Megaupload, shut down by FBI.

yeah the numbered mu link is just a trolls move. Mu wasn't resurfaced yet.
David360 wrote...
I'm just gonna drop this here.

Omg. That is exactly what is going through my head. I give you a plus rep.

On topic though. It is a shame that MU got taken down. This is now going to far, as millions of people have used that site for legitimate purposes. I have used MU legitimately, and this pisses me off. I agree with that video, if we stand together, we can be legion, and the US government should have seen this coming.
This is AMERICA for Christ's sake! This is where FREEDOM is supposed to flourish. Where it says in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, that we are allowed the freedom of speech and press. It makes no difference what type of medium that is provided through. It is the God given right of every man, women, and child, to say what they want to say without fear of punishment, and to live without such fear as well.

I'm done with my ranting for now, as I know that it will do no good here. It will do a lot better when I act upon what I believe.
Argh this is so stupid! Now downloading VNs will be a bit more difficult. Plus, watching anime and hentai through Megavideo/Megaporn will be impossible. I hope they do prove that they are not at fault because:
Flaser wrote...
If they can prove that Megaupload was not complying with DMCA takedown notices or that they *knew* material was copyrighted yet didn't take steps then they can be prosecuted... however for this to be true there have to be records that prove that. Suspicion is not enough. They have to have had some sort of record that shows they knew a specific file is copyrighted material and whom its owned by and yet they failed to take action.

You know, I may just be conspiring but I think the FBI was planning to do this right after the huge online protest against PIPA and SOPA to get even more people riled up. Heck, to add onto that conspiracy, the government might be issuing PIPA and SOPA just to get a response from American citizens. Of course like I said, this is all a conspiracy.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
My feeling is that they're pushing for this to create sufficient precedents in court to later on nab other people on similar grounds, so even if PIPA/SOPA don't pass they will have a de-facto censorship instead a de-jure one.
ImperialX wrote...
[size=10]Copy Pasted from my post in IB.[/h]

Don't mix anti-piracy with censorship. If you are after a drug vendor, you disable his means of distribution (such as intercepting shipments or confiscating his goods). Similarly, to stop a pirate, you disable their means of distribution, which in this case means shutting down their servers. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with doing so. If there was a street in Hong Kong that sells predominantly stolen goods, does one legitimate shop on that street mean that the street can't be "shut down"? The most logical thing is for the legit shop owner to not set up shop there in the first place.

Most people say that the wording in SOPA/PIPA is "extremely vague", but has anyone actually read the legislation for themselves? Or is this just a case of "I oppose it because everyone else does and it's cool 'stick it to the man'"? I think it's the latter. I oppose SOPA/PIPA, but I think most people are opposing it for the wrong reasons. Shortly put, I don't support censorship, but I DO support Anti-Piracy and so should you if you want quality content.

Arresting a non-US citizen outside of US soil is definitely not cool (although it is nice that the New Zealand police actually DID something this time of International significance), but anyone who claims that Megaupload or any of the other file-sharing sites don't predominantly host pirated material is just lying to themselves. 99% of the stuff on Megaupload infringe copyright, and the owners of Megaupload are making millions off the site. Shutting down the site and seizing the culprits were perfectly justified actions.

For those of you who complain that Megaupload was a good Internet locker, can you honestly say that you never once used it for piracy? And Dropbox is better anyway. If you need a professional Internet locker for your occupation, it pains me to say that your business probably isn't in the best of shape if you don't pay a few dollars a year for Dropbox and opt to use Megaupload instead. MU's interface is far more obstructive for both you and your customers, not to mention the inconvenience.

Sometimes the goods aren't available in some countries, Eroge is not shipped to my country =/ so I have to pirate.
SOPA has been pulled :)

I would just like to post some links, in celebration.
Mashable - Sopa is pulled
CBS SOPA is Dead
Well, there's no way I'll be able to restore all of DL links until the summer thanks for school starting on Monday. Talk about bad timing...
Watch this:

Watch this:

Loner the People's Senpai
-Government- "What a great idea! Lets sue 25% of the internet users into bankruptcy to pay for all this shitty debt we've acquired."
Oh great, some anonymous fucker on Yotube who is trying to cash in on this scenario to make himself more popular by scaring everyone into thinking Big Brother is out to get them. Please. What a jackass, that's more morally repugnant than Megaupload itself.
Tsurayu wrote...
Oh great, some anonymous fucker on Yotube who is trying to cash in on this scenario to make himself more popular by scaring everyone into thinking Big Brother is out to get them. Please. What a jackass, that's more morally repugnant than Megaupload itself.

Probably a stupid question, but are those who used megaupload screwed?
I can't imagine how. It was Megaupload's responsibility to remove copyrighted content when the copyright holders, as per DMCA, sent a takedown notice. If you never even had one of your uploads deleted by Megaupload, then chances are the government cares even less about your uploaded material.

It's crazy to think that the U.S. government is going to start slapping millions of Americans with fines in excess of $100,000. Even if they tried, that alone would probably cause the anarchy that everyone seems so interested in.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
Tsurayu wrote...
I can't imagine how. It was Megaupload's responsibility to remove copyrighted content when the copyright holders, as per DMCA, sent a takedown notice. If you never even had one of your uploads deleted by Megaupload, then chances are the government cares even less about your uploaded material.

It's crazy to think that the U.S. government is going to start slapping millions of Americans with fines in excess of $100,000. Even if they tried, that alone would probably cause the anarchy that everyone seems so interested in.

Actually there's *nothing* stopping a copyright owner from suing an uploader. DMCA is mainly about hosting sites and what *they* have to do to garner "safer harbor" status.

An end user who uploaded/donwloaded copyrighted material can still be sued under US law, it's just that to do so the copyright owner has to gain their personal information so the lawsuit can be filed.

This can be *really* hard, if the hosting site properly complies with DMCA as beyond removing the offending material and forwarding any warning to end users they're *NOT* obliged to give out personal information of their end users. They only have to do that, if the copyright owner comes with a court warrant and to get a warrant they need proof of some sort... for which they need the download logs, which they can't get unless the hosting site complies... which is doesn't have to do... all in all, it was a catch 22 to for copyright owners, since they'd have a really hard time to actually sue end users, all they could achieve was get the offending material removed.

However if they *do* get the records... then it's *business* *time*. They can go ahead and sue... especially if they get personal records of subscribers instead mere logs anonymous IP addresses (the later of which would need yet *another* round of Catch-22 headache).

The problem though is that a lot of ISPs bend as far as they can, with asscheecks spread for copyright owners ( wonder, most ISPs are in the same hands as the big media companies), so even though they *could* withhold information, often they don't.

Now, what's not sure is whether the Feds actually got the user database. For all we do know, the owner of Megaupload could've encrypted the whole database in which case the Feds are fucked as they won't have any useable records... I wouldn't gamble on this one though.
Oh yeah, duh. Brain fart on my part.

Still, the amount of panic I've seen people in on Youtube and what not is just silly. The sheer amount of people they could sue for untold amounts of money. People need to think a bit more down to Earth, I have no doubt that if they actually attempted that it would cause utter anarchy.
I think the whole idea of 'OH SHIT THE FED HAS THE IP LOGS... IM FUCKED' is very fear based.. but true.. i doubt they go after the users who upload a small amount of maybe pirated stuff and more go after the people who host a shit ton of stuff. I thinking of deleting some of the stuff on my MF accounts... hentai/doujin/unlicensed animu excluded.

Discuss. Is what Mike here saying legit or is he exaggerating a bit?
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Dammit, all that time I spent uploading HVids went to shit. Curse my procrastination, my precious collection is gone! Fuck!!
we got burn after we got a victory over the feds,now that go to show you what they really were after.but on other hand we the people finally came together when we thought feds were going to fuck with our freedom in the web.Well we did something that matter as a whole,now if only we can do that again.Only this time it's to find a cure for HIV or AIDS, as-well as another diseases out there that are bad to us.
Monster Girl
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