Pulling the Trigger..Could You Do It ?

They die an even worse death knowing that they didn't even try to save themselves/others.
As it is, if you're on the receiving end of a gun barrel, then you're not going to be thinking, especially if you have someone to protect. Fight or flight is natural, so in such a condition, one is likely to fight if they know the aggressor means business.

Personally, that's the point where my knife comes out to cut the tendons holding the gun in the first place. If I'm nice, I point the knife at their throat and tell them to leave. Should they continue to resist, I cut more tendons and then move to major arteries.
yikes Blaze, I've only shot a gun once(at a range) but I think that I could end another's life if I had to. . .
and then later on, I will do it for fun. . .
I, myself, am a morbid overthinker. I overthink EVERYTHING. I am an extreme philosopher, so much so, that it damages any and all relationships I have, friends, family, lovers, etc. And one of the main points I think about on a near daily basis, is if I can take the life of another. When I meet people, I immediately put myself through a mental questioning, as to whether or not I would be able to remove them from life without hesitation, the instant it is required. And as much as I would prefer to not admit this, I would pull the trigger. Basing whether out of a need to save my own life, or that of another person, I would not hesitate. I would forever think of what I had done, but when the moment comes, and there are but two choices, watch someone else take a life, or take a life myself, then I will choose the latter. I normally always think, right after these imaginative happenings, 'oh, no way, I an't know this for certain.... because I would only be able to know if I was put in the situation.' but, the constant thinking of this particular scenario with every person I meet, and an instinctive, almost wrathful rage, I will immediately jump to violence myself, rather than have the people around me succumb to that state. A quote, with which I have come to agree is 'Civilize the mind, but make savage the body' - Chairman Mao. Keep ones thoughts civil and righteous and prepare ones body for the all inevitable fight for ones life.
I would be able to do it. Human life has some elements of intangible beauty to it, but if you apply that standard to yourself while being threatened with deadly force, the conclusion is simple. If someone is going to point a gun at you, your comrades or your family, they have given me the right to respond as any reasonable person would respond to.

That and there's legal justification for using deadly force to combat deadly force. That kinda' helps.
Yes and will if its for the sake of my family,loved ones, country and etc. But if its for murder or anything of that sorts i'll highly doubt i can shoot other people mercilessly.
I can shoot need be. Hell there are times when I think of just shooting someone for the hell of it... but those are during my dark times. All and all, I can pull that trigger.
As an ex- Military I was told to pull the trigger when ordered.
As long as they are no people I know (and like) anre the victims i'd do it in self defense.
Not for killing, though. just incap
I think it would be a difficult choice to make, but I think that given the right circumstance I'd be able to.
I think that if you caused a death then you killed them, an example if you asked for meat then you, the hunter, and anyone involved killed the cow. So yes I could easly pull the trigger, be it hunting or be it that I take the path of a solider I would do it.
Easily. If something need to be done I'm not going to hesitate.
Pulling the trigger without second thought situations: Confront rapist, serial killer, mob boss, gangster, war lords, snooty rich bastards, most politicans, pedophiles.
Gray area: Survival, evil womens <- it a sexist thing, evil puppies <- unlikely but just in case. for the greater good at the cost of an innocent.
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Easily. If something need to be done I'm not going to hesitate.

I think I'm going to agree with this. The feeling of guilt that come up later is another story though
AkiHaru wrote...
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Easily. If something need to be done I'm not going to hesitate.

I think I'm going to agree with this. The feeling of guilt that come up later is another story though

"Never regret anything that made you smile."
Short answer: Yes

Long answer: I've always been fascinated by martial arts and military related things as a child. As a result I've studied some martial arts and have taken up airsofting as one of my numerous hobbies (gun control laws here change almost every month according to the whim of whatever official is in charge so I can't be bothered). I've also participated in the ROTC but that's more of a mandatory thing. In these instances I've always known that the situation is always under control and even when sparring I've held back out of the fear of the consequences of killing or injuring another. Given a proper situation where said consequences are a non-factor, I believe I'd be able to shoot to kill, or kill period. As an addition to my belief is that I am curious as to what I would feel when I've killed another as I'm sure it differs from person to person.
When I have to then I will
It's not like that I care for everybody else since I am a carefree guy.
But in my peaceful life I doubt that will happen.
I probably could...but I would also be racked with guilt to last forever.
Like a ounce wise Chapel The Evergreen (Trigun) quoted,"Life is an incessant series of problems... all difficult, with brutally limited choices - and a time limit".
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
Unless it were a situation which if I don't, I'm dead on the spot, then I wouldn't. I can't take another person's life.
Killing someone is not a simple thing, no matter how you try to justify it. At the moment you end someone's life, it is not just his life that is lost. You will end up losing something inside you as well. When you want to kill someone, you have to also be prepared to lose your own life.