[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

boltsandguns wrote...
Secundum wrote...
You know, the constant holier than thou attitude with anyone disagreeing with the holiness that it the new Fakku gets shit on is getting really old.

In other news-here's some Fakku internet traffic: Forum Image: http://traffic.alexa.com/graph?w=700&h=371&o=f&c=1&y=t&b=ffffff&n=666666&r=3m&u=fakku.net&

If you want to make a point with stats, you might want to pick accurate ones that matter. Global rank doesn't really mean much.

Forum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/ueedvp.PNG


Waiting for the state of fakku announcement. I don't wanna pay just to see the 'Estimated traffic count'
Well, I had fun here. And fuck you guys for ruining it.

I'm out.
Secundum wrote...
You know, the constant holier than thou attitude with anyone disagreeing with the holiness that it the new Fakku gets shit on is getting really old.

In other news-here's some Fakku internet traffic: Forum Image: http://traffic.alexa.com/graph?w=700&h=371&o=f&c=1&y=t&b=ffffff&n=666666&r=3m&u=fakku.net&

Please kindly see this in regards to that screenshot of our Alexa chart.
Aznable wrote...
Kasaix wrote...
You know, I can accept all this, removing free material to build up a pay site. It's been done before, and it makes total economic sense. What I can't accept, what really bothers me, is the holier than thou message. The people running the site saying that they're doing this "for the artists" so more material comes to the US. It's not for the artists, it's for the money. Own up to it Fakku, it's for the money. Nothing wrong with that, it's a solid business approach, just don't say otherwise.

agreed if they're going to do this at least admit it was for the money, and in the process of doing it they made three scanalation groups disband, one of which was translating doujin that wasn't even distributed by Wani so now those artist aren't getting "exposure". the worst part is now Fakku is part of Japan's fucked up business model which isn't consumer friendly at all and honestly just as bad as companies like Comcast EA, Ubisoft.
the hilarious thing about this is the irony now that Fakku is "legit", its being pirated which if I got all of the digital versions from the store would be $120 USD and if I wanted physical copies that would be around the $300 USD range.

They made three scanalation groups disband? What the fuck. That's the cherry on top of all this bullcrap. They made their name sharing the works of others, and now that this relationship didn't suit their purposes, they hurt those they once relied on. The hypocrisy is palpable.
animefreak_usa wrote...
boltsandguns wrote...
Secundum wrote...
You know, the constant holier than thou attitude with anyone disagreeing with the holiness that it the new Fakku gets shit on is getting really old.

In other news-here's some Fakku internet traffic: Forum Image: http://traffic.alexa.com/graph?w=700&h=371&o=f&c=1&y=t&b=ffffff&n=666666&r=3m&u=fakku.net&

If you want to make a point with stats, you might want to pick accurate ones that matter. Global rank doesn't really mean much.

Forum Image: https://my.mixtape.moe/ueedvp.PNG


Waiting for the state of fakku announcement. I don't wanna pay just to see the 'Estimated traffic count'

Some data from when Fakku removed all it's content would be better.
Jan not up yet. Wait until feb.
Who really cares if Fakku's visits have been dropping?
Fakku is heading towards new directions.
Kasaix wrote...
You know, I can accept all this, removing free material to build up a pay site. It's been done before, and it makes total economic sense. What I can't accept, what really bothers me, is the holier than thou message. The people running the site saying that they're doing this "for the artists" so more material comes to the US. It's not for the artists, it's for the money. Own up to it Fakku, it's for the money. Nothing wrong with that, it's a solid business approach, just don't say otherwise.

lol, for the money?

wha, are porn stuff really that raking in gold?
did you see how much adult business really rakes in? add to the fact that people are leeching like they have the right.

wait a minute, did you even check the price of the actual magazines in japan for starters?

tried to say something smart, but you certainly used the wrong head when you thought about it.

what would you know about business and money? you don't even spend a single cent for things that do need to be paid.

for people saying they're "doing it for the money".... fucking dimwits don't even know that someone else paid for your fapping goods to other scanslators. of course it's always about money. people WORK to EARN, place food in their tables for their family, pay for bills and hobbies, just like everyone else. you guys got guts to saying it was for the money, but you guys also work for the money.
unless you're a NEET, then we should stop talking, because you're worthless for starters.

fuck, it's like people are thinking that the Japanese artists and even the scanslators before are all doing that for free. cant think properly because you got cockblocked?

drop in visitors? of course it would drop. you can already see majority of the traffic was done by leechers to fap and to leave. many of "total post: 1" just say here "no thanks" and leave. some others don't even bother. does that make it any bad? for free fappers that are a leech in society, probably. again, just go wank at your dad's ass for free porn.

money makes the fucking world go round. using "doing it for the money" as an antagonistic approach for the argument is stupid because no one works for free.
I don't got a problem with folks that do make reasons that are valid to why they dont like XX whatever reason XX. I probably think although this one may be a long shot is that some people don't realize people paid for their smut to get it translated and onto their screen is because most scanlator groups use the option of, "donate" instead of pay for smut to help keep us afloat.

Maybe it's the wording of which makes a huge difference. I mean think about it, does having a group that translates smut and asks for donations to "only" keep up server costs sound like a nice friendly non profit organization? Instead of saying, "hey were low on cash can you guys start paying us so we can buy more magazines to translate and pay for our server costs?".

I'm trying to figure out why some folks don't wanna pay that are along the lines of reasons saying, "I ain't paying for porn lulz", or the "Fk you guys for acting all holy n shit", I don't get that either since well......Jacob did say about 9 years he wanted to do something like this so it doesn't really come as surprising except for the ones that don't know that. The last type of reason is the self entitled ones that are along the lines of, "Fk you guys I ain't paying for shit as long as I can steal it cause why do i have to pay for something if I can get it for free lol", For those ones out there, I wanna know where you getting free shit beyond just porn, If you ain't paying for gas and electric and other real life shit. YOU LET ME KNOW where so I can get in on that too.

Next one is, and I'm glad 4chan actually doesn't give that much fk anymore about FAKKU and I really wonder why some people don't do this either actually is, "It's your money, spend it however you want faggot." For the folks that believe FAKKU is gonna fail for XYZ reason then why are you still here? I'm just trying to wonder what are you actually gaining (like seriously why are you at a place you don't even like anymore?) from saying all this negative stuff? Are you hoping to persuade subscribers from seeing it through your lens because they'll figure out themselves if they like the subscription or not anyway? It kind of reminds me of a group of "friends" that hang out and you don't like them at all but you choose to hang out with them anyway.
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
beeEAZY wrote...

I'm trying to figure out why some folks don't wanna pay that are along the lines of reasons saying, "I ain't paying for porn lulz", or the "Fk you guys for acting all holy n shit", I don't get that either since well......Jacob did say about 9 years he wanted to do something like this so it doesn't really come as surprising except for the ones that don't know that. The last type of reason is the self entitled ones that are along the lines of, "Fk you guys I ain't paying for shit as long as I can steal it cause why do i have to pay for something if I can get it for free lol", For those ones out there, I wanna know where you getting free shit beyond just porn, If you ain't paying for gas and electric and other real life shit. YOU LET ME KNOW where so I can get in on that too.

It's more because it's a luxury that's easily attainable so they give the "I don't give a fuck" attitude.
beeEAZY wrote...

Next one is, and I'm glad 4chan actually doesn't give that much fk anymore about FAKKU and I really wonder why some people don't do this either actually is, "It's your money, spend it however you want faggot." For the folks that believe FAKKU is gonna fail for XYZ reason then why are you still here? I'm just trying to wonder what are you actually gaining (like seriously why are you at a place you don't even like anymore?) from saying all this negative stuff? Are you hoping to persuade subscribers from seeing it through your lens because they'll figure out themselves if they like the subscription or not anyway? It kind of reminds me of a group of "friends" that hang out and you don't like them at all but you choose to hang out with them anyway.

It's mainly because they hate Jacob.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Aznable wrote...
[...]and in the process of doing it they made three scanalation groups disband[...]

Proof needed. And please don't confuse Fakku and Wani here, the Wani takedowns that made some groups close their doors happened before the Fakku deal, affected Fakku itself as well, and were the direct trigger that made Fakku even propose this deal to Wani.

These accusations are especially silly considering that Fakku's own translators are also still working as active scanlators.
beeEAZY wrote...

I'm trying to figure out why some folks don't wanna pay that are along the lines of reasons saying, "I ain't paying for porn lulz", or the "Fk you guys for acting all holy n shit", I don't get that either since well......Jacob did say about 9 years he wanted to do something like this so it doesn't really come as surprising except for the ones that don't know that. The last type of reason is the self entitled ones that are along the lines of, "Fk you guys I ain't paying for shit as long as I can steal it cause why do i have to pay for something if I can get it for free lol", For those ones out there, I wanna know where you getting free shit beyond just porn, If you ain't paying for gas and electric and other real life shit. YOU LET ME KNOW where so I can get in on that too.

For me I can't afford to pay for porn. I don't see myself entitled at less I hope I'm not. I only pay for things that I know I can get the value out of like mmos, hulu, and etc. Porn and hentai is not one of those things. I maybe only look at hentia for maybe 30mins a month so paying $13/mo is not worth that for me. I only wish Fakku the best of luck.
This website sux now
Kasaix wrote...
Aznable wrote...
Kasaix wrote...
You know, I can accept all this, removing free material to build up a pay site. It's been done before, and it makes total economic sense. What I can't accept, what really bothers me, is the holier than thou message. The people running the site saying that they're doing this "for the artists" so more material comes to the US. It's not for the artists, it's for the money. Own up to it Fakku, it's for the money. Nothing wrong with that, it's a solid business approach, just don't say otherwise.

agreed if they're going to do this at least admit it was for the money, and in the process of doing it they made three scanalation groups disband, one of which was translating doujin that wasn't even distributed by Wani so now those artist aren't getting "exposure". the worst part is now Fakku is part of Japan's fucked up business model which isn't consumer friendly at all and honestly just as bad as companies like Comcast EA, Ubisoft.
the hilarious thing about this is the irony now that Fakku is "legit", its being pirated which if I got all of the digital versions from the store would be $120 USD and if I wanted physical copies that would be around the $300 USD range.

They made three scanalation groups disband? What the fuck. That's the cherry on top of all this bullcrap. They made their name sharing the works of others, and now that this relationship didn't suit their purposes, they hurt those they once relied on. The hypocrisy is palpable.

Think for yourself. Don't be mindless and believe anything someone says just because they say it. The original poster hasn't proven that Fakku did anything.
Well it was a fun ride all these years with Fakku,
Best site i been going for years,
I come once before see its only CC, so i gave up.

Coming now it's still only Credit Card,
I wish there was another Payment method so i could have a Subscription.

As Long as there is no Paypal or Webmoney Payment Method i think i can't buy any sub :(
not so sure about Webmoney but it is a lot Easier than Paypal,
i think if u get a Personal Passport you can easily get a Gateaway for the site.
Would love to pay for a Sub after it is available.
POCKETKING Faptastic Fapper
While I cant say that I'm thrilled with the direction Fakku has been taking recently, especially as a long time member who is used to the old ways, I understand that these changes have been necessary to keep Fakku alive. What really pisses me off is the attitude of Paypal towards what is probably the most honorable porn sight on the internet, and the politest online community I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. Paypal has been my main resource for most of my online purchases as it provides a buffer between my money and the dangers of online purchases. I'm sure this is the same for many of you. I was irritated when I found that I couldn't use paypal for a fakku subscription, but took solace in the fact that I could at least buy the digital copies of the books when they were made available, but now I find that I cant even do that. Paypal you disappoint me.
Hanayome wrote...
beeEAZY wrote...

Next one is, and I'm glad 4chan actually doesn't give that much fk anymore about FAKKU and I really wonder why some people don't do this either actually is, "It's your money, spend it however you want faggot." For the folks that believe FAKKU is gonna fail for XYZ reason then why are you still here? I'm just trying to wonder what are you actually gaining (like seriously why are you at a place you don't even like anymore?) from saying all this negative stuff? Are you hoping to persuade subscribers from seeing it through your lens because they'll figure out themselves if they like the subscription or not anyway? It kind of reminds me of a group of "friends" that hang out and you don't like them at all but you choose to hang out with them anyway.

It's mainly because they hate Jacob.

Surprisingly the hate is voiced a lot more still on here than on /h/. On /h/ hate or no hate; people are starting to not give a fk anymore about the decision.
Damn, this is a real hard for me.
I'll get this out the way from the start, I'm guilty of using a lot of websites that offer different stuff for free (movies, anime, mostly). Yeah, I know it's a bit stupid of me to admit something so obvious, but I also am a person that uses this as a "try for free". If it's something that I really enjoy, I'd GLADLY buy the app/game/movie/etc IF it comes at a reasonable price. Why? To support the creator, of course. I'm a fan of his/her work, so I would like to see more of it in the future. I've spent many years not doing it, but recently I've taken a joy in it. My library on steam can agree on that (my pc was full of cracked games and now I have none).
That said, I have never considered paying for porn/hentai before this.
And now that I have, I won't.
The reason behind this change suits my interests quite nicely, and I applaud Jacob and other administrators for this (Yeii). Yet, I won't be supporting this for two reasons.
1. I don't like monthly suscriptions for a start, but even after that, I find it pricey. I don't blame you guys, it's probably pretty reasonable looking at the work behind it, but for me, that's above the average I would spend on a hobbie. For 15 bucks I'll get a book. Great. But I only like 1-2 stories in that book (Seriously, I've checked). Or the suscription. And I don't own anything at the end of the month :c.
2. I don't see the logic of paying to wank off. I mean, I can save that money and get my gf a 15 dlls gift (That's enough for a decent gift here in Mexico) every month. I'll have sex and happiness and I still have her at the end of the month. I liked several stories in hentai (Yes, I'm a weird guy that reads hentai for its compelling story), but I rather stop reading them than pay that fee.
Thank you, Fakku, for giving me many hours of entertainment, but for me this is a good bye. I wish you and the site the best.
I have only posted on this thread once before asking certain questions regarding this decision and they have largely been answered, so I will ask further :) Once again I feel the need to preface this post with the fact that I am and have been a paying subscriber since the beginning and will continue to be for many reasons. I am also a frequent book purchaser and have most of the books Fakku has released. I am also not, nor have I been, an active member in the community, only a consumer. As such, my knowledge of previous answers on threads outside of this by employees of Fakku are severely limited, so pardon any ignorance of mine.

That being said, one issue I did not bring up previously was the distinction between books and subscriptions. What led to this distinction? Why was this the decision made? Were other approaches considered? Why not include the cost of books in subscriptions and increase the price of subscriptions as necessary? Undoubtedly there are some questions I'm not asking, but these are the ones I know to ask currently.

As once stated by Fakku, the idea of allowing subscriptions for specific content (publication/magazine, artist, genre, etc.) at a reduced price was considered and rejected on the basis that it would promote favoritism and crowd out other content perhaps because they are not well established or there content/subject matter is not as popular (NTR vs Winscest as an example). This line of reasoning is not without legitimate criticism but I can understand the decision and accept it regardless of what I want as a consumer. Why then was this same rationale not applied to books? They are a specific body or work for a single artist that has a substantial amount of content that most would probably desire to read. The price, at its lowest, is less that $10 for a digital copy and nothing more. The price of a subscription, albeit monthly, as less than $13 for a greater amount of content than a book released by a single author. I do not understand why a unique paywall is given to books and is excluded from subscribers that do not wish to pay extra for such content.

I have purchased books in the past because the content was so attractive that I didn't think beyond that simple fact of is this something I want. As a subscriber, I feel slightly...what's the word...ripped off? excluded? unrewarded for my support? The feeling is hard to describe but these are the best words or phrases I can come up with at the moment. I feel this way since there exists content on Fakku that my subscription does not grant me access to, and I'm denied access without any reason or rationale that I am aware of. If someone could explain to me why this is the case I would greatly appreciate it.

Let me reiterate that I am and will continue to be a Fakku subscriber and a purchaser of books.
Haven't been here since start of Jan and came here today was gonna quickly read some stuff to find all this.

After reading the main posts and some of the comments I guess I can understand this approach.

It makes sense to do a subscription service and go the legal route as a business (provided the companies you're posting mangas of are getting some of that sub money) I think it's fine to do what you do.

However I do agree with what someone said about lack of content, the fact you've removed all your scans all at once and only have your new legal ones seems like a very bold move. Personally it would've made more business sense to slowly remove them while you put on legal content and build up your legal section with subs and free content bit by bit.

It would of made people happier and probably people would eventually subscribe knowing they are at least going to get content of the same volume and quality that they are required to pay for. But getting rid of it all at once? Seems weird unless the companies were literally knocking on your door with a cease and desist seems weird to do that.

Regarding price and payment. I do think the sub price is higher then it should be , at best it should be $10 lowest maybe $7 but slightly $12 just seems more then it should especially considering now that your content isn't as big as it use to be.

Also lack of payment options besides credit card is definitely not good, I agree with donation options that seems best I doubt paypal would care if you had it someone can put in the description their username you confirm it and give them a month etc. Nothing wrong with that method tbh, even if that's not the case I'm sure you can provide other payment methods.

Well that's just my opinion anyway, I wish you all well on this I'll probably just stay for the forums now but for me sub price seems a bit high for not having the amount of content you use to have and also I don't like it's card only that puts me a bit uneased.

I hope you do succeed with Fakku and I wish you well.