Winter Writing Contest 2013

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Xenon FAKKU Writer
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The time has come again for the FAKKU! Writing and Fanfiction section's annual Winter Writing contest. If you believe your literary abilities are exceptional, then it may be worth your effort to try out and submit any kind of original written work from poetry to prose. Winners will receive some unique prizes this year, in addition to fame and respect. You can discuss the contest and find the rules and guidelines to the contest in this thread.

The contest will accept entries until its deadline which is 00:00 of New Year's Day, the 1st of January, 2014 (EST, GMT-5). Submissions posted after this date cannot be included, so please hurry to submit your entry and join in on the fun!
Xenon FAKKU Writer
It is my honor to have the privilege of hosting this competition alongside two of the most epic members this section has ever known since I was first a part of it. So, please participate, prepare your submissions, and remember to have fun in this most exciting and activity-filled time of the year!


1. 2000 word limit.

2. The theme this year will be: Cold. Courtesy of GroverCleaveland: "In accordance with this snowiest of seasons, your story has to be cold. What that means is up to you to decide. It can be temperature, tone, theme, characters, or simply the fact that you wrote it wearing nothing but boxer briefs in 3 feet of snow. You only need to be able to justify it to the judges in a PM, and let the readers judge the rest."

3. It can be any kind of creative writing - stories and poetry are welcome.

4. It must be your own work. We will be looking very closely at your words for anything that has been plagiarized.

5. Please avoid having someone else edit/improve/fix errors in your entry. It goes against the spirit of the contest in questioning whether your submission is truly your original work.

6. Keep posts in this topic relevant. Comments are allowed, and submissions should be posted here as links to separate Writing and Fanfiction forum threads. Details can be found in the post below.

7. Please try to include the following tag [Winter Contest Entry 2013] at the front of your entry's thread title. An example would be "[Winter Contest Entry 2013] Fakku's Wonderful Christmas".

8. Each contestant is allowed to submit a maximum of one (1) entry.


The deadline for entries is 00:00 of New Year's Day, the 1st of January, 2014 (EST, GMT-5). Entries after this time will have to be disregarded.


A panel of three judges - Jericho Antares, GroverCleaveland, and myself - will analyze the submissions very carefully, select the ones we find the most exemplary, explain the reasoning behind them, and declare the winner of the Judge's Choice award. There will be a runner-up selected for this award who will be commended for their close placement.

There will also be a public poll on the selection of top picks come January so that everyone gets their say. The winner of the public opinion on Fakku will receive the Reader's Choice award. The user receiving second in the polls will be a runner-up for this award who will also be commended for their close placement.


I will personally write a 3 stanza poem dedicated to the winners, and a limerick to the runners-up. Because, you know, it's the thought that counts.

But seriously, and additionally, the winner of the Judge's Choice and Reader's Choice awards will each win a $25 gift certificate to J-List. Runners-up will receive $15 gift certificates.

Of course, the winners will also gain the praise of the Writing and Fanfiction section.


Ask any questions you may have in this thread. You may PM one of the judges instead if you would like.

Also, please try to leave some comments on the entries of the participants, whether constructive or supportive. It doesn't matter whether you're a fellow writer, a participant yourself, or someone who barely writes and just reads; writers enjoy comments and feedback from almost anyone.

So please give it a shot and get your ideas out there; we wish you the best of luck. And of course, happy holidays!

Credits go to Circe for the topic picture of this thread.
Xenon FAKKU Writer

--How do I submit my Entry?

Make a new thread for your entry in the Writing and Fanfiction Section. Then, copy the link of your entry and post it in this thread.

You MUST post the link of your entry in this thread or else, we will NOT count it.

--Can I submit multiple entries?

For every users' entries, there will be a limit of ONE (1). It is not yet known how many will be participating. However, each judge has to read every entry. In order to avoid potential eye strain, please limit your entries to one piece please.

--Does it absolutely have to be under 2000 words?

Yes. If people could make do with 1000 words in the first contest, then 2000 words should be more than enough.

--Can I change or edit my entry?

Sure, but please announce and let us judges know. You can change or edit your entry up until the deadline - 00:00 of the 1st of January, 2014 (EST, GMT-5).

--Can I take ideas, or have a parody from an already-existing work?

Sure you can. However, you need to explain it to us that you did and have permission from the owner of that work if it's a work located on these forums. We may suspect plagiarism otherwise. Just leave a footnote regarding it in your thread.

--Do I have to include adult/sexual contents in my entry?

This is purely your choice. We don't mind if sexual content is present. We don't encourage or discourage it.

--What is this poll and how is it going to work?

There are 16 final entries. It was decided that we will have 2 polls of 8 authors plus the Final. The top three users in each poll will move on to the Final poll. The winner of the Final poll will receive the Reader's Choice award. The second highest will receive the Runner-up award.



Closed: You can view the first poll here.

Closed: You can view the second poll here.

Closed: You can view the final poll here.

Each poll will be open for 3 days, except for the Finals which will be open for 5 days.

If you do not see your name or the name of someone you wish to vote for on a particular poll in the near future when a poll is ongoing, it is because they are either going to be on a future poll or have already been on a previous one.


You can view the Winners declared in the thread here.


List of entrants and their submissions:

If your name is not on this list, it means:

- You did not post a link to your submission as instructed by the rules above.

- Your entry did not follow the rules: Under 2000 words or not somehow related to the theme.

- Your entry was not posted before the deadline.

- The list is yet to be updated.

If you've made an error from any of the infractions described above, then your entry may not be included, but you will be notified of such and given the opportunity to fix as appropriate, unless the deadline has passed.
Good luck to all participants.

That said, I really like the prize this time.
Good luck to everyone! Loving the picture btw.
whoa it's up again. good luck to all the participants =)

I'm thinking of going with really simple stuff this time, just for the sake of participating.
On the topic of prizes, I will send nude pics of my dead grandma (post decomposition) to whoever gets last place. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.
this makes me want to get the last place even more =D
In keeping with the spirit of Grover's offer, I shall bestow erotic art of my computer mouse to anyone who doesn't quite make it to the final polls. This stuff is a little sensual so I'll warn you up front. Good luck, everybody.
This is going to be a challenge. I can't think of a story related to the theme as of right now. I'll try my best, though.
anyway a simple question:

since I don't really see the Fakku mention thingy on the list, does it mean the mention wasn't necessary in this event?
high_time wrote...
anyway a simple question:

since I don't really see the Fakku mention thingy on the list, does it mean the mention wasn't necessary in this event?

Yes, there is no requirement to mention Fakku in any way.
GroverCleaveland wrote...
high_time wrote...
anyway a simple question:

since I don't really see the Fakku mention thingy on the list, does it mean the mention wasn't necessary in this event?

Yes, there is no requirement to mention Fakku in any way.

ah I see, many thanks for the clarity =D
I have a question. Is it acceptable for me to edit a recent story I've posted on November 28, 2013 and submit that as an entry for this contest?
Angelos Ballao wrote...
I have a question. Is it acceptable for me to edit a recent story I've posted on November 28, 2013 and submit that as an entry for this contest?

We'd like all work to be written originally for the contest, but if your story is your own, and you feel editing it would allow it to conform to the requirements of the contest, then hey, it's your own work, do what you want with it. We won't disqualify any work unless it fails to meet the limits specified in xenon's post, and editing your own old work is acceptable as far as I'm concerned.
Guess I'll be the first.

Here's the link: Blood and Absinthe

Probably my bloodiest work yet.
Can't believe I miss this o.O ... Better start writing then.

Xenon wrote...
It can be temperature, tone, theme, characters, or simply the fact that you wrote it wearing nothing but boxer briefs in 3 feet of snow. You only need to be able to justify it to the judges in a PM, and let the readers judge the rest."

Do I need to include a picture to prove I was writing amidst the snow with nothing but a slightly torn boxer?

PS : Good Luck everyone~~~~
leonard267 FAKKU Non-Writer
I am done with my entry. That said, if I wish to change my entry entirely would it be acceptable?

I have included references to both Xenon and Grover, I hope they would not mind.

Here is my contest entry:

An Analysis
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Hey, everyone. It's the 15th already. The writing time is half over, so if you're still thinking about what to submit, now is the time to start wrapping up those concepts and start cranking. Great to see some nice submissions so far. Come on and give these guys some competition!
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