
potato. potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato pota…
would this be usefull to you? so I couldn't sleep tonight and I have work tomorrow so I searched for alternatives other than sleeping I couldn't find any but I found a way to shorten time needed to sleep here's the link www.highex…
[General] main characters that go berserk I have a thing for main characters that go berserk the most recent one I liked was when hyoudo issei from highschool dxd went into juggernaut drive in the novel my question is who is your favorite mai…
what do you think of japanese "soaplands" so a while back I went to one as a form of stress relief and it was average although the lotion part was new to me(in terms of experience) and I ask you what do you think of the soaplands
have you seen this? basically it's a japanese man's quest for sizeï½¥
was fucking around in urban dictionary and found this def. "Anime has giant robots and gianter tits." I thought this was pretty funny
why are you alive? Recently I've been thinking that I don't really have that many reasons to live and I'm wondering what are your reasons for living? money,women,power,or simply to live? for me my reasons fo…
have you ever been mocked for liking anime like the title said have you ever been mocked for liking anime and if so how did you deal the experience personally I've had quite a few experiences in regards to this matter like people t…
anime jigsaw puzzles have you ever bought a jigsaw puzzle of anime and if so do you use puzzle glue so you can display it or do you return the pieces to the box so you can use it again.
what was the stupidest thing you did to your first comp. mine would probably be taking out the keys on the keyboard and playing with the ball on the mouse.
would you participate in a freestyle battle tournament If there was a tournament(like the mahora martial arts tournament or like the rating games) where the only way to lose is to either faint, give up or to be outside the designated area of battle would …
did something stupid today I looked at the most arousing picture I had and used my boner to hit a ping pong ball around my
weirdest weekend at the moment in my life last week I went to tokyo to see my cousin who I've never met for the last nine years and surprise his room was full of newtype magazines and oreimo posters this really surprised me as I never thought…
what if what if everyone who liked anime put together their money bought an island and created a country for everyone and anyone who likes anime. edit: after reading the comments I realize I'm the…
airsoft gun shops in suwa? so I moved to suwa city(in the nagano prefecture) a few months ago and I haven't had the time to look for an airsoft supply shop so if their is anyone who can tell me a good shop in the general area t…
[ Poll ] would you buy this? so I've been lurking on the interwebs and look what I found:
nerve gear Thumbnail
nerve gear I think everyone who has read the novel knows that there were scenes where they talked about the theory of how the nerve gear works my question is do you think its possible? I'm not really that knowle…
can anyone tell me the title of this hentai yeah, if anyone can just give me the title that would be great
need help with japanese psn Can anyone tell me how to get english games using a japanese psn account
black train hcg Does anybody have all the hcg for this series compiled into one folder ? If you do please send me a link or somekind of website with lots of cg's , thanks.