Dragon Age Origins

lollercookiez wrote...
And just an FYI for anyone who doesn't read the Codex. There are still 2 more "old gods" left. So probably 2 sequels. And it'll probably be like Mass Effect 2, where you can continue to use the character you used in this game.

I hope so, because I would like the story of my character to be continued and lollercookiez who said that there are 2 still, if youre finished game with both endings you should know that there may be one more...
Ramsus wrote...
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.

Loghain literally replaces Alistair. He takes his equipment and talent/skill set-up.

Equipment? Is that so? I remember Loghain wearing his stupid river dane armor, and that motherfucker Alistair running off with my blood dragon plate >=(

Really? Perhaps I'm mistaken then. I only chose to get him in my part temporarily to see what happened/what he was stat wise so it's possible I'm wrong. Though maybe you just encountered a bug or something. It's still 100% clear to me though that Loghain is meant to replace Alister in your party.

Not saying that is wrong, I've beaten this game several times now and I do get that he replaces Alistair, just sayin' that whatever Alistair was wearing will be gone upon his leaving. Might wanna unequip him before that happens, especially if he was wearing one of the better accessories, like the key to the city or something.
Sanders wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
And just an FYI for anyone who doesn't read the Codex. There are still 2 more "old gods" left. So probably 2 sequels. And it'll probably be like Mass Effect 2, where you can continue to use the character you used in this game.

I hope so, because I would like the story of my character to be continued and lollercookiez who said that there are 2 still, if youre finished game with both endings you should know that there may be one more...

There are 7 old gods in total. Since the current game is the fifth Blight, I'm assuming there will be two more. Hopefully, the next two (once again, assumption) will involved the other nations. Orlais and Antiva will probably be explored as well. They mentioned them a lot in this game. And according to the BioWare, Morrigan will be making a return as well.

But one thing that didn't annoy me, but I didn't like either was that after giving Morrigan Flemeth's grimore, she didn't learn any new spells. Since the grimore was supposedly full of power spells and the like, I was hoping Morrigan would gain a few new skills.
Forum Image: http://files.bioware.com/dragonage/assets/media/gallery/wallpapers/downloads/thedasmap_wallpaper_1600x1200.jpg

As you can see this is Thedas itself (Enough space to create MMO in this universe LOL ;-)), they can use it to create an addons like in NWN where you have a new locations, new plot (not necessarily about the Blight) for at least several hours, not like current ones about new sword, armor and the other shit.I think that they gonna do something like this, but work like that needs time, so its gonna take them a while. After all they gonna support DAO with addons for the next 2 years and maybe during these 2 years they gonna start thinking about the sequel which no doubt will take place in Orlais or even Antiva :-)

lollercookiez wrote...
There are 7 old gods in total. Since the current game is the fifth Blight, I'm assuming there will be two more.

You forgot what will happen when the unborned child will absorb the essence of an "Old God"? If you know what I mean, then you must realize that maybe there will be another Archdemon...
lollercookiez wrote...
There are 7 old gods in total. Since the current game is the fifth Blight, I'm assuming there will be two more.

You forgot what will happen when the unborned child will absorb the essence of an "Old God"? If you know what I mean, then you must realize that maybe there will be another Archdemon...

There's a good chance of that continuing in the next games. But seeing as there are so many ways to end the game, I want to see which ending BioWare will continue with.

But as you've said, it'll probably have something to do with the bastard child.

And as for anyone wanting to see Loghain back (assuming you spared him).

Even if you didn't kill him at the landsmeet and didn't let him sacrifice himself by killing the Archdemon, he goes to the Deep Roads where he kills as many darkspawn as possible before he dies. Which is the fate of all Grey Wardens that live long enough to "retire". Nice way to go.

And just to rant a bit, I want the Leliana that was in the 4 minute long CGI trailer. So much sexier. Love the firey red hair and the armor. Couldn't find anything like it in the game. The leather armors are actually kind of ugly and they have abs on them that makes it look bad on a girl with the exception of the Dalish one, but it's pretty weak.

There are a few problems I see with the game. There aren't enough "special" armors for the light armor sets. Most of the powerful armors are all massive armors. With that said, I also wished that the armors don't look so much alike. They're pretty much the same with different textures. The only one that is different is the Commander-Warden's armor set (which is extremely sexy).

But one more thing before I head to sleep. Why don't they have the hairstyle that the Grey Warden in the trailer had in the game? I mean wtf? The closest one is pretty much just...bald. Ugh.
lollercookiez wrote...
But seeing as there are so many ways to end the game, I want to see which ending BioWare will continue with.

There are only 2 endings or more?
Sanders wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
But seeing as there are so many ways to end the game, I want to see which ending BioWare will continue with.

There are only 2 endings or more?

There are lots of alternatives. Alistar could be king, or a wandering drunkard. Anora could be locked up in a tower or she could be queen. And then there are the Magi Tower (siding with Templars or Mages). The Dalish elves could all be dead if you decided to side with werewolves. Hell, your character might even be dead.

But if I had to guess, it'll probably continue with Alistar being King with or without Anora. Morrigan and her child wandering around somewhere. Probably more but I'm too sleepy for this.
lollercookiez wrote...
I want the Leliana that was in the 4 minute long CGI trailer. So much sexier. Love the firey red hair and the armor.

If youre mean Leliana from "Sacred Ashes" trailer then yeah I agree, she looks a lot more hot in that one than in original. She even reminds me of BloodRayne (in trailer she is not so gentle and virtuous like in the game).

lollercookiez wrote...
There are lots of alternatives. Alistar could be king, or a wandering drunkard. Anora could be locked up in a tower or she could be queen. And then there are the Magi Tower (siding with Templars or Mages). The Dalish elves could all be dead if you decided to side with werewolves. Hell, your character might even be dead.

I thought that the only endings are: save yourself or die, I dont know how but I didnt even knew that someone beside me could slay the Archdemon...

Well I see this game gives me a lot of opportunities :-)
Either you take Morrigan's offer, or you/Alistar/Loghain die killing the Archdemon. Either way, someone has to die if you decline her offer.

The only annoying thing is if you decline her offer, she leaves right away and you can't use her for the final battle. Lame.
Yeah that sucks...

Join the club. I played 4 days straight when I first started.
lollercookiez wrote...
Join the club. I played 4 days straight when I first started.

I've played it at least a bit almost every day since it came out.

I don't see why you guys expect Bioware to choose an official ending. All of the possibilities are things that could work off the same plot for a sequel with minor tweaks to which characters are around and what people say about the events. Considering that they're bothering to have even minor characters remember you from ME in ME2 I don't think it's very far fetched to think they'll do the same for any further Dragon Age games (though this pattern would get pretty interesting by a third game).

I kinda hope that the next 2 games (assuming they make 2 as opposed to 1 or 3 or 7 billion) end up having events that cover that entire map that was shown.

Edit: I too am impressed by the amount of random sexual encounters the game allows you to have.
It sure does have alot of sex, to the point of when i meet a woman that i can't sex up, i become fairly disappointed and kill the bitch instead. No sex!? GTFO!!!. Point and example with Anora :).

Yeah i fairly hope they do expand the game in DLC.

Also, i just started up a city elf female rouge. Any tips? Im going dual wielded for this one.
Fuck Anora. I hated that bitch. I wanted her executed, but the best is locking her up in a tower.

Use two daggers, and get a lot of cunning. When you get the Lethality rouge skill, you'll be destroy enemies with backstab. I'm leveling 12 and I'm doing over 60 damage with every backstab. It rocks. But make sure to get her out of there if she's surrounded. Without strength, all she can wear is light armor and she'll go down quite fast. I'm not completely sure but I believe you need 22 strength to wear any drakeskin armor so you might want to do that too.
I was thinking of getting 22 strength for armor, 36 dexterity for abilities and talents and then maxing out cunning for damage.
Yep. But if you want to literally be invincible, make Wynne a Spirit Healer/Arcane Warrior/Tank and then use your main as a dual-weapon rouge with Morrigan spamming spells and Leliana as an archer.

On my first playthrough, one Arrow of Slaying from Leliana could do over 1000 damage. I destroyed the High Dragon with ease. Leliana and Morrigan in the back with Shale and my warrior tanking (I had gotten the Juggernaut set already).

Once again, I must rage that I want the Leliana from the Sacred Ashes trailer. So much hotter and sexier.
lollercookiez wrote...
Once again, I must rage that I want the Leliana from the Sacred Ashes trailer. So much hotter and sexier.

Yeah, It would be great...pity that there are no wallpapers from that trailer :-(

What drives me mad most is that in sex scenes females have underwear (bloody succubus have her boobs covered in some kind of earrings, even Lady of the Forest too have her boobs and pussy covered with hairs and vine) that is not how the game for mature people should look like.When I hear "Dark Fantasy Game" the first thing that come to my mind is that ladies gonna show their body from time to time, and gonna use bad language.In the Witcher there are no such problems.There is much of nudity and bad language.I assume that Bioware can learn a lot about "dark fantasy" from CD Project RED guys.Im still hoping that some kind of Nude Patch will be created for this, but so far nothing...
Any kind of real nudity in games are quite rare. As far as I remember, only God of War had any type of a real nudity. But if you want nudity, you can always download some mods for it. I remember seeing one that shortens the hair on Lady of the Forest so you can see.

I used a lot of mods for Fallout 3, but I doubt I'll do it for this one. Unless it's a really cool quest mod or something.
My entire mentality through the whole game: "Fuck sex, let's go kill shit."

Oh, and Orzammar sucks ass. Really big time.
Monster Girl
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