Cute tanned girl, sensitive guy, what's not to love?
So far this is totally worth it! Love the female character design!
Man, this story is heart breaking... he would make a much better father!

I love the size of her chest.  Not too large, not to flat, just right!

Last Modified Fri Jun 22, 2018, 10:53 pm

5 years ago
Sooo good! He really is a numbskull...
5 years ago
I guess assholes get laid too...  I least we finally got to see the boobies!

Last Modified Fri Jun 22, 2018, 10:19 pm

5 years ago
Ya, what is up with the super baggy drawing?
5 years ago
She is going to have back problems by her 30s... Also, tile floors are tough on the knees!
5 years ago
But you'll never see the tiddies! They might not all want to bend the rules...
So that is where Harvey Weinstein went... to Japan.
5 years ago
Ya I guess 'going overboard' == rape... What a surprise, she didn't consent and she is upset about it...
5 years ago
I had to look that reference up...
5 years ago
Ya, I mean, she was really going to marry her brother? I think he really is blood related and so of course, he never considered that promise binding...
5 years ago
Ya, even if the brother wanted to marry his sister (WTF), what guy is gonna be like "Oh, you're so in love with me that you have been taking cum dumps from this pedo, awesome!"?
The poor girl who wouldn't show us her nipples...
I don't think a starving succubus would let a meal go to waste like the first time he pops...
5 years ago
Good eye! I like attention to details like that.

This story reminds me of anxiety dreams I've had...
In my mind, I call him... Penis-Kun!
I enjoy almost every 'editor' story I've read... something about them!
This is a cover to a book right? right?