A question for the virgin boys...

I'd go with letting the non-virgin woman take initiative if it's casual.

Relationships however, are a different story. I would take the initiative on sex, even more so if we were both virgins.
Awwwww you cougar! XD Dont worry your mind with silly things. Everything's gonna be fine. From what you've told me I think it's obvious he likes you a lot so I dont think the fact that you are more experienced will get in the way. I think taking it slowly would be a good idea, like most of the guys suggested. Besides you have that calming aura around you >3>

GO! GURL! Tom Cruise knows best XD

Personally, I'd prefer it, especially in a relationship. It's an ego boost. My second girlfriend was like this, and I loved it. Unfortunately, she left me before we did anything, but we still talk about stuff like that every now and then and it's nice.

It's great to feel wanted for sex, especially by someone who's done it before, even though I've never done it myself. Not only that, it's a great deal less awkward for me, and no doubt she's comfortable with it as well.

It's win-win, basically.
Ayanami00 wrote...
THE ECONOMY wrote...
StaticChange wrote...
Well, I would say don't get too attached to him, because more than likely he doesnt really know what he likes because he is a virgin, and not just in the physical sense. My first relationship didn't last very long, and I think thats the same for most people.

lolwut. My first relationship (this one) has been going for six years now and I haven't gotten tired of it a single day, ever. I knew very damn well what I wanted before I got into it, and I don't quite agree that "knowing what you want" has anything to do whether you're a virgin or not.
There's tons of people who have been married for X times consecutively and STILL don't know what they want...

wow Eco, that's so awe inspiring! I hope to be as lucky as you someday!
I really want to make this relationship with this guy last and really strong. I really care for him in every way so... I hope our date will go well.

I just don't want to intimidate him... I want to make his first kiss really memorable. ...

So maybe in a way I should be asking how I should kiss him for his very first kiss... Something he'll look back fondly on..

I feel you should take the intuitive if he is the more layed back type but if he the type that wants to lead in everything then take your time.

And i think all people remember there first kiss whether it was in some dramatic way or not.
me virgin, me like seducing.
Ayanami00 wrote...
THE ECONOMY wrote...
StaticChange wrote...
Well, I would say don't get too attached to him, because more than likely he doesnt really know what he likes because he is a virgin, and not just in the physical sense. My first relationship didn't last very long, and I think thats the same for most people.

lolwut. My first relationship (this one) has been going for six years now and I haven't gotten tired of it a single day, ever. I knew very damn well what I wanted before I got into it, and I don't quite agree that "knowing what you want" has anything to do whether you're a virgin or not.
There's tons of people who have been married for X times consecutively and STILL don't know what they want...

wow Eco, that's so awe inspiring! I hope to be as lucky as you someday!
I really want to make this relationship with this guy last and really strong. I really care for him in every way so... I hope our date will go well.

I just don't want to intimidate him... I want to make his first kiss really memorable. ...

So maybe in a way I should be asking how I should kiss him for his very first kiss... Something he'll look back fondly on..

Look unless he's a fag he probably doesn't care what his first kiss is. Or if he's like willy there and a total homo he might have a problem with you being aggressive. I know personally that I'd prefer if a woman was a little more forward in their sexuality so I won't have to play the guessing game of whether she actually likes me or not business. Kiss him on that first date, just walk up and do it. Hug when you first meet to break the initial touch barrier. Gentle touches here and there throughout the night will tell him that you're interested. From my experience, 2 yrs married to the first girl I fucked, that bitch is a demure type, always saying no don't do that but i like it kinda deal and im like bitch, if you fuckin like it express it so i know to do it more, shit! I was a virgin and she had slept with like 5 guys, she's into weeaboo kids apparently lol and I enjoyed but definitely was not into the culture, i guess she liked a guy with some muscle on him and who knew what he wanted and fuckin took it rather than these prissy japawannabe kids and their moe chicks. They're fuckin confused in the head. I mean "sloppy seconds" trust me, I doubt you'll ever get the firsts... those are reserved for assholes like me. (While yes I am an asshole, I don't take make mistakes, therefore I'm still with my first) Lol my wife always took virgins, she a lil V-queen. While I tend to want sluts who like to fuck cause honestly, that's better than lame lil mind games.

Edit: And if you love him in every way, express that, open up that treasure and let him get the booty. As the comedians say, if you wont do it, there's some nasty skank out there that'll do it for you and take your man. Cause men are dumb so open up all those holes.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Lead him in a way that makes him feel like he is in control, but really isn't.
Looking4Moar wrote...
Mostly depends on the guy. Honestly when you think about it, for starters, you got a male virgin, he prob doesn't care if she's a virgin/experienced or not, he's gonna get laid what the fuck should he complain about. Next, again depending on the guys personality he'd either be for or against her being the more aggressive in sex. Personally, I'd want to be the aggressive one. She can be either a virgin or not.

my experience is pretty much the above. deflowered two guys and each time the guy took the more aggressive lead. both finished in less than 5 mins though, which i think crushed their egos and caused problems later. i think this is because there is much more pressure for guys to perform than girls and virgins boys who have fantasized about their first time a million times, probably want it to be just perfect. looking back i wish i had waited much longer to sleep with them so that i could have maybe taken some of that pressure off or taught them some things. but alas...
why are you asking virgin boys a question about sex when they haven't had sex yet. I like it when girls are aggressive makes me know they really want it and horny girls are better then girls who don't really know if they wanna.
Longevity wrote...
why are you asking virgin boys a question about sex when they haven't had sex yet. I like it when girls are aggressive makes me know they really want it and horny girls are better then girls who don't really know if they wanna.

Longevity wrote...
why are you asking virgin boys a question about sex when they haven't had sex yet. I like it when girls are aggressive makes me know they really want it and horny girls are better then girls who don't really know if they wanna.

Way ta go man!

I prefer pushy girls
I prefer aggressive girls simply because I'm not. If they don't make a move first nothings going to happen and the relationship not going to go any where.
Longevity wrote...
why are you asking virgin boys a question about sex when they haven't had sex yet. I like it when girls are aggressive makes me know they really want it and horny girls are better then girls who don't really know if they wanna.

I must somewhat agree with this (even as a dorky virgin otaku), I'd totally dig it if a random girl just came up to me and grabbed me by the collar etc. and said "you, me, closet, NAO!" or something like that.
IMO I'd prefer a girl with experience for my first time. Show me the ropes if you will. Kinda immasculating but you don't know what you're doing what're you gonna do.
Maybe the more appropriate term for this is Open-minded. For me I like Open-minded girls. You can easily talk with them about their views about sex. Well as for aggressive, it depends.
As a virgin, I would love a girl to be more assertive as it would give me the confidence to be more assertive as well. My biggest fear as an inexperienced male is simply doing something wrong or saying the wrong things.
I am a virgin, but I never knew that having sex for the first time could be this difficult. It sounds like there are certain porcedures to what you can and cannot do, what you should and should not say, and so on. Yeah I would be nervous my first time along with many others, but I never thought it could do damage to someone.

Back to the point. I find it really hot to have an non-virgin girl seduce me. I like that a girl is assertive, but not to the point where she is literally forcing and telling me what to do. I guess the phrase, "Be gentle, it's my first time." comes in.
hmmm I'm a virgin and I'm all up for an aggressive girl. As a guy I feel the need to turn the tables on her. She starts leading, eventually I'm going to throw her on the bed, get on top of her, and start teasing her.....then again I'm a virgin. Say is one thing, actually doing it is another. I have such a wild imagination when it comes to kind of things.
I was drunk my first 3 or 5 times, so i wasn't really nervous or self conscious. also it was with a steady GF who was also drunk, but i don't think she was a virgin. past sexual history is not something i want to know alot about. well, nothing more than if she used to be a slut who might have diseases.
Lol finally a question I can answer about sex :3
Well anyways, yes, I do feel a bit intimidated. It probably will be good for the long run for an experienced person to help me thru the process.
Monster Girl
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