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gabaruni wrote...
This is not uneven in the least.
What I'm talking about IS uneven. Saying one partner has more responsibility that the other when both are consenting adults is ludicrous. When a man says he doesn't have a condom, the woman can politely refuse sex until one is attained. That, or SHE can go get one. Just because she gets knocked up and has to be the one to deal with it does not mean she is admonished of all responsibility. Please try and think before you go de-reping people; just because we disagree doesn't mean I'm wrong. t(-_-t)
I'm fine for rallying against institutionalized sexism like work-place related stuff, but I can't stand behind people thinking that colloquialisms are the core reason why we have institutionalized sexism. When it comes down to it, sexism may be common, but not everyone reacts in the same way to it. People who push for a cause often forget that everyone else around them are not as motivated because they're not really into that particular issue at the moment or they haven't been dunked into a group of people who bitch about it.
TeachersPet wrote...
gabaruni wrote...
This is not uneven in the least.
What I'm talking about IS uneven. Saying one partner has more responsibility that the other when both are consenting adults is ludicrous. When a man says he doesn't have a condom, the woman can politely refuse sex until one is attained. That, or SHE can go get one. Just because she gets knocked up and has to be the one to deal with it does not mean she is admonished of all responsibility. Please try and think before you go de-reping people; just because we disagree doesn't mean I'm wrong. t(-_-t)

I realize that my voice is pretty small on this matter but here goes:

I de-repped you because what your analogy was anti-choice and seemed to blame women for the choices they make with their bodies. It's naive to think that I am blaming anyone in my reply to you. Your reply to me feels even more blaming of women. "Knocked up" for one. It's also naive to think that men should get a say in what women do with their bodies more than they do now. I don't care if you disagree with me, or talk down to me-but your stance speaks volumes to me.
gabaruni wrote...
It's also naive to think that men should get a say in what women do with their bodies more than they do now. I don't care if you disagree with me, or talk down to me-but your stance speaks volumes to me.

Next time, try to look for the content of the message rather than focus on the delivery. Despite what connotation you pull from what I said,I don't believe women deserve a "backseat" to the men in the same predicament as them. I was actually pointing out general situations that demonstrated the amount of power women held over men. As a matter of fact, my point was actually showing how women held the power and could control the "unborn" baby's life.

You may fancy yourself as a champion for women, fighting to preserve their dignity on random chat forums.... but you are not. Ideas like yours work to suppress women more so than those that are outright misogynistic. Rather than admit you think women must need your help, you and your self-righteous attitude figure that you must "protect" them. Fight for them for they must be heard..... and obviously women don't have voices of their own, so you have to do it. Right?
TeachersPet wrote...

Next time, try to look for the content of the message rather than focus on the delivery. Despite what connotation you pull from what I said,I don't believe women deserve a "backseat" to the men in the same predicament as them. I was actually pointing out general situations that demonstrated the amount of power women held over men. As a matter of fact, my point was actually showing how women held the power and could control the "unborn" baby's life.

You may fancy yourself as a champion for women, fighting to preserve their dignity on random chat forums.... but you are not. Ideas like yours work to suppress women more so than those that are outright misogynistic. Rather than admit you think women must need your help, you and your self-righteous attitude figure that you must "protect" them. Fight for them for they must be heard..... and obviously women don't have voices of their own, so you have to do it. Right?

"Focus on the content in the message"<--
Because I already did focus on the content.

It's pretty ridiculous to come up with something like that because I told you that men should not have more of a say when it comes to a woman's choice because they already have a very very big voice. Sexism is institutionalized, not just a pretty word that means "men and women should be equal." Your responses were blaming of women and very anti-choice. This is a bigger and broader issue than can be intricately talked about on fakku so I'll reiterate my main points.

-Partners can ask each other for contraceptives
-PIV isn't end all be all
-Men have a huge say on a woman's body [certain parts of the nation are trying to outlaw abortion all together]

edit: I'm glad that you think that I should have a voice +1 rep
How do you feel about those religions that say its okay to treat women like shit, a man can have multiple wife's and/or women are sold and bought? Don't some country's out there do this? If i was a woman in that position i would feel like what did i do to deserve this?
Mr.TifaLockhart wrote...
How do you feel about those religions that say its okay to treat women like shit, a man can have multiple wife's and/or women are sold and bought? Don't some country's out there do this? If i was a woman in that position i would feel like what did i do to deserve this?

I somewhat doubt this. You most likely would think "what did I do to deserve this" based on your current values of gender equality. However, if you were born and raised in such cultures and endorse different gender treatment, it is questionable whether or not you hold the current values you have now. With our current understanding of equality, it may seem obvious that nobody likes being socially suppressed, but not everyone shares our mindset. Even during the American Women's Rights movement, there were resistance from women as well as men.

Change comes difficulty, people like staying with what they're familiar with. If those religions and culture work for their people, I say leave it be. We shouldn't be so mindless as to push our values onto them.
Wow America wow...

So a person gets denied of medicaid coverage for breast cancer because he is a man.
Mr.TifaLockhart wrote...
I feel that both sexes should be treated equal


Im not one to get a bunch of people together and start a movement but I do at least have some influence on the people I'm in contact with.

Me: *does/says something "feminine"*
Person: "dude only girls and gay guys do/say that"
Me: "so?"
Person: *has no response*
This is an interesting topic.

Sexism is wrong, which we should all know by now. What we don't know, is that there are many kinds of sexist acts, some very minor and others very serious.

I summarize my point with this information:

I have a friend, he came out to me, on something very interesting. No, he was not homosexual. Instead, he said from this point on, he wanted to wear womens high heels. This friend of mine is a male.

Now, one can easily say, sure, why not? He can not, because society doesn't accept it. Cross dressers are beaten and mocked all the time. Not by females by the way, but by males. This is technically also sexism, but same sex sexism.

I told him to be who he wanted to be, but it certainly made me think, that sexism dances entirely around equality, and equality is a male wearing what he wants, just like a female wearing pants and having short hair.

That is where I stand on sexism.
Society nowadays are so conscientious of every little thing when it comes to morality. When a black man gets shot by a white man, it's racism. when a man gets a job instead of a woman, it's sexism.

People's views have really changed in recent years, mostly wanting equal opportunity for all and making this world fair for all. But this is going against the principle of life, that life ISN'T fair.

Without getting too off-topic, an example of this which I can think of is the animal kingdom. The stronger carnivore will always eat those that are weaker.

Back to sexism, while it may not be "right", in my mind, sexism existed for the past thousands of years because of a man's superior strength relative to those of a woman, and it's only natural for animals that we are to take advantage.

Having said that, I do believe certain manners of sexism needs to be rid of. But for the most part, I believe sexism occurs as a natural phenomenon. The gender roles which we are assigned by nature is what makes life so beautiful. If we were to get rid of all the traditions concerning gender, in a few hundred years we would all become bi-sexuals! Maybe not, but hey, it's a possibility.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Well, since this is a discussion targeted towards the females, I'll keep it brief. Men and women are equal, but different at the same time. There are equal amount of advantages and disadvantages to being either male or female. For instance, men have to work harder in order to get laid. All women have to do is sit in a bar and look pretty (Although, it can take hours for them to put on just the right amount of makeup). On the reverse, guys don't have the misfortune of bleeding from their junk for a certain period every month. I would mention labor pains as a disadvantage, but the pain is more than worth it according to the majority of women who go through it. The woman develop a naturally strong bond with the unborn child that a man can never have, let alone understand. Even though these advantages/disadvantages make us equal, we end up using those qualities as an excuse to reinforce sexism. I blame testosterone and estrogen for clouding our better judgment in this regard.

Oh crap I'm getting ahead of myself again. I'll stop here.
I've though about this Sexism thing a lot myself as well. Like if an older woman likes younger men she's just considered a "Cougar", but if a man likes younger women he's considered a "Pedophile" or something like that.
Sabre Tank wrote...
I've though about this Sexism thing a lot myself as well. Like if an older woman likes younger men she's just considered a "Cougar", but if a man likes younger women he's considered a "Pedophile" or something like that.

Typically, a cougar is an older woman (40s) that likes younger men but not necessarily little boys. A 38-year-old woman dating a 22-year-old man would be a cougar, I believe. A pedophile, on the other hand, would be any adult man that likes little girls, under fourteen, I'd say. There's a lot of discussion about older men liking teenage girls (sixteen to nineteen), but that's not really relative to this topic.

Interestingly enough, I think the cougar movement we've seen in recent years, i.e. the acceptance and abundance of cougars in popular culture, is a reaction to the common habit of older men getting together with younger women. Not pedophile young, of course, but a middle-aged man hooking up a 20-year-old, along that line. It happens a lot, and it seems to really piss off women, which is understandable. It'd suck to basically be traded in for a younger model.
Sexism is bad, in the offensive form anyway. Not worrying about average women getting testicular cancer would be a form of sexism in the broadest sense, but I doubt anyone would complain about that.

Not sure what else to say, really. It's odd you'd then go on to defend feminism, though. How can you complain about sexism then sympathise with the main perpetrators of it, thinking they can hide behind what was once a serious campaign for equality? If you're not convinced feminism no longer means equality, I recommend taking a look at feminist blogs. You seem to be truly in favor of equality, if a little misinformed on one or two points, so I'm sure you'd see them for what they are.
Well I personaly hate sexism, but what really irks me is selective sexism. Sure women want to be equals with men, and they mostly have gotten that this day and age, but they still expect special treatment in the workplace and in relationships. Working women can have the same position as men, but they will be allowed to do less physical labor, or get other perks for not being able to do anything physicaly taxing. I worked with a woman once who had the same job as myself, but even my boss did not feel the need to make her do any of the physical work. Equality is one thing, but if you cant do a job as well as a man you really have no busness to complain when a man is hired instead of you.

On the issue of relationships, I guess I really dont need to rant on the status quo of men paying for everything. Maybe I am a prick, but being in a relationship does not mean I am a sugar daddy for every whim the woman I am dating has. That being said, I think men should pay when aproprate, and women should do the same, so the man having the burden of paying for everything just seems retarded to me. I mean, paying for everything for nothing but the expectation of sex seems like your buying a whore not going on a date.
I have the same opinion on sexism as I do on racism and other prejudicial means. If you're serious about your disliek of a person because of what they look like or what they were born as, you're a sick mother fucker and should have been euthanized (please note I made a reference to the person being euthanized over their closed minded ways, NOT their external appearances). Now, I say that, however, I myself make both sexist, racist and anti-semitic(as well as other religions, I make a habit of referencing most christian 'Apocalyptic venues' for fun) jokes all the time, but I don't say it in a way which would mean I actually follow it(mind you most law enforcement agencies have a different view of things, which, in my opinion shouldn't matter either way as it is free speech, but 'offensive' material needs to be put down... course by that logic since I find their overzealous reactions to my harmless jokes to be offensive to myself and my audience, then they themselves should be put away... just an interesting philosophy there.), I say it to promote laughter so people get over their constant hang ups over the 'power' that words seem to hold over them. now on the note of sexism in a physical form, I believe that the majority of the female populace which stands up to say 'males are sexist this, that and the other thing' is a crock of shit. Because females themselves are lead antagonists in this qualm of sexism. Where we, as men, may reference their breasts, they as women reference our abs or our penises as a form of entertainment. The media portrayal that males are the major sexist ones is a complete lie, as there are more cases of rape in a female to male ration than there is in a male to female ratio in some areas, which when done on a whole scale, ends up to a near equal in a sexual assault category. (Males still take the lead in most sexual assault, in this I do not disagree, as males have not only the instinct for aggression but also many chemicals which promote the instinct if under stress etc). I believe that this hang up on sexism is simply yet another way to keep the masses busy within themselves to keep from pointing out the major flaws of their various governments or ruling bodies.
On a side note, another reason that there is a plethora of female victims, the reason there are not as many male victims reported is because of the common misconception in most societies that males need to be strong, firm, and emotionless, which would inevitably lead any male in that position to shut up and stay away, in order to keep up the pretense that there is indeed nothing wrong with his 'male ego'.
I think looking back to the first humans can be an interesting thing. Back then, humans were in tribes and stuff whatever, but it's always said that the men were the hunters, while the women stayed back and did whatever. Some people may see this as early sexism, but it's not, it was preservation.

Back then, hunting was highly dangerous, and we men were the expendable ones. The women were too valuable to the survival to the tribe to be put in useless danger. Think of it like this: which would lead to better survival?

Something happens to all but one man, and the tribes women are left? May be a large case of incest, but at least it's survival, where you're popping out several kids by the year, as long as there are no complications.

Or if something happens to all but one women? No matter how you look at it, only 1 kid per year, as long as there are no complication.

So, throughout the centeries, as we modernized, the instinct to keep the women back and safe developed to a superiority complex in us men.

This is what I think of how sexism started. Me, I like a woman who's strong and is capable on her own, not one of those beverly hills girls *shiver*.

This reminds me of this guy on youtube, major ass and looked down on women on such an objective manner, it made me dumbstruck that such a human being could be so ignorant.

Tegumi wrote...
Classy wrote...
Please compare apples and oranges some more Tegumi.

If you think sexism and racism are the same then you are one of the most arrogant people I know.

Yes, apples and oranges are both fruit. Nobody said Sexism and Racism were the same thing, work on your reading comprehension. I'm saying Sexism is just as real and valid an issue as Racism, not just (as you put it) "someone bitching".

Having to deal with this, I have a new found respect for you Tegumi, +1
Yeah I believe its still around.
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