Megaupload, shut down by FBI.

Flaser wrote...
Oh... so apparently all the feds did, was take out the domain. Makes sense, since they can't actually touch the servers as they're not located in the US. This is actually how SOPA would've operated.

Ah. Now that makes a lot more sense. I was wondering why we weren't hearing news about the United States government being sued for shutting down servers not based on their own soil, but they never actually did that.

Still, I do expect that Megaupload will be back up in a couple of weeks.
Lelouch24 wrote...
Is there a chance that megaupload will be back? sites like piratebay manage to stay around, but megaupload is a paid service

Oh there is certainly a chance. All the United States has done is shut down the domain. All Megaupload has to do is do it all over again. The United States government doesn't have the right to shut down their servers, so all that has happened is the world is no longer able to access the website, but the files are probably still intact.
Miss you already, MU.......................... :'(
All I can hope is that the U.S. justice system takes the course it has always done. Slow, inefficient, and tending to side with the defendant. Of course this is a little different with the prosecution being the government plus a conglomerate of companies no doubt worth millions if not billions of dollars.

Here's to life as we know it. 2012 may indeed be the year when the world web stops to exist.

On other thoughts, won't if feel weird to look back at this a couple decades from now and tell all the youngsters about a magical place where you could download almost anything for free? It makes me feel like we're living history.
I'm a (freelance, semi-hobbyist) graphic designer, I sent all of my clients their stuff via megaupload, so when they asked for a copy I could just go to my account and either download the psd myself and edit or send it to them. Looks like I got fucked.

Granted, my clients mostly people I met on the internet and are just as enraged by this as me, it is one more of recent days that are unfortunately growing more common where I am not proud to be an American.

What will happen to things like Katawa Shoujo? Will they be assumed to be among pirated visual novels, and therefor removed, and censored? There are plenty of legal things going on around sites like megaupload, and even places like thepiratebay.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
GOD DAMMIT! Did the USA learn something when thy tried to take down The pirate bay? Guess not.

Congradulations goverment of USA, you showed once again that you serve Corporations not the people.

PS! I seriously hope that Anonymous does more damage to USA network,
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Hale wrote...
I'm embarrassed to call myself an American now-a-days. Thanks government.

animefreak_usa wrote...
That the thing.. server isn't in america.. how can you arrest or 404 a site no in the preview of a law.. if it's the local authorizes via there laws.. then that different.

I think there actually were servers in america. The reason I think this is cause of this quote from a Los Angeles Times article.

Los Angeles Times wrote...

After receiving indictments from a grand jury in Virginia for racketeering conspiracy, conspiracy to commit copyright infringement and other charges on Jan. 5, federal authorities on Thursday arrested four people and executed more than 20 search warrants in the U.S. and eight foreign countries, seizing 18 domain names and an estimated $50 million in assets, including servers run in Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Link to the article:

The reason I said "think" is cause I'm not sure if "run in" means they are actually in the US. I think it means they are but not sure.

OT: As was said somewhere in the above mentioned article. It was not the people that ran the site, that actually put the copyrighted material on the site. All the founders and staff of the site did was make a place for there users to share files they had. Though they did not take it down right away. The staff of MU tried to get copyrighted material down when they found it, and alwayas took the files down when given proof that the files were copyrighted by someone.

Truthfully it is sad this happen, but I think MU will be back.
There were servers in the United States, as well as the other eight countries involved, but I believe the lion's share of them are still in Hong Kong, where I think they are safe for the time being. Megaupload is already back at, but who knows how long that will last, and if it does how long it will take to restore things to normal operation.

I should say that they don't actually operate from Hong Kong anymore, but I don't think anything happened to the servers there. I don't really know. So there might still be some servers out there, there may not be.

Doesn't much matter. All of the news on this is so entirely conflicting. I don't think anyone out there has the entire story, and most of us have nothing but complete speculation.
Is it possible for someone to post a list of VNs in the masterlist that needs to be reuploaded? I will try to get as much VNs uploaded as possible
I'm just gonna drop this here.
I was under the impression that the servers and the nodes are in abroad. Chatrooms and bbs are misleading at times.
raichama Audio Technica Fanboy
I hope that thing isn't fake

EDIT: its probably one of those sites that hosts an LOIC that helped Anonymous DDoS those sites today
Is it just me or does the internet just feel incomplete without megaupload? LOL
No, I feel the same. I am not a pirate, and I do not use it often unless to transfer large resources for my projects. However, something feels very wrong. Something feels VERY fucked up about this! It just doesn't feel right!


devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
josiec09 wrote...
Is it just me or does the internet just feel incomplete without megaupload? LOL

No, you are right.
To know that one of our favourite DDL site is down for good is just irritating.
Be that as it may, at least have the courtesy to get off your moral high-horse for five seconds and admit that you are pirate as well. Or does it do your little preaching discredit when you take the time to admit that before you start regurgitating a bunch of anti-piracy slop?

Yeah, piracy isn't exactly the greatest concept that we have become all to familiar with and many accepting over. However, it is far from being morally repugnant. I can't vouch for the RIAA since I don't have their statistics, but it has be repeatedly cited over the years the that movie industry is actually gaining revenue despite the increase in piracy over the years. So, to say that piracy is one of the reasons that the global economy is in such terrible shape, is at the very least, exaggerated if not completely nonsensical.

As for piracy = lack of quality, who came up with that? When has there ever been a correlation between an increase in piracy and decrease in the quality of goods? Far as I know, no such hypothesis or theory has ever existed, or at the very least hasn't been well founded or grounded in cites.

I'm upset by it, but I'm not afraid or so cloaked in my moral surpremecy, to admit that I'm a pirate. As are at least 99% of users on Fakku. Because guess what, just about everything on Fakku is illegal. End of discussion. Just because the material isn't licensed in the country you live in, does not give you the legal grounds to obtain it without paying for it. So those of you who are saying you don't pirate need to get off your moral high-horse and stop lying, you aren't fooling anyone.
To know the AMERICAN government was able to do it for illegitimate reasons is even more worrying. It makes the internet feel a lot less free.
Lishy1 wrote...
To know the AMERICAN government was able to do it for illegitimate reasons is even more worrying. It makes the internet feel a lot less free.

It wasn't just the American government. Eight other countries piggy-backed onto this to seize servers in their respected countries as well. Despite not liking it either, the federal government did this all very much in a legal manner.

As far as we know, everything is still there. All the U.S. government did was block access to the domain, which is in the United States, completely in their jurisdiction. One can argue that instead of shutting down the domain, they should have instituted a simple DNS block so those in the United States couldn't access it, but that's neither here nor there.

The part that pisses me off is the audacity of the federal government. Specifically, I don't doubt for a moment that the U.S. government pressured, even bullied, the New Zealand government into arresting Kim Schmitz. I'm quite sick of the U.S. government throwing its weight around, and bullying other countries' governments into doing what the U.S. government wants.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Tsurayu wrote...

Fake, Full of malwares.

real =
Monster Girl
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