Are you a Lefty or a Righty, or maybe both?

Which hand is your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 208
I remember making a thread about this topic on IB lol, I selected the third option.
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
I'm Ambidextrous (although my left-handed writing is sloppy) I prefer my right hand for most things, as it seems to be slightly more dominant than my left. But I can switch and use my left hand for just about anything.
I use both.For writing i use my right hand because i'm faster with it unlike my left which o can also do but i have to take my time.
I use my left hand for the mouse while on the computer and right for the keyboard.
I'm a leftie writhing with my left hand but i use my right hand for moving the mouse and masturbation. Odly my left hand and foot is more resistant than the right one even tough i use my right side as a pillar (supporting leg hand etc.)
i write with my left, eat with my left (chopsticks) spoon,
i play sports with my right hand, ie batting tennis, soccer, tabletennis, badminton etc
i throw things with my right
right hand for mouse, left hand for pen spinning
I'd say I use my right hand for doing things that need force (punching,arm-wrestling,throwing,etc)
but I'm a lefty when writing and typing one-handedly
Right. I wish I was both tho
I write with my right hand, but other than that I'm good with either.
i'm ambidextrous. i can't write very well with either hand. and i can't write into my body so i use my right hand to write. unless i'm dicking about. then i write in mirror image with my left hand.
I'm both.... however this took a lot of time to work it. I am normally right handed but my injury back in middle school on my wrist and carpal tunnel in my hand hurt and makes my handwriting look weird so I started using my left hand about 5 years ago. With my left hand I can hopefully get back into drawing again.
I'm a righty, but when I'm looking at "masturbatory material" on the computer, I fap lefty.
The Jesus wrote...
I'm a righty, but when I'm looking at "masturbatory material" on the computer, I fap lefty.

Quoted for truth. I just don't know why.
NeoStriker wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
I'm a righty, but when I'm looking at "masturbatory material" on the computer, I fap lefty.

Quoted for truth. I just don't know why.

Simply put, the truth is the truth whether or not you can explain it.
I'm a lefty for most things I do but I am a righty when it comes to basic things like computer mouse or driving a car. I also throw with my right arm for some strange reason.
I'm supposedly naturally left-handed (I write with my left hand, using utensils).
But ever since I was little, people always kept pointing it out to me and I thought it was a bad thing. So I tried using my right hand, so I'm able to do most things with my right hand too. So I would say maybe I'm kind of both right now.
I'm a natural right-handed man, at least as my writing hand goes. However I can do a lot of things with my left as well so I can't say I'm bad with it, just that its not as good as the right one. I like using my left hand whenever I can for some reason...
Lefthanders 4evar!
I use my left when writing, but when I'm punching or throwing something I use my right, and when I'm playing racket games I use my left therefore,

Left - Accuracy
Right - Strength
I'm a Righty, I wish I could learn how to be a Lefty.
I'm very right handed in everything... except for masturbation (then it's lefty's shift from there).
Monster Girl
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