Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both?

Which hand is your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 208
I'm right-handed. Writing with my left-hand is abit awkward for me, same for eating with a fork, a spoon or a set of chopsticks. Fapping is another story though lol.
Both, but right hand ftw
Not a lefty, never was, never will be. I'm a righty btw.
Most of my activities are with my right hand but fapping is with my left. I use lube so my left hand gets a bit messy, that leaves my right hand to click and find the content. :]
When I was younger I used my left for pretty much anything I could use one hand for, but I saw my brother who was learning faster than me so I switched to my right. I still use my left today for many things and I still put on watches and do up my shoes like a left handed person would, I even recently started writing with it again.
I'm a lefty for small motor skills like eating, drawing, writing, and also things like tennis, ping-pong, throwing things, and bowling. But for some odd reason I use my right hand for scissors and other things like batting and golf. XD
I'm a lefty and damn proud of it.
Lefty but I use my right for fapping.
I am a sever righty. I can't do anything with my left hand except to type, and use it for video game controllers. Otherwise, it's just a useless appendage for me.
I'm right handed. I really wish I could use my left hand as well.
BlinkXPoke Cards and Hugs abound
I taught myself to be ambidextrous after learning sign language. Helps when I'm holding something while trying to "speak" with my friends' deaf parents or deaf students.
Fruid Lurker of Threads
I'm right-handed for pretty much everything other than writing, which I do with my left.
Fruid wrote...
I'm right-handed for pretty much everything other than writing, which I do with my left.

huh i always thought i was the only one ....

Yup i write with my Left and do everything else right xD
I'm a righty. I can write a little bit with my left hand, but it looks terrible.
I don't know how to explain it. I'm supposed to have a dominant left hand seeing as I use my left hand for writing and eating but I use my right hand for sports and construction and instruments.
I'm a righty, but I use my left hand for playing pool, thats about the only quirk.
were the hell is the option of left handed but do to accident now righty -.-
I'm a righty, getting better at using my left hand though :P
well im left handed but since the accident i can only use my left hands to write and fap i cant use it to exert much force like carrying heavy things or punching so i use my right
Monster Girl
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