Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both?

Which hand is your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 208
right handed. I did use to wear watches as a lefty until i noticed it got in the way of writing. when it comes to eating in a table, im ambidextrous (i can use 2 pairs of chopsticks at the same time :D Jelly?)
I'm glad I'm a righty. I have a left-handed friend and his fucking classwork was smudged to all fuckin' hell lol.
i'm lefty when i still on elementary school but there's culture on my country that righty is better than lefty so i try using my right hand to write etc, this day i can used both of them but stil prefer right hand :)
right handed for most things but fire guns ambidextrously i also drive and operate machinery wrong handed
I'm right-handed, but I HAVE tried teaching my left hand to write as well as my right. Didn't work out so well (lack of effort). XP
Xil Norse God of Sawdust
Like the majority, I'm right handed.

Not too good at my left hand with a majority of tasks, but there are certain areas(unable to think of an example) where I'll use my left hand over my right.
I am right handed when it comes to writing and drawing, but I'm ambidextrous with eating or masturbating lol.
I use both really. When I'm eating I prefer using both hands but when I wash the dishes I use my left even though I'm right hand dominant. I also use my left hand to eat when my right is on the mouse. :D Multi-tasking woooo!
I'm right handed. I tried once for a day to see if I could use my left hand but that didn't work out very well, so yeah I use my right hand for everything....
Left for fapping...right for everything else
I'm both but i use my right(for fapping)
Left handed for everything. Writing, eating, fapping.
Im left handed.

Though I use my right hand for everyday stuff.
Monster Girl
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