Rate the Last Movie You Saw

The Dark Knight.

Great Comic Book Movie but had pretty obvious plot holes. 8.75/10
The Grudge Japanese Version.
It's been released a while back in 2002, but seeing the DVD on the rack and having nothing to do I watched it.
Sadako-looked-alike poltergeist scared the shit out of me.
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
Inbred [2011-2012]

Interesting british horror film. The story starts off interesting however the reasoning behind the bad guy's intent isn't explained. The film does take some time focusing on the main characters before shit hits the fan [and other people but that's too much of a spoiler]. The movie does a good job in getting the viewer to hope the good guys get out alive. The effects are reminiscent of Necrostorm's work. It is basically what Necro's style would look like if they gotten a bigger budget to do it. Its a very smooth mix of cgi and r.f.e. with practical effects. For example, someone is screaming and then suddenly their head is caved in with no cut away as per usual horror death scene structure, its pretty intense. Another scene involves someone's hand, same 'no cut away' approach to that scene. Simply because of the style for the effects of the deaths, they stand out A LOT from similar movies of this genre. It is overly effective and truly helps drive the point to the viewer that they are in deep with the locals. The ending... well I didn't mind it personally, but I felt that it was delivered in a way that would piss off a few people [It's borderline Chekhov's Gun and a Brick Joke]. Inbred is a good popcorn movie no doubt, best watched with a few friends.

animefreak_usa Child of Samael
The other f word 8/10
Total recall new 2/10

Four japanese trap porn i forgot i had on my exhdd.... 5 nuts out of 5.
Big Daddy from Adam Sandler .. even though the movie is pretty old, it still has it's charms and is freaking funny looking at the relationship he has with many people.

Forum Image: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTgwODU4MTg5M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjM2NjkxMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR4,0,214,317_.jpg

I rate this movie a 8/10 ...
Dark Knight Rises

Great movie but the plot holes, white washing with the cast and John Blake leaves a bitter taste in my mouth as a fan of the comics. 8/10
The one flew over the cuckoo's nest

It's a great movie that will make anyone cry and allows you to interpret the meaning of what crazy means and mental disorders at the time of the movie. 10/10
The Hobbit 7/10

I liked what they did to the 3D effect. Instead of throwing shit on you, they created another sense of depth.

The music and tales told within were all great.

Not sure if I liked that the movie looked like a cutscene from a game at times or not.
The last stand 6/10
Video game highschool 9/10

The movie is pretty cliche and your generic high-school romance story about A loser who gets good at something to get the girl where in this case he has to make the Varsity FPS team at VGHS. Its hilarious, so many clever game references and jokes and the fact the story line is parallel to most High school romance/comedies makes it all the better. Its definitely a must see for any gamer :).
Jack and the Giant Slayer its 9 / 10


Its been a long time since ive seen the movie, but its still just as funny as ever.
American Pie Band Camp
I'm a big fan of the American Pie Series but still it took me while to watch this movie. `Story's about Matt Stifler and his attempts of secretly videotaping a certain band club's member while doing naughty stuff to gain the title "Stiffmeister".
Rurouni Kenshin (Live action) - 10/10
Nice graphics. Faithful to the story. Kaoru is pretty. And that Kenshin running almost 15 degrees from the ground.

Me, Myself and Irene - 9/10
For a Jim carrey movie, it ain't that funny, but he was good at the part where he (literally) fights himself-- including running and throwing himself, and picking himself up and carrying himself to the car.
If you're a bit confused on what I just said, I recommend you to watch the movie.

Street Kings - 9/10
Yes, that's how the street life goes.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
A Simple plan 9/10
The Bad Lieutenant 5/10
Meet the Fockers.
It's not that fuckenly good.
Red State 8/10

Very thrilling and exciting! Such a different kind of film for Kevin Smith to do!
Some of the Dialouge as kinda boring and there were some confusing parts near the end but besides that it was well done.
Argo 9/10

Very good movie really liked it.

Here comes the Boom 7/10

Not a bad movie at all really enjoyed it.
Hunger Games : 5/10.
Really. Good premises lacking tension and action. Story pacing is just baaad.. Even Jennifer Lawrence existence couldn't help me from yawning. Hoping Catching Fire and Mocking Jay would be better.

Re-watch: Inglorious Basterds : 8/10.