Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both?

Which hand is your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 208
Im a righty but i use my left to grab things!
im right handed but when i reach to grab something, i always use my left hand
I'm a righty mainly but if I'm feeling frisky I'll pull out the "stranger"...otherwise the lefty is just foreplay :p
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Righty. Really suck with my left.

Other than...? A small calendar, some pens, my headphones and a tissue.

They're all random, I swear.
I'd say maybe both
Righty, and really bad at using my left hand.
Right handed.

I'm just bad at doing things with left-hand...
I thought about 90% of the Earth's population was right-handed, but the polling numbers say differently. Maybe Fakku just appeals better to those that are left-handed?
Im left handed, but I can switch it for most activities.
There was a time.where I destroyed my left wrists, so I had to refine my right hand usage a bit.
Still can't write or draw all that clearly with my right yet.
Anyways, I got my sketchbook, a bowl of sliced pineapples, several bottles of ink, some comic books, and my xbox within reaching distance for my right hand.
precision-right, power-left
I am right handed, but being ambidextrous would be pretty cool.
Im right handed, cant use my left hand for anything. lols.
LEFTY LEFTY LEFTY. Do everything with my left hand. Except for things like using a mouse and brushing my teeth.
Righty, I'm pretty much useless with my left hand.
Mostly right handed. But I fap with my left?

[size=5](Before anyone says anything about necro-bumping, she is contributing to the thread. Read the rules.)[/h]
[size=3]Inb4 White Knight[/h]
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
All right for me. Suck with my left hand.

[size=5]Nobody's saying anything yet, Ko, but really, why the need to bring back SO many old threads at once?[/h]
[size=3]White-knight... >_>[/h]
artcellrox wrote...
All right for me. Suck with my left hand.

[size=5]Nobody's saying anything yet, Ko, but really, why the need to bring back SO many old threads at once?[/h]

Now that I have looked, that's a lot of bumped threads, yo.

OT: I too have a weak left hand.
Well I am predominantly right handed but there are things I can do with either hand e.g. using a scalpel.
I'm a righty. When I was a kid I thought that being a lefty was more cool, so a lot of the things I learned from then on I do lefty. My lefty writing is sloppy, but I fantasize that some day I'll become truly ambidextrous. I shoot lefty because my left eye is stronger, I skateboard goofy foot, I play guitar lefty because I wanted to be like Cobain and Hendrix. I throw right handed, and when I catch I run away from the ball.

The closest things I can reach are my trusty shotgun, motorcycle keys, and the stolen diamonds.

...actually the bed is on that side, so the closest thing I can grab is a pillow.
I'm your typical right-handed dude.

Extra question: My mouse.
Monster Girl
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