person will accept you for who you are and won't care what you're into. They may even like you more for being different/unique and take an interest in your hobbies if they didn't already. Just don't force your hobby onto someone who isn't as interested as you. They may appreciate what you like, but take things slow. I know my previous guy liked anime, but wasn't as into it as me so we did baby steps to get him more into it.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Just an fyi there will be more western art on here over time. Not to say it will eclipse the Japanese hentai that will be released, but western art is something that fakku wishes to promote since hentai isn't exclusive to Japan only. There are amazing artists all around the world that release great content. Also gives them a chance to grow as artists.

I get you don't like them personally and that's fine, you don't have to (same as I'm not a fan of Attack on Titan or MLP). I just feel it's an insult to say western artists shouldn't be given a chance and are compared to Japanese artists in such a way. Artists don't want to be the same and some pride themselves on being different from Eastern based art; it shows individuality and creativity. Usually the artists don't mind feedback good or bad, but saying they aren't worth being on here because it isn't Japanese art is disrespectful (or rather just sad to hear people actually say). Doesn't help the artist grow in any way.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Kcaz64 wrote...
I don't understand why Fakku doesn't adopt a tagging system like ehentai has. Tags are very haphazardly applied and there are way too few of them.

Actually finding what you want (and avoiding what you don't want) has always been fakku's worst part. Tags really should be crowdsourced.

I've talked with Jake on tags quite a bit ever since I started helping and the thing about adding tags to works is you don't want clutter a work with tons of tags. I know when I go onto exH and other sites I get overwhelmed by the sheer number of tags that are available. Honestly I don't think a lot of the other H sites even know what they have tag wise, I find a lot of their works without tags or tags that are similar to other already established tags.

Also it's not as easy to tag a work as you would think. I've had a lot of debates with other people over what constitutes oppai versus bakunyuu or what is difference between trans and futa, etc. If a single panel has one cunnilingus or you can see the dick in the vag (x-ray) scene does it constitute having that tag or no?

I think what fakku has tag-wise is pretty clean cut and works well. It's not easy to keep all these tags in mind. Fakku currently has around 80ish tags if I remember correctly (edit: 86 atm to be specific) so yeah they can miss some here and there. That's why I help out with tagging; easier to do tag editing after a works been uploading. When I did upload I had to review the work 3x over to make sure I didn't forget a tag (and I usually did regardless lol) so just editing tags is easier after they're published.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
623 wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
I think we need a new Tag report thread in here. :D

Removed the tag from "There's Someone I Want to Introduce You To", as you need some Eye rolling + tongue to be qualified as
Added the Ahegao tag to Divine Shame.

Agree with you on the tagging and I'm currently going through all of the works I can see atm and checking on their tags so they should be a bit more organized in a couple of days. Jake gave me the OK to resume editing tags.

Sweet. I appreciate the effort Misaki.

No problem, it's fun for me to do and I know people appreciate good tagging so I'll work hard to help out. Anything I cannot edit I can just pass on to other staff, but I agree with Kaimax, should be a report tag/work thread where you can say what needs to be edited if something looks incorrect.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Kaimax wrote...
I think we need a new Tag report thread in here. :D

Removed the tag from "There's Someone I Want to Introduce You To", as you need some Eye rolling + tongue to be qualified as
Added the Ahegao tag to Divine Shame.

Agree with you on the tagging and I'm currently going through all of the works I can see atm and checking on their tags so they should be a bit more organized in a couple of days. Jake gave me the OK to resume editing tags.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Crazy Ben wrote...
Let us know what cons you're planning on going to this year, we might try to be at one of them if it can be managed.

No promises though, but if you have suggestions I'm all ears.

No problem, I'm still figuring it out myself, but will keep you updated (^w^)b
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Really hit me hard hearing his passing, loved his music and movies. RIP Bowie :(
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
>Did rep ever matter in the first place?
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I did some more momoka pics which can be seen on twitter, really had fun doing this tonight (^^)

Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
BearMx wrote...
BearMx wrote...
Forum Image:

most recent pic of myself, went rock climbing in woodland tx last month with my cousin (shes in the middle) and the dude on the left is the my cousins BF, his scared of me lol

2 more pics of me....why not

me back in high school 2010 i think
photo 2010-12-13_16-32-04_171.jpg

and me now
photo 1415114_979554488778945_679883937171323108_o.jpg
got that big forehead....

Damn, get ripped son. Nice! B-D

sakabato24 wrote...
Been a while since I've last posted a pic here. Tried to grow my hair out a bit. Cheers for the New Years~!

Forum Image:

Sweet figures and merch in the background (-w-)b

Meh I'll post the twitter pics here I just posted, friend needed some abdominal references so I did that for them. Also posted some momoka pics in the cosplay section, gonna do some more this weekend hopefully.


Oh my...Didn't know you exercised, Misaki. Since when?

Always have on/off, I just never really cared to show off lol. More toned like I was when I danced as a kid because I just want to keep in shape for work and for my own personal health.

Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Would definitely love to see this game expanded! It's so fun and cute! (^w^)
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
BearMx wrote...
BearMx wrote...
Forum Image:

most recent pic of myself, went rock climbing in woodland tx last month with my cousin (shes in the middle) and the dude on the left is the my cousins BF, his scared of me lol

2 more pics of me....why not

me back in high school 2010 i think
photo 2010-12-13_16-32-04_171.jpg

and me now
photo 1415114_979554488778945_679883937171323108_o.jpg
got that big forehead....

Damn, get ripped son. Nice! B-D

sakabato24 wrote...
Been a while since I've last posted a pic here. Tried to grow my hair out a bit. Cheers for the New Years~!

Forum Image:

Sweet figures and merch in the background (-w-)b

Meh I'll post the twitter pics here I just posted, friend needed some abdominal references so I did that for them. Also posted some momoka pics in the cosplay section, gonna do some more this weekend hopefully.


Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
angryaria wrote...
Cute! Where did you buy the wig?

Not sure it was a gift from my mom, but I'll try to find it online, it's wasn't too expensive.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I read fakku using my iphone and the mobile reader works really well for me personally. No apps or anything just go to the site and the mobile version pops up for you to enjoy. Very easy to customize if you want to make it more user friendly.

Also welcome to fakku, hope you enjoy your stay (^^)b
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
masdarra wrote...
Thank you for your replies.
I was just a bit irritated by that.
Quality yaoi has become rare on the Internet.
If you ever decide to add Yaoi back in (Original Content, I mean) I will even go so far as to getting a credit card just so I can get a subscription.
That's basicly how desperate I am.

Wait and see, lot's of different things are being considered and talked about so nothing is impossible (^^)
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
opanihuya wrote...
Good thing there's mostly dudes here. If there were girls they would start preaching how you'd need to try fitting a similar object in yourself and tell them how that feels to answer your question. But i can honestly say that my first time a good spit carried me just fine. No blood, i repeat.

Lol unless you're open minded about it, long as you have lube and go slow it's fine and fun. Some minor bleeding is fine just don't go too rough, more vascular and membanous then the vangina which is muscular in comparison.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I'm a mix between a deredere and dandere with a little tsun depending on who I'm speaking to. Yandere would just be for the shit's and giggle and to watch people squirm when I'm in the sadist mood lol.

For my guy I think dere would be nice, but not to the point they're cheesy about it. Mainly appreciate guys that know what they want and can speak their mind. Not to the point their an asshole mind you, difference between honestly and just being a plain ole jackass lol. Also just kind and can care for themselves and others, but that applies to anyone, not just a guy for relationship purposes.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
It was removed due to it not being official releases. Currently Fakku is releasing hentai based material, but they openly expressed a desire to expand their market and add not only yaoi, but yuri, ecchi, manga, western, and whatever else they can tackle. It may take time and yaoi is something they're not sure about just yet since there are already companies that have legal claims to other companies and works, but it could be something in the future. Just don't expect it next week lol.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Jacob wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.

Forum Image:

Some of the best oral scenes, would so love to see this happen #2016goals&on