One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Had a fight with my mom over where to eat for Mother's Day.... were both indecisive lol, but I think we'll eventually figure it out (^^')
super heat of summer
I have to go into work an hour early today.
Being swamped at work all morning. I couldn't seem to catch up with projects and customers which ends up frustrating me.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
People I love are fighting...Why do people have to fight? :(
Couldn't do what I wanted for mother's day and some family mess
[color=#993300]My life fell apart in the span of 10 minutes. Since I wasn't able to fit a class into my schedule, I talked with teachers about taking the final at the end of the semester to obtain the credits eitherway. I spend Hours and thousands of dollars on extra tutoring and lessons to learn the material and what do they tell me??
"Sorry, but apparently we don't have a test for you" (What the fuck do you mean? I explicitly told you guys at the beginning of the semester AND two months ago that I was taking the test)
"We never received notification from you" (You assholes, I was directed to the other dean, who assured me that I was already signed up to take the test)
"The person you spoke to is not in charge of ordering tests" (Yet you saw that I was taking the test on the sign-up sheet and YOU NEVER BOTHERED TO QUESTION WHY I SAID I WAS TAKING THE TEST EVEN THOUGH I'M NOT IN THE CLASS)
"We need authorization from the teacher of the class and the department head that you are prepared to take the test" (I'VE Already DONE THAT)
"But you're not taking the class" (NO SHIT YOU KNOW WHY?)
"Why don't you take the class next semester and take the test for it at the end of the next semester?" (And let my [more specifically my parents'] thousands of dollars go to waste, you guys are geniuses)
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I've got sick again, thank God my Dad came home to look after me.
I realized my dog broke my crush's plushie that I newly washed for her..

I started to cry..
Not really insignificant but lost $700 from my room somehow....
I missed my train and had to wait for the next one, which in turn was delayed by 12 minutes. Fortunately I had some episodes of Monster on my phone to watch in the meantime, however I barely made it to class on time as a result.
All stress and no alcohol makes Oda a crazy boy. In all seriousness, I do need some of those because I've been feeling under the weather these past few days.
Holy shit I was at the store today to buy me an energy drink.
"May I see your ID please"
So I handed her my ID and she started to laugh her ass off..
and then she was like: "yeah sure, whatever"
Like bitch, is it cuz you cant count or is it cause i look young?
Cuz I am old enough to fuck your mom with a strapon.

wait what
^why would you need id for energy drink?

It is cold and I may have to work tonight...
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
I twisted my ankle on the way home. If my ligaments take any more damage I might need surgery too.
Heat. 100f today 103 tomorrow.
[color=#993300]I drew crappy glasses
Soo much noise at home that I couldn't focus on my gaming
My fcked up hair.
Supper hot summer