
My god ... Why the fuck haven't this forum section die yet? And why are you guys still alive? Also 9 minutes i received 6 years achievement. Neato.
Ok so ... Am I the only one that didn't know who grape kun was until recently?
What is the worst form punishment you've received as a kid? Mine was writing a verse from the Bible 2,500 times.
Gods wrath is upon us RNC week in Cleveland and I gotta work the mid-night shift throughout the week. Plus I hear the NBP and the KKK will be present. What could possibly go wrong?
This year sucked ... Who else do you think will kick the bucket by the end of this year?
4 years my dudes As a gift I want your waifus sweet melon breads.
Ayeee! Happy birthday self. You did good this year.Now it's time to start the walk of success peeps.
Front page reformated ? Can we get some type of separation from the books and the original free manga on the front page? Not really a big big deal but yeah would be great.
Finally! I landed a job at Arby's. Now most of my time will be spent making sandwiches and act as a janitor.
Can we add a science category to the forums? Would like to see some more science in the forums.
The most frightening thing that happened in your life? Always wanted to ask the community this for some reason.
"When a Girl Says" Just flipping the switch from Longevitys thread a little. Hope he doesn't mind. Anyway last thread fellas took the receiving end now lets unleash those long awaited comebacks, gents. When…
Quick question Why are employers pricks? I mean, honestly if you don't like the shit just come out and say it. These,"Oh I didn't check it yet" shit is really getting fucking old man.
What video games would you like to see on the big screen? Give the name of the game and a brief summary of the plot. Also to add more interest here, name some actors that is best suited for the characters. Here's an example:…
Got a new pup Spoiler:…
Flows Evolution Drawings This is basically my drawings from the past so I'll be having a timeline ranging from sketches of the models to anatomy stuff such as muscles and bone placements. …