One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

I can't deal with my friend's carp anymore. I'm done
I forgot to do all kinds of things today.
Really rough day at work yesterday, not looking forward to tonight and tomorrow. Least I get paid, only thing keeping me going this week lol
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Gravity cat wrote...
Got tongued-tied when trying to explain to a customer that we only do Student Discounts at certain promotional events. My gibberish-speak made out like the discounts themselves were promotions.

It didn't help that all three of them gave me this horrible, piercing gaze which had a hint of confusion and "What the fuck is he talking about", which only made me panic more.

Apparently there is a student discount thing on. Oops.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
I ate my last sweet roll today... Actually, I dont even know why I posted in this thread. This is pretty damn significant to me.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
The day in general.

  • Heatwave. I'm like a natural radiator anyway so hot weather just makes me overheat and puts me into a bad mood.

  • Till buddy wasn't in, so third week in a row I haven't seen her and I'm not in next week, so it will be the fourth.

  • I served a couple of gypsy women, a mum and her daughter. The mum bought something for £1.50 and paid with a shit-ton of change. Her daughter rushed me counting it all up and her interference resulted in me losing count 3 times. Had the cheek to count it herself but then make up numbers and tell me it was correct, then try to rush her mum to leave before I'd finished counting it properly. Thankfully the mum was more honest than she was and stayed until I finished counting. Was 8p out. It's not much but it's the daughter's dishonesty I don't appreciate. Which is annoying because she had really nice tits.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Working fast-food.

Need I say more?
You ever have one of those days where everything just feels off?
Like your internal clock is out of whack and your mind keeps focusing on other things instead of what's in front of you?

I can barley remember what I did two hours ago because I thought that I did it like twenty minutes ago. A day hasn't flow by this quickly in quite some time for me.
My productivity at work must have been quite shitty.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I cut my finger pulling up a piece of wood from the floor seperating the living room from the dining room.

And I broke a wooden-handled hammer trying to pry it up. The metal-handled hammer came in handy.

We're redecorating.
I love rain. but it's flooding when i'm going to university my shoes and socks gets really soak wet. I don't want to go outside when it's raining I just want to look at the window of my room when it's raining. I hate my classmate
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Grinding this specific Parallel Quest on DB Xenoverse and I prefer to go online and get help from actual humans.

Downside is I get the occasional fuckfence who doesn't know what they're doing. Usually they just prematurely finish the quest without letting us defeat the enemies first, which means no chance of getting an Ultimate Finish (and the item I want). But just now when someone joined they died within 10 seconds of the quest start, leaving me to get piled by 3 extra-strong enemies. Managed to take 2 out before dying though.
rip. new shoes rubbing the back of my ankles. now I'm missing skin and it hurts to walk in my shoes :D
Forum Image:

Yeah that pretty much sums it up.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Wasn't with it today due to lack of sleep. Forgot to put things in customers bags that they paid for and after a quick ASDA trip I left my bottle of squash on the bus home. I had to carry it because I ran out of bag space.

Lost TV remote.
That sucks cuz now I gotta walk all the way up there to the cable box to change channels one by one
Gravity cat the adequately amused
8 hour shift today. I shouldn't complain because money, but I'm a habitual sloucher and my back suffers by it. Think I'd best take some paracetomol with me to work.
the one trash mob I need for a hunting log in ff14...... queue 20 minutes for the dungeon, and the tank skips them. ask for 1 so I can complete it. ignores me. RIP my time.
Bad day at the gym, no progression what so ever, and felt like shit being there...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
My till was somehow up £6 yesterday. I made sure to count the change I gave properly so fuck knows how that happened.

If it does turn out to be my fault, apparently I won't get in trouble because it's a tidy profit for the company.
Well not today but still feeling after affects. Woke up sunday stretched right leg and get charlie horse....Wait a minute and let the pain subside a bit then stretch left leg to only get another one......