Pokemon X & Y

Cruz Dope Stone Lion

So today Fairy Types were revealed.

They also had a conference of some sorts(no livestream, and videos aren't up yet) but I'll post as much information as I can.

There will be Sky Battles(in which pokemon who can fly or know levitate have a sky high battle) and Horde Encounters, which is a 1vs5 wild encounter.

Pokémon-Amie seems like something to get pokemon happier. Happier pokemon are generally stronger and can land crits easier.

Pokemon X&Y will read your registered friends list from the 3DS system, so the game will automatically have those people as your friends.

There will be a search system that will let you find local people and friends.(PSS)

You can choose hair style, set appearance. PSS shows player icons so chose to allow for custom appearance.

IV and EV points will be more visible and intuitive.

Talonflame, a new Fire- and Flying-type Pokémon
Skrelp is a Poison and Water-type Pokémon
Clauncher is a Water-type Pokémon
Noivern seems like a bat pokemon. Knows the new normal type attack,"Boom Burst"
Vivillon, probably another flying/bug type.
Why do I feel there will be some pokemons that only evolve if you pet them enough before level XX...
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Some news I like more, some less, but in the end, we'll see once we can actually play the game and see for ourselves how it works.

Sighing wrote...
Why do I feel there will be some pokemons that only evolve if you pet them enough before level XX...

Specifically, Sylveon, seeing how its evolution method was said to be a secret when it was first revealed.
luinthoron wrote...

Sighing wrote...
Why do I feel there will be some pokemons that only evolve if you pet them enough before level XX...

Specifically, Sylveon, seeing how its evolution method was said to be a secret when it was first revealed.

this would be better:
Forum Image: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7063045632/h6F455D08/

Anyway, I must admit I didn't expect them to put Nitendogs in it, I thought they'd keep it at the Tamagochi state.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Sighing wrote...
luinthoron wrote...

Sighing wrote...
Why do I feel there will be some pokemons that only evolve if you pet them enough before level XX...

Specifically, Sylveon, seeing how its evolution method was said to be a secret when it was first revealed.

this would be better:
Forum Image: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7063045632/h6F455D08/

Ah, wouldn't this be fun... :D
I cant wait I've been a huge pokemo fan since the begining
Here is some news on pokemon:

I'm not quite sure how I feel about the hoarde batteles but I just hope they come in later in the game I dont want my level 5 starter to die instently because of that

On other news I'm glad we finally have a fat trainer in pokemon as a possible rival
Cruz Dope Stone Lion

Another trailer.

They showed of a Gym Leader.

She looks like a qt3.14
Her eyebrows remind me a bit of Mugi.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
This is somewhat related. GD is starting a pokemon chat on skype for trading, battling and dream world stuff. If anyone is interest in joining pm us a request and we'll add you.
say what! wrote...
Found this
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1664894-JAKE2VI.jpg

I'd +1 this if the rep weren't broke.

Anyways- way back when- I've always wanted to try and make a Pokémon hack (never did because I know dick fuck all about programming).

Seems like the development team shared a few wavelengths on things that I wanted to do.

-Customizable characters (to some extent)
-Starters gaining a reverse triangle of Fight/Psy/Dark (only rumour thus far)
-Having traveling companions (a guy and a girl- of similar stature. I was gonna self-insert as the Brock type character)
-First gym leader is a Bug-type female
-Improved graphics/animation (I was thinking of hand-drawn sprites and keeping things semi-3D, though- rather than full 3D. Pretty sure everyone was expecting an update, though.)
-Small but fun. Bring back the Pokémon following you around like they did in Yellow. (Keeping to logic, of course. A Wailord wouldn't be able to walk around with you, for example). Doesn't really affect anything (maybe Happiness increases faster).

I'll post a few other things and see how far these coincidences go. It's kinda cool to see these match up.

-A scanning feature to tell you a wild Pokémons stats and personality before you had to catch the damned thing.
-Running/faster movement right from the get-go. Rather than spend about the first quarter putzing around like a schmuck.
-Larger movesets (up to 6) according to level. Be able to have five moves once you get to level 60. And up to six moves upon level 80 or something.
-Eliminate HMs. Have Pokémon able to do that overworld stuff without having to take up a move slot.
-Make single-player a little more compelling. Improve story further. More emphasis on exploring/adventuring. Combat/tournament play has been pretty much perfected since the third generation.
-Make the league optional. i.e. Don't need badges to explore the world.
-Make the gyms/elite four tougher. Improve their AI to try and trip people up with more human tactics. They could gather data from tourneys.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
New Pokemon called Honedge has been revealed.

It's a ghost/steel type who has access to moves like Sword Dance.
Seems like it's going to get slash and sword attacks though making it a fearsome physical sweeper with lots of resistances.

Man imagined if it got Levitate ability.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
PumpJack McGee wrote...

-A scanning feature to tell you a wild Pokémons stats and personality
before you had to catch the damned thing.

Might well ask for a "press x" to win mode. Sure it'll make the game easier, but it takes out the fun of hunting for the right pokemon. They're putting in an option to let you see how many EV's you've earned during or after a battle which makes getting into the meta game easier.

-Running/faster movement right from the get-go. Rather than spend about the first quarter putzing around like a schmuck.

I agree with this, but GF has been giving the running shoes pretty early on in the game to adress this issue. They've also added 8way movements...which is a decent improvement.

-Larger movesets (up to 6) according to level. Be able to have five moves once you get to level 60. And up to six moves upon level 80 or something.

That would break the meta game and make it less balanced.

-Eliminate HMs. Have Pokémon able to do that overworld stuff without having to take up a move slot.

It's a pain in the butt at most, but usually an issue that can be ignored pretty easily. Not to mention that attacks like Surf are pretty awesome on their own.

-Make single-player a little more compelling. Improve story further. More emphasis on exploring/adventuring.

I agree with you on that. You can tell that they tried to do something with the 5th gen in terms of story, which was good, but exploring and having a non linear story would be awesome.

Combat/tournament play has been pretty much perfected since the third generation.

But that's wrong.

-Make the league optional. i.e. Don't need badges to explore the world.

I don't want linearity, but I don't agree with making badges optional. Pokemon is still very much and RPG that's constantly changing little things about itself to improve.

Let's not fuck it up by turning it into WoW or something.

-Make the gyms/elite four tougher. Improve their AI to try and trip people up with more human tactics. They could gather data from tourneys.

That I can agree with. I've played Black 2, and the AI was a huge improvement over the 4th gen's AI. Having something like a NG+ would make the games a lot better. I know that B/W 2 had keys that could increase or decrease the difficulty you can transfer to other people after completing the main story line but those really only benefited those who bought 2 copies or had friends who just bought their copies.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
cruz737 wrote...
-Make the gyms/elite four tougher. Improve their AI to try and trip people up with more human tactics. They could gather data from tourneys.

That I can agree with. I've played Black 2, and the AI was a huge improvement over the 4th gen's AI. Having something like a NG+ would make the games a lot better. I know that B/W 2 had keys that could increase or decrease the difficulty you can transfer to other people after completing the main story line but those really only benefited those who bought 2 copies or had friends who just bought their copies.

I don't think making them tougher than they already are is a good idea, though (unless it's optional like with the key system), as the game still needs to be accessible to its main audience, not just the competitive players. I quite liked the 5th gen elite 4 not being such a huge wall after the 8th gym, all the grinding earlier games needed to beat them was quite a bother. Adding additional facilities for training your Pokémon has been a nice touch as well, would never have bothered starting to collect the challenge badges in White 2 otherwise.

I do like your idea of NG+ for Pokémon, though. It would be quite nice to be able to start the journey again after beating the game once without the risk of losing all the nice event Pokémon if you can't transfer them to another game.
cruz737 wrote...
New Pokemon called Honedge has been revealed.

It's a ghost/steel type who has access to moves like Sword Dance.
Seems like it's going to get slash and sword attacks though making it a fearsome physical sweeper with lots of resistances.

Man imagined if it got Levitate ability.

Heh. A Ghost/Steel possessed sword was something in the cards for my game, as well.

Also- it being a hack, the main focus was on single player. I wasn't really considering the meta game much at all, hence some of the more radical changes I had planned to implement.

Such as the elimination of HMs. I didn't mean to get rid of the moves- but make it so that it didn't affect a Pokémon's utility in the overworld; A Scyther shouldn't have to know Cut to be able to slice trees. Basically, I wanted to get rid of HM Whores and/or having to backtrack to the nearest Pokémon center if you encountered a roadblock.

The more I think about it, the more that I want to work on it again. Have a whole buncha sketches for way back when. But utter lack of computer knowledge pretty much makes it naught but a pipe dream.

Has anyone else here wanted to make a Pokémon hack, I wonder?

Further recordings of such "convergent evolution" between what I wanted to do and what the games might have:

Basically trying to cover as many of the type combinations not seen before. Some examples.

-A Ground/Fighting Warthog
-A Napalm-based Fire/Poison
-A scarecrow Grass/Fire or Grass/Ghost
-Poison/Steel Nuclear entity (semi-legend)
-Fire/Water geyser (semi-legend)
-Dark/Bug Cockroach
-Electric/Dark based on the Thunderbird (Legend)
-Ice/Fire based on some Inuit hawk thing, can't remember. (semi-legend)
-Fighting/Ghost poltergeist
-Ice/Rock Inukshuk
-Rock/Ghost Tombstone
-Dark/Psychic Totem pole thingy.
-Flying/Fighting based on the Frigatebird.
-Electric/Fighting or Electric/Poison. Just melding a buncha sea creatures together into some sorta... thing.

Couple of others from existing types, of course. Such as a Grass/Ground Tumbleweed and little Dark/Ghost Voodoo/Witchdoctor doll-things.

I also had the entire league figured. Based on things we haven't seen much. Tallied up all the types used throughout the previous generations, and went with what were used the least. I also considered gender, such as- until now- we've never seen a female Bug-user. In order:


-Bug. Girl.
-Fire. Guy.
-Poison. Girl.
-Dark. Girl.
-Steel. Guy.
-Ground. Girl.
-Dragon. Girl.
-Ghost. Guy.

Elite Four.

-Grass. Guy.
-Rock. Guy.
-Normal. Girl.
-Electric. Girl.

And the Champ's a black guy.
Sighing wrote...
luinthoron wrote...

Sighing wrote...
Why do I feel there will be some pokemons that only evolve if you pet them enough before level XX...

Specifically, Sylveon, seeing how its evolution method was said to be a secret when it was first revealed.

this would be better:
Forum Image: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7063045632/h6F455D08/

Anyway, I must admit I didn't expect them to put Nitendogs in it, I thought they'd keep it at the Tamagochi state.

That's amazing. Good show.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Serebii has posted information on a few more Pokémon and new features.

And since someone obviously had to do it:

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1727600-R4TGKHI.jpg
Has anyone heard of the new wonder trade system
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/q71/1075835_520234851382420_606396921_n.jpg
I gotta say I'm quite exited about this feature thouge I'm preety sure many people will just put a crappy pokemon but I don't care and I'm really lokking forward for this feature
for more info visit:
Wickedluck wrote...
Has anyone heard of the new wonder trade system
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/q71/1075835_520234851382420_606396921_n.jpg
I gotta say I'm quite exited about this feature thouge I'm preety sure many people will just put a crappy pokemon but I don't care and I'm really lokking forward for this feature
for more info visit:

Nice. Plus there is a bunch of special events they could do with that feature.
Like: If you have XXX on exchange at that specific time, you might get YYY(rare pokemon, on pokemon with rare object).

Big potential if enough people get into it.
Wonder if there's a way to beta test this game.....
Dark Anon wrote...
Wonder if there's a way to beta test this game.....

The general public in Japan doesn't usually beta test console games....Let alone North America
Monster Girl
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