Dragon Age Origins

I just finished the game... and I have this strange feeling... I dont want to spoil the ending for those of you who havent play yet, but I gotta say the ending was preety intriguing.I cant wait for the sequel and I hope they gonna continue Morrigan's story if you know what I'm talking about, also I hope that I can play with my current character...
Sanders wrote...
also I hope that I can play with my current character...

Mass Effect 2 - which is also developed by BioWare - allows the player to continue using their character from the first game. So it wouldn't be a stretch to expect something like this in future expansions/sequels.
I knew about ME 2, Im not sure about DAO, but probably it is also possible...
or the sequel will be telling a different story, than it is not possible.
BTW did you guys knew that if you play female you can have sex with Leliana?, I suppose this is some kind of atonement for the gay sex in the game...
[ASK] is the battle session Similar to Divinity 2 ? if so, Im not gonna touch it. heheheh
Never played Divinity 2 so I cant tell you...
My apologies for bringing this back up, but I thought this was far too funny not to share.

Just can't hate this guy.
To bad i just killed Zevran, the traitorous bastard. Never used him anyways, Leliana is so much smexier and better.
GameON wrote...
To bad i just killed Zevran, the traitorous bastard. Never used him anyways, Leliana is so much smexier and better.

I did use Leliana far more during my first playthrough. But I left Zevran alive just cause of his comedic value. Whoever wrote his lines and his voice actor are geniuses.
lollercookiez wrote...
My apologies for bringing this back up, but I thought this was far too funny not to share.

Just can't hate this guy.

LOL :-) and today I was wondering when you're gonna spare him, will he be avilable at your party... I suppose I have my answer, good job ,thx...
lollercookiez wrote...
My apologies for bringing this back up, but I thought this was far too funny not to share.

Just can't hate this guy.

lol nice. I was wondering if that was something those two would bring up. (I haven't had Loghain in my party yet.)
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.
lollercookiez wrote...
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.

Loghain literally replaces Alistair. He takes his equipment and talent/skill set-up.
Ramsus wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.

Loghain literally replaces Alistair. He takes his equipment and talent/skill set-up.

Equipment? Is that so? I remember Loghain wearing his stupid river dane armor, and that motherfucker Alistair running off with my blood dragon plate >=(
Ramsus wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.

Loghain literally replaces Alistair. He takes his equipment and talent/skill set-up.

WTF?! Loghain is replacement for Alistair? Is that depends when he choose to become king or no?
Sanders wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.

Loghain literally replaces Alistair. He takes his equipment and talent/skill set-up.

WTF?! Loghain is replacement for Alistair? Is that depends when he choose to become king or no?

Not really, if you spare Loghain, he'll join your party. But you lose Alistar. That's pretty much the tradeoff. But according to Ramsus, Loghain gets all the stats and abilities that Alistar had.
Well, if you want to have someone that means you have to loose someone....
I think my cousin is gonna gift me this this Christmas.
ExESGO wrote...
I think my cousin is gonna gift me this this Christmas.

Be warned. This is a long ass fucking game. Roughly 30 hours for just the main storyline. At least 50 with all side quests. Plus a few more if you get the DLCs too.
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Ramsus wrote...
lollercookiez wrote...
Doing my second play through as a City Elf Rouge. Gonna have a lesbian relationship with Leliana and I want to try siding with the werewolves. Maybe even recruit Loghain, but it's just hard since I've been building up Alistar to be a tank only to lose him.

Loghain literally replaces Alistair. He takes his equipment and talent/skill set-up.

Equipment? Is that so? I remember Loghain wearing his stupid river dane armor, and that motherfucker Alistair running off with my blood dragon plate >=(

Really? Perhaps I'm mistaken then. I only chose to get him in my part temporarily to see what happened/what he was stat wise so it's possible I'm wrong. Though maybe you just encountered a bug or something. It's still 100% clear to me though that Loghain is meant to replace Alister in your party.

lollercookiez wrote...
ExESGO wrote...
I think my cousin is gonna gift me this this Christmas.

Be warned. This is a long ass fucking game. Roughly 30 hours for just the main storyline. At least 50 with all side quests. Plus a few more if you get the DLCs too.

Isn't the game being long a good thing? I would be pretty pissed if this kind of game was short.
lollercookiez wrote...
ExESGO wrote...
I think my cousin is gonna gift me this this Christmas.

Be warned. This is a long ass fucking game. Roughly 30 hours for just the main storyline. At least 50 with all side quests. Plus a few more if you get the DLCs too.

Isn't the game being long a good thing? I would be pretty pissed if this kind of game was short.

Not a bad thing, I'm rather impressed that I wasn't getting bored when I reached the late stages of the game. It happened with Fallout 3. It got rather repetitive at the end, but this game didn't. Quite an impressive feat since I have a rather short attention span.

And just an FYI for anyone who doesn't read the Codex. There are still 2 more "old gods" left. So probably 2 sequels. And it'll probably be like Mass Effect 2, where you can continue to use the character you used in this game.
Monster Girl
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