I'm not sure about "atarimae" being translated as everyday, but what he said is exactly what I thought. Oh damn the resonance.

Pretty sure I figured out what's the meaning of Crime Coefficient now. Gotta thank the great hint of Makishima's 0. Brilliant thing, Sibyl, but as shown in the story, that doesn't work all the time.
This is really getting interesting. Is Makishima really a villain or is he man who want to rid his homeland of a system that gives you no say in society and makes the people believe they live in a utopia when it's more of a mirage. I wonder how this will end and who will be at the end of the dominator and if we will get to see when Sibyl was first formed
I still dont get what Makishima's goal is, concretely.
castor212 wrote...
I still dont get what Makishima's goal is, concretely.

Here's me thinking it's so obvious from his words.

Ep 11 especially, that's pretty much him spelling it out as clearly as it gets.
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
I still dont get what Makishima's goal is, concretely.

Here's me thinking it's so obvious from his words.

Ep 11 especially, that's pretty much him spelling it out as clearly as it gets.

Well, Im saying concreteky. Like, how is all the crimes he has arranged so far actually connected with his ultimate goal.
castor212 wrote...
Well, Im saying concretely. Like, how is all the crimes he has arranged so far actually connected with his ultimate goal.

For Midou's and Ouryou's crimes, there's no connection. It is more like he was watching just for the pleasure of it. Of course, strictly speaking it is related to his goal of seeing the human souls shine. But well, that isn't really him acting to achieve his ultimate goal, just limiting his scope on specific samples. Probably to kill time until the helmets are made.

His main goal would be to overthrow the Sibyl system. Humans are no different from livestock because of everything is subjected to Sibyl's judgment, which is terribly fucked up to him. As he said, normal things should be done normally, and by that I'm fairly confident he means basic things like living, thinking, reasoning etc... the things that make humans human. And his goal is to correct that.
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
Well, Im saying concretely. Like, how is all the crimes he has arranged so far actually connected with his ultimate goal.

For Midou's and Ouryou's crimes, there's no connection. It is more like he was watching just for the pleasure of it. Of course, strictly speaking it is related to his goal of seeing the human souls shine. But well, that isn't really him acting to achieve his ultimate goal, just limiting his scope on specific samples. Probably to kill time until the helmets are made.

His main goal would be to overthrow the Sibyl system. Humans are no different from livestock because of everything is subjected to Sibyl's judgment, which is terribly fucked up to him. As he said, normal things should be done normally, and by that I'm fairly confident he means basic things like living, thinking, reasoning etc... the things that make humans human. And his goal is to correct that.

I'm thinking that a guy like Makishima would not do things meaninglessly. The crimes should've meant somthing for his end. Now if the anime can actually make it connected somehow, that'd be superb.
castor212 wrote...
I'm thinking that a guy like Makishima would not do things meaninglessly. The crimes should've meant somthing for his end. Now if the anime can actually make it connected somehow, that'd be superb.

I... don't know what made you respond that way, since my post earlier was all about the meaning of his deeds.
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
I'm thinking that a guy like Makishima would not do things meaninglessly. The crimes should've meant somthing for his end. Now if the anime can actually make it connected somehow, that'd be superb.

I... don't know what made you respond that way, since my post earlier was all about the meaning of his deeds.

Yes, but the meaning of his crime has no relation to his ultimate goal, so the crime itself does not hold meaning to his end, and therefore meaningless.
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
Well, Im saying concretely. Like, how is all the crimes he has arranged so far actually connected with his ultimate goal.

For Midou's and Ouryou's crimes, there's no connection. It is more like he was watching just for the pleasure of it. Of course, strictly speaking it is related to his goal of seeing the human souls shine. But well, that isn't really him acting to achieve his ultimate goal, just limiting his scope on specific samples. Probably to kill time until the helmets are made.

His main goal would be to overthrow the Sibyl system. Humans are no different from livestock because of everything is subjected to Sibyl's judgment, which is terribly fucked up to him. As he said, normal things should be done normally, and by that I'm fairly confident he means basic things like living, thinking, reasoning etc... the things that make humans human. And his goal is to correct that.

The thing that bothers me most, how long before was he planning the helmet thing? To be able to have a large quantity of them and to function properly you need to have time,brainz and possibly people from the inside that are opposed to this. Could he possibly try to take someone from the "main cast" on his side?
tarzanies wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
Well, Im saying concretely. Like, how is all the crimes he has arranged so far actually connected with his ultimate goal.

For Midou's and Ouryou's crimes, there's no connection. It is more like he was watching just for the pleasure of it. Of course, strictly speaking it is related to his goal of seeing the human souls shine. But well, that isn't really him acting to achieve his ultimate goal, just limiting his scope on specific samples. Probably to kill time until the helmets are made.

His main goal would be to overthrow the Sibyl system. Humans are no different from livestock because of everything is subjected to Sibyl's judgment, which is terribly fucked up to him. As he said, normal things should be done normally, and by that I'm fairly confident he means basic things like living, thinking, reasoning etc... the things that make humans human. And his goal is to correct that.

The thing that bothers me most, how long before was he planning the helmet thing? To be able to have a large quantity of them and to function properly you need to have time,brainz and possibly people from the inside that are opposed to this. Could he possibly try to take someone from the "main cast" on his side?

If you remember Makishima's accomplice with the chinese name, he's not born from the town under the Sibyl System. So it's most likely that he had all those helmets made outside of the town. Makishima has the brain, he knows how the Sibyl System work. He just need a worthy accomplice that can make the helmets since Makishima can't do it all by himself.
castor212 wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
I'm thinking that a guy like Makishima would not do things meaninglessly. The crimes should've meant somthing for his end. Now if the anime can actually make it connected somehow, that'd be superb.

I... don't know what made you respond that way, since my post earlier was all about the meaning of his deeds.

Yes, but the meaning of his crime has no relation to his ultimate goal, so the crime itself does not hold meaning to his end, and therefore meaningless.

I now have no idea about you interpreted my post. What do you think his ultimate goal is?
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
castor212 wrote...
I'm thinking that a guy like Makishima would not do things meaninglessly. The crimes should've meant somthing for his end. Now if the anime can actually make it connected somehow, that'd be superb.

I... don't know what made you respond that way, since my post earlier was all about the meaning of his deeds.

Yes, but the meaning of his crime has no relation to his ultimate goal, so the crime itself does not hold meaning to his end, and therefore meaningless.

I now have no idea about you interpreted my post. What do you think his ultimate goal is?

The same with the one u wrote.

the thing I still dont get is, how does the crimes he commits correspondents with his goal of overthrowing the Sybil System.
...what. you're actually confusing the step for the goal. that's like saying that one buys a car just to fulfill the aim of buying the car, not so that one is able to commute.

focus on why he wants to overthrow sibyl and think about his action in those terms.
Episode 16.
And Akane in with the helmet whack! Damn shame she had to pussy out caving his frigging skull in with that helmet. I'd have enjoyed that. And...Kagari is dead...by Cyborg Chief...this just got a little weird.
Episode 16
So we're back to where we've started. Makishima really is a good fighter. And the way he pulled out that shaving blade...it has that Sweeney Todd feel in it for some reason. Too bad he got defeated easily just by being whacked in the head by Akane. Also, I know that Gui-Song will die eventually, but why must Kagari die too? It made me sad. Finally, the chief is actually a cyborg and has the ability to manipulate the Dominator's powers. The Sibyl System must've been really something to even make two of my favourite characters in this anime to die. I can't wait to see the next episode.
This is why I love Psycho Pass. I'm impressed with Makishima and for some reason I feel as if the reason Makishima spared and toyed with Kogami is because Kogami is similar to him because they both yearn for something fulfilling and wild. Akane is truly one of the most useful and pleasing female protagonist. And why did kagari have to die?
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1395870-OQ44J27.png
Episode 16:
Makishima sure got a good taste of irony in this episode. Is the Sibyl System just one big red herring? I mean, how convenient it was that Gui-Song just recently discovered the "source" of Sibyl and is located 20 floors in the ground with electrical signals cut off and no map. That screams "suspicious", but it also screams "here's a trap". There's also the fact that all the detectives were sent out, with none to protect the tower even though there was an extremely high probability of Makishima making a move. Maybe the intent all along was for Robo-Chief to kill everyone while the detectives were busy. Makishima might wind up to be an unexpected ally. I doubt even he anticipated this kind of thing. Robo-Chief also seems to be a much higher class of android than the guy with the robotic dogs.

Props to Urobuchi if this is going where I think it's going...
Fuck, the juicy part has to wait til next week. But seriously, if Sibyl is what I think it is, fucking brilliant.

lol obvious Kagari needs to die to keep Sibyl secret.

Also, nice hint. "Threat Judgment" on Sung as opposed to "Crime Coefficient".
mibuchiha wrote...
...what. you're actually confusing the step for the goal. that's like saying that one buys a car just to fulfill the aim of buying the car, not so that one is able to commute.

focus on why he wants to overthrow sibyl and think about his action in those terms.

Dude, you buy a car so you can commute, yes, but what Makishima did, making those crimes, still has no direct relation or effect on his goal. It's like with a goal to commute, he bought a phone instead. There might be a relation, but no explanation yet. That's the part that's gnawing me.

Eps 16:
And Kagari is dead. I'd rather have his past got told then the woman-agent-whats-her-name.

But obviously he had to die. Realistic cliche. Good cliche though.

What is Sybil, actually? A technology so advanced one cant help but to think the impossibility of such tech, and therefore covers up its own existence? I mean, throughout the show I began to forget about including Sybil System other than just a simple 'system', like just a software with logarithms and stuff. Turns out this is way more than just a system. And why the hell does it have to be covered in light dammit.

Some trivia question: How come our sharpwitted Kougami didnt realize that if Makishima is there, surely the helmet wouldve copy his Psycho-Pass? And how comes once the masked guy got thrown out of building the Dominator works again? Im pretty sure this is no longer about distance.

ZeroOBK wrote...
Episode 16:
Makishima sure got a good taste of irony in this episode. Is the Sibyl System just one big red herring? I mean, how convenient it was that Gui-Song just recently discovered the "source" of Sibyl and is located 20 floors in the ground with electrical signals cut off and no map. That screams "suspicious", but it also screams "here's a trap". There's also the fact that all the detectives were sent out, with none to protect the tower even though there was an extremely high probability of Makishima making a move. Maybe the intent all along was for Robo-Chief to kill everyone while the detectives were busy. Makishima might wind up to be an unexpected ally. I doubt even him anticipated this kind of thing. Robo-Chief also seems to be a much higher class of android than the guy with the robotic dogs.

Props to Urobuchi if this is going where I think it's going...

Damn, I have to stop thinking so I can be massively surprised.