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Oh god no. Please no season 2. That would demean the ending entirely.

The ending wasn't what I particularly like, but in the interest of the story, it was a very good one. It was a great ride.
Episode 22:
Meh. Akane suddenly becoming a competent Inspector just a couple episodes ago was hard enough to swallow, much less making her a veteran. All we really found out is that the Sibyl System was never likely to be a permanent fixture in the first place, which makes a lot of what was going on pointless. Also, did we really need the Sibyl System to start channeling Kyubey and wishing Akane to fall into despair and stuff?
mibuchiha wrote...
Oh god no. Please no season 2. That would demean the ending entirely.


And in the end, the chick who got his past explained never got important in the end. They shouldve play Kagari's past instead.

(Good) cliche and realistic ending.

Btw, anyone see that professor talking to bureau leader?
I just finished the whole thing. Some dislike how the anime ended, but I think they couldn't have ended the anime in any other way. A "Akane, Kogami and the rest of the Division 1 overthrows the sibyl system" ending would completely waste all of Akane's character development. The ending was fitting.

I really liked the first ED theme. I never skipped it. It's one of those

If I have to rate Psycho-Pass I'll give it a 8/10. Urobuchi did not disappoint.

"SIByL still continues..."

Oh yeah!! A new season is coming soon.
Oh hey. I suppose a season 2 would be okay if it's a prequel.

Now that, I can accept.
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