Megaupload, shut down by FBI.

Kaimax wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...

Fake, Full of malwares.

real =

Be that as it may, don't count on that one being real either. Conveniently enough, both sites list the as the real address, meaning that if the .bz domain is fake, they are doing a credible job of making it seem as though it is nothing more than an alternate address. Also, I haven't heard of anyone getting infected from viewing the .bz address. Where did you hear that?
Kaimax Best Master-San
Tsurayu wrote...
Where did you hear that?

read some tweets at Megaupload's and Anon's Project megaupload tweeter. I haven't read both of them again since this afternoon though.!/search?q=http%3A%2F%2F109.236.83.66%2F

EDit, apparently everyone is confused. There are other people that starts yelling that the link I posted is also "fake".

To be safe, just assume everything's fake.
This has been all around the forums.
MU is one of the great file hosting sites since it has few waiting time, can watch hosted movie files etc. And I've heard it just recently removed its file download limit, not sure about that though.

Anyway, not all people uses MU for piracy D: But most people do.
Hm, interesting. Personally I find the random IP address more suspicious, but I can't deny that's just because I find a random string of numbers less identifiable than an actual name, which just makes me all the more gullible. However, just as possible they are all fake and attempting to infect computers. Oh well, made me take down my linking of either one of them on Twitter and Facebook for now. A bit more caution on my part would be smarter than me being an indirect cause for infecting those associated with me. >.>
They used seventy six police officers to arrest the four dudes from megaupload.
If megaupload gets back up again, i will try to upload my translated VN.
I only have about 30gb of them though, or should we switch to filesonic?

Maybe they are still working on it
Found this but not sure if it is fake or real
More effectively, I think a good way to fuck the government, the RIAA, and the MPAA over right now would be to voluntarily send a massive surge of people into the court systems, on the basis of admitting to piracy of copyrighted material's. Even a fraction of the people who do commit acts of piracy, just 10% of the population of Pirates still make up I'd say at least 5% of the world population. It could possibly be enough to effectively shut down the MPAA and RIAA, from the cost of court fees they would have to undoubtedly pay.

Please also keep in mind that the RIAA has been known to spend billions on court fees only to bring millions in.

I'm not a Pirate in the traditional sense, I buy all my music, movies, games,and Anime, but if supporting the free trade of intellectual, property makes me a pirate, then I say this, "I do what I want because a pirate is free. I am a pirate."(yes I know I just misquoted Lazytown Sue me[size=10]If the RIAA and MPAA don't first[/h])
web is created for porn

they just ruined it
chickensss wrote...
Because they were hosted by the same people, that means Megaporn is also taken down too.
No good on the address
I am not able to even get a packet back.

I really did not see this coming so fast though. So much time spent with this SOPA b.s. & finally it seems like there just might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

But as to as to say a totally cliche line, we had to wake up from our dream some time. Big entertainment tycoons do not invest what would probably be billions to see no sort of goal reached, granted this is small for there broad spectrum.

My day was shattered by the news...
shardik wrote...
This is a huge blow to the archives, and fakku was the first site I thought of when I saw the news. I wonder if everyone will be happy with mediafire and rapidshare, or if those are in danger now too.

i dont dislike MU but i prefer MF or RS when downloading (due to my location and connection) but i still feel the big lose since MOST of the H-stuff are uploaded in MU ( oh those doujins i havent downloaded yet that are in MU, those hentai anime) :(

FU SOPA!!!!!!

Hildedge wrote...
I'm sure more will go down in due time, I bet right now millions of people are downloading as much as they can before hell breaks lose

im one of them LOL
I hate to say this, but I'm glad this is hitting home for a lot of people. The easiest way to show what dangers we're in regarding SOPA is bullshit like this, and while it's a tragic turn of events, it will have an unprecedented effect on those undecided on SOPA and PIPA.

It only takes a few more sites taken down like this, before there's a full-blown revolution. Hyperbole? Perhaps. But the wrath of the world will be enacted upon those responsible for this blatant corporate censorship, that's for certain. The more instances like with Wikipedia's self-blackout, with MegaUpload's forceful removal... the more will pledge to say, "I will not stand for this." It will be glorious. Lines have been crossed - a few more to go, and the deaths of SOPA and PIPA will follow.
Well this sucks. Not like there aren't other sites, but it is annoying.

Another reason to think bad about America (the people running it, not the good people happening to live there).
David360 wrote...
I'm just gonna drop this here.

Well. I hope none of my friends mind that I spammed this to them. On the upside I've never spammed ever before. So. I think I'm forgiven. God I've been active in protesting. The last 2 years megaupload has been underfire? Sheesh.. It's become REAL big in the last 2 years. I hope mediafire isn't next.
In my honest opinion, anon seems pretty butthurt about all this. There are other sites where you can share files (ex. Mediafire) also by retaliating in a big way it seems to make the internet community seem childish.

I still think there could have been an alternative other than "They took down a loved website down, lets take some of theirs down. Yeaaaaaaaah.... that'll teach em"
Fruid Lurker of Threads

If you're curious you should read this article.

"The Megaupload case is unusual, said Orin S. Kerr, a law professor at George Washington University, in that federal prosecutors obtained the private e-mails of Megaupload’s operators in an effort to show they were operating in bad faith.

'The government hopes to use their private words against them,' Mr. Kerr said. 'This should scare the owners and operators of similar sites.'"
It finally works again if you visit it here
After trying it for the past 15minutes, and reloading it for a 5th time..
But how safe is this? Could this be a trap or is this the real deal?
I really hope they get it back up fast as they've mentioned it on their site.

*Edit 1*
Heard/saw people talking about viruses and stuff, I'm scanning the site at the moment and waiting for results but I'm still not convinced.

*Edit 2*
Results just came in.
BitDefender says it's a phishing site.
G-Data also says it's a phishing site, all the others say it's clean, not sure if that's due to it being new around.

*Edit 3*
But then again megaupload was apparently a malware website.. according to ParetoLogic
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
ImperialX wrote...
[size=10]Copy Pasted from my post in IB.[/h]

Don't mix anti-piracy with censorship. If you are after a drug vendor, you disable his means of distribution (such as intercepting shipments or confiscating his goods). Similarly, to stop a pirate, you disable their means of distribution, which in this case means shutting down their servers. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with doing so. If there was a street in Hong Kong that sells predominantly stolen goods, does one legitimate shop on that street mean that the street can't be "shut down"? The most logical thing is for the legit shop owner to not set up shop there in the first place.

Most people say that the wording in SOPA/PIPA is "extremely vague", but has anyone actually read the legislation for themselves? Or is this just a case of "I oppose it because everyone else does and it's cool 'stick it to the man'"? I think it's the latter. I oppose SOPA/PIPA, but I think most people are opposing it for the wrong reasons. Shortly put, I don't support censorship, but I DO support Anti-Piracy and so should you if you want quality content.

Arresting a non-US citizen outside of US soil is definitely not cool (although it is nice that the New Zealand police actually DID something this time of International significance), but anyone who claims that Megaupload or any of the other file-sharing sites don't predominantly host pirated material is just lying to themselves. 99% of the stuff on Megaupload infringe copyright, and the owners of Megaupload are making millions off the site. Shutting down the site and seizing the culprits were perfectly justified actions.

For those of you who complain that Megaupload was a good Internet locker, can you honestly say that you never once used it for piracy? And Dropbox is better anyway. If you need a professional Internet locker for your occupation, it pains me to say that your business probably isn't in the best of shape if you don't pay a few dollars a year for Dropbox and opt to use Megaupload instead. MU's interface is far more obstructive for both you and your customers, not to mention the inconvenience.

Here is the deal: As per DMCA, a hosting company is not held liable for the content their users upload and it *NOT* their responsibility to police the content of their users. A copyright owner can request content to be removed and you'd see the big damn "DMCA" button on Megaupload which allowed just that.

So here's the real deal: The takedown of Megaupload under the grounds that it was "facilitating" piracy - under current laws - is fraudulent.

If they can prove that Megaupload was not complying with DMCA takedown notices or that they *knew* material was copyrighted yet didn't take steps then they can be prosecuted... however for this to be true there have to be records that prove that. Suspicion is not enough. They have to have had some sort of record that shows they knew a specific file is copyrighted material and whom its owned by and yet they failed to take action.
The reason they got shut down is because they knowingly saw links to copyrighted material and did nothing about it so they couldn't get a DMCA "safe-harbor" like Youtube when Viacom sued Youtube for one billion. They also shared some links and uploaded copyright stuff themselves.
The ceo of megaupload is a music producer oh the irony.
Monster Girl
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