Megaupload, shut down by FBI.

Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
animefreak_usa wrote...
I think the whole idea of 'OH SHIT THE FED HAS THE IP LOGS... IM FUCKED' is very fear based.. but true.. i doubt they go after the users who upload a small amount of maybe pirated stuff and more go after the people who host a shit ton of stuff. I thinking of deleting some of the stuff on my MF accounts... hentai/doujin/unlicensed animu excluded.

I believe the Feds/Copyright Owners will go after people with *personal* records first. People who have an account with Megaupload that provides direct personal information - name, bank account, etc. - as they can be prosecuted in a rather straight-forward fashion.

Second they, *might* go after mere down-loaders, however proving the connection between an actual person and an IP address is *NOT* an easy thing. In the US this is a lot easier, as law mandates ISPs have to keep records of IP assignment... however just because they're mandated by law or that they do keep records doesn't mean that their scheme is actually effective at this. The thing about requiring a warrant also applies here, so some ISPs may resist and proving to a court that copyright violation had taken place is not as easy as a lot of people make it out to be. There are still significant fair use rights, so the issue is a bit more muddled.

Outside the US, I'd say all bets are off as:
a) You're in a different jurisdiction, what you did may be legal where you live.
b) It's a lot harder to gain your personal information from an ISP not on US soil.
c) The whole thing costs more.

So all in all, non-US citizens are least likely to be hit... though not impossible, as it's merely a question of money and time. If sufficient pressure is put on foreign governments or they're amenable to anti-piracy measures in the first place we might be in for some nasty surprises.
tswarthog wrote...
So the day after a victory over SOPA and we get this? I am now one to go all chaos theory but I see a connection here.

Well firstly this news came out a day before the victory...kinda.

Secondly, I think it helped contribute to the victory since it showed that the Free Market doesn't need MORE interference for piracy to be hindered in some regard. This was all done through the laws we currently have, thus making SOPA and PIPA look incredibly redundant (not that the 13 million+ strong protest didn't massively and astonishingly help).

I'd also like to say that, though Megaupload did have a lot of legit stuff going for it, especially in recent years, it was still a major piracy force and I, despite being the typical internet denizen, I can't say this is unjust, really. It sucks, but we all know Megaupload can't claim totally innocent.

Not all doom and gloom, though. For pirates, well, torrenting will always exist as well as other websites who follow in MU's footsteps. As for Megaupload, it might not be the end. The Pirate Bay managed to come out strong after all the litigation. Who knows? Maybe the same can happen to Megaupload. Or maybe that multimillionaire tycoon who owns Megaupload will just start again should MU get permanently downed.

Point is, this isn't as bad as what would've happened should SOPA and PIPA have prevailed. We're still victorious and should celebrate accordingly. Pirates and even the common bloke might want to be more careful in what they upload/download for a while, though. Sore losers everywhere...
There goes all of my years of uploading... *cries*
The take down of MU is an attack on the internet an all it represents
The freedom of shared media an creativity
The people who spend there hard earned money to support there ISP's.
This should be viewed as a clear act to attack the internet. the government has far less flashy moves as to rolling out a small army to arrest free business owners.

MU to an extent was Legitimate, no up/down load site can claim they are 100% copy right infringement free. They could have handeled this matter more more softly like say i don't know lock there bank accounts, perform an investagion, or just informed local police officers to go arrest them. Not make a big show of them for what THEY believe in.

Its a clear act of war to the online community.
So, is there no way for megaupload to be used again?
yurixhentai wrote...
Dr._Strangelove wrote...
There's no reason that I should accidentally 98MB offiles and have it take 6 hours to complete....

Not only does that sentence not make any sense, and keep in mind we're in the serious discussion section, you must have a terrible connection.

Granted, I NEVER used to have a problem with Megaupload before, all of a sudden the downloads started taking FOREVER to complete, and it was not my connection, i was using the same high speed internet I had always used when they used to take a few minutes, so let MEGA burn, theres plenty of other uploader fish in the sea.
Dr._Strangelove wrote...
Granted, I NEVER used to have a problem with Megaupload before, all of a sudden the downloads started taking FOREVER to complete, and it was not my connection, i was using the same high speed internet I had always used when they used to take a few minutes, so let MEGA burn, theres plenty of other uploader fish in the sea.

I had that problem too. It's a browser issue.
applesauce wrote...
I'm a (freelance, semi-hobbyist) graphic designer, I sent all of my clients their stuff via megaupload, so when they asked for a copy I could just go to my account and either download the psd myself and edit or send it to them. Looks like I got fucked.

Granted, my clients mostly people I met on the internet and are just as enraged by this as me, it is one more of recent days that are unfortunately growing more common where I am not proud to be an American.

What will happen to things like Katawa Shoujo? Will they be assumed to be among pirated visual novels, and therefor removed, and censored? There are plenty of legal things going on around sites like megaupload, and even places like thepiratebay.

Crazy thought, and it would require quite a bit of moolah to pull off.

But a Class Action Suit, by the likes of yourself, Lishy1, and other users that make use of the legitimate side of MU, against the DoJ for loss of earnings etc etc, might be a way to put pressure on them to back off.

You could use places like Reddit and Facebook or even 4Chan to find other legitimate users of the place.

It would kinda hinge on whether Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. or MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd would be used as the underlying foundation for the arguments of each side, however, seeing how you're legit uders, and the take down is costing you potential revenue, the latter Court case wouldn't be much of a shield to the DoJ, whereas the first case has a built in immunity for the producers of the machines, which in this case would be MU.
Kouchou wrote...
applesauce wrote...
I'm a (freelance, semi-hobbyist) graphic designer, I sent all of my clients their stuff via megaupload, so when they asked for a copy I could just go to my account and either download the psd myself and edit or send it to them. Looks like I got fucked.

Granted, my clients mostly people I met on the internet and are just as enraged by this as me, it is one more of recent days that are unfortunately growing more common where I am not proud to be an American.

What will happen to things like Katawa Shoujo? Will they be assumed to be among pirated visual novels, and therefor removed, and censored? There are plenty of legal things going on around sites like megaupload, and even places like thepiratebay.

Crazy thought, and it would require quite a bit of moolah to pull off.

But a Class Action Suit, by the likes of yourself, Lishy1, and other users that make use of the legitimate side of MU, against the DoJ for loss of earnings etc etc, might be a way to put pressure on them to back off.

You could use places like Reddit and Facebook or even 4Chan to find other legitimate users of the place.

It would kinda hinge on whether Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. or MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd would be used as the underlying foundation for the arguments of each side, however, seeing how you're legit uders, and the take down is costing you potential revenue, the latter Court case wouldn't be much of a shield to the DoJ, whereas the first case has a built in immunity for the producers of the machines, which in this case would be MU.

Awesome, we teh peoples can 'fight' legally against this action! That is, if as you say we have the "moolah" to do it. the Average American Joe: "We have the best criminal court system."

Me: "Luls, we don't. The hundreds of thousands of dollars you have to pay whether you win or lose negates the whole purpose of a trial. And in a guilty case, do you really want your fate decided by a influenced "jury" of average joes like yourselves? Maybe, at best you'll get a Casey Anthony-like result but it's incredibly unlikely. But also know the chances of a true correct verdict are also unlikely as these average joes at best are teachers and fireworkers and have had no involvement in the case before hand, let alone any critical thinking skills."

There's one way we can make our system better though and that is to put acclaimed people in the position of jury and not Mr. and Ms. Average Joe. In other words, a forensics expert on the jury, a criminal psychologist on the jury etc.

Our system is good for one thing and one thing only: For our government and for those capable of paying, like everything else in America in the 21st century it's become a dog and pony show.

(Sorry, it is an off-topic post but one that I believe to be important in it's own right)
So, today I was in the mood to obtain several VNs. But apparently Megaupload was shut down on the 19th of January.

I don't recall SOPA or PIPA being passed. Anyone able to shed some light on this?

Regard how do you guys feel about this? I'm for one upset, just makes it harder for me to find the VNs that were posted on --
FAKKU! Recommends
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Old news. Was shut down 2 days ago. Multiple threads have been made already.

For example:

This, this and this.

I wouldn't post in the last two though if I were you. Incoherant babbling is the arsehole of Fakku.

Thoughts, concerns, plans?

I for one am moving to bikini bottom.
LustfulAngel wrote...

"We have the best criminal court system money can buy."

There... fixed it. ^_-
Thread already exist
stop repeating shit -__-
This is the internet. There are many more options for the procurement of pornographic videos.
I do not mourn the loss of megaupload.
There's still hope
Loner the People's Senpai
posting for S&G's

BTW, thread already exists as Gravity Cat pointed out.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Oh for the love of god..
Monster Girl
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