Rate the Last Movie You Saw

ToyManC wrote...
Pacific Rim: 9/10.

The movie starts out fighting right from the gate and keeps dishing it out throughout most of the flick. The female lead is quite hot, but doesn't derail the plot into much of a love story. I've usually been rather disappointed in Del Toro's monsters, but he is really in his element for this movie. The fighting is fierce and without mercy. It is a good, old fashioned good vs. evil, take no prisoners fight fest. Perfect for a kaiju fan, like me.

Zaff wrote...
9/10 - Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim delivered exactly what I really wanted it to. Giant robots fighting giant monsters with really awesome special effects. The story was cheesy, but in a good way, rather than trying to make it not cheesy, they just embraced the cheesiness, and it ended up being awesome.

HungLikeAZombie wrote...
ToyManC wrote...
Pacific Rim: 9/10.

The movie starts out fighting right from the gate and keeps dishing it out throughout most of the flick. The female lead is quite hot, but doesn't derail the plot into much of a love story. I've usually been rather disappointed in Del Toro's monsters, but he is really in his element for this movie. The fighting is fierce and without mercy. It is a good, old fashioned good vs. evil, take no prisoners fight fest. Perfect for a kaiju fan, like me.

Pacific Rim - 9.5/10

This movie was just amazing. Giant Robots vs Kaiju my fantasy has come alive!

Next: Godzilla 2014

Did you guys watch 2d or 3d version?
Because it's better in 3d and if you did watch it in 2d then watch the 3d you might give it a better score

I just watched
American Pie : 70
Expected more boobs, got a quite good romance instead. I am not disappointed.
Pacific Rim 3.5/10

Hilariously juvenile. It's pretty much Power Rangers with updated graphics. Being a science guy, the bullshit they tried to peddle throughout made Harry Potter look like an MIT lecture. It would have been much better if they haven't even bothered to try and come up with scientific explanations, because- frankly- they were utter shit.

I wasn't expecting a good story, either- but it still managed to exceed my expectations downwards.

Special Effects party and nothing else. I knew exactly what I was getting into, and yet I still found myself laughing my ass off and asking the screen "Really??- Really??? An economy in the shitter and a flagging education system, and you pour several million dollars into something that will make the public even dumber?"

Still fun, though. Just be sure to leave your brain and good sense at home.
Pacific Rim 9/10

Pretty awesome movie the fight scenes were amazing the characters were all likeable.
Great Film. DelToro did well with this movie
HungLikeAZombie wrote...
ToyManC wrote...
Pacific Rim: 9/10.

The movie starts out fighting right from the gate and keeps dishing it out throughout most of the flick. The female lead is quite hot, but doesn't derail the plot into much of a love story. I've usually been rather disappointed in Del Toro's monsters, but he is really in his element for this movie. The fighting is fierce and without mercy. It is a good, old fashioned good vs. evil, take no prisoners fight fest. Perfect for a kaiju fan, like me.

Pacific Rim - 9.5/10

This movie was just amazing. Giant Robots vs Kaiju my fantasy has come alive!

Next: Godzilla 2014

Pacific Rim 10/10! My favorite movie of this year so far! Everything in this movie was great!
THe Hobbit - 8/10

All I can say is it's very entertaining.
Scary Movie 2 - 8/10
Been some years since the last time i watched it.
Pacific Rim 10/10

Everything I wanted in a movie and more.
Pacific Rim - 10/10

Giant robots fighting giant monsters with a giant, giant amount of fun and imagination. That's what del Toro promised, that's what we got. No complaints from me.
grown -ups 1 10/10
Kaimax Best Master-San
Pacific Rim 8/10
Del toro promised epic robot vs kaiju battles and he delivered it perfectly.
I don't care about the story, resulting in a very awesome nerdgasm. The only disappointment I have is the lack of Jaeger exposure besides the main and the strongest.
PumpJack McGee wrote...
Pacific Rim 3.5/10

Hilariously juvenile. It's pretty much Power Rangers with updated graphics. Being a science guy, the bullshit they tried to peddle throughout made Harry Potter look like an MIT lecture. It would have been much better if they haven't even bothered to try and come up with scientific explanations, because- frankly- they were utter shit.

I wasn't expecting a good story, either- but it still managed to exceed my expectations downwards.

Special Effects party and nothing else. I knew exactly what I was getting into, and yet I still found myself laughing my ass off and asking the screen "Really??- Really??? An economy in the shitter and a flagging education system, and you pour several million dollars into something that will make the public even dumber?"

Still fun, though. Just be sure to leave your brain and good sense at home.


Though I agree on most points, that seems unnecessarily harsh. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it was still entertaining.

8/10, for me.
EPIC - so cute and sweet 10/10
9/10 Pacific Rim

Del Toro showing Michael Bay how it's done.
Home Alone 5 - 5/10

Pretty much the same thing, only newer.
The Lone Ranger (2013) - 6/10

Everyone has really been hating on this movie. I can agree with what most people are complaining about in the movie, and that complaint is that the movie is way to long. There were multiple instances where the movie could have just ended, but it keeps going. Although I did think Johnny Depp's performance was good, it gets really old really fast and that has a lot to do with the extremely long run time. In my opinion, it was an OK movie. If you have kids or young siblings, im sure they will enjoy it, but if you dont want to sit through 2 hours and 48 minutes of OK-ness, then I recommend just skipping this one
The Impossible 8/10

A very emotional movie great acting and good story.
Pacific Rim - 10/10

It is now on my Favorite Movies list. Seriously, it's just everything I wanted as a die-hard mecha fan. I was able to pick out a decent amount of subtle references, such as Gipsy Danger paying homage to Mazinger's Breast Fire, and Cherno Alpha's pilots seemed to reference Votoms with their helmets. Now, if only Tacit Ronin could've made it, but I'm not gonna nitpick.
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.


Not a big fan of the animation style but I love what they did with it.
Pacific Rim 9/10

It does what advertises. Giant Robots Fighting Giant Monsters. Cliche storyline but who gives a fuck, Giant Robots Fighting Giant Monsters.
[size=11]PACIFIC RIM 10/10[/h]
Forum Image: https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/3600991720/9acc524a75af9f1742cc04a14575b7a6.jpeg
Kaiju + Giant Robots + Guillermo del Toro + Great Actors = Great Movie.
I have seriously watched this movie 3 times now, and it doesn't get boring. The Action is just AMAZING! I want a sequel, pretty please?
Monster Girl
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