What's that carbonated beverage sold in vending machines?

What's that carbonated beverage sold in vending machines called?

Total Votes : 3,523
Maoszi wrote...
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee all call it soda.
Im in Texas and i call it all Coke.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Soda for me!
we don't have any vending machine here.
I only buy soda in store.
It's called "Fizzing Elixir of Energy".
Nikon wrote...
So this is a regional thing. People from all over call it by a different name. My family always called it "soda". What about you all?

I'm not sure how regional it is, but growing up I have always referred to it as Pop ...Pop i pre-flavored and canned or bottled.
Soda is "Unflavored" carbonated water that is flavored for you at a fountain, you can mix and match the flavors.

I am sure most people on this board today have never actually been to a Soda Fountain, but those who have know what I am talking about. One of my Uncles was even a Soda Jerk, way back in the day.
I have always known them as "soft-drinks" but many of my friends called them "soda", I think it depends on the area.
Soda is the right answer.

Only crazy people call it anything else.
Isn't it based in soda water, by literal definition?
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
I call it pop, but I've lived in mot places in Canada, so I'm not sure where I picked it up.
I have always called it Soda or Coke, my friends called it pop
I called it CokeZERO, but it's too long. So it's Coke (kók) :D
Coke is what's always written on the machines over here.
Soda, although I heard they have vending machines with beer in Germany, I'm too lazy to actually confirm that, any German who reads this quote me so I'll get a notification... And yes I, did just change the subject, how successfully will yet be determined...
shitsuyou689 wrote...
objecterror wrote...
I don't know if this is specifically regional to a particular part of the coast, but, folks in california call it "pop". Same with northerners (PA, NY)

Where in california do you live? in norcal it's soda.

Long Beach Area. I am in Nevada for a little bit, then I'm going back east. Nevada, they call it Soda, Pop and Drink. Maybe the people I hang around are weird.
I'm from Tennessee and I say soda, Tak is from Kansas and says pop and my step-dad is from Illinois and says soda-pop. D; We people sure are odd.
i'll go ice cold Coke with more ICE :D
Surely, it's Coke, right?
Soda-Pop is the correct term though North America is really lazy.


Politically correct garbage: Soft drink
Has a Californian.. i never heard anyone who from here call SODA.. pop.
But i leave with this.
Forum Image: http://strangemaps.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/popvssodamap.gif
Kenjiz The Dirty Wolf
Soda what I call it