[Anime] Kill la Kill

[color=#006FFF]What a fantastic way to start the next season, holy shit!

[color=#006FFF]I'm having flashbacks to the very first episode after this one because so much happened!

First off, the biggest thing, like Zamor said, Senketsu is in literal pieces! I can honestly say I was not expecting anything like that at all. And Satsuki had the pieces ordered to be sewn in with other students' uniforms, so how is he going to "reform" himself?? As long as this doesn't turn into a big fetch-quest for Ryuko where she hunts down the pieces of him, this could be quite interesting.
The fact that Nui was Nagita came as a big shocker to me, so kudos on getting that one by me. It's a shame though because I loved his voice acting.

Forum Image: https://24.media.tumblr.com/6002e7b99f5fc85cebb53c3ab5ab61d2/tumblr_mz5pzoGwQV1retaiio2_500.gif

This episode gave a big insight into the organizations of REVOCS, the group that Ragyo is leading (if I'm not mistaken) within which, daughter Satsuki leads a sect. I must say, at first I thought their relationship was pretty tense in that Satsuki was the usurping type but then it seemed like she was acting as a general under her mother, leading her plans, but THEN when they left they both had words to say that implied their slight animosity for one another so it'll be interesting seeing how Satsuki plans to go against "mommy dearest" whenever that happens.

Forum Image: http://24.media.tumblr.com/a99fb180df7c75c4349361b32b7ae49f/tumblr_mz5qanm0w71r5aasqo9_1280.jpg

As a general note though, I'm so glad this ended up resolving Ryuko's "depressed state" too, albeit in a way that might result in her being even more bummed out because she lost Senketsu, one of her few friends. Overall, an excellent episode I think; it had a lot of comedy, a lot of story, and some great character development.

[color=#006FFF]Side notes:

I freaking loved the entire scene with Ragyo--so happy to finally see her in all of her glorious entirety.

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[color=#006FFF]obligatory "fuck you, Nui!"

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Forum Image: https://24.media.tumblr.com/76cdb19b23317380c0dcfb1cb132fdc5/tumblr_mz5qc2yT131s0ifhgo1_500.gif
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Forum Image: https://24.media.tumblr.com/971ce184ac9409810e85c8643d5923f1/tumblr_mz5qc2yT131s0ifhgo3_500.gif
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Episode 13
First five minutes: Who is this guy

Middle Ten minutes: I kinda like this guy.

Senketsu? :'(
Prince Hamlet wrote...

Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/820bd2bf7d2f792e6eac7142653980df/tumblr_mz5rilLMuf1rtqr8go1_500.jpg

Most confusing boner.
Senketsu has been kill la killed. Trigger ruined January instead of Christmas this time
Episode 13
Well that was unexpected, so Senketsu got destroyed... I mean, I'm sure she'll reform him somehow, but it was still sad :/
Pretty nice, I think it's good that they are giving Ryuko a chance to stand on her own two legs since she was mostly depending on Senketsu for most of her battles. On another note I found stripped Ryuko less arousing than Kamui Ryuko.
WideEyedMan wrote...
Pretty nice, I think it's good that they are giving Ryuko a chance to stand on her own two legs since she was mostly depending on Senketsu for most of her battles. On another note I found stripped Ryukko less arousing than Kamui Ryuko.

[color=#006FFF]For one reason or another, I hadn't thought of it like that--that's a really interesting way to look at this turn of events.

That being said, since I forgot to mention it in my initial post, I did find sad to see Senketsu fall into shreds. This sort of loss is something that I think was kind of needed for the series since every other time, there's been a threat, but never much of a loss so much as "discipline" (e.g. Ryuko getting beat up). It's a good way to say "Hey, these people mean business" both from Nui as well as Satsuki who didn't let Ryuko keep the Senketsu squares.
Prince Hamlet wrote...

Yeah she usually got roughed up, then Ryuko and friends just ran away, then tried again with lucky results; which is a bad precedent to set for a strong main character but good setup for ample character growth, remember Simon became a completely different person by the end of Gurren Lagann. I am lead to believe the whole touring the provinces and fighting without Senketsu deal is leading up to this character growth.

I think it's Satsuki's way of maintaining her good-bad guy role in the series, she's been acting awfully lenient lately so having this to balance her out is good. She did save Ryuko's life and if Satsuki let Ryuko stay overconfident with Senketsu and Ryuko fought Rui somewhere out of her reach it's likely her promising rival would attend be doing roll call from an ashtray.
I knew something will happen to Senketsu, fucking called it~ :D
HARIME NUI screwing with the characters, the plot, the audience, and the fourth wall since episode 11
Well certainly sucks to lose Senketsu like that. Though now I guess the challenge for Ryuko is to go reclaim those pieces and find some way to restore him.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Given the fact that he's all torn up now and she only has one piece, I think what will happen next is that she's going to track down the pieces of the uniform and down those whom it was given to. That means she's going to potentially be fighting not only students from Honnouji Academy but those from the other schools.

[color=#006FFF]Just some scans from magazines that seem worth sharing.

The first is from NewType's latest issue; I absolutely love the first one. The images of the characters are very reminiscent of the TTGL eyecatchers (something I'm surprised/disappointed by the lack of from fan artists).

The second scan is a poster from Otomedia Magazine and is an example of the non-gender-specified fan service that I appreciate in the series. Exploitation of both sexes!

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/lYg9UAs.jpg

Forum Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/9d8c19aa858b1aa5aaf479e28b4622e3/tumblr_mzcq3wPWUf1qmlmyuo1_1280.jpg
[color=#006FFF]So episode 15.

[color=#006FFF]Holy moly that was a freaking amazing episode! The action was non-stop and only got progressively more intense, going from Sanageyama's battle against Takarada (who I can't help but love) to the Four Kings/Elite Four/whatever all getting an upgrade in their uniforms and a kick-ass team pose.

(I'm not the only one who is reminded of Lordgenome's "HACKIIIING" form by Inumuta's am I?)

Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/ba661bc1e4e5be5dc0dbe942ff7b4d51/tumblr_mzwi84wn701r2vergo5_1280.jpg

Forum Image: https://24.media.tumblr.com/a643fa98337e1a96d086b5efd27fd434/tumblr_mzxm57oGmi1qzk4cro10_1280.png

Then you have Ryuko fighting for the final piece of Senketsu which had my favorite bit of animation

Forum Image: https://24.media.tumblr.com/bde44147c0643e8c82fdd3aaae4cf4fa/tumblr_mzwps8Ar3r1s082wko1_400.gif

And let's not forget Nudist Beach finally making an appearance! Despite them being gone now (assuming Nonon actually did kill them all and their entire base), it was really cool to finally see this side-faction in action.

And lastly, there was the almost Episode 3 Quality rematch between Ryuko and Satsuki which was, needless to say, freaking epic. I love how it only went higher and higher in its intensity and scale, going from the ground-level, to the air, to Ryuko evading Nonon's blasts until the entire skyscraper was collapsing. It wa a very well choreographed rematch, I would say.

One of my favorite shots from the battle. Love how Junketsu can manipulate the shoulder spires (loving that drill there).

Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/8c4338f1353390833c38bc3a12de904d/tumblr_mzxfsruEFv1s8nlhdo1_500.gif

[color=#006FFF]Ultimately, this episode sealed the deal for me; Kill la Kill is definitely one of my top anime now--all doubt has been removed. The fast pacing is insane and perfect for it, the action is just as great as I had hoped, the art is perfect--being silly sometimes and serious other times, and the music from Sawano is top-notch. If this does go above and beyond by the end of things, this might have TTGL beat out for me.

Oh and this has to be the cutest thing ever from Mako (which is saying a lot, lol).

Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/aacd1609aaf8200b2a9a015401c33db8/tumblr_mzwvgwhPSz1t1h700o1_500.png
You know what? I DON'T WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THIS EPISODE!!! It's freaking fun and intense! XD Lol! What the fuck?! Dem Nudist Beach tanks, LOOOOOLLL!!!! XDDD
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
I hope we get a new opening on this week's episode, seriously it's about time!
Meh. Felt like super rushed fill-in content but it's okay as a sound-off to the second season.
Episode 16 : ...... Dat ritual~ :3c
[color=#006FFF]Really love how well they're balancing the focus on Ryuko and Satsuki in the second season thus far.

[color=#006FFF]I feel like this episode was the first step on the gentle slope upward that will exponentially grow steeper as we reach the apex and climax of the series that is the final clash between Nudist Beach (including Ryuko) and the Kiryuins? Satsuki, Ryuko, Nudist Beach vs Ragyo and COVERS? Satsuki vs Ryuko/Nudist Beach vs COVERS? The separate parties aren't too defined just yet since we can see that Satsuki has some hidden agenda here from her mother, which is something I'm especially excited to know about. Next episode should be very interesting if nothing else as we see what this next move of Ragyo's is--it definitely seemed to come as a surprise to Satsuki which has me curious.

[color=#006FFF]Either way, a lot of new interesting factors were brought up in this episode so it'll be interesting to see this stuff come into play.

All in all, another great episode. I love the new OP and ED (probably more than the first ones).

And lastly, just because I'm such a Kiryuin fanboy, I have to share the more talked-about scene in the episode.

Forum Image: https://24.media.tumblr.com/61c2dad603cce6ba98f5be765e70fc4a/tumblr_n0969xLQh91rb06tgo1_500.gif
Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/7a3a4065afd842102372cec7a6ae2786/tumblr_n0969xLQh91rb06tgo2_500.gif
Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/3fdbd82bbaedf774ecb6e3ff1ef917e8/tumblr_n0969xLQh91rb06tgo3_500.gif
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Forum Image: https://31.media.tumblr.com/e33506cfcbf58920d7d950658eb9920e/tumblr_n0969xLQh91rb06tgo7_r1_500.gif
So this life fibers are actually worm type alien parasites from space that gave a human being super powers by sucking up blood as payment? And they are the reason why the apes evolved so rapidly until it evolves into humans? And if you put these parasites into your body, they gonna eat you from the insides? Hmmmm.... This parasites are actually digging through your body so they can get inside and eat you.