Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Alamo (2004): 4/10
Fast and Furious 6 8/10
Star Trek Into Darkness - 9/10
TAXI (The one with Latifah in it) - 5/10
Totally a bad ripoff from the original one.
I'm sorry, yankees and rednecks.
Death Race 2 - 7.5/10

and after that

Death Race 3 Inferno - 7/10

I'll be honest here, I don't give a damn if the critics panned these movies, I love them both (the original remake was pretty crappy though, but the prequels are awesome IMHO).
Iron Man 3 8/10

Hm not too into Iron Man like that (plus never read the comics) but when I first saw it, it wasn't bad at all BUT had a friend of mines tell me all about who the Mandarin really was suppose to be. So yeah with that said...it was good for what is was portraying to be.
Below - i dont like how story flowed 2/10
The Hangover; 8/10

It was really funny, a little awkward at times, but it was great, love how the story played out!
SkelliDrops wrote...
The Hangover; 8/10

It was really funny, a little awkward at times, but it was great, love how the story played out!

I actually thought it was terrible.

OT: Star Trek Into Darkness - 9/10

Was an amazing movie and the IMAX 3D was absolutely beautiful @_@
There was this one part that almost made me cry, but I was distracted by a friend. Overall this movie is a MUST SEE.
(I would say my 2 favorite parts were during the meeting and the klingons.)
Star Trek Into Darkness
It's the same as the first one. THE SAME EPICNESS!
Fast and Furious 6 - 8.5/10

Same standard F&F fare, which is always a good thing, upped by a few notches. Seemed predictable and a bit too far-fetched at times though.

But holy shit that post-credits scene, nothing could've prepared me for that. Mind = blown.

Poor Han. Been 7 years since Tokyo Drift, I'd always hoped they would do something like how they did for Letty, hoping that he was still alive, but that last scene pretty much confirms he's dead. Statham though, never thought they'd include the Transporter himself. Next one is gonna be so epic.
EPIC 2013 - 9/10

I really enjoyed the show, I even enjoyed it more than Ironman 3.
The Hangover II - 6/10.

It was kinda funny, but it was pretty dull compared to the first one, it only really got good near the ending I find.
Anger Management - i'll rate it 3/10
Peeples - 4/10
Fast 6!- 9.5/10...badass movie! Loved every second of it! Also dat after credits scene!
V For Vendetta 10/10

Hooooollly shit- I've been missing out for 8 years!
The Millennium Swedish series on Sundance channel aka the the girl with the dragon tat movies. 9/10
Forget logic: Ricard Pryor doc. 8/10
Jack Reacher 7/10 i found how it went from serious to silly and back again a bit off putting but i still enjoyed it overall
I'd give an 8/10 for Aftershock 2012 - I'd say pretty good albeit rather depressing, but it's eli roth so no complaints here. I wouldn't mind a happier ending though but the beginning scenes with all the parties looked awesome, I want in!! Just the beginning though.