"he went to a net cafe with a girl after we broke up" seems to imply that he was the boyfriend.
5 years ago
Ya, I hear you. On the last page, I was hopeful for a split second that they would address that, but they dived back into macho-fantasy land, where women don't mean 'no' and enjoy dry vaginal rape.
5 years ago
Real love means using lube!
I would love an entire book of editor stories, across several artists, which is why it probably won't happen...
That is what I call Vanilla!
5 years ago
Seems like she melted his tempered chocolate heart!
5 years ago
Secret love? check!
Sexy lingerie? check!
Great ending? check!
[puts on sunglasses] Awwww yeah!
I couldn't make it past the first page...
5 years ago
Such foreplay. Much arousal.

5 years ago
Communication FTW!
5 years ago
Me too. I thought it was going to be some sort of aphrodisiac, but no...
5 years ago
Me too, I feel bad for all of them. That story broke my boner...
5 years ago
This was pretty awesome... and sweet.
5 years ago
Good... but what's up with her next on the very last panel!?
5 years ago
Ya, I expected some downtown action for her!
5 years ago
Thanks for the thoughts, @silentswordsman53! Interesting to different points of view.
5 years ago
Exactly, how can we take the protag seriously without a face?
5 years ago
I saw that kinky cliff and it seemed cool, but then Serizawa just drove right off it!
I didn't expect him to get coal in his stocking!
Have you checked out the Bota book? It is excellent!