Dragon Age Origins

I went to Denerim (the huge capital) HOLY shit, so many battles, so many like 4 vs 15+, you have to plan to aggro and finds ways to not get ALL of them on you. Also,i still fucking die to that 15 wolf pack.

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I wish the desire demon was a teammate....

*fap fap fap fap*

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/65795-UMQ5LEP.jpg

Haven't encountered a bunch of wolves yet, unless you meant the caravan side quest. With the bear at the end.
Tsujoi wrote...
I've got Morrigan, Leilandra (The rogue chick, made her an archer), That ex-templar Warden, and myself.

I use the same team. Mostly because those are just the characters I like. I get the best responses out of them.

I would switch out Leliana for the old bitch (who can heal and do better damage) but I like being able to pick any lock I see and disarm traps. Alistair is my tank and Morrigan does wicked damage. But I completely ignored her shapeshifting and other abilities for ice/cold primal spells. Ice freezes, lightning saps mana/stamina, and both have nice aoe. Though the friendly fire is a bitch.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
I'm trying to get shale right now. Trying to figure out the puzzle...

I never did get Wynne....So I've been playing without a healer...lol.
2 time's have I got into the situation to Wynne, both time i was lucky enough to save before...so i always load back to make sure i keep her. :D
Been playing the game some now, and it's quite good. Not as good as I had wished, but damn better than I dared to hope.

I play with Morrigan, Wynne, the assassin dude; and myself as a Human Warrior for tank. Just changed Alistair (Or however you spell it) for the assassin and just have to see if it will work out.

Now let's hope this game keeps up the awesome storyline.
I hear there's going to be a sale on this game on Black Friday so I'm gonna hold off on buying two games right now so I can buy 4 or 5 on the sales. Gotta love them deals.
well i can tell you guys there will have to be a sequel.
finished this in about 60 hours over 5 days.
yet still didnt complete it fully and regret it.
started with dalish elf rogue and now using human noble warrior.
piece of advice from me is that being a rogue for the origin story is key since there are lots of things you can't go back for.
they also have tons of allusions to other games they've made and other fantasy works out there.
i came across a cut scene where an elderly couple finds a child in a meteor and takes him home with them.
I've just recieved my copy of DAO...
Now Lets the fun begins!!!
Anyone go through the dwarf area yet?

I thought it was funny when I came across that dwarf in the Deep Roads who had been drinking dark spawn blood. Anyone else catch what character they were referencing? It made me grin a little. Also, I killed his ass.
lol, I'm disappointed in the Romance options, I wanted to have my female elf to have hot lesbian sex with Morrigan, turned out it's not possible =(
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Ethil wrote...
lol, I'm disappointed in the Romance options, I wanted to have my female elf to have hot lesbian sex with Morrigan, turned out it's not possible =(

There's no hot steamy sex at all in the game sadly.
"Hot steamy sex" would cheapen the whole experience. The romance options are fine, they serve their purpose well and they are a nice distraction.

As for the game, I finished it a couple days ago. Was depressed as fuck when it ended. I wasn't disappointed with the game, just sad to see it end. And it takes a lot for a game to get an emotional response out of me.

I think my attachment to the characters is what made the whole thing so great. It was really refreshing to play a game without cliche character types.
instead of being depressed that it's over experiment a bit with other options
since there are 3 main ways for the game to end it is likely there would be a sequel
Either sacrifice yourself, get Morrigan pregnant so that the child will absorb the arch-demon, or have Allistair or Loghain die fighting the arch-demon

and on another note:
do any of you have the toolset for pc and would be willing to share?
i lost my cd key so i couldnt register for it
Ethil wrote...
lol, I'm disappointed in the Romance options, I wanted to have my female elf to have hot lesbian sex with Morrigan, turned out it's not possible =(

Hehehe not possible, I would like that way too, that was possible in Mass Effect.Back on topic, Im really pissed off when I need REALLY carefully pick the respond because NPC's get mad so easily.I finished the first sex part and from trailers I know that there is one more in some kind of bedroom (please dont spoil me that moment).When I talk to her about "our relationship" she wants to finish it and no matter what I will say, she only get upsed and I'll recive negative points, so Im not talking with her about it.Im preety sure that she will calm down again later ;-)
I like the way when your companions are interractiong with themselves :-P
They just pretending youre are not with them and they talking mostly about you...

BTW, this game ROCKS!!!
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Sanders wrote...

I like the way when your companions are interractiong with themselves :-P
They just pretending youre are not with them and they talking mostly about you...

BTW, this game ROCKS!!!

So far, I like Shale's commentary the best.
I just started this game. I'm right after the invasion of the castle. Any tips for a newbie? Never played this type of game before.
lollercookiez wrote...
I just started this game. I'm right after the invasion of the castle. Any tips for a newbie? Never played this type of game before.

Read the Manual it always helps...
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
lollercookiez wrote...
I just started this game. I'm right after the invasion of the castle. Any tips for a newbie? Never played this type of game before.

Pause and save often.
I just got it :) Drizzt du'urden better be in it.....
Monster Girl
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