
[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!! and strike a Nice Guy Pose! Hello All! Towelie112 here for one of the first times to all the other Fakku-onians out there. The upload contest has spurred my usual quiet self into DYNAMIC ACTION! Sorry about that im a big Gai-sen…
Sup Fakku Goers...Go'ers...? Sup. Names Reaper. Yea, I've already posted, but I like to introduce myself as well, the video-gaming, metal-loving man I am. You never grow outta' that stuff :wink: I hope for a long st…
Somewhat Overdue Okay, 5 months overdue, but who's counting. Was bored and felt like saying a quick hello, so hello.
I'm searching for ways to produce electricity using turnips or i'm searching for porn games. nice to be on board.
Rawr ? Hi there, Me naems Saudi. coughgreatsite. i'll be spamming these forums. [/sarcasm] Anyways..... Anyways i do pretty much what everyone else does in thi…
They call me the Rhymenocerus Not 'cause I'm fat, not 'cause I've got birds on my back, it's cause I'm horny! HORNY! So uh, yeah, hi everyone =) 100 internets to the first person to guess where that came from.
Hi, Im new :) Hi all, My name is John , I?m new to the forum and just want to say hi to everyone.
Yo. Yo. Im New Hey
Osu! Minna! I am waffflecat and I will be invading you internets space! >=3 My favourite manga at the moment is Naruto [size=10](Closely followed by Negima, ToLoveる-とらぶる- and Bleach)[/h]
i'm new here let me in Hello i'm new here let me in Bye
Hi Minnasan! [size=10]Yeahhh Random babbling introduction, I'm new to Fakku, and found out about it through a friend during the huge hack thing. I'm glad the site is okay now, I re…
I reregistered Before I signed up because this looked cool, but I kept saying "oh I'll go to forums more when I get my new computer because this one I have now isn't retaining cookies the way I want it to and it lag…
Hi Everybody! I've actually been going to the site for like 4 and a half months now and today I've decided to create a new account. I had a problem in the middle of activation :cry: but Jacob personally fixed it f…
Forgotten Introduction - Four Months I have been here since April, but I had forgotten to introduce myself. Hello, to the whole Fakku society.
Minsc I'm Minsc, you can find Minsc on IRC. But now you can find Minsc on the FORUM also. You are lucky to have Minsc. And do not post about Minsc's doll fapping incident, thank you.…
Hola i was gonna make everything rhyme....but i'm lazy so i wont. Now exactly new here but i'm not a lurker anymore i guess. i plan on uploading some images as soon as they start working. i can…
Hi~ Umm. I turned 18 in May. I like music and other artistic things, Haruhi, and video games. I don't like introductions and joining large communities. I think the last place I joi…
Yo,wasup Yo all,duding here,doing some dude stuff xDD Im not new aight? I just never post in the forums,so here i am :D Im going to upload some stuffs next :D
Hewwo Well I'm here. New to the forums, really. I usually don't post in forums very frequently, just cause I normally don't like how people can't always immediately respond. But you guys all seem really ni…