World Of Warcraft

I played it for a couple of weeks, i liked the look of the female elfs (mmm elfs....), but i was getting a lot of lag and it ruined the experience for me, so i traded it in for Prey.
I quit when blizzard cut off win 2000 and below from playing wow.
I started playing this past october and I'm already getting a little tired of it. I have a 63 night elf rogue(Lightening's Blade), a 31 undead lock(Arthas) and a 21 Draenai warrior(Lightening's Blade). I'd like to get my rogue to 70 and gear her up, but lvling in outlands aint all its cracked up to be. I love the PvP, but since the only way for you to fully enjoy it is to hit 70 and grind honor for the rest of forever, I'm becoming quite disheartened. I have zero interest in raiding(hell, I didnt even like running instances) so at this point I'm really considering not buying a time card when this month is up. I might just wait for Lich King to come out, since getting exp/rep in outlands will have become much easier. Or I'll just get the Warhammer MMO.
I started playing about two months ago now and WoW has become one of the first MMOs i've played that has sucked me in to this extent... Normally i get bored after a while of tearing away at a single level for days that i just stop playing. On WoW however, i like the pace of leveling, questing, and such. Even enough to forgive some of the grind <_< (why must i kill 100 murlocks to get 15 eyes?)

Anyways, i play on the Aerie Peak server and have a level 43 Human paladin named Renk.
Wow I remember this topic haha, we are on Illidan now, phase 2 is a bitch
Never been a MMO person. Two reasons.
One: Latent internet
Two: Lack of ability to get addicted to something for a long period of time.
double post sorry :?
I still play WoW. The only reason why i still play MMO's is because i'm one of the officers in a huge community called Deity. So we're often playing all kind of MMO's. Has for me i'm a Human Warrior on Warsong, i enjoy playing because i've been playing MMO's for 12 years of my life, WoW since close beta and new MMO's i have a hard time playing them since i'm completly sick of the leveling Grind. In wow i'm already maxed lvl, my gear is way over average, so when the next expansion pack is up, 10 lvl is done quick due to the high gear and loads of money that i have. Which aint the case when you start a new mmo when you dont know shit, no money and nearly everyone can like dominate you :P
Still playing until now and still playing.

Playing in Draenor (US Server)
i have 70 Healadin/Tankadin (Depends on guild requirements)
i have 70 Shadow/Holy Priest (As above)
i m still grinding my 61 Resto/Elemental Shammy...

Guild: The Elite
Faction: Alliance

Managed to finish Vashj, Kael and Archimonde. Still fighting in Black Temple

Well... nowadays... my guild is going slowly due to personal matters but hopefully it can be solved quickly.

Note: Real man always tank with 2 handed weapon in 5man dungeon.
Note: CC is for weak. You are suck if you need CC if you are a tankadin.

hoho. heh.
I've got a 70 Orc Hunter and a 70 Blood Elf Rogue

played a bit before Burning Crusade, in fact got my first character to 60 a week before the expansion hit

Still playing and love it
WoW is a decent game. it does everything an MMO needs to do pretty solidly(good leveling pace, alot of end game content, user friendly)

Lvl 70 dreanei shaman
Lvl 70 tauren druid
Lvl 70 blood elf hunter
Lvl 62 dwarf warrior
Lvl 60 undead mage
Lvl 45 human priest

its kind of in a dead point game wise because there wont be a major patch till the expansion(nov/dec range). now would be a great time to start playing and leveling up before the expansion though.
Ooh ^^ I have a hunter, mage, and am working on a shaman now. This game is fun for me because my guild rocks and my boyfriend plays with me!
i gots a 70 horde pld. Sad thing is ill be done with the game in about 2 or 3 months so i can return to school. :(
Alliance 70 Draenei Mage who has caused the death of a couple legendary guilds on the Shattered Hand <PvP> Server.
1. Wrath of the Alliance (Biggest Guild on Server Died = Me)
2. Sublime (Successful progression at a high rate. Then I left and it fell apart within 2 weeks)
3. Godless Killing Machines (Best guild for the Non-overserious player. SSC/TK progression, I leave its gone in 2 weeks).
4. Riders of the Apocalypse <Also known as RotA> (I sent a guild app to them they denied it guess what 2 weeks and they down to like 2 remaining guildies. They were BT/Hyjal class players starting Sunwell).
i had....well i guess i still do have...a 45 be pally. i really like the game but i am on the broke side of life atm so until i get money going good(as in having eccess after insurance, food, house, etc) i wont play again. only problem i had is finding non retards to run instances with. i despise grinding on this game and i never really got the hang of the other things but i love running instances.
Got a 70 undead priest that I've been playing pretty much since some months after the European release. It's a great social game and I've made a bunch of friends through it. I have lost interest this latest year, thought. To much the same nowadays.
I was playing WoW until i reached 60 Lvl ...then it started bugging me because i did not wanted to do everything all over with another charr...

So i started to play it again when BC came out....reached 70 lvl then stopped....lolz now i´m waiting for WOTLC to come out.
70 dwarf priest
I love being the first result on the Armory it makes me fell special :lol:
Back when dwarf priest meant something. Yeah chastise is great and all but all you a-holes get fear ward now kiss my ass now i'm stuck with a short jerk and in first person all i see is backs and asses not that I completely mind but yeah. 70 Human rogue. 70 tauren warrior
I'm still playing WoW....
I kave like 20 char lvl 255, 5 char lvl 70 and tow lvl 80...
I'm Admin so... :D
I have never seen the fascination with the game, and when I asked my friends, they said it only got really fun at lvl 70. I asked "Well what do you do then?" to which they said "Get epics". Then when you get your epics, its all PvP, which I loathe. I can list off four rituals I have heard from my friends on what they do to get a kill in PvP. If it were free, then I'd be all for it, but I'm not gonna drop 15 dollars a month on it. I do have six friends who have broken their addiction. They say they're glad, but I'm not so sure. WoW gets in a man's skin
Monster Girl
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