Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both?

Which hand is your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 208
I can use both hands but i use left for writing and right for sports. :D
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'm ambidextrous, I can use both for pretty much everything.

The only exceptions are;

* I can only use my left hand for writing and working the mousepad on my laptop - so I'm one of those whose handwriting is piss-poor, the ink smudges when using fountain pen ink and has Tap disabled

* and my right hand for masturbating and using a mouse.
I am right handed I was able to use my left as much but it got fucked up now I have a little nerve damage in my left arm my hand is still strong which is how I can make jewelry still but the arm itself is week
i am right handed, i'll use it for almost anything.

CLPB wrote...
I am right handed I was able to use my left as much but it got fucked up now I have a little nerve damage in my left arm my hand is still strong which is how I can make jewelry still but the arm itself is week

what happened to your left hand ?
I answer to your question is neither.

I was born with a birth defect that makes it so I only have 60% function in my right and and 40% in my left (of a normal person). For computer use I generally end up typing, but if its a long paper or something I have a speech recognition program I use.
I'm right and bad with my left, but when it comes to fapping...
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Pretty much do everything with my right hand.

BUT, when it's occupied, my left hand does the job just fine. (Except on writing and fapping)
steve_evvans wrote...
i am right handed, i'll use it for almost anything.

CLPB wrote...
I am right handed I was able to use my left as much but it got fucked up now I have a little nerve damage in my left arm my hand is still strong which is how I can make jewelry still but the arm itself is week

what happened to your left hand ?

One of the times I broke my arm Im really not sure which they blend together I think it was the time I needed surgery on my left I ended up losing like 20% strength in it
I sit on my left hand for a while and then jerk off, i call it a stranger
I use my right hand for writing and painting while I save my left hand for fapping and shoot firearms like a lefty as I'm left eye dominant.
I'm left handed, writing-wise, my right hand is pretty horrible, but then again, my handwriting is usu. terrible in general.
For some reason I got used to using my right hand for fapping, dunno how it happened, but as a result, my right bicep became slightly noticeably buffer than my left.
It made my left feel inferior, so I'm trying to balance it out now~
object on my right huh, chair armrest? or USB mouse...
I'm a righty. But when it comes to holding things and such I tend to grab with my left hand and use my right hand as a base/support. For example, if i was holding a gun I would use my my left hand as the trigger finger and use my right hand to support.
I hope I can use both but nah, I'm a right handler.
I can't draw a circle, or a straight line to save my life but I can draw like a monster.
Monster Girl
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