At what age were you introduced to anime?

At what age were you introduced to anime?

Total Votes : 7,012
Born in Japan. Raised in Japan. My poll answer could be onky one thing.
okay i had watched anime without knowing what i was watching so i voted 16-20 cause at 17 thats when i became a real fan
I was 5 and I started with what I knew as Robotech at the time but later became educated in the otaku ways so it will & forever will be refered to as "Super Dimensional Fortress Macross" any other name is slander to its good name.

Edit: been coasting through the answers. does this site not have an age requirement? found quite a few 16 and 17 years olds responding, not being the creep stalk just occured to me when they post there birth year and I'm like "hey this guy is 15..!?.."
at first is sailor moon when i was 6+ then pokemon,inuyasha and naruto
The farthest back my brain cell will go is to speed racer, uncle owned a comic shop so probably as far back as 5yrs old
Kaeltara wrote...
Edit: been coasting through the answers. does this site not have an age requirement? found quite a few 16 and 17 years olds responding, not being the creep stalk just occured to me when they post there birth year and I'm like "hey this guy is 15..!?.."

Yes, it does. Taken right from the rules section linked off to the side when you post a reply.

"Minors are not allowed on this site.
-When you signed up, you agreed that you are over 18. Immediate action will be taken should we find out you are a minor."

Anyways, I got into anime when my friends brother brought home some of the dragonball episodes on VHS.
I was around 5 when I first watched "Fist of the North Star". Julia's titties was my first sight of anything close to hentai.
dragonball in the 90s while i was in kindergarten
I recall watching "crayon shin chan" (korean ver.) When I was 4 or 5. Greatest childhood ever.
There was not a year that I wasn't fascinated by Anime.
I would say when I was a sperm.
Maybe i was 4 or 5, and the first anime i watched is dragon ball and digimon

oh and yugioh
5 years old I think. Dragonball and Zenki
Ya, I was a Toonami era kid, but even earlier, I was watching Sailor Moon (lol), Dragonball, DBZ, and I think the first real anime I ever got into was Steel Angel Kurumi, I had Comcast back then and ON DEMAND had a ton of anime...shit was great. Now all TV sucks dragonballz.
Voltes V. first anime..
i remember toonami all that time ago
0-5 and my first anime was Sailor moon. I can never forget the first time I saw Sailor moon it was so good. I was about 3-4 year old when TV4 (Swedish TV) showed the first episode of it.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I was in Primary school, and Pokémon had just come out. At the time I didn't know it was an anime (or what anime was) and I watched Digimon and Cardcaptors (the English version) being none the wiser. I just really liked them.
I don't know exactly the age I was, I know that I was watching the original Thundercats before Cartoon Network. So I figure about 5 or 6.
I was around the 4 or 5. I was watched mainly because my older sister is watching it I watched along. Some I watched were DragonBall Z, Akazukin Chacha, Ranma 1/2 and others that were airing at the time.
I think I was 4 years old when I laid my hands on the anime first time. Oh those good old DBZ and Sailor Moon times...
Monster Girl
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