One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Thunderstorms all day
Felt pissed off for no reason. Think I'm sexually frustrated.
[color=#993300]Lost 2 shirts
Insignificant ex left an insignificant message on my insignificant voice mail.
Goddamn, I hate the hell out of her.
My dog kept wanting to go outside to use the bathroom but when I took him out 4 times he did nothing except eat other dog's poop :/
The insignificant thing called life.
I fucked up and sure this will fuck me in the end
Today is just a boring day.
This pollution that's made the air thick is fucking up my breathing.
Really busy at work and rained all day.
One hour of sleep.
I got super salty today when gaming and i wasnt even online.
My laptop kept disconnecting my internet connection. This is partially why I don't feel like playing online games nowadays.
My foot got run over by an old dear who wasn't looking where she was going. Zimmerframes full of shopping are surprisingly heavy.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I got woken up at 6am by my bed falling apart from underneath me. Was too tired to deal with it, so I went downstairs and slept on the sofa. Still got to dismantle the bed and sleep on the floor until Wednesday when the new one comes.

Nice start to my birthday
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I could have gotten another 5 hours of sleep today but instead I went to school and did absolutely nothing since I had no lessons from how the day was structured :(
Dealing with the fallout from the past. At least I have other girls and friends who are fighting the good fight with me! It's better when there's a strong support group.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Feeling like death incarnate today, and when I don't get cramps in my gut I get a sickly feeling in my stomach. So I've called in sick. I ate a bit last night, think something I've eaten was a little off.

It's my first free Saturday since I began volunteering last October, but I feel like a cunt for letting them down.
I messed something up and I knew it was coming