Pokemon X & Y

Prince Hamlet wrote...
Hildedge wrote...
Sooo Im actually debating weather or not to buy a 3ds. I already own a Vita but I'm just now starting to get back into pokemon.would it be worth it to buy a 3ds just for pokemon and the Devil survivor saga?

[color=#006FFF]Considering all future Pokemon titles will be on the 3DS (and Wii U), I'd say getting one would be smart if you do want to play the games. Judging from your mentioning of the Devil Survivor saga, I assume that means you don't have DS either? So if you got a 3DS you could play Black/White 1 and 2 as well. And many other great DS titles while you're at it.

And now, an image that is quite accurate for me after seeing everyone saying they're going to be buying 3DS now.

Forum Image: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/33583255.jpg

hah, Nah I had a First gen Ds back when they first came out and got rid of it a little bit after metriod prime hunters came out. I'm not sure they even had any Pokemon games out for the DS when that game came out. after that I switched over to the PSP. So long as I can get a DS for a reasonable price I'll consider it. I know for sure pokemon will keep me interested in it for a while.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Another new Pokémon seems to have surfaced, this time apparently a new evolution for Eevee. Not quite impressed with the looks of this one. Type not confirmed yet, normal or flying seem to be the most common guesses, considering the color and the ribbons I'd go with normal as well.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1403321-CXNPR4K.jpg
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1403538-HJFNVJN.jpg

Source: Serebii.net as usual.
Kaimax Best Master-San
luinthoron wrote...
Another new Pokémon seems to have surfaced, this time apparently a new evolution for Eevee.

Maybe it uses a similar evolving method like Feebas to Milotic, since it's "glittering" and focuses on the bow and fragrant coloring.. lol
It's just screaming "I'm beautiful".

and I don't see how some people think it's a flying pokemon.. .>_>
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Kaimax wrote...
and I don't see how some people think it's a flying pokemon.. .>_>

I guess they see the ribbons as a means of flying, as weird as it seems. And the similar looks to Skyla, which is really not much of an indication either. Ribbons immediately reminded me of the Pink Bow and Silk Scarf items, though, so normal seemed the most logical conclusion, not to mention almost all the pink Pokémon being normal types. But I guess we'll see once we get more information...
Kaimax Best Master-San
luinthoron wrote...
But I guess we'll see once we get more information...

Some are speculating that it's going to be a new type altogether, which is a "Light Type".

Makes much more sense than Flying. (I don't get why other people even say it's a bug or Dragon type...)
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Yeah, I keep hearing about the light type, but I can't really see why they would add this now, especially with the dark type already being traditionally used as the opposite of psychic and there being a lot of Pokémon who would likely need this type added. It was relatively easy with adding steel typing in the 2nd generation, but a new type now would be insane.
luinthoron wrote...
Yeah, I keep hearing about the light type, but I can't really see why they would add this now, especially with the dark type already being traditionally used as the opposite of psychic and there being a lot of Pokémon who would likely need this type added. It was relatively easy with adding steel typing in the 2nd generation, but a new type now would be insane.

Insane? There's more than enough time to introduce a new type to combat Light pokemon. Adding one new type would break the balance and ultimately create a "One type to beat them all". If Light is added then its natural opposite would be dark in the pokemon world. They could also make Light type pokemon:


But if in the event that Light is the only new type; Ghost would be the best choice for a weakness. Ghosts are absent from the living world and are transparent so light passes through. If Light cannot touch it then it cannot be harmed effectively thus leading to "It's not very effective..".
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
The problem is not the new type itself but its effects on existing Pokémon. Many existing species should likely have the Light type added to them, similarly to how Steel was added to Magnemite in the 2nd generation. Too much confusion for a completely unnecessary addition.
here is what i am here about the new type it has no weakness but make types it is paired with gain 4x weakness and resistance
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
This sounds quite silly for a type and would make much more sense as an ability.

edit: Serebii reports Sylveon as the official English name for this latest new Pokémon (as well as the German and French names) and has also posted a small video. Seems like a normal type any way you look at it.

I do hope there will be more new evolutions for Eevee in this generation, though, one seems too little to add, even should we not get all the types yet.
Maybe the new pokemon ninfia/sylveon will be a flying/normal type with some bug attacks .. sounds crazy but a theory.

Maybe my guess is strange but maybe they will concentrate more on the game than the designs of the pokemon, could be just traditional 100 new pokemon .. we already have 640+ pokemon which is so freaking much ...
Looks like I have to go buy a 3ds
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Nintendo has been tweeting that they'll release new information today so stay tuned.

[edit] I will edit this post once it's been announcement has been revealed.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion

So a new pokemon was revealed, and it's closely related to Mewtwo.

Might be a new form, or a different form of an altered mew.
That Pokemon will be called Newtwo until its official name has been released.
Mewtwo with a tail on his head
Jonoe wrote...
Mewtwo with a tail on his head

I saw that.....my only question: Why?
One of my ideal games as a kid was a full 3d pokemon game. I might consider getting a 3ds just for this.. It has been a while since ive had a handheld system though. Like gameboy colour while.
going to just throw this out there, mewtwo's new form looks like a rejected chao form from sonic adventure
PT_Adrock wrote...
going to just throw this out there, mewtwo's new form looks like a rejected chao form from sonic adventure

holy hell I said the same thing earlier. We're like, mindlike duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude
Monster Girl
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